Magnificent horse becomes impossible to handle after an injury!

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foreign guys this is the horse we're working with right now and he's got the wind on him there I did with me having a broken so do you think so guys this is a really great video for a lot of people that have got horses that are quite uncontrollable maybe big horses that are uncontrollable maybe have been on box rest which can drive horses insane um so yeah it's a great great video for this you need to know that I was at Joe and Gordon's for about eight hours guys so obviously these videos um apparently Facebook and YouTube now James were telling me they prefer smaller videos mine are notoriously long videos uh so I'm trying to get this to um within the hour uh all told so um I'll do my best so I'll put everything in that people need to see to try and learn from if anything goes um astray that goes in there I don't like to hold anything back if I can now I know what box rest can do to horses because Nita my own horse that I've owned she's about 20 now I've owned uh well I've been involved with this I broke a starter at six years of age and she's been with me kind of since then now I just mentioned Box West Vanita uh people won't know this but some years ago that's a sesamoid um and there's a little break in the sesamoid there Nita was on force box rest for months guys for months and it was not good I mean to be honest her character changed um we didn't know if we'd be able to um you know ride her again but fortunately she came through it the Box rest worked it was a long process but you know even my own horse needed became pretty unmanageable for a lot of people because of the Box rest and uh fortunately now she um she she got over it we brought her back slowly into work now she's ridden again she got very depressed being not ridden she's a part of the family again she does my demos um and and he's okay now so other than the fact that people wouldn't know this but she is a little bit stiff on that but no pain involved for her but she's very very very slightly um you know impaired with it which um I'm always aware of and we're real gentle what we do we wouldn't you know slide in stopper or anything like that so okay uh so yeah box rest can be lethal for horses and people because they're caged up what would be for us a telephone box for months so you can understand where all the problems with Pharaoh being such a highly bred athlete of a horse really that was always doing something a lot of people um ask us where we are in our travels I'll very quickly show you that's where we are islands here we're in pembrokeshire and we basically traveled all the way up the coast uh past uh Swansea Cardiff Bristol and we went all the way over the country to around uh Peterborough sort of this area here that's where we we are so also I'd like to know um Joe and Gordon um the people are wearing this sauce called Pharaoh amazing majesticals uh they put a lot of effort into looking after two horses there's a 30 year old or 30 31 year old horse and Pharaoh's 21 that's the one that I've gone to try and help now those two horses have done so much for the family over the years for uh that they've now committed themselves to uh whereas a lot of people uh would maybe have them euthanized or or or or things like that they would not even dream of that so even though they're retired uh financially they take quite a drain they're going nowhere so I admire them for that um and you know they'll be there forever and you know um that's a dedication that Joe has took on and a big part of her days looking after the horses and because the horse can't be led out at the moment uh they they invest in a horse walker right outside the Stables guys so at least I'm in their expensive these horse Walkers brand new ones put in there just for uh Pharaoh so amazing amazing amazing uh well I'll see you so that's it yeah I won't have to put in much some will say great because it's quite self-explanatory uh this video and uh yeah I'll uh crack straight on with it now [Music] so what what's this horse this horse you told me is a big warm blood yeah and it's been very they're quite hoarse of these people they've never had a horse be so difficult yeah barges out at the stable barges I think when they try and leave it out it goes through anything or everything she said yeah oh my God yes well wish me luckton yeah oh wow look at that that's pretty cool isn't it oh looking at them oh that's a pub crowd in I reckon that's something to do with planning whoa yeah that must be a plan in it the planning things until we bought the truck yeah oh no oh look at the Palm pieces no no no no I've got a feeling that was once full of horses due time yeah there's a school down the bottom there that's what we need electric gates we do need electric gates down that will be so much anybody do electric gates please get in touch we do need some right right okay oh so we've arrived now the lovely Joe we just met a lovely lovely lovely um now her husband's on we've just came down we've just come down the drive and you can tell this has been a hive of activity with horses okay there's only two here now yes two here now uh your daughter we've just been told is what she's a Great Britain modern pent athlete she's training full-time in bath riding and probably it's called the modern fantastic and would I be right in saying she's extremely fit so let's briefly what yes how I can yeah and how I can hopefully help a little bit today okay yeah we've had Pharaoh ten years Pharaoh Pharaoh is his name pharaoh and and horse that she evented the dresser show jumping and to transform with and we've got any photos of that we've got lots of photos beautiful and he is very much part of the family um he's 21 now and 21. he's 21 now and so ages my horse yeah sadly he had some tendon issues which resulted in his career ending but that coincided with Jessica going off to University so mum was left holding the reins yeah we know what that's like sadly two or three of the injuries that he had resulted in Block dressed which is always a bit of a problem and then the issues with turnout started after the Box rest which was understandable because he was very keen to get out um but they then what periods of time was the buckarest um the Box dress was a necessity but but we did we were able to walk him in hand which we did and he was quite good at being able to walk to hand so he he gradually got better and then the turnout was the problem he was on to break into go out and that escalated to this extent that every time he opened the door before he was going out he just went um yeah he just went and I that coincided with me having a broken collar and go ahead working for me couldn't manage him the only way she could manage him was to put the lead rope through the nose band of head collar and when he went and bearing in mind it's for 40 meters to the field straight out here around the corner and into the field he was turned out but it wasn't the idea and Tony said he charged through fences and things like this I was thinking because if he's on his own it's extremely quiet so there's another one yeah there's Henry who's 30. and still a beautiful brush tale Charlotte would be very uh he has approves and what was what was his he was Jessica's second Pony jump in and he did he won noise Eventing novice Events Club yes tetrathlons with Jessica um is um a cross-country ride so they do a full up Cross Country tour and then they run shoots yeah wow and then pentathlon they had to have done that absolutely brilliant I love shooting yeah love the rising yeah that was the other one swimming swimming swimming yeah I can swim we just don't like get cold water oh okay pretty much the other thing that we have we have a lovely School yes I noticed on the way down my eyes are scanners yeah it's a little bit further so you have a walker walk which we got purely for Pharaoh oh Pharaoh yes if I get there is no trouble [Music] really okay well we'll start here though I want to do you probably wouldn't have had much groundwork done my yeah what it's worth is that he doesn't respect human as the there's no space I have no personal space at all when he panics he's head up in the air he goes rigid he does his Stadium slots and and I haven't got my not much open he's not a studying who does that it's very scary okay well let's meet Pharaoh then I'm gonna get my halter oh you're very handsome aren't you yeah yes hello mate yeah I'm in trouble now [Laughter] this is a slide with some bar that you yeah hello mate hello man at the moment is that he um goes on the walk he's been on the Walker for three plus an hour this morning so when was the last time he was enjoying the field uh it would have been 18 months ago so 18 months ago is in a field I'm sorry it was a nib on confess go on the collar off yeah to get his head down he has a tree okay and I I know that that is the only time he has a treat well you know my all right look when I leave town you do what you want no but I shouldn't I know I shouldn't that if you want any respect at all I would never from this day forward never do it okay you know we give licks but we make two of those step back he's gonna have no respect for you at all if you give him treats I mean you missed that then turning with the phone call he just bit you know I was just talking to Joe and he bit me right so I backed him up Joe said this is the reason is that's very honest very honest when Joe puts ahead color aren't you she I think we're in a flight path so are we in the flight path so basically tell them just quickly I'm not gonna go overdo it but if you let him come and take your feed because that's what it is in his mind he's taking feed from your person some horses he's not a horse for that if he's barging you so he cannot trust you because if you let him take your feed it doesn't work like that in their language and out for horse would you have to be unrespected yeah would kick The Living Daylights out of another horse who comes to take his food so I wouldn't do it yeah if you if you want to help yourself so what what happened is then Tony you hit me a little bit caught me off guard and I've bumped him back straight away so I'm gonna just now see whether I can get his apartment just just get his motor a little bit so that you disengage there so that's okay I'm going to disengage your man this way because I need to control to certain extensive stop he's thinking right mate mate so I'm gonna just lower his head a little bit here have you ever done anything like this with him lowering his head okay it didn't work too well right okay so I'm going to put a bit of pressure here I don't want to hopefully be able to do this out there if I can if I don't get dragged over one of the uh field fences but do not stop filming Tanya I won't I do enjoy a bit of grass skiing quite well bred this sauce so they learn really I'm feeling it because I've asked him twice and he's done to no switched on horses no horse knows what's right or wrong in the human world they don't know it only what feels comfortable what feels right to them is the right answer so we have to make our right there there right he has very quickly worked out his righteous to just completely get himself over there isn't it regardless that's what works for him so it's as easy for them to learn wrong as it is right so let's there so you see how my timing was bang on there there so tell him how good he is I was a little bit more graceful than with my my movement versus the reason we call them well bread is because their offspring have done so well so that they throw their brains and their capacity to learn and put up a certain training um which means that's why he's got the brain there and I'm even thinking it now okay so I think I'm gonna get that kind of done he's saying this is different see how quick he's like this so I'm just showing him here I'm a good guy he wouldn't know if I'm a good guy or not so he could be a little bit more fight flight uh to protect himself so I'm just showing him in here but I can control this on quarters and I can be soft with him now I'm going to ask him to back up a step I'm going to turn and I'm just letting go there because I have just the second bump there b do you see here how he backed up a little bit he's blown out there he said okay okay I'm kind of getting here um I could use other methods to back him up but I found when I go out and I'm limited for time that was a step two just one step that foot there that foot down kid requested forward movement yes yes but but I can back these horses up in probably a better way a more fitting away for most people but I've found that when I'm limited for time when I'm if I went in Warsaw tomorrow we're all over the place I have to get and I find my may bump in the back I get I I Quick Step to the next stage as I'm a a session wouldn't be enough so that's why there's ways of doing it some people wiggle ropes some people tap a stick on here some people use a flag you know there's all sorts of ways but I find the reason I say this a lot of people will say oh you shouldn't I know there's a reason why I'm doing it to try and save your bacon and your horses I'm sure it's tracking so I bump okay when I'm at home I don't okay okay just to let you know so okay so I'm quite happy with with that at the moment yeah did I say I haven't got angry with him not back now all right good to set my foot back now that kind of worked out for him there because he has not tried that yeah so he has to know that's probably a better decision to stop when I stop the days for now of you doing this is gone yeah because it will all you won't know but he'll move you second he does three or four times of moving you and you didn't know one well he hasn't wanted he's in charge oh yes they never move us right right okay this is coming now so what's my foot you see my foot yeah drop back they don't miss that so I've recognized that tell him everybody is I want his attention because I would say his attention explain this yes so we want to try and keep his attention yeah no death grip what's my foot oh good boy one foot that was unrequested with a bump here and then I'd have it once looked at him to make it personal yeah I haven't looked at him as in no okay we're going to be matter of fact and if we feel any emotion which we do I always say to people I mean the yesterdays was the same she was lovely the girl she said she sounds so worried about my kids actually said I do get across I said try and get cross and smile if you couldn't do it so what I say to people if you get emotional and cross don't Shout just look at the feet and smile because it get personal with him there's going to be a battle you won't win again yes yes but now I'm gonna back him up properly now [Music] Stay With Me right now I'm going to take his hind quarters now I'm gone because his home quarters went to start back up two faces one two beautiful now this time water yes come this way start back up three one two three good man stay with me make it sense you'll see the video yes it's making sense that the really interesting thing is the staying with you bit because when he wanders off that's when he loses and I lose it it's like yes but you're gonna have to practice this yes yes for days before yes yes no you've got to get this good the videos will help you honest because I can watch them back and see so watching so far amazing with you he's with you and he's he's focused he's not looking for an escape room okay now this way now with this now I am not involved with him all right all right and it's important guys I've got to bring him up to know what but I'm not looking at him so he needs to cope I need this to be a tool for him but first of all he's got to know so he doesn't uh first of all you've got to know that if I don't look at him or involve him so we'll put this go in now so he's okay with it he is he is he's doing his stallion impression now he's uh this will only go away when it sets it okay okay foreign a bit you'll slowly start to realize that this first it was a threat to him he can't help himself the way their brains work it's a innate response like if I get to top the animal on your knee and it goes like that yeah that that that's an Impulse so they can't help being frightened he wasn't sure he's probably never seen there no so he thought that might hurt me he couldn't help getting like that the only way he starts to think that might not be a threat is seeing it a million times that picture in his brain slowly becomes not so threatening which is what we call D sensitization and that's all it is so we can get your horses used to most things by just keeping the stimulus going till they start to accept it so a little bit more noisy and you see how now I'm hitting the ground yeah so that was a new thing so he's got to know so keep this going then I I'll go now I lost him for a minute there I just said stay with me so I feel like within a minute you're starting I think now tomorrow could be like starting all over again you have to keep doing these things I'm not going to be asking you to do this don't worry okay you won't be doing this I I need to do this for you but this could be too much for you yes at this stage you could run over you or pull away so I'm quite absolutely that and I'm going to go forward stop back him up he now has to realize he has the power to get rid of this topic yeah he now I know that he knows that maybe it's not going to kill him this is gonna have a connection to his feet a connection to our space okay but he needs to know he can get rid of it and the way he gets rid of it it does the right thing with his feet by getting rid of it I mean going from that to that okay when he does something with his feet I'm taking this off because she's getting warmed out of Tanya isn't it I'm fine at the moment yeah if you can there you go right so okay so try him now that's a break and very quickly would you say this time the picture and sound of this now is starting to not be so threatening to him so he's very very very part the way into being desensitized to a flag in front of him okay so it's all different stages my my horses get real used to a flag on top of them wherever it is and they know it's connected when I go from neutral remember all the time I've been in what's called neutral that's down neutral haven't been doing a lot now I want him to go foot forward okay so now I've gone from neutral now yes all right forward he got rid of the flag by going forward he managed to get rid of that he won't realize that yet pretty soon he'll know this connects to his feet okay so now neutral no I'm not now he's got rid of the flag and I wish I wish this had been explained to me the same when I was younger learning I'm explaining it in a way that I knew I needed explaining to me neutral now go thank you stop thank you it's the touch upset with it sad can you go this way yes you can and he's given me a little bit of space there yeah lovely stop okay Stay With Me now on neutral go this way now it's gone so you say this building and pretty soon you could have him now I am deliberately bringing him up in here this is deliberate to make him yeah because it's no good in coming up I mean not knowing what I'm dealing with so I am deliberately knowing what the explosion could be yes so but I need him to come up know that I can control him during his up you can probably not have any idea when he goes up everyone else gets that way so now he's starting to realize this might happen you might I'm having trouble at the moment just it'll go in a minute right new drop now I'm at this you see how this snug relatively minutes is becoming a form of meaningful you mean something yeah meaningful uh communication go out there oh it's gone in it thank you now that is the best I just looked at his feet there now we're going to let him know he's gonna have a chill out now he needs to know for five minutes now that I recognize that he's done doing the right thing I'm not going to harm him [Music] again not too close I'm keeping my distance now I'm gonna send him in tell him everybody is he's gonna that was a lot for him to cope yes with in that short half an hour then so he needs to come down now we then go out we do very similar and then I'm going to go and see what we've got okay okay and this is all going really well so the only way this will come off is him working with me with that cue now I'm going to take this off see whether I can get him to get there that's where it comes up when he's helping me when he's helping me right so that was absolutely brilliant digest now so we're just gonna have a look now and formulate a plan I'm gonna do another session in a minute after the importance is advancing Retreat we've all heard that in horsemanship over the ages advance and Retreat so his blood came up you know and you start to come down and it's important for me for them to just now regulate their heartbeats because it's going to go off again a bit but it the more he comes up and down from me and these new experiences experiences the better okay so what we're going to do we're gonna come out here I am gonna send him through here and because I want to try and make this area told you so I need to kind of get him you can't go far if we you can't go far no the gate theoretically all the gates were Sharp so you can't go far right so I control this area and if that Gates it does we come back and I do it more yeah until he doesn't uh he's got to realize that's not going to work so oh yeah we have to do that job the other day and take him in here take him in here if I can keep his head and then do a little bit in here with him yes okay what's he like to catch historically not very good he's not very good okay so in here and can't you understand it if he's been in there well this is I think that people saying wouldn't you yeah he'll say this is heaven no I'm not coming in yes okay so uh down from the house through the gates and there's a Sun School up there not here it's been in there 18 months quite rightly for the way he is and all the Box rest and all the things he he's not used to his receptors and his eyes will be going mad because remember that's all they do is try for their safety what is here yeah so what I think is important for you yes I'll take him in the school and play around in there a bit I do you've minimized whereas really if we can we overdo something which is the desensitization which is in a way it's flooding flooding a lot of people will know what do you know what flooding meant flooding is is what I use a lot but you can only really use flooding if you go through the storm that the flooding causes house it gets worse so don't try Flooding at home maybe you did the right thing to keep you you're still walking okay everything's okay a lot of people try flooding that don't come out of it well so you've got to know you can get it but the best thing for me is to flood issues till they realize it's they become desensitized and that picture now is not going to hurt them so that's what I did with the flag I flooded with the flag too and he was getting chilled out with that flag in the end yeah in in not too much time because he had to work out how to get rid of the flag when he calms and he loosened his mouth licked and chewed the floating away when you move forward with the flag flag went away he's going to look at that I just said to Joe oh that'd be fine now Joe said no we'll jump back I'm just gonna that's him oh yes [Laughter] to go and have a nice break cup of tea cakes and lots of things and we'll be sharing some some pictures of pharaoh and other horses and her daughter 's name Jessica Jessica can she won is this Pharaoh no Joe's going to look for a picture of pharaoh as you can that's a Burnley Burley Burley so these are Pharaoh guys this is the horse we're working with right now and uh look at the jumps look at that wow amazing out look stop I'm gonna [ __ ] up the Triad say okay yeah I'm gonna come out I'm gonna ask him to out here disengage him back him up come back in so what I'm doing I'm transferring [Music] so there's no different here beautiful that was really that was so much better than I thought it would be and he's relaxing Stay With Me you see stay with me okay quarters forward stop back up thank you Stay With Me stay with me thank you okay now we're gonna go to this part here thank you good boy Stay With Me isn't that on his neck see that face on his neck it's gone I might think it's a flying for me is it still on on the other side on the other side now every time he's coming into my space I'm bumping him yes he's one of these horses that pretends there's stuff on it yeah I mean he is he does he does flies and there probably is a fly about but he looks for excuses too so I'm telling look I'm so look do you see that unrequested yeah he's got to know okay so that's good so now we'll walk up here stop how do you think he's doing amazing I'm feeling like he's wonderful I know I'm really pleased with him really good okay so here we go then I know it's hard to believe guys but this is the first time in two years that Pharaoh has gone through that gate and into the field um always run off in fact before you even get to the um to the gate he's run off with Grooms and you just it was pretty much impossible so I was so pleased with that and so was Joe uh first time and and he was it was great wasn't he but you'll you'll see more as we go [Laughter] okay backed up [Music] so now foreign foreign what a mistake a lot of people make is they don't transfer what you did down there so they'll do the mountain block beautiful in in an enclosed part of a yard it's all set up go out for a proper ride everything's sweaty yeah they they need to get up on a you know on a gate somewhere and it hasn't transferred we have to transfer that to different scenarios yeah so now if I get this going remember how terrified he was get down there yeah that shows a good F1 brain because okay I was hoping it'd be a little bit more just looking at it but he's not the blowing's not the same he's not that now he's not as much of a live threat as it was right so I will see if now neutral now it has to me beat forward there now it's gone stop together okay so I was so wanting that to happen because I would probably pretty much every other time he's done that he would get away from you he would have got yeah yeah so I want to try and hopefully he'll do that a few times but he doesn't get away that's not the answer yes you can get rid of the plug look at that beautiful press when I will guess that relax walk so I'm I'm waiting for it that's the release stop see that was when the flag came away yeah you stopped I don't want it to be you know I want this information yeah that if one day it's windy and you've got him all over you you get him off you yeah yeah you've got to have something to get him up yeah to give you confidence yes I'm driving now we'll leave exactly what they do in the wild stallions the Mayors they either follow or they try they're pushed yeah we're leaving pity I wasn't here like Linda and Danny because they're weaker this would be great for him no I'm driving him this is a huge stimulation for him you know I I am so stimulated for him because he hasn't done anything he hasn't been up here I mean the flag normally that would have completely blown his mind huh the flag on its own would normally have completely made him lose the block Joe said if you stay awake she'll do a deal on the truck [Laughter] Gordon's just gone to get a bit of fly spray maybe that'll help driving now it changes life with you this is what I'm doing now yeah they bite through your blood oh they're terrible what a majestic horse look at him I love it when he when he Majestic Club right we're gonna go back now yeah he hasn't been down here but two years back through Russia I'm moving his feet forward back up two paces one two good point good point right then got it sleeping for a minute one set up okay so we just had a little break now over dinner we've had a lovely chat haven't we've all been laughing honestly it's a great great little break so what we've discussed here uh I I I'm pretty sure things are going to go okay now we're going to do a little bit more lead I'm not gonna do too much groundwork now because I want to see where he is uh you know without let's see how his mind is I'm going to bring him out and I'm going to take him in and out the paddocks I think on some days especially when it's colder windy yeah apparently when it's very windy he can be really on edge and piafin is a normal normal thing for him then so look guys what I've come up with is this is my idea is to put it on where Stables are in there a little fancy it's not very far so it shouldn't be too costly a little fence with a gate a little bit of fencing up to the product huh there and then from the gate just across to the wall a nice little I'd even do three so it looks nice so basically guys this is just a little area here where um we can just then use our little flag let them out stable and then just just use like turning and just asking to come up here and then he can only go in there and then he can go it can it can be out enjoy being out and then the same thing if it's a little bit Lively bringing in just go back around him he'll come in here and then straight into his stable and I think that's the way then of his life there's one fact to me I've got to be careful of Is tendon injury but I'm it's a risk that I would take and so some days guys if he's a little bit uncontrollable and could do some injury uh I think then you do that do you agree I think that's the way a way forward if need be so we're going to see what it's like now absolutely really pleased with that yeah but those breaks are what do it you see people don't people don't Advance The Retreat enough not to break but you can only break when he gives try as in us having a cup of tea yeah yeah yeah only but but sometimes I've had to go for three hours to get a break yes that's the key but he kept giving see first thing I want you to do yep now we might go to nibble yeah yeah because you give him hand treats yeah just don't hit him but just bump down on this or something okay so see whether you can as always said so you're gonna hold here are you going to release as soon as he drops release okay A bit lower release yes um yes they're looking inside too much yes now get back up yes and people need to learn from that you don't you've got to release it so again a little bit of pressure release the minute it goes yes good girl and now and again you see how he's nibbling your hands yeah you mustn't do it like little stroke now and again and then you can see him looking can't you looking looking and again and go on your knees a little bit good okay that's good get up there at that point because just felt right then that's good so that's something you can practice now if he comes in and goes to nibble you need to do this I'm not gonna hurt you you need to do that where on his neck anywhere there every time the end of his nose because rather than you know some people here they make the head all it is is that because I feel like it's going to be in your pockets a little bit is that not me no right that's actually bring that towards me and I'm gonna you're gonna run in I'll show you right there now I didn't even look at him that was not the person that was go away yeah right so it is going to come this way yeah one two three yeah that's all it is but it's but it's a shock yeah so use that little but don't I didn't even look at him John look go on look that's good that's good now come to me come to me come to me hands up yes how did that feel yeah can you stop then for you yeah I know you did he didn't come now see whether you can quit as soon as that goes don't go in quick quick yes these are the things you can practice in there and put Plucky time one two come over here back and stuff his foot send him back now don't go forward come on look at him look at look go on bump bump bump bump stop go no no no see yeah you see that's good that happened it's back around there what's up come on one two come this way come this way come this way a bit more a bit more a bit more stop yes now yes one foot back look at it don't go forward keep doing keep going keep going keep going keep going stop good so you just gotta bring your level up I don't use the flag in here you could get a little bit um so now we're going to tell you how good he is he he's just lowered that he's just lowered his energy so this is where you have to do a couple of those things and you'll think I'm not here that's a bit different if you can charge the hindquarters don't eyeball him no it's nice no I'm not I don't know yeah because you actually do really well then so you do have to bump down eventually you know you can wiggle around so you'll go like that and then you come up down up down yeah eventually you won't have to do that you can Wiggly rope you won't be as forceful but that's I had to go quicker because I'm not here for weeks so I've said no that means something you get there okay good good really good how does that feel good get his attention no no back him up from where you are you know what to do Tut and bump quit every time yes good as I feel yeah all right now bring him back yeah yeah bring him back that's good eventually you won't have to do that so much you'll just wave your hand good boy unrequested come on mean it that's it good good right take him back in the field been on a long live and then I want you to walk him around floating that rope in it good well that's looking good like go like stop him turn around stop him back him up good really good straight away for you okay and off you go walk around she could never do this well 18 months 18 months she could not been able to lead him out oh now and again stop him he's good wow nothing to be done there is there yes that's good you've got his attention with you he looked at us and say oh blood me now not her as well good A bit close there stop look back him up two or three yes let his attention a little bit yes good point to go yes good point now take his no he'll have a shocked and then little rub on his neck and walk you walk away just walk away from it because this is amazing first time in two years um he's been let out on a paddock to uh to enjoy um there was a worry we were we weren't going to be able to catch him excuse me that we weren't going to be able to catch him because he can sometimes takes three hours if not more and food's always had to be used in the end to catch him and I was determined not to use feed so you'll see now I'll get on now remember this is a A reduced version of this caption because I was there eight hours so I'm putting everything in this video that needs to be seen that will make a difference to people but obviously eight hours I've got to reduce it down to an hour or just over so this I think took me about 35 40 minutes to actually catch him it's been condensed into three minutes uh the full version is on my subscription channel uh so I would love to have you over to there there's 250 videos now we put me in Charlotte weekly we put videos on Sharla has an involvement she puts weekly Shenanigans Charlotte shenanigans on so yeah for relatively little cost guys we'd love to have you over on that so give that an up an option okay so I'll get back to this come on now he's a Raptor basically we're going to leave him this is fantastic I'm very pleased with myself me taking the reins and then you realize we're not connected a little bit of a jolly yeah I'm free yeah all right [Music] pretty soon the correct leads something I think it'll stop it when he gave me two eyes then [Music] immediately turned he stopped to look at me yeah I backed up I shut my eyes for a second man yeah now I'm backing up here because he face me all right leaving for a second now um it was incredible to watch it was right unbelievable I wish I had those skills they were so they were the guys the patience that you've got with him you haven't once got crossed no he never does no never does yeah so look he's given me permission there he gave me permission I know you see how he he worked that out when he was ready and I recognized that you know what we're going to take a minute move in rather than when you were talking to him he's breathing changes look look at him you can't read that he said go on then he came to be caught didn't he he came he came to be cool um I think you should take him back to Haverford yeah put him in the new box yes guys look at this look at him look at him uh we're gonna go and give him some carrots now and we're gonna bring him back out we'll let him go again lady I knew you'd have the nice ones uh now I'm gone let him do his thing now but look at this little boy look at him what's going on so I'm gonna see where the heel from here yes um same thing again all right there you go just to just the whiskers okay that's better already isn't it huh much better better already and remember he knows you even in the Stables because of what's gone on today he knows I'm Alpha no yes you're done for today he's had to run around he just think he's life will change now life will change that's great well done well done I did it didn't we we did it but then Tanya on to the next one I've just intern locked us in huh she said she wanted you to stay away I wish I could I think I could do so much more but you know that's all I can do I've worked hard there and I think I did a great job I felt a massive change but he hasn't been something it's not their fault no she gets knocked flying all the time straight down [Music] as you said there's lots of deer around here Joe he's a surgeon yeah Orthopedic he friends yeah what kind was the weather it's just died raining so okay yeah two hours now to the next one to the next one and we'll have a nice evening yes I'll take you out for dinner tonight you took me last night no thank you wow what a day that was guys but it was you know although it's hard work it's really enjoyable for me and Tonya and especially the feeling when you're going out those Gates knowing that you've got somewhere and hopefully you've helped uh and on that trip it was about a Thousand Mile round trip we did it's only last week wasn't it but yeah um it was last week and there's some great videos to come there was a blind horse or blinding one eye totally totally gone the one I was uh that was a really uh interesting one a really bolsha youngster one lethal Pony with it with its feed so some great videos hopefully as as the weeks go on but um yeah guys we've had 10 years I haven't actually heard this message Tanya said we've got a little video come through after a message you received yesterday so um will you read that out okay read this and then I'll show you the clip hi tan most importantly giving me the ability to change Pharaoh's life I will do my homework and keep you updated and look forward to seeing you both in the not too distant future yes we are going to try and go back aren't we that's good now what I'll do now I I haven't heard that message but I've seen a little clip that's been sent to us when Joe went to turn uh Pharaoh out for the first time uh you know on her own which wasn't too early I did say do quite a you know a few days to scramble at first but the granite was going so well uh Joe now I you might I'll show this clip now you might think oh dear I actually think that it's actually quite good that should give confidence to Joe I'll show it you now and then and then I'll come back in a sec so there was first time let out um he ran but Joe was never ever because I've spoke to you on the phone he has never ever not be been able to be held and usually it's before you get to the gates anyway so I said that's the result you managed to calm him down which she did and she held on and she she took the the whole trough with confidence she managed to catch him okay and put him away so I said go to the gate with the gate shut go to the gate and do a little bit of groundwork around the gate and then and then open the gate and maybe back in through or just taking partially in um if you don't there's another way of doing it is where you have a little tiny uh maybe electric type fence without the electric being on uh just in front of the gate so you go into that under the thing go into that and then you can take that off the halter then open the gate so you can you can use your your brain for that um kind of thing to work out so I think it was a result guys I think it was good even though uh Joe felt a little bit down on herself I said no look you did it um and and her arm was okay I was worried about around okay but uh yeah so I thought I would just show you that clip um and I'm waiting for I'm sure there'll be another update uh you know in due course and I'll put put a little update on because a lot of people from the little teaser clip that James and Charlotte put on of me catching him uh the first time he's been let out we've had literally found honestly guys people really interested in pharaoh and how he's getting on you know and and seeing the full video which which this is so that's the video finished guys as far as that horsey uh side of it I thought you finished I'm doing a roast dinner for everybody's then I bought a bit of beef try that roast roast dinner today guys who's coming um all the family all the grandkids I'm turning stuff for me oh my God that's lovely a bit of a bit of big right now then like so all the horses stuff's done now I've got to mention something so you know you might not want to it's only a couple of minutes of things I want to mention so if you don't want to hear that no complaining because I've told you that the horse side's finished right first of all me and Dan are off to the Isle of Man um to the manx Grand Prix in August they we had real difficulty finding uh accommodation because it was all booked up and and uh we're thinking oh dear because we'd already bugged the ferries it's a little break for me and down on the motorbikes to go to the Max and watch the racing and just just chill out together uh really looking forward to it I went to the TT races 20 years running love the Isle of Man and the people every everything about it you know the atmosphere the lot now can I say thank you to Nicole bodell Nico I think that's for Tony spot so Nicole thank you so much um for finding this accommodation really appreciate that appreciate that you I know you've got a horse that's not the greatest greatest at trailering so me and Dana coming over and we're gonna have a little look um and we're going to arrange you know who knows we might have time to help you with that while we're there if not because of the response we've had online people who have found out we go into the Isle of Man I've said oh I've got a horse I would love you to to you know um help me with the horse and see the horse we're gonna be coming back there's lots of people oh oh one to us so me and Tanya are going to make a separate trip we're probably going to fly over and if we've got I'm sure we'll have at least six horses then that'll make it doable for us so that's in the future but thanks Nicole that's absolutely fantastic and actually I'll just if you if you do see us me and Dan about I'll just quickly show you the bikes man but we we're taking he might recognize us so when we do come to Isle of Man Dan will be the ride in my triumph which is there so if you see him on that you'll know you'll it's very loud guys so uh loud pipes save lives right so that's that one [Music] ride in James's Ducati so you might see him on the Ducati so if he doesn't take mine guys we're taking James's Ducati Scrambler so you might see him it's just in case anyone recognizes us to come and say hello that's all so it might be on that bike there that's a cracking cracking to cut it out that and that there's what I'll be on guys it's a limited edition a pillar 660 Stars and Stripes American colors um yeah and that's pretty loud as well so that's what I'll be on down and beyond that or the James is Ducati so yeah I can't wait to see you yeah so if you see us come and say hello the other thing is what I've decided to do I think it'll be on the Saturday night of the monks uh me and Dan uh it'll be in Douglas Area if anybody with horses want to meet up we'll have a meal and a chat and discuss for when we come back that if you do want any help with your horses uh it'd be great we're gonna blog it as well where me and Dan are going to blog our little trip with the bikes we're going to see the horses uh Dan's a farrier obviously his friend John is a farrier on the island and we're gonna go and see the the tram horses the big horses the pull of trams so we'll do a little blog of our trip and hopefully seeing the horse of Nicole as well so that's so yeah we're really looking forward to that the Isle of Man guys a lot of people again ask us where we are there's a UK the island man will be traveling on our bikes all the way up the coast all the way past Blackpool and we're gonna go to Liverpool uh which is here and then we'll be going on a ferry then to Douglas and there's the Isle of Man there TV so the famous TT races so that'll be our journey on the bikes and get over to that and there you go not next week the week after which will be Saturday the 5th of August we've got our Portland um Clinic which is near Weymouth we did it last year a fabulous uh time we had and everyone okay beautiful views it's a trekking Center there so if you want to ride a horse you can book up there's a band on the night if anyone wants to stay campsite great horses great people looking forward to that uh so Tanya wanted to me to mention that still a few tickets for that and you need to bring a chair that's what I wrote down here what Tanya said um um and what else what else what else we guys we've improved our our two horse lorry um we bought an upgraded one a new one so that means I've got our old one which has not let us down it's been a brilliant brilliant uh two horse uh so I'll show you a couple of photos about of that now and maybe a little video if anyone's interested it's probably the cheapest 16 2016 play you'll find uh so we're not being greedy we want to we want to just get to get that sold so if you're interested let us know so okay guys a quick walk around video of our Renault Master tools lorry we're selling we've had it uh since 2021 never let us down we bought a new one from there we've upgraded to a new one this is a 2016 plate Renault Master 120 000 genuine miles uh never let us down in a great truck it's got a long mot with no advisories I'll give you a little awkwardness all aluminum reinforced light ramp and inside petitions uh and you've got the one that goes into the floor there all really well built and all insulated fully insulated we've got a real Handy mirror window there that's becoming really useful plus we've got the camera there so you can see it's reversing camera and um interior camera which worked really well got interior light things like that so I'll go to the back um there's a couple of tie points as well outside come into the back as you're reversing camera reinforced step there which is really good there's one little knock where Charlotte dented it there I'm going to try and push that dent out so there's that go inside there's a little um keep there keeps it open so here I've put the bed the bed on there you don't need that uh bed on it's just like a little piece of wood that fits underneath which you take out in two seconds and that stone that stowed then above the cab because there's loads of storage there all ties inside really handy uh you can put all your hay Nets and that up there Windows right sliding Windows next to the horses all works really well you've got these which are lungs you've got big saddles on there some hooks as well now this is really handy guys big cupboard uh big cupboard here pull your clothes in anything you want in there it's uh you can also put there's a shell thing here you can put a shelf on I took it off because it's handled for the big the big waterproof coats so yeah guys this comes off take that off then you've got your seats there and underneath here you can take that one out as well and do they just waterproof covers you can take them off in washroom if you want so that's that I'll show you the storage above the cab I'll just come out here yeah runs a little bit now I had a tow bar fitted on uh which was not cheap guys this is a very very highly rated you know a high end tow bar and electrics that was nearly 800 pounds got receipts for that all the tires are good body works lovely around here really nice I've started it up just now it's really handy guys that it's got an isolator I had an isolator fitted so basically I can leave it for months if you want and it will not go flat so seats all perfect just done a genuine hundred and twenty thousand miles which for these Runner Masters I'm assured is absolutely nothing CD player aircon there's the camera all the electric wind is perfect yeah lovely I'll show you the eyes so later thank you guys all the time is good um isolator is isolator is there you just switch it off there to leave it as long as you want and it will start so lovely energy gearbox never had any trouble about six months ago I had all the doors changed and everything you haven't got to worry about that um yeah uh the storage above is huge you know all sorts in there guys there's a storage for anything you want no leaks there's a spare so yeah basically I think that's about it and that just drops down there nice and easy and then back there it's all nice and solid all aluminum to keep the weight down got a certificate with it guys uh it'll carry a turn which is what they all will now there's a not many carry more than that um so yeah I think that I'll shut this up very quickly shut this up very quickly as light as that I'm doing that with one hand and then just a final push there then the top comes down that and then she's in we need to see what she looks like from there top all done so yeah that's it guys that's uh 2016. towards Laurie professionally done uh and it's probably one of the cheapest ones in the UK I would say with with a 16 plate with it and running so well no issues nothing to do that's it and it's uh yeah that's it we've uh purchased a lovely beautiful um car mobile home because the shepherds are people love the shepherduck guys but it's just one bed and next year there's gonna be a lot of people coming here with their horses for stays for mini holidays for Learning and we need more space so the shepherds are although it's been absolutely fantastic uh professionally built that'll be coming up for sale if anyone's interested in that guys message Tanya it's renowned for being so comfortable and so good feel to it kitchen everything I'll show you a picture of that now here's the shepherd set this was so popular guys they're a great business to have and planning is uh is a cinch with these yeah it is guys look at this got all all professionally done Beautiful shower all the places to a little retractable desk nice little fire all done really lovely lovely kitchen fridge little hot plates place to sit and there is everyone that sleeps in this said it's so comfortable it's incredible and there's storage under the bed with another little pull out bed I think Tanya wants to keep that picture she was saying uh TVs everything's here guys beautiful um oh look look how green it is we've had such a blooming weather so green it's lovely right okay so yeah lots of things for sale at uh I mentioned them now that's it now that's definitely it for now so okay till the next one happy trails guys we're always after I have the happy trails in and the way these kind of online things work is to help it grow is obviously like share comment um all of that that just helps the algorithms keep going and we are still go in doing really really really well so that's it anything else and of course the subscription site James works really hard to keep that going Charlotte's got her she's got a big involvement now people love her on the side she puts a weekly blog of a week in her products and bits and pieces and I put one or two videos on a week I think we put more videos there's about 250 videos now uh on these and they're in depth and and yeah people love it it's a safe site everything that has to be really positive and it is and it's helpful so again Happy Trails I'm gone until the next time see you guys
Channel: Steve Young Horsemanship
Views: 321,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XD2QMhBlw-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 4sec (4804 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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