Fixing a gravel driveway

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right cody and i are on this job today the plan is to do a little bit of repair work to this gravel driveway how did you get wet already where'd you find water all right so you can see once you get on these hilly sections it's very clear to see the problem so the water from heavy rains runs down the center of the driveway and just kind of keeps carving out this ditch down the whole thing instead of running on the edges where it's supposed to run and you can see here you know there's a trench along the side where the water's supposed to be going but a good amount of it is going right where people would be driving and uh look how deep it's been carving out that ditch so the plan is to kind of just go up and down the whole things fill in that ditch and then re-crown it and try to keep the water diverted off to the sides [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look everything's looking good i'm just no look at this trail of all this traffic here i wonder what this is like and check that out too just take a video of that first i didn't do that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] all right so we're all finished here so i think it turned out pretty good you know i dug ditches out on the sides of it i gave it a very slight crown and spots where it needs it but made a little bit of a turnaround spot right there and i cleaned up the ditches on this side obviously i smoothed out that trench that went down the whole thing as you can see probably during heavy rains there was a lot of water coming right here and probably entering the center of it and being at the whole center of this you know water surface water was coming in from the edges and just running down at the whole time and digging that channel so now nothing should be running in from the sides this trench here should be catching all the water along here but i also before this steep part starts i did a very slight water bar right in here which should divert all the water off to the side but the real trick is to come out like when you get a real heavy rain come outside walk up and down it make sure water isn't doing anything bad digging like for example going down the center digging a trench come out with a shovel and uh if you gotta throw in some water bars or something to shed that water instead of screwing up the whole driveway all right well let's come and revisit this during a real heavy rain and see how see what the water's doing all right here we are back the next day it actually rained really hard overnight so we got levi here to inspect everything water is running down the side like it's supposed to instead of running down the middle and carving out a channel water bars are pretty important you can see how much water is getting caught and this is just you know the surface water from the rain that's getting caught here and getting sent off to the side instead of running down this whole thing and screwing up the driveway so it's important to come out here when it's raining just make sure make sure these stay working yeah this could use a little bit of gravel but it's not that bad see right here how shape in the driveway helped because even a little bit of water that's running down the surface is going off to the side and instead of running down the whole thing so this should be fixed for years i mean snow plowing changes everything because when you go plow the snow it pushes the gravel to the sides and then the drainage doesn't work right so that's why gravel driveways are pretty much endless maintenance but it's a good business to be in so hey buddy how's everything look all right so the guy actually said this was a rail bed here that's why it's so you know it's like a perfectly flat path that went for miles cody wants to go an old rail bed cody where you going buddy and the guy was telling me that they used to get water for the trains at this pond right here cody i don't think those birds like you look at him look how hard he's swimming [Laughter] hey cody i don't think you're gonna catch them buddy all right all right we're all done here let's uh go to the next one you
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 630,607
Rating: 4.9541826 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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