Rotten, Waterlogged Window Sill Must Be Removed And Replaced To Repair Casement Window

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us now I gotta figure out this Sill I got some facts here okay here's a fact this thing here this has been taking on water still for a long time you know lesson number one you know don't have your sprinklers you know I mean I don't think they do but put it past people you know anyway so you gotta I'm gonna have to dig all this out here take this guy off this guy he feels very solidly attached and I'm wondering if they like put no tapcons or something into these bricks anyway so the wood is solid so I don't know I mean I would like to use it but you know I don't know how that's gonna happen so let's see if I can figure out how this thing is attached and get it off of here huh well here's something interesting this is the nail sticking through I just pulled this piece out from right here up underneath this and that brick mold in there okay and I'm assuming that there was a piece that went from brick all the way to Brick um but you see this old paint here this paint that was here before this secondary sill here so I'm wondering if this still is even necessary shoot I might be able to take this re-trim it and install it up underneath there like it's supposed to be you know because you're supposed to have you know the you know the sash is going to cover and water is going to hit the sash run out and you know if it slopes uphill it's harder for the water to run uphill um anyway I mean right now the way it's set up is I mean you can this is actually this this sill is actually lower than this hill so you've got a pocket here where water is able to just get in we'll see what what happens so we got a saga continues we got more Liquid Nails holding it down so I got a probably prying it up trying to get out and you can see it give me it it's moving it'll it'll be a second before I get this thing all the way off but I don't think I'm gonna be able to reuse it maybe I don't know there's like some rocks under here you know that we're having to uh contend with so all right so I got it up and you can see where the Liquid Nails was all of this moisture trapped right here in the brick so you have to let that dry out a little bit before I I think put something else on there you know who knows how much water has gotten in there so it's off okay so it's gone and you can see this because it wasn't liquid nails per se but it did a good job of sticking that's for sure and you can see where it was you know it did the ceiling job so I'm going to take this guy out so they can be continuous all the way through and who knows I mean I might be able to use this guy if it dries out you know we'll see yeah that still that was put out here hanging over this brick I don't know maybe they maybe they put it there because there's this crack here okay that's I can understand that but look at the what look what the water trap did the water trap you know it siphoned all the water into that crack that was there and just really rotted the rest of this thing out you know kind of did me a service like easier to take out um but here's one of the things I look for you know is is evidence of you know what was here previously right and you can see the paint kind of flaking off you know this was painted at one time so that tells me put the sill back the way that it was let the water run off the brick life will be good okay um we can seal the brick we can seal the you know seal the wood and it will it will be good I mean but that what you got to do I mean you gotta eliminate water traps I mean look at that that's uh that's what you know that solution that I just removed did it accelerated the decay instead of staving it off so we're going to put that sill back here and continue the slope and I I do got to let this dry though so you don't want to it's got fungal spores all in there so I'm sure you don't want that fungus to continue so maybe we'll put some killer on there too that's what we'll do one thing I'd like to point out um pulling this still out now there's there's still some some good wood in here I'm not sure if this is Pine or Cypress I feel like it might be Cypress it's a little lightweight but it's still tough and resilient trying to pull it out um but one of the things that I mean you need to know is that I mean even the best wood I mean if you've got historic old growth heart Pine or or old growth Cypress or whatever it's no match just for you know just day in day out moisture fungal activity and rot I mean it'll even the best Woods will will meet their demise you know if yeah proper protections water drainage all those types of things aren't thought of so anyway but you can see I mean it got a little bit of stuff here it's good not much but oh here's what's interesting you got the most that's good right here this is where the two Sills you know this connection sill was they were flush so water could run off of this okay over here the sill was raised up a little bit created a little Pond a little water trap where water could get in and just soak and soak and soak so I just tore it up all the way down building science got to understand the building science that emerged over thousands of freaking years I said freaking f-r-i-c-k I am just for clarification so I'm able to get these pieces of sill out you know first order has tried to drill all the way through it but man I wasn't going all the way through but I want you to look at this grain man this is a piece of old growth Cypress you know look at that look how tight the grain is this was the best piece of wood that could have been in here but it still didn't stand a chance against um a lack of understanding of building science and trapping water against it because even the best piece of Cypress here um not protected properly or not given the proper chance to survive you know Nature's going to take it back what happened here I'm able to get in here and I saw I had a sawzod between the stool and the sill to cut all those nails and now I'm I'm working on P you know piecing these pieces teasing this out here oh I'll cut it in sections and you know pull it out yeah man hold this guy out I'm in there that was a nice piece of wood very nice the kind that you would like to have conduit I don't know how old that is but back in there you can see that's got the pressure treated 2x4 in there somebody to repair sometime oh a little bit of blood no project happens at least a little bit of blood gotta have a little sacrifice okay so huh here we go we've got that old sill all the way out foreign my first job ever which was um foundation repair where you had to crawl up underneath the house and you know change out posts and things like that well oftentimes you had to rebuild the structure of the house from underneath the house and changing out four by six beams four by eight beams big old Timbers underneath the house crawl around I mean this is not crawling around but the principle is the same is that the entire window is built upon and sits on the window sill so the sill goes first and everything kind of goes up from that I mean even still I mean maybe maybe the word sill means on the bottom I don't know what sill means but you know you've got a silk you got sill plates you've got you've got sill beams you've got all kinds of Sills type stuff but that's the foundation right there and so we're gonna put the foundation back the way it's supposed to be and um you know but I'm gonna do that after lunch it's lunch time now also hanging out with me here I can't even see it but somewhere in there oh it's a spider see my little spider in there oh that's pretty cool hanging out
Channel: Wood Window Makeover
Views: 14,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sUbxiTZT2Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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