Rotted window sill repair with PC Products

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hi everyone I'm Cindy with protective coating company also known as PC products today we're gonna do a video on how to use PC petrol fire on a rotted windowsill this windowsill is from the 1800s and a farm house in Pennsylvania has a very routed window cells very soft wood so we have a product called PC petrol fire that is going to harden the wood it is a single component you don't have to mix two parts together it's just one component in a bottle so the first step in restoring this old window sill is to scrape away some of the old paint and the rotted really loose areas of the wood on the window sill so I scraped away most of the rotted wood that was very loose and the paint that was on top of it as you can see here after he scraped away a big chunks of it this is what's left we have left I also used a brush just to brush away any of the loose wood chips that were in the window sill so the next step is that we're going to actually use the pc petrol fire and we're gonna really saturate this rotted wood wood so I have a 16 ounce bottle here that I'm gonna use on this windowsill and as you can see it's a very liquidy kind of milk looking product and this is gonna soak right into the wood I'm gonna also use this brush to make sure it gets right into all the wood you can brush it around and that is all soaked in I'm actually going to apply a little bit more to make sure I'm fully saturated in this wood now this is gonna take overnight to cure especially in a hot sunny day actually may only take 12 hours but we're gonna give this overnight and we're gonna come back tomorrow and we're gonna see how hard into this windowsill is and then we'll be able to fill it in with our PC woody we have multiple different sizes of our pc petrol firewood hardener we have a 16 ounce size we also have a smaller eight out size which is half of this and for very large projects and multiple window sills we have our gallon size of the pc petrol fire hi this is cindy again with protective coating company also known as pc products here at an old windowsill that we parted with our wood hardener called pc petrol fire and this has fully cured now as you can see this wood is nice and hard now as compared to the soft squishy wood over here on this side we didn't actually repair this side of the windowsill so we can have a comparison so you can see the finished side versus the non finished side so what we're gonna do here now so we have a big void in our windowsill we need to fill that void with a product called pc woody which is a two-part wood epoxy paste comes in multiple different sizes we have the large gallon size we have a half gallon size 12 ounce six ounce and tiny little small project sizes so the pc woody is a it's a two-part wood epoxy the keys for pc point is you actually have to mix equal amounts of each side we have an A and a B side you have to make so I'm gonna take some out of the a side and the B side and I'll mix this together and show you how you can actually mix the PC body together and this is a real thick peanut butter type consistency which is nice because you can work vertically Oh another little trick here before you dip this into the other side you always want to wipe it off because then you're gonna start the hardening process so make sure you clean off your tools before you go from A to B 50/50 mix I'm gonna try to grab about the same amount on the other side it doesn't have to be exact you just want to be able to eyeball it make sure that you have about the same amount on each side so now we're gonna start mixing up the PC woody you have about thirty minutes of work time once you start mixing up the PC woody and after you apply it it will cure in about 12 to 24 hours so you let it sit overnight it'll cure and it'll harden up this actually the PC woody actually has some wood flour built into it so it's really nice and flexible it'll Bend with the wood this can be used on structural wood indoors outdoors after its cured it's also fully waterproof so here's some of my tricks for mixing you just kind of scrape the bottom and blend it all in together I'm gonna mix for about a minute so anything else you guys want me to say okay so our PC woody is fully mixed I mix the two sides together for about a minute gonna use this putty knife over here and you can see this is a real thick epoxy and I can go vertical if I had a repair that was the vertical repair this would be real easy to just adhere vertically and it's not gonna drip or sag so here's our void in our windowsill I'm just gonna go ahead and start pressing in the PC woody looks like we need more okay so we're the best of the PC woody to fill in all the voids here and a trick that we use is that you can use denatured alcohol to smooth out the PC woody once it's still workable so I have to natured alcohol here in this drug and I'm actually just going to pour it right over top of the PC woody you can use gloves but I'm just gonna I'm just gonna use my finger to smooth out the PC woody with the denatured alcohol just right on top of it this is so that we have less sanding to do when we come back to sand it so after this is all cured we're gonna come back and sand it and you can paint over it you can drill into it you can nail into it anything that you would do with wood you can't this is what you can do with PC woody so you can see how nice and smooth this is this is now it's all smoothed out okay back the next day we waited overnight for the PC woody to fully cure and drive and as you can see this is really hard now and so the next step is to like any project you would want to sand it down and then we're gonna paint it so I brought a electric standard here and we're gonna we're just gonna go through and stand up get ripped some of the extra bumps here of the PC woody [Music] as you can see it looks like wood it flakes off its gonna stand real nice [Music] I'm also gonna touch up some of the last-minute spots here with the hand sander and once you're done sanding the best way to clean it off because you can use some of this denatured alcohol and just wipe it down before you paint it we also use the denatured alcohol to clean off our tools with the PC woody it takes the the epoxy right off the tool is real nice alright I'm just cleaning this down a little bit and we are ready to to paint I have an exterior paint that we're going to use and there's primer built into it so you only need to use one coat [Applause] so once this dries [Applause] our window will be restored that hardwood is hardened and we have filled everything in with our PC woody [Applause]
Channel: PC Products Epoxy
Views: 316,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood epoxy, woody, pc woody, pc-woody, wood hardener, pc petrifier, petrifier, pc-petrifier, rotted wood, window sill, repair wood, wood repair, harden wood, replace window, restore window sill, restore wood, wood restoration, pc products, pc-products, protective coating, window repair, rotted wood repair
Id: Vc4UTWiCUmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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