Create an Easy Skin Shader in Blender

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foreign [Music] Cube as always and we will add a plane let's go to edit mode right click and subdivided yeah like 100 times then we will add a displacement modifier click new to create a new texture switch to the texture Tab and select clouds let's scale it down to 0.1 then we can switch back to our displacement modifier and also type in 0.1 and it's a little bit smoother and also add a subdivision surface to smooth it out and also shed smooth and now we are prepared to add a skin texture and we did this just that you can see also the subsurface scattering and yes some some detail so let's open the Shader editor and select the material first we will start with the base color I just Googled the basic skin colors for for humans and this is one of them so we can we can type it in and let's switch to cycles and to the rendering and also let's create sunlight with a strength of 5 and maybe rotation like this so now we can work on our skin Shader so we set it up The Hex code for one of the human skin tones also we can increase the subsurface scattering a little bit that we will have light shines through some parts of our skin and also we should change these values a little bit to I guess it was 0.1 2 and 0.0 6 yes okay let's start with texture coordinate node and the mapping node just to control what we are doing and puts a object to the vector and let's at a baloney texture or they were nice I don't know people know I I don't know how to pronounce this then put the vector into the vector and switch to F1 smooth to increase the scale very very high to just like 2500 we use the smoothness a little bit then let's create a bump node oop bump not that favored put the position into the height and the bump into the normal also decrease the strings we will add uh Musgrave texture also plug the vector into the vector we increase the scale to 70. and the detail to the maximum also decrease the dimension to 0.5 and the locality to 5 then you can duplicate the bump node and put the height into the height of the new bump node also inverted 0.2 for the strength and the distance to zero point one and put the normal into the normal of the first bump node and inverted also then we need another one eye or avaloni Texture just duplicate it and put again the vector into the vector decrease the scale now a little bit to 500 because this is like a second layer on top of the skin cells what we are creating now if you watch to like for example your hand and you see the first cell structure um if you use a glass to see more details of your skin you can see that that in your cell structure are more smaller structures and this is what we created with the first varoni texture and now we are creating the the main structure that's why we decrease the scale a little bit and also the smooth smoothness then we will create that node because we need to invert the position let's duplicate the spawn node to select the invert and put the color into the height and now you can see first results okay and now we need a displacement node put the color into the height um sorry this color and the displacement into the displacement for extra detail and if you want you can not just use the displacement node you also can enable displacement and bump in your material properties also set in the window settings from support to experimental go to your modifier Tab and add a subdivision surface modifier and choose adaptive subdivision to use real geometry but we have to decrease the scale of our displacement node in our Shader editor and here you can see the difference between the displacement node just using the bump option and the displacement node using the displacement and bump option and the Adaptive subdivision yes and that's basically it we can do some adjustments to our skin color because our skin don't have one simple color because we also has some we have some differences let's create a noise texture let's increase the scale to 200 detail to the maximum then we will create the color lamp most used node in my case factor into the factor this two yeah something like this and like this and now we will also copy our our skin tone let's plug it to to the color that now we can see what we have done we just created some some artifacts like most of humans has but we need our skin color back and this artifacts a little bit darker so let's create new architecture texture or maybe just duplicate it uh make it to 4D for example that we can change some stuff later decrease the scale to 10 and also duplicate the color ramp like I said the most used node just put this right to the end and create mix RBG node multiplier paste our skin tone just duplicate the multiply again choose overlay and put the color the second color yes and that's it thanks for watching and see you next time
Channel: David Kohlmann
Views: 17,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, node editor, procedural, material
Id: DnZ3rckSFzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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