Join Jenny and Natalie for the first BLOCK Party of 2021 with a sneak peek inside BLOCK Magazine!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] 20. hello hello everybody it's block party we don't even have a hat how come we don't have a hat sometimes we party without costumes i need a party hat i like parties without costumes i'm sure you do i need a party with a good costume i need that i like that yeah how was your day everybody you know what it was 60 degrees out here in hamilton today like a little winter miracle happens well there's a lot of mud because a lot of things are melting that's okay though other than that it's a it was a beautiful day today really gorgeous we got to walk outside two times today you did too that's great i know two times the rest of time we were sewing because guess what tutorials happen every friday and we have to keep sewing so much so hey liz how are you good and i am happy to help you welcome all the people joining us on youtube and facebook and actually saying all the sewing one of the questions we get all the time is do you make all the quilts in the magazine we don't make the quilts in the magazine because we have a sewing team fantastic sewing team so the way the quilts work is that they get made for the tutorial and i i and natalie usually make those we kind of have to make them if we're going to teach them then they get made in a pattern test again and then they get made a third time in a third fat fabric for block magazine and we have a sewing team that is um really only like three girls and they four five crazy people over there too so uh they are good at it and able to you know take whatever we throw at them and make block magazine happen yep so another question we get often is what's your favorite part of block magazine so we know we've made some changes in the last few months and we've got all kinds of extra goodies in there now what would you say is your favorite part what about you what's your favorite part i have so many favorite parts because i just really love block magazine i i am loving the mystery i think that the little story is so fun to read and follow along with fun to read i love the jenny's journal because i haven't done that before and um and actually some of them are things i'm working on right now and some of them are things i've done in the past and when you get those out and look at them it's so you know there's so much emotion and memory with a quilt that it's uh it's fun to look back at those the one i'm sharing in this block was one i just did um on new year's eve i love that part because we're able to um to do things that you're currently working on and then also sometimes spotlight things from the past but i i love that it's things that are that you choose to do just because they're fun for you right because that's something that that you wanted to have for yourself or i do do fun sewing people always ask that you know they're like you sew all the time do you do anything is it all for work did you do do you sew for fun and i do i actually um i'm working on a what i'm calling my own personal little uh project i'm working on i come in and work on every wednesday night and i'm in the studio with my friend and we uh we are working on something fun and i think natalie's actually going to feature it in uh upcoming block only if you get it done this year i'm going to get it done this year they're they're working on an elizabeth hartman it is we're working actually working on norm and nanette if you guys have ever seen the norman nanette you know i love gnomes yeah and we actually still have some of those kits at missouri star but i decided i wanted to make one of those and every time i make one we put them up on the board and they just are so joyful they make us smile so much and it definitely is not my kind of sewing yes and i love when i small and so i love when i can do that kind of sewing because it tweaks my brain ever my brain goes to what's the shortcut and this is like a lot of little tiny pieces you know those eyes you have to make those eyes i love that no matter even though like it's a pattern and they're all the same size pieces they all have like expressions they all have different expressions it's so crazy we'll show you we'll show you in black yeah i'm thinking maybe october or december yes we're doing one norm and a week and then one nanette a week you know so we'll just see where we get on it's fun though i like those two parts yeah i love that we're able to um offer some fun digital content too that's also pretty exciting that is really cool yeah yeah there's some invited about all the things we are going to add yeah i do always love seeing the quilts in a different fabric too so that you know the tutorials are made with one so that's one of the cool things about block that you may or may not know and tutorials that you may or may not know but when that tutorial releases that fabric is current available right then and usually in a magazine the fabric is about a year old but in block that when that block releases that fabric is again current and you're able to get that fabric right then too and so that is so good so that doesn't happen in any other magazine so you know block is the only one in it you know we have that current fabric and so it's it's that's actually a pretty cool thing that if if you didn't know now you know it is well you know yep and one of the other things i want to mention is if you haven't subscribed you can today and if all the way through 11 59 pm central on monday january 25th you'll still get this coming issue that we're talking about today as your first issue you can still subscribe after that and you'll get the digital issue in your account for free but you'll get the next issue to start your subscription if it's after monday and then the february issue and this thing this is for the february issue of volume eight yeah it's the it comes out every two months and so the first issue is february and didn't we all think that february of 2021 was going to be really really different than the last few months and it's not as different as not quite not as different as we thought i thought on you know on new year's day we would wake up and it would be a whole new year and it was a whole new year but it wasn't a whole new situation that's true right i just i was so like oh it's the same as yesterday yeah one of the bright and happy things and folks are calling calling it out um pam and marlene in particular say like the quilt behind you is very bright and pretty and beautiful so we'll give just a little teaser now but we're going to talk about this a little bit later um do you want to tell us about this find me happens to be volume eight's uh sew along sew a long quilt so each issue you'll get a block or two to make and by the end of the year you'll have made this lovely isn't it so pretty it's super super pretty i love it the inspiration story behind it is really cool too i'm very excited to share that and i guess we're going to share that in a bit well it's also i'm almost certain but we didn't we did a little piece in this issue that you can read about too and some photos and it's kind of kind of cool yeah yeah it's pretty fun all right so one of the things that we get talked um talked about a lot is our our batting and msqc currently has our own line of exclusive bedding and we've had a special social media contest that we just appeared i love that i love it when batting appears i do too so cloudy and happy so i want to show you a little bit of our batting and then we'll be able to share with you what the first winner of our batting giveaway yes because we've been having um a contest since how long since monday monday where people could sign in to win that's right then they still sign him do they have to do anything else besides nope just entering the contest just entering the contract it's just a drawing in a giveaway that was on social media we should tell them some of the sizes that we have available this is a christmas crib 45 by six there's twin seventy two by ninety six full is ninety by ninety six we have this cool runner which i think is actually really cool it's 36 inches wide which is the width of a yard but it's 120 inches long so you can put a lot of runners on this you can or a bed runner yeah you could do a bed runner as well i'm pretty sure misty did one recently she did do one turn really cute i was surprised it took the carpenter's star and just expanded it out that's right and then we've got another queen is that the way of playing no this is full oh okay queen is queen 108 by 96 and king is a 120 by 120. okay so on the king let me just say i have a king size bed and when you buy king-size um like if you go to a home store to buy a king-size uh cover for your bed yeah it does not fit your bed they're not they're too short i like mine to come hang down on the sides how how far down though so i want it to hang to the boards you know where am i okay the boards on the bottom it's not a whole a whole bunch but it's generally like 103 by 96 and i like mine to be like 1 15 or 112 you know i like it to be i like it to be fairly long and so uh so i'm so excited 20 by 120 20 by 120 well the other thing the other thing about that is it's got to be bigger than your quilt top for the quilt machine yes so the quilt machine 120 is the max you can you can quilt on our mouse comfortably and without error fair i i think this is great batting though it's 80 20 cotton polyester um it's well made so it's 80 cotton and 20 poly which means it's not going to fall apart and it's a nice thin batting you know it's but it's low loft yeah it's low loft but it's one of those i mean we use it in all of our quilts and so it's uh i mean it just it has a beautiful a beautiful blend to it and it uh drapes nicely yeah that's really nice feeling there's a million different kinds i think we may have uh i'm pretty sure we have a little article in block about batting and piecing bedding that might be how we got this put together a little a little bit yeah there's a little more detail one of the things that we sell at missouri star that i personally love because i'm not a waster is we have this little tape that you can you can iron two pieces of batting together now you can always you know what i do is i overlap them and then i cut my uh right color and then they both have a straight edge then you can put them right together and you can zigzag that yeah or they have this tape you can just iron on and it's very cool so if you guys are you know like thrifty about your batting because when you get a quilt almost always you get these big you know runner-sized pieces of batting left over and so then you can always use them for other things and uh yeah that's right and so the contest was to win the runner batting actually as we're talking about it so five lucky winners will win this running back jenny's gonna breathe on it for you all right the first winner are you ready it starts with a k i am kim last initial efficient frank kim you won run or battery as you the winners will get an email from missouri star from our marketing department to get your address and be able to send this off to you so don't worry you will receive information just in a little bit here yeah okay yeah that's awesome so just watch for it in your inbox if there's 10 kim f's out there only one of you is getting it [Laughter] we will find the right one we will find the right one we will and just so you guys know the contest um was open monday and it closed yesterday at 11 59 p.m central and it was just on facebook and instagram stay tuned next time we have a block party we'll probably have something else for you too so and does the contest info go out like through email or that is a great question i think there's a lot of different ways to let you know and if you didn't let if you didn't know go ahead and subscribe to our newsletter on our email and subscribe to our youtube channel and you'll see all those good things come through as they get posted absolutely cool do you know what that's great as a middle-aged woman i often forget to subscribe you know i go look at them all the time but i forget to subscribe so subscribing is just a great way where you know there's a thing on the bottom where it says subscriptions and you'll go oh oh there is new videos on the things i love you know so don't forget to let's don't forget to do that yeah it's a great way to stay connected yeah all right so now you guys want to see some quilts that are in here we can clear the deck and we've got a few clips apart that's right we're just going to clear off our table send these back oh i dropped mine off over here oh look how cute it is look how cute it is on the back that is such fun fabric and i love it a little on the go yep this how look how cute this is so this is one of the ohio star celebrations from your so your version of the triple play right we did a triple play and um and it was on the ohio star in a few months ago is it a few months ago yep it's been a few months now and um yeah and i did i showed you how to make an ohio star where the inside is one color and the outside is one color so if you want to go you can check the out the tutorial on that and make this my favorite thing from that whole triple play that we did was learning how to square up the hourglass block like i never had tried that before i mean i i'm sure i tried i've squared tons of blocks but i just like couldn't wrap my mind around it and then you showed me and i was like oh my gosh that's brilliant so somebody asked me recently do you square up your blocks and i was doing a zoom for a a quilt guild you know um we've started doing a few of those zooms and uh and and somebody was like do you square up your blocks ever and i'm like i actually do now you know i didn't for a long time but now i do yep square em up isn't this is so cute i love this this would be a really cute bed bed quilt with this especially with this fabric for i have a little grandson that would particularly love this i think it'd be adorable for yeah teachers can you imagine a weight here's the full size quilt using that same block she was holding out on his face oh wait are you gonna flip it nope okay there we go whoop which end are you calling the top here we go is this the top i don't know oh it's upside down it's either way that's what i love about the square quilts right yeah it can go whichever way you want it to go oh yeah isn't that so cute i love it this was my pattern for sure how cute is this pretty sure porter would love this my little grandson it's a great clay quilt size yeah yeah actually for laying babies down and darling cute cute i hope you guys get inspired by some of these all right we're gonna should we just leave this one out here on the table sure all right now we've got misty's little one and this is such adorable fabric i think it would be so cute in like a kitchen oh my gosh that is so cute this is little bees little bumble bees misty a lot of times goes tiny you know whatever we do she likes the tiny ones now i just have to say it's good to be uh misty's mother-in-law because i got one of these for christmas not this fabric nice but i got one that was uh tiny like this cute little same little pattern really cute isn't it that's sweet it's sweet so this would be a great little table topper i think i gave her a treat bowl she did she did and it was yummy we left it wasn't a quilt though all right next coil please next well moving on that's a good question do you quilt for other quilters from time to time do you gift other quilters your quilts so one of the really cool things about that is that um there is no person alive that will appreciate a quilt more than a quilter and um and we do we almost always make them for other people and not for ourselves so when somebody gives you a gift you know you know the word time and effort i feel like it's a hundred times more meaningful yeah to have a quilt gift so i give quilts to all my kids or quilts or a runner or something like that at christmas time i always work on some project and give that to them and yes she gave me a table runner i did it's really cute it's still on my table oh i'm glad yeah well i haven't put away anything christmas for them we haven't undecorated yet it's okay we'll switch it out at valentine's day right that's good enough yeah that's really good enough yeah so yeah i really think it's a really sweet thing to give a quilt or a quilt i agree so we have another giveaway winner and one of the things that we can talk about too is like if you're going to give you know you can give the runners you can give any of these smaller quilts as gifts and they're easy to make for a handful of people which is pretty great they really are and they do go together now i actually made my mom a quilt that's about this size and it's not you know it's not this fabric it's different fabric but she loves a quilt on her table she doesn't know she always puts one on her table and her table's kind of oval so she hangs it you know kind of crosswise and it's it's just sweet to me that even though it's not like really big enough for a bed she still loves it and uses it and she'll ask for one for her table and she uses them on her in her chair and yeah she does that's true all right we have another giveaway the fabulous quilters best blend runner batting how did you like the runner 36 by 120. you could make a red carpet with this batting if you want you could and i think you should i think a red carpet but it's really only going to be one person wide 36 inches this is how we measure 36 inches how many of you guys measure from your nose to your fingers that's that's old all right so we have a winner for this one and it starts with an m there's some there's some excited ends with iste it's misty misty b misty b like be like boy not d like b like bill be like bill butterfly be like batting that's right b like basically like batting how's everybody doing out there you having a good time tonight this is our this is our block this is our our our block celebration our block party our block party we actually actually natalie and i really do enjoy the block party because um we it's like we get to leak out all the cool sneak things you know it's like guess what's coming up it's fun for me because i get to talk about the stuff i look at a lot yeah natalie and we don't over-the-counter you can't talk about it very much because it's just something that happens yeah behind the scenes it's true right so we never sneak peek behind the scenes yes all right we have another quilt here that is in block magazine this one looks so pretty look at this beautiful fabric this fabric is gorgeous i might have to get some of this for myself and you'll notice they're all folded uh the correct 45 way because way because they are um so we don't they never leave it never leaves a permanent crease higher now higher oh sorry i thought we were going to turn it the other way but we can we can we can you have the tag on your side what is the name of this fabric line right here let's turn it and i'll read it oh you don't want me to read it or you didn't want to wait well it's called uh solstice by sally kelly for windham very cool and this is the hourglass wreath this was such a fun project and interestingly enough it didn't have anything to do with our hourglass triple play but i was loving the hourglass and so i did several things in a row that where i'm like oh this is hourglass again but these are all right here these are all little hourglasses that are all the way around it and we just we just sewed them right together and so it made it this cool design but this is like two little hourglasses and it just forms a little wreath around the block that's very good do one more turn so they can see all this other fabric over here i love it it's kind of like this 70s big beautiful floral pull this up i love that big print in the middle like you can show off big prints with this pattern too yes you can show off big prints and this is something i would have made a long dress out of in the 70s yeah truly nice so vibrant yep lots of fun flowers look at this backing those giant paisley feathers oh my god so cool are you getting that noah all right good you got a horse all right what's next all right we have one more quilt one more quilt always one more quilt one more quality this must be the oh this is that star starbox thing this is such a great quilt for beginners super easy i don't remember the name of i'm sorry i did it snowball star snowball star and we named it that because we used red and white and green in the tutorial yeah it was supposed to be a holiday line and um and the way this right here the way you place the colors is super important because on this one they end up kind of coming together like butterflies but when you wash them the dark makes a star yeah yeah the dark makes the star and when you watch the tutorial you'll see that these stars are lighter so they're they just show up a little bit less and the red and the green just pops out when you see that and so this is this is beautiful but it honestly it looks like the whole thing is interesting how fabric and fabric placement can change the pattern so dramatically i'm sorry i was just going to put this up over here like a giant bed turning right i did it one of the other really cool things is you always say that any quilt can be a christmas quilt well any christmas tree it can be a not christmas quilt that is right and so this is a super easy quilt for a beginner because you're going to take a little four and a half inch block and you're just going to put a strip on it and a strip on it and snowball those two corners and you just make four of these and put them together surprisingly simple it is and i love quilts that look like you worked really hard you know yeah definitely but you didn't and so one of the other things that's going guys is you've seen these the all these quilts are when you subscribe to the magazine in the magazine you get 10 plus patterns so you've seen six patterns so far and usually patterns are 12 bucks a piece and they ca yeah they can they can run a gamut you're getting 10 plus patterns for 7.99 an issue so just keep that in mind if you're not subscribed already the photography in that book is amazing it's gorgeous oh it is yes we have the best we have a really great photography team yeah yep so again you can subscribe if you want to get this issue for your first dish you need to subscribe by monday at 11 59 pm central on 1 25 21 yep and you can still subscribe after that absolutely that's an issue that's right you'll just start with the next issue and that's all right what is the what is the price of it again 7.99 so when we started in the very very beginning it was 5.99 so in 10 years that's all the price range we've gone up so i think that is super good plus it's still cheaper than the price of one pattern yep and uh that was always my goal to give a good value for keep it under that yeah and great extra articles and tips like that i'm super excited about this year we're starting to um to interview other quilters and bring in stories and techniques and you know just kind of expanding our horizons a little bit in the magazine and a little more education there's so yeah there's so much good content coming up this year well i i the first 10 years i've written a lot of stories about my children they pretty much put their foot down about that well it's super fun but i don't know if we can remember anymore well they remind me have you guys isn't it bizarre when your children start telling you stories it's yes it is i mean you're probably even there i recently learned about a glowing campfire underneath my front porch that i did not know about at the time some of those good stories later years later it's like oh mom didn't know about that one you know and i just remember that time and i'm like uh no actually i don't no actually we didn't know about that i'm probably better off not remembering that time right right i know jacob one time lit a fire under his we had a big play area and yeah pretty scary and uh he did a really good job he was about six somebody had showed him how to make a campfire and yeah he did a great job out under his play area lit all the bark on fire yeah we had bark in there instead of like sand because we didn't want to have the neighborhood litter box you know yes we were and so we're trying to bar smart about it and uh yeah it catches fire very easily ron's like you did a great job son as he's running out the door well he was so proud because he had made like a ring of rocks and he had done like a little teepee he had just gone to his boy scout camp i think he was maybe like two it was a father it was like a little weeblos thing or something he was so proud of himself so funny you just have to go and go take care of that problem good job guys good job we'll tell the story about noah and the fireworks some other time oh yes save it yes what is this what questions all right we got another one coming right up the four patch on point yes or is it this is look at this backing this is such a great cheater print yeah this is very nice the backing is a stunner i love it i love it so this is super big hold it's called flea market and it's a disappearing four patch weave is the pattern let's let's pull this up over here this is a big one oh you you want to lay it out we're going to lay it on and then we'll hold up this side so that we can we can get a good view of it nice so this is actually a four patch four squares sewn color white white color and then we cut them on the diagonal and so it makes this really interesting block together and then just trim them up yep you just square them up to i think it's eight and a half or something so cool when it was folded i couldn't figure out what quilt it was i was like i don't remember making this one where did it come from well we made it i made it for a tutorial and i was trying the block and natalie's like ah i don't know about that one you know because we try a lot of things i'm not one of those who uses the computer i'm one of those who uses the um practice prac i just sew things together and see what happens and i love to cut blocks up you guys know that about me i love to cut it up and see what's going to happen and natalie wasn't too sure about this but when we got several blocks made all of a sudden we were like oh this is really cool because you because they started weaving together you know this part right here where they started coming together was so cool and so this be really really interesting and fun and very easy because it's really a four patch and then you just sew it back together i like i swapped out the middle the middle this so this is one one strip right here with the white yeah and i would swap this out from another block and oh it just went together so easily really cool that is cool all right we've got some folk saying joyces i can tell you where to lay that down i've got a bed that needs a quilt yes this fabric is so great it is great i love it it's 30s ish yeah but it's but it has it's modern enough that the brightness and the look at this the fun colors with the little stars so so pretty fabric designers are so talented honestly holt in particular is extremely talented she does some beautiful couldn't spit out her name but i still like her we like her a lot yeah she's she's designs with riley blake and um man she just comes out with some great fabrics she's a really good product yeah and her basics are one of my favorites oh yeah in fact we used her low light basics in a tutorial recently we recently filmed but it won't be out until coming up sometime i don't know for sure coming soon coming to a friday tutorial near youtube may want to know that so when we film uh we film about six or eight projects at a time and then it depends and then they release it actually right now what it depends on is whether or not we can get that fabric because oh yeah we're having fabric and so uh so so when we get that you know we generally film about six or eight and then um and we film the triple play and so uh you know with any luck and so usually we're about six weeks out and that enables us to do other things and keep up with what's coming up next and all that stuff so it's just that's kind of fun i didn't know you know sometimes people wonder like they'll ask me you know how do you feel can you get an idea just film it we used to do that absolutely we used to do that but now we we try to be a little more organized about it and that enables us to travel and do other things the only time that didn't work for us is when we didn't have any ideas we're like oh uh i don't know what to do today i don't know what to do today but because we are able to do that we have and you can subscribe to our youtube channel to make sure you get to see all of our friday tutorials and all the other chats get a notification when there's a new video yep so if you're watching and tuning in make sure you're subscribed so you get to see all of our hot stuff absolutely absolutely yes all right so we have one more winner to give away there's been a total of five days our third batting winner oh wait yay more batting is it the runner back the runner batteries runner batting we're just going to keep giving this package of batting over and over this one has many sisters it of course it does this batting you each get your own you don't have to share it by the time we're done this won't be give away a bowl i'll have pet it so many times it'll turn into a project for next time this batting goes to someone whose name starts with an s and what does it end with natalie uzan who's that i like it suzanne d d as i was looking to see if any word on here and it started with d no um nope oh well it ends with my my name so suzanne suzanne d one of these will be coming to you that's right and you'll get an email soon what just appeared baby quilts and table runners and pot holders and pillows so many things this is 120 long yes literally you can make the red carpet yes well and the idea should work for qvc or the idea was that it could do that i should you'd be so good at that i'd like to sell fabric on qvc that would be really oh my goodness i'd be like here's a beautiful floral you know and i'd be wrapped up in it it'd be perfect so let me tune in to watch that these are some super cool fun pillows that we made using our templates this one is make using the little periwinkle and the um orange peel in the background wow these are the cute little tiny dresden tool i believe this has a circle magic and more i don't know if it's the leaf or the petal but i think it's the petal this is the petal the one that is the petals or alzheimer's right petals that's gorgeous so pretty and it has a little leaf out here too yep and then this one is all orange peel petals daisy yeah and i love it so all of these patterns are going to be included in the magazine so natalie likes to throw in some smaller projects which is really fun even for me because i don't i don't see those i'm i make the big quilts for for youtube and so then she's like oh we're gonna have these little projects and i'm like wait i haven't even seen these so you'll even learn how to make the back envelope flip yep this is the envelope flap very cool and you just flip it and it's super easy to make the envelope flap these are i don't remember the exact size but they they look like a 12 pillow form perfectly does it say no wait this fabric though this beautiful fabric is sanctuary by three sisters this beautiful fabric we're fabrics silly now okay it's the end of the day they know anybody who tunes in after six o'clock has to know some exhaustion goofiness it's not like we've been home resting all day you know well i mean coming to work is a rest for me it's called growth [Laughter] okay what did you call it it says growing your garden grow your garden is the name of the pattern oh very cool yeah so i actually really love these i love them i love the checkerboard quilting on the background yep so they had to have quilted that first and then quilted and then yep then they ironed on and top stitched the it's just little pieces sewing sewing team way to go this is beautiful they actually are um were designed by one of our pattern writers as well she put together the the ideas of we should put these these templates together and make these little things oh they're just gorgeous we all loved them and said yes let's do it just do a knockout job on all of these yeah i mean they're just great i think they're super cute really cute do we have any questions it seems like we've been talking a long time and maybe there's other people that need their voices heard well there are questions many of the questions are about the quote behind you which we're going to get to in just a second oh okay i love this quilt i know for myself and then just about um somehow how do we subscribe and right now subscriptions are for the print edition are only available in the united states and canada yes but stay tuned we're working on how to expand our offering of subscriptions that is always high on the list yep i do know that like in the other countries um there are people who actually will get shipped to them yeah the shop can buy alerts and they can find them in their country somewhere generally not always though well i guess depending on the country i'm thinking of canada i'm thinking of australia yeah you know and those are definitely the easier ones to work with and and try to set up those are yeah top of the list and also we're just loving being silly tonight it's a party and we're having some fun yeah it is a party it does feel good to laugh it has it's some you know laughing has been far and few between maybe this year i don't know or maybe just that i'm the only one that's not laughing anymore i'm still laughing shall we move these laughs let's take some of the pillows away so noah can get some good okay close-ups for folks at home okay and what we have here are the pre-sale oh we decided this for the first time ever yes first time um we're gonna go ahead and is that does that come with the kit it's these are just these products there can be an extra bundle that are available but the kit itself is the one to your right natalie and then the kit backing is there those two so this is the kit right here those two are available for pre-sale today okay and this kit and the backing this contains everything that you need usually when you buy a kit you don't get the backing with it that's why we're selling it separately that's right um because that because you know everybody has a you know they like different things on their backs right and it makes it cheaper to get the kit if you don't have to include three seven yards of backing or whatever it is four and three quarter yards not quite seven so that's good but look how cute this back is yeah it's this orange squirrel if you want to hold that up oh i do isn't that pretty beautiful and this quilting pattern is called i think variety no it's a swirl pattern are you sure it's not variety maybe it's baroque swirls i think it's broke swirls i think that's what it is anyways we'll have that in the magazine so this story let's tell the story about this quilt yeah okay it's actually really i'm ready i love this so we did our first dome girl retreat last year and um sherry baker is one of the ladies who came to that retreat and she had made a quilt using like most of the many of the blocks a lot yeah many of the blocks that we had used in tutorials and it was all out of missouri star fabric yeah our our fabric that has like the logo and the little chicks and it was just beautiful and we fell in love with it we just fell in love with it and um and so this quilt is made inspired inspired by that so sherry is definitely the inspiration behind it and um and we just thought you know i mean it's just so darling it uses so many of our blocks it's going to be a great sew along and i mean i just love how the whole thing came together and well and then when we were when we were discussing colors we wanted to kind of stick to missouri logo colors missouri star colors and it ended up looking so much like some tiles that one of our pattern riders had seen while she was on vacation or a mission trip maybe i think in in mexico oh yeah and the talavera tiles name was born because talavera was the style of tiles it's the it's a process of of making it and how they're painted and crafted will any of that be in black i'm not sure if we did if we we probably didn't i don't think we went that deep into the the design details right and the sew along is all year long so it's all the issues of this year every issue you'll make a couple of blocks right so you can 100 you can make this with fabric from your stash at home because we'll say take two layer cake squares and cut them and yeah and then make this block and you can see the kit has everything that you need and then you'll need to hold on to it as the projects come out right because the patterns will all that pat the pattern's not a part of the kit the pattern's in the magazine exactly this is really cool this is an exclusive uh kit from missouri star that's right right and the pattern is only in the magazine you can't buy the pattern right not individually yet so probably sometime next year that will be available but for now when you get this kit there will not be a pattern in it it will just be fabric right so just all of the just to be clear yeah yeah yeah absolutely yeah and that's how most block of the months are you know right just how they are like ruby sensation last year by the way you guys we've loved seeing all the different oh my gosh i want to create like a whole album of them they're so beautiful and so we're really excited to see what you guys do with this one as well yeah and it's going to come out every month and who knows maybe we'll sew along with you some on some of those months can't wait to see what colors you use there is a limited number of these kits available there's also addition um right so we have the kit we have the backing bundle and then we have um like a fun thread bundle because there's a little bit of applique on this coil and then is this another but a different bundle this is a different bundle so three threads and the template and some heat n bond yes and so in the pattern you'll you the paper pattern that will come in in the magazine you will have a tracing of that template but we know that the acrylic makes it so much easier so we've put this bundle together that has a little bit of the heat and bond a little bit of thread so perfect for you wait wait for it just juggle them finish just better than perfect right i don't think i can juggle ron can juggle dad can juggle i know yeah he's very entertaining very entertaining i guess you i guess you would remember that i do remember i haven't seen him juggling years i'm gonna have to ask him tonight tonight will be the juggling night okay you'll have to i want videos i don't even know if he remembers that's so funny who knows juggling and jumping or ron you're going to get home and just say today dad's like yeah he loved to jump in and breaking boards with his hands those were like his special yeah actually whenever any boys would come to date the girls he would say could you hold this board for me and they'd stand like this and he'd just start going like this and he'd be like hold the board really tight i still need to do that i did that he'd be like what time you're gonna have my daughter home and then he'd go bump and that board would go blood the guy could be like nine you know he had a great way of making sure his girls were taken care of all in good fun though all in good fun yep all right what's next all right so we have another winner of our batting the table runner battery you mean this bring it down this bag right here this bag right here that's the one the table runner pattern i love it all right you guys we do have our missouri star thread let me just talk a little bit about this we have it in cotton hundred percent cotton and we have it in poly two do we have a blend um i don't know i don't think so one or the other that's right well and one is kind of for decorative stitching and i machine piece with this all the time and just so you know different machines like different threads and my machine loves the cotton it does not love the poly but mine's a straight stitch fast sewing machine and so i'm not trying to do decorative i'm just putting things together but um i love that we have so many colors and i love that it's reasonable so one of my requirements for thread because i'm a little bit um of a lazy sewer is i like a fairly good sized spool and i kind of sew light and dark unless i'm top stitching and then i want to color or invisible as well this is learned but i like a lot of thread for a little price and these are what how much 275 no i'm not sure 322 1864. they are 99 a spool no just kidding they're under five dollars they're under five dollars they're pretty reasonable and i i actually really love that so here's my deal on thread people there's a lot people have a lot of feelings about thread and there is a lot of information out there and there's a lot of information but when i find an old quilt it's not the thread that's going bad not usually it's not usually the threads going bad so like if i like like i will uh go to a garage sale or a auction and get a box of old thread and if i can pull on it it doesn't break i will use that thread you know i'll use just about anything that's out there you know so uh so it's generally again with the old quilts it's not the thread that's going bad so i'm i don't worry about the thread too much um i know people talk about the lint and that sort of thing some people don't like lint i don't think our thread is very linty at all um but you know it depends again how it goes through your machine if it goes through your machine it's all the little wires that it that's that's causing the lint so if you have a more computerized machine you may get more lint than say i do with a normal metal machine because mine is just sliding through big openings right use what you want and you may have like i've had a needle that had a spur in the needle that kept causing my thread to bake break and i was just like what is going on when i finally changed my needle it was all better yeah i was so surprised so you just never know yeah you're just never interesting so don't be afraid to try different kinds of threads and don't be afraid to try ours you know it's pretty i like it i like it a lot i love it i've been using it for a long time and my machine loves it too well and you guys know i don't i don't recommend anything i don't love oh wait we have a new batting maybe we have a new giveaway a new winner a new winner this winner is starts with a k and ends with a risky no chris p chris p p like pretty princess chris with a k that's right k-r-i-s-p so chris you get one of these along with suzanne and kim kim and jennifer and misty all right ooh oh you guys this is so fun so every year um for years like since before we started before we started missouri star one of the things i love to do is a mystery quilt i love to do a mystery and um i was involved with a group that has a that did a mystery every year on new year's eve day yep and that's the cuts and bolts well now it is now it is but it used to be just you'd go get it over um yahoo on the computer you have to go that's right you guys had a weird yahoo group we had a yahoo group i forgot about that and then and and now it's a shop in chillicothe that sponsors it and its name is cuts and bolts and chillicothe is about 30 miles east of us and there's a gal over there cherie wilgemooth and she generally designs and moderates the mystery and she's actually the gal who i took my first quilting class ever from in chill coffee in chillicothe at the vo tech yeah and um and so this is this year's mystery basically what happens is she sends you the fabric instructions and the cutting instructions like about a month before and then that morning like and they're they're not like they're like it's like pick a light a medium and a dark right and cut all your lights into to these cuts and your darks into these colors and you baggy everything up so you're ready to go so you're ready to go and then it'll say take one square from your light baggie and one square from your medium and you know sew together or whatever the clues come in every hour on is it on they usually come in every hour this year they came in randomly which i i i'm one of those who waits every hour and i'm refreshing everything because you so fast everybody else is probably like oh you can take your time and i was like where's the word you know so i had to actually do another project in between so i didn't get impatient this was our mystery for the year and this is in jenny's journal for the year yes and this is scrap fabric i have so these are three fabrics that are from three different lines totally different leftover from other products leftover from other projects and so this was my mystery quilt that i did this year and she gives them in three sizes so this was the smallest one and it's 90 by 90 and so you could have chosen two sizes larger i could have chosen two sizes larger wow ambitious so i just really fell in love with this fabric i think this is a um jason jason yenter fabric for sure and then and this is an old zen chic and this looks like a grunge and this is a stonehenge yes in my quilt and so what was really interesting was i think our first clue was to make half square triangles so we had a big baggie of half square triangles and then we made um we made uh these strips these strip sets and cut them and then and you never you know the whole time you're trying to guess what's it going to be what's it going to be what's going on and i just love the not knowing i love the you know the one you know you guys know i love the what happens if factor you know and so this is in jenny's journal yeah and um i actually thought about brilliant very cool i thought about bringing several of my old mysteries you know did you guys photograph some others no just this one oh just this one yeah i had i had them but they were like no let's not confuse people let's just take a picture of one oh and so uh so actually the size that's nice about this is that it's perfect to hang on your porch it is perfect for hanging up and perfect for a baby also perfect for snuggling on the couch yes it's a great lap quilt you know it's a great um like if you're if you're uh in bed you need to quilt over you i always think about people who are in wheelchairs and things like that my grandma always had a little quilt over her lap and and this is a great size they're you're not losing people in it you're just you know this great size can you open that up again linda would like you to explain what grunge fabric means i think sometimes we talk about these it's a design it's a it's a design it's a basic but it's a line name so no if you could zoom in on the one of these orange squares right here grunge is a line that is like that can you get it it's designed by basic gray it is designed by basic gray and it has lots of kind of little colors it kind of looks like um it looks like like distressed paint yes that's exactly what it looks like like you've like you paint one color then you paint another color over it and then you sandpaper it off and and the color shows and it comes in all kinds of colors and they huge rainbow and they're also adding um design elements to it so you can get a grunge dot yeah so grunge is just it kind of has an element of several different colors in it and it's a great background fabric i love it has a ton of texture again it's basic gray for moda and they always come out with some new line of grunge fabric and so that was a great question that's a great question yeah and then can you also tell us about the stonehenge because we referenced that it's also a line that has kind of a stonehenge is also a line and they're found yeah their fabrics can vary quite a bit but um it kind of looks like concrete a little bit yeah it's another basis that has a tonal texture and it's beautiful it kind of reminds me more of like a sponge painted effect but softer than that lights and darks you can see on these on these blues you'll see kind of blizzy blendy well you know but it comes in so many colors yeah and it used to be ranges when you were looking for fabrics like that you could only get like tone on tone prints and now they're just doing fabric that's like kind of all over too it's cool because it reads as a solid but it has so much texture and movement that it really does flat it really does it's beautiful yeah what else what else and stonehenge is produced by northcott yes right northcott as a the manufacturer stonehenge is the name of the line and fyi this isn't exactly like the pattern i'm shocked by that what changed it well on this size let me let me just tell you what i did on this size it had a blue and then the r and then the orange and then a blue and an orange they had them opposites and so in in small letters on the bottom of that page it says you are done with your 90 by 90. and i didn't know that so i went on to the next page and i added another border and another border and so i i ended up putting all my same colors because they had the color staggered and so i had my i ended up putting all the blue here all the light blue here and all the orange out here so interesting so it's it's the same size as they said but they had them like so if you were to go to the website you would see a quilt that looked different okay just a little bit i mean just the color placement do they sell this pattern i don't know if they sell the pattern but yeah i don't know if sherry sells her mystery patterns i don't know either but if you go to the cuts and bolts on facebook and you go to files or um events or something like that you can see they have these little mystery quilt things in there that's very cool it's it is pretty sweet yeah i think they had close to a thousand people sign up this last time which that's great which was really fun yeah well and they're so close to us that when things magically open back up you guys should go and give them a visit as well it's 25 miles from here we have several in the town with the closest nicest hotels as well so and it is the home of sliced bread for sure for sure they made the i mean obviously they're probably not the first ones to ever slice i'm thinking and thinking they probably had the they invented the machine was it the machine or the first factory or something like that and in 1928 sliced bread was invented but in 1922 betty white was born so sliced bread is the best thing since betty white that's so true and she just turned 99.99 yeah i want to be her when i grow up yeah no kidding she's amazing okay so on that we have one more two we had a birthday party birthday was yesterday same day or a day apart i think they're a day of heart oh my goodness two amazing women american icons yo oh for sure all right we have one more winner so our fifth winner holy smokes all right now i know you guys have a batting game i know you haven't seen this before now if you all get together you can make those quilts you may have heard of this batting that's true five yards that's right you may have heard of this maddie it is 120 by 36 runner batting and it's tessa b like boy oh i did it wrong it starts with a t ends with essa yes tessa b like boy and you have just won one of these runner battings and matt i hope that you guys when you get these i hope whatever you whatever you make you post that would be really fun we'd love to see that and so it's nice to i think it's narrow enough that it wouldn't give you too much trouble for cutting and well and i think they smell it it is something you could do on your home machine oh yeah and it's long enough to hang over your king size bed if you're doing that bed size runner oh yeah because it would be nice and long so hitting all the right well and when you get tired of it on your bed you can put on your table unless you have a really tiny table so i have a 10 foot long table i think you should lay your teenager in it and roll them up like a like a little sushi roll yeah put some that would be awesome noah we're trying that when we get home tonight noah's not a teenager anymore that's true but and he can run faster than you can well maybe he'll be rolling me up in the roll back there you go one of the dogs we'll roll up one of the dogs that'll be good there you go all right so folks who are asking you can absolutely subscribe to the issue that we're teasing and giving a sneak peek into today including jenny's journal which we just talked about if you subscribe before 11 59 p.m central time on monday 1 25 21 you will get this issue as your first print issue but you will also get a bonus as a digital issue of the most recent issue so which would be december that would be the december issue for right now so you can see that and we actually have a little video that will show you how to access your digital issue because if you're a subscriber you automatically have all the digital issues for your subscription as well that's right the guys are going to show that video for us very cool and so all you have to do is sign into your missouri star account and then you will get to see the issue even if you're still waiting on it to hit your mailbox we know there were a few shipping delays that we all experienced in the christmas season i believe december was a little late it was a little but it was a little crazy for everybody and you can go into your downloads in your missouri star account and you can see your digital issue and so you can play along with that and there are extra links and extra goodies in there so you can click through and see the videos that were the tutorials jenny has done that go along with those every everybody's pretty good about uh you know the poor postal service it's not like we're not shipping them but you know i guess the postal service fedex all those they're like it's 10x yeah they have thousands more so right now mail mail has come back has returned and uh but still it's a it's um you know everybody's been pretty understanding about it every once in a while somebody'll be like have you gotten yours you know and it's like just hang on just hang on yeah okay and sharon kay is asking how far back do the electronic issues go so i want to talk about that for just a second volume seven which was the year 2020s issues are all in this really pretty format that you're seeing on your screen that's right the um the more recent issues are already this way but we're going back and we're doing what we're calling a digitizing progress process to make the old magazine digital issues a little fancier too so right stay tuned for back in the day we basically had the capability to create a pdf that they that you could access digitally but it wasn't this this beautiful we've improved that so much we have well really amazingly talented helping us out oh well we did we absolutely did the best we could with what we have but but we have really talented people working with us now and the capabilities have just gotten so much better yeah yeah i really have they really have and this is the the what they're doing now is so gorgeous it's just so beautiful yeah it's beautiful it's fun content you can click through it is that video over and we're trying we're trying hard every issue to add just a little bit more digital content as much as we can squeeze out and sometimes there's more digital content than there is in the paper one is that right that's always right that's always right yes interesting yeah i love it digitally we want there to be little bonuses and extra things so we add in you know video features you can't put that in a book well that's true you can't put a video that's true i can click a book but it's not going to do anything [Laughter] i do love you know i think my generation is just tactile we like to hold that paper in our hand you know natalie will say mom can you look at this on the computer and i'll be like print that out for me and let me look at it you know and i just like i i just i like to hold it in my hand that paper yeah the nice thing about the digital copy though is that you can actually access it's like having the playlist of all the videos in one place so you have you have everything that's in this issue and then there will be um additional content that goes with the quilt along so last um last volume we did the ruby sensation and we had little um little videos showing how to pop things together and you know an easy visual of that even though we also had photos and descriptive text you know you sometimes it's beautiful easier to see it in a picture or a quick video yep so one last question um gail we didn't ask we didn't ask this um how many issues do you get in a year so it's six issues it's every other month yep so we're here in january we want you to subscribe now to get the february issue yep and then we will be back for another block party before our next issue yeah and that will come out in april that's right and then we have june august october and december that's right correct wow that was pretty good in no math tonight in the night you know but those were numbers and i still did okay and so guys we just also want to encourage you to subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any of those block parties that are coming up and you can do that and if you click the bell icon you may have heard this on other videos the bell icon is notification so you'll get a little notification to let you know that a video is starting or a video is available and that's the missouri star missouri star quilt company youtube channel youtube channel that's right excellent so most everything we have is on that channel well well that's and that's true that's that's um that's something i think people don't realize is when these videos even if they're live they end up getting stored from that channel so you could go back and watch live videos over and over if you want to and so if there's things like that you saw here and you wished your friend had seen it yeah you could always say or if you think on youtube it's there if you want to go back and say oh i forgot how they showed how to do that thing or in particular like misty's facebook lives that are every tuesday yeah those are not they're not gone you can't go inside that's right and get them and then if you subscribe you get a ping before the video starts showing which is a handy reminder because that makes sense oh my gosh my exhaustion is showing i'm sorry great reminder though you know for for all of us yeah i like set alarms for you know uh sometimes i get so involved i'm so hyper focused that you know i'm doing this and it's like oh i had this right you forget it about everything else because you're just doing that one thing right all right well guys that's the end of the hour thank you so much for joining us and playing along with our block party and being silly with us and congratulations all the winners winners yes congratulations to all the winners we don't we we haven't done a giveaway on the block party before i think this should be a regular i think you're right more giveaways giveaways are the best let's do more differences all right well thank you guys for joining us and we will see you back here in time for the block in april yeah we'll see you in march sometime in march all right we'll see you guys later thanks for joining us see ya you
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 107,467
Rating: 4.9352226 out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt Company, Missouri Star, Jenny Doan, Jennie Doan, Genny, Jenny, Ginny, Doan, quilting, quilt, quilt tutorial, quilting tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing, sewing tutorial, tutorial, quilting precuts, pre-cut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting, free quilt class, free quilting classes, how to sew
Id: uPtej4oGyG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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