r/Entitledparents “ENTITLED FAMILY STORIES EP 51"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents street performer embarrasses karen in front of a crowd cast we've got entitled parent karen and we've got the street performer backstory me and my family were visiting yorkshire as a holiday two or three years ago and were walking down a touristy high street type place when we noticed a large crowd up ahead a street performer had set himself up in the middle of a crossroads area so he was hard to miss my family and i had just bought some lunch so we sat down on a bench nearby and watched him while we ate he was doing the usual street performer type stuff juggling and fire eating the type of stuff that looked dangerous but actually was performed hundreds of times a day just as street performer was about to do a sword swallow enter entitled parent karen this is so fake i bet that sword bends or whatever entitled parent then pushed her way to the front of the crowd until she stood right next to the street performer street performer maybe it is would you like me to run it through your heart and maybe then we can debate over whether it's fake or not karen stares at him it's people like you who are ruining society probably don't even have an education street performer i'll have you know that i graduated university majoring in engineering but didn't actually enjoy it so i turned to performing karen and does you air quotes performing provide you with enough money smiling smugly yes it does i have a house and a wife with a kid so i'd say i'm pretty well off how much do you earn if you don't mind me asking entitled parent mutters something very low considering she stood there in designer clothes don't ask which brand i don't know or care street performer well then looks like you'll be needing this picks up a hat that has probably 200 pounds in it entitled parent turned away horrified i do not need your filthy stolen money i get all the money i need selling essential oils street performer oh yes essential oils fragrance of fake and perfume day scam i love your newest release day pyramid scheme in that case you won't need this he puts the hat down i will continue to perform here and laugh as you get in a bus and go home to watch tv and drink cheap wine you've bought with your benefits entitled parent went red in the face and stormed off the crowd cheered and applauded and street performer continued his performance funny thing was on the bus back to the campsite we actually saw entitled pairing if you were a street performer what would your performance be please let us know i'd probably be good at insulting people am i the jerk for changing the package pickup each time someone uses my email for orders so pretty much there's this guy who keeps ordering things with my email he isn't using any other personal information of mine so i don't think it's a privacy concern so back to the point i will occasionally get emails from random websites about an order confirmation i've never heard of most of those websites and i know for a fact none of my family members used my email to buy anything with most emails there's a number name and an address i'm assuming it's the person's address attached i've tried texting the number and even calling but i've never gotten an answer i'd always get emails from ups to confirm the pickup slash drop-off area ever since i've gotten the emails i always change the location for delivery so instead of it being delivered to his doorstep it gets shipped to a post office 20 miles away he can't change that since like i said it's all attached to my email i recently got an email from the guy and it turns out the reason he keeps writing my email is because his and mine are both almost identical imagine mine being abc his is acb so he always switches one letter and therefore i get the emails in his email he calls me a jerk for making the pickup so far when i asked him why can't he just use his own email he said it's always a typo and i don't feel like fixing it because it takes too much time i'm not even joking that's exactly what he said so am i the jerk for sabotaging this guy's packages update a few of you asked for an update so may as well first of all there was a lot of questions on the last post sorry for not answering any of them the post got big really quick and i guess i got overwhelmed so to answer a few questions why didn't i cancel his orders i would get emails from ups and from there i can only change the location of the package i believe if i wanted to cancel it it would have to be from the company itself i tried emailing them but they said it was an honest mistake from the other guy so there was no need to cancel it wasn't an honest mistake it was like the 10th time it happened another question was why 20 miles away that's the furthest location it was able to give me for some reason so i figured i'd stick with it okay so now for the update he ended up messaging me again and called me out once again saying i'm a jerk and i ruined his day by making him drive 20 miles both ways i just said that it's exhausting getting emails that should be for him and as long as he keeps using mine i'll be putting his packages further and further away i can't actually do more miles it was just to scare him i also use the analogy many of you wrote in the comments it takes less time to correct the email than to drive 20 miles i think this really opened up his eyes because on the next message he sent me he apologized and said that i was right it shouldn't happen again all in all i think things went relatively smooth i'm hoping that it doesn't happen again or else i'll just change the locations once again what would you do in this situation would you let the package go to his house or would you send it somewhere else please let us know i'd change it to my address i love free stuff a guy thinks he owns me now because he has money this happened almost four months ago i was dealing with a really bad breakup still and of course a lot of guys started to message me but i didn't answer or accept friend requests a guy messaged me on instagram just a simple hi i answered because he seemed so familiar to me i had that feeling that i knew him i just messaged him a hi do i know you and we started talking we found out that my uncle is his dad's friend and we had seen each other before this guy is rich and when i say rich i mean he lives in a mansion and the most expensive and luxurious part of guadalajara he flexed his money in every way possible he had several cars expensive sneakers new phone every other month designer clothes crap like that first red flag i told him that i wanted to start doing cosplay but i couldn't spend my money since i was saving up for a new laptop he told me that he could buy it for me he wanted to buy the entire cosplay including wig contacts eels dress props everything in exchange for pictures of me wearing it of course i denied second red flag it was really pushy like he wanted pictures of me doing anime girl poses and just certain things in general at this point he was saying some really disgusting things to me so i stopped talking to him because i was done with his bs he didn't stop messaging me i had almost 30 plus messages daily from him i messaged him saying that i was done with him and that if he didn't stop i would block him he told me and i quote you're mine so shut up i have money and you want pretty stuff so why not make an exchange and i told him that having money didn't make him entitled to talk to me like i was an object and he told me you should consider it i can buy you anything again i told him that i didn't care about money and he told me you're stupid you have to send me pigs i can buy them off of you i'll pay you at that point i had enough i blocked him i have to mention that he tried several times to buy me stuff and he wanted my address so he could send them no thank you i can't imagine what the guy could have done with my address update a lot of you said that i should tell my uncle i did tell him but since we don't live in the same city i don't know what came of it my uncle is over 60 and he doesn't use social media i called my uncle and here's some exciting news my uncle said that when i told him he called the guy's dad a few hours later telling him what his son did to me with details basically the whole story and telling him i was his niece and the guy's dad was furious and so angry at his son he was even angrier when he found out that he did it to his friend's niece he took away his credit card and his cars i don't know if he got them back or what i also asked him what the guy's dad's job was because people were speculating that they were in the mafia and the guy's dad owns a hospital and some pharmacies hey karen that guy sounds almost as entitled as you are he actually reminds me a lot of my son am i the jerk my sister wants me to adopt her baby but i want a different kid my husband had bad birth parents so he and his siblings were removed and put into the adoption system they tried to keep the siblings together but at the time they were put in my husband and his full brother were far older than their younger half siblings the younger two a baby and a toddler were adopted almost immediately then my husband was adopted at 10 and his older brother aged out at 18. the oldest three reunited but they're still looking for their youngest my husband and i want to adopt ideally we want to adopt siblings so we can keep them together and preferably older kids at least 10 as we know it's harder for older kids to get adopted obviously it totally depends on the kids we meet and who we work with as a potential family but we feel very strongly about adopting older siblings and keeping them together so if we were to really click with older but unrelated kids or found a set of siblings that included kids younger than 10 we'd adapt that plan for them the process takes a while but we're nearly at the end of it we've been approved as adoptive parents and were matched with two siblings recently but something happened with their birth family so the adoption was denied we've been told that they'll rematch us very soon but we've been waiting to hear back for a while now there was meant to be an open day at a local home but it's been postponed due to current events enter my youngest sister she's 19 in university and pregnant she was going to terminate but couldn't bring herself to do it she reached out to us asking us to adopt her child we approved as adoptive parents we have a decently sized house with more than enough room she and the father would willingly allow us to adopt the baby and it would be a very short process for us because we are basically good to go here however due to the reasons stated above this isn't exactly what we had in mind in terms of adopting we're open to changing that plan but there's also the issue of my sister being the bio mom she says she can handle watching me potentially raise her baby but i can't see this not causing issues and feel like if she's going to adopt out she should do it with a couple who aren't so close to her we explained this and refused since then various relatives none of whom can take the baby for various reasons have contacted us asking why we can't take the baby we've explained and re-explained everything but we're getting called selfish and mean and cruel for being picky because we're at a place in our lives where we can have a baby and we're turning it down we thought about asking our friends who are also trying to adopt what they think but saying my sister offered me a baby but we don't want it would be pretty tone deaf when some of them have been waiting for years for one and that whole sentiment combined with my family's arguments have made us feel incredibly guilty so we're turning to the internet are we the jerks info we're in the uk and my husband and i have both been in our current employments for over two years meaning we both have full access to paternity maternity leave and we both took adoptive parenting classes that included baby stuff so we're able to look after a baby both in terms of competency and finances but we do feel we'd prefer an older kid and we don't know if having a baby could affect our current adoption attempts we want multiple kids as we're both from big families and a baby in the house could cause an issue as we're trying to adopt older kids they might think we just want a free babysitter update i told my sister about our friends mentioned earlier how they're a great couple who have been trying to adopt a baby for five years now how they fostered babies and taken all the classes and know what they're doing how they live locally and are willing to have an open adoption and again repeated that myself and my husband don't want to adopt a baby my sister said that open adoption to a couple of strangers wouldn't work for her and a couple hours later said that mum and dad are going to help her out so it looks like the baby will live with them for the next few years and my sister and her boyfriend will take over when they can everyone now feels like i am somehow at fault for my parents not getting to enjoy the beginning of their retirement but i no longer feel guilty as it's clear that what my sister wanted all along was someone to raise the baby for a few years so she could step in as the mother whenever it suited her try to take the credit for something i wrote let me destroy your academical credibility and get you fired i used to be in what my college we call cedar an investigation group created by students that want to produce scientific articles in this case psychology and normally directed by a professor i had just started college didn't know how things work but thanks to a friend i was able to enter one of the most exclusive seaters of our faculty they were developing at the time five articles and i was assigned to the newest one a simple case review but this story is not about me or my project this story is about rebecca the friend that helped me before like me rebecca was a psychology major during her final year of college and she was one of the lead investigators in the crown project of the cder at the moment a meta-analysis on conductual behavior therapy and schizophrenic patients around latin america this was not easy she had spent a year and a half working on it and when i joined the group it was already in its final stages then the drama began well it had actually started midway project but the first drafts were sent to the publication's office in my college the publication's office can be your best friend or your worst enemy as an investigator and their suggestions are basically orders because the article dealt with a psychiatric pathology they said it must have the support of our college's med school psychiatry department the head of the department who i will call dr trash put the condition that one of his residents had to be on the project it was kind of rude to force them to include some random guy but in the end she and her group accept it enter julian the human incarnation of laziness and a team of five individuals rebecca julian and three other psychology students julian barely did any work and whenever he made had to be checked and corrected by one of the others sometimes rebecca doubted he even knew what the article was about from some of his comments fast forward again to the finish line of the project it was basically done and only needed the approval of dr trash and this is where things went to heck for those who don't know psychiatrists and psychologists aren't always on the best terms and this hidden feud can sometimes cause troubles when we interact in this case as rebecca learned from one of the good psychiatry residents the problem was that dr trash didn't believe psychology should exist and thought of us as glorified life coaches you see where this is going with the project already done he refused to approve it unless those credited as main authors were himself reasonable to a point department heads were always considered main investigators our cedar director and julian the others could only put their names as investigation assistants on the acknowledgement section this was a total slap in the face even when she tried to argue that she was the one that designed the project in the first place and that julian did the minimum the man called her a liar said her basic idea had needed a lot of corrections false and that he knew julian had written most of the paper as there was no way she could have done it remember he saw us as life coaches julian being the jerk he had been all year didn't correct him and let the others drown while he was praised in her last peaceful attempt rebecca asked why they could not put the names of all as authors and dr trash said that a bunch of unknown students names would only rest credibility to the thing and refuse the proposal lastly he said that they could accept his terms or quit the project and leave him total control of the article you may be thinking this is impossible this man is literally stealing the work from another person sadly this is how investigation works sometimes and it's not uncommon that well-established investigators steal the work of unknown ones because in the end he said they are most likely to win even with evidence like mail and drafts they can get their way rebecca and her friends were devastated but even the director of the cedar refused to give them his support the important thing is that the article is published not who takes the credit was his reasoning that's when rebecca decided to go full-on revenge mode when she told her friends of her idea warning them it would be best if they left the project before things escalated they decided to stay and help her the plan was to sabotage the article by modifying the statistical analysis they had made previously basically the core of it all the conclusion you got with the new results was the same as before but anyone who read the thing thoroughly and check the sources would see the data had been tampered making it look like they had forged the results to their convenience this was a tricky move because they had to make the modifications in between the last revisions with enough subtlety that dr trash would not notice it when he corrected other parts of the text they were extremely lucky he never checked the statistical component partly because that was the cedars director responsibility and he had already given them the thumbs up finally the article was completed and the work was sent to the publication's office then it was just waiting until it finally made boom about a month after submitting the project all the implicated were cited to a meeting with the publication's office including dr trash the office had seen the altered results and that meant they had to investigate the group for fraud to the students and the resident it could mean expulsion for the director and dr trash they would be forbidden to publish again under the university's name and in the worst case scenario they could be fired and that is when dr trash saw he had condemned himself because rebecca and the others were just assistants it meant that most of the responsibility was on himself and the other main authors blaming the students would give away the fact that they were way more involved in the process admitting he had taken away the credit and that he had not checked the paper properly in the end he didn't have to decide how he wanted to be punished because the cedar director spilled the beans in order to save his own neck with the director's confession rebecca and the others could tell the truth and show the publication's office the real results and told them about the sabotage the aftermath of this is very bittersweet 1. the office started an investigation on dr trash articles and those he sponsored finding he had done this way too many times he was fired after the news spread around and as far as we know he has not done any more publishing and indexed literature because no serious magazine will accept his submissions 2. because of all the drama rebecca's article was deemed too compromised by personal interests and was not accepted for publishing so that year's hard work went directly in the trash 3. cedar director had to surrender his job as an investigator and the seater disbanded because there was no other professor available or willing to direct it my little project died in here sadly julian was put on probation by the medical faculty and rebecca and the others were banned from participating in other investigation projects or studies that were not related to their final thesis but no more disciplinary actions were taken against them am i the jerk for not paying for my siblings to go to uni i'm 29 female my siblings are two 19 year old females who are twins and 17 year old male about a year ago i won a rather large amount of money since then i paid off my mortgage bought a rental home paid for my parents to spend two months on holiday paid off their mortgage and bought each of my younger siblings either a car or in the case of my brother a motorbike i have recently started planning my wedding to my partner of four years originally we were going to have a very low budget wedding because neither of us were particularly wealthy and have little financial support from our parents but now we plan on having a slightly bigger wedding however during these discussions my mother has been getting increasingly upset at the amount i'm spending wedding will be around 40 to 50 000 all up including honeymoon and partner is contributing 12 000 so it's not like we're spending an astronomical amount and has repeatedly suggested that we stick to our low budget plans and give money to her for my siblings college funds instead these comments have been confusing me because she's told me in the past that she got 20 000 when i was born to put a weight towards my college fund from her parents and then 10 000 for each of my siblings i got through college on scholarships and my part-time job so presumably she has fifty thousand dollars already for my siblings college fund this came to a head about a week ago when she came with me to go to my fitting for my wedding dress and she saw the price tag three thousand dollars she had a complete meltdown in the store about me wasting money and how she needed it and i confronted her about the college fund she admitted that she and my dad had spent the money on trips away alcohol and gambling and now there was nothing left i said if she wasted fifty thousand dollars meant for her children's college funds then why should i give her any more at this point she stormed out after throwing her glass of wine on my dress that cost 300 to clean and has since said that she's not coming to my wedding and will stop my dad and siblings from coming am i the jerk here what would you do in this situation would you still have an expensive wedding or would you give your mom the money she's demanding instead please let us know her mother deserves that money we always do can i talk to someone else then so i'm a manager at a very large fast food chain restaurant the name isn't really important to the story anyway i mainly work the closing night shifts i'm one of the main managers of the store one of the most trusted i stay in my position mostly because i chose not to promote up too much stress and fast food isn't my career path so as a night manager i deal with some crazy stuff i've called the cops a handful of times over customers just going too far but tonight was one of the more casual encounters but i'm sharing it because the thought process is just funny to me our refund remake policy is pretty simple you need either a receipt or the food preferably both but one or the other usually does enough refunds we generally want the product back for obvious reasons as you can imagine this system gets abused a lot and our bosses are like make them all happy who cares if they're lying for the third time make them happy so yeah it's a dumb system if you ask me but they're terrified of complaints hurts their numbers so this chick tonight calls my store phone we will call her entitled customer me how can i help you her hi um i don't normally do this but i came from the drive-through like an hour ago and the food was just nasty i mean i ate it all but it was disgusting and i want a refund me do you have the receipt her no i don't have the receipt they never gave it to me this is a lie because i was working register and i always give receipts for this exact reason me okay and you said you ate all of the food yes but it was just awful me okay well unfortunately i can't issue a refund without some kind of proof of purchase which would either be the receipt or the food so without either i can't do anything well i ate the food it was just nasty and no one gave me a receipt so i just want my money back i can show you a bank statement me i'm sorry bank statements aren't used to verify purchases here as we cannot see an itemized list as well as verify it was this location you purchased from so there really isn't anything i can do customer girl it's not that deep then just remake my food me yeah i can't remake the order for the same reasons we have no proof of purchase well then get me a manager i am the manager then is there someone else i can speak to because you aren't understanding what it is i'm trying to tell you me no ma'am i understand perfectly you stated you purchased food which you claim to have been disgusting but you finished all of it anyway and now you want me to either give you back the money or remake the food again without any kind of verification you purchased it in the first place which i have clearly stated i will not do then i'm just going to call corporate what's their number me it's 1-800 name of chain why the heck are you lying that's not even a real number me i assure you miss it is a real number you call that and corporate will be happy to speak with you what the heck is your name i'm reporting you for giving me a fake number my name is op see you're lying again that's not even a real name i'll be there tomorrow and i'm going to speak to your boss and have you fired at this point i hung up my name is a little weird so i get people saying i'm lying a lot sorry it wasn't exciting i just found it funny she really thought i'd just hand over food telling me it's not deep if you're so mad it must be that deep karen didn't want her kid to be late for school let's just say she got what she deserved so this happened to my friends and i in the 8th grade when we were about 13. we did announcements for the school because we were all on student council when we did announcements it was a bit different than everyone might think instead of a microphone we had a corded telephone that connected to the pa system that you would talk into keep in mind this telephone was right next to the secretary in the school's office and if anyone talked about a whisper the sound system would pick up on them we'd first start regular salutations then the national anthem and finally regular morning announcements there was only one rule that the secretary for announcements had and that was not to buzz anyone in front doors had locks so you had to be buzzed in during the playing of the national anthem just out of respect for our country then one day disaster struck it was a normal day in april and the secretary had just printed off our announcements we had to save for the morning we waited until a couple minutes after the morning bell so everyone was kinda settled in class and nothing was too chaotic in the halls so the background noise couldn't be heard we had just started our regular salutations and i went to set up the radio so the national anthem could be played everyone in the office stood up for the national anthem and right as it started playing someone had buzzed the front door then it buzzed again after the third buzz my friends and i looked at each other like oh crap something's about to go down the person at the buzzer entitled mom did not stop buzzing for the duration of the national anthem which is two minutes like i said earlier the secretary did not let her in due to the national anthem playing after the anthem was done entitled mom and her kid were finally let in we all saw entitled mom storm into the school practically dragging her kid behind her swing open the door to the office and if looks could kill we all would have been dead right there in the office she then pushes students out of the line for signing in late and starts to have a full out tantrum at the secretary while we were on the pa system doing announcements so basically the entire school was hearing in on this while we tried our best to do announcements entitled mom continues to call our secretary names for not letting her and her precious daughter in when they first buzzed in and now she's gonna be really late for work which by the way if you're late you're late a couple minutes won't make much of a difference our secretary told her over and over again but it was a school policy that she couldn't let anyone in during the national anthem and all she really had to do was sign her daughter in which would have taken like 10 seconds entitled mom was not having any of it it got very ugly when entitled mom started getting in her face and threatening her all the while we were trying to do announcements at that point everyone in the office was staring and trying to get the lady to calm down the principal was also called because the situation was getting out of hand then entitled mom and i met eyes while i was talking on the announcements she looked at me with pure hatred and proceeded to take the corded telephone from my hand and slam it to the floor i was shocked my friends were shocked everyone in the office was shocked we were all then quickly escorted to a room in the office and locked in including entitled mom's kid who i felt really bad for she was absolutely mortified at her mother's behavior and a code green was also issued it basically just means to stay out of the hallways for a period of time we heard her continue to slam things in the office there was about six thousand dollars worth of damage she did and the police were called once the police arrived they had apparently taken her away in handcuffs we did not see her get taken away although a few students saw her get taken away through the window my friends and any students that were in the office were then sent home after what had happened in the office that morning we did not hear anything after the incident the school did not inform our parents what had happened after that morning there were a couple rumors floating around that entitled mom's husband was very wealthy and he had paid the school a large amount of money to keep their mouths shut and to drop any potential charges the school had planned i doubt this is actually what happened and the second was that the woman was banned from dropping her daughter off at school and was not allowed to be within 100 meters of the school and the secretary had hired a lawyer and sued the woman and got a large sum of money from winning her case anyways if you've made it this far thank you so much for reading remember to always be careful around entitled parents you never know what they're capable of or what they're going to do if they do not get their way and no i'm not making this up i really wish i was but this is truly how it all went down i'm now in high school and i will update if anything happens with entitled mom thanks again and have a great day karen demands a salad at 6 a.m i was working at a local overpriced soup and salad chain in the drive-thru one morning and this woman zoomed through at 6 45 am skipped the actual order screen just drove right to pick up usually when people do this it's because we messed up their order or they're coming to yell at us but we hadn't had any orders yet that morning so i opened the window and said hello ma'am what can i do for you she looked at me as if i just told her to go forget herself and goes well where is my salad i said oh i'm sorry ma'am you didn't order yet but you can order here what kind of salad would you like she angrily responds what do you mean what salad do i want i want a some generic crappy overpriced salad alrighty ma'am no problem just give us a few minutes and we'll have that out for you it'll be 7.65 lady oh heck no this is supposed to be a free salad me oh do you have a free salad reward on your member card lady i don't know what a member card is but i know my salad is free today me um lady i called this morning and was told i could have a free salad my manager who hears her literally screaming at me from the back comes running over to inform me this lady had called earlier to complain about something from her last order from two weeks ago and demanded a free salad she confirmed she had agreed to give her a free half salad me well i'm so sorry about that let me just get this cost voided for you and it'll be out in a second the salad lady angrily glares at me as the window shuts i'm working drive through alone because well my co-workers liked to just never show up to work or came hours late after the morning rush and a bunch of smoothie orders came through the front i had to do those as well as take orders pack them and run the register smoothies take a lot of time to do and are such a pain because our store had a total of two blenders so when an order of five smoothies of five different flavors comes through it takes up a ridiculous amount of time so anyway as i'm chunking blueberries in the blenders and looking for a lost yogurt scoop i noticed salad lady banging her hand on the drive-thru window angrily and waving frantically i literally had my hands full of spinach so i held up my finger and mouthed just a minute as i frantically poured smoothies into cups and chucked them at the line to put out it just so happens that the line hands me her salad as i finish the smoothies so i get back to the window with her early morning salad in tow package it up and hand it out the window asking hi ma'am what can i help you with here's your salad salad lady you are the most rude girl i've ever met what is wrong with you ma'am i'm sorry what seems to be the problem you clearly saw me trying to get your attention and you ignored me i'm so sorry about that ma'am we are slammed this morning and i'm working the drive-through alone right now so i'm having to multitask but i can help you with whatever you need now she doesn't respond and just reaches into the bag to inspect her salad in front of me another car pulls up to order and since i'm the only person on drive through and we get penalized if orders aren't addressed within five seconds after they pull up i have to take the order in front of angry salad inspecting lady so i press my headset button and say thank you for choosing overpriced soups and salads how can i help you salad lady snuggly looks up at me obviously in the middle of an order and says there are tomatoes in this me trying to listen to the lady ordering on my headset and also listen to the lady complain about tomatoes yes ma'am did you not want tomatoes salad lady no i told your boss that i didn't want tomatoes on my salad me oh well i'm sorry about that since when you ordered you didn't say you didn't want tomatoes i didn't put on your order to remove them so the line left them on but i can absolutely have them remake your salad for you just give me one moment i rush over to the order board to put in the woman whose order i'd been desperately trying to remember until the line they have to remake the salad without tomatoes i glance over at salad lady and she once again is waving at me and pounding out the window over my headset someone is currently asking me to go up front and check what kinds of bagels are available pro tip if you go to generic soup and salad place for bagels or loaves of bread go inside please god just order at the front but i know better than to make salad lady wait one second longer than she has to so i ask the lady on my headset to please hold on just a moment and i rush up to the salad lady new tomato list salad all packaged up in hand and ask hello ma'am here's your salad what can i do for you she finally completely erupts you are the most disrespectful rude girl i've ever met ma'am i'm so sorry what seems to be the problem you are not going to have a job in 10 minutes and you'll never be able to keep a job in your life because you are disrespectful and rude you know nothing about customer service me hearing the lady i asked to wait a minute shout hello at the order window the line call out a coffee drink that needs to be made and staring at this lady continuing to berate me with insults i'm basically completely frozen get your manager now me no problem it'll be just a second while i go and get her for you salad lady no no you know what i'm tired of waiting i'm going inside and i'm going to find your manager myself and i'm going to watch as she fires you in front of everyone in the store you disrespectful little jerk she drives off hitting the curb as she swerves around i defeatedly go over to my manager's office to inform her an angry woman is about to come in and demand that she fires me manager salad lady me yup manager okay you just go hide in the cooler for a bit me xyz co-worker isn't here yet so it's just me on drive through manager oh i'm sorry just do your best i could hear the lady making a scene in the storefront as i walked over to cash out the car who had been waiting like 15 minutes for salad ladies antic to be over so she could get her coffee fighting back tears i say hi ma'am i'm so sorry about the weight here's your coffee and a free cookie for the weight the lady looks at me and says oh honey that lady was a jerk don't let her get you down okay you're doing great i will never be able to express how much that meant to me but yeah i didn't get fired and the manager literally just gave the lady a crapload of more free food to make her shut up and go away 7.40 cents an hour for that job i could only do it for six months before it completely sucked my soul from me speaking of soups and salads what's your favorite kind of soup or salad please let us know i could go for a chicken caesar salad and some broccoli and cheese soup or new england clam chowder yeah am i the jerk for laughing at my son's divorce i have two adult children who were immensely loved but i've always believed that the marriage comes first i love my husband more than anyone in the world and i made sure to prioritize our marriage and not be one of those moms my oldest son is 25 and just filed for divorce after four years of marriage i really disliked my daughter-in-law for some personal reasons but also i didn't like the way she treated my son they have a beautiful three-year-old son but she began to completely ignore my son when my grandson was born she prided herself on being a working mom but couldn't juggle all three and my poor son was neglected typically i would have more sympathy but she made a lot of derogatory comments about my parenting and marriage she said she didn't know how my husband and i could travel without the kids when they were young one or two weeks a year and they were with their grandmother she was insulting about the fact i baby my husband and he is a man-child and she embarrassed me at her bridal shower when she asked me for a piece of marriage advice and then told me it was bad advice and i'm just too old-fashioned well obviously this didn't work out all that well for her i was ecstatic when my son told me they were divorcing she also used her son as a pawn and was always giving me conditions and acting like she was doing me a favor i'm kind of enjoying the fact she wanted me to have limited time with the kid and now i have him for a week at a time my son is living with us but i've tried very hard to bite my tongue she came over the other day to pick up her son and my son had left he always leaves and makes me deal with her but that's a separate issue she started talking about how weird it feels that they are divorcing and that she can't believe it's real and i very nicely asked her if she still thinks my advice was bad advice she burst into tears and left and now i feel like a jerk she texted my son saying that i'm a jerk and he should be mad at me for laughing at his divorce well do you guys think she's a jerk or has she done nothing wrong please let us know entitled parents think i need to give up everything so their daughters don't feel bad so i have a ton of stories from this family and still live in the neighborhood and honestly try to avoid her every second i can i'm 21 now female and her daughters are 23 and 21 5 months younger than myself respectively we will call entitled mother karen daughter 23 taylor and 21 caitlyn changed names so they moved into the neighborhood when i was three taylor was four or five and caitlyn was three and at first i was friends with entitled daughters they irritated me though but you know that's life and when there's kids to play with around your age in the neighborhood you take it flash four and we are all in elementary school and have the same bus stop there are about eight to ten kids at the bus stop and it was always a race to be first in line now entitled family is kind of a mess and the daughters would always be sprinting up the street while the rest of us tried to get the bus driver to wait for them late as always didn't bother me though so one day entitled family gets to the bus stop a few minutes before the bus and the rest of us kids are already there in line i happen to be first that day and i'm talking to another one of my friends at the stop who is second caitlin walks up to us and says hi can i cut you i want to be first today no i'm first today maybe get here first tomorrow and you can be first tomorrow i tell her caitlyn starts crying and runs to her mother i continue my conversation because this girl always cries and i just couldn't be bothered to care then karen walks up excuse me but caitlyn deserves to be first today let her go in front of you no i'm first well caitlyn deserves it she never gets to be first and so you should let her it's only fair no she needs to get here first to be first i told her maybe tomorrow she can be karen walks away with caitlyn and i hear her telling her some bible verse about the last straw shall be first and how i'm going to heck for not sharing that's just one incident here's another this one featuring entitled dad who we will call dan i am playing with the same neighborhood friend from the line let's call her sam i'd say i'm seven and she's nine here so sam and i are playing a game in her driveway when taylor comes down the street to see what we're doing we tell her i remember we had made up some play where we were wizards or something not too sure anyway she tells us that's dumb and that she doesn't want to play that so we say okay then don't play with us and continue playing she goes home five minutes later dan comes down the street and walks up sam's driveway he calls us over and being kids responding to adults we head over to see what's up i hear you're excluding my daughter ladies you know that is unacceptable actually we told her she could play but she said she didn't want to play our game sam tries to explain well then change your game so she can play he yells at us i will not have selfish kids making my daughter cry and i will tell your mother you are excluding her if you don't play something taylor wants long story short because we were terrified of this ex-army monstrosity of a dad we changed our game reluctantly things like this happen so often it's hard to count he terrified us i guess i'll do one more although i have dozens in mind this time i'm about 13. i've always been a good student and made straight a's i also suffer from extreme anxiety and during this time i was super skinny because i physically couldn't get myself to eat due to this anxiety taylor and caitlyn have always been bigger girls no big deal they also were c and b students again who cares well entitled parents did i was over at their house one day just watching a movie and they invited me to eat dinner with them we all sat down at the table and began to eat entitled parents karen and dan look at each other and dan asks me how are your grades doing you're doing well in math i hear not wanting to be rude i tell him yes i'm doing well but say no more he then asks well what are your grades i tell him all a's and he looks at karen i think you should let our girls have your homework or do their homework for them after all you are supposed to be in caitlyn's grade so you should probably do her work i had skipped a grade so i was in the level directly between the two daughters entitled parents continued to pester me about cheating their girls to better grades and i told them i didn't feel comfortable with that entitled kids started saying that i had to help them because we were neighbors and i owed them this whole family seems to think where you live dictates who you help which i don't agree with either way i refused and they finally let it go i then reached for another taco as they were good and i was hungry karen looks at me and says how do you stay so skinny and eat like that i immediately drew my hand back in shame she continues my daughters deserve to look like you i make them eat less and they are still fat you're making them feel uncomfortable by eating so much i didn't eat again the rest of the night i went home and told my mom what happened when she went to talk to entitled parents about it the next day they told her i was lying she knew they were lying as the whole family was full of crap but decided to avoid the drama and just walk away and sure this family decided that because i was their neighbor and objectively better than their daughters i had to do everything i could to make them be like me taylor ended up in later years going psycho and bullying me to the point i still have ptsd and caitlyn is a pathological liar turned out to be real jerks have you ever had neighbors that you just couldn't stand if so what was wrong with them please let us know my neighbor's a real jerk last week she asked me to ring the doorbell instead of just walking in dude targets me and refuses to believe i don't work at the supermarket this just happened as i was leaving the supermarket as i told my hub about it he suggested i post it while fresh stopped there to pick up a dish sponge and a half gallon of milk ended up doing a full grocery shopping excited at the prospect of going home with one less task pending and more time to play trove with my son i walk my cart full of food to my truck this is where the story began the parking lot is fair sized for the supermarket i drive a ford f-150 and because it's raised i find it easier to park towards the back of the lot so i can avoid the risk of not seeing someone walk behind the truck or park in my blind spot about halfway through the parking lot a man maybe early 50s begins calling out to someone and i don't pay it any attention since i'm on the phone with a relative the call was short and i hung up with my relative a few seconds before reaching my truck i then get my shoulder grabbed and pulled by the same dude who was making noise at the front of the parking lot we've got me we've got entitled jerk and we've got supermarket employee me what the heck don't touch me dude jerk didn't you hear me you need to take my card back me what no i don't walk it back yourself just do your job you lazy jerk you kids don't know how to work come on go do what you're supposed to do at this point he grabs my arm and tries to budge me i'm 5 foot 10 in 200 pounds a prominent aspect of my job is lifting heavy items you will not budge me if i don't want to move me i told you not to touch me i also do not work here i'm not wearing a uniform i have no work badge i'm trying to put the groceries i bought into my vehicle leave me alone i wrenched his hand off of me and was so upset that instead of punching him i turned away and slammed my card into my truck so i could finally leave this jerk's orbit jerk how dare you touch me and you just scratched that truck i'm gonna get you fired and arrested for being a bad employee now the store employee young man who picks up the shopping carts jogs over to see what's up and is treated to witnessing me trying to get my groceries in my truck and the entitled jerk grabbing my bags and slamming them on the ground at this point i'm all sorts of done and asked the kid to call the manager and the cops and to pull up camera footage i'm gonna need it store employee is like a deer in the headlights but sets off to go get help jerk is now trying to keep me from getting into my truck the whole time he's screaming at the top of his lungs about how i will be fired and arrested story employee came back manager is unavailable great i asked the store employee to stay back since jerk is unhinged and used a small spray bottle of outdoor bleach mixture i keep in my purse to sanitize my work gear when i remove it sprayed it in the jerk's eyes and that got him to budge i then set on the jerk and i guess all that crap was enough for the manager to show up when employee went back a second time to get him the security guard was very quiet as he restrained the jerk while we waited for police the manager apologized and asked for my receipt so that they could replace my groceries and then show the cops their footage of the mess when they arrived having that little thing of bleach spray was a really good idea do any of you carry things like this that you can use to protect yourself if you have to please let us know i've always got my mace and i dare you to try man am i the jerk for not wanting to support my girlfriend i have been dating my girlfriend for two years and have been living with her for the last year while we both hate our jobs mine is more stable than hers and i make about 35 more than her because of that when we first moved in together we agreed that i would pay a larger share of the rent utilities and groceries i also often treat her when we go out to have dinner or to the cinema it was an arrangement we were both happy with and i was glad that i could help her out yesterday she told me she was seriously considering quitting her job i told her that it wasn't the best time for such a move but that if she really hated her job so much of course i'd be happy to support her while she found a new job it turned out that's not what she meant she wants to quit working entirely and become a full-time homemaker we had sometimes joked about that but i had no idea she was serious i told her that i wouldn't be comfortable with that if we only had one salary we'd go from living comfortably if frugally to having to make a major change in our lifestyle i'd have to worry about how to pay our bills which used to really stress me out she got very upset she said she felt i wasn't taking her feelings seriously i know that she hates her job but i also hate mine she seen me crying in bed after a bad day or losing sleep over whether i'd be fired quite frankly and felt like she was saying that her own emotions were more important than mine eventually she called me cheap and said that i should tap into my savings account to help her it's true i have some money in that savings account but i had been hoping that it would one day become the down payment to a flat we could live in together i've never been able to make her understand why it's important for me to have an egg nest she's not very good with money herself she's the type of person who will spend all her money on clothes or games and then will borrow money from her partner or me which she never pays back she never saves a penny i used to think that it wouldn't matter i could be the responsible one we could keep our finances separate and that way if she ever was in an emergency i could help her out but if she's going to insist on quitting her job i'm worried she'll use my money irresponsibly and will be in financial trouble during our argument i ended up admitting to that and she got upset she said as her partner it was my duty to support her and that if i wasn't willing to merge our finances then i mustn't be very serious about our relationship but i am that's why i wanted us to be able to buy a flat together eventually today we've both been avoiding the topic but i can tell she's very upset am i the jerk well what do you guys think do you agree with op or with their girlfriend please let us know i think their girlfriend's entitlement actually gives me a run for my money buy my program when you fire me no okay i was employed at a rather large factory which was one of the largest plant-based companies in the world recently bought by an investment firm not so long ago anyways i developed a program which was used at the factory it could tell whenever any machines were not running even if it was due to a manual stop or anything else my program knew the reason why the machine was idling the program made it so much easier for the entire factory workers were happy because they didn't need to do any manual work and write down every time the machine stopped lead up to about a year ago factory appoints a new chief all the old employees that were in a leadership position were let go because it was time for new blood to come in there was a lot of talk about selling off parts of the factory including machines and so on this included programs that i had developed including the program that identified whenever a machine stopped i developed this program in my spare time showed it to the old management and they liked it enough that they wanted to use it on every station in the factory every machine was to use this program all that had to be done was for the program to be maintained weekly this was around five years ago or so when the newly appointed factory chief wanted to let the old employees go me included it was not known that i was the person behind that program anyways at my meeting with hr and the factory chief i said that i was willing to sell them the program and teach someone how to maintain the program the factory chief laughed at my face and said it was company property and that it was simply their program and not mine i offered to show them the source code and everything but it led up to the point where if i was to tamper with the program before my departure they would sue me i was officially let go two month countdown began and after two months i was free after a week or so they noticed problems with the program it would stop loading stop registering stops and it would miss label stops i knew that this was when the fun was about to begin after a month i was called into the office and was told that i had tampered with the program because it had suddenly stopped working i let them know that someone had to maintain it i was ordered to teach someone how to do that job and i told them after you pay me for the program right they wouldn't budge and i was told to return to work when i had a week left i strolled around the factory floor for a while and noticed that no stations were running my program anymore i asked some operators why that was and they told me that it just stopped working now we need to fill out forms every time the machine stops manually i shrugged and told them to thank the factory chief i left after that week got a phone call about a month after i left where they begged me to sell them the rights and teach someone how to maintain it i never sold them that program instead i sold an improved version to another factory nearby where i am now employed edit i see summer saying that i am in the wrong based on u.s law just editing here to let you know that this did not take place in the us i made the program during my spare time at home on my own computer after introducing the program to the former factory chief i was allowed to try it out on one machine and test it the maintenance was done on my office computer after a few months i was allowed to roll it out for the entire factory it wasn't done overnight lots of debugging to do i have not heard anything from the company for nearly a year so it would be weird for them to suddenly come after me now just wanted to make that clear and is not happy with wedding demands compensation there definitely seems to be something about antis that make them so easily entitled as posts about them keep popping up here so here's mine backstory i lost my dad when i was very young he was a jet pilot in the air force and things happen my mom found herself a widow at age 28 with three kids tough times after a year or so of her being stuck in a heavy depression times of which i have but faint memories she came back to life after some months of dating she went to marry my dad's best friend with whom we were already well acquainted he was also in the military commanding officer and submarines my dad's family was not pleased at all with that wedding to the point that my grandmother forbid any relatives from attending it they felt like it was disrespectful to my dad's memory slash legacy and they felt like they had a say in how my mom should lead her life from now on i would have enough material to run a multi-installment story about my dad's family and their bewildering sense of entitlement with our lives but for now i'll focus on my hands since that moment was probably the highest ranking in terms of induced astonishment for us so we are now some years in my mom's second marriage the year is 90 something i'm 9 or 10 years old and my little step brother is a couple of months old we live in a coastal town because navy base and my entitled aunt announces she'll be visiting over the weekend because she wants to see her three nephews niece my mom and stepfather oblige since they think it's important that the kids keep contact with our dad's family and relatives despite my parents not being on very good terms with them entitled aunt arrives on saturday and immediately demands that her trip be refunded by my parents then she proceeds to belittle them and tell them how worthless they are seeing how the conversation gets quickly heated my mom ushers us upstairs while my stepfather does the talking at some point i sneak out of my room and from the staircase witness how the last bit of conversation unfolded which gloriously ended in my entire dance relationship with my parents mom still holding my very young stepbrother in her arms calm down in title dan and lower your voice you're upsetting the baby entitled ant don't you dare talk to me like that you little jerk you just couldn't hold it huh you just had to dishonor us all by getting married again so you could hook up again huh stepfather shut up entitled ant this is absolutely insane i can't stand it anymore do you even realize what you're saying entitled and and you you horrible man when i think that you were once invited to our place for the summer how could you turn so evil after that don't you know my parents have you got no respect for them mom entitled and you're talking absolute nonsense please respect me my freedom and our family by leaving our home stepfather now entitled ant fine she lays her eyes on our stereo in a corner of our living room and adds after a pause all of a sudden but i'm taking your stereo with me as compensation mom what the actual what do you mean compensation stepfather unable to remain patient any longer fine just take it and get out of our place stepfather goes to unplug the stereo while entitled ant quickly grabs some random cds that we're lying around and title dan is quickly shoved out of our house by stepfather and my last memory of that afternoon is of her seen from the window of my sleeping room as she was trying to stuff said stereo in her luggage open in the middle of our driveway she was never invited again and never tried to invite herself to our place after that p.s as i grew older i was able to develop some sounder relationship with most of the relatives on my dad's side but entitled ants somehow always remained a bit shy and distant entitled neighbor doesn't want palm tree to be cut down our family bought a house which was initially sharing yards with a house on our right after some time our family decided to build a wall between both properties respecting plot boundaries and what not making the decision between building a wall or a fence was an easy decision our neighbor entitled neighbor in this case would snoop around and literally sit outside her house and just watch hours see who came out came in visited everything that wasn't it either not only would she spy on who was going inside or outside the house she would be a pain in the butt when it came to parking as well when friends came over she obviously would see them arrive and watch them enter my house creepy after my friends came in hanged out and were planning to leave they would encounter a little note on their windshield next time you come over please do not park here this is a private parking area thank you yes they were parked in front of her house but they parked correctly without blocking any entrances every time from that point on they made sure they parked in front of their house even though there was space in front of mine now to the palm tree part when buying our house the yard was shared but in our half of the yard there was this huge palm tree we didn't mind it at first since it made it easier for family and friends to locate our home just look for the palm tree but after deciding to build a wall to avoid snooping from our entitled neighbor we also decided to build a small apartment next to our home so that my parents can rent it and get some extra cash after a couple of months of planning we decided to build it in the corner of the plot where the palm tree was we made arrangements and called someone who would help us cut it down the day came this was a big deal since the palm tree was very tall about five to six workers arrived to our house and began talking to my dad about how things were going down note the wall was mid-construction just above eye level for me and one or two feet above our entitled neighbor's height after the workers came and parked in front of my house entitled neighbor could still see who was parking while we were talking about how we were going to cut the palm tree down i see entitled neighbor with her hands above the wall and has her head above the wall now i look at her and freaked out say me entitled neighbor hello did you lose something her what are those people doing with saws me um her wait you are not planning to cut the palm tree are you the workers and my dad are now aware of her me thought she was impressed or amazed not angry actually yeah we are planning to build an apartment here and why we are going to rent it and maybe before i could finish she left and went inside i thought this weird interaction was over i wish it was she returns and goes to the front of the house fence door open with her mother looks like she's in her 80s or 90s in a wheelchair dad hi what are you doing careful there's saws and axes all over the place entitled neighbor you can't cut that palm tree that palm tree my mother grew by herself it reminds me of her at least wait until she passes away yes she's referring to her mom not the palm tree dad um sorry but we are going to build an apartment and it's on the way so we will cut it down if you wanted we could maybe move it instead of cutting it and put it on your side of the yard that would be great you can put it over here gestures to a location in her yard i'll let you talk with nice worker then so you can arrange the movement i'm not paying for it it's on your property okay then since it's on my property and i won't pay the extra fee of moving it i'm going to cut it down how dare you do this you piece of me i think it's best for you to leave entitled neighbor while i stand in the middle of them she leaves and starts yelling from her side of the wall yelling she'll call the police i wish i could have a recording of the yale she admitted when they finally cut the palm tree down no ma'am you cannot demand we hire your son a few years ago i worked at a store that delton used electronics it was mostly movies games and pop culture merch but we also sold a wide variety of items like cameras and headphones it was a very popular store due partly to the low prices and the fact that we generally paid more than our competitors for used goods but customers also liked the atmosphere the staff was very close-knit and management encouraged a casual approach to customer service so not only was it a cool place to shop it seemed like a cool place to work which it was this meant that during all times of the year we were flooded with applications we actually had a new apps box behind the counter that had to be emptied for filing once a week because it would always fill up as a retail establishment we did have a moderate turnover but the store was small and only had 11 to 15 people employed there at any given time so we only occasionally picked up new hires this didn't stop people from applying especially recent graduates who were hoping that the cool video game store would be their first job i was working the front counter at the time entitled mom walked in the door this happened a while ago so the conversation is of course paraphrased she approached me and i smiled and greeted her me hi how can i help you entitled mom hi can i speak to the manager me oh of course but he's currently in the office on a call he was is there something i can help you with before he's available my son turned in an application a month ago and he hasn't heard anything back me apologetic oh i'm sorry ma'am we get a lot of applications to the point where our employment manager can't call people back if they aren't accepted for an interview this should be mentioned on the application but i'm sorry if your son wasn't told that however we keep applications on file for six months so if a position opens up we could still possibly consider him for employment she huffed and rolled her eyes giving me a sarcastic laugh that's ridiculous are you guys prejudiced against hiring boys or something i blinked at her i was one of the two girls employed at this location compared to 11 guys of the four people visible behind the counter i was the only girl me ma'am i'm one of the only girls that works here entitled mom seemed to notice this and began to splutter a little because she was getting flustered she continued laughing sarcastically through her sentences so what are you prejudiced against hiring hard workers i honestly didn't know what to say i was trying not to laugh because it was such a weird response me no we just have a lot of applicants and the chances of getting picked are low it's not personal uh but if you'd still like to ask the manager about it i can go see if he's finished on the phone entitled mom huffing still laughing no never mind this is just ridiculous i'm taking my business to your competitor she stomped away after she left my co-workers and i just looked at each other and started laughing we chatted about it for a little while and when the manager came back from the office we told him about the encounter he basically said what i said that it was one application in a sea of many and it wasn't personal honestly if you come into a store and demand the manager to hire your kid it's probably only going to hurt their chances nobody wants to deal with someone's crazy parent hovering around the business all the time speaking of cool stores what's your favorite store of all time please let us know three words bed bath and beyond isn't that actually four am i the jerk for not forcing my kid out of the house at 18 my child's father and i have very different parenting philosophies he very much believes that kids need to be out of the house at 18 and self-supporting and there is no relying on mom and dad i definitely don't have that idea my family doesn't have any kind of you need to be out of the house by x age ideas i didn't move out for the first time until i was 21 and i lived with my parents off and on after until i got my current place almost 20 years ago it's not anything to do with gender and it's not a you can mooch off of us forever dynamic the kids are expected to be working or in school but it's not a huge deal for them to live with parents unless they're addicts make really terrible decisions or are just lazing around my family doesn't produce many kids due to late marriage and low fertility and family dynamics are just different when you know you're only having one kid versus families with potentially unlimited kids my place is a two bedroom that is set up as a roommate situation everyone told me i would quickly outgrow it and it would be inconvenient but life only allowed me one pregnancy before my system gave out so i never did my child is doing well in school is perfectly well behaved and will be going to college in the fall although online now there's absolutely no reason i wouldn't let them live with me as an adult they may not find it ideal but there's no reason they would have to be homeless my child's father remarried a woman with a child and had three more kids bringing his total to five kids he has a typical three bedroom we have monthly family meetings and at the most recent one he brought it up i guess trying to scare them and started talking all this crap about them finding their own place soon and life wouldn't always be this easy i was taken aback and said that it was ridiculous of course my child will have a home at least with me anyway and that it wasn't my fault he had so many kids that he had to make these arbitrary deadlines he was enraged that i was undermining him and letting my child hide behind me and from adult life we left soon after my family is telling me that i should have been less blunt about it and just kept things on the down low because i basically just said their father was a jerk with no authority i mean if the shoe fits but i suppose i maybe could not have thrown his opinion out so bluntly well who would you agree with the mom or the dad please let us know i don't know how to email can't you just do it for me our store allows customers to email their print jobs to a server which will then send back a code straight to their inbox and allow them to input it on the machine for quick and easy printing all of this is fairly obvious we have signs posted everywhere not to mention we tell everyone how to do it when they ask us this is a self-service option any order placed with me a full service employee is done online or in person and it's obvious you are expected to pay more for that service we explain this to every customer not only that but once you get to the machines it is printed clear as day on how to follow the steps what the email is and how to input the code once you get it the steps are simple press your option print put your card in select how you are printing by usb or email put in your usb or your code then print however if you've ever worked retail you know just as much as i how people don't read regardless for the sake of customer service i swallow all these thoughts down and try my best to help a woman comes in and tells me she needs to print from her email i tell her how and she is almost immediately angry lady i don't know how to use email can you just show me how me i actually don't know your email or the service you use you would have to find your documents and then i could why can't you just print it me well you need to email it over to this first so we can access it and i'll show you how to print it over on our self-serve printers lady you have printers back there just print it moves phone closer to me me steps back slightly unfortunately i can't touch your phone due to safety reasons and this is our full service area if i were to print your documents there is a mandatory up charge to have them printed on the spot you can come back at this time to pick up your order if you'd want to waive that fee lady it's one page you can't just print it i need this now i can't wait me trying to hide my frustration since this is the third time i'm having this conversation and i've got one thousand dollar jobs that need to be finished her 15 cent job doesn't matter much to me no i can't lady fine how do i do it again me i tell her i can't get it something's wrong me looks to see that she's getting an error that she's not signed into her email you just need to enter your password i don't know my password me stammers i don't know your password either what good is that my phone service just changed and my husband needs these documents printed so now i don't have access to the right email but i need these documents me well you can just hit reset password and follow the no because it's gonna try to text me the code and i don't have the same phone service why don't you understand it's so simple me try not to hit her ma'am we are not your phone company neither are we your email service you are using our self-serve area i've done everything i can for you but this is something you will need she goes to interrupt me but i raise my voice so she can't to solve if you can't access your documents there's nothing i can do i can't print what's not in front of me i can't pull it out of thin air lady your job is to help me and your job is to have your documents ready to print now i have other customers i need to help when you get your documents ready i'll be glad to help you at this point i just ignored her while she sat there and shouted every so often it's still not working there was nothing i could do every avenue i tried to go down to help her she blocked off besides i had a line of six or seven behind her i'm only one person and i can't sit there for half an hour to play it that's simply not my job she ended up calling the manager over who spent nearly two hours with her only to find out those documents weren't even in her email she threw a fit but i was so busy i didn't get to hear it have you ever had a customer drive you absolutely crazy if so what were they doing please let us know i don't see why they couldn't have just printed it for her am i the jerk for refusing to babysit unless paid full price i 19 female have extensive experience with kids worked at a preschool for three years have babysat for over 300 different families have montessori training fully certified in cpr and first aid etc for this reason i typically charge more than the average college babysitter would parents know that when they pay for me they pay for a higher level of care so price usually isn't an issue a few weeks ago a mother with four kids who are nine six three and six months who was referred by a family friend asked me to babysit from 8 am to 10 pm on a saturday after corresponding with her for a bit she told me she could only pay the rate i charge for two kids instead of four given that she was a friend of our good friend and i didn't have any other jobs lined up i said that was fine with the condition that i wouldn't be doing housework i generally do cook and clean when i babysit but since she wasn't paying full price we came to that agreement i arrived at her house and was immediately taken aback everything was a mess her kids were virtually uncontrollable and she had left a list of things for me to do many of which involved serious cleaning she rushed out of the house before i had a chance to talk with her and left me with two of her kids screaming without additional notes it was a disaster there was little to no food in the house her elder two were extremely defiant and bald when disciplined the three-year-old wasn't totally trained and the baby screamed when put down i'm generally good with clingy kids defiant kids and know how to help those who aren't toilet trained but i have never had to deal with all three at once in such a cluttered house more than once i found exposed outlets scissors and sharp objects left out and over the counter medication laying around despite having agreed not to clean it would have been a serious safety hazard to leave the house the way it was at the end of the night i made her aware of the difficulties before taking the money reminding her we had agreed i wouldn't do housework and saying i was concerned she responded with a typical oh everything's fine i know we're a little hectic but so is everyone else blah blah blah a week later she asked me to come again this time from 10 a.m to midnight after doing a little math i told her i would not be returning to her house to babysit unless she paid me the full price for four kids and more if she wanted me to clean she was clearly very upset and kept begging me to lower the rate but i told her it was unfair to have me do that much for what she was paying and to find another sitter if she couldn't pay she then resorted to harassing me on social media and writing a scathing review on my babysitting page a number of her friends joined in saying i'm the jerk who's only in it for the money a few people pointed out that i've given larger discounts to good friends in the past was it too much to ask that she pay full price am i the jerk well what do you think should op lower her prices for that lady or no please let us know i think she should do it for free okay call my dad just remember this story from junior high when talking to some friends last night and figured a few of you would get a kick out of it in ninth grade i was a little bit of a jerk i have pretty severe adhd and made it a habit of messing with teachers i never really did anything bad per se but was constantly disruptive and talked back a lot my grades were solid though so mostly i just ended up with a lot of lunch detentions one teacher in particular miss on time really did not like me and after my mc she basically didn't speak directly to me for the remainder of the school year now on to the story miss on time hated students being late to class anyone even a minute late would be sent to in-school suspension for the rest of the class and then would receive a one-day detention for the first infraction a week for the second and two weeks for the third about halfway through the school year she made an adjustment to the rule nobody was quite sure why but the rumor was the front office had to talk with her about her policies for sending so many kids to detention and iss the new policy was that if you were able to complete a task you would be allowed into the classroom these ranged from doing a math problem on the board in front of the class to collecting trash around the room before you could sit well i took this as a free way to show up whenever i wanted after showing up late for the fourth or fifth time in two weeks miss on time started to get mad and the tasks started becoming more and more difficult the next time i showed up late i had 15 seconds to recite the alphabet backwards otherwise she threatened iss for two weeks this is where the mc comes in after she had implemented this new rule i started asking friends from her class what tasks she's been assigning during the other periods i had collected a pretty long list of these tasks and made sure i was able to do any of them when asked fortunately for me she had used the reverse alphabet on another student in the previous term without breaking stride towards my desk i rattled off the reverse alphabet and set down without another word miss on time was livid it was pretty obvious i had practiced with how quickly i had been able to respond after staring at me for a few seconds she announced to the class it appears mr jumper doesn't take me or the rules of my classroom seriously but maybe he'll listen to his parents she called me up to the front of the room put her phone on speaker and asked me to call my dad everyone in the room was oohing and eyeing at me as i made my way up called up my dad and this is the basic summary of how the call went one important thing to note is that miss on time never let my dad know he was on speaker in front of the rest of the class miss on time hello mr jumper this is miss p and i have jib jumper on the line and he has something to tell you dad what'd you do jib jumper me i was late to class the rule is you have to complete a task to not get a detention miss p told me to say the alphabet backwards and i did then she had me call you dad miss p is what jib jumper saying true miss on time yes but he's leaving out that he's been late five times in two weeks and has a disrespectful attitude dad is that true jib jumper me it's true i was late but i finished the task every time i'm just following the rules miss on time put in place i don't get how that's disrespectful miss on time don't lie and act like that you know you were being disruptive and disrespectful for ignoring the dad cutting off miss on time mid-sentence now wait a second you're calling him a liar but you put the rule in place that he could do a task to get out of detention miss on time yes but dad and he completes the tasks as requested yes but then what's the problem here it sounds like he's following the rules you established for your classroom don't call me at my office again unless he actually does something worth calling me for and then he hung up i just walked back to my desk without saying another word miss on time just stood there for about 30 seconds with a look of pure outrage on her face most of the class was trying to suppress giggles i'll never forget the crap-eating grins on my two friends faces as i walked past them in the aisle speaking of detention have any of you ever had detention or how about in school suspension i know i did please let us know i feel sorry for her having to deal with such rotten little monsters am i the jerk for sharing the news that i'm pregnant with a girl and devastating a former friend i 36 female was best friends with georgia 36 female when we were both five even from an early age georgia competed with me on inconsequential things the level of our friendship varied throughout the years of college and slightly after but we became best friends again in our mid to late 20s georgia and i got engaged around the same time once i announced she set her wedding date two weeks before mine and picked the same vendors i had then wore a white dress to my wedding just to give you an idea whatever we both started trying to get pregnant at the same time she got pregnant on her first try and stopped talking to me because it would have been too awkward i was going through extensive infertility treatments that didn't result in a child that she never asked about my husband had a psychotic break and my once loving marriage spiraled in every way i reached out to her for help and she said she was too busy with her baby she never contacted me again and i didn't reach out either i was fine with the outcome learned to never keep a friendship like that again got out of my marriage and went on to find a wonderful man who is now my husband my husband and i also had to go through fertility treatments and we are cautiously optimistic with our chances of bringing home a baby as i'm now eight weeks pregnant through ivf we haven't told most people but i happened to run into an old family friend judy in my hometown and ended up sharing the news i also shared we were having a girl which we know because of genetic testing apparently the small town gossip still runs deep because the next day i got a scathing email from georgia about how she heard from judy that i was having a girl and demanding to know why i was rubbing it in her face because i know she had two boys now and her third pregnancy is also a boy and they've been waiting for their girl and she's in therapy because she hasn't gotten one yet she went on to accuse me of always trying to one-up her i wasn't going to write back but decided to try to be the bigger person and just said i'm so sorry that the news you heard from judy was difficult for you to hear i was simply sharing news of my life and had no idea you were struggling with this i was so pleased to hear from your email that you've gotten the large family you always hoped for and i hope you and your husband can make peace with the beautiful family you created my email was then shared to all our former mutual friends and several emailed me to tell me what georgia had done and that they stood up for me and are so happy for me but one friend and george's mom emailed ripping me a new one about how callous i am i'm used to being gaslit from my ex-husband and am now questioning if i somehow am the jerk for casually sharing our news and not thinking about any potential repercussions have you ever had a friend who turns out they weren't really your friend at all please let us know oh i've had too many to count not the place to skateboard this was about 10 years ago when i was the manager of a video game store we were right next door to a place that sold hair care products in a box mall setup we would have an issue with the local school kids skateboarding on the sidewalk in front of our store even though there was a skate park about three blocks away a few times a kid would not be paying attention and would run into an elderly lady leaving the neighbor's store the worst one the poor lady was knocked over and broke her wrist the neighbor's store manager and i talked and we agreed to ask kids to stop skateboarding the second we saw it we would also let them know about the skate park 99 understood and would go to the skate park but this is a story of the one percent i was putting out stock on a quiet morning when i saw a kid go whizzing by on his skateboard i stopped and watched for a minute to see if he was passing by or not sure enough he's going back and forth i popped out of the front store and advised him about the skate and we don't allow skateboarding on the sidewalk due to accidents he shrugs me off and walks away ten minutes later he was back with his friends i advised them again they shrugged me off i got a call from the neighbor's store manager she said she told them the same thing but they told her to buzz off i then went to the front door as one of my regulars was coming in i told the regular i would be a moment he didn't care i stopped one of the kids again and told him he can't skateboard here same spiel as always due to some accidents we don't allow skateboarding here you're going to have to leave there's a skate park three blocks north kid shrugs at me and walks back to his buddies i go back to my front counter because the regular was ready to buy his game we finish the transaction and he walks to the front door i see him stop at the door and pause for a minute my immediate thought was he was watching for the kids and didn't want to get hit he then whips the door open but doesn't go through and i hear this loud bang he turns to me and says hey rob you're right accidents do happen when you skateboard in front of your store and then proceeds to walk out i grabbed some paper towels and walked to the door the kid was laying on the ground crying his nose bleeding all over his shirt i handed him a piece of paper towel and said you guys should go to the skate park i then wiped the greased stain left on my door and went back to work never saw those kids again trust me i'm almost a doctor back when i was a uni student i worked evenings as the shift lead in a dvd rental store yes it was a while ago one of my favorite co-workers was studying aeronautical engineering and i was studying a bachelor of medicine slash bachelor of surgery so the rocket science and neurosurgery jokes were plentiful and it was a wonderful way to shut down the occasional jerk who treated retail workers like second class idiots but i digress we were located in a fairly quiet suburb and open until midnight it was around 11 30 pm on a very quiet rainy evening and i was sorting shelves and beginning to close when i heard a commotion outside it was a young couple having a doozy of an argument and i could hear them coming up the street from a mile away bored curious and mentally grabbing popcorn i drift to the front of the store and start adjusting stock there trying not to be too obvious with my rubbernecking as i got there i saw the guy turn in frustration and punch his fist straight through the passenger window of a parked car he pulled his arm back and started screaming at the sight of blood his girlfriend was also screaming and standing there with a shocked expression on her face the guy looks up and down the street and sees the lights on in our video store the only place still open and ran into the store he was standing at the front counter and clamped over his wrist face as wide as a sheet and unable to say anything other than i told my off-cider to call zero zero zero and while she was on the phone i pulled out a chair grabbed the first aid kit and tried to administer first aid but he was having none of it his girlfriend was hovering around being annoying blubbering and hanging off his good arm the guy you're just a video store person what do you know his girlfriend oh my god baby i'm so sorry please don't die baby please me i'm a registered first aid officer and i can apply a bandage to your wrist to slow the bleeding until the ambulance officers arrive his girlfriend stay with me baby don't go the guy ah i'm dying please help me girlfriend i'll never do it again i promise i love you i love you too i'm sorry i thought that at this stage it's clear to me that they're both drunk this guy has an injury of unknown severity but he's bleeding all over my counter so i want to look at it and they're too involved in apologizing to each other to pay any attention to me me yelling quiet two shocked faces look at me i'd pull out my first aid and med student id cards and them to the guy and say trust me i'm almost a doctor the guy started to laugh weekly and handed over his wrist the girlfriend is still sobbing behind him begging him not to leave her i quickly bandaged him up satisfied that it was a superficial injury only and nothing life-threatening and had him sit to wait for the ambulance officers to arrive it wasn't fun mopping up afterwards but two days later i arrived at work to find an enormous bunch of yellow roses for me with a card that read thanks for saving my life karen doesn't understand how libraries work during my school holidays i work for a while in the library of a combined elementary and middle school this particular school is very near the town's library our books and theirs are all clearly labeled with the respective institution names however we frequently get students returning the town library's books to us and vice versa the school's policy is to not help them return it to the town library so that they will learn not to make this mistake i'm used to it as their kids and they usually get it after a simple explanation and then you get this parent my son got a call from the library saying they still owe books but he returned them all last week the school does not call to chase for books we have a more relaxed policy and don't even find for overdue books the mention of the call is enough for me but most customers aren't satisfied until you actually show them the record me okay let me check the system pulls up the record ma'am the system shows that he doesn't have any books on loan yes they're from the town library oh in that case you need to call them to check with them but he returned it i was waiting downstairs he told me he was going to run to the library and drop them in the book drop points to our book drop he returned the town library's books here yes so why are there still books on his account ma'am our system is different from the town library system they cannot return their books here or vice versa yes he can my son said he can sorry ma'am they may put their books into our book drop but if we scan it it won't be found in our system record we will see that it's not one of ours and put it aside for the student to come back to collect it why didn't you inform us we do not have any record of which student borrowed the book but he borrowed it it should show his name me patiently but our system is different from the town libraries it will not show the name of the person who borrowed it the parent keeps this up for some time i'm trying my best to explain it patiently but she doesn't get it the elementary school students understand this better than she does i end up using the dumbed down parallel i give to the younger students it's like if you go to mcdonald's you can't buy a burger king burger there because there are different stores you must have the book on the shelf you can check the shelf and see that he did return it i checked the cupboard where we keep the town library's books that have ended up in our book drop but we do not have the title that the parent mentioned sorry ma'am we don't have it are you sure he returned it here yes he did why won't you believe me points insistently at our book drop i'll get him to come and prove it okay you can ask him to come by would you believe it some days later the parent comes back again this time she has complained to the school office who apparently was finally able to get through to her that our library systems are different my son returned the town library's books here do you have them me checking to see if they have been found over the last few days yes here you go the person who called me said there's a fine for overdue books you'll have to check with the town library at the school's library we don't implement a fine for late returns but it's not fair we shouldn't have to pay a fine sorry i have no control over that i have a feeling i know what's coming sure enough she delivers no i shouldn't have to pay my son returned it here points petulantly to our book drop how can you charge me when i returned it here i face palm i mean i can excuse a kid for not being able to tell the difference but this is an adult in her 40s title mom makes fun of my height to try and win an argument so i return the favor with all of her flaws i'm turning 27 in a few weeks and stand at a meager 5 foot 2. because of my height people have never taken me seriously and it will probably be a long time before anyone does most of the time i try to keep myself busy and not think about it but in my private moments i find myself hating this accursed height or when i'm feeling moody please don't leave comforting comments they only make me more miserable cast we've got me we've got entitled mom and we've got entitled mom's daughter story so i was standing in front of a self-checkout after picking up groceries and it was one of those days when i was feeling moody and was wallowing in self-pity suddenly a karen appears and cuts in line she didn't even stand in a correct spot for the social distancing just waltzed in front of me she was with her daughter and the daughter already looked like she wanted to bury her head in the sand not wanting to deal with this i decided to call her out me excuse me but you just cut in front of me entitled mom no i didn't you are just slow please get behind the line i've been waiting daughter mom he's right you aren't even no i got this turns back to me i'm not listening to someone so short she was around five foot seven me what does that have to do with you cutting in line you just don't understand how our society works no one's going to listen to you hobbit people behind me went oof and the daughter buries her head in her hands me with nonchalant luck you don't understand how our society works either no one's going to listen to your lack of logic either she was left stunned people snickered and even her daughter was trying not to laugh one of the checkouts became available and i went around her to purchase my food i thought this was the end but no entitled mom wanted to win this bitter battle she came up to me used her arms to swipe everything off the counter you will apologize and buy my groceries me no i will not apologize for something i'm right about let alone reward your childlike behavior i am older and wiser than you you listen to me me i'm a senior at our state university averaging 3.8 gpa what's your education her daughter chiming in giggling ged entitled mom her face goes red i still have authority to ruin you my husband is me okay i'm gonna have to stop you right there tell me have you done any sort of work aside from getting money from him entitled mom what does that have to do with me have you endured any form of hardships struggles or problems to get to be where you are entitled mom finally shuts up me you see that's the difference between you and me regular folks like me had to work their butts off to achieve what they want unlike you who had everything handed down because you married some rich and powerful dude entitled mom was about to say more but that's when the manager and security dude arrived didn't even need to take statements apparently she was banned from this store didn't figure out why before she was quickly escorted out with her daughter trailing behind people who were watching the whole thing offered to buy my stuff but i knew i wasn't that desperate i simply went back to grab the items again and paid for it despite the manager insisting it will be on the house as i exited her daughter was waiting for me and apologized for her mom's behavior i apologized for that last remark sounding like it was directed at her she didn't find the defensive but found it hilarious would you ever call out a karen like this or do you think you might be afraid to please let us know i dare you to call me out am i the jerk for not letting my boyfriend correct a chinese woman we live in a shared house with a bunch of random craigslist roommates one of them is chinese and was sitting at the kitchen table during lunch time slurping her noodles and minding her own business my boyfriend had just come into the kitchen to eat his own lunch and rather than ask her how her weekend was or any other polite conversation he instead asks her can i teach you something about culture i knew he was going to tell her that americans consider it rude to slurp food but this lady wasn't at a business event she was in her own home and in my opinion can eat her own culture's food however she wants to especially since she was sitting alone by herself first and we just happened to enter the same room after so i cut my boyfriend off and said stop he kept trying to talk to her don't say anything i said again he kept wanting to press the issue ignoring me he said i don't care but americans think it's rude to slurp your food jeff stop it drop it i said as she looked highly embarrassed and quietly continued eating her meal i apologized to her and said i apologize for jeff's comment and he said and i apologize for my girlfriend not letting me talk to you i don't think it's jeff's place to educate people who didn't ask for feedback and were just trying to be comfortable in their own home he thinks i'm being culturally insensitive for not letting him help teach her american customs who's being the jerk here edit by help teach her american etiquette he meant that he wanted to tell her that americans would find it rude if she slurped her food at a business lunch or such occasion not that she had to stop doing it at home he worked as a cultural consultant abroad helping foreign business people secure deals with americans by teaching them about customs and mannerisms and whatnot so i genuinely believe that jeff thought he was doing her a favor by letting her know that others might be turned off by her slurping but i still think that one it's not his place to give such information unsolicited and two the minute you point out that americans find slurping rude she's going to feel self-conscious and judged about doing it at home even if jeff says it doesn't bother him well what do you think was her boyfriend in the right to do this or was he completely wrong please let us know i'm really in the mood for some noodles now i love noodles my stepmother is a disney classic a bit of backstory my dad met my stepmother shortly after my mother died don't feel sorry she was a narcissist but that's a story for another dozen or so posts i always knew she didn't really love me but i was 18 and moved out shortly after and didn't really meet her that often so it didn't bother me she made my dad happy and we were civil not friends but not enemies either so i was fine with it and now to the story i went to visit my dad for two weeks and brought my son with me everything seemed to be fine at the beginning i have a half brother who is six at the moment my son is three so they played together there were a couple of fights nothing major just two kids having disagreements and then this saturday i went to bed early because i had a migraine so i didn't help clean up in the evening the house they live in isn't fully renovated yet so there's a ventilation pipe next to the room i was staying in through which i could hear the conversation she was having with my dad talking about how bad of a child i was not to help clean up my dad defended me saying i had a migraine so what was the big deal she got all defensive and told my dad he didn't raise me properly and i mean come on she knows what migraines are like she has a hernia in her neck so she gets them quite often but i guess it's different when others are having them i felt bad hearing that but decided not to say anything about it since i came to spend time with my dad and didn't want to cause problems on sunday my half brother was having a bad day i guess since he's usually a very bright kid he and my son kept arguing and i kept breaking up the arguments my stepmother was upstairs lying down because she wasn't feeling well so she probably heard me and my dad having talks with my half brother all the time at one point i saw him holding my son's head underneath his arm so i reacted by exclaiming half brother stop my dad saw what was happening and gave him a dressing down at that my stepmother stormed down and started screaming about how my son and i were a princess and a prince who couldn't do anything wrong she took my half-brother upstairs and shut the door so hard the wall shook a minute later she came down and took a bowl of soup upstairs the soup was on the counter and not on the table where the kids were sitting waiting for food and where the incident with my son and half brother happened which is important because a minute later she came down screaming about how my half-brother burned his hand on the soup because my dad hit him never happened and the kid was nowhere near the soup just to clarify there was no burn and she didn't burn him either if any of you were wondering she kept screaming at my dad that he wasn't treating her son right she kept saying her son and telling us he could do nothing wrong and that we were all just trying to be mean to him and my dad tried to wait it out and not say anything until she calmed down so they could have a talk but at some point he lost his cool and told her that he was always convinced it was their son at that she turned around to my half brother who came down the stairs and screamed your dad said he's not your real daddy at which point i saw red because that's the same kind of tactic my mother tried to use with me when my parents were divorcing i told her it's not okay to say something like that to a child i would have told her exactly why but she turned to me with an open palm ready for a strike and shouted shut up because i will mess you up if you say another word not an exact translation but closest to what she actually said in my native tongue i shut up although i wish i hadn't and that i'd let her get me so that i could call the police my dad decided to split up with her after that incident so we would have had something to show the court in the custody battle about to happen my dad told me to let it go and went to talk to his son to assure him he loved him and mommy didn't mean what she said she was just angry basically damage control at this point my son who was eating soup at the table three years old let me remind you and who didn't understand what was going on decided to say i don't like half brother's name to which she shouted at him to shut his mouth and if he didn't like him then he could play somewhere else i told her to never speak to my son that way again and positioned myself between her and him she turned and walked back upstairs me and my dad had a talk and he decided to drive me and my son to his brother's place because this was not a good environment to be at i ended up going home a day earlier today i got a text from my stepmother saying she was sorry she didn't mean any of that but that she couldn't turn back this time i haven't responded yet to tell you the truth i don't know what to tell her or if i even want to talk to her ever again would i be the jerk if i refuse to be part of my in-laws family tradition my husband and i have been together for almost six years married for three we have a one-year-old i love his family but i struggle with the differences and how they treat their son my significant other versus their daughter sister-in-law anything she wants she gets i don't start drama however i will stand up for what i think is right and it occasionally causes tension they have a wonderful tradition where they create a picture calendar for their grandma for christmas every month highlights the people whose anniversaries or birthdays it is the rest filled in with loving memories since we got married i am now in a couple of the photos i felt loved to have been included in such a tradition but last year caused issues our son's birthday and our anniversary fall on the same month no one else shares anything special with this month his parents told us we could design that page with the three of us however we like i choose four photos one our son was just born one of us is a family one of him with his great-grandma and one of just my husband and i we create the page and send it we stop by one night to continue helping them my husband is better at doing it online than them when i realized that sister-in-law has swapped out one of my photos for a picture of her with my son i made a comment that's not what we designed and she tells me she likes it that way and wants to use that photo at this point in time she is in roughly 75 of the photos in the book 12 months each with 4 pictures per page equals 48 photos she is in almost 36 out of the 48 has a whole page dedicated to just her and a good portion of her photos are of just her i suggest she take out her photos from a previous month and use that one instead i then changed it back to the photo i wanted she ushers us out for the house christmas comes around and the calendar is brought out she had changed it back to the photos she wanted i was furious but let it go because one it was for grandma who i adore and two we didn't pay for it his parents did and sister-in-law chipped in a little bit we offered this year i offered to help with the calendar again and get told she has a special idea for this year she wants to do recreation photos take an older photo and using the same people take the photo again i think it's a great idea and understand that it means my son and i won't be in it i'm sad but still offer to help she declines then i find out she wants to do half the book with special recreation she wants to take some of grandma's old photos and use the new generation to recreate them i think this is great and now my son and i can at least be in one photo nope she wants to be her grandma in every shot wants to use my significant other as grandma's husband and my son as my father-in-law as a baby they have no use for me i mention this makes me upset and i want to be part of this tradition and upon her parents pushing she tells me that i can take the group family photos would i be the jerk if i tell them no that if i can't be in it i don't want anything to do with it update wow this has taken off thanks for all the love so a few hours after i posted my significant other came home for lunch and inquired as to why my phone was blowing up i told him he was mad turns out sister-in-law told him a little about the ideas and that the whole family was involved he assumed that meant me he's now refusing to do anything unless i'm part of it and that our son will not be in anything unless we are a part of it unless it's a gin pick said i am his most important family now he wants nothing to do with the calendar i'm trying to talk him into talking to his parents first as this is a lovely tradition i just want to be a part of it too how i got revenge on my realtor after i was tricked into a one-year contract my husband and i met with the top realtor that a very popular agency had to offer we saved for two years and we were ready to buy a home he was confident encouraging and made us feel like he could get us into our dream home we reviewed financials with him and he saw we each had tier one credit both scores over 800 plus we had enough saved for a conventional loan he was clearly so happy because he could smell that commission check he brought out the contract we discussed the buyer slash agency contract which didn't seem like a big deal because we were very serious about buying we also knew most realtors did this so it wasn't alarming in case you don't know the contract is standardly a three month contract stating that you will not buy slash rent slash lease any property without the realtor getting their fair commission and if you go behind their back with someone else they will be entitled to a percentage of whatever property you purchase the clause he failed to mention slash we missed this was a one-year contract we weren't worried at first because again we were sure to be buying a property let me tell you when we told him the price range we were looking about 150 000 under what the bank approved us for he became completely upset and defensive why are you dropping your standards don't you have any dying relatives who could co-sign so you can get the house paid off quicker i don't want to show you houses in that area etc he saw that large commission check vanish before his eyes we continued to stay in touch because what option did we have we were contractually committed to buying a home through him and only him for the next year we sent him links to many houses asking when we can see them he would take a week or two to respond back and when my dream home slipped through my fingers due to his delays i had enough i politely asked if he would relinquish us from the contract as we clearly had different goals i apologized for being upset but i told him why i said i didn't feel like he was making us a priority and i would rather hire someone private his response well i'll be running your financials for the next year to see if you buy slash lease rent anything i'd re-read that contract you signed and find a lawyer then he cut communication i complained to the agency and they said try and work it out with the realtor himself when i told them i already tried they brought up the contract i said i was going to speak to a lawyer about the contract they laughed and said good luck the lawyer informed me it could drain your account going against the agency and we made the painful decision to wait him out the full year saving a lot of money in the meantime the contract ends and we find our perfect first home above the original price we were approved for and with the most amazing realtors we have ever met during closing day at the realtor's office the sellers of our home use the popular agency we just escaped from our previous realtor watched in the hallway as we signed for a house almost 150 000 more than we would have bought from him exactly one month after our contract was up he scrambled to find the now expired contract because he was sure that he was about to win i know a lot of people at the office were talking about it and our realtors let us know what had happened after we left it made me feel good to watch the horror on his face through the conference room windows as his superior told him to go home due to his frantic behavior apparently he had been using company time and expenses to check on our financials weekly throughout the year in order to catch an easy check through a broken contract there was no confrontation between us directly but i definitely feel like we won that one i looked on their company website and his name has been removed from their listed asians speaking of dream home what would your dream home be like how many bedrooms would it have and how big would it be please let us know i deserve a mansion and one day i will have it am i the jerk for replying to my co-workers compliments with a negative story lately i 29 female lost some weight and i'm slowly exchanging my wardrobe for better fitting pieces i work in a small office for work i like to dress nicely and business appropriate there is no specific dress code i just try to look good in my new day-to-day wear i have a colleague cheryl she's in her 50s and we generally get along well the annoying thing however is her habit of commenting on my wardrobe a lot especially since i've started to change my style they're not necessarily unkind comments sometimes it's just along the lines of oh cute dress from where but sometimes her comments feel backhanded such as one day she looked at my striped shirt and said cute shirt but only people with thin waists can pull off that pattern the other day she said about my scarf i don't really like that color on you you usually have such good taste i have asked her in private to stop commenting because i feel scrutinized she said she would but soon enough it started again i've tried to ignore it but to no avail i have thanked her and smiled but i found myself dreading going to work in the morning because i knew that she'd comment on something again now where i might be the jerk the other day i was watching a documentary about classical conditioning and behavior and i came up with the idea that if cheryl subconsciously linked her behavior to a negative experience slash story maybe she would then stop so the next morning cheryl made a comment about my black dress cheryl all in black today it makes you look so gloom me yeah i know i bought this dress for my grandfather's funeral but i think i can also wear it for work the next week i had on a newish pair of shoes cheryl oh new shoes you really have a lot of shoes me actually i bought them last year to cheer myself up after i had to put my cat down the next time she made a comment on my shirt and that the color didn't suit me i replied not verbatim yeah my sister made it for me i would not buy from fast fashion retailer not after that garment factory collapsed in bangladesh some years ago over 1 000 people were inside of it ever since then i've told a sad story every time my wardrobe came up think operations breakups none of these stories are made up by the way they're just not happy chit chat i feel that ever since i started my little experiment her comments have died down the other day though another co-worker told me that cheryl complained about someone in the office always being a downer and not being able to accept a genuine opinion now i feel like a jerk for not just sucking it up because actually cheryl has been very helpful ever since i started working there it's just her comments that drive me up the wall am i the jerk for replying to my co-workers compliments with a negative story do people ever get on your nerves by commenting about what you're wearing if so what do you do about it please let us know i dare you to insult my wardrobe woman versus mechanic a couple of years ago my car trunk was badly dented after someone hit me from behind he was texting and didn't realize i stopped at an intersection obviously his insurance agreed to cover all damages from my car which was merely four months old back to the original dealership for repairs important for later the repair center is right next to a big lot where they store the cars not on display fast forward a few weeks later repairs were done and they called me to come pick up the car during inspection to make sure everything was fixed i discovered that the trunk lock latch was not working properly i mentioned this to the mechanic that was inspecting my car with me and i will never forget what he said to me quoting in his exact words he said ma'am with your four doors shut and all your windows up it creates a pressure which makes it difficult to open your trunk door i was speechless for a few seconds then told him i may be clueless about cars but that's not how my trunk door functioned prior to the accident he kept trying to convince me i was wrong and that nothing was wrong with the latch and i kept insisting there was something wrong the supervisor saw us arguing and came over to ask what was wrong the mechanic explained to him that i refuse to accept that nothing is wrong with the door latch the supervisor then told me i can walk around the storage lot and open some of the trunks of the same model car as mine to feel that mine works the same he then asked the mechanic to walk with me and added as a matter of fact she can pop open every trunk malicious compliance ensues took a while but i opened every trunk and with each car the mechanic would say see same as yours and i would reply with no needless to say after our little adventure the mechanic was getting quite impatient with me we walked back to the supervisor and the mechanic annoyingly explained that i was still not convinced the supervisor then suggests that the mechanic take apart the lock and show me the working mechanism to prove that everything is fine from the surprise look on his face when i said yes i believe he was expecting me to back down and just agree everything was fine well with the locking mechanism exposed the mechanic pressed the open button once and the latch moves like normal he looks at me with a smug face he tried it again to prove me wrong a second time and behold the latch jams he tried again a third time and no movement he had to jimmy it a bit in order to get it to function again all of a sudden he just walks off of course i asked him where he's going he turns and tells me he's going to order me a new lock being disgusted i replied with but why do that when my four doors are shut and before i can finish he told me to please stop he's already doing what needs to be done i smugly smiled and i kept my mouth shut karen won't order again yay there's been a karen at the restaurant i work at and i've been dealing with her since week 1 of the lockdown here she was a new customer that first week she'll order delivery once a week or so and she always has a complaint about the food after the first delivery the manager said we had to take her payment over the phone against policy unless an exception is approved by the manager because the driver wasn't comfortable going into her house to take her payment if i remember correctly one or more members of her family were sick she's pushed back on that a couple of times but we always make it clear that we need to take her payment over the phone without fail she always called back to complain about the food the first couple times she had ordered during a rush so it wasn't unreasonable for the food to be a bit dry or something to be a bit off she wanted the fries in a separate container so they weren't soggy okay reasonable but no need to sound so aggressive about it then we realized what she was doing and told the manager as our policy is to give the customer a discount on their next order if they have a complaint about the food this continued for a couple of orders then yesterday i saw a note about the phone saying they were no longer giving this customer a discount i verified with the manager that this was ongoing and not a one-time occurrence my spanish primary language at the restaurant is pretty weak so i wanted to make sure i read it right and today the customer ordered again it was a bit different from her usual order and i read back the order to make sure she didn't have special instructions sure enough she calls after getting the food to complain that the sandwich was dry and not on french bread that sandwich doesn't come on french bread it comes on sweet bread of the same name of the sandwich and she didn't specify that she wanted french bread i explained that management told us we wouldn't be giving her any more discounts since she had an issue with every order she placed and she got even huffier and said she would never order from us again i have two awesome managers assistant managers the main manager is usually only here for the morning shift who are very supportive of dealing with any karen's and they handle the situation great we always give customers the benefit of the doubt but if they claim something was missing that we specifically remember putting in the bag usually an odd item or one that had specific changes we had to verify with the runner they've got our bag i don't work for you karen and i won't i do a lot of work with lumber and sell the finished products to a select few clients mostly smaller stores this puts me into shops and markets fairly often around three to four times a month usually delivering the goods or picking up the trade in stock slash parts depending on the arrangements that said i just got home from a drop off and pick up routine having scored a solid win with what i'll admit was a subpar retooled handicap friendly working desk and cabinet pairing in exchange i got my hot little hands on ridiculously underpriced black walnut i have plans for meaning i am having an awesome day cue the arrival of the wonder twins at my workshop door pounding loud enough that i can hear it over my music my shop my rules my pick of the tunes i walked to the door dressed in my flannel finery and fresh sawdust not happy with anyone but the select few people who know not to knock if they can hear me playing music i don't do walk-in customers nor allow visitors inside of the shop karen did you or did you not build my husband a set of pantry shelves last week me probably i know that i definitely delivered some to a seller yes last month two days before thanksgiving whatever we demand a refund take them out immediately no i don't do installation or removal that's a not me department issue you may leave now karen tries to jostle past me and get into the working area of the shop me okay this is a language barrier issue see yourself out and don't come back like ever nobody is going to be allowed inside of the shop i demand a refund and i will be getting my refund immediately i'll call the police have at it cowgirl i'll be pressing charges for what it's worth i don't know you karen dials her phone ranting and raving i lock up the shop and monitor for the duration karen smugly you're gonna get arrested you sanctimonious jerk me um sure i'll be over here smoking a cigarette i forbid you to smoke yeah not going to happen my property my smoking rules kick sand lady i'm thinking i smoke she fumes the police arrive and park in my driveway this doesn't bother me as i could give a rat's tuchus what my neighbors think karen arrest this man for fraud he threatened me me pointing to the cameras installed on my shop exterior shrugging cue the cops nodding to what she's ranting about me retrieving the laptop from the dining room table and bringing it out to them me so uh to help clear up some confusion i can show you guys the video cops yes please step over there please i oblige they review the video karen suddenly changes the narrative i'm her employee her husband is on his way to prove it i stole stuff um what i ask what it is that i purportedly stole and for a description none available she's demanding access to the shop saying she definitely saw it earlier in the day definitely close to her lunch break i tell the cops to scroll back to around two o'clock in the afternoon then she's changing the timeline to yesterday again i asked for the specific time of day another change of narrative now i've stolen cash from her yeah my patience died with that one me if she can't get or keep her story straight allow me to do so with mine i don't know her her husband or their many problems i do know that she is trying to get into my shop and i will be pressing charges for the attempts plus trespassing and being a jerk cops scribble their notes take our names and details escort her from the property and remind her to not make it difficult on herself by returning they make a reasonable request that nobody presses charges which is cool with me karen required further discussion on the topic and similarly obliges i close up the shop for the night sit on my front porch and wait doesn't take long before her husband shows up not demanding a darn thing just issuing well-worn apologies for his wife's behavior we shake hands share a few laughs and i do indicate that i have no interest in being a part of any future direct transactions with him i do point out where he can get more of my finished product if he's so inclined and off he goes to a place that i do not envy i fired the client who gave out my address to karen and i stated that i would not be able to fulfill any future business with them i don't mind the loss and can probably get a better gig if i wait for it suffice to say it's not been a good day so far on the average if you're reading this karen and i mean this from the bottom of my heart i hope that you fall on your keys and stub your toes on legos in the dark entitled kid and entitled mom demand that i gift them the new fortnite skin so this happened when the cyclo skin came out on fortnight here's a bit of context i bought the skin and gifted my friend the skin as a late birthday present cast we've got me we've got my friend we've got entitled kid and entitled mom story so me and my friend were just chatting in the lobby until we wanted to do some squads so he invited a friend to join us as soon as he joined he yells into his mic both of you got the cyclo skin me and my friend yeah friend well actually op gifted it to me for my birthday entitled kid wasn't your birthday three days ago friend yeah but op couldn't decide what to get until the skin came out entitled kid now talking towards me can you gift me the skin me sorry man but i don't have enough v bucks right now also even if i did i don't even know you entitled kid i'll send you a friend request friend opie just said he doesn't have enough v bucks entitled kid then just buy more v bucks me sorry but the answer is no entitled kids started to get angry at this point give me the skin or i'll tell my mom friend started chuckling at this point me i'm still not getting it for you i then hear him take off his headset and start walking away me and my friend chatted a bit more until he came back entitled mom then puts on the headset entitled mom hello me hello why aren't you giving my son the thing he wants me because i don't know your son he's basically a stranger considering i just met him i'll have you know my husband works for the company that owns this game friend do you even know what the name of the company is entitled mom starts whispering to entitled kid asking what the name of the company is epic games me well tell him to go ahead and ban me then even though i didn't break any rules just give my son the skin i just had enough so i kicked him rejected his request and blocked him friend should i remove him as a friend me go ahead also no i don't just play fortnite i mainly play ssbu and minecraft speaking of fortnite have any of you ever played it and if so do you like it please let us know i still don't see why he couldn't just buy him the skin to be honest am i the jerk for asking my girlfriend to consider quitting a job that bothers me before anyone gets upset i am not insisting that she quit this job and if she chooses not to that is her prerogative i just asked her to consider doing so my girlfriend anna is currently a law student her second degree after qualifying in a language degree during the summer she works for a family friend named david she calls her job a personal assistant but it seems much broader than that she is his translator and interpreter she goes to events with business partners as his date or partner and when clients visit david at home or go to dinner with him she entertains their wives and makes drinks or entertains and cooks etc when david hosts events anna runs them wrangling guests and arranging seating plans and so on in essence it often appears she is a kind of hired wife i have never encountered a job of this kind before david is in his mid-30s and unmarried anna has alluded to him hiring escorts when they are abroad i've never met him but this made me feel very uneasy for the whole summer she is with him there is a room in his london house she calls her study with a sofa she sleeps on and they regularly travel abroad together i never see her during this time she claims to work from 7 a.m to 11 p.m six days a week and says david does not like her to use her phone during work hours she also said david does not like her to eat during work hours either but he counts her going to the gym as a valid use of work hours on top of this are business expenses such as david buying her clothes even when she is at university she is frequently getting phone calls from him at all hours of the night which she says is due to the time difference two nights ago we had a big fight over this job i told her she looked like she had lost a lot of weight and she just brushed it off and said she had a stressful job i said it seemed like a very weird set of duties and she got defensive saying it had started out as a more normal job but that she had taken on more duties as david has started to depend on her how much can he depend on her when she's still at university for a third of the year she let slip during this conversation david was funding her law degree and paying her a stipend even when she was not working and i told her that i found the whole arrangement to be very suspicious asking if she was sure it wasn't something sketchy or that she wasn't being exploited in some way not saying in what way i told her she might want to reconsider this job and that i was uncomfortable with the whole thing she shut me down and told me that i was being a controlling jerk and that her job was her own and that even suggesting she consider what a weird occupation she had was a massive jerk move on my part but me i genuinely feel like i'm going crazy anytime i try to explain her job to others and even when i think about it myself frequently asked questions one i've known her for five years dating for three we live together while studying with four other roommates she has had this job since before we started dating and david was always her quirky boss that she would have anecdotes about 2. david knows her family and is close with her older cousins from what she has mentioned anna and david are both russian his family is much wealthier than hers if i understand correctly her family knows she has this job and they think it's great three she includes this work on her cv she is on the books to some degree as she gets her weekly salary into her account and bonuses in cash from what i understand the clothes she gets are nice but not flashy just normal work clothes like blouses or pants or neat dresses i do not know if they are designer she has the occasional very nice dress from an event that she either sells for extra cash or keeps for other events i do not know if it is from a high-end label 4. there is a possibility mentioned elsewhere that she may be misrepresenting the eating rules due to her history of disordered eating this is something i intend to discuss with her 5. you can stop telling me she's likely cheating with david there are 800 plus comments on here saying something similar and it isn't particularly relevant to the discussion mini update we spoke briefly on the phone this morning before she started work she apologized for flipping out saying that she was stressed and unwell i said i wanted to bring her and david out for lunch to clear up this misunderstanding and apologize for being controlling she went off the phone to speak to someone and came back on and said david wanted to have me for dinner presumably not in the hannibal sense she said she would get back to me by the end of the day with a day and time that works and if she doesn't well i don't know well what do you think would you be uncomfortable in this situation too or would you be perfectly fine with it please let us know i just want to know if david's hiring he sounds like my kind of man yes karen tries to push my staff off a ladder i was a site engineer in the finishing stages of a mall restaurants and stores were handled by their own contractors and our only interaction was to ensure their compliance and connection to the mall's overall fire emergency system now hooking up a normal-sized store would usually take us an hour because we had to simulate a fire and ping every fire detector to ensure we had their proper location and address we usually did this in the early hours of the morning around 8am however by the time we reached the restaurant level they had already opened and on this fateful day i had the largest restaurant on that level to deal with while we started at 8 am it was around 10am and we were only halfway done when the restaurant opened to the patrons cast we've got the manager the entitled mom daughter son and me manager baron i'm going to let in a family who came early because it's really hot outside me fine but please keep them on the right wing of the store while we finish here and we'll try to keep noise and dust to a minimum entitled mom i have a reservation for three manager hi yes please right this way son oh are they still working on the he gave us a wave entitled mom what how disgusting why are you guys open while they're still working manager oh don't worry ma'am you will be seated away from the work and as you can see they have a transparent tarp set up between us so you won't see a single speck of dust entitled mom it's not just the dust but the smell disgusting pigs can't even shower we have been working without ac on the outside of the store in august since 8 a.m but we did not smell really entitled mom hey hey excuse me daughter and son mom toned the sigh was palpable you the one with the glasses you need to leave me hmm first i have a name bear i do not care about your name just do as i say or i will tell your boss and have you fired me really you know if i tell my guys to step down the ladder we will close this place i do not care if you won't get off the ladder i will push them off here is the thing the ladder is about 3 meters high around 10 feet both technicians are dangling from it testing fire alarms for misfires and classifications a fall from that height with their feet wrapped around the ladder steps would mean broken legs hips and they might see a few broken ribs me what the heck did you just say cross the tarp and attempt it manager ma'am i'm going to have to call security if you do not stop this daughter mom stop entitled mom how dare you threaten me she walked over the tarp me okay i slapped her with the back of the ipad i was using as a checklist and pushed her onto the floor and across the tarp threaten my staff again i dare you entitled mom how dare you touch me i will have your head for this you pig me well i did not really touch you i do not touch trash bare-handed i wiggled my ipad in front of her entitled mom son get him she began breathing heavily and as if a demon was going to appear by her side to attack me son no he grabbed his mom by the shoulder helped her up and ushered her out the door i've never seen someone more ashamed manager miss i called security please step outside with me aftermath the security came and took their statements she screamed a few more insults and said i attacked her once they mentioned cameras she started to pretend to faint i was called in and asked to tell my side of the story and mine was corroborated by the cameras in the store i did not face any charges and this lady was banned from the mall her kids however were still allowed to enter normally the primary reason i've been holding off this story is because how i handled it was immature and where i should have de-escalated the situation i reacted by enticing a confrontation regardless of whether people deserve to be called out for their behavior or punished should be a matter of law and not personal vendettas while i did not get punished i am somewhat ashamed of my actions when possible we should try to de-escalate situations a lesson i learned after a few more of these encounters author's note slap here might be too aggressive of a description but it's the closest term i could think of i firmly placed the ipad on her face and forcefully pushed it off in other terms the ipad did not forcefully collide with her face initially but it was a powerful push followed by a body shot am i the jerk for drinking in the morning and telling my girlfriend to leave me alone about it i 29 male i've been dating my girlfriend 27 female for a year and a few months she moved in with me just about three weeks ago honestly since she's moved in i've been feeling a bit smothered she's currently unemployed due to what's going on and doesn't seem to be very aggressively looking for work and i feel like she sort of expects my attention all the time and i feel like she's been scrutinizing me too much i'm an essential worker and recently was moved to overnights yesterday morning when i got home from work and a little after 7am she wasn't awake yet i was a little too wound up from work to go straight to bed so i decided to pour myself a bourbon and sat down to find something mindless to watch on youtube my girlfriend got up maybe 15 or 20 minutes later and came into the living room where i was sitting as i greeted her i saw her eyes narrow as she looked at the glass in front of me wait a minute she said you're actually drinking yeah so i answered it's morning good drinks first thing in the morning i tried to explain to her that it wasn't first thing in the morning to me that this was my evening time and that just because i worked overnights didn't mean that i shouldn't be able to unwind after work with a drink like anyone else but she couldn't seem to get past that it was the morning finally i'd had enough and told her that she needs to stop smothering me that i'm a grown man and unless i'm doing something egregious that i shouldn't have to justify myself to her and that i don't need her permission to have a drink i told her that i was trying to relax and if she was just going to give me a hard time to please just leave me alone she's been pretty quiet with me since i know i hurt her feelings which i feel bad about but i also think she was being unreasonable and somewhat controlling and that it wasn't wrong to tell her to knock it off am i the jerk wow this blew up thanks everyone i have to say i went all the way to the bottom just out of curiosity over the unpopular opinions and a couple in particular didn't deserve the down votes one especially suggested that this may have been mere growing pains for a couple newly learning to live together although i absolutely still think my girlfriend was being way too close-minded and somewhat controlling i think that poster may have a point my profession is a currently unpopular one and has a pretty abysmal divorce rate and while my girlfriend was being unfair i realized i also took my night out on her to an extent and probably should have been more patient hopefully she can see my side too to my aggressively seeking employment comment most of my state has reopened and while it's still a really tough job market it's not abysmal by any extent well what do you think do you agree with op or with his girlfriend please let us know tell him to pour me one too i could really use it right now how a game of tetris ended years of bullying from my father-in-law i wish you were a challenge that sentence has echoed in my father-in-law's house for months now and even saying the word tetris around him causes him to turn into a ball of rage the theme song to the game makes his eyes bulge and any oddly colored boxes stacked in a random order seems to give him a ptsd like gaze that would give a nom that a run for their money okay i may be exaggerating a little bit but the funny and sad thing is not by much at all around a decade ago i met my now wife kayla in high school we ran in different circles with her more academically inclined and me not so much not that i was a slacker by any means i just didn't see the point in doing four different after school clubs and college prep classes like her even though she was a nerd she was and still is a cute nerd we didn't talk much at all the first couple years of school but by our third year we started dating an important thing to note is kayla is from a very very traditional asian family so much so that when kayla had the audacity to date a hispanic guy instead of shaking up with the eighth grade boyfriend her father had selected for her she nearly got kicked out of her house over time kayla's parents slowly realized that i wasn't dragging her down she was still excelling academically never came home late and generally managed to stay the golden child in the house when we graduated high school kayla's family and mine met for the first time officially we sat down for a dinner and 30 minutes in her father had managed to insult either directly or indirectly every member of my family my mom was quiet my dad perpetually drunk myself filled with quiet rage and my grandparents both talking crap about him in spanish as he doubtlessly was in his native language nevertheless we finished dinner and everyone left on non-fighting terms two for 5 stars on yelp for the food though fast forward a few years kayla is finishing her bachelors in the science field in the bay area i'm in a different area of said bay working as a firefighter it's longish distance but we meet up every weekend and sometimes a day or two during the week somehow we survive the college crunch of relationships and actually come out stronger for it we were in love we made it work and her father hated it her father who i suppose i'll call jasper because forget that name still hated me for years every time he had seen me he would pointedly ignore me unless it was to try and belittle my career or income i would begrudgingly attend family get togethers hosted at his house inevitably the drinks would start being passed around drunk jasper would come out and he'd try and pick a fight with me while his clan of brothers and nephews held him back from actually swinging on me repeat basically the same events over and over for a few more years and that sums up our relationship i was the despised demon of a man keeping his angel of a daughter away from marrying her asian french charming from an acceptable family so she could breed 40 kids and become both a perfect housewife and a lawyer doctor specializing in engineering while running a fortune 500 company point is the guy had expectations lofty ones impossible ones but still expectations so naturally i did the worst possible thing in his mind and proposed to kayla she did the even worst possible thing and accepted seriously i still don't know why and we were said the facebook posts flew the instagram picture is set and appropriate texts and phone calls made naturally i completely wimped out of being there when she told her parents but in my defense i was busy but being a massive wuss hiding in a fire truck on a volunteer day of work still busy nonetheless from what i gathered it went about as well as anyone could expect i like to make jokes that he pulled a mooshu from mulan and started saying dishonor on you dishonor on your cow but kayla doesn't like it when i make that joke but i still make that joke but it's not entirely a joke he really did say i'd dishonor his family bring shame how could he save face etc some months later kayla and i both miraculously have a week or so off at the same time kayla has a magnificent idea she's going to throw a little party celebrating our engagement where oh of course at your dad's house perfect oh right because he has a pool it's december kayla who the heck is going swimming fine yes grand idea let's go kayla and i arrive in typical fashion we all start drinking and eating most of the family is happy for us besides a couple of holdouts and the night goes well kayla's nephews are in the living room playing on a nintendo switch i'm a huge video game nerd kayla is still the bigger nerd though guys and decide to go see what's popping in there to my utter surprise they're taking turns playing tetris 99 to an even bigger surprise kayla's father was playing here's the rub i love tetris i bleed tetris i t spin that crap in my sleep and commonly debate the advantage of force stacking versus one line with friends i'm no expert at the game but i'm good like a samurai the switch controller is my katana and once unsheathed master has to forgive me because just this one time i must go all out or something like that during the years of knowing the miserable jerk that is to be my soon daddy-in-law i didn't even know he touched video games but here he was playing tetris and he was doing a great job at it i was impressed i walked up and complimented him on his game noting his repeated t-spins the family migrated towards the living room since they tended to act as a buffer between us without even taking his eyes off the screen he turns to me and says you don't even know what you're talking about i played tetris while you were still a baby you know what mr last name put your honor on the line and back your words up the gauntlet was dropped or however that saying goes we were essentially going fox only final destination on this jerk kayla's nephew sheepishly handed me a controller while jasper stuck with his joy-cons we started setting up a game while muttering under his breath about it being a waste of time and him rather doing a million other things i'm sick of this bs mr last name i'm tired of you basically bullying me and talking crap about me to my face i'm marrying kayla next year we're going to be a family why the heck do you hate me so much because you're not good enough for her and i think she's making a mistake and we all know it you know what forget you if you beat me at this game i'll literally leave right now whether or not kayla comes with will be her decision but if you beat me i swear to you and everyone here that i'll never step foot in this house ever again you'll never have to see me again but if you lose this crap ends here no more badmouthing me no more petty bs no more of your snide comments you don't say a single negative thing about me or my family ever again by the time i had finished saying the word you he was already on his feet and nearly touching my chin with his forehead i was 100 convinced i was going to get hurt fine no swear it swear it to everyone here and put your name on it i swear it i never want to see you in my house again you jerk after a few more moments of his rage we sat down awkwardly on the same two-seater couch and he finished setting up the game and so we began there is no epic struggle of good versus evil no monumental herculean task of defeating my foe or vanquishing an enemy i was no theseus and he was no minotaur just tetris blocks and more blocks in a room extremely silent with nothing but the doo doo dee doos of the music and the sound of our controllers around two minutes into the game jasper loudly comments i wish you were a challenge apparently my block stacking skills weren't up to his standards but we had 70 or so butts to clear through before it really began bot by bot block by block it slowly whittled down to blocks quickly fell down kos and flashing lights filled the room as the numbers slowly dwindled down 12 11 10. the music switches the blocks fall even faster jasper and i calmly stack blocks four three two it was just us i'd like to lie to you and say we played tetris for hours and a slugfest like i was rocky but it didn't turn out like that it was anticlimactic he messed up and rapidly got stacked out quickly and without any satisfaction the victory for me popped up and burned into his eyes i assume given that he wouldn't look away from the screen i had won i slowly rose to my feet turned to him and respectfully extended my hand towards him eager to squash years of animosity and hate and start planning a father-son fishing trip that's a lie i stood up and looked around while the family remained silent and unsure of what the heck just happened jasper seethed i looked at him for a few long seconds until he made eye contact i wish you were a challenge needless to say i ruined that party kayla wasn't happy at all i was slightly drunk still and jasper had straight up walked to his room and slammed the door but to his credit i had never heard a negative word out of his mouth again to this day he just flat out doesn't speak to me unless absolutely required nobody in the family talks to him about me but nobody in the family has ever heard him talk about me at all it's as if i don't exist i'm content with that since then kayla and i had a hilariously terrible wedding but remain happily married and in love family events are always awkward but in a good way i think who knows all i know is i like tetris am i the jerk for making a scene during my husband's friend's baby shower over a comment i'll try to make this as brief as possible my husband and i both 37 have been married for seven years for about 10 years he had a close female friend named jane jane is fine we have enough in common that i like doing things in group settings with her and we even chat on our own occasionally but she's definitely closer to my husband she's been with her own husband since i came around but i always got the sense from jane herself the old photos and a few old anecdotes from some of my husband's other friends that jane wanted to date my husband before she met hers and she just never showed any interest so throughout the years there has been a little weirdness but nothing serious he was her man of honor a few gushy tributes to him on his birthday over facebook or the odds sitting on his lap in a big group photo but never overly flirtatious and she seemed super happy with her husband so it was never a big enough deal to mention anything but i noticed them all fast forward to a few months ago and jane became pregnant she immediately asked my husband to be the godfather and he was thrilled i wasn't surprised was happy for him internally a bit of course she did but through the months she's turned weird she wanted my husband to come over with her and her husband baby shopping once or twice she asked how my husband felt about him and i being the first people to meet the baby when they're born it's nice that she included me but it's clearly about my husband and then it escalated she announced she was going to name the baby after my husband not just his name but her facebook announcement said after my dearest and best friend john i mentioned that was weird to my husband and he just said i think it's a nice tribute this past weekend was her baby shower during which jane kept referring to my husband as the godfather to be which irked me every single time i guess the month of her being weird just piled on because towards the end she asked me to take a photo of her and her husband and then she said okay now let's get one with both the fathers to be and i said very loudly oh come the heck on are you serious everybody heard me i stared at her for a moment she looked absolutely aghast and i grabbed my purse and just left my husband followed me but in the car he wouldn't say a word to me i laid out everything i did in the post including a dozen other examples but he just stared straight ahead and wouldn't answer finally when we got home he acknowledges that yes a lot of stuff now that he sees it all laid out is inappropriate and he's sorry that he didn't see it and he understands how i feel buddy is absolutely livid that i ruined her baby shower jane is furious never wants to see me again and john feels this is going to drive a big wedge through his friend group so was i the jerk here well what do you think do you agree with op in this story or do you think nothing was wrong please let us know i wonder how jane's husband felt about all of this to be honest am i the jerk for threatening to ban my brother from my wedding because he plans on proposing to his girlfriend during the reception i 25 mail i'm getting married in december my fiance 24 female and i both are very excited and busy planning and this incident is making things much more stressful a couple weeks ago i was talking about the wedding with my brother who's 30 and he asked if it'd be okay for him to propose to his girlfriend at our wedding i laughed and said yeah sure if you want to get your butt handed to you by my fiance he laughed and i figured he got the message the other day my fiance came to me in tears saying that my brother had called her and thanked her for letting him propose at the wedding she told him that had never happened and he wasn't allowed to do that and he just laughed and thanked her again i called my brother back and asked him what was going on he's insisting that he's going to propose to his girlfriend at the wedding he claims it's getting even for when i announced our engagement at the same family dinner he brought his girlfriend to meet the family i had no idea they arrived separately and she got there after i had made the announcement i told him if he doesn't get it through his head that he absolutely is not allowed to propose both him and his girlfriend won't be allowed into the wedding at all and if he tries to pull a stun he'll be kicked out immediately he didn't take it well and told the whole family my fiance and i have been getting calls and messages from them telling us how selfish we are for doing that how dare i turn my back on my brother he's also now blaming me for spoiling the proposal to his girlfriend and the family because if i hadn't been such a jerk he wouldn't have had to break the news to the family like this i still stand by what i did i don't think i was out of line at all but my fiance thinks we should have just let him propose to avoid conflict i know it means a lot to her that everyone gets along and that there's no hard feelings especially since she's feeling stressed as is but i don't want to give in to my brother am i the jerk to address something while i understand the intent behind the suggestions my fiance and i will not be telling my brother that we'll announce a pregnancy at his wedding in retaliation we are unable to conceive and this is a source subject to us fire us or cut our pay enjoy a mass walkout back in the early 2000s i worked for a tech company who offered tech support on-site support and training to organizations who either didn't want specialized i.t staff or could benefit from outsourcing 2006 and i'm still stuck in this job on the same pay conditions are worse than before with no overtime no flex to time no financial compensation for industry qualifications shortened breaks and no pay raises since i started to make matters worse they sold part of the land that the office was on to a developer and on-site car parking was now for management only we had to either pay to use the nearby council car park or risk parking on the street morale was low but despite bad pay it was still good for the area we lived in one friday in july i think it was the 21st one of the senior engineers finds a document that he shares around the private chat app it's a restructuring plan that the board voted in last week apparently this had to be made available for the company for three months before any changes to terms and conditions could be made so the board gave it a generic file name and tried to bury it in the large staff shared area of the network one of the directors was selling his shares and moving on having been head hunted by a large recruitment firm in a nearby city the two remaining directors had managed to buy most of her shares with a small quantity going outside the company this was the company response most of the document was a typical downsize slash restructure package with a twist a few team mergers staff reductions and pay cuts spun as if to say that they needed to maximize their profits to put the lost money back into the company in october a new contract would be released for all design and was generic in november the restructure would be announced and by january 1st the new structure would be in place the directors noted that the new contract needed to include clauses for non-competition and for soliciting customers as these didn't exist except for the sales staff it also mapped current positions to their new ones and what the new salary would be i would be down by 5 000 pounds a year but the twist was that anyone with the word manager in their title would have their pay increased drastically the team manager's pay jumped from 52 000 to 65 000 for example by the end of the day everyone under the rank of team leader had seen this document and was not happy over the weekend i got a text message from one of our senior engineers inviting me to a barbecue at his house when i got there most of the tech staff was there and during the afternoon we formulated a battle plan our revenge monday 24th july 8 am 26 people in the tech team arrived for work as normal each with a letter for the senior manager giving their one month notice and all quoting the clause in their contract that states that members of the technical team with access to confidential company information must be off-site and on gardening leave the same day as they hand in their notice no exceptions will be given gardening leave is a term used to say that we still work for the company have handed in our notice to quit but can't remain on site or using company resources so must wait out the remainder of the notice at home we can't start a new job within that period the net effect was that at 9 30 am the director realized that his entire tech staff had quit and marched to the office floor and started harassing one of our seniors the senior simply stood took off his id badge and swipe card handed it to the director and told him i've already quit this is me now sticking to my contract on cue most of the staff followed with one member staying until lunchtime from what i've been told directors senior managers anyone they could get a hold of were on the phones attempting to fix issues the unsolved open cue went from around 35 to nearly 100 by lunchtime and naturally the blame was left firmly at the door of those who quit we were even badmouthed to customers the day after our notice period expired the senior engineer welcomed 25 new staff to his new company and had already taken 10 large contracts from the place we used to work for we all had better pay not much but it was better than losing pay and much better conditions with an actual career track rather than the whim of the managers the old company tried to keep afloat for a year but were losing money on every contract and couldn't afford to employ skilled or experienced people they closed down in june of 2007 with the owners having to sell personal assets to pay debts and the two remaining directors declaring personal bankruptcy too i left the new company in 2010 as the market had changed and more companies were hiring staff than outsourcing so contracts were harder to find and i also had some minor medical issues that meant i needed to be near home new company is still going strong though having learned more towards web design and development than anything else these days so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 69,137
Rating: 4.8521996 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: sSwv2JZI1eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 39sec (9459 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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