Reptile Skin Shader Tutorial in Blender (Eevee & Cycles)

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how's it going guys so in today's tutorial we're going to be learning how to make a reptile kind of lizard skin totally procedurally now what you're about to see is actually taken right out of the procedural material course that i just released so you'll be able to get a part of a free lesson from that making a whole lizard skin material if procedural materials are something that's kind of confusing to you and you can't seem to grasp this is a procedural material course for beginners and intermediate users so check it out link below so with that being said let's get into the tutorial so let's go ahead and delete them and what i want to do is show you a trick now in this case it makes it look like an organic lizard skin you can do this with anything and that is taking one pattern and then making the pattern smaller and mixing them together to make it look a little more natural so let me demonstrate that so let's get our color ramp and we're going to do kind of a green lizard skin just kind of have some fun with it so we're going to get our voronoi for our texture let's plug distance into the color ramp control t and we'll plug the object coordinate here f1 to distance to edge now i neglected to mention something and that is how to look at bump so let's plug our bump in and if i haven't mentioned this yet what i'm going to do is i'm going to plug the distance here the way bumping works is you have these gradients so notice how this gradient works it's dark here it's light here so dark would be flat light would be more extruded out so the brighter the material it's going to be higher up so we have this gradient and that dust correlates to lower here higher here that's kind of the rule of thumb so if like oh i want to add some bump to it well does it have some darks and lights then it'll show some bump that's kind of how that works so i'm going to bring the scale up i'm going to go ahead and get a nice green lizard skin so what i want to do is get another voronoi texture here what i'm going to do is hold shift right click so we just have one wire so it's less complicated so here's what i want to do i'm going to mix mix rgb and plug that there and then we're going to get our voronoi texture and plug it here now what i want you to notice which i think it's this one yeah okay so this voronoi texture here let's go ahead and plug in the the the mapping let's make it really small so if you look here we have two patterns a big one and a small one because the problem is if you're trying to make a lizard skin or even a leather you're not going to have i believe the word is uniform it's not all the sizing isn't going to be uniform now we do have some random ones like here but for the most part they're all the same scale and if you look at your own skin you can see um you know there is a vorno pattern in your skin but there's going to be various various sizes that we're dealing with so we want to actually be able to mix more than one size here accidentally click that we'll do mix we want to be able to mix them together so that we can reveal some small ones some big ones to make it look natural and we're going to use this mix rgb um setup again like i mentioned a lot of repetition and that's because the same process done different rate ways for different reasons yields different results so let's go ahead and get a noise texture and then let's plug that here i do need to get a color ramp so i'm just going to highlight these guys hit g to move it back let's get our color ramp and let's plug the factor into the color ramp okay so here's how it's going to work let's bring this noise texture like we always do just kind of make it obvious we're mixing these two together what i want to do is actually make this one a little smaller to make it reasonably close it's already looking more natural look at that it's already so much better looking and then we can just kind of get this detail up to 12 so there's a more natural gradient to want from one to the next you can see that there small big nice gradient there so we can just kind of bring this out play with this color amp so to make it just subtle enough so it's not obvious we're using a color ramp to mix patterns but that we're revealing pattern there we go look at that we've now created more organic looking pattern and then we'll go ahead and just distort it so i'm going to hold down shift left click i mean right click so that we can distort this pattern just like we always do i like to just kind of repeat these things just so that it kind of burns it into your brain um that's the way i like to teach that's also the way i like to learn i that's how i learned how to make materials redoing process over and over again um so i recommend doing that a lot in any educational stance um so let's we're doing that let's go ahead and get that detail up to 12. okay and then we'll bring this over and we have now created a very natural looking lizard skin material let's go ahead and bring this guy over click that so we've made a new color put it there and look at that look how cool that is we've made organic materials we've made something really cool and natural looking and that is how you do it that's how you do that you have bigger smaller more organic more natural how to make something really cool doesn't that look like something you'd see in like a dinosaur skin anything rocks too this works as rocks pavement make that black and white play with your colors there add some paint strips um with like image textures if you want all that stuff that's more like advanced techniques but you get the idea this is really easy now when i say organic i mean things of natural life rocks skin dirt all that that's what i mean by organic we've now created a very organic looking skin here with really fun techniques my favorite one being this one we're revealing bigger and smaller pieces so you can actually play with that now you can see that one moving there see that one moving there and if that's too obvious you can play with your gradient but that is how we create organic materials the kind of idea using these shapes these are the organic shapes that we have to deal with to play with there's some other ones i showed in the very first lesson if you look at the the rigid multi-fractal and the bfm from bfm the original effect we have those worm trails um since i already showed you that i'll just leave that for you to play with you can play with that as well that is organic there you go hope you guys like that let's move on to the next lesson
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 69,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EsS0ulWckGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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