How to repair a rotting window

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hi guys welcome back to Wallington filming right then if you come to paint your outside of your property and you come across some wet rot or dry rot on a window or door frame like this one here this is all soaking wet and you're gonna need to repair that before you undertake the task of undercoating and glossing and finishing your door or your window so when it comes to a window sill such as this which I'll give you a close-up in a minute you are going to need a couple of products number one it's something like this rod seal wet dot or dry rot wood hard not so you will need to use something like that to strengthen the rock bottom timber so you can build up a 2-pack filler on a sound and surface it's going to allow the wood filler to add air to the the existing bottom Timbo if you don't use the hard knock and needless to say you can't fill over wet rot or dry what you've got to do something with that first that's where this comes into play so use that it strengthens the timber when you've done that you were you can fill it with a 2 pack fill up and get it to the original shape allowing you to undercoat flossy so let me show you guys preparing this surface and adding some wood hard not ready for the two-part filler well as you can see the corner of this window sill and is absolutely soaking wet that's the rotting wood there yeah we're just gonna have to do something with this section first we need to you don't want to destroy that edge if we can help it so let's just take off what we can without doing too much damage yep right that is wood and it's all soaking wet and it's needless to say it's rotting yep our main objective at the moment is to try and get that rotting surface hard right so I've got me me wood hard not and all I'm going to do is take off the lid we would harden all took off the lid I'm gonna use that to pour some of me hardener in don't need a massive amount there you go put the lid on just in case you knock it over and I'm gonna put that liquid in the rot right so wanna do is just get a brush any brush you'll do this is just one I've got lying around and all I would say is try not to get this stuff all over it surrounding paintwork because it is quite difficult to get off glass and things are so yet what I'm gonna do is literally get as much as act of soaking the wet rotting wood as possible and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna leave it to the following day so I go absolutely rock-hard which I'll show you just say on the ting you've only got to leave it about three hours but it's the end of the day now and I'm not gonna do anything else with it apart from what I'm doing now now even though that soaking wet it is absorbed as you can see nearly all the wood hard not yeah and that's what I'm gonna do so when I'll come tomorrow morning that should be rock hard love lose your blood strong wipe off any excess off the surrounding area and that's it guys just leave that till the following days but just depends on what time you where you put it on actually if you did it first thing in the morning you better start working on it in the afternoon so yet there you go bye guys it's been left over the weekend that's all they're as old as it's gonna get now lobby's so will God do now is build a bit of a frame around that so I can get your nozzles away with a wood filler is ready to soar peri-urban mini or basically out to do just get something to be one so literally things like that and allow me to repair the seal to the shape it supposed to be one thing I'm gonna mention is what I'm gonna do is just put a bit of Vaseline on there so the two paths pillar does not stick to that when I take it off so yeah let's get cracking I'll show you what I'll do right Paul go any further that's gonna go underneath nailed that's to get get some sort of shape at the end but need to say when the to Pat Phyllis sticks sticks to that I'm gonna have probably taking it off and let's lubricate that so just get a bit of Vaseline like so just on the area where the fill is going to come in contact with a ward which is all around this area so that's that's ready to go on there right bit of a close-up for you guys there's the rottens sooo sad the wood harder in it and needless say I've got I've got to fill all that and get the shape back so I've devised that piece of wood like so yeah it's got Vaseline on there so when a two-pack fill it and they I've got it to roughly the shape and I want to take the wood off right the two-putt feel it's not going to stick to that and destroy it so all that is b2 b1 there to get the the shape there and a bit a piece of tuber one on the end so I get the end piece of the sill some nails on there right so that's pretty secure don't got your nails all the way in could be a problem when trying to get it out okay so all I'm gonna do now this will take more than one fill needless to say so I'm just going to fill as much as I can let that go off sand it down if necessary and then fill it again till I get to the point where you can tell it's rotted or been damaged so yeah let's get some to Pat filler mixed up all you gotta do is follow these structures on the tin to arm what you mix and then we'll start filling I've mixed me a to pat fill er up right into the affected area now locks I'm gonna have to do this more than once I can assure you first it's gotta be better than replacing the whole window or getting the carpet ring to replace the sill at the end of the day get the general idea yeah don't want to believe in it too proud you're better off that'll be left you rub down because it is when it goes off it's quite quite hard to rub down you'll need lights and 80-grit scraps so that's me first Phil what I'm gonna do now is just leave that to go off give it a bit of a Sun down and then we'll fill it again don't mess about with it too much you have started messing about without making it worse at all but I don't want to be wasting it other side let's just leave that bit low there you go so that's the first film let's wait that to go off and do another foot rub down again ready for the second film now so yeah let's get some more stuff out and get it filled again see how we go there's also less d'herblay into it mixed up a bit more to pack so let's get started I think this should about do it to be honest just push him plenty in on there yeah I have a massive amount of working time with this to be honest I'm gonna do this there you go still gonna hit that corner that's popping out of it so long after fill it again just live yeah man now like rip out there I need to let that go off and give it a good look down if it needs a bit of foreign surface over it that's what we'll do makes it a little bit too much stuff but that's a war it oh yeah there you go I think we're about ready to get the wood off cut his timber off after that to be fair I need to just do something that we'll see ya about here now there you go about there think when that's dry we'll check the timber off to be honest little bad does it look even better with its own guy that's all gone rock-hard now let's get this bit of wood off now you go jobs a good'un boy need to get get up fold it down don't forget to put your mask on when you're doing this just using a thank you great structure now [Music] right you get the general idea so what I'm gonna do now stand a lie for in you're rubbing it all down and showing you rubbing it all down I'm just gonna get that off to a to a fine finish now and show you what it looks like afterwards right as you can see that's all broke down that's as good as I'm going to get it without replacing the sill and what I'm gonna do now is just get that a coat of primer seal it up in case it rains but I think you'd agree it's better replay better to do that then replace the sill or get chipping to replace a window obviously go for the sill option first but there's nothing wrong that lasts absolutely years and years at will so that's just going a bit of a primer on there to see what I got Bijou looks quick drawing exterior undercoat and just gonna get that scared to coat I've got doing the warms in Mason Rhett and so admire it the wall I just want to see they talking KC to case it rains I don't know how much effect the rain has on the to pot filler when it's not coated up I'm not not sure to be fair I think you'll agree job well done when you compare what it used to look like I am meeting the wall but okay I've got to do the do all the stucco so okay oh hey JD happy days boom Shaka well then they go ladies and gentlemen that's how you repair a rotten sill and with a wood hardener and the 2-pack filler and as you can see the result is pretty outstanding really and once that's out a few under coats even a couple of glosses on the Scylla area and it'll be good for for years and years to come so yeah are you enjoyed this informative no more no forget to leave your comments in the comment section and from the candle man and you're through that one unlit candle catch you later
Channel: The Candleman Wallingtonfilming
Views: 78,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to repair a rotting window, painting, decorating
Id: aD71jQ-VT8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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