Replacing a culvert pipe

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[Applause] yeah [Applause] all right I'm on this job here today to take care of a drainage issue on this driveway so you can see there's a bunch of water on this side of the driveway and the last time it rained was two days ago and the homeowner said when it was raining this entire section of driveway probably like 4050 feet here the water was just running right over it and she didn't want that to happen so I actually looked at this job a few months ago and it was kind of like this and we were questioning if there was even a culvert pipe in here and then then I didn't get the job she someone else ended up bringing in this load of gravel right here and then they cleaned they found a pipe and then cleaned it out but I think the pipe that's in here is under sized you know just kind of based on the amount of water dust I mean it is working it's not clogged up but it's just not enough water's getting through it and I don't know it's maybe a eight inch pipe in there or four inch or whatever it is it's not big enough since all right so let's uh let's get let's get this in here all right so it may not look like it in the camera but the water level on that side is probably at least a foot higher than it is over here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I just finished that up so that went pretty smoothly you know the pipe is definitely working before the water level is pretty much at the height of this driveway now it's down probably almost two feet so there's the water going into the pipe now you can see through the pipe it's got just a little bit of a downhill pitch to it so that's probably perfect you know if it's going uphill what ends up happening is like this side will fill up with dirt and stuff and you know start clogging up the pipe so I'm sure everyone on YouTube is gonna say that it's not deep enough and I agree this time this does need more gravel on top of it that was as deep as I could get that in there I was hitting bedrock and you know way I was getting through it unless the jackhammer was here or something but I feel the pipe is at the right height anyway you know really a load or two of gravel on top of here bring this whole area up quite a bit would be the way to handle this so I'm gonna suggest you know it doesn't need it right away I wouldn't drive a cement truck over this right now but light cars and stuff they're never gonna hurt it and then you know let it settle down a little bit and then maybe next week or something I'll bring in a load of gravel spread it out on top of this and it will be fine so I almost brought my Komatsu here to do this job but once I picked up that pipe from the pipe place I was like oh I don't feel like doing all this digging it's it would have taken three times as long so I just brought this machine here instead you know that didn't take that long that wasn't that bad all right this old pipe here had a metal pipe in it and it looked like it was a probably a one-foot pipe but I think what always happens with this is it these rust out and then it's like you lose a good amount of the water flow because it like fills up with dirt and collapses so I'm never a fan of these metal pipes I always seem to be changing them you know those plastic ones I've never had an issue of one of those so I think that's definitely the way to go so I'm back here a few weeks later to check on it there's a few potholes that formed so I talked her into bringing a load of gravel in here so to cover this up but you can see the pipe here is still you know perfectly round which is good and she has a garbage truck that comes in here every week so that's driven over at least two or three times now and and they're pretty heavy so to see this still in good shape that's a really good thing sometimes when you have stubborn potholes just fill them up with gravel doesn't fix them but if you put a big flat rock and I'm cover them up sometimes that usually does a much better job [Music] you all right so I just finished up breaking that out so that looks pretty good you know definitely smoothed it out quite a bit and got a little more gravel on top of this pipe so that was only like just under four tons of gravel all right on to the next job
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 1,914,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, culvert pipe, excavation, dump truck, drive way repair, driveway drainage, water flow, yanmar b50
Id: 14wmeOmI8_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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