Make a "Summer Squares" Quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star (video tutorial)

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Hi everybody, it’s Jenny from the Missouri Star  Quilt Company. Take a look at this quilt behind   me. Isn’t this fun? Don’t you love how the  white squares pop and the black squares pop?   Well I’m going to show you how to do this. So  this is a take off on a quilt we made years ago   called Summer in the Park. And it was so much  fun to make it. And of course over the years   and things happen and we’ve used that in several  different quilts but the other day I had an idea.   And I thought what happens if. And I thought what  happens if we change the size of these strips.   And we put smaller strips inside our strip  sets. So to make this quilt you’re going to   need one roll of 2 ½ inch strips. And we have  used Eliza by Williamsburg for Windham fabrics.   You’re going to need a half a yard of black fabric  and a half a yard of white. Now these are your pop   colors right here so whatever color you use just  know you need a half a yard of each one of those.   So for our outer border out here, this is a nice  big eight inch border. And this makes a quilt that   is 67 by 67. Now remember if you love this quilt  and you see it on your bed you just have to add   another jelly roll and double your yardage, you  know. So just remember it’s easy to go up or down   on these quilts by what pre cut you decide to add  to it and you use. So for our back of the quilt   we used 4 ¼ yards. And we used this beautiful  print back and it just has these touches of   gold in there. And I just think that just looks  so pretty. So the quilt pattern we used on this   is called Variety. Now when I choose a pattern  for a quilt, I look at it and if it looks elegant   to me I choose an elegant pattern. If it looks  whimsical to me I’ll choose a whimsical pattern.   If there’s a lot of sharp lines I tend to  put something round in it, you know. So just,   when you’re choosing a pattern, just you know,  it’s always personal preference but, you know,   feel free to make those decisions. So I also used  the clearly perfect slotted trimmer. This block   is cut on the 45 and that’s the degree of this  ruler so you can use a ruler that has a 45 line   on it as well. But this clearly perfect slotted  trimmer in the large size makes it really easy. Alright so let me show you how I did this. I have  two strip sets. This is actually a tube method.   And I put my two dark strips with a white  strip in the middle . And then my next strips   I put two light strips with a dark strip in the  middle. And you can see I’ve already got these   sewn together. Now just a little tip. If you use,  if you cut these yourself I think you’re ok. But I   used mine from two different manufacturers that  cut 1 ½ inch strips. And they weren’t the same   size. Now these strip sets need to be the same  size so that they line up. But you can see,   when they cut these, this one has a larger peak.  They’re measuring from the outside of the peak   to the outside of the peak. This one has a smaller  peak. So they’re measuring from the inside.   And so when you lay them together you can  see they’re a little off. So make sure that   your strips are all the same size, even if you  pulled them in from your stash, check to make   sure they’re all the same size because that will  save you hours of headaches. I’m telling you. Alright so what we’re going to do, I’ve sewn  these two lights to a dark. And two darks   to a light. We’re going to put them right  sides together and we’re going to sew down   both sides of this and make this a tube. So I’m  just going to line these edges up right here   like this and I’m going to start sewing. And  I’m going to sew the whole length of this   a quarter of an inch from the  side. And I like to kind of get   them lined up out here a little bit and  just let the sewing machine take it through   and keep going. Alright line up one  more time. Stay on that quarter inch,   straighten up and we’re almost to the end  here. Alright so now what I’m going to do is   I’m going to flip this around and I’m going to  sew down the other side. Now again you want to   make sure that these are nice and lined up. And  if your strips are the same size they will be.   I actually really learned that the hard way.  I made several blocks and I’m like why aren’t   these lining up. And then I discovered it was my  two middle strips were a little different size.   Alrighty. Now we’re at the end  and I’m going to look and make   sure I caught this whole side here and I did. And then what we’re going to do is  we’re going to start cutting these   open. And we’re going to use our clearly perfect  slotted trimmer and we’re going to shoot for a   seven inch block on this. And so what I’m going to  do is I’m going to lay my stitch line right here   on their stitch line just like this.  And we are going to cut up like this   and we are going to cut down. And we are going  to put this over here to the side. And what that   gives us, look at this. What that gives us is  this block right here that has those two pieces   on either side. And it looks so cool. And so now  we’re going to flip our ruler and we’re just going   to keep going along this whole strip. So since I’m  left handed I flip this over so I could cut from   the other direction. And again I’m just going to  lay my stitch line on their stitch line. And I’m   going to cut this right here and just trim this  edge right here. It’s a little tiny bit. And then   I’ll get another one. And then I can just pull  this over and I can flip my ruler. And I will be   cutting the direction that is most comfortable for  your hand. You want to make sure that you do that.   And you’re just going to cut your whole strip  like this. Line up my seam line on their seam   line. Now if you’re using a 45 what you’re going  to do is you are going to actually lay this   on here this way. So you’ll put your 45 so that  it goes along the edge of the ruler right here.   And see this 45 right here. And you’ll pull  this all the way over to the edge and you’re   just going to make your cut right there. And  that’s how you do it using a regular ruler.   This is so much easier for my brain and makes  it really easy. So you’re going to cut these   all. And then we’re just going to open them up.  Let me cut one more so I have a full block here.   So seven, just like this. And then I’m just  going to put this aside. Now actually if you   cut the whole strip you’ll have this little piece  left at the end. It’s a little bit of waste but   maybe not. I have something to show you in  the end. So I’m going to press these open.   And I scrapped all of mine up. You’ll notice no  block up here has the same four pieces in it.   I thought this would look better scrappy.   You can do it whatever way you want of course. But  let me show you how these go together. Alright. So now what we’re using to match when we set  this quilt together is I made it in four blocks   like this. I let my center white square be the  middle and I put all my blocks together in fours.   And so when you do that, I’m going  to put this block together in fours.   And of course we’ll have some of the same fabrics  here because they come from the same strips.   So here’s this one in fours. And then look what  happens, the other ones, the black ones start   to line up out here. . So let me get these  on here. And so as you sew your blocks in   fours all of a sudden you see these forming.  So when you add your next row to it,   it’s going to be like this. Let’s put one more  in here so we can show you how that finishes up.   And so then you end up with black  squares and white squares and   it just all comes together. It’s just  so cool how it just like happens. So I actually have another  block over here that I have   made. And I did it with solids because  sometimes things are easier to see in solids.   So I did two black strips with a colored  green and two white strips with a colored   blue. And so when you put them together with  these solids it’s really fun because you get,   everything is going to line up colorwise. And so  you’re going to get this blue square like this.   And your secondary square out here is  going to be the black one like this. Do   you see how that happens? So then you end up  with a big, these big swaths of color that are   just really fun to work with and really fun to do.  Now obviously you’re going to put this together,   when you put this together, again let’s look at  the quilt because I’ve sewed four blocks together.   So I put my white in the center and  sewed this block to this block to this   block to this block to this block. And then I  added the next row. And when I add this next   row that’s when your secondary block matches up  with the one above it because this is a row here   and this is a row here. So we have  four rows on this. There’s 16 blocks. But at the end of every strip, honestly when you  start cutting these out, you’re going to have a   piece that’s just about, I don’t know. It’s not,  let me cut these few right here and let me show   you because it’s not very much. So we’ll go  here. I’ll cut one more here. Oop, hang on.   So I’ve got one here like this. And then  you end up with a piece like this. Now this,   this is actually, I actually have a hard time  with this kind of waste because I feel like   there’s a lot going on here. We could do something  really cool with this. And so my assistant   Kathleen, she is also not a waster and she was  a little worried about these so she put together   this pillow using these tiny pieces. And I  think it came together so cute. And it’s just,   it’s just the leftover pieces. So whatever scrappy  pieces you have leftover don’t be afraid to sew   them together, see what happens. We’re not  having the same thing happen with our squares   but we’re having a lot of fun and you  have a little decorative side pillow.   Then she had to cut off some of those pieces  and so she made an even smaller one with the   pieces she cut off. And so it’s just really fun to  see with the scraps. And you guys know I’m not a   waster. Most of you are not wasters. So it’s just  fun even though it’s not the same exact pattern,   how cool will this look on a bed. You know,  when you put that on your bed next to your quilt   or you make a little table topper with it you  know, to go along with the quilt that you’ve made.   So we hope you enjoyed this fun tutorial on Summer  Squares from the Missouri Star Quilt Company. We hope you enjoyed watching this video. If  you’re not already part of the Missouri Star   quilt family you can hit the subscribe button  below so you won’t miss a thing. And if you   click that bell it will notify you every time  a new tutorial comes out. See you next Friday.
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 173,926
Rating: 4.9725018 out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt, Jenny Doan, Quilting, Quilt, Quilt tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing tutorial, quilting precuts, precut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting classes, how to sew, free online quilt class, quilt patterns, how to make a quilt, strip quilt, jelly roll quilt pattern, how to make strip sets, patterns for 2.5 inch strips, summer in the park quilt, jelly roll quilts, quilts for jelly rolls
Id: x1Ejr99rOvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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