Richard Simmons Dead at 76

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my life is a crusade you made a mistake but that's okay we can fix it to me I get up in the morning I say my prayers I do my workout I call a 100 overweight people a day get them motivated inspired I teach classes you know this is what God wanted me to do until he takes me to that little aerobic studio in the sky press it stay there Richard loved helping people and he adored the spotlight so it was surprising to us at ET when the fitness Guru became a total recluse for almost the last decade of his life Richard was in hiding there were even documentaries and headlines investigating his quote disappearance no I'm not kidnapped Richard's last interview was with ET sometimes we get lost in our sadness we spoke to him by phone in 2016 I really don't want to do anything right now I'm at peace and I just need some time Richard's last public appearance was at this fundraiser in January of 2013 so why hide from the public he once adored I had a knee injury so I had a knee replacement which was very difficult for me and now my other knee is hurting and I don't want to have another replacement so I've just really been taking it easy staying at home working out in my gym and doing the things that I haven't done in a very long time I'm the courtchester I'm the only one around around and make him smile and make him feel good and give him hope and it's you know I'm a clown but it's a very hard job I just want everyone to know that I love them very much but it's time right now for Richard Simmons to take care of Richard Simmons Richard grew up in New Orleans as a kid he sold candy to tourists after Hurricane Katrina he brought ET to his childhood home this is the house that I was born and raised in 9 26 St Louis Street it's in good shape it's in really good shape I was 200 lb in the 8th grade I was the fattest kid in school I was the fattest kid in the neighborhood and I was always told that I was going to grow up to be nothing but a big fat zero well you know everyone tries to find in life what they really want to do MH and this was it from the moment I lost 137 PB and came to Los Angeles and opened my studio up I felt that I needed to help other people know the truth about thist it up it down it up that's Richard with ET when he was just 33 years old we visited him at his Beverly Hill studio it was called slimmons and for Richard's fans it was like home Mr [Music] Richard the fitness Guru who was reportedly worth $20 million doar hosted several daytime shows he also launched the groundbreaking sweating to the oldie series well I've saved a spot just for you the high energy workout videos reportedly gross more than $200 million it's estimated Richard made a 160 million more from sales on his popular weight loss plan when I originally put deal me on TV it became the hottest two-minute info commercial on television I just say number one love yourself number two watch your portions and number three move every day and that's what I've preached all these years and it's the real true way of getting in shape as for his private life Richard kept it quiet and never married or even publicly dated when I was a waiter 26 years ago and I had seen this man go through quite a few marriages and I finally said why isn't this working for you he says Richard it's very hard to do all of this and then have a life a private life and I couldn't give anybody I couldn't give children I couldn't give anybody the love that they need because I have so many others to give it to one more thing Richard was like family to ET he helped judge our holiday potluck was a special correspondent for Dancing With the Stars and he was all about living every day to its fullest we don't get a choice on how we're going to die but we do get a choice on how we're going to live I love food I guess if I had to have that one little thing before I hit those Pearly Gates it would certainly be anything fried there are no scales at the Gates of Heaven but just as long as you feel good and healthy that's all the counts when I get back I'll say you little aerobic Mop at you you made people laugh and you made people cry but you also made people think about their health and that will bring me much peace [Music]
Channel: Entertainment Tonight
Views: 316,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richard Simmons, Obituaries
Id: gtUwd3pFu2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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