Horse owner dies in round pen! Found 24 hours later!!

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Rachel's looking down watching her horse with you yeah all right that's a little bit she rescued a horse that no one wanted her to really I think that's my worries that if I bring his energy up that I maybe don't feel that I might be able to bring it back down um right there I've shut my eyes I think he's probably more likely to get comfortable don't make me cry now it's been so much um feelings in a dull thing isn't it is that better than he usually is yeah he attempts to get up and he collapses down on his left hind there she is time waiting Auntie Marley she's not doing bad for 83 is she 83 this month [Laughter] morning Marlene you want to stick all your case in the back no I'll do it really thank you and quick did you say that so okay guys you've just watched me Tanya and Tanya's Auntie uh Auntie Marlene arriving let's get to Spain uh it's Andalucia we flew to Malaga and the reason we're there there's no way to soften while we're there you know I'll go straight out with it it's quite a story go back I think I think three four years there was a lady an English lady called Rachel Who Loved horses she's got two horses absolutely idolized them she had a round pen so that suggests to me maybe she was into horsemanship and absolutely idolized this one horse called Cameron here is I I I'm saying Cameron Tanya is saying it's Cameron so he's basically he's 11 I think he is now so at the time of the accident it I think it would have been about seven or eight something like that and here's the pictures of him here and he is a cross between An Andalusian pre and a lucitano beautiful horse guys there was a dreadful horrific accident uh no one actually knows other than Cameron the horse is still alive now it's only him and maybe the Lord up there you know no one really knows or what happened but it was almost two days that um that Rachel was discovered and she she she lost her life she was deceased um attached to Cameron still and you know it's horrific but that that's what happened so obviously Cameron was a complete mess he was he was um quite traumatized obviously uh you know he's very hot in Spain so I don't think he was very very well and um that's what happened guys that's what happened now fast forward three years or so we have a new owner Becky very soon I think after the accident Becky managed to save Cameron and this is a picture of Becky with the another horse that she's got now called pirate and pirate is the brother to Cameron so she's got two of the brothers now with Cameron the locals in the village on a small village and you know some would understand what how they felt about things they they wanted the horse destroyed really they didn't want that he came around and got this nickname you know the killer horse um people didn't want to know about it even the police when they were called and they discovered um the accident they wouldn't go into the round pen they wouldn't go near the horse understandably so other people had to come and and and cut Rachel loose now Becky has got the full no the part brother to Cameron so you know there is a connection there and rather than a destroyed Cameron she felt compelled to save him and that's what happened she managed to get camera on and Cameron is now living at her place and has been there for about three years now that's where I I come in to the picture uh uh Becky has reached out uh Becky's got a couple of kids husband and she's reached out to us through Tina our friend who will be meeting in a little while so Becky's reached out to us to go and if there's any way we could well first of all she said is there any way we could give her advice on how to go about things because now Becky's thinking of of riding you know having a life uh with camera and riding Cameron but need some advice is not sure what might happen she wants an assessment and asked Tina if we could give her some advice maybe you know through messaging in that and there's no way guys that I could do that there's no way you know I would hate to be the one that said something and not knowing that it's you know not not meeting the horse so guys that's why I said the only way we can help is if I come over so that's why we're we're going over that's primarily the reason uh we're making the trip uh financially it would be very difficult for Becky to do it so guys ever so now and again every now and again Steven Horsemanship you know we'll flip the bill and that's what we're doing on this one it's not often we can do it because life costs and uh with the horses and everything go you know and so on this occasion we really felt we needed to go so we've we've going over there guys you'll see what takes place uh um well I'm gonna start the video off now I will explain more as we go along it's an incredible story um and if you want to miss like there's a little bit more of the Spanish bit if you want to go straight to those just fast forward to the to the water bit uh if you want to watch it as a little bit of other things on there as well so okay I'll get straight onto it but uh there's a lot more to explain um as we go on there let's look keep this change thank you for the camera give him two Euros no you can have two euros just cause you yeah yeah thank you okay [Laughter] [Music] yeah so this is the little snacky poos is it before we have a meal later tonight oh look at that hey you haven't had that long a lot less it must be good must be good yeah huh you hiding yeah no it is look at this look at this guys it's our hotel look at the floors all the doors real Spanish feel to it that's our hotel and tomorrow Tanya it's the horsey day let's hope we can go and do so we can go and have that horse from a while you know give our opinion on what kind of future the horse has got really isn't it and so right then so anyway we're on our way now to pick Tina up our good friend Tina Tina Roscoe yeah um is where we used to live in a grande and uh we're gonna sneak into town first everyone have our favorite bacon somewhere bacon and tomatoes we're gonna make them so lovely so we're gonna have that pick Tina and then we're off then to about three hours in the mountains yeah I'll put on the map where we're where we're after so there you go guys we have flown from Bristol which is around here and we've flown all the way down to Malaga in Spain and I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger now so that's where uh We've flown to their Malaga from Malaga to the Sierra Nevada's which are around here that gives you an idea where we are in Spain I think that'll be as good as it used to be Tanya oh yes bacon in tomato some chocolates and that's Tina you've just seen there getting into the car Tina Roscoe she is on Facebook and basically Tina left the UK to go and live in Spain went on her own guys bought a thinker bought this little horse an amazing Amazing Horse Called Alma who I've spent some time with them rode quite a bit uh and uh yeah guys uh Tina sorted a villa out for us when we went to live opposite her um and it was an amazing time for us and yeah we were very privileged to know Tina so yeah guys if you if you need your horse back doing all you know a human back doing she's amazed at what she does and that's all be accompanying us today to go and help Cameron and Becca so that's our that's what we uh rented with Tina got us that didn't you teen I did there and Buzz and it was a an amazing would you say turn oh you've got horses there yeah two rescues two rescues take your blooming earphones out you know yeah you've been running yeah 75 kilometers or miles well I might tag along you know you could remember how we've not forgot the time we spent a couple of photos guys Tanya just give me there's Alma there that's Tina's horse used to regular ride lovely Alma and that's me and Tanya there we just popped up to Tina's place with the two horses that's Birds Anita and that's looking down at the Villa that we were just outside you can see our little trailer there in the left and side there and that's the final one there that's first time I ever sat on Buzz so we took two quarters is there knee trim Buzz where is that the wrong team [Music] that's where you took James ski in yeah have you got a clip I'm sure you can find a clip but if you could I got a clip of him coming down weaving and there you go there's the clip and this is not far from where we are guys a little bit further up real Spain bleep bleep bleep [Music] look at this [Music] am I going to get through here sorry mate at least dinner with Hangouts oh look at her selling her vegetables oh God help me though do you remember in town do you know it's a good job you took after the extra insurance if you scratched wait a minute then we're gonna blame you Tina for this well we stopped we got a bit lost and we've stopped and we just got the directions again but wow look at where we are just look at where we are guys it's amazing it's just oh yeah kind of on top of a you're definitely on top of a mountain now and we're gonna go up there oh yeah we're almost there now I'll put you in there if you don't behave yeah just look at that guys it makes you wonder why they have bars on there look oh what that was useful I have no idea it's like then the ugly yeah I'm glad I got fully pumped hello we thought the roads were bad in Wales didn't we when we have to go down a track that's it then yeah where are you going I'm gonna Park here are you I'm faint is there anybody there hello oh we have got the right one yeah nice to meet you so guys we've just had a cup of tea I'll just come out to get my halter and uh we're gonna go and meet this horse now but what an incredible story this is guys um I mean we're in the middle of nowhere up here but it is very beautiful there is a bit but yeah guys look at this uh off-grid got everything that they need Becca's got everything they need and Lee her husband um just amazing they've built this themselves it is happening at cats but look at this guys we're Amazed by it we're all self-built look we've got everything they need in here built by themselves really amazing and apparently there's motorbikes as well Harley that's yours oh that's quite rare I think that's rare very old wow no that's what I like their Thriller yeah oh you've got a little Sports is that the ah the 1200 1200 Sportster he likes that doesn't he he's got nubblers so he can go all off yeah is that Lee yeah in the old days when you're in the video mate now you're in the video we go chickens it is the olives yeah olives olive trees I do my own oil every year so I do organic oil please so Harvest time's normally around November around the property there no not just now I've got here and then at the Thinker down the road where the round pen is I've got another load so I've got two of land that I pick and then then process my own oil so this is the so this is the main Holdings point this is their main house living at the bottom of the garden that's nice they've got a bit of shade they can go under yeah I like that that's good um this is gold right now so I remember that smells nice lovely it smells like proper English hay barn in there now I remember the last time we were here that this was 10 pound a bale 10 euros a bale it's gone up hasn't it well we're now selling it at 10 years ago oh that's the same as before I've heard of it it's expensive it's like 13 14 right now that's what it isn't it to you yeah I'm buying Cafe we haven't got the sunshine who is this is Cameron and this is pirate okay and they're Brothers yeah yeah if we were to take for example one blue eye or two two blue eyes they're like the universe in his eyes he's amazing you've seen my Chevy [Music] what I love is his pink nose and his blue eyes yeah do you have to put much um Sun cream do you think yeah yeah we do we do yeah oh he's lovely uh yeah so you think and this is Cameron I'll ask you now what you think you'd most benefit on his own not on his own I think on his own would be more beneficial because pirate rules the raised and he's always very aware of pirate so I've worked on their separation and if we were to take Cameron today pirate will shape because he's not included but it's not necessarily you might get more from me for taking down and put his nose in and rally what have you done in the round pen movement what have you managed to get done because of this situation where the incident I personally were very nervous yeah yeah in case that triggered something yeah or you know I was very well no it's at this point where Becky started to explain to me that she wasn't sure from now on where to go and maybe she was holding things back in herself because of what she knew about what had happened so she got to stage now where she was at a loss and this is when I uh we had a real personal conversation about things and we we turned the filming off our kind of summarize what was kind of said and what I did just out of it now it's been three or four years of Hell really for Becky she rescued a horse that no one wanted her to really especially the locals uh but she did it anyway she's an animal lover and she did it she rescued Cameron now Cameron was in a terrible stay and mentally emotionally in a dreadful way so nervous I mean he's still nerves about certain things now but he was it he just obviously he'd been ripped away from not only with all the accident that happened all the trauma with that then go into somewhere new and he he went downhill really bad now I'm a total believer I've been this has been explained to me years and years ago uh by some great Horseman uh really great the world's great really that health of a horse and in many aspects I suppose you could say people health comes from the inside how the inside of you feels which is the mental state you're in and if you're not very good mentally and you've got Terror anxieties and all sorts of things that go on uh then you can be ill you can you literally can go it can make you ill so the the the horse was in such such mental breakdown that he got ill for a long time he had lots of stomach issues he had issues with his mouth abscesses all sorts of things and it's been a real struggle for him to survive really he lost he went down skin and bone all the teeth and things have done you know I've got better now he's settled more now with the family he's great around the kids now things have got better and he started to put weight on now you will notice that he's still underway guys he is and you've got to add on to that it's been a very very hot summer unbelievably hot summer and the quality of the hay hasn't been as good as it could have been and there's all sorts so you know he is underway but he's on the way up now and he's getting fitter and that's where we're at you're going to remember the nightmare that it's been and we're just getting over that hill now Becky's just getting over that hill with camera on and she feels he needs to do something now but she's stuck she's she's frightening herself now about going more forward she said a round pen built but she's just done a little bit of a couple of things there she hasn't let him loose in there as in in to do any kind of hot guns or you know she's lunged him a couple of times with it but holding the she's just not sure what will happen she's noticed he's been a little bit nervous at times about certain things in there uh so he's not she's not sure where it could head to could there be as an explosion none of us know do we so that's where we're at guys that's what we discussed and uh Becky said I'm fine to say that uh so we'll carry on now so you know where where we're at with everything and it it was definitely a good decision I think for us to go and make the trip over there and try and get this this you know to the good side of things but we'll see when we get down there you know let's very much horse training is as you go yeah you kind of you have an idea but you've got to go with what feels right now let's just like starting to get to the stage now we can go to start feel like you can start to work a little bit yeah you just take him foreign so yeah it's very very unfit so now can you just bring him in then so he's been in here but you haven't got any not real anymore it's a reminder there it was a ram pen where the accident um happened so I can understand it's very windy up here foreign because of the wind and some is okay so there I'm I've just met him here guys and you know I was a little bit apprehensive not knowing what we'd have in a ramp and when I asked things of him but there I've asked him a couple of times to disengage there which he seemed fine doing I'm just explaining um that that was quite good you know that's what I'd expect um so yeah it's uh it's a lovely place there guys oh the you know the views and everything's beautiful now here I'm just seeing whether you're Louis head and relaxing the round school he was a little bit apprehensive took me a little bit a little while to to get this done but I just manipulated him down and I think he's like a tiny little best to stop the wind noise we had a sock on the phone and everything and it just it's really comes through there you're quite power for the win so we do our best for you um but I think so far he he's come down here on his own he's only had the odd Winnie I would prefer him to have more of a distance I didn't yeah I didn't want to put that in your mouth but I noticed a couple of times it's kind of killed me yeah he's on you so have you used a flag with him no only because again my my world can be sensitive I have no idea what it'd be I just think maybe right he's very very low energy I know he wasn't but he's become low energy so it would be because of his past and what would happen if you don't know it would be nice to be able to bring his energy up when you want and him come down from that uh does that make sense at least that's my worries that if I bring his energy up that I maybe don't feel that I might be able to bring it back down it might be another four years getting him back to yeah they say I might be being what he does I think a horse like this now you've done your remedial and he's responded yeah yeah if I don't want to fluff a flag yet yeah yeah so tell him how good he is oh I like that he's so kind is that him yeah yeah just his nature you know it would be nice for you to be able to to look at it but now now you can see which foot's gonna move now can't you okay so I'm just gonna right now he moved it so that's good that's excellent look at that I would be aware if I was you of your little bit of sweet face or whatever little bubble yeah yeah and just tell him he's a good you know tell him he's okay but yeah like that was unrequested I could easily but I'm a bit obsessive I could easily stand here now on my own for half an hour I keep walking around and working on that yeah okay but if he comes you've got a big pick yourself up a bit and say no I need to be clear with you you don't come in here and push on me and you'll actually feel better guys I'd only spent I don't know 10 minutes up to now and already although I was slightly apprehensive at very very start um when I you know about asking him to do certain things because you don't know what happened the only it's only Cameron and Rachel really know what went on in that Ryan Pentacles of death so you know I I've suddenly felt absolutely fine with him and I think he feels it I I in fact I've kind of watched that from my mind now which is what needs to happen which is not happening with Becky and she she understands that I'm gonna drop my football I want him to stop immediately that I do you know so yeah things are going really well I think at this stage I'm just doing lots of um walk-in stops and asking to yield lovely stop there ask them to yield there you go just suggest it and now he's backing up quite lightly he gets even lighter in a minute um yeah he's not taking his eyes off me um a little foot forward there so I asked him to back up again perfect it is that's brilliant right we'll just see what it's like it's like pulling himself already yeah okay yeah well you know it makes him a little bit more exactly exactly but you want to know you know if if he's frightened of this I'd be thinking twice about yeah so this is you know he's showing up what you've covered up a little bit you know what to me and this is where I find yeah well well I'm not going to release this until he starts so I'm gonna block him here out of here so I'm not involving him with this stuff that's all I'm not involving him with it you know what I'm saying I'm not looking at him it's there but it's it's it should not be a factor so that's showing up something you know it's you know if you ever wanted to put a raincoat on or something and you haven't prepared this the rugs is a very hard time consuming thing with him because he's always giving up so this is showing up so I don't know if you uh caught that then he's petrified of rugs guys and this is showing up now so I was glad something was starting to show up to see how we could he could guys I know the wind noise is bad here but I think I'll need to keep it keep it going on normal audio so you can kind of hear what I'm saying and see how we're getting on he's not get upset his way out is to start relaxing so I'm just gonna wait here until he's breathing so this might take a little while yeah okay so getting him over a problem like this not by releasing it but what he's doing yeah yeah that's not how we do it we just keep on going silly but you tell me when he looks more relaxed then yeah it blew out didn't he right now we'll give him a break from it so the way he got rid of this was to chill out yeah yeah all right to chill out um it might help if we don't all watch him worth noting guys if you are not experienced at the flag work with a horse that's susceptible to being really really bothered by one then don't start the process you know it took me a long time to relax and get horses through this sort of thing but by getting getting this sorted it'd be a huge breakthrough for this horse um especially in a round pan which is where the accident happened where his owner died so yep um so what am I doing here um just yeah I'm starting to sort of slow down I'm feeling it you can see I'm feeling more relaxed now he's starting to feel more relaxed and I can start flapping the flag here the desensitization is starting to work look guys you know he's still slightly bothered but you can imagine day after day but like I say only if you're experienced at this sort of thing get someone experienced if you're not sure just to help you out with the process but here look he still thought about moving so I move across and block him but I'm not looking at him like I'm all you know you know upset with him like I'm worried with him I'm just my shoulders are kind of low and I've got that low you know not bothered attitude um which he hopefully is feeding from me with so keep going with this and uh you'll see how he'll start to get desensitized to it in a second so here just walking away from him not looking at him at all just keeping that flag going so slowly it would hopefully start to become not such a threat and that's what desensitization is so we you know you could do this sort of thing every couple of days right getting really used to this flag you just follow he's running around too why would you block him off and when you're feeling relaxed it just means this picture and sound it will slowly go from being what's life-threatening to him to what's called desensitization which means DFC this picture now he's looked at this probably a thousand times now you keep looking at it processing the picture and the sound so it hasn't killed any yet does it it hasn't so that's desensitization yeah but to get them fully these exercises you've got to do it daily or every other day so would you say we kind of team would you say we're trying to get in somewhere with that can you see a little change now yeah but if the change in him was amazing guys I have obviously because it would be too long a video but you've seen everything you need to see now what I'm going to do now I thought it was he was ready for me to use the flag to now move his feet so now I'm at neutral with my arm down now suddenly for the first time now I've asked the feet to move forward now this second the split second he did that I I was gone I was out of the equation so he got rid of me by going forward his feet I ask again he's gone he he went if he went backwards I would have had to stay with it until he went forward a step but fortunately with the cluck I used a cluck he went forward absolutely fabulous so two times out of two there he he went forward lovely so then I relaxed now I've asked again I went from passive like from from neutral to to being active and asking now the other side I expected this to be a little worse than that but did you notice it was just the slightest Trier forward from me going to active that that I released him for now I've asked again my arms come for direction the flag I lifted he went forward just a smidgen and I've walked away so he's starting to feel relaxed that he controls the flag really with the movement of his feet now elastic again can you go forward can you go forward yes he went forward and I dropped my arm went forward lovely um and I think it'll go back to Sam now it's building so well what you're seeing what you're seeing here you're seeing the truth right that's probably what this accident's about his true nature came out it's not something something no he stopped coming to me yeah because there's nothing in it for him you noticed that yeah yeah he stopped coming now kind of is getting it now you see oh that's quicker isn't it yeah down here on his own no I've just took the halter off here that's the first time he's been loosened around pen since um he was discovered by the police guys so you know I I checked him out enough that I didn't think he was going to jump out um always a risk so you're seeing it now right from the off and I'm gonna try and move him around and get him to hook onto me a little bit a little hooked on so what I'm gonna do here you see how quick he's got that yeah yeah that that he knows now I'm interested in his feet okay so what I'm gonna do we'll see first if there'll have a role first he says and if you notice straight away guys I think this is evidence of Rachel's work he's kind of keeping me in two eyes right from the off so that kind of told me he knew he he he needed it well he was supposed to be doing to have to to not be worked on the outside the one eye too I think so I'm waiting here I just want him to give me one eye I don't want to force that but if he can walk off from me that's what I'm wanting like right then uh no no he got me there I was about to ask him to move out and he he hooked me up a little bit there so I'm just quietly waiting on him um and I'm sure it's somewhere here uh right there give me a chance to just move him out and there um lovely really he's on the outside of the pen obviously done this before guys so I'm I'm not looking at his head kind of looking down here and to his rump now I'll try not to stop him by the gate I shut my eyes for a sec now he's coming now I'm gonna stop that foot right beautiful absolutely beautiful that quick nobody is now as I walk tucked in there I just shot my bit there he gives me two eyes I back off and I close my eyes for about a second or two yeah yeah he hasn't come here yeah yeah that's brilliant yeah it's nice for you to see your horse doing something oh yeah yeah it's different when you're doing it yourself with them like quite often I'll try and video from the floor what I'm doing so then I can watch it back and relax like the mistakes made or what we need to work on so I'm going to tell him how good it is it's more important how they leave and he left left me quite nicely Sometimes some some of the horsemen they'll throw aggressively and I don't tend to do that I'm Gonna Know why he's I I completely shut my eyes to him and just that stuff but I don't know I'd always concentrate on that little backup look at this date this this is definite go up isn't it this is a Goa I think I think there's some really good signs here really good so we're getting a rug in a minute and we'll get to decided now we might kick a fuss up with the side all I don't know because you never really lunged in with the saddle don't mind me don't make me cry now because I I understand it it's been so much um feelings in the whole thing isn't it now emotions guys Becky let go at this point okay got very very upset very emotional um I try to make light of things because I go to some places it's so dark and I've found the best thing to do is well I I couldn't do much about this one uh now I I kind of was thinking and kind of said that I understood it because you know uh I actually thought it might be because watching the horse do really well with me but um girls so don't be silly it's it was a release of everything all the tension was released all of the hard work and the sleepless nights and all what I've gone on so I don't know guys I'm a bloke and uh but um Becky won't mind us saying you know she did get really upset but I did notice after the upset how better and brighter you seem to be honest but okay on with the video I'm sure Rachel's looking down watching her horse with you yeah yeah all right mate um I brought my little pad did we bring that down here yeah okay let's get him confident oh blessing look at him just stood there yeah everything he's done here he's showing me nothing I mean you've got a member that comes from your side goes yeah yeah I I was a bit apprehensive today yeah no I know you've been so absolutely crazy looking uh but this is wonder you know so I'm happy with uh he disengages you've done enough of that yeah yeah he does enough of that he's he's a nice Soul isn't it he's a beautiful song I feel safe around him yeah yeah you know the children love him to bed he he must have been that shocked with that whole deal yeah I mean people say oh they don't understand that you only got to see my horses right we we buried Mac uh the um of course you had cancer unfortunately I had not long less than a year but and that's Mark there who we had to have put down unfortunately but yeah the guys the the horses uh gather around um where he was buried uh quite often and and donkeys they sell some some don't live through it do they so I think yeah whatever happened our dogs have always known where the other dog is in the garden with me when I come this is human pirate they get up and then they're like hope it's not quite finished yeah I think we need a rug yeah nice so the girls have gone off to get a saddle a rug because he's really nervous about a rug so I'll catch him now again hopefully guys come back and I'll just do a bit more groundwork I think this way go this way guys I would say bless her Rachel Rachel would have done a lot of this shooter it would have been nice really to have a bit of rain just to get rid of the Dust that was nice really nice are you all right for dust huh to a gap oh lovely try not to lose look at this time you're going to be coughing later yeah be right oh what was that yes mate I'm gonna watch my heads not above his became up yet wow lovely um with this rug because oh look at that time good boy look at that goodbye he lowers his head for you to pet him I love him [Music] 24 hours attached to attached to Rachel who had passed away police no one would go into the round pen nope there's no doubt it would have been he wouldn't have had she wouldn't he wouldn't have had any water and it could have been really warm he was so nervous when they cut her away from him huh you let him snip it yeah okay and I Chuck it back up there okay give him a little rug take you back up it'll be you'll have some muscles like it's nothing just Chuck it up there lovely dress good boy now how better is that much better don't look can you stop doing something telling you off now yeah the only way I get through is people it's a Euro every time you look into his eyes nude feather I would have been going he didn't look at him well I wouldn't do it they their masters are figuring out what our eyes are telling them I'm telling you that's why I won't use sunglass I want my sunglasses on now because I squint I got it from my dad I will not use sunglasses around horses when I'm doing this sort of thing daylight to see yeah and they get really edgy with sunglasses it's something and yet now between each one now yeah lower his head down a little bit just gently there oh you didn't even have to ask can I take it off tonight huge gust of India guys so a little voice over um I thought it's really important here for Becky to just get grass what I'm saying about not being tentative now not giving um her horse a chance to think there's something not quite right because you know their masters are sent in our feelings they have to be because they are eaten for a living they have to know intent that's what their masters at knowing intent um but yeah I was pleased with with Becky here I've got no win but I'm stood on it until but I'll fight through it it's on the flip-flops it's nothing is it nothing no that's fine you know a pro-lad like it's nothing but don't look at him don't think to yourself he's gonna move and be scared of it just yeah yeah yeah all right yeah so another good sign yeah but I wouldn't be thinking of riding him till he's used to stuff yeah yeah you're gonna overdo it what would it be like in the other eye have you ever tried I've tried swapping and generally it gets the same reaction if not slightly yeah because he wow good boy there wasn't even at that first one he was just chewing and not even really so look I think you're gonna do great if you I think he's helped me come in yeah to take you another another step forward yeah look at this but I would still I would do this Tilly's bored sick yeah yeah until his board's sick I really would it up at your place daily oh we took you were going there till you don't care about it so that shouldn't be a concern then so yeah anything you find that is uh that is a little bit edgy about like maybe Chuck ropes over him yeah and to begin with he was but now he's much calmer about like clinging a rose over the top yeah okay it's not such a thing yes excellent I'm seeing a horse that's pretty chill here we're certain things I think this is just showing me again that you've got any more my emotional attachment here and what's going on guaranteed and but think of positives from it that's that's what he needed yeah yeah that's the way I would think yeah to myself unrequested yeah I mean seeing him with the flag earlier was great so okay so how is he usually with the with the saddle saddle again our approach is normally to let him Sniff and that is that whole sort of gingerly take it rather than just sort of walk up and fling it on walk up and see what you got [Applause] hahaha missing his mate hmm uh like it's nothing huh is that better than usual yeah okay I'm telling you off now about everything and he whispered to me I don't like you see his ears just rub him yeah yeah honestly honestly yeah yeah the only thing I do do with horses that I'm breaking I cut with my hand yeah still a cup so you can't hear the slap yeah yeah so I'm clapping you now yeah I can't believe I just did that Becky sorry about that I usually do that to blokes um but there wasn't any red mark So I think obviously you see yeah yeah yeah all right and so again just like it's nothing look at this point he's lovely it's all right um honestly speak up if you want me to record you Becky just and I I'm guilty of it head down head over that comes up quick you are done yeah you know that way so yeah hey look thank you to help me I'm almost wanting stuff to come up though right so let's just see how he is no no we're back up with it because he may have after all what we've done with him he may have got a bit tight now but he's not easy so that's again stop crack up a little bit oh look at that right now his life's coming up isn't it yeah yeah thank you bent to the inside beautiful can you disengage himself can he take his front end around be on the floor lovely [Music] he gave this to see he moved out then for shoulder I mean this is another thing that I'm aware of is that I'm transitioning him to bitless as well he has always been ridden with a bear do you want to ride a bit like and so I I prefer to ride bit less and so I've been trying to work on right by training pirate with originally yeah um but I've got a really soft Fitness leather Bridal here and that's what I've been using with him right how well does he Flex both ways then so if you're gonna go a bit less yeah I'll do a couple of things but I think you should get great they might already be great yeah yeah sure yeah yeah okay that's fine with him he's got a much longer neck than pirate so being a bit less you know well there's a lot more control definitely see whether we can get him like well he is like to that have you done that yeah yeah we've done a lot of that the Turning bending up and down with the head uh now obviously bitless you're gonna be now I feel like he's crowding me a little bit there so look at that now we can exist beautifully yeah he knows exactly what you're asking I'm just asked him give me a little but I just want a little bit buds so now I can talk to you and not have him sort of worrying about coming forward in fact there's a lovely opportunity there see him take that look back without leaving you're gonna have to be have you you wrote bitless with the other one yeah so do you come why then you usually I have to tell people but you obviously like Americans I yeah I would lift the hand lift one rain and lightly drink it over there Charlotte a little bit the same she goes a bit less she kind of thinks it's she's here yeah yeah so you know all of that look at this but there's a difference to that I went into his space which gives him confidence that he can't just blast into mine makes me more of a leader um I'm gonna do it here so you can see so obviously you've got to have pure Flex yeah which you have to say you know that's pretty good that is I start off there but eventually you do use get his ear a little bit get his attention now now I'm gonna hold it now I'm going to bump his back end right because we've got the one range stuff it's not moving that's fine yeah there's no movement in this saddle so suggests to move so when you do this in the saddle you sink like like a brick yeah yeah yeah but a disengage in one range stuff now I'm Gonna Bump him over watch his hindquarters I'm putting my leg back now I'm going to touch him to a stop all right I'm touching him now he's stopped now I need his I need to finish with that going light to me I'm waiting and waiting and waiting I'm waiting on later there he went light I'm gonna do it a few times because you've got to get this solid yeah yeah so he knows when you're in trouble with him and he's nervous yeah and you think I need to stop it just the one round stop won't do it because you can disengage him out of gear yeah all right now the touch is important because that's the touch to a stop so when you want to stop him with one round you always touch him yeah I start off here because it's hard to do that at the same time but eventually you're touching when you want to stop when you reach down for one running stop you drop your rain down obviously you've got this one yeah you drop this down which means this goes loose yeah because a lot of people forget to drop the hand down and then they keep everyone too tight to bend in a panic so always you reach down you drop your hand which takes that other one out of play and then get you one main stop and if you're still moving disengage him a few times yeah right so here now I've reach down I've touched his neck I've said that's it buddy brilliant that's stage one so every six times out of those to remember up down on the neck to a stop and get him soft right yeah every six you hold you bump this overlook now it's gone now you touch him to a stop and he won't stop straight away does that make sense yeah so he'll connect you'll be able to disengage him if he got into trouble yeah because so that so that the one rain stop is not just doing the stuff it's teaching him the disengage because if he's getting into trouble you can't do a lot to you if you 've engaged him because that without that at the back not a lot they can do right yeah yeah so you get them really good this is what this is going to be beautiful in here for you yeah to practice all this stuff yeah yeah and then you need your partner here when you first ride him yeah you would probably bring your other horse down as well when you first ride him yeah Mill him around in here for quite a while yeah and get a lead to hold the other horse jump on and follow him around yeah and I think he'd be fine now but we're not going to do that now we're all gonna I think you need to do a good month or two months of all of this processes Tilly you can throw the rug on anywhere without that worriedness yeah you can use your flag a little bit without getting too worried but he'll steal we've got to watch without over desensitize to the flag because then you'll get nothing done with it so it's a balancing act yeah some horses are too nervous to use it reason is a lot of them it was done incorrectly at the beginning and they've sensitized the horse so what I was doing then was starting to slightly desensitize the flag all right so one main stop did we do it this side no no okay so does that make sense so far your video will show you this perfectly yeah yeah so one rain stop this side I think it is actually a good idea you're getting a bit less of this horse and that I love a snaffle and I love my curb with no ports though I used to use port and it was beautiful using the pork because I did it correctly but I actually don't need to go there really but uh I think bit less is going to be a more relaxing I've used a couple of different ones now yeah on pirate yeah and we've just ended up going for a really nice cycle I think for him with his history and the nervousness you do this stuff yeah yeah right so first of all now guys the way that groundwork's gone uh is a credit I think to Rachel because you know okay I can do my grandma but as time is going on he was showing me that he knew what what I was asking and he was very light to me starting to trust me now I'd got to the stage there's a reason why I was doing all that one rain stuff guys I really really I was going to ride this horse okay I was geared myself up um to ride this horse but earlier um he he had he had lay down okay he'd lay down and attempted to go to roll over now I it had been going through in my mind as I was working uh heading towards me because I thought if I can ride him it'd be a massive boost for for backing okay and it would clear a lot of things in my mind up so that was my attention I'll show you a clip now of what happened when he rolled and went to get up and you'll see what happened I'll explain exactly what's going on there in a second watch Cameron here guys he attempts to get up and he collapses down on his left Hind and he gets up there and he kind of struggled to get up now guys I know because of his muscle the muscle has wasted away to a certain extent it wasn't fair for me to ride him so I think it's going to be a couple of months of still building up and then I think Becky's gonna be able to ride him and of course Becky weighs about half what I do as well which is a good thing I'm gonna lift my hand look reach my hand down okay what you can do eventually with your range is put some tape on so you know exactly where he's bent to your to your spot usually it's a hip which is a good place to be yeah so you know you've got to know where to go down to you don't over Bend or not have enough yeah so I would work out with Lee watch in and say yeah that's about right put some tape so you know automatically on your veins yeah so you'll lift up you'll reach down that on the neck means stand yeah beautiful beautiful all right now I'm going to go for the one rain for the disengaging stop now all right so I've lifted up which would be you yeah you reach down to your tape yeah you then touch the neck right now what I'm gonna do all right is Bump this over looks then touch him to a stop and this work this way I'm going to keep touching in and wait for him to stop right there and he's good so that way we'll take you a bit more yeah but did you say I stayed with it yeah yeah until he stopped if he got rid of us then you've taught him to keep moving uh-huh you gotta the release is when he figures out hang on I'm Ben's here you're touching me you've disengage me he has to work out and search some horses go round and round around around Charlotte the first time she did that with Molly yeah people will love to see you know how convinced a rain meant move because you don't know a rain like me move to him when you're on there a lot of people will not then into a stop and the rain means move the rain shouldn't mean move that should mean Bend okay yeah or the bit that should mean Ben our bodies say move so if we quiet and we should be able to do this yeah yeah be quiet we're doing nothing but then we come alive and leg and go now we're going there's a difference yeah yeah but you might find when you're up there oh it's not stopping like you've got to try and stick with it yeah and smile your way through it do you want me to do it one more time this time try not to sweat too much we can't go more more forward than we've done I'll tell you why he's done it yeah and he's finishing an amazing point but yeah yeah it's good to finish on again we'll finish it on that note yeah we'll do it one more time because he did I've let him settle a bit yeah the longer the period in between not a little breakdown then he thought I've got to keep going and then he found it yeah he's had a little bit of a break now so he might pick this up quicker I don't know but yeah so I'm gonna lift up uh he's already preempting right but I won't do it every time because if I do it every time too much it'll start moving yeah so you you do it one in six I say okay you've been what I'm saying yeah because I've made the mistake before you keep I might go through 10 of them yeah got 10 of them don't oh that's beautiful and then you go to flex and then move yeah so you've got to like still do your flexing with nothing and then uh and I I've worked out I think one in six yeah it's about a good good time yeah right well I'll do it one in two all right so now I've got him I'm Gonna Bump him over now I'm going to touch him so touch him touch him touch him touch him touch him touch him and he went up so this side is taking a little bit longer it's gonna you're gonna have to work on this side yeah you know why that is is more comfortable with me you see I've just pulled my head away then yeah that's that's a turn now I wouldn't send him back for that because that felt different to me yeah it felt like a little bit but then unfortunately he needs me to just say that and nothing's wasted now look he's trying to put me in that area yeah you notice that perfect example there guys things that a lot of us miss look he's trying to say oh I prefer you during this exercise to be on my left which he stops after like just one turn doesn't he in there he'll ask again uh um this is the side but yeah he didn't like that at all probably was this side yeah yeah right so now I'm gonna okay good touch [Music] looking down there he's preoccupied yeah so I wouldn't do it then you see how he's kind of work with them they weren't if they're preoccupied they won't learn the thing so it would have been then he was looking down there it wouldn't have been it wouldn't have got nothing accomplished right so so here see how he's preoccupied there you can see a car going down there you know go with him on it um so if they're not they're not receptive to learning yeah they're not receptive to learning unless they're relaxed a heightened horse won't learn a thing that's why we think sometimes punishing horse that'll learn now that bothered about what you're doing they don't learn a thing right so I'm going to see whether I can come here but let me tell you he if he's bothered with that there we sometimes think we'll put them away from it we still see it yeah a lot of time a spook will come and our vision I do that there there's my vision as a human uh-huh sometimes I'll speak with something and I fell into the truck but what the hell was that and it was something of all over there did we forget don't we right so yeah I'm a little bit concerned about this for you um you see it's always doing again yeah yeah he's very yeah so this is where I feel like on the odd occasion I have taken him on these little Loop brains and put a saddle on him if he's with something and having a moment like that we just literally have to ask nothing of him and stand it out and he's always completely gone but eventually you'll have enough control of his feet to if it's not right that's what I call and an offset about their attention if heat was blowing out you know in the blow yeah and he was dead rigid yeah and you know the difference when they're blowing and they have to move their feet you have to go with the horse then because they have no their brain cannot control that yeah yeah because it's threatening to them if it's an attention thing when you've got enough control like if that happened with my my horses I'd offset them yeah okay because they're not it's not a life-threatening thing yet up there is it yeah so we don't want them we want them to take notes of us they get so trusting that they will but not when it's life-threatening so okay so let's get that um bump him over he's still looking at the car is there somebody going to you no no the neighbor right that was good because this is good right it's actually making good out of something that's not going right yeah yeah because it's helping you because it will happen with it stick with it try and hold the bend try and hold the bend uh and I'm saying stay with me all right that's the first time I've got to do that really to bump him to me so but if he was really upset yeah really having to move you go with him on it they cannot help that yeah but things like that you know I was if I was riding him I would get his attention say buddy so I'm going to do this one more time and then I'll leave it with you yeah it's a good thing I'd like you to send me an update yeah so I'm gonna ask for a cup why aren't they the B got bit yeah yeah ants um so here I'm Gonna Bump him over there's a lot of them so we're getting it done you've got to work on it yeah yeah yeah you should only have one or two disengages yeah that was about six okay okay but I don't wanna I think we've done enough with him yeah yeah that was good for you to see that yeah yeah definitely did you want to be able to One race off each side yeah you're with me yeah you don't want to have to do it always do this though yeah because you may it might be unsafe to do that so you want to be able to but don't eyeball him when you do it yeah okay because when you reach down there and you bend them I'm guilty you look at them yeah right that's what we do we go and we look at them they're looking up there looking at you you're looking at them just feel your way do you know what I'm saying yeah yeah I mean that's a big difference to them flexing that's probably something in all fairness they could work with with pirate as well like well yeah I mean you'll use this for something these are just some simple things to take you to bring you on a little bit yeah where you'll be ready to ride him but all it has to be good yeah that's the biggest thing that rug that's great because when he saw that rug with you he was starting to breathe yeah yeah he did okay we'll work through this very quickly no I don't mean this in any video yeah you will probably not will notice that I wear off a little bit when I go yeah I'll wear off a little bit it's sensitive comfort from my leadership here yeah yeah it's not going to be a this is this is when it starts do you know yeah because he's ready I think for you to step it up a bit yeah those simple things those are simple things really but you got to get them there's nothing bigger than them simple things get them done getting following around here get all that watch that video and get that stuff done and I'll tell you what I think you'll be on here for a couple of months yeah and you'll have what a story this is so enjoyable to be taking him out doing proper hacks yeah I mean I was just to see them right I can see you riding his thoughts around I mean I think like am I awareness at the minute has been I had this idea that I'd start riding in with pirate and put him on a lead rope and take him along but actually more and I thought that would probably do a more bad than good because you'd get you know who knows who knows that's where you really don't know I don't know whether it would be better with or without it's kind of as you go isn't it yeah do you have an opinion I think I felt so uncertain as to whether it would put him behind by giving him too much confidence in having a companion if any Horseman tells you the answer to that yeah yeah I'll send it away because I don't you know I don't know yeah I would probably think your first couple of rides out to get literally the other one yeah yeah myself I don't know if you so he's got I mean on his own he would comfortably do this little round yeah yeah and then you've look if he got upset and in trouble yeah he ain't he's not it's a hurting Instinct he won't go he won't flee from the other horse Never Say Never but he will ultimately stick around there that's what I would suggest yeah okay okay I'm moving right okay loving the camera [Laughter] and that was it guys that was the day and we had a big three-hour Journey back I don't think we've ever been so shattered uh not only the Travel Inn and everything else but the emotion of it isn't it and they're hoping everything goes okay so guys what would you have done there's a lot of trainers that may have done things differently it's just that they reached out to me and that's what I thought was the best for me I did the best I could I would have liked to have rode him but he was he well he wouldn't have been fair so um I've asked Becky not to do anything with with um Cameron until she sees this video in its entirety it's gonna help her I will say to her now on on video be very careful with the flag it's something I've thought about since uh I think with what I did I've managed to get him over something that he might not have got over with a lot of people but Becky has said once she makes start on things and she'll keep us updated so I will put an update because I know a lot of people will want to know where Beck is going on getting on and so will I guys uh and Tanya and antenna and I hope Rachel if you are looking down on us that we're ninja proud uh your horse was amazing you you did an amazing job with him I think and it's just so unfortunate and you know what in some aspects it makes us not take things for granted when we hear stories like this you know and I I hear a lot of things that you know um make me even more aware of the dangers of horses as well once you're a horse person you're a horse person it's a life wish uh not a death wish with these with these horses that we that we deal with but um at the end of the day they are beasts and you know we've got to be aware we've got to enjoy the good times with them so that's it it's a long video guys you might want to do in a couple of Parts but uh there's more to come now that's the horsey part of it pretty much done so if you want to switch off now don't forget to like share and comment um and uh just help us out with that but uh yeah um there's a bit more to come which is the rest of the trip because while we're over there we made an advance took the advantage of the sunshine a couple of days beach in it for a little bit of a rest uh so yeah until the next time guys as I say switch off now if you don't want to see those bits uh and to the next one happy trails all see you soon again so we'd like to dedicate this video in honor of Rachel and we really in hopes in fact I'm really confident that Becky will really enjoy all her hard work with Cameron in the future no yep [Music] well we've had a lovely lunch what do we have Tina tortilla and salad that was lovely Becky thank you civilization we made it yes so uh we got about two and a half hours back then now yeah you did a grand job as usual Mr Young well I did as much as I thought but I'll tell you what what a beautiful horse yeah but I didn't want to go any further than that because Becky would get snowed under yeah so when she sees that video do you feel good yes I do and I think you know she's knowledgeable and the way she's done him so far she will be able to carry that through yeah and pick things up a bit Yeah show him that he's I think what you be a parent now yeah I think what you've done to Becky's well give her that little bit more confidence that she can take it that little bit further I don't like it this is crunchy steering actually foreign Lake Mead's the same as that well when fishing so is that a reservoir yeah back and we're back [Music] Alma hello Alma you remember I used to write you huh I used to ride you didn't I six o'clock it's still boiling right then that's it then girls you stay in town you stay in there's a cocktail with my name in it jump in the car then right then team done bet you're ready for your cocktail I'm gonna have a margarita and you can have a feeling oh yeah oh yeah pina colada Marley No thank you strawberry that's my margarita look at that with a flower in the top [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] people are still coming off the beach what time is that rain check up to seven you're beautiful with lovely roasted it's not a Sunday it's not a Sunday you've got roast dinner lovely I have got pale pale yeah potato fritter with alioli it's lovely but don't dinner time on Saturday and we fly home tomorrow morning Tanya's down on the beach somewhere it's gonna try and find her I got a little lazy line and look through some footage from the video so yeah it's gonna try and find them now and then burn to a crisp probably I'm gonna find them I don't know if I'm not gonna find time you're in that right sir are we all packed yeah check out your face huh check out your face you've been in the sun too much oh yeah look at you she's definitely the end of the video now guys Tanya's just give me this at said I was supposed to I've worn this because it's Spain uh because it's Spanish video there's no way after all that I'm doing it again so for the end clip there you go I used to wear this in Spain and look look the part you know what I mean there I am on my very own meter ins in Spain at the back of uh the uh yeah okay guys I hope you enjoyed that that is the end it is a long one but uh yeah Happy Trails again
Channel: Steve Young Horsemanship
Views: 227,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W3i9L0PB_Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 31sec (5011 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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