Reporter describes moment judge told Trump to ‘sit down’

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President Trump lashing out after learning that opening arguments in his criminal hush money trial will, in fact, begin Monday morning. All 12 jurors and six alternates have been chosen by the attorneys. What's happening here with the judicial system is an outrage. And all over the world, they're watching it all over the world. They are saying this is a giant, which I'm a familiar refrain from the former president who is also claiming, baselessly, that the judge is speeding up the timeline for this trial to begin. CNN's Jeremy Herb has been covering this since day one in court again today. What did you notice most today, Jeremy, about his behavior, his demeanor? Yeah, Erica, you know, what's interesting is seeing there's sort of two Trumps when he's in trial. At times, he's sort of aloof, uninterested. He's leaning back in his chair. His eyes may be closing from time to time. Other times, he is very attentive and very into what is happening and what's going on, particularly when some of the jurors are being asked questions about him, their opinions about him. He is watching them, he's studying them. He's listening to their answers. He's also particularly interested when they're talking about some of the stuff that noise him with this case. And that happens, you know, that happens quite a bit. Not surprisingly, we had a hearing this afternoon where prosecutors are going through all of the other cases. They want to bring up the civil fraud verdict against him, the E. Jean Carroll, defamation verdicts that have gone against him. And when one of the prosecutors raised that verdict, Trump shook his head and it was glaring at the prosecutor. One other interesting thing, just seeing that this afternoon, the end of the day, Trump went to get up. He thought the hearing was done and we thought it was, too, as it was wrapping up. But as Trump stood up, the judge turned to him and quickly said, Sir, sit down, please sit down. It was just it was another reminder of, you know, Trump is not in control of his own movement there. And he listened to the judge as a whole. But this is certainly it's something that we will continue to watch going forward. Yet not a role that he's perhaps used to. Jeremy, stay with me. I also want to bring in with us Jane Rosenberg, who is one of the sketch artist for this trial. Jane, you were also in court today. You've been doing this since the eighties. You're doing a lot of Trump coverage these days. All the time. All Trump all the time. Jeremy was talking about the various moods that he saw. What do you notice? Because you really need to hone in on the details of all of these people there to bring us inside the courtroom. There are no cameras, so we're grateful that you're there. What really stood out to you? I was glad I heard his report because today I was seated behind his head and I didn't get a good look at his facial expressions. But yesterday and the day before, I was I was a front view and exactly the way he described him. He was today, he was very attentive. I noticed he was turn really looking at the jurors who were being interviewed, very interested. But I also have seen him on other days falling asleep and like he couldn't keep his eyes open. But today, he was really paying attention to the jurors. So your view, then, that give you more of a view of the jurors today? Today, I'm the yes. And so what was it what did you notice from the jurors? Because it was a fairly emotional day. There were a couple of different moments where it got fairly emotional. People raised concerns about their anxiety, about perhaps being outed as a juror. Yes. And they're anonymous. And and it's it's a little risky to be outed as a juror in the Trump trial and even as a courtroom artist. I get I get mouth emails from his base. You have to watch out. So I know the judge is probably being protected. People anybody involved will have have to watch it. So does that concern you? You mentioned you've gotten emails. Have you ever felt threatened? I well, they say nasty things to me. I haven't been threatened with my life, actually. But I once responded, and I won't do that ever again. I guess that's a lesson you learned. Yes, probably a lesson that you were that you learned pretty quickly. Jeremy, as we look at the things as we look at how things were playing out rather in court today, you're talking about the end of the day there where Donald Trump, of course, was was told to sit down and did listen. As you point out, as we are moving into Monday to there are a lot of questions about what that will look like. Donald Trump saying again that that he does plan to testify. What is the sense and what do you seeing from the attorneys as they are working with him throughout the time when they're questioning some of these potential jurors? He's leaning in? How engaged is he? He's certainly engaged. And, you know, he speaks a lot with his lawyer, Todd Blanton, as other lawyers. You know, he's he's certainly into these trials. And we watched him. I watch him also in the fall during the civil fraud trial. That was a lot of times a boring trial about accounting. But when witnesses like Michael Cohen came, he was incredibly engaged. And I think what we're going to see now going forward with opening statements, there's going to be a lot of Michael Cohen's including Michael Cohen himself. We're going to have Stormy Daniels testify and Hope Hicks testify. And I think Trump is certainly going to both be engaged with what's happening. But also he's going to have to help himself not to react. Remember back earlier in this week, the judge reprimanded Trump for turning toward a juror and muttering while the juror was speaking. And Trump is really going to have to watch himself as the judge has already put him on notice. And we're going to have a hearing, of course, on Tuesday about the violating of the gag order. So the former president, you know, he's certainly going to be engaged here, but he's he's also going to have to be careful with what he does when he is in that courtroom. Among the moments today was saying that there were a few emotional moments. One of those there was a woman who when she was handed the microphone during the voir dire process as they're going through the questionnaire, she said, and I'm quoting her here, I'm sorry, I thought I could do this. I wouldn't want someone who feels this way to judge my case either. The jurors have been very forthright, it seems, at least in reading the transcripts, as I've been doing in Jeremy's reporting. Can you walk us through what that was like? Well, I'm not allowed to draw their faces. I can't I can't get to the jurors. But she was very emotional. Tears and tissues. And it's too bad. I like you know, I wish I could have drawn her. Yeah, but do you notice a difference with this trial and other trials? Again, you've been doing this for decades. Is there anything different in that courtroom? I don't think I've ever seen people get so nervous or anxious about actually being a juror on the trial. And why do you think that is? I don't know. The ex-president is a big deal to people. Yeah, I think maybe a little bit of star struck. I don't know. It's a it's an important decision to make. And the country for Trump and his life. We'll see. Yeah. Jane, appreciate you joining us tonight. Thank you. Thank you, Jeremy. Thank you.
Channel: CNN
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Id: S2v9JeYwfjk
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Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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