REPLAY: Make a String Quilt with Jenny & Misty

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[Music] you no audio hello hello everybody welcome to another Missouri star lab and look who we have today she's back we're so glad that Ginny is back with us a bit you had some exciting travels I did have some good travel busy travel we were in Australia - two weeks - back-to-back cruises it's a rough life but you know someone's got to teach quilting that's right and if we have to go to the ends of the earth to do it we will that's right but we're glad she's back in Hamilton so me too but now you guys get to enjoy her today on live so we always start with some shout outs so be sure to comment where you're watching from and we will we'll see what we've got doesn't miss you look particularly nice today thank you greatest mother-in-law oh yeah take you somewhere camera so he can shout out your questions there we go yeah he's gonna tell us whatever you want to know I'm ready I'm ready Sara says your top looks like tulip ink is it - no but it's fabulous and quite blendy with the cup I like stood in front here and almost like melded in I became one with my quilt yeah yeah thank you though all right so we have Colleen that would be really cool I should probably make a tulip ink top should don't you think that would be really cool she'll do it today and how she works this afternoon yeah okay so we have Sarah from Illinois Rosanna from Canada jo-ann from Scotland I was just saying how I'm gonna go to Scotland what time is it in Scotland yeah right now I don't know we should be there tell us Joanne tell us I'm in it we got somebody to fix the city so someone from Casey watching awesome local maybe they're downstairs maybe they're shopping here in town awesome Leonetti cool they're trying to track us down all right thereafter that's awesome well thank you guys so much for watching and we will dive right in we have kind of a fun stache Buster project because Earth Day is coming up this month so we're gonna do string quilts yeah so um I love any project that is like you know you use whatever you have right you don't need anything else for this you just use whatever you have and string quilts is one of my favorite things to do it's one it's like a meditative sewing honestly it's one of those where you just sew sew sew and then you get all done so I want to show you how to do that today and also it is a really good Earth Day project you know I love that that when you it's that what's the what's the old quote use it out no use it up hold on wait a minute use it in make it do or do without that's how they're use it up no well anyway I love that quote because because that's me I use it I'm until I'm done and then crazy will sing but you know what somebody's gonna come right in with that in any motion you just watch for that so we can say it because I actually read it last night and I thought this is perfect for my tutorial today and of course you know it's been like 12 hours so my brains not going to remember that all right so to make a string quilt you generally need a foundation paper and and honestly if any of you are my age you remember we used to do these on phone book pages and for those of you younger people who don't know what phone books are so we used to get these books that had all these like tissue paper sheets in them that had everyone's phone number in you know in your whole city on him and we would actually just kind of slice those out and we would foundation piece on those you can't get them anymore so once they started going away I started going to McDonald's and asking for extra hamburger papers it's a little different paper and it's a little thicker nice I said to the kids Monday I'm like it was so cool if we could make our own papers because it's pretty convenient so these are sold they're like $9.99 or something like that is that right 995 Center all right let's use it it's use it up wear that out make it do or do without you wear it out make a do or do out of it that is my quote so on that let me just tell you a little story about my boys so I never did the sock thing very well the pairing you know all the socks who does so I am so I actually bought all boys three boys and they were all well one is born in 82 84 85 so these these boys I have an older boy too but he had his own socks but these three younger boys so I would buy tube socks that went all the way to the knee and I I invented the no-show because everytime they come out of the toe I'd sew another scene and they just get shorter shorter shorter until you know I think and so I'm bad girl I'm and so again it's what is the first line at the quote use it up oh geez I don't know today you think it was Monday it's use it up wear make it do or do without and so this is that's exactly what this is so again you know I said the kids why why can't we do these papers so in the beginning we used to count them they're tissue paper this was a highly intensive stressful job and now we do them by caliper measurement my husband is a machinist so he has these little calipers and they squeeze it and they get so you get an approximate amount right around 250 yeah so 250 sheets that's pretty good that makes you know out a few claw as you go so let me show you how I do this because this is really cool so we're opening this up and we're gonna take one of these pieces of paper and you're just gonna need scraps and I like to put a middle white strip in my quilts mostly because when you have all this scrappy stuff it I like scrappy but I like controlled scrappy and whenever you have one thing that is the same kind of thing it like brings it all together so see this quilt behind me so every one of these blocks right here and this is just a top this has not been quilted because I have more blocks to add to this you know so many like like I'm so many gonna be the drive quilt you've ever seen yes so um so anyway this is not even quilted yet but but this one line even though there's all these different fabrics in it this one line connects it all and brings it together now that's personal preference you can do it if you want to you don't have to but here's how I do it I have a glue stick this is our lapel stick right here and I run a piece of glue side to side corner to corner just like I don't know but Turing didn't work too well either all right so I'm just gonna I'm gonna slicker that a little more and then I'm gonna put this on here now for me I tend to I'm just a scissor user you know I grew up before using scissors before there was a rotary cutter and I do love the rotary cutter and but a lot of times I just use a scissor and also on this end didn't stick so well so just put a couple on there till it sticks and that's what we lost on for a second but it's back you're back you're back sorry alright so this is this this creates the Center for your block so then you're going to have strips you can cut them any size you want so what we're gonna do now is I'm just going to grab one over here and and I'm just gonna lay these right sides together and I'm gonna sew this on here and Misty's just gonna keep feeding me strips so as soon as we sew it we're going to roll it back in iron it now I'm gonna actually sew one to each side because that for me it's faster to do two sewing's and one ironing so let's come over here and I don't cut these until I get them done so at the sewing machine and the other thing is when you sew on anything with the foundation paper you have to remember that at the end of the day all these papers have to be pulled off so if you shorten up your stitch a little bit just a little bit I'm gonna get on here there we go so I'm just gonna shorten it up just a hair because when the needle goes through it it perforates the paper and if they're a little closer together easier to tear it is easier to tear all right so now I'm just gonna fly down this side it doesn't matter if it's straight it just matters that it's on there alright I'm gonna cut that and we're just going to cut this off right here now I'm just going to lift this up and I'm going to sew one to the other side and Missy picked green again sorry what I think no it's good Mary what are these called on the 10 inch paper piecing squares oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry alright okay so we'll do that again so in case you missed it the papers are called ten inch paper piecing squares and you can find those on the Missouri star website and I am now going to come over here and I'm going to split these two apart like this and just press them open you probably let's move this so they can see thank you Scott you over here okay there we go all right now let's add some more strips some more colors and then once I have my two down in the middle what is it what is it um Misty's really good at ironing all right so where he just do the same thing we're just gonna add another strip on you can actually see how this is one of those things where you just grabbing a strip putting it on gram strip becomes it becomes rote sewing and you just can relax and a green hold on let's see if we can get a marry that's a good really blue sure sure sure sounds good we're gonna need two more and I'll let you I'll let you iron these all right now I'm just gonna wait let me just clip this off and clip this off you can see where there's no nobody's being exact or anything we have one more question of does it matter how wide the strip is no no no you can have teeny tiny ones have you ever seen this string quilts that are they're just made with those are amazing really amazing yeah you can do you can do any size you want also if you want kind of a wonky look if you saw that strip on there crooked guess what it's not going to matter you know and so it can be okay here's another alright now you'll see right here once I start getting I kind of try to follow the edge so that I don't have a lot of extra fabric over here because that piece of fabric could make another like that I'm going to come around here we'll add one of these on all right let me clip these off and then you can iron again so also you don't just have to use green or boutiques I actually know it is what we had but I save you know every time I do a quilt I had a little piece of fabric left and I've been saving boutiques for a long time because I love them and and I just thought it would be fun to do this kind of eclectic look to me boutiques even though they're they're vastly different they still have they still have a quality that makes them seem kind of you know the same you know alright so so once you get to a corner like this it's uh I just tend to find one that's kind of wide enough for that whole corner so I think I'll go with this one on here oh that's perfect so see this little odd these little odd kind of pieces they're gonna be perfect on these corners so I'm just going to sew this one on right here and this one over here perfect if somebody said to ten inches then no until the very end all right so now you she's gonna iron that and she's honestly just rolling those back press I'm open so then I'll show you this magic part right here all right so now you see the back where the paper is right here this is also into paper the paper becomes your pattern and so now you just lay your you lay your ruler right along this edge and you just cut right along the edge like this it's so gratifying you guys and then we're gonna put it over here and then one other side here and then one mark so easy yeah and then you get this perfect perfect perfect block isn't that great so let's actually tear the paper off this so they can see how that works okay I generally just peel a side up but see how easily this is coming off here because you know you I made my feelings I made my stitch length a little smaller and it just comes off so easy this is a great thing to have your grandchildren do they can sit and do this while they're watching television or your husband you know I actually find it easy the husband's are all going no no wait wait wait all right see how cool that is super fun all right so let's do another one and Mistie let's this time why don't you cut up some strips that are just like all over the place all different sizes so they can see so I think I think we have people joining still and they were wondering about the paper again okay what kind of paper is it one more time this is the ten inch paper piecing papers from Missouri Kolko you can get them from our website Missouri Qualcomm well I was explaining to them earlier too that in the olden days we used to use telephone book pages and but we don't get those too much anymore and when we do their heart is tiny like this you know so we get we get tum then the these tissue papers work great because we can't get telephone pages and I did try the hamburger one seemed to like at McDonald's where they wrap your hamburger I tried I would go there and ask for some extra papers periodically and hope they didn't notice or ask me what I wanted them for but I would get some periodic but they're a little thicker so they work they do work but it's a little harder to tear off but I said to the kids why can't we do these and and they're actually measured by caliper which is a measuring tool that machinists use and then my husband's a machinist so he's the one who started that but they they they squeeze them and so you get at least 250 in there give or take and so now Missy's gonna iron these strips there's all different sizes and we're just going to start putting them on again I'd like to go side to side on this so that I can sew twice and iron once and we're just going to do a quarter inch seam now if say you wanted a narrower strip if you did a bigger scene that's going to be a narrower strip so that's how easy it is to change the size so I put these right sides down on my Center white strip and again for those of you who are just joining us for those of you who are joining us I like to put a center strip down the center of mine that can be any color anything or you don't even need it if you don't like it I like it because to me it it pulls my quilt together it gives it a common unity you know and I have those when I have those white strips but you can do it however you want just a I just glue a strip down the center and then I start sewing from there glue stick is called the yeah our glue stick is called a lapel stick and lets you iron that pick on gave a shout-out for the yellow she said yellow yeah oh we have a yellow on there alright how about one of these she's got oh we got a pink here yep and and when I do this let me just explain when I do this I have a for those of you who remember TV dinner trays TV trays you can still get those at Walmart I don't know if they're called TV dinner trays they might just be called tray tables or something anyway you can still get those at Walmart what I do is I have one of those I make a little nest for myself I have one of those where it sits right next to me and I I I bought a wooden one at Walmart and I'm sorry at any any variety store about a little tray and I bought the an ironing board cover and then I just cut a square out of the middle of it and pulled it under and stapled it around this little tray so that's my ironing tray that sits right next to me when I when I do this sort of mean we're going mobile close up on the quill alright let me trim this off and and so I have my cutting right next to me I have my I have my ironing right next to me whew this a big fatty so one of the gals that Dolores her husband actually does these kind of string quilts and he does them with maybe 3/4 inch pieces and he doesn't Oh beautiful circularly so he puts an angled piece in the center of the paper and just sews around it that's also a thing you could do here this needs to be ironed and that would be so cool because then gives it this whole round effect you can also do crazy quilts on these paper you know which is basically the same thing only any size square your frumpy thing can be done what is the question somebody said that there is no center stripe on the quilt you might want to point it out for him this is the center stripe see um on which on the quilt yeah they weren't seeing the bitter stripe but it's Oh interesting all right now we have a tiny and I'm going to add a tiny to the other side okay I've got more over here too this one looks like Easter this is so press that okay perfect we love the questions you guys anything you want to know we're here for you oh well I was gonna do that when I stood up you just want to show how you glue down the center of a paper in here's still a little queasy the glue for that Center stripe foundation just run that straight down the center corner to corner of the paper and press this on so we know that this is going to stay in place and I don't have a bunch of movement and then we can other strips to it yes so normally this center strip you would base this down stitch it down or you'd run the risk of putting your strip on there and having that move the glue just holds it on there and so then when you go to some together they're actually fairly accurate which I like the line that runs through so but again that's preference you don't have any do you don't have to do it you can just sew one down this is no stress sewing this this thread this what is this called string quilters dream crazy I might this thread something all right let me put on somebody's wondering if you were gonna be at the quilt show in Paducah in April no no no our our sand will be there so Misty's dad and mom will be there but her in-laws will be home actually I don't know if we're even gonna be home I don't even know what I don't know what date that is so the deal with my schedule is that I actually just get a paper and I go where I'm told because I can't keep it all in my brain I mean that's not entirely true she gets to decide alone but I mean but she's reminded but once we decide so what happens with the big shows is that BJ who is Misty's dad he actually chooses I don't think that's big enough to cover they learn that color we can add it here let me see it okay watch this you guys now watch what I'm gonna do see this tiny one right here I want this strip to show but I'm close to the corner and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna lay it over here like this and so I'm just going to sew that down and then when we fold this over we'll still get that little one and I'm going to go ahead and put this one on here right now all right up here home a fourth and fifth is actually really cool so one of the things that's happened with my travel is that I was tending to travel out and back and out and back and out and back and people you know lots of people were calling and they wanted you know they wanted to have me come to them and we couldn't fit it all in so we decided to do a thing called Jenny on the road and and so we're actually it's we're calling it a trunk show plus because you were taking events to you so we are going to Lehi Utah on May 4th and 5th and we're doing a couple of big trunk shows and we have a pop-up shop and we've added a bunch of quilts and ideas to our trunk shows and I think even Ron mister Jenny is gonna show a few things he's not very excited about that but you know we'll get him up for like come on Ron anyway so we're doing some fun things with this Jenny on the road we're doing Lehigh we're also doing Waco Texas and Wisconsin later the year so you can go to our site there's an events button and if you look at that they'll tell you exactly when they are and where they are again I'm not sure where they are but I'll be there cuz somebody will give me a paper will make sure you know alright so right here we have one more question on the paper she's saying why the paper why are we using paper uh the only the only reason you use paper now you don't have to use the paper to be honest you don't have to use the paper you use the paper because it gives it a foundation so that when you're sewing you know because honestly when I crumb piece which is a whole different Facebook live but when I crumb piece it's tiny piece of fabric and I put those all together to make a big piece and you I don't use a paper for that and so you wouldn't need a paper this just makes everything line up better and I think at the time it was started you know a long time ago it was because people wanted their blocks to be more precise and so if you're doing anything where a center line is gonna line up it you you know you just want to make it fairly precise so you can make sure that when when you square you're gonna get that but you know good square at the end so see this one right here I want to point out that I just sewed this one over on the strip right here and then and so it looks like I have a tiny little strip in there you know two small strips even though this one was white I didn't bother cutting it off so let's go ahead and trim this and see what it looks like also the trimming this paper gives you a pattern you know we have these we have these papers for several blocks that I do the periwinkle block is one yeah and honestly you could do it without it you know and I tell you it's 13 and a quarter or whatever the diet the the the measurement is but honestly this paper is just for ease and and makes it just a little bit straighter yep so let me trim this off here and see all these little pieces like that that goes to my creme box ones not kidding she has all these things and I don't save them teeny tiny but but I do save some pieces that are a little bit small cuz when we do that creme quilting I have a tutorial that I showed some of the creme quilting in it but I actually think we should do a Facebook live on that as well Oh awesome see somebody's gonna hand me a paper Stephanie is already in she said she'll watch that perfect all right bad Stephanie so uh so again here's our block and it's just perfect and that's what I love I think that's probably what I love about the paper is that at the end of the day is just perfect so let's go ahead and take this off oh let me show you let me show you how I put these together since we've already torn the paper off does anybody still want if you want to see the paper leave a comment will do tearing of the paper again in the meantime let's look at this right here so when I put these together I like to make sure that my lines my life line up I don't care if these strips are all in different places which they're going to be and we don't worry about that we just put them together and you can make any pattern so you can make the giant oh like this I have some more down here donut right here oh that's good how many some that are sewn okay so it is awesome and asked does it have to be a washable glue yes or it'll be hard and lumpy mm-hmm so you can actually use Elmer's school glue cuz that washes out yeah you know that works and we have a lot of votes for tearing the paper okay okay so a lot of times I'll put my blocks together like this you know and I'll have a stack of them going cuz I like to see my quilt growing so up first also just two together then also four together and so then I keep them in blocks like this and then when I put them together like this block is going to go like right here in the quilt so that's how that's how that fits and and that's how I just put them together so I can show you let me sew this one real fast so you can see that it doesn't matter where the where the strips are where we put them together it doesn't matter they don't have to match up to anything because we're just sewing also remember on these edges when you when you cut something like this there is going to be a little bit of bias on here so just be careful with that you know you can use your spray starch you don't want to pull it you want to let the sewing machine do its job and just let it go through so I'm just gonna match these up top and bottom like this and then just light it through just like that easy-peasy yep and see that right there and it just comes out you know they're all different places and all over the place but it's just gonna it just makes it a quick and easy project you don't have to measure all right let's tear the paper you'd like it all the hearts take seven the mighty cards for the paper tearing we want to break the heart all right tear in the paper we are all right so Missy do you want to try this so you can see how easy it is it's so so Missy has three little grandchildren and they're all the right age where I can lay my children I don't know and I have three low grandchildren that are misty yeah anyway they're all the right age where I can actually talk them into doing this kind of thing you know and probably I couldn't puck Isaac who is my other grandson who's sitting over here he does a lot of our editing for us he might tear one or two but I don't think I could keep him busy all day itseif like shaking his abs he's like oh maybe not grandma and they also talked about the one right with the glue what do you mean the one with the glue this one right here harder is it easier so if you tear it off right away it's gonna be still stuck a little bit if you wait like a half an hour you know just so a bunch of setting aside and madness mom 30 months if we wait if you wait if it fits in your closet in a baggie for a year so for a year it'll be fine it'll be great it actually just gets easier to tear off it's just like no big deal to tear it off at all so anyway uh what else do you want to know yeah any other question how about other questions even not related to this yeah oh we also we brought this baby cool version oh yeah yeah yeah can we bring that can we zoom in over here go see it yeah so this was a little one that I did that hung in the shop years ago when we we weren't open very long and and I did it this tiny see you can hardly see this tiny gray strip down the center so it's I think this was maybe uh it's got to be a one-inch piece so maybe if you can just come in because the it doesn't stand out because it blends but I did marry with this really right here so this little this was a one-inch piece and we put it in the in the center of all these blocks right here and then we did a little inch sashing one and a half inch sashing right here and separate them up but all the blocks are running the same direction oh sure yeah there's all kinds of settings always to set it and it just looks I mean it just looks it's just fun and easy quilting I don't agree so if you have fabric that you love that you're not sure what to do with or scraps of things this is also great for memory quilts like you know if you have shirts you want to cut up all the different plaids can you imagine how cool that look with awesome now I want to see one I know you may want it looks so cool with all the different like men's plaid shirts I do spend a lot of time in the thrift store she's the best like if you ever need a costume we just call her and she is like in heaven she's like oh I am on it actually hits every Chris why don't you want a suede vest I got I love that my friends in the hunt you know I'm kind of a scavenger alright so what are the questions do we have any more because I'm feeling mic work know what I mean like it went fast I'm feeling like we're we're at a good time but still somebody somebody's asking how many jelly rolls it would take to make 120 by 120 a king-size quilt okay so here's the general rule on jelly rolls one makes a twin two makes a queen three is going to make way more than a king but if you want them all from the same line you'll have to buy three or put your own in I actually do I've never made I've never measured because I always use scraps but I know that from the jelly roll so a jelly roll is almost three yards of fabric about two and three quarters but you're gonna lose a half an inch every time you take a seam so don't you know you have to kind of put that into your if I wonder in the paper size paper size is ten by ten everything I did oh so here's the other cool thing so if we took a solid ten inch square and put this on this think about the way think about the way I do half square triangles where I put a solid square right on the top and we sewed all the way around it and then cut this diagonally both directions you're gonna get I mean it's going to be a whole different then you have the you go have your triangles then you have half square triangles with you know with your stuff the other thing is here actually I'm gonna I'm gonna cut a few of these so I'm gonna we're gonna experiment we're just gonna experiment for one more little bit to see how Jenny's brain works all the time my brain is I'm not gonna wait a minute what if we do I'm not sure I think I think everybody's getting tired of this oh yeah if you want to pick that one up send some hearts if you do yeah or just let us know all right so basically this is my ruler it's 5 by 15 it's set I made it so that it would work perfect on the pre cuts and you can you so this is a tenant square so we're gonna line it right up along the edge and I did this a bunch because I decided on one of my quilts I didn't want big squares I wasn't little squares and so I want to see what happened so then I'm gonna cut this in half and then in half again so again I just lay my ruler on the sides and I'm going to cut it in half and in half well then you get this right here so what's cool about that is that these can these are standalone these are standalone in their own little quilt like this you know you have your own little X's and O's if you want or this way you know so they're different you you have your own little squares you can do these ones over here they've lost their center strip and so then it's a whole nother world out here so then you can run them the same way you can run them opposites you can put them together you know if we cuz of those lines you still get when you're still gonna look absolutely you still get the look and it it just makes it really really cool so don't be afraid to change the size of yours if you do one of these if you want to make them half square triangle so you can you can everybody's turning on me now that's your kid for you right there that's your kids for ya all right so if we the reason I did we did our papers 10 inches was so that they could match up with the pre-cut exactly so if you like say you did one of these then you could put a solid and another one in a solid I mean you can do anything with them which includes like if you're going to so this right here and you're going to sew all the way around it and cut it diagonally both directions let's just do that let's see what it does all right well I know what it does so I'm just I'm just sewing a quarter of an inch all the way around my square and you know what triangular triangles around the world would look so cool with this one Mar let me move over one market closer quarter inch somebody said to try the disappearing nine-patch oh my gosh that would be so cool you know what would happen you know what if you never wash it you can if you wash it they don't dissolve they don't dissolve but I don't think they'd really cause a problem either they might get mushy but then you'd dry them in the dryer so you might have some real good like lung crispy parts it'd be really all right so now we took one of these squares sewed it all the way around the outside with a solid plan at the point of this Conrad they they fit they figured this out they said it's lunchtime and I'm hungry that's my son Jake by the way the cameraman all right here we go I'm gonna cut this this way and I'm gonna cut this this way now I can see right now that cutting this this way is going to cut right in the middle of my white strip which means oops don't slide which means that that strip is now just going to become one of the strips all right so here's what we got so we've got let's let's open these up let me to press them so every strip now has a white strip on the edge I don't know what that's gonna do missed yeah if you had that it sounds that could be really cool Jake you'd be watching this Jake's really good with with he'll look at something I'm doing he'll be like mom have you thought of this you know so all right so now we have if we want to put this together as a pinwheel let's see wait wait here we go what's you know what's your I'm um what's the rhyme yeah I have a little mantra that I always say light dark light dark light dark light dark all seems to the center that's my little mantra yeah but isn't that interesting no fun I mean then now you have a pinwheel that just push you know it has all kinds of movement to it yeah you know again you can put them together toss them it's almost like it's framed in yeah you can put them together again this way you can put it together so that it's your whites are out and then Oh flying geese would be awesome and look you have that little white strip in the center like that yeah open then it's going to go this way yeah how cool is that so all kinds of things you can do with this strips because once you get a 10 inch square well then it becomes like a pre-cut so then you can actually scroll down through our app and look all the pre-cut all the 10-inch square pre-cut quilts and anything we did with this you can do because now it's a 10 inch block exactly so so we hope you enjoyed that this has been a lot of fun today so fun thank you guys so much for joining us as always if you missed the beginning or you have any questions please go back when we wrap up you can catch the whole thing again it'll be posted on YouTube and Facebook and perfect thank you for being here thank everybody yeah thanks thanks for turning man really good comment thanks to our camera people yep thanks to Mary who's over there waiting for us and we will see you next week Tuesday at 11 a.m. Central we'll see you later have fun strip pool think
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 633,782
Rating: 4.8887982 out of 5
Keywords: missouri star quilt co, missouri star, quilting with jenny, string quilt, live with jenny, missouri star quilt co live, live video, live stream, quilting live, sewing live, quilting, sewing
Id: 4oPvjNpGMbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 19sec (2419 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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