REPLAY: Crumb Quilting with Jenny

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] so dreams are made don't tell my husband okay I make a massage me hi everybody welcome to Missouri star live I am misty dawn and I'm here with the fabulous Jenny Doan her mother-in-law as she would say my mother what I say that I'm your mother-in-law that's what I would say I was gonna say nothing else thank you all right anyway get all this hair welcome you guys thank you so much for being here with us we are excited this week we're gonna talk about chrome quilting which is stuff we've like mentioned it lots and we've got lots of requests to dive deeper into it and alive so Jenny agreed to come and show us the way show me show you my crumbs shame I crawled across I actually cleaned up my crumbs and what what would it be Mary never reminded me to go live on Facebook okay just joined in there we go I'm misty no this is Jimmy don't and we are going to talk a little bit about crumb quilting which is a great way to use up your scraps so thanks for being here with us yes and it we accumulate a lot of scraps yes I mean they are it's we got an Indonesia you got what someone from Indonesia yeah we got a ton of people here let me let me give you some cutouts since neither one you guys have the oh okay yeah the Facebook Indiana Ohio like Indonesia only on the Ohio oh hi that's has an eye in it Porto Rico great goal I love it Switzerland holy smokes guys that's awesome so many international it North Carolina that's in my brother's neck of the woods Wow Wow Lambie thanks for being here guys so we are gonna talk all about chrome quilting and if you have not accumulated as many scraps as we have today only for our daily deal is a scrap bag and so there's a link to that in the post if you the day they deal I thought it was fatty our tidge it's scrap bag oh so you'll get more yardage than scrap yeah yeah four pounds of fabric pretty great yeah it's it's like almost seven yards for like twenty nine bucks that's awesome yeah it's a pretty good deal good deal if you want to build up that stash of yours however you probably aren't gonna want to use that for crumbs maybe not well here's here's why because crumbs really are crumb they're your tiny pieces so thank you guys if you guys can zoom in here and look at this what looks like a beautiful piece of fabric is actually tiny little pieces together can you see that are you getting the up-close-and-personal so um I actually started kraut crumb sewing when Victoria Finley wolf came out to visit me years and years ago and she said to me have you ever seen my book 15 minutes of play and you know I'm like well what is that about and basically it's kind of how she rejuvenates her creative juices and she says at the beginning of every day before she says anything else she just says random things and and just says without with abandon you know I mean without purpose so yes so much of what we do is structured and we have to cut this and this has to be cut on this line and we have to sew a quarter of an inch we have to do all this and none of that matters with crumb sewing and so I started actually doing that and to be honest on the days I remember it is probably one of the most relaxing things I do because nothing matters and literally it doesn't matter what you put together it doesn't matter what size it is and because by the time it gets big enough you're gonna cut it into a square and so I brought um some scraps a tiny sampling of my crumbs yes like I dug through my giant boxes of crumbs to get this awesome little sampling of crumbs to be honest it feels so much more usable like this you know I mean there comes a point where you know you you just can't do it but see I've got these these blocks that I've done and this one needs a little pressing right here but what's fun about I make them into 10 inch square sizes and I this ruler right here and the reason I do that is because I do so much with pre-cuts I can it's it's the same exact size as a 10 inch square now it becomes like a piece of print fabric that's exactly what it does and so that's how we used it here on this you know we made the long instead of half square triangles we made half rectangle triangles and we made these long blocks with it and these are all just tiny tiny pieces of fabric that we've sewn together and so so I just want to show you some of these because yeah so any little piece of scrap you have you know you can use it on these and I have some and then I'm kind of what I do is like I'll have a morning where I'll I'll start sewing and I'll start a whole bunch of opted blocks because it's way easy to do this by chain piecing and I keep those little starters these are like this like bread starters right here these are the beginning and if you leave them alone your crap your scraps it's just how it is it's just that if we have we have a guy one of our films who works and he has a sourdough starter you know and it just grows and grows and if he doesn't make enough bread I'm telling you you know I know I know there's never complain we never come no we heard so basically yeah Oh Jake just chimes in he likes the bread he likes the red that's true yeah all right so basically what I do is I find a little bit longer piece and and then I sew all these little pieces to it the other thing is is if you don't have scraps ready then you can you can prepare them so like here I have a bigger piece and I would cut this down into small strips squares and and I'll show you several different methods of doing that because I'm just gonna kind of let you have and here's like here's a block I'm not going to use so I can cut this into pieces and it looks like I've pieced all those tiny little pieces somebody wants to know about that ruler oh the ruler it's a great little ruler it's just ten inches square it's marked so that you can see that you have all four corners and basically you'll see when I get one of these big enough you'll see because we just lay it on top of it and trim around it then all the pieces we trim off go back into my scrap bucket and there are even tinier pieces just so on use the next yeah so uh so let's go ahead and let's start some some sewing on this and nope you're gonna grab grab pieces out of there okay yeah we want we want all the pieces but another question is is it easier to use foundation or no so we actually have ten inch squares that you can foundation piece on and I wouldn't say it's easier I would say it six is you know if you want to use foundation pieces and make sure and actually know when you get to six inches I mean when you get to ten inches I mean that would be a great way to do it and you just you just lay it on and so and you just lay it on and so and lay it on and so and you you know you're just gonna do that over and over again I kind of I don't generally do that just because I'm whoops that's because I'm uh you have to actually wait which what you're doing a little bit so I don't generally do that just because I know I can't even remember what I was gonna say what were you talking about foundation piecing yeah okay just because I just start sewing you know so I don't generally do it on a square you know unless I'm really gonna make something like if I'm doing string quilts yes always honest we're always on a piece of paper but for the creme piecing I'm gonna be way easy to do but but it doesn't matter alright the smallest piece you'll keep an inch inch by inch yeah inch by inch and row by row gonna make these Scrappy's grow alright so basically what I'm doing you're just gonna kind of want to keep a watch on this I'm basically just going to keep sewing pieces on here and now I've got a strip and ordinarily what I would do is I would add little pieces to fill in all this so these little pieces right here I would put another one on here you know or I'd find one that didn't hang off the end I'm I'm in just a little funny about that hanging off the end thing so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to sew these two pieces this way on here like this so you take up all the whole strip and does it matter if it's straight no does it matter about your seam allowance no we're just making scraps we're making fabric out of scraps so it's bigger I'm gonna let you go ahead and cut those open and press them and I'm just gonna start another one here and keep going I'm gonna ask if you sorted them in color if what now you sort by color you know that might be really smart but I don't I just it's just kind of whatever yeah I guess whatever I have what you're working on but if you if you already sort all of your scraps by color or something like that it would be really fun to do kind of all the things so I actually am working on right now a string quilt that is all greens and blues and so those I keep kind of in in one place and you'll notice I didn't even use a ruler on that because I'm gonna let misty iron that and I'm going to just keep adding oh see here's one I've sewn together and sometimes what I want to do and let me show you sometimes I'm going to sew it on this way and sometimes I'm going to sew it on this way now this way looks like it'll fit real nice so I'm gonna go ahead and use that side perfect see if you can find any other pieces in there like like solo pieces ya know like like a piece that has pieces sewn to like yeah like that once well here let me yeah sure sure okay go ahead she's a wild girl over there with the iron alright thank you very much and I'm just gonna so this actually I'm gonna put this one down and sew it to this side because that's where the little pieces are and you can iron you you don't have to iron you can iron when you're done you know whatever whatever floats your boat this is a this is just a really fun way so you'll see right here what I'm doing is I'm adding on these little pieces that she found I'm adding them on to this bigger strip and if I want to make a skinny or strip I don't even have to cut it i just--can so further in and it's gonna be really skinny yeah yeah absolutely alright so now I'm going to have I'm gonna have three pieces on here and you're gonna cut those apart here's these and that's why I'm that's why I'm always working on a couple of blocks at a time like here's one here and so I can actually I'm actually gonna sew this onto this edge yes do you have a question yes I have a question somebody asked if all the little bits have to be a square or a rectangle I have some I have some I have some triangles here to be honest I don't love the triangles because they don't line up very right now yeah if you so if you sew several of those together like for instance sometimes on these little ones you know you could go through obviously I've cut these off together and you could go through and so that seam and press them open and then you have a square which is easier to sew squares to the strips and it is triangles just makes them work better this one right here needs a little trim over here I'll do that and let me see what we got here all right so I got I've got these pieces here I'm going to sew those together and actually you know what I'm gonna put in let me put a few pieces on this end well I'm gonna have to sew some together to get it here shows what you're doing on that aren't hiding that so so this piece right here and I rarely do this so it's almost ten inches so this piece I want to sew alongside of it like this but I feel like I need to add something along this edge right here so do we have like maybe there's a strip in here that's a little bit wider is maybe one of these so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna add this actually let me do this color I'm going to add this to this the bottom of this right here and see how this is slanted I'm actually gonna sew along the slant so then I get a little piece in there that has a little bit of a of a slant to it and I'm okay with that first up I gotta ask you guys what do you guys think of the cutting mat the new cutting mat oh yeah it's beautiful we do have a new cutting mat this is actually a cutting mat my Riley Blake and it's Christopher Thompson it's his signature mat and it is pretty isn't it I think it's really pretty I think it's pretty and I like the fabric pops off the black I do too all right so I'm gonna put this right here and then you're going to trim that corner off down there and so we're gonna come over here I think this is so fun because it just opens your eyes to a little waste that really happens to be right that's exactly right and honestly one of my favorite things when you see really old quilts here go ahead and press a red piece all the time to have enough yeah so so you'll see a really old quilt and it'll have like a little red piece I like a little hexagon and when you look closely at it all of a sudden you notice that there's like two seams and they so tiny pieces of fabric together to make that piece and I love that about pieces I just love that so let's see if we're big enough okay if we come up here nope we need to add another strip over here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut off this corner like this with my and I have a fabulous new blade in here that's like like a little little amazing now see how how wide these are I'm kind of gonna cut those in half so yeah I'm gonna have to add a bigger strip but I like the smaller pieces I like the look of that another strip I have a like a little Oh a skinny that's probably bad oh that's a good one there we go alright somebody wants to know what the iron you're using is this is an ELISA auto lift Pro it's pink the only iron with feet it's pink and it's fun because it's a Misti is it last week for the fresh cat serrated supporting breast cancer and we left that it's pink all right so I'm gonna let you trim it up again and iron it okay and actually we can just trim it like this yeah because we're gonna trim around it so iron that copper says she's trying to come the second week of November Oh oh my gosh well anybody out there who wants to come next week yes this is gonna be a huge thing next week so we're having a big Fall Festival and there are four or five fabric companies four or five that are coming and every day it's donated area some sponsors sponsored by a fabric company and so Mota has a day and Henry glass has a day and over half a day Riley Blake has a day Island boutiques and anonymity and they're all bringing in a designer to do a trunk show more than one design on that day at least one and yeah like actually I think most of them have a couple and then I'm actually doing four new trunk shows I know right yeah I'm excited I want to see them too I have I'm ready to go all right and there's still tickets available that's next week here in town yeah that's next week yeah so we can do like a little like rundown of what we've done so far all right all right so we've took it leave token taken take and thank you we took taken lots of little pieces and sewn them together and normally to be honest mine never come out this square rarely I've like a long piece over here and a piece here and and so this came out nice and so now I'm just gonna lay my my ruler on here so because it's clear I can see exactly what's on here and I want these smaller pieces more than this big piece and so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to actually pull this over because if this is at least an inch you can use it I can still use that and so I'm gonna pull this over like this and trim all the way around it you get a perfectly square block when you do that so this side and then we're gonna come across here Billy said they're excited to see us in Waco yes oh my gosh yeah yeah if any of you ever get a chance to come see Jenny on the road that's a different trunk show as well and so much fun that show it's just hilarious all right so here's our block and just like that you get a piece of fabric that you made from nothing yeah and now you can use this for anything you would use a 10 inch square sure so I've actually seen loads of these if you go online and look at creme quilting you'll see I mean people really just put them together a lot of people do them in smaller blocks you know sizes but I love the idea that if I put this with a 10 inch square and sew it all the way around it and cut it I would have half square triangles or I could do pinwheels or I could do and they'd be this oh this random little piece yeah random fabric yeah it would also be fun honestly you know you see these these quilts online but have time I mean they're just the whole quilt it's just teeny teeny teeny pieces and so if you started putting these together you know like this I just you know get a look at what this is gonna be because this would be super fun to see all these different you know no rhyme nor reason but it would just look like some of those really scrappy quilts that we see in our in our past you know it's interesting you actually have quite a few black-and-white prints and so somehow it pulls it all together look at that but look how fun this would be just to have a whole quilt of pure scrappiness love it wait one more I got it I got to finish out my squares wouldn't it be really awesome and then the flip side of that of course is you could sash them right you know you could you could cut them into you could make starts out I mean you could make anything out of this because this now just becomes fabric right I love it yeah so fun it's so fun I love it too and like I said I just think it's so great that it it takes your your waste bin or your scrap bin and it opens your eyes it doesn't have to be waste anymore so one of the things I want to tell you though somebody said a black sash it would be a really it would just also know where to buy that iron Oh from our website Missouri knows suppl a because what I come in I actually set a timer for fifteen minutes and then I'm like pause buzz I can't stop at 15 I was gonna 60 minutes isn't enough time I thought you were saying you got bored too soon oh no no because you're it's just it feels the relaxing part feels so good it doesn't need at least 30 well sometimes I go til somebody says I have to do something else right you know I mean it's just it really is super relaxing and at the end of the day this this just really appeals to my thrifty nature you know I mean the fact that I mean I could have something amazing with but this yeah it just appeals so much to my thrifty nature and this is a great question I love yes do we have to be worried about which way the seams are ironed yeah that's a lot of scenes let me tell you my ironing Theory this is my ironing Theory according to Jenny dome what we're looking for when we iron is a flat block it's a nice flat block now there are some crazy ironing people out there but let me just tell you what we're looking for is a flat block so press it steam it whatever you want to do get a nice flat block if you have something that's like popping up right look at it see if you need to do anything and maybe you can press it one where the other are open and it's going to be four but it's gonna be flat but because what we're looking for is a flat block that being said I want you all to remember this now this is important if anyone ever looks inside your quilt to see which way you ironed they are not your friend they're not just the man nobody looks inside the quilt nobody does yeah so so no stress about the irony I hope that solves all your problem for you and that goes with all ironing this is not just crumb piecing anything nobody has ever opened up my quilt to look inside to see which way I ironed yeah thank heaven no you know so I don't die over the ironing thing that is just not it's just that's just one of those things I choose to be like we're gonna let that go no we are all about finished is better than perfect right right and and to be honest if I had a thing on here where you know it was really bobbing obviously you know I would flip it over and I would go now like this right here see where this is one seam is on one side one scene the other right here I don't know if you can see that if that was bubbling up or it bothers hold up hold up and I missed it I missed it oh so right here so see how this is like half and half or I want all the seam to if you know if now it wasn't bumping up but if it was bumping up here's what I do I would just click this little piece right here and I would lay that down yeah and just like that you have a flat top again because what we're looking for is a flat top you know so so like on this side right here just you know just press it down and and but I'm looking mostly from this side I want to make sure this so go ahead and press this over okay because that thing that I kind of came up with yeah just finished it's better than perfect yeah like mom finished a quilt I'm freezing don't worry about the scenes just finish it up there we go there you go easy peasy so mark questions or do we just want to make another block I have no idea what do you think Jake is anybody coming next week if you're coming next week's send us a heart I want to see if anybody's coming I mean I know we've sold some tickets and stuff but any of you guys yeah we would love to see you in town oh look at this little black and white oh that's cute I actually made that from a Christmas quilt for my granddaughter Katie she plays the piano so I made her a pew sick quilt I have no idea how I did I really knew that's amazing but I remember I made with these are cuz these are these are small strips and I remembered I made a little just a little bitty checkerboard on the bottom of it and when easiest way to make a checkerboard is to is to is to put your pieces together so strips together and then cut them this way so we do have a different quilt and find us today oh yes I miss both because it featured some of the chrome quilting in it this is the Trailblazer pattern what happened just out of bobbin oh darn it grab an another's the trailblaze pattern it's available on our website and also wait I have a pattern right here here's a pattern is here's the pattern for that and then this is using those same blocks that she teaches in that trailblaze tutorial we made a cute little throw pillow as well out of the chrome quilts they want to know if we sell the 10 inch we do the 10 also in the most recent mod block the 10 inch um oh dear I'm gonna have to try another bobbin I can't tell where the thread begins do you guys ever have that trouble so I never let me just tell you a minute about pre round bobbins because I never ever I was too cheap to you as a pre mountain can you see where the thread starts on that maybe I'm just blind but I I was always too cheap to use a pre wound bobbin and then I realized that my eye was just blind wasn't I so anyway I was always too cheap to use a pre wham bobbin and then I realized that I'm buying this thread anyway so I decided to give it a try somebody sent me one and I'm like our baby lock sent me one actually and I was like alright I'm gonna try these pre round bobbins now when I come in in the morning I actually I actually whined about 6 or 8 bobbins and then about 2 o'clock or three o'clock in the afternoon I wind some more when I sew with a pre round bobbin and I'm not kidding you I can sew a day and a half without changing that bobbin because it's so tight it's wound tighter and the thread is finer they used they use just a little bit finer thread and so I was just like it saves me so much time using and I'm buying this thread anyway so I decided to do not die over for you on bobbin and now I'm like addicted I love them RB wants to know when Ezra is doing his new his next show its next see tell him how to get to that tutorial because that is it is that can we put a link we might be able to add a link Mary can add a link to sew miss NJ put it in the mr. Jacobs um three children my grandchildren of course and and when and of course they do all the filming and editing so the kids are around those tutorials a lot and when Ezra was four he said hey dad I want to do a tutorial and he was home from school that day he didn't have preschool or something and and so he's just up here and and so he stood up here and I was actually traveling and so as that Ezra made this little tutorial and Jake sent it to me and I'm like oh my gosh this is the cutest thing I've ever seen dope all the ladies must see this you know put this out there so he actually stands up here and he's like hi my name is sy we take a look at this quilt behind me you know I mean he said it just like I did because he watched so many of them and he just was oh my gosh it's so darling and he's only four now he's he's almost good question about pre long bob and so they're just asking like you have to every machine has a different bobbin size right so you do have to buy the one that fits your machine yeah right that's true and are there certain brands that you like stuff like that so we I think we use phil tech is what we use and and yeah phil tech yeah and most of them are the same there's kind of an there's what they call an ell class and AC class wait team oh and fifteen oh yeah class fifteen now whoever came up with that numbering like that has lost their mind but there's a fat one in a skinny one yes and the fat one we use in our ever sewn and then and this the only machine that I know of that uses the skinny one is my baby love Jane yeah and it's a it's a commercial machine and it uses a flatter bobbin so most of them are probably gonna fit the fat ones but um man they just save me so much time I love them love love love them all right well I think wait are we done already we're done we've about covered all of this goodness it's just gonna keep sewing well you can relax a cop you I hope you guys enjoyed this little video about crumb quilting and that you will look at your scrap bags with a whole new set of eyes and make something of me no kidding yeah happy fun to see so thanks for being here Jennie and we will see you guys next Tuesday awesome see you later see you guys
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 460,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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