Quilt as you go

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okay hi friends Pam Shepherd with Pamela Shepherd productions here and I'm going to be doing the I don't even know she calls it square a week or quilts by the week but anyhow Ruby Lockwood is doing well did you go along and she's gonna do I think two bucks a week or something like that well she already started she did her first two blocks and I didn't join in and then hi as I was watching her I thought oh man I wish I would have joined in and been a part of that so I went ahead and she said what she did was she got some of the jelly rolls like you get from Joanne's or online or Amazon anywhere and she cut them down to two inches they come they come two and a half inches but she cut them all down to two inches so I did the same I laid him out and I cut him two inches so I have all of these from some of the leftover jelly rolls that I had and then I had another fabric and I thought was so pretty and it was this so I cut these in two inch strips and then I had another fabric that actually went kind of good with it that I thought and so I cut these and two inch strips so you know with the combination well let me see if I can widen you out let me see nope that's going in okay so you know it's just gonna be this different kind of color scheme you can see kind of all those and so that's I have several of these different things so I'm gonna do them in this color scheme and I have out everything pretty much cut in two inches all of these now if I use those white ones or light colored ones over there those are all still in two and a half do they come two and a half yeah I think they come two and a half inches for the for the jelly rolls okay well then what you do is you take a piece of batting I have this piece of cotton batting and honestly I think I got this at Walmart I did order some from jo-ann's because they had all of their batting and stuff 60% off so okay so she says to you know go from corner to corner and then when you get to this corner over here you know she said to cut it you know leave plenty of there don't cut it too short and then just cut it off square like that you do the same thing you go beside it here and you make sure that it goes all the way you know to the top there and you make it go sure it goes all the way to the bottom of there and then you just cut it off straight and you just have a fabric side up like this and then I think the next one I'll do is that maybe I should do you want these next this door it'll go all the way to there so I'm going to cut it straight across so we'll take this one and we'll put it right here and take it clear up to where we completely cover that right here and cut it across there so maybe we'll do this one that had the blue in it yeah let's do that okay so we'll put this one here and that would be completely covered and this one would be completely covered okay then I need a little bit on the edge over there and a little bit on this one and okay so I'm gonna move this fabric all completely off my desk and what I'm gonna do is as you take all your pattern and you move it off to the side so I'm gonna just set this one here and this one and this one leave the middle one on there then take this one this one and this one set those zones to the side now she said what you do with this one is you want to find exact middle so she said to take and fold it in half and she's not using the iron on all this to begin with so she took this and she took you can take it she said either your fingernail or bone folder [Music] like that okay so after you have after you have this I folded this side and made the big crease in it and put it down the middle and the same thing here so now I'm going to make sure that my crease is exactly on the middle and then I need to pin it so that it doesn't move and I'm going to do the exact same thing on this one make sure it's right exactly down the middle make sure it's straight you don't want to evidently this batting does somewhat stretch so you don't want to just tug and pull on that okay so we've got this going now what we're going to do next is we're going to take the fabric that I have for the very next one and we're going to put it here in here and we don't have the backing on this this is quilt as you go but you just you don't have the backing you'd only just have the batting you know just the innards and this and you want to make sure that it goes clear let me let me put you in so you can see what I'm talking about you want to make sure that it goes clear clear past this white and the same thing over here barely go past the white and you and you're gonna take only just 1/4 of an inch of you're only gonna take 1/4 of an inch of a seam all the way down got to keep it nice and straight because it'll matter you know as you as you go because we're going to quilt as we go so I've been doing were in the middle just to make sure we have it right in the middle and then she said I believe what she said was when she swing these pieces on like this that the tension with number two stitches and then when she actually does the quilting part she changes it to 3 so I'm gonna go over to the sewing machine but across here I'm gonna sew it right on top of this but I'm only gonna make sure I'd only just do it a fourth of a seam then I'll be back and show you what she said to do next okay so I sewed 1/4 of an inch all the way down it was on this side yet was so sewed 1/4 of an inch all the way down I'll zoom it in so you can see hey and you can see they did 1/4 of an inch all the way down then what she said to do was open it up and she's not planning to iron it in between each one because of her batting so she said to use your fingernail or whatever and to do it you know like a that kind of a scene with your fingernail and that actually just were a pretty good so it's sewed to the back as you can see and so you have your first seen going down like that so you then you take your next piece because you have got to get it past each side when you fold it over gotta make sure and have it long enough so then you'll take and put it right here and I'm going to go down across here and a pin pin it right here and go ahead and pin the middle as well you know pin edge okay and I'm gonna go sew this seam and I'll be right back ok alrighty so I've sewn this piece a fourth of an inch all the way down and I'm gonna fold it over and we're gonna use the bone folder and we're gonna make it nice and flat there we go okay then we'll go get the next one get busy all right pin this here let me go back to this on machine I'll be right back okay so I'm back I did my fourth of an inch of seam there then I'm going to use my bone folder I'm going to pin this one and be right back with my quarter inch seam and see how we're doing okay so I'm back and I know so in each one of these pieces to the 8 inch batting square that I have all the batting squares are 8 inches square and then for this one I'm going to go ahead and cut the X the excess fabric and some of these strings put them off to the side like this and I'm going to you can use oops whatever straight edge you have but I have this and that's what I'm going to use and so I'm going to put it up here to the edge and gonna take my Fiskars rotary cutter oops I went right into my place I wasn't supposed to go oh well that's soft for doing hot glue whoopsy okay and we'll do it right here and turn it get it right here and the last side right here which they can I moved it okay so then this is what I have I'm ready this is my eight inch square and then what I'm going to do is use some of this that I have used on all of the squares before I don't do it on the first one or the second one but between these two and when I'm doing it I'm trying to keep it consistent so I always put this little edge with holes and stuff towards the inside that's just how I've done it on this whole entire quilt so far so that's why I'm doing that okay actually when I'm doing it right now it's not going to show on the back side of the quilt because this is just going to show on the batting and then when I put the back on you'll be able to see what I mean so cut this off okay then we'll do the same thing over here not the first one not the second one but between the second and third one and when you sew these laces on you're supposed to do what they call stitch in the ditch and that is you're supposed to stitch it right where this one same stitch was so you're stitching in the ditch it won't really matter because it it won't show on the quilt itself because this will be inside the back piece okay there we go okay so I'm going to go to the Machine real quick and I'm going to stitch this on and oh that one's crooked isn't it in a stitch this went on and this went on so I got that straight okay and I will be right back okay so now I have this square that I've made the eight inch square and we've sewn it just on the batting side just with the batting only some of these strings off now I'm gonna take one of the backings that I've cut and all of these are ten inches 10 inch fabric I'm using cotton fabric for all of mine and these are ten inch so I'm going to take and put this right about at where it goes to ten inches and then I'm going to put this right in the middle there should be one inch all the way around okay all righty so I've got it all the way around you know if I'm worried that I don't quite have that side that I can't see well then I'll pull it this way it looks pretty good okay so I'm gonna take and put me a couple of pins in here so it won't move now this is where I'm actually going to be quilting and what I'm going to do is I'm going to sew 1/4 of an inch on this side of this seam this night and I'm going to sew a fourth of an inch on this side of the seam and 1/4 of an inch away on this one and 1/4 of an inch away on this one and every single one of them because I want it to show on the back this so when I get you these laces what I've discovered is if I go right down the center of this where these little bitty holes are well I'm gonna zoom you in so you can see what I'm talking about on this particular one you can do any one you want but I'm going to sew right about in this where this is and then I'm going to sew would you be which would be about 1/4 of an inch off of that side so when I turn it over it'll be the right distance apart you know for the for the quilting and I'll show you what I'm talking about all right so one thing I do need to do is clip off that little bit of lace that's hanging over and that little bit of lace that's hanging over ok all right so I'm gonna go to the sewing machine now if you can down in the comments if you want me to rig up my camera so you can actually watch me so my sewing machine is over there there like that so my chair just rolls right over there so I can sew and then roll right back so if you want to see me so it put it down in the comments and I'll do some where I'm gonna sew it so I'll be right back I'm gonna go quilt this be right back okay so I have this this one sewn so as you can see there's the quilting on the back if you did a fourth of an inch from each this one you can see is a little crooked that was yeah that was this one I didn't stay right on my ass but if I'm okay with it I'm fine but you see how how far it goes and they're all quilted already so then I have this other one done as well it's ready to go so then now I'm gonna put my two salmon colored ones together and my two floral ones together okay so then what you what I want to do is I want to line these completely up but they have to be wrong sites together so what I do is this is what Ruby said you just fold it down and fold it down and try to get your pieces lined up really well and try to get this one lined up Hey so what I want to do is I want to go down a little ways make this Street at the bottom there I want to go down just a little ways and pin it because I want to flip that section up so see I'm gonna flip these two up but I want them to stay where I had them and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go so I'm gonna start and so this as close to this as I can get all the way down I have to be honest there's a couple times I've gone on top of it a little bit and it's it's okay so let me go sell this and I'll be right back okay so I've summed that together I take my pins out and I've sewn it together as close as I could get to it so and it looks pretty good really not bad now it's when I actually use my little iron let me tell you about my little iron I am so in love with this little thing my daughter got this for me and it's pink like my whole craft room and you put your water in right here it's so adorable it's just the cutest little thing ever so it really actually does have steam it comes with this little silicone deal that you can set it on and then if you're not using it and it's cooled off you can push it up inside push it up inside here and you can hang it up on the wall it's that adorable oh my gosh is so cute and I got it on Amazon okay so then you're gonna take this these two pieces and you're gonna spread them apart right up to the seam and we're gonna take our little iron and we're gonna iron it out nice and think on this little eye and you squeeze these two side pieces here and that's your steam kind of wet okay so this it was supposed to be you know an inch on each side if you will some of these stringers ripped off so then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take this piece and fold it under a half an inch really just half of it all the way around fold it down like that now let me iron it real quick anyhow are we gonna fold this under hold it under like this and and we're going to press it okay then I'm gonna take the I bought this on Amazon and it was so similar to this one that I put on each on the little pieces and then I thought oh this looks except it's got a finish on both sides so that's why I bought this and I got a bunch of rolls of it so you take and you put your wider piece you start right here where this one starts and stops like so and then you pin it oops see here's my little well I'm not getting in the right place my little end cap that has magnet down inside of it I just love that I have a video on that I made that okay so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna sew down this side and I'm going to sew down that side and then it'll hold this piece on here like that okay and I'll be right back okay so I I slowed it down this side and I sewed it down this end so when you turn it over you can see so yeah I am absolutely loving this I think this is so fun okay I'm back now remember when I was telling you sometimes one side is a little bit shorter than the other side so you have to compensate for the little bit so I'm gonna fold this one almost all the way down almost all the way down not quite all the way down the biggest kicker for when you do that is you've got to make sure and so close enough on the outer edge to get that so that you don't so that doesn't come loose well maybe I could actually go a little farther than that let's see okay then we'll put this like that there we go steam then we'll take our lace that has two sides to it two little on each and to each side and we'll pin this one here and pin this one here and you want to stop it at the top of these blocks because you're going to end up doing this to the exact same you're gonna do this to the other blocks that you attach to it the same way exactly so I'm going to need to really make sure on this one see how you can see through there you got a right gotta really get in those little holes there close to them to the side so it doesn't come loose yep okay I'll be right back all right I got it sewed and I'm pretty sure I didn't have any no I got it all so then you turn it over and see if I did it oh I did okay not not like perfect get some of these threads off of here okay okay so then what you do is you take your other piece that you sewed and you're going to put your two salmon colors together and your and your Center together and you're going to do the same thing that you did before you're going to fold it under and you're gonna fold it under and you're going to put them together and try to get them perfect is there okay same exact thing only it's just a longer piece you can actually hide a little bit with your piece of lace that you're gonna put across the top actually that's quite good I think so let me put this here holding that and that pretty okay yeah that's pretty good pretty good so we're gonna focus here and then we're gonna pull these two pieces out we're gonna go back to the sewing machine then we're gonna sell this as close as we can possibly so it without getting on top of it okay we're gonna sew right along here the two pieces together remember have the two pieces and they're back back to back I have the front side out and the front side out we're going to sew these together as close as we possibly can sew it and we're gonna do this exact same thing on this long piece and I'll be right back okay I'm back from the machine and I have some these two pieces together as close as I could get this sucker here and they're matching up pretty good pretty good pretty good so what we do is once again you're gonna fold this out and press it down with my darling darling little olio so I guess is how you pronounce it this little iron I've been in love with this I'm so cute and then this is just a pad that I used from my Cricut figured why not okay fits so nicely on my small little crafting desk just work perfect okay so then remember we go back and we fold this under halfway these are just about right so it's about it supposed to be about a half an inch or so okay ah this little iron it's just the cutest little thing I'm so sweet okay these two pieces over here all right and I'll put this one over here get my finger on one of the pins I rub just jerked my finger across the pin in it kind of poked me now we're gonna get a piece of art and we're only going to go to the top of the block we're going to go all the way down to the bottom of this block to the other block see see right here I'm gonna go right here we're gonna take a pan and then we'll take another pan I really really like this I like it so much and my daughter loves it she she she wants this to be for her bed and it's a king-size bed so have my work cut out for me okay once again I'll go to the sewing machine and I'll sew down this side and then also down this side and I'll be right back okay so I've sewn that piece all the way down and you can see on the back it's certainly not perfect to cut off a bit okay so here we have the back and the front and so then I'll take these four squares and so of course the next square again exactly the same and it's just gonna be beautiful and I love it so much a couple of quick tips for you I do like at least three bobbins at a time so that I don't have to just totally stop and redo all the bobbins and it seems like you do run out I've been using I've been using kind of a cream-colored kutiman thread they told me to use that and it's not especially when you put in your bob and it doesn't make as much dust and message they said to clean your bobbin every time your bobbin area every time you changes so anyhow that is the quilt as you go and I love this so if you have any questions put them down in the comments if you want to watch me actually do some sewing on the sewing machine when I'm doing it rather than ticking turning it off and going over there but thank you so much for joining me I hope you are all staying safe and having a okay time as best you can being shut-in during this time that we're all going through together and I have been loving doing my quilt but anyhow god bless you and thank you so much and if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe don't forget to give me a like sign if you like it and thank you so much for sharing this time with me I really appreciate it we'll see all you good people later okay bye bye
Channel: Pamela Shep Productions
Views: 496,428
Rating: 4.8320923 out of 5
Keywords: quilt as you go, quilting tutorial, how to quilt, how to quilt as you go, how to sew, learn to quilt, quilt as you go tutorial, quilt block, shabby chic, sewing tutorial, easy quilt, easy quilting, quick quilting, free quilting tutorial, quilting lessons, sewing fabric, quilting for beginners, beginner quilting, connecting quilted blocks, shabby chic crafts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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