"Thirsty" Cat D8 Dozer gets put back together. 3406 Head Install.

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in this video we're back to working on d8 the old Dozer and we're gonna get her running here but before we do that quite a few things we need to do like pull the valves out of the new head for some reason and what what the heck is this cap what does this warning mean should I shut it off so many questions to be answered in this video especially what is this hey guys Josh with epic Channel and look at that old Dozer there I think it's pretty cool I I don't know what the heck's going on with that blade it has but uh some sort of zombie apocalypse thing so we're working on the d8 today and a few things so I got a lot of comments of people saying how I should troubleshoot the d8 in the previous video I appreciate those I was told to remove the cylinder head in that situation I was not told to troubleshoot where the oil was necessarily going but to look for signs of it inside the engine that's why we're pulling the cylinder head pull the cylinder head didn't really see anything and turn onto the engine found there was oil on the valves though so it has been decided that the head is going to be replaced that's why we were putting a new head on it so we're gonna be putting that new head on and basically getting it back together and hopefully that takes care of the problem let's get to work so you can see our friend the d8 there and this is the old head you can see I put all the valves back in the head did it while you weren't watching but we've got a big problem or I should say 12 little problems and that is the bridges you see the new head has what they call Bridge dowels and Bridge dowels are for a different style Bridge than we have see these guys it's basically a really long dowel I can align with all you'd see in a block well the problem is you cannot remove these dowels at least we couldn't find a way and the proper way is from cat you have to remove the valves adjacent to the dowel then you can remove the dowel and let me tell you removing the dowel even with the valves out is very difficult so if you're wondering why I'm removing the valves on a new head it's because we're trying to remove the bridge dowels now why would you need to remove the dowels they came from cap this way right yes they did but they are not meant for the the bridges we have we could get the correct style bridges they're quite expensive so it was decided that it's easier to remove the dowels and pay extra in labor than it is to buy the other Bridges and the other bridges are adjustable Bridges which needlessly complicated in my opinion but they do work so just like in the other video we're pulling the valves the valve springs and the rotor coils out well we're doing that on the new head which is unfortunate but luckily they're pretty simple harder it's harder to get the dowels out of the head than it is to remove the valves as you can see the dowel easier with the valve springs out of the way now if you look at where the valves are you can see there is no valve seal even on the head we got here of course I didn't expect there would be valve seals because there weren't valve seals on the head we pulled off and that head was only two years old now I couldn't find any sort of retrofit to add valve seals to this head I'm sure there is one out there but couldn't find one in the cat system so What was decided was that we're just going to replace the head due to the oil being on the valves that's really the only place we could find oil in the engine I mean obviously in the oil fan and stuff but oil where it wasn't supposed to be was on the valves now of course you're going to get oil on the valves if it's idle a lot because you're not creating very much pressure in the intake ports then and even though it's a diesel at idle it doesn't have very much pressure in those cylinders or not cylinders but the intake Runners so it can allow oil to seep past the valve guide and into the intake part which will cause oil residue to be on your valves and get in your cylinder so this is a normal slide hammer style dial pin puller this is a cap tool and I'm going to cut quite a few minutes out of there hammering it on there and I'm for your benefit reducing the sound hey look at that first try [Music] so do I think this is going to fix the oil consumption problem not certain well the problem is no one's certain and this is under warranty still so it's the best that we could come up with for the cause and to make the customer happy and for cat and western states to do the best we can to try and make this engine while it's still under warranty be happy for the customer and I got a lot of comments and oh you need to check for maybe the piston rings are upside down or a lot of various other things and it was determined that we need to stop here there's no signs of cylinder damage so really no reason to go much farther in especially on a dozer where getting the oil pan off and stuff is a huge pain in the butt and you can see I'm using some high vacuum grease it helps hold the keepers in it's a just a easy trick to do because the keepers will not always stay there if you don't use some sort of retaining compound not actual retaining compound but something to make them stick to there I've heard people use Vaseline that probably work too but I like the cat high back and grease seems to work really well now I've been working on engines for 17 years I've never had to pull all the valves and valve springs out of a new head that's uh a lot of work and kind of kind of depressing all the labor that went into that assuming you know considering that that head was already fully assembled so you can see we've placed the head here now reuse the head bolts torqued everything except for if you notice some of the head bolts are missing remember the reason that would be is because the longer head bolts actually go through the rocker arms like this or the rocker arm pedestals at least so what you have to do is you have to do most of the head bolts then you can put the rocker arm shafts on then you can actually install The Rocker shafts and torque them so I'd already torqued the 200 and 330 then 330 before if you're a keen Observer I actually had the rocker shafts uh the way they came off I had them flipped their initial I'd take them right off and put them back only took a minute but they I had them labeled one or two and I hadn't noticed I'd labeled them until I went to put them back on and then I was like oh shoot so not sure if anyone caught that but see behind me is the world famous trash Fire International and we got a little story about that guy let's get to it this week's instruction of the week we have a 346 from Jerry thank you Jerry number one destruction of the week submitter and you can see this 3406 I like the one I'm working on has an extra inspection hole because looks like some Rod bolts came loose major damage there thank you to Jerry for sending those pictures and and the next one we have here as well this is unfortunately trash Fire International you can see that we got some coolant in the oil here not some we got a lot so when this came in it wasn't running and verified that the EGR cooler was cracked it was it failed both a leak test on the truck and it failed leak test removed I've got the evidence here so this was a vacuum leak test while it was on obviously pulling air in from the exhaust side to the cooler side and then also when I did remove it also suck an Aaron this glove was filled with air so obviously it pulled it out so no Monday morning cornerbacks telling me that all you misdiagnosed it so EGR cooler did test bad but we've got something way worse going on here folks this is me trying to get the oil pan off this International great design International I cannot get the oil pan off even with it jacked up from the axle as far as I could get it so anyway I had to slide it out there and as you can see yeah something's going on number two cylinder appears I'm gonna who knows it could be cracked head blown head gasket I am not an international expert folks but we got big problems with that truck right now now let's get back to the vehicle and I almost said truck this is obviously not a truck it's a dozer it's an enormous Dozer so heads on you know what's next folks valve adjustment now valve adjustment on these notice I believe technically this is a 346c someone told me that because it has the 12 point style head bolts and folks I am not an expert on all the fine minute details between a b model and a c model I know there's a peak and I believe all the Peaks are C models but I'm not actually even sure of that I've worked on quite a few of these over the years but to tell you the truth I don't know the minute differences between each month so they're very so very simple to adjust there's no Jakes on this one there's no ivas there's no injectors to adjust it's just fifteen thousands on the intake Thirty thousands on the exhaust which is also the same as the 346e's and c15s and one thing I got to be really careful on this Dozer is basically you have to think that anything you drop past the engine is like an abyss because depending on what part of the belly pain it drops into you will not be retrieving that thing and the belly fans were not dropped so I was being extra slow and extra careful not to drop anything including parts uh I did drop my little pocket pry bar yeah that I'd only bought like two months ago down there now luckily it happened to fall right where the oil drain Port was on the bottom so I was able to retrieve it but this was very nerve-wracking just working over this thing the entire time like I took all the pens and everything out of my pocket especially after my pocket screwdriver fell off but it's a little nerve-wracking this one has the screwdriver style adjusters also which I am not a big fan of I like the t-handle or hex head style where you can actually leave it in the adjuster the Flathead blade one's not a big fan of that so once overhead was done there which let me tell you rotating that engine also not the easiest you can't get to the damper in the front you have to do it with the Turning tool on the side but the panels on the other side of the engine so pretty difficult luckily I had a an apprentice working with me so that really made it easy I'm not exactly sure how I would have done it else wise I probably would have just had to go on by the valve overlap and not pinned the engine it's not my favorite but it's usually good enough for doing an accurate valve adjustment because you have a few thousands variants or not two thousands you have a few degrees variants you can go with and if you're one or six is an overlap that pretty much tells you that you're at TDC on that cylinder so I'm just doing the exhaust the number one here and once that's done then we can put more parts on the engine now this being the first Dozer I've ever really worked on it really gives me a new appreciation for the the field guys that do engine work on these and it's so much harder to do almost everything and we're in the shop and this is a fairly newer engine so it's a lot cleaner it is just so much harder than the truck one where it opens up pretty easily so you can see the valve covers are on now belt cover base is on haven't painted it yet I'm paint the head the thermostat housing's on cooling hoses I've got the oil lines the oil turn line that was that was hard to get on there it's behind that the oil filter which that's also hard to get to but you can see that the uh it looks easy to get through there but it's quite a bit farther from what the picture looks like so I still have to put the AC on but here we go so once all that's in there able to fill it and I was a little confused because I couldn't really find the radiator cap at least not a cap I've ever seen and I was like well this looks like the radiator cap and sure enough this thing is the radiator cap what the heck is going on here I I have I have never seen a radiator cap like that I've worked on much larger cooling systems too for like 3500 series never seen that now it did fire right up and this buzzer was going off which I had no idea what the warning was I had to look it up it's actually a coolant flow sensor which I've never heard of before but basically it's like a flapper valve that when coolant is pushing against it it's a switch and it'll tell you if cooling is Flowing or not now we checked it out coolant level is fine that's your throttle by the way uh it there is no sound quality that will give you the feeling of sitting right next to that exhaust it moves you it shakes you being that close and that muff that you know exhaust system is really short so it doesn't muffle that well it is a little smoky but it is an older 3406 so that's not too surprising it's not like that before can't say if that has anything to do with the oil consumption problem we'll have to wait and find out but I want to take a little second to discuss this guy this here is we'll just call them The Apprentice and The Apprentice this was actually his last day he'd been working with me here on this for the last couple days because he's been working Western States for over a year now that's actually him when like his first week here he's been in a few videos I never mentioned him but he's just kind of in the background uh if you're very familiar with my videos you'll catch them from time to time they don't want me to use his name or show his face but just want to wish him the best in his future endeavors Mike thank you guys for watching this video if you have any constructive criticism or feedback leave it in the comment section and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Adept Ape
Views: 101,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cqC7YLKTb5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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