Ice Cube Splash Animation | Blender Tutorial

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hello guys and welcome back to another blender tutorial today I'm going to be showing you how to make an ice cube simulation so we're going to have these ice cubes actually falling into a glass and creating a splash now keep in mind that I'm going to show you the whole complete process I'm not going to be skipping anything but I will kind of gloss over the materials a little bit towards the end because that's not the main focus here the main focus is making this really cool simulation and because we're only making it 40 or 50 frames long it's not going to be that much intense processing that your computer has to do is this kind of a fun little thing I'm going to be uploading my original to patreon so all of that is in the description below I worked hard on this one so I really hope you guys enjoy it and are able to make something cool and refreshing so let's jump in so with a new scene open up in blender we're going to select all of the default objects we're going to press X and we're going to go ahead and delete we're going to go shift a we're going to add in a circle I'm going to tab into edit mode and we're going to select the um so in our front view we should like select the vertex to the very end so in our front view to our left you can see here this vertex I'm going to go Ctrl I or command I it's going to inverse the selection so now we're selecting every outer vertex I'm just going to press delete and let's just delete verts so now we only have this one single vertex off to the side we're now going to go e to extrude and Z just extrude it up a little bit so you can see it let's go to our modifiers and let's give this a screw modifier now it's getting wrapped around like this okay so now we have kind of like the base here so let's just go into our front orthographic View and what we're going to do is we're going to actually select this vertex here at the bottom and we're going to go g x and just move it in a little bit like this let's select this vertex over here let's just kind of move it down I'm going to e to extrude and it's going to make the round bottom part of the glass like this so we're just extruding inner front orthographic and let's go e to extrude up but let's take it to about here and let's just go e to extrude and E to shoot again I'm just making like a simple kind of glass like this I'm going to select the vertex here at the bottom we're going to get e to extrude Let's extrude up a little bit and let's extrude in and you might have to kind of go outside and go g x just so you can see and just bring it close until it kind of touches and you can enable merge here so it'll kind of merge it together when it gets really close so now we have that but what we want to do is we want to select this vertex over here yes you could use a solidify modifier for this but I think it's better just to do it yourself so we're going to select the top vertex I'm going to go e to extrude a little bit and an e to extrude down e to extrude again and then we're just following this profile so e to extrude all the way to the bottom and as it's coming down here we're going to go e to extrude and we're going to make it a little bit thicker and then bulging up just kind of like a real glass would do because of the molding process and we're going to go e to extrude and just bring it to the middle and looking down in there you should see that it's clipped we do have merge enabled and let's just go and give it a subdivision surface modifier as well and that's what we have now let's just go and apply the screw let's just bump the levels up on the subdiv and let's just go apply that as well and now we have this nice glass that we can use so first of all let's get our ice cubes out of the way so we're going to tab back out shift a and it's the simplest thing we're going to add in a cube I'm going to go g z move it up tap into edit mode and let's just go Ctrl B with everything active so Ctrl B let's just give it a bevel roll the middle Mouse button just to give it some extra segments like so and then Ctrl R you can see the loop tool here let's just roll in a few segments double click Ctrl R hovering over here roll in a few segments double click and then over here Ctrl R and let's do the same thing like that now we're going to Tab out and let's just go to our modifiers let's just give it a displace let's go over to our textures here and let's just go new let's change it to cloud and let's just bring over at the modifier let's just bring that strength way down something like that let's right click and go Shades move and let's go and apply that so now we have an ice cube you can tab in and you can select everything if you want to smooth it out a little bit with a smooth tool completely up to you but we just want a little bit of Randomness to our Cube we're going to tap into edit mode and just scale it down like so it's important that if you scale anything in object mode that you go Ctrl a and apply to scale because our simulation is going to be looking at scale so I'm going to have my cubes uh adapt this big like that so we're gonna um let's just grab this move it down oh maybe just leave it here now let's just grab our glass here let's go over to our physics properties let's give it a rigid body we're going to make it passive so it doesn't fall let's just make the under the Collision the shape we're going to make that mesh that's very important let's just select our Cube here our Ice Cube let's just go rigid body as well let's just leave it as active and let's just leave it at convex hole and let's just go to frame one and let's hit the space bar and let's see what happens so you can see here it's falling nicely in to our glass so all we're going to do now is very simply go to frame one let's just rotate it a little bit like so let's go shift d to duplicate randomly rotate that one you can do as many as you want I'm going to go with maybe just one more over here like that and maybe rotate it a little bit differently but you guys get the idea here we just have these cubes and then frame one we're gonna hit the space bar and now you can see they all kind of fall in on top of each other so you guys can mess around with the size as much as you want make sure to apply the scale if you do and then get something that you like so I'm going to go with that that looks really cool and then what we're going to do we're going to go to our end frame value here I'm only going to make this at least 50 frames long you can make it longer if you want this animation and then what we're going to do is we're going to go over to our scene properties I'm going to go over to rigid body world and let's go to the cache and at this point I'm just going to go and save this to my desktop which I think I already have so I'm just going to go ahead and save um so we're going to come here to our end frame value and let's just make it 50 as well so we don't have to unnecessarily bake let's go ahead and click bake and this is going to bake this simulation in to our blend file so now if we go to frame one and we hit the spacebar you can see this is now baked in that's really important if you don't bake it in it's not going to work so now what we're going to do is we're going to select our cup here we're going to tab into edit mode and let's just select a loop or an edge down here just a loop of edges I'm going to go Control Plus just to go to selection and this is going to give us like an inside selection now this is going to be the volume of the drink so whatever amount you want you can go Control Plus or control minus two okay I'm gonna go about this much and go shift d to duplicate right click to let go and I'm just going to go alt s and just scale it in a tiny bit in the normal just a tiny little bit and then what we're going to do is we're going to um go Pete and we're gonna go separate by selection so p and separate selection tab back out and now in object mode this is its own object I'm going to tab in now I'm just going to go and select this edge here I'm going to go e to extrude S to scale and then we're going to e to extrude S to scale and let's just do it a few more times and then go f just to fill that face now we have our liquid part here okay another thing is when we run this liquid simulation because of how blenders um kind of limited fluid simulation stuff works it's going to kind of penetrate through this thin glass so what we're going to do is we're just going to select the glass again we're going to tap into edit mode and this time what we're going to do is in fact let's just let's just go into object mode and just select these other objects and just press h to hide them so select them and just press h to hide them temporarily then select a cup unless it's once again select the inside here and just go Control Plus to grow the selection and let's just make it all the way to the top like this this is go shift d to duplicate right click and then go p and let's just go selection tab back out so now this is its own object I'm going to tab into edit mode a to select everything in an e to extrude right click angle and then we're going to go alt s and just scale it out along the normals just a little bit just to make it thicker so this is going to be the actual object that it's interacting with okay instead of the actual glass it just gives with something thicker so what we're going to do is we're going to tear back out and of this object here we're just going to in fact it seems like just tab into edit mode and just with it selected let's just go grab the smooth tool and just smooth it a little bit just to kind of fix somebody's normal issues here and if you do have overlap you can always just select an edge and go X and just dissolve edges so I might just do that here just to smooth it out a bit that's all we need just like a kind of a barrier we're going to tear back out and let's just for now go over to our object properties let's go to the port display and let's make it display ads let's make it wire and we also can go up to visibility and turn it off for the render we don't need to see it in the render this is simply just a reaction surface or an effector for our liquids let's just call alt H to bring the other stuff back and what we're going to do now is I think we have everything in place so let's now select our effector here let's just go over to our physics let's give it a fluid and let's just um go down here to its fluid now underneath the rigid body and let's just make it effector in fact for this one here we can actually just get rid of the rigid body here so just get rid of the rigid body um for this thing here we just need the fluid and it needs to be set to affect her and let's just go over to frame one and let's just select these ice cubes and we're going to give all of them a fluid and we're going to also make it an effector so this one here fluid make it an effector and then this one here as well fluid and make the type an effector and then what we need to do and this is the fun part is we need to select our um and then with this fluid selected what we're going to do is we're going to press F3 I'm going to type in quick I want to go to Quick liquid okay and now it's put everything in place for here so on frame one we're going to select this domain that it's created we're going to tab into edit mode and just move it up and everything's going to happen inside of this domain and if you have to make sure it goes above the ice cubes here so this is needs to encase everything that's going to be our simulation like this don't make it too big don't make it too small we're going to tab back out now we have a domain so if we actually go into wireframe and go to frame one and we hit the spacebar we can already see our simulation now keep in mind because of the low the really low um resolution of the simulation here what's going to happen is it's not going to it's going to look a lot more viscous but if we actually come over here to the resolution and we change this value here to 64 so we're doubling it and we press enter you can see that the resolution on this has gone up a lot now so if we actually go to frame one make sure to save and we hit the space bar we're now going to see that when it falls in here that is there's a lot more a lot less viscosity now we're going to turn this up even more but for now what we're going to do we're just going to do a few things we're going to come down to where it says mesh we're going to enable mesh and that way if we go to frame one and we hit the spacebar you can actually see the mesh here as well so now you can see it's actually falling to our liquid here and it's only 50 frames so in this case it's going to go quite quick so let's just let it finish so you can see now we have this liquid Sim but it's still looking very viscous and the thing is the more you turn up like I said The more you turn up this resolution here that is going to look better so we're actually going to double that number still we're going to go 128. and what we're going to do is we're going to go down to our cache let's just make that 50 as well under the cache I'm going to select the folder here I'm going to go to my desktop I'm just going to create a folder on my desktop I'm just going to go new folder I'm going to call it um Sim output and I'm just going to click on that and go accept and now I have an output I have 50 frames here and what we're going to go to the type here we're going to make it all I'm going to make sure to save and then we're going to come here we're going to go bake or it's going to bake this simulation but it's going to be baking it at 128 it's a much higher resolution you could go even higher if you want but that's going to be a very processor intensive so let's finish and then I'll show you what we have okay so now my computer is huffing and puffing but the simulation is done so let's go to frame one let's hit the spacebar and you can now see there's a lot more sloshing going on now if you actually put the Cubes at a higher height they'll hit the hot water even harder and make more of a splash but you guys kind of see this is a legitimate Ice Cube simulation so for now what we're going to do we're going to select this outer bit this thing we don't need it anymore so we're just going to press M we're going to go new collection and just call it junk and go okay we might still want it in the future so we're just going to go here to this junk let's just turn it off so it's not visible and turn off the render so anything in there we won't see it's just kind of out of mind out of sight and it won't render either that's the junk file here let's just grab our water here so the the thing that we turned into our water simulation so if you select it there um this thing in here not the actual water simulation we're going to take that thing we're going to press M and move it to the junk as well so all we have here are our nice little ice cubes our glass and our simulation here like that and now what we're going to do is we're going to save we're going to make sure we have our first active collection here I'm gonna go shift a let's add in a plane let's scale that plane up and let's go Ctrl a and apply to scale and you can add in a camera by going shift a adding a camera put camera however you want now I'm not going to show you how I just figure it out however you want to do it I'm going to place mine here I'm going to go over focal length of 120 under the camera settings and I'm going to have it look from above like this you can do whatever you want okay I'm going to go over to a render engine let's make it Cycles let's make a GPU compute and I'm going to go Ctrl B and just drag over my camera to limit it to the render like I said this is not really about the materials I'm going to go into the same detail I did with mine this is more just teaching you guys the simulation but what we can do you can go over to your world and properties here let's go to the color I'm going to add a hdri texture you don't have to I'm going to go open and I have some personal ones on my computer I'm just going to grab one of them um whichever one I think will work um but you guys can choose whatever you want then you can go to hdri Haven and then I'm going to go shift a I'm going to go add in an area light move it up and with this area light I'm going to go ahead give it a strength of 200. and increase the size I'm going to rotate it a bit you guys can add whatever lighting you want get a nice setup I'm just doing something really simple here so let's have a look at that that's looking good I'm going to select the ground here I'm just going to go give it a material let's make it kind of like a darker kind of color let's just bring up down to roughness to make it nice and reflective let's select a glass let's just go new and it's a printable so let's go down and take the transmission let's take that to one let's take the roughness all the way down to zero so it's kind of more glassy so you can see now we have glass and uh by default this um simulation here has been given a material so all we have to do is here come to the color and then make it something so I'm going to make it kind of like a whiskey kind of Brandy color you can do whatever you want I think that looks kind of cool and uh there we have it so the thing is with this glass material is looking kind of really weird so let's just go over to our shading and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this principled I'm going to go shift a search and get a mix Shader place it over here and let's just grab this Shader over here and just drag it and let's get a trans parent and let's see what kind of like the mix between those two look like okay that's looking a lot better so now we have kind of like this glass and let's just grab our cubes here and just selecting them all holding and shift select the glass and go control L and it's just link those materials for now so I kind of have the same material so now we have ice cubes and let's just let them fall okay that looks good let's go over to our render settings let's just enable our motion blur and what we're going to do now is just save and let's just give this a quick test render to see what it looks like and here we have it now because of the lighting angle and uh the kind of like the basic materials it's looking a little bit funny here but you'll find if you mess around with your camera angle and your lighting obviously you're going to get different results so kind of experiments you can see over here I've rotated it already looks a lot better add some textures whatever you want but I'm going to quickly show you guys my original and it's the exact same thing I just showed you the only difference is I added some textures and I just worked a little bit more on my materials I added some scratches but what you're looking at here is the exact same thing so I haven't ripped you guys off what you see here is what you get I have shown you the whole process of making this simulation which was the main idea here so I really hope you guys have enjoyed this tutorial and I'll see you next time I'm going to be uploading my original here as you can see to my patreon
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 320,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, how to model in blender, how to use blender, blender, blender tutorial for beginners, blender ice, blender ice cubes, ice cube simulation
Id: 3EskeIwg2hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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