We've BARELY Started and ALREADY Got Trouble!!!

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good morning second day let's get  going it's going to be a good day   I can tell pretty tractor I'll tell you  what it was a very pretty tractor oh yeah [Music] and we are off let's go get some Acer seated  cuz uh I'm looking forward to getting done   where were you just turnning i' be looking  forward to getting done that's okay I got   other things on my mind that I'd like to  do in this summer and like to get some of   the farming done out of the way and so we get  some other stuff done and and then spend more   time with the family that's what I want  to do this summer every summer and every   winter it's just been non-stop go go go for us  and I would like to spend some more time with   the family instead of working all the time so  we'll see but we're moving that's what matters all right we just got done uh seeding  out that tank so let's see I've got   two full tanks seated out we're going  to do a third let me throw this lever   here so that way engages the hydraulic  the augur and I need where's it at there   it is I need this thing right here  okay Nick said he'll be over shortly and then I'll get this ready for him so we can  fill it up set that right there so I forget it let's open these hatches there we go put that pin in like that so we want  to lose it there we go set this thing [Music] [Music] up all right now we just got to wait for  Nick and uh get ready to get some more seed in the   ground so far let's walk over here and I'll show  you show you what it looks like it's a little wet   like uh it's packing a little bit but the thing  is these peas they can punch through pretty hard   ground like really hard ground so we're not too  worried about that we'd rather get the in soon so   then when the conditions get right for seeding  spring wheat then uh we're not trying to do a   Mad Dash of getting peas and the spring weed in  but right here it's actually not too bad on this   field that's actually great seting conditions on  this field the one I was just seating had a lot of mud and it was packing actually  wow that is that's like   ideal right there on this field  he's got to wait for Nick now [Music] [Music] as well High there that's nice and full if you really  wanted you can slam that conveyor with product and   it doesn't take long to fill 550 bushels it's a  learning curve but for those that maybe wondering   what we're putting in so an ulent is basically  soil or Pete with a lot of microorganisms that   thrive in it and uh they're buddies with uh pulse  plants which is like peas lenel other other plants   out there and what they'll do is they attach  to the root structure and they nodulate they   they work with the plant they use the soil and  the minerals and nutrients and all that and they   create what's called nodules which are little  uh basically nitrogen little bbes that attach   to the root structures and those help the plant  help the organism and they produce extra which   stays in the ground which we come back with  wheat and wheat loves nitrogen and so it's   kind of a win-win it's like adding fertilizer  to the ground naturally so it's kind of stupid   to not do it cuz if you don't usually your pulse  crops aren't as good and two you're missing out   on your opportunity next year for uh some  some added nitrogen bump make sense good [Music] fast all right we are good to go now  I just need to do one thing before I   forget and luckily kih was really smart  on this 3555 cart they've got a beeper   in the cab on the monitor it doesn't stop  beeping until you put this Slader up it's   rather annoying and and that's the point  and the reason for when you turn too close   you bend the ladder if it's down but I love  that ladder that is a very nice nice ladder   I'll be honest all right put this in here got  a little colored drink to quench my ambitious thirst all right let's get going let's Engage The Fan keep that going fan  speed's good all right we're good to go so far things are going pretty good I'm uh  thrilled on how many acres I've been able   to see today and this looks like my dad's been  seeing right uh right along um get some Acres   pounded out which is awesome and we got great  conditions right now and just keep putting it in   that's what I want to do just get it in as soon as  possible and this bud has been running fantastic   fantastic I love it uh there's one tiny oil leak  on the front of the engine and that's a little   overing that we did not replace it's for a socket  to turn the engine over when you're adjusting   stuff and we never took it apart and guess what's  leaking well it's simple and easy to replace super   simple but it's leaking we just didn't do it  anyways look at that later but the main cover   and everything else money and the coolant leaks on  the side of the engine money it's all good good I   love it love it no oil leaks on that side but uh  yeah things are plugging along I'm happy really   well going about 5 mph right now and uh about 800°  on the exhaust engine temperature is about 165 oil   pressure is about 50 psi flux capacitor is about  9,000 um the bis resistor I believe uh this gaug   could be wrong but this is about 8500 and  then also the uh banana sliced peel well I   haven't slipped on it yet but we're doing okay  we're getting there Mario's out of the way so   that's good he's in front of me I'm screwed  oh we're good all right let's get back at it   back in the saddle again uh 2024 uh been seed  and peas for let's see did I miss that pole yes thanks for reminding me yeah I've been  seating for a little over a day and I got all   the bugs worked out it always takes uh a little  bit to iron out a few things little gremlins   and stuff like that uh Gremlins maybe I cause to  that takes a while but uh it seems to be running   smoothly we're seeding yellow peas um the weather  is great it's about 70° outside um the ground with   the rain we had about a week ago uh which was  really surprising we got about 7/10 which is   huge for us this time of year um so there's quite  a bit of moisture in the top soil not much down   below but uh the spring has just sprung so let's  uh have a uh a faith in in uh crop that's coming   so um anyway we're seen in the same field there's  uh Scott right over there uh we're finishing up   uh the area of the peas that we're going to se  at this section uh then we'll move out of here   and we've got an um probably a couple days more  of seeding peas I'm not sure we're going to get   it done there's a little weather vent coming in  on uh in a couple days so we'll see uh we'll get   close um and we'd you like to finish uh so then  we change over and then start seing the spring   wheed got a little bit of lenal to put in uh  we'll do that probably when we get toward the   end of spring week uh but y the uh spring work  has begun I had Kobe in this morning um um I was   over took this over to the shop for something cuz  that's we're seeing real close to the shops right   over there and uh of course I had him this morning  he was riding out on the fender and uh he got two   golfers two Richardson's ground squirrels uh he  Chums chops off the tractor I don't even see him   when he jumps and I I have to go look uh because  the this good thing I was watching uh there was   a rodeo going on that uh squirrel jumped out of  the H hole ran probably toward another hole then   Kobe cut him off when Kobe saw him lunged off the  tractor and there was a rodeo around the tractor   I stopped because I knew that that squirrel was  going to probably run right underneath there and   I don't think I don't think we want to see the  m happened and it would be a Monster Mash so   anyway he got that one and then it wasn't very  long after that um another one popped up and   he was able to get that and that one is right on  the edge of the uh air seater on the toolbar and   I stopped because I knew he was so it was right  on probably the wheel of the end of the toolbar   and I knew he was so involved in what he was  doing that he he wasn't going to be listening   or looking so yeah I got to pay attention he  gets pretty involved in it but that he was   happy um the only thing about it this time of  year is there's little teeny specks of varment   on those uh squirrels been hibernating all night  all night yeah more than a night um all winter   and ticks and fleas abound um and so we'll have  to check him for uh some ticks and fleas give   him some medication uh so that uh it'll take  care of any problems but that's one of that um   hazards of a farm dog they love to stick their  heads in holes or grab things that are infested   but anyway glad you guys could come along  uh 2024 spring seating we'll have a lot   more content hopefully not too major of a con  uh content you know when things break down   things happen uh that's content for you guys so  anyway I'll I'll catch this uh uh video in just   a moment when we get the two tractors passing  close together which is going to be fairly soon this is a dilemma filming and  then trying to not wrap the   drills around this pole and trying  to catch him we'll see what happens okay that didn't uh cause too much damage now  I turned around that pole and I cut a little   bit where three of the outside boots just  barely backed up it's pretty muddy and it   just uh plugged uh the intelligent act told me  that the which ones were plugged um so I just   stopped and cleaned them out and but uh I've  just got to go down to the end and come back   up to the power poles and then head over to the  shop cuz I'm just about out of seed just about   out of yellow peas Scott has plenty to finish  the other end of this um and so then uh it'll   probably about 8 clock by the time we uh get it  all filled and get fuel in it and ever just take   up and take the units up North so we'll probably  call it for tonight so but anyway yeah it's it's   good feeling to start getting some seed in the  ground to get this year started and uh you know   it looks promising uh we'll pray it'll keep  it that way okay and then we got to get Kobe   uh need Kobe in here I feel kind of alone I  feel like I'm just dogging it myself during the day it's my lucky day on a horseshoe just going through making  sure everything looks good no surprises   like it okay let's swing this  thing up and head to the next field that amazes me that that right there can  take all that the torque on that trying to swing   this arm out with these tires on the ground  it's a amazing engineering I mean they got it   all figured out tensil strength of the metal and  the flexing and sizes I mean it's just it's Marble honestly so that jaw releases let the Locking arm  whatever they call that latch has been R cage D it   doesn't see that anyways this arm and then it in  the center pins and locks to keep it together and   then when he drives forward this wheel will lock  right up there so it always stays straight but   these back ones can pivot and the front ones can  pivot and that way it tracks smoothly good stuff [Music] and we're cruising about 22 m mil  hour pulling this cart it's not   doing too bad a little bit of  a balance but it's always done that oh I just got here to the field   I just went ahead and wung it out but uh something  doesn't look right I don't know about you guys but what do you think can I put some air in it yeah cruising down the road and uh I couldn't  see it because you got these big huge tires and   didn't know it was blown and right when I turned  into the field I looked over over and I can see it   so they're coming up with a couple tools we'll  uh we'll probably take a block and drive it up   on the Block on the G caster and then we'll take  the brim off and we'll head back to town or head   back to the farm and I don't think we have a  tire so we might have to get it tomorrow but   uh I might be done for tonight we'll see we had  a pretty good day so far so I'm not complaining   well I'll sit in here and wait till they show  up just just got a call from leg arms and uh he   pulled the field up her head up north and uh got a  blown tire on his air drill so he thinks the Rim's   okay but we don't have any spare tires that size  we need to get some I got this one I don't know   if it's the right bolt pattern it's a little bit  smaller diameter but it might be enough to get   them going and then if not we'll be shut down  today and go to the tire shop tomorrow and uh   see what they have hopefully they've got one  of those we'll find out let see impact that   one throw battery on it battery dad made this it's  really nice sorting sockets let's see um where is the 1516 do we don't have we don't  want not have a 78 huh 156s I did   oh I got to make the sticker for 13 16s  78 right there all right now you you   make sure know this stuff falls out okay  don't don't get playful and throw it out all yeah the rock picker has Fair New  1.5 30 uh 15 we can steal one off that   that's fine yeah if you need it  oh it's on that side okay flip around all right we're going to put some  blocks under that wheel they do Flex a   little bit we'll see if uh it can ride up  enough to get this one off the ground so   at least we can get the rim off then we can  put the Jack underneath finish jacking the   rest of the way yeah that Rim looks okay  I don't think it usually a lot of times   this happens it'll just destroy the rim  but it looks like the rim held up Tire's   warm yeah that's hot yeah that's running for  a while oh it's just going to turn [Music] sideways maybe if you uh yeah we might have  to put the Jack under it and jack it up I   took rims that W Rock picker that had them on  there when I blue B Tire I know you want me to   take the last one off and see if I can get it  off hang don't take it off yet I want to see   get the jack it first cuz if it lowers it  ym more then I got to dig more there we go okay they were bigger tires are you sure we need to do a new one this red matches or should we take bets  and see if this tire will make   it to season impossibly destroy a rim in the process see I greased it you know I  grease I'm going to let it take the jack off there simple change all right thanks  appreciate it okay I need to hey Scott it's the pit so we  got a pit stop tire repair and back to seeden it wasn't as long  as I thought it'd be fig it'd be I   think i''d be able to find a tire  of that size well it's rolling we're good oh yeah back in business we go that's  a wrap for another day about 1 th000 Acres   left to peas we've knocked out at least  a thousand and it's uh it's going fast   and then off to Spring weight okay good  night y'all we'll pick this up another day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 137,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: qNVnm8xOr1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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