Setting up a shipping container cabin

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[Music] all right so it's been a while since I've been here so um there's been a crew people here working on this container modifying it and making it into a livable space so let's check out what they've done so far so looks like they've just kind of studded out the walls and the ceilings for you know that way they can finish it like a normal house there's a bunch of doors and windows and I guess they're the step they're on now is they want to insulate this thing and they're spray foam in it but the first thing they want to do is spray from the bottom and what I'm supposed to do is the bottoms of these the floors of these things are like you know ribs with you know it's like plywood and then a bunch of cross members like like a trailer and they want I'm supposed to tip this thing on its side so they can spray foam the bottom of it first and then and then then I got push it back and then they can finish spray foam in everything on the inside so that should be pretty interesting I got my d4 here to try to do that and I got a bunch of chain so spray foam crew should be here pretty soon I guess I got to pull all this stuff out of the inside and there's some tires I guess I'll lay some tires down and make some stacks to tie it maybe pull it on the tires or something I don't know I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing here yet but it'll be interesting so all right so let me let me get to work on this thing [Music] alright this seems to be about the midpoint right [Music] you all right so just to make sure it's safe that's about perfect those guys should be fine working under there alright so we just got this thing tilted so that went very smoothly so this is what the bottom of a shipping container looks like it's all these ribs so the spray-foam crew they just showed up that's them right there setting up all their equipment and they're going to be insulating the bottom of this container and then once they're finished at the bottom I will set it back down and they can spray foam the inside let's go inside of it [Music] that's it here's the inside that's pretty cool while those guys are over there working on that insulation my job over here is to get the road ready where this where that container is going to end up so it's been marked out so these aren't these red flags are marking the center line of the road so let's just look at it first before I do any work so I'm pretty much you know this is kind of uneven and rocky and hilly and just want to trees in the way and then I think I don't know if I'm supposed to stop here I can say go ask that guy but uh I thought the plan was to stick that container right in here right on the side of this stream so when you're in that container you'll be you know you have that waterfall and stuff in this little stream look at so that would be kind of nice you I'm gonna get started here you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I got all the trees off of this hill and now it's time to grade this out [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I just finished roughing in this road here so that looks pretty good I got some nice rock out of here so um you know that's good this shouldn't be I don't think this will ever be muddy but I'm gonna put some gravel on it but the plan is now to they're finishing up on that spray foam on the inside of that container and the plan is to drag that up here so so the we're gonna we're gonna go right through here and hopefully we can get it in that spot right in there and hopefully I can do it with the one machine all right I'm gonna go over there and grab that container all right so these guys just finished spray foam in the bottom of this so now it's time to push this thing back down [Music] alright the spray foam insulation guys just finished up spraying in this insulation so you know this is pretty cool that should make this thing very easy to heat so now it's time to get this thing in position so I got my my dozer here and we're just going to chain to it and it's probably we got to go pretty far I mean it's probably thousands there are 2,000 feet at least so so hopefully I can do it with the one machine [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we got it this is where it was supposed to go so that went pretty well you know it's quite the brutal process but this is you know it's here so and yeah we just checked it with a level the thing is pretty much perfect so that's nice too but um yeah this is cool so now it's in this spot can be finished with all the doors and windows and you know all the siding and everything inside of it so and then you're right on the stream here [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we are you here later and the things all set up so let's check it out so how is this solar stuff working pretty covered by trees yeah well this is look at this area here that's nice yeah these one oh that's the table for me right what's your table yeah there it is cool yeah looks nice there I made a pool so yeah a bigger - well the other ones not closed you look at the bathroom gutter this bed is great with this stream right here well looks nice - John do all this yeah ceiling yeah that's nice yeah this looks nice to me let me hardly even tell you're in a container right yeah how's it been it's a high cube so it's another 12 inches tall yeah yeah it's nice different it does how's the insulation been working out fantastic yeah so is this what is that wood it's a wood stove that's wood stove I light it 420 degrees outside it takes 15 minutes - yeah and that's got a blower on it okay that really helps so if it's nice in that spot I can't believe it it's like we made such good progress for you put that road in and a day we got this thing up here is the windows ooh yeah and then it was a year of like little tiny bits yeah [Music] [Music]
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 496,349
Rating: 4.8970947 out of 5
Keywords: Container cabin, shipping container, tiny house, off grid living, bulldozer, excavation, spray foam, camper, camping, cat d4c
Id: 15LaOu04kCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
Reddit Comments

Oh man, that was so sweet. It was a full on movie. Stressed me out so much when he was dragging that thing a mile through rocks and trees. That was definitely the climax and then the amazing ending where it all came together with a final drone out pan of the forest. Masterpiece!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/canadurps 📅︎︎ May 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Been watching Andrew's videos for quite some time and it's by far my favorite new-to-me channel I've found and my wife's least favorite (because his voice is not her favorite).

I like how he just gets to it and doesn't shove brands down viewers throats, it's interesting content, first hand knowledge of what works and how, and he just gets shit done.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BryceSoFresh 📅︎︎ May 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

How did dragging it like that not destroy the floor insulation? Especially at those angles.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/alphanovember 📅︎︎ May 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
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