Repairing a CAT D8 Dozer sitting 15+ years!

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[Music] thank you thank you foreign hey everybody welcome back to diesel Creek my name's Matt behind me my 1964 caterpillar d8h bulldozer now I rescued this bulldozer back over the winter time uh we got this thing out of a field where it had been sitting for approximately 15 years the company I bought it from strivagi Industries had bought it new back in 1964 and they used it extensively in stripping for coal and various other activities that the company was involved in back over the years I'm not sure exactly when this machine fell out of use but it got parked in a field somewhere around the time I was in high school and it sat there ever since until we were able to save this thing last year now if you haven't seen the previous videos on this machine it was a really fun rescue you're going to want to go ahead and check those videos out there is a link down in the description to those if you're all caught up on this series you'll know that in the last video we swapped out Pony engines and we were able to get this thing fired back up for the first time since I brought it home here and we quickly discovered that the turbo was going out of it unless you have this thing revved up the turbo inside was actually hitting the housing of the turbo so that's very bad you can have that turbo essentially just grenade itself and then get sucked through the engine so we don't want that to happen this thing actually runs pretty good so I'm really excited to get this machine back into working condition the first thing we need to tackle is that turbo and of course we need to do a complete service on the engine transmission the pony engine and the gearbox behind it and may even get into some other stuff along the way I'm sure I'm going to find some other things that are needing attention before we can go playing in the dirt so with all that being said let's jump into this thing so this is your basic turbo setup exhaust gases come out of the engine and spin up the turbine side which go ahead over here there's a through shaft and then another wheel over here and that is your compressor side that sucks air from the intake right here compresses it and pushes forced air down into the intake basically that forced air increases efficiency and creates extra horsepower so to get this turbo off of here it looks like we're going to have to do a few things first of which we've got an oil line coming up here we got the intake side we're gonna have to pop that thing off of there there's going to be O-rings that seal on there and there over here we have the exhaust pedestal we're going to have to well I'd say unbolt but there's absolutely no way that any of those bolts are going to come loose so we'll just get the old gas ax out and go right to work with the gas ax and cut those bolts right off of there foreign yeah that's probably not good all right well I'm quite certain that that is the extent of the bolts that we're going to be able to remove from this thing Next Step torch eight bolts off of these things all right we got all those bolts torched off of there let's see how easy or hard this thing's gonna be to get off I have a feeling she's still pretty welded there we go that's a big honky Tonkin turbo right there foreign [Music] foreign we just got this turbocharger back from area Diesel Service and I am super excited to open this thing up check it out and get it put on the machine before I forget they made a complete video of going through this turbo and repairing it for me and if you're interested in how they did that and I guess it was pretty bad from what I understand but if you're interested in seeing how they did that the link to their Channel and the video on this turbocharger is down in the description be sure you head over there and check that out [Music] yeah perfect so like I said they completely covered the repair of this turbo over on their YouTube channel so please head on over there and check them out I don't know what this stuff is called but this is exactly what I wanted when I was trying to package this Turbo and I didn't have any so I basically just packed the whole thing with cardboard and peanuts and luckily it made it there and well most of One Piece those guys are professionals and they have the proper gear to ship this thing though she is heavy when I shipped it out to area Diesel Service the package weighed like 91 pounds or something this is a honky Tonkin turbo right here this sucker is heavy but look how pretty huh she's a beaut Clark oh yeah oh it it turns so buttery smooth now oh check this out that is awesome this guy's got that ID tag laser etched with my logo on it and that is sweet it's the little details like that that make you really like a company I'm super excited to have this thing back and I cannot wait to get it installed on the machine but first there's some other things that we should attend to before we get this back in position it's kind of going to be helpful to have it out of the way to do what we need to do up here so when you're running a big machine like this there is a lot of things that you should be paying attention to and keeping an eye on so you don't do any damage to the machine to AKA there's just a bunch of gauges you need to keep an eye on so all of our gauges as you can see here are pretty well destroyed this machine sat near a soccer field for a number of years and apparently kids got on it and vandalized it and smashed out all the gauges now the only one that was sort of working was the oil pressure gauge engine oil pressure it would come up you could still see the noodle needle was moving however how much you can trust that gauge now since the glass is all busted out and everything I do not know but we were kind of reading on the low side of oil pressure so starting at the top we have a water temp gauge we have an amp meter we have fuel pressure we have water pressure we have engine oil pressure we have converter oil pressure we have converter oil temp and then we have some sort of other water temp I don't know why there's two water temp gauges so the same fine gentleman that donated the pony engine to this project also when I was up there getting the pony engines they donated this Dash from a D9 and a lot of the gauges are the same as what we need so I already pilferred him out of here we got what four of them laying there I think I have another one up on the machine already we uh we gotta get these things installed the trouble is up here on our machine the wiring is a mess back here now some of these gauges don't really matter they have actual hoses and lines going to them for like the pressures but there's like a headlight switch over here in this corner and the wiring is oh it's very frazzled I don't know how well you guys can see there's some Shadows going on but the wiring is not good same thing with our amp meter gauge I'm just going to go out on a limb and say that's probably not going to work for right now and that's not going to be a problem I'm not really worried about charging the battery on this thing it doesn't take much battery juice to get the pony going usually I'm also not going to worry about the wiring right now because eventually it's going to get completely redone I really want to restore this tractor and do a nice job on it one of these days but before we go start and tearing into it and do a full restoration we need to work it and make sure there's no mechanical deficiencies like the transmission isn't going to give out on us or the engine isn't going to overheat and have problems because since I've got this thing going I haven't done anything with it other than track it around a little bit so we need to make sure that it it can prove itself before we sync that kind of time and effort into it [Music] together [Music] out with the old in with the new new use they should say all right well that's one down like five to go so I will bring you guys back when this is done because it's a pretty boring tedious process to watch I'd imagine all right so in talking to Curtis over at area Diesel Service he said that it most likely looked like this turbo had failed due to oil contamination now we haven't really run this thing long enough that even with bad oil we would not have been the ones that tore up that turbo likely that turbo had been going out for quite some time and any oil contamination was long long ago but we're still not going to risk firing up a brand new rebuilt Turbo with the oil that's in this engine unfortunately that means we cannot get this engine good and hot before draining it which I would really much prefer to do uh I guess if anything hindsight being 20 20 I should have drained it as soon as we pulled this thing in here before we even yank the turbo off so right now we are gonna go ahead and get started draining this oil out so that we don't risk introducing any contamination into the new turbo we've got two oil filters right there on the side of the block and hopefully we can get to the oil drain on the bottom without fighting the belly pan too much all right that looks like our oil drain right there through that little cutout which is convenient sometimes you'll have like a little trap door to unbolt sort of like these panels right here what do we got here that one looks like our transmission drain hitting up in there I have the proper caterpillar wrench to fit these bungs what I don't think I have is any way to turn them though because you'll see when I show you the wrench here in a second these are deeper like recessed into the pan I don't think I'm going to be able to use that tool all right so this is your caterpillar plug wrench this gets out most plugs on machines but as you can see in this application not going to work and if I fish it up through here oh hey there's about three yards of dirt in the belly pan we got a combat but even if I can get it up in here then I would not be able to turn it anyway so I think I've come up with a workaround here which is fish it up inside the belly pan and get it in the plug and then I can stick on this 15 16 on the outside and just break it loose and usually once these plugs are just broken loose the first little quarter turn you can take them out by hand [Music] yep just like I thought and give it a little turn the plug will turn by hand so I gotta clean up this mountain of dirt that we knocked down here now and then wheel our oil pan under here we go well since this oil wasn't good and hot like I would normally like it to be to do an oil change and if you don't know the reason you'd want the oil hot is because it kind of loosens up all the sludge in the engine if there is any which usually a beast of this age definitely has some but anyway it loosens up all that sludge and that way when you pull the drain plug it theoretically gets the most out of the engine as possible but since we can't do it that way on account of the turbo installation I'm Gonna Leave the plug out of this thing overnight and let it completely drain and drip and do everything it needs to and hopefully we get most everything out of here even still I think that this is going to be a short oil change interval I'd say I'm only going to put maybe you know 100 hours on this oil before we change it again make sure we really get a good flush out of it and then we'll have it heated up next time all right that's had a chance to drip overnight we can pop these filter canisters off of here now and change the elements I got criticized the last time I did an oil change because I was using a crescent wrench to do all the oil change work I have proper wrenches but you see great example right here this canister Somewhere over the years has gotten a different bolt head than this one just looking at the head I would say this one's probably original and this one's probably not but uh rather than getting up and down off the machine 20 times because you come up here with the first size wrench and don't realize you need a second size wrench it's awful nice just to carry a crescent wrench around these should not be super tight you're not going to round anything off or hurt anything using a crescent wrench they invented these things because sometimes they're useful also when you're working on old stuff like this there's a good chance that sometimes the head has been damaged previously or rounded or rusted to the point where a standard size wrench doesn't even fit it anymore and you're better off to have a crescent wrench because you can actually adjust it to the proper size and get a better grip on it than your standard size wrench so Believe It or Not crescent wrenches are okay oh there's our filter this is a bald one pt670 got some actual kitty cat filters for this whole girl all right time for some fresh oil so we're going to be reaching for the good stuff as always these big old diesels are definitely not cheap to rebuild so you definitely don't want to cheap out on your oil uh you'd much rather spend the a little bit of money on oil than a lot of bit of money rebuilding an engine so as you guys know I use Rotella T5 and just about everything these days I do that because I feel like you get a good blend of both conventional and synthetic oil properties the old girl is going to be thirsty I think she holds close to nine gallons all right last Judd all right if my calculations are correct we should be just about full right now if I get to the dipstick somewhere around here all done oh yeah we're reading over full now which means we're reading over full at the moment but we would have to be because the way you check the oil on these old cats is you got to have the engine idling and you check it then all right so we got the oil all changed out in the big diesel here but while we're at it let's not forget we have a small engine right down on the side of our big diesel here this is the pony engine for you guys that don't know I've explained it a bunch of times in the past but I still see comments of people asking what the deal with the pony engine is so basically back in the day they didn't have starters that were strong enough to turn over these big engines especially in cold climates it would just not spinning over fast enough and you would also just plow through batteries back in the day I think both the starter and Battery Technology has evolved quite a bit since the 60s of course and earlier but basically the pony engine runs on gasoline because a little gasoline two-cylinder engine is pretty easy to get going in the cold so you'd start that thing up and engage the big Engine with the pony engine it would just start rotating the big engine and that would build up your oil pressure your fuel pressure and the exhaust from the pony engine runs through the intake so you're preheating preheating your intake air in the manifold as well as circulating coolant through the pony engine and heating the coolant so you're you could pretty much get the entire diesel up to temp before you ever even started the diesel engine if you really wanted to but you know the other Advantage is you can crank it over as long as you want you're not plowing through batteries so so as long as you have enough gasoline you can keep this thing turning over basically as long as you need to to get it started no matter how cold it is so anyway this is the pony engine and there's a gearbox behind it which also has some oil in it that we need to drain out and put some fresh stuff in looky here I discovered the engineers at caterpillar were smart enough they put a little pass-through through the frame rail so you could actually get a wrench or a ratchet rather onto that drain bolt that sucker was tight hopefully you guys can see what's going on here I was able to wedge a couple cut out the one quart oil bottles underneath the drain here and hopefully catch everything coming out there got the pony engine draining now there we go all right so we don't even have a bottom cushion there wasn't one when I got this tractor the armrests are gutted and so is the back of the seat so I just went ahead and ordered a complete seat cushion assembly off of eBay let's go ahead and see if this thing installs [Music] foreign oh man yeah she's just in great shape foreign well we got our new cushions here this is one of the armrests and I don't know the construction seems okay it's definitely not a super high end top of the line upholstery job or anything but for the price point you wouldn't expect that I guess the biggest thing that irritates me right off the bat though is they didn't use this same type of Fasteners as the original OEM ones so these are a metric M10 versus these are I think 3 8 fine thread that came out of these things so it's a bit annoying you've got to get new hardware to put this on but luckily thanks to bolts and we do have our Big Bolt bin over there and I do have the proper metric fasteners for these new armrests it almost seems sacrilegious to be putting metric Hardware on a piece of American History like this oh and of course the stinking bolts don't line up they're not even close The Simple Solution would be to just drill the holes to fit the cushions I don't want to start drilling into this thing I want to restore this thing not put more holes in it so I don't know what we're going to do now and I've had these things sitting here so long now I doubt I can return them I got two out of the four bolt holes lined up and they're pretty sturdy for now just gonna run it like that and then I guess when we go to restore this thing I will either get the factory correct arm rests or drill the seat mounts to fit and then weld up the other holes all right I was able to switch these metal brackets to the new back seat back cushion uh I don't have the proper taper bolts in metric that they used in here those are pretty special the items so I put the regular hex head bolts in there hopefully we have the clearance for them I think we do I also hope that we have the spacing right on these brackets foreign that looks pretty good oh yeah the seat back leaves a little to be desired the old's back was you know a spring back like a typical upholstery job this thing is just a solid brick of foam it's not not exactly comfortable it'll do for now I guess all right we're coming down the home stretch here we've got our seat cushions installed we've got gauges installed we completely service the starting engine and the main diesel engine you know what time it is turbo time if only I had an overhead crane well area Diesel Service sent us over brand new gaskets and O-rings for this turbo assembly so we're going to get all those installed when we bolt this thing down oh man this thing's heavy so where the turbo meets the exhaust flange we have a head gasket looking type of gasket here you know it's like that aluminumized it's like that kind of an aluminum gasket kind of deal but on the intake side here we have a double o-ring seal and to make that go together easier I usually stick some motor assembly Lube on it this is Luber plate number 105. that stuff Lubes up those O-rings really good and lets her slide together real easy oh come on all right should be able to work it in from there we go all right as you'll recall earlier in the video when we removed the turbo we had the torch off those bolts so uh I don't have any to put back in there luckily enough thanks to we got this awesome Hardware assortment in here and I can just come over here and grab what I need [Music] perfect decided to go ahead and use all new hardware on this turbo setup since she looks so good I want to keep her looking snazzy like I said before you guys really should go check out the video area Diesel Service put together on repairing this thing for me I think it was a pretty hard fought endeavor Bolt's putting up a good fight though thank you this is one of those scenarios when you pretty much have to have like a Three Degree swinging ratchet I'm getting like two clicks out of this thing every time it is tight getting this return line bolted up here on this Turbo all right foreign I got the turbo completely mounted and everything cranked down on there that thing should be ready to fire up I also picked up this air cleaner for the pony engine I was missing that part before that's why the paint's different I picked that up from a equipment salvage yard slapped that on there so we're not going to be sucking any dirt into that nice fresh Pony engine so we're coming close to firing this thing back up and I cannot wait to sink that blade into the dirt for the first time but uh we do have a little bit more work to do before I can fire it up I want to go ahead and service the transmission I pulled the dipstick last time I pulled it in here and the transmission appears to be very low on fluid and while we're draining the transmission I'm also going to go ahead and do the fuel filters for the engine uh since Lord only knows the last time those things were changed well that one come out pretty easy the one on the 977 I had to use a hydraulic jack to break loose I think this thing holds like 42 gallons but I think it's also pretty low it looks like it was dripping out of this plug so we might have to put some cred see if there's this thing when we stick it back in here we go oh boy well there we go this pan holds 28 gallons and we're not quite full to the top we got another inch and a half two inches to go so that's uh definitely pretty low on fluid well I just pulled the second drain plug there and I thought I had turned you guys on but I think the battery died anyways this is just like a secondary compartment that you have to drain in the transmission this one has a magnetic plug on it and as you can see we've got some metallic debris here but really not too bad at all considering the size of the machine and considering what the one in my 977 looked like when I pulled it out this isn't bad at all the one on the 977 was piled up had actual gear teeth on it and everything and that transmission still runs and works perfectly so uh not too worried about this I'll clean the plug off and we'll go ahead and put the plugs back in and check the top side filters and screens clean and change those out and then we're going to start dumping fluid in it all right so we have I don't remember which one's which one of these is a magnetic strainer for the transmission the other one is a element where that we replace so let's clean these covers off and yank them off there and see what the treasures await us so it looks like this side is just our element not sure why this housing didn't drain out though I thought that this would naturally drain back to the case I'd like to empty this somehow but I'm not sure how well I looked all around on this machine and I cannot find a way to drain out that filter housing so I'm sure there probably is one but I can't see it so the amount of fluid that is in there really doesn't amount to much in the scheme of how much oil goes into this transmission so we're just not going to worry about it so with that one being the paper element that we just did this one ought to be the metal strainer [Music] rut row well here's another filter that I didn't know we had not cool I have to order another one of these now the good news is I don't see any dirt on it which is I mean you granted you can't see much but it looks clean all right I found our metal strainer down here this should essentially be a metal filter with a ring of magnets on it all right really not bad at all if you guys go way back on the channel and you watch the video of Meek Reviving The 977k that I have the magnetic filter on it as well as the drain plugs down below were horrendous in fact there was so much metal in this filter it was basically clogged and it blew this seam apart right here because it had so much pressure that it blew that thing apart and was allowing metal to bypass so that little bit of metal that's on that strainer doesn't concern me at all we'll get that cleaned off and reinstalled okay we got our magnetic strainer all cleaned up here those magnets are quite a pain to get clean you'll never get every little teeny strand of metal it there's basically all this metal shavings kind of turn into like a Ferro fluid on those magnets they're real foreign real pain sometimes dug through my horde of filters and actually found that I had another one of these filters sitting on the shelf so what a day to win now with all the transmission filters changed it's time to add new fluid and the way we have to do that is through that plug right there all right we're going to do this the easy way I hope oh yeah we're pumping now the only thing bad about this is that I don't have any kind of way to know how much we're pumping well the old drum pumps working out pretty good now I have probably about two-thirds of the oil in the transmission but uh it's to the point now where I need to fire up the engine because you have to check the transmission while it's running as well so without further ado we're gonna get this baby fired up I'm excited I can't wait to hear this thing with a freshly rebuilt turbo thank you area Diesel Service are you guys ready foreign oh what a beast I love this thing look at boys not even smoking got go to all pressure at low idle sounds nice and smooth no turbo grinding noises oh man if I did pull the dipstick on the transmission already and looks like we're about six gallons low and the transmission still and then maybe a gallon or so low in the engine so we're gonna pop both of these off and then uh almost ready to run well I mean it sounds great it runs good it seems like and the oil pressure is graded idle but not so great up high and that's got me kind of worried all right let's get these fuel filters changed out here's our two fuel filters look like some Napa Gold 3180 ones hard to see much of the element being that they're surrounded in a steel casing but uh what I can see doesn't look bad so those are the secondary filters there is a primary filter down here on the side of the block we're going to get as well yes ladies and gentlemen once more it is time for you to make fun of me for using a crescent wrench and I don't care we're not torquing down a cylinder head we're loosening a bolt that holds a filter I have the line blocked that can definitely cause some fuel pressure issues that's nasty this is like a reusable washable mesh screen here it's like a pre-filter and as you can see it was doing some work we'll get this thing cleaned out and reinstalled all cleaned up let's get it installed foreign just about ready to pull out of the shop here engine is completely serviced transmission is completely serviced we just need to tighten up the track on the other side this one looks pretty good I'm going to work it for a little bit and keep an eye on it we might need to put a little bit more in that one but the other side's pretty loose here see how it we got that little wave going to it I believe that's where the original caterpillar logo came from and the reason they said it looked like a caterpillar because the tracks did that but anyway we'll throw some grease in this tensioner and hopefully they come around for us foreign well I'm really striking out today we must have used up all of our good luck on previous revivals this thing's starting to kick my butt the track I've jumped at first and started tightening away and was looking great and then it just abruptly quit and I've probably pumped the equivalent of five tubes of Grease into it since then and she quit moving affirmatively I put a mark on The Idler because that's actually what slides forward is The Idler will slide forward I put a mark on there and uh cranked and cranked and cranked and nothing so yeah I can't see it coming out anywhere you know usually if the if the tensioner is blown out it's a seal down there near the grease fitting you'll be able to see it push grease outside and I can't see any grease coming out anywhere oh boy I'm excited there are still some things that we need to worry about on this machine but she is good enough to go ahead and fire up walk it out of the shop and go sink the blade in the ground well first we got to put the blade on but that shouldn't shouldn't be a big deal so this track is tight enough to run it it is definitely loose but should be able to run it if the seal is blown out which I'm suspecting it has to be somewhere and I'm not seeing it as we work it there's a good chance that the track is going to become even looser so we're going to keep an eye on that if it gets too loose we'll have to stop as for the low oil pressure that I'm concerned about well it just is what it is I put a real gauge on it and it's not terrible I can't find any specs in the book as far as actual PSI but according to what I found on some forums and people that are sound more knowledgeable than me they're saying 30 PSI is what it should be at high idle and we're like 29 PSI so that's not terrible I think we could run it for a while and since we put detergented oil in there now who knows what the old stuff was but detergented oil has detergent in there to try to clean out sludge from the engine so as we run it there is a small chance very small that it will clean out some dirt somewhere maybe on a pickup screen or something or an orifice and we will jump up on our pressure as we run this thing that is unlikely but a guy can dream can he I have a new air filter sitting over there in a box for this machine but I don't want to put it on yet until we have the rest of our air cleaner assembly I grabbed from the salvage yard what I thought was the proper base unit to that air cleaner but I don't but I was wrong it's the it's the wrong assembly so still looking for one of those things I should be able to get one pretty easily just got to make another trip up to the salvage yard we do still have filtration even though the air isn't on there it's a paper element in there and the paper element is seated and won't allow anything to bypass so we are still sucking in filtered air which is good but this intake horn doesn't do anything right now it's kind of all sucking in from the bottom I'm going to look around see if I have any kind of exhaust pipe to put on this thing if not we'll have to get one of those made up and uh yeah that's pretty much it I think she's uh she's ready to send it the last thing that I didn't cover with you guys is the final drives I didn't change the oil in them uh some of you guys will Grumble about that but there's nine gallons in each final drive and that's that's a good chunk of change I did pull the plugs as you can see all the witness oil there I pulled the top plugs and it was full right to the top on both of them in fact even slightly over full that's why it ran out but the oil looked clean didn't look like it was contaminated at all I even cracked the drain plugs down on the bottom of the final drive housings there and checked for water and I let a few drops come out and no water in either side so feeling pretty good about that I'm just going to let that go for now there are filter elements up in here pop those covers off and there's a couple there's a filter on each final drive so I'm going to run this thing for a little bit make sure we get that oil all turned up nice and good because the most I've moved this machine since I've had it is just bringing it down my driveway so we're gonna do some pushing with this thing hopefully and after the oil has been circulated really good I have the filters we'll go ahead and change out those filters but anyways guys I guess that's uh that's about it let's fire this thing up and walk it out of here all right you guys ready life foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign thank you [Music] foreign foreign foreign well I hope you guys heard that she's not happy it was running great and it was pushing great and I was pretty happy about it I jumped off to reposition the camera and uh when I tried to go again she's not happy sounded to me like it was running out of fuel uh it is almost a full tank I I just filled it up before I started pushing so it's not a fuel it's not a fuel tank issue maybe we have a clog line or another clogged filter I couldn't see the bottom of that tank to try and verify that it was cleaned out or anything so we could have debris in there clogging up the line I don't know we're gonna have to work through that but I'm losing daylight here though and I still have to go home and edit this video and put it together for you guys to see so I hate to leave you on a literal Cliffhanger but I think that's where we're at today I don't think it's going to take too much to get the old girl fired back up and running again but uh it's going to take a little bit everything seems to be running and Performing great though the track while is still loose it's not crazy loose we can still operate it at this point so anyway I'm gonna go ahead and go get my other Dozer with the winch on it and try to get this thing pulled up out of here so I can actually work on it on the flat not on the side of this hill cameras never do hillsides justice this is this is pretty steep here so not a fun place to be working on the Dozer well what a way to end the video guys I am almost home and uh gonna have to go in the house and start putting this thing together for you but I just wanted to remind you guys that the National Pike steam show that I always attend is uh coming up here next weekend I will leave a link to their website with all the details down in the description and uh I'll be there all weekend so if you guys want to come out and uh I'm sure you'll bump into me and uh don't be afraid to come up say hey and uh you'll get to hopefully see the d8 I'm hoping that there's still time I can get the Kinks worked out of the old girl and we're going to be able to get it up to the show in time so uh we'll have that there and uh probably the Jeep CJ5 as well so uh if you guys are able I'd love to see you guys out at the show and also we have new hats available over at the merch store we've got some awesome new hats this one has the 977 on it and it's got the American flag backing on it so if you guys are interested in those they are over at the store other than that that's all I got so as always thank you guys for watching and I will see you on the next one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 886,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat, caterpillar, d8, d9, d7, d6, d4
Id: VKMx_WbSo5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 0sec (3960 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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