Procedural Dissolving Effect (Blender Tutorial)

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[Music] how's it going guys so in today's tutorial i'm going to show you how to create this really cool disintegration effect now this whole process was inspired by this artist right here on twitter he made this really cool what he called the loki effect test and i saw it and i thought it was really cool so i figured i'd try my hand at recreating it with a spin on it so i ended up taking this very fiery looking kind of effect it's not even meant to look like fire just some really cool disintegrations now before i get into that i quickly want to say today's video is brought to you by the real-time materials it is a collection of 200 fully editable and procedural materials made for eevee and cycles there's a wide variety of materials going from marble to ceramics to plaster and tons of beautiful abstract materials if you would like to know more hit the link in the description below alright we're back now this is a pretty simple process if we go over here to the shading this is a pretty small node tree even cg mater made a pretty similar effect here a while back he was burning paper he had a pretty elaborate node setup in this case i wanted to keep it as simple as possible if you love really elaborate setups check that out from cg matter so let's dive straight into how to make this so this is a procedural process meaning anything you want to do so if you want to disintegrate the default cube feel free to do that any base mesh works i want to use the monkey because it really has a lot of fun having the disintegration on all these different curves and surfaces i'm going to go ahead and add a subdivision surface to this monkey shade smooth and we'll hop straight into shading because that's where everything is happening here i'm going to hit my drop down here and bring down the world opacity i'll just like it to be gray now we're going to go ahead and start with a new shader here we're going to click new i'm going to bring it over i'm going to make it metallic in this case as we're designing remember this principle can take the place of anything you can use an image texture make it wood make it anything you can make some pretty elaborate procedural setups to make stucco whatever so this next portion is what we're going to do for the disintegration so let's get in a mix shader plug it there shift a search and we'll get a transparent so we'll get a transparent bsdf and we'll plug it right here on this bottom socket now we need to activate this transparency first so what we're going to do is go over here to the shader make sure that in the click on this little camera icon you're in the ev render engine click on this little camera here and then on blend mode go here to alpha blend and click on back face curling that's really really important so now you can kind of see some transparency going on that's because these two shaders are mixing uh perfectly so i'm going to go ahead and do is make a mask and this is where the magic is going to start happening so we're going to go ahead shift a search get in a color ramp we want to be able to manipulate some stuff that's going on here and then let's go ahead and get in a gradient gr a gradient texture with the node wrangler add-on enabled hit ctrl t clicking on the gradient texture use the object coordinate and we'll plug the color into the color ramp what we're going to do is start seeing some stuff happening let's play with this color ramp to get more of an obvious effect here now we're getting this right here so we're just going to kind of cut this in half and now we have the sort of the idea behind the disintegration effect so i'm just going to stay right here in the front and then let's go ahead and start getting that really nice glowing edge i'm going to bring my base color down just to just for fun and then let's go and get that so so now we're going to do is take this gradient texture we're going to get in a new color ramp so col get a color ramp plug this color into the emission here so now it's going to start to glow a little bit now it's glowing we're going to plug this color ramp straight into that i mean sorry we're going to plug the gradient into the color ramp and then we're going to bring this this in until look at that it's glowing so we'll bring up that tren um that emission strength and then in your ev settings we'll click on the camera turn on amy occlusion bloom screen space reflections and motion blur if you're going to be doing some stuff with it so we can kind of play with that glowing and then whatever color you want to go with for the tutorial let's just let's go with blue that's kind of fun and then we can bring this color in actually let's make it red i want to go back to red you can bring it in to make it a little stronger so there we go we got some stuff going on we're going to manipulate that more later but now we have the base of our glowing edge let's go ahead and add in some detail here in the vector line so let's get a noise texture if you've been watching the channel for a while you've probably seen this process about a hundred times it's one of my favorite things to do to add detail to things so plop a noise texture there it's all going to disappear we're going to get a a mix rgb here oops that is a mixed shader we'll get a mix rgb and my x mix rgb plug it right there and we'll plug the object coordinate into color socket number two now if we bring the now we can play with this factor so if we bring the factor to one we just got that straight line so bring this over a little bit let's bring our detail up to 12 kind of get some details here and then now we can just kind of bring this in let's bring that distortion up just like that and then all we have to do here is play with this x location and then you can of course you can rotate this effect here let's see where is it at you can rotate the gradient to make the effect do different things so it doesn't have to go left or right right to left and go up and down so this location is our disintegration effect now let's go ahead and add some colors to make this look like it's kind of on fire and fading off to give it a really pretty look so we're going to go here to the color ramp and then we're going to take this we're going to add the plus icon and we're going to bring it over to the right on this color we're now going to be fading off this color so actually i clicked the wrong one so let's bring this closer to the edge here and we can even blink bring this black portion here bring the bright and then we can bring this darker color you can kind of see it working we're just going to make it quite a bit darker here we want this edge to be really bright and then we can go ahead and get one more and then we can just kind of bring that position over make it all the way down here to black and now you get this nice disintegrating effect here with the uh and then we can go ahead and select that last black one kind of bring it over just get more of that effect and then get this orange one holding down position you can get a little bit more control over it there we go and then we can go ahead and bring that emission strength up like this there we go now we've created this fiery looking effect here and then actually let's go back to shading and there we go we have created this disintegrating effect and then you can go ahead and play with like the scale here play with this distortion really just kind of make it yours and you can go and now you've created this really interesting really vibrant disintegration effect and you can go ahead and add whatever colors you want what's really fun is you can add in a hue saturation node to make color picking a lot easier if you're just trying to play around and pick new things so you can go ahead and like give it a nice blue something like something like this there you go and you've now created a really nice disintegration effect and like i said this principle right here you can go ahead and add in like some roughness magic everything you want to do to make the shader yours and do whatever you want with it but that is how you create this again inspiration and credit for this idea goes to bbbin19 here on twitter check him out he's linked in the description and thank you guys for watching hope you learned some stuff
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 62,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uIthYMgWM0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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