How to rot repair, How to use Bondo and How-to Dustin...Bonus!

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hello this is dustin with home mender and today we've got some rotten trim on a bay window this comes down and it's it's kind of 30 degree angle trim board and we've got some rot down here you can see that this board has lost the corner and lost the edge this probably could stand to be replaced but what fun is that we're gonna fix this rotten wood with bondo and i'm gonna show you how let's get to it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now we could easily pull all the rotten boards off and replace it but i think we can save this i get a lot of questions like dustin how did you learn to do everything that you can do i'm going to show you but first i've got this rotten wood and i'm going to use the bondo to fix it but i have to recreate this corner otherwise it's going to look like homeowner special i'm going to take this stir stick and i'm going to create a mold for my bondo to fill right in there when i was a young man i was in lexington kentucky and i got a job as a building operator too working at the dorms uh for the university of kentucky like i felt like a total big shot now bondo is awesome and inside the bondo container we have this little plastic mixing uh cap and i've got some cream hardener all right we got our gray goo inside and now we're gonna put our gray goo in our little mixing tote all right now bondo is pretty hardcore stuff we're gonna mix up enough to fill our little area there there we go all right we're gonna put about this much for our first coat okay now we've got the hardener i'm just gonna squeeze in a little bit and then let's make sure we get this mixed up really well okay just mix this guy up in here now make sure all the the cream hardener is going to mix in with your bondo mixture because it's going to be easier to get it out of the clear mixing cap all right we're all mixed up well i'm going to put my mixture in the hole and use that stir stick as my my guide over there make sure we get it right up to the edge and recreate that corner there i learned to do anything that has to do with electric water or forced air changing light bulbs and replacing faucets and things like that which taught me all my home repair maintenance go ahead and hit this little guy too on our first coat of course i was only like 23 but they gave me a radio a two-way radio and there would be a complex the desk sends out work orders all all throughout the day so they would say i was my number was 512. make sure you get all in between your guide 512 and then i would say go ahead kerwin tower room 807 got a toilet stopped up and then i would say 10-4 and i would go and ride my little car and go and don't stop the toilet and humble beginnings let's go get this cleaned up you can tell when it's ready to go because you can bend the little cup here and then this will just kind of crack out that's why you want to make sure you get uh your your heart your cream hardener and your your bondo mixture mixed up really well so it sets evenly and can easily be removed from this guy all right let's go ahead and get this cleaned up a little bit so we're ready for our second coat you can see it's hard and we're just gonna scrape off the little extra in my corner here and i also want to run a blade in between this and that just to make sure we're not sticking too much to it because bondo is pretty hardcore i think i'm going to do a second coat to make sure i create this corner well and then we can pull this off so one of the things about the college that was crazy was uh these people are going to be running the country someday and i would get things like i'm i'm taking light bulbs up to a guy's room a kid's room and this guy is probably i don't know college age 22 23 whatever and i would bring the light bulbs up there and he would say what do these just snap in snap in uh so yeah it was uh a little uh discouraging some of the responses i would hear now i don't have a job and i have to find a new place to live so i'm calling around and looking for a place to live and it was a maintenance guy who uh who does work on a bunch of properties outside of uk campus so he hired me and um this is where i learned to do a lot of exterior repairs like windows and and windowsills and installing doors painting and basically apartment turnover which now taught me a lot of the apartment maintenance then to a lot of the the carpentry and construction how to put in floors how to trim them out and all that stuff let's get our second coat is mixed up nice and even let's go ahead and put this guy on there again filling in all the little low spots make sure you get that right up next to your form so we can create the corner smooth coat all right now i'm going to hold my form because i saw it moving on me so i'm going to push this over just to keep it tight and do a nice smooth coat could do a smooth coat over here and you can see this here uh went from like a small small little lip uh to a feather and which means when it gets so tight i put a lot of pressure here i put pressure on but then as i go up i i put pressure tighter to the top so then it works from uh just a feather and if you're good at it you don't even need to sand it still the second coat drying i'm gonna take some of these high lips off just because it's gonna make it easier when we sand it all right after the second coat we are looking awesome we're getting ready to pull off our little form board and get ready for the third coat all right let's get ready to pull off our little stir stick form board here just want to make sure it's all detached there we go nice there you go we can you can see we created this nice hard edge right there and you won't even know that there's no board there so after i learned all that stuff uh we picked up with my two little girls and moved across the country to virginia beach i started working for a contractor and i just started listening to him the way that he talked to the customer and i was thinking geez i can do this with him i learned all my outside repairs he did roofing and siding and flashing and things like that so after that i started my own business and it blew up and you can do that too now when your bondo's dry you can just crack the lid and all that will come out now we get ready for our third coat now this is just a touch-up coat we don't need a lot now this bad boy is ready for a light sand and a paint [Laughter] [Music] i hope that video gave you the confidence to make your wood repair maybe you need to pull off the piece maybe you could just fix it with bondo but now you know how thank you for letting me share about you know my training and where i learned it university of kentucky all the way to virginia beach so thank you for that and if that gave you the confidence to make your home repair go ahead and watch another video i've got all kinds of home repair videos that'll teach you to fix your home thanks for watching
Channel: Home Mender
Views: 60,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, rotted wood, how to replace rotten wood, how to wood rot, wood rot, fix wood rot, replace bay window trim, install new window, paslode trim nailer, rooted wood, repiar, repalce, how to carpentry, be carpenter, rotted window trim, bay window rotted, fix window rot, home improvement, easy, tutorial, bay window rotted wood, window sill rot, replace wood rot, replace window sill, diy, replace exterior trim, be a good dad, dad jokes, home school, my dad, dad, use bondo
Id: ivVXJLt5k8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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