Orphan foal meets foster mother Queen👑Uniek. I've never seen this before! Amazing! | Friesian Horses
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Channel: Friesian Horses
Views: 15,608,644
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Keywords: yvonne, friesian, horses, paard, horseriding, kfps, studbook, royal, dressage, pferd, hynder, cheval, equestrian, trot, canter, goengamieden, jumping, riding, driving, frision, frison, frysian, fresian, fries, freson, filly, colt, friesen, friezen, frisian, ASMR, followtheherd, follow, the, herd, caballos, Satisfying, oddly, horseshoe cleaning, hooves, horse videos, تنظيف رجل خيل, horse pedicure, stallion, farrier, chestnuts, racing, pulls a cart, can horse swim, shoes, horse for sale, sleep, run, water, pony, hound, animal, breed, kick
Id: ktIYrZn7Y9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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