Repairing my Rotten Window Sill

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hello and welcome back to the channel i think you can already see behind me what we need to get done today let's see if we can save it or if it needs to be replaced [Music] so let's get close up and see what we're dealing with okay so the paint's coming off but that's not too sad i think it's this edge bit here oh yeah you can hear it yeah well hopefully you can hear it anyway i'm down here okay ah there you go however as can often be the case the more you go looking for something the more that you actually find and that is exactly what happened here i just couldn't stop finding what i really didn't want to see more of and it was about this time where i really should have taken a second look at how bad this was because this was going to require an awful lot of filler but sometimes i just can't help myself i just like to repair things so i just carried on with the prep just trying to get rid of all the loose material and get it ready to be filled [Music] so what i'm applying here is just some wood treatment just to help the rock that we've got and it deals with dry wok dry water dry rot wet rock and also fungal infections and the like so should be perfectly capable would deal with this so all i'm going to do is just spread it on liberally give it a couple of coats i think just to make sure and then after it's dried we can start to do some of the filling and so on to the filling stage which was going to be by far the longest stage of all little did i know at this point and also if you were wondering why i hadn't opened the window at this point just to help with everything i've been doing it was actually a very very good reason for that and that was because the key was in a very very safe place unfortunately so safe that i'd not actually managed to locate it quite yet [Music] and after much more of this because this job's appetite for good filler was absolutely insatiable and oh yes i was using ron seal two-part filler well at least for the first bit and invariably after that came the sanding because funnily enough it didn't really leave the smoothest of finishes and after the sanding guess what yes a lot more filling and so the cycle continued and on the good news front at least i'd managed to find the window key so at least it gave me a better chance of being able to do this properly however at the halfway point this is how far i'd got which it wasn't turning out as well as i'd hoped or at least as quickly as i'd hoped so you know what they say in for a penny in for a pound so just had to really carry on and hopefully i could get it where i needed it to be without spending over 100 pounds on filler [Music] so really starting to make some good progress for this and getting some good shape to most of the seal as you can see but at the bottom here it's still all over the show but at least for now i think we've got over the cracking problems with the new filler [Music] i'm actually quite excited because i'm finally getting around to paint something and this is the product i'm using which apparently is self-priming but let's see [Music] [Music] and so after all that effort filling sanding and then doing it again multiple times this is the final product which actually i'm reasonably happy with please like subscribe comment and share and i'll see you again soon back on the channel with some more videos
Channel: DIY Dick
Views: 28,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, rotten wood, repair, fix, filler
Id: isS8bdMoAtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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