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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today my karen sister got kicked out of college and blames everybody else after that long-term guests trashed us on a review while still in our hotel and after that am i the jerk for lending my car to my friends without asking my boyfriend now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets kicked out of college your mom goes to college so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day my karen sister got kicked out of college and blames everyone else her classes are all remote through zoom don't even need a webcam on just log on to the class so the teacher sees your name there and checks it off but i guess that was too much for her and she would rather sleep all day instead she's missed the past two weeks straight the university policy is if you miss two weeks of classes you get dropped i know i go there too so of course yesterday when she tried to log on she found out that she had been dropped from everything she was distraught because she thought she was going to get in trouble with my mom and dad honestly i was worried they would kick her out with how they had been talking when i started going a few years ago if you drop out you gotta find a new place to live and all of that while i don't feel bad for her getting dropped from the classes i wouldn't want her to be homeless instead of being upset mom and dad just tried to comfort her telling her lies about how it's not her fault the school was too harsh i was planning on keeping my feelings to myself but mom kept bugging me asking for me to try and help make her feel better after the seventh or eighth time that night i snapped and said my piece saying how she knew the school rules we all were well aware of them but she'd rather sleep all day than go to classes for the past two weeks so no i refused to feel sorry for her that her own actions caught up with her you said if i ever did anything like this i'd be kicked out but now you're just coddling her mom said that lockdown has been hard on us all and that it should be understandable if people don't have the energy to go to class i said i would agree but sis has somehow found the energy to go to very unsafe house parties each and every weekend since lockdown started including the two she skipped class putting everyone in the house at greater risk but somehow she doesn't have the energy for school mom and sis aren't talking to me right now dad is torn on who to side with edit yes mom and dad know that my sister parties mom is afraid of her missing out on a year or two of dating and socializing will lead to her being single forever i'm already engaged before you ask edit too just to reiterate i didn't say anything until mom pushed and pushed and pushed me too also as far as i've been told i'm the only one in the family diagnosed with depression well who do you agree with op or their mom and sister please let us know making excuses for our kids when they slack off probably isn't the best thing to do but what do i know i'm just a karen long-term guest trashed us on a review while still in our hotel preface guest had been with us for three weeks and extended another thought they paid a week they didn't and review trashed us while figuring out everything we said about their bill was accurate review was brutal even though extending week by week with hundreds of hotels in our area her husband actually came and apologized for it so that is something dear guest if you would like us to find you a hotel with a pool and a restaurant please let us know and we will see if it's possible it probably isn't but if i can find one i'll send you there i'd also be happy to have our engineer take a look at your closet and all of my interactions with your family i'm not aware of you having any wi-fi issues there is an access point directly outside your door so maybe we could check if there's something wrong with it please let us know more information if you are going to continue to stay i think you should remove your review on the site which maybe you aren't aware we can see is linked to our hotel and you while the gm was kind enough to generically respond publicly i want to be clear personally when you came to check in i gave you a suite you did not pay for copped your parking which at this point would be six hundred dollars asked my gm to discount a longer stay and put you in a nicer suite you extended for weeks when you could have left i got you one of two rooms that has two bathrooms even because you have a bigger family and it would be easier for you the hotel might not be perfect but i seriously went out of my way for you i personally helped you unfriendly staff is incredibly unkind and personally hurtful at this point i personally saved you more than one thousand dollars just being nice which helps me in no way at all and went out of my way for you beyond what you know yeah so i could explain about lockdown and blah blah but that doesn't matter i was exceedingly generous to you patient with you kind to you and you trashed me i would greatly appreciate if you took your review off of the site if not i guess if you choose to keep staying in a hotel you hate with staff that is unfriendly it's whatever let us know when you need new towels and quarters and stuff thanks fom that is exhausted and had enough have you ever gone out of your way to do something nice for somebody and they didn't appreciate it at all please let us know story of my life read it boy story of my life am i the jerk for lending my car to my friends without asking my boyfriend i have a car that i don't use a lot because i walk everywhere like work in the grocery store i sometimes lend my car to my friends and that is something i've done since i got the car seven years ago most of my friends live in the city too and don't have cars but sometimes we'll want a car for a weekend trip or to haul stuff around that's hard to carry without a car i don't mind lending it out my friends always bring it back cleaned out and with a full tank of gas car washed and a lot of them have just helped me out with car maintenance like with their help i can have the car at a very little cost adjust my 30 insurance bill and occasionally buying my own gas i've been in a relationship with joey this year and we've been arguing when i lend out my car generally he's frustrated if he wants to do something that needs a car and i tell him i don't have the car that day because a friend has it last week my friend mentioned wanting to go camping with her boyfriend and i asked if they wanted to borrow the car and she said yeah so i'll enter the car without really thinking on saturday my boyfriend said he wanted to go to ikea and asked if i'd join i said yeah he suggested we take the car because he wanted to get a table and i said that i'd lent my friend the car but we can take the bus and i'd help him carry the table he got frustrated with me saying that it isn't college anymore having your car be the one car for the friend group is fine in college but your friends need to grow up and stop mooching and he called me a pushover because i had eight keys cut for my car which my friends have but honestly that's just for convenience so i can lend them the car without having to be there to hand over the keys i said it was rude to call my friends mooches heck maybe i was the moocher because i'd paid for my own gas like once in the last year i haven't had to go to the shop for maintenance at all because my friends help with that and hadn't washed or cleaned out or vacuumed the car once he said it was also inconsiderate of me to lend the car without telling him and i said that i thought it was inconsiderate of him to always feel entitled to my car if he wanted to use it he could ask me a few days or weeks in advance like my friends do instead of assuming i'll give it to him any given day he said i was being crappy for putting my friend's wants on the same level as stuff in our relationship like he saw a couple as a unit and it felt like i was telling him to get in line after eight friends of mine am i the jerk for lending out the car often to my friends without asking my boyfriend even though i'm in a relationship well who do you agree with op or her boyfriend please let us know here's an idea how about joey get his own car i don't think he should be calling anyone a mooch or maybe his mum can keep carrying him around in her pouch that's a kangaroo joke two for one idiot combo i work at a brunch place in the usa and had these two interactions not even five minutes apart guest one orders the eggs benedict and after receiving their food flags me down excuse me i ordered the eggs benedict which was supposed to come with canadian bacon they gave me ham instead i glance at the plate which definitely has perfectly round and brown slices of canadian bacon and reply yeah that's actually our canadian bacon looks correct no this looks like ham to me it was then i realized someone needed an education on different cuts of pork our canadian bacon is from a different cut of pork than regular bacon so it looks similar to ham but has a slightly sweeter taste if you prefer i can get your benedict remade with bacon strips instead guest one grumbles and declines their hunger forcing them to resign to the food already in front of them guest too orders the red velvet chicken and waffles says they're lactose intolerant i advise them they do contain buttermilk so would not be lactose free i automatically omit the cream cheese frosting because cream cheese lots of lactose she throws in a side of eggs and i ask how she wanted them cooked how do they come they ask as my mind races thinking have you never ordered eggs before in your life before rattling off scrambled over easy etc guest blurts out scrambled to which i mention absolutely we can have that made with cracked eggs only no milk i should have known something was up when i received a confused glance but she said nothing of it their order is brought out and the guest asks for a side of whipped cream and says that we forgot the cream cheese frosting i again warned them that these items definitely contain lactose they respond yeah that's fine was this a made up allergy or does this person not know the types of food they can or can't eat i guess we'll never know am i the jerk for taking my older brother to a restaurant instead of taking him to the wedding i male 21 have an older brother adam who's 27 and he's wheelchair-bound due to a motorcycle accident that caused him sti he was living with his ex-fiance but my parents took him after she said she couldn't do it anymore i come to take care of him every day started learning to be adam's career since mom and dad were becoming overwhelmed i still go out and study while being there for adam it's been almost three years last week my parents got a wedding invitation from adam's ex-fiance's parents her family and my family are close known them for 15 years my parents told adam they wanted him to come with them to celebrate slash support the family no matter what happens the two families will be close adam said no dad lashed out saying he needed to stop being selfish and potentially ruining a 15-year friendship between two families by being bitter i got involved after dad said adam had no choice but to go i asked him to respect adam's opinion but dad called me an enabler and that they get to veto his opinion since they do so much for him i left and stayed gone for two days adam said they were pressuring him and he couldn't take it anymore the day of the wedding i went to my parents house told them i wanted to go with adam to the wedding and drive him there myself they said okay told me to follow them and rushed out instead of following them i drove adam to a restaurant out of town two hours away we had a great time there this frown turned into a joyful smile seeing him like this made me feel relieved once i turned my phone on my dad specifically was livid calling me a manipulative liar asking why i didn't follow them with adam to the wedding talked about how embarrassed he was repeatedly telling people my sons are going to be here soon he yelled that i just damaged a 15-year friendship with the x's family i argued with them about how he ignored adam's wishes and that being disabled doesn't mean he has no independence and opinions anymore he told me to shut up and be grateful he didn't call the police for what i did and demanded i bring adam home i dropped out him off and left other family members berated me saying i'm not a kid and i should be held responsible for my recklessness and ruining the relationship between two families to clarify adam's ex claimed they couldn't stay together not because of him being in a wheelchair but something else adam said she was treating him poorly my parents relationship with adam's ex is mainly based on doing each other favors and acting like they respect each other but i know they're just looking for benefits and what they can get from each other note i'm currently renting an apartment with a number of roommates i can barely afford rent and that's why i can't take adam to live with me but i will be doing my best to get my own place and take him in with me unfortunately it's not possible right now well who do you agree with op or his parents please let us know those parents sound like the worst parents of the year and people call me entitled asked nicely twice but neighbor still uses our lawn my husband and i moved into our first home last summer coming from the city we found our slice of suburban heaven as the property offered a beautiful yard with well water irrigated lush grass we also chose it for what we perceived as privacy at least compared to where we had lived when we first met our neighbor closest in proximity to us she seemed very nice and thoughtful and we thought how lucky we were to have such a lovely neighbor this changed quickly as she became overbearing to the point where i couldn't be in my backyard without fearing she'd yell over to me and to come over she would interrupt me no matter what i was doing she has a dog of her own and she's single middle aged no kids divorced and she let us know early on that our backyard was like her dog park before we moved in as the old man who lived here previously had passed and the lot was vacant for a year or so she has her own fenced-in backyard but it's the opposite of our green grass with rocks and planters and is quite unkempt for a few months we let her over frequently then we began to avoid her other strange things happened with her that are beside the point of this thread but anyways what really started to irk me especially because i work from home all the time is that she would be in our side yard property all the time she tied her dog to our fence on our lawn she used it as a potty spot multiple times a day one morning i even woke up to her loudly on the phone below my bedroom window looking into our first floor window it was getting obnoxious our side yards have no barrier aside from the fact that ours has lush green grass and hers has rock and pine needles not once did she have a conversation with us about this asking if this use of our lawn was okay with us she started to call me in the middle of the workday as i was in meetings and trying to focus to ask if her dog could come in our backyard the final straw was when she left a voicemail asking for permission to let herself into our backyard whenever she pleased since my two dogs were always outside i felt that was asking too much after she had been overbearing for the past four months of living there granted i think she had good intentions and effort to be nice to us but my introverted husband and i found her overbearing and annoying especially in the way she used our property as if we didn't exist or as if she's entitled to it so i went outside to talk to her after i listened to the voicemail it took a lot of working up to and courage because i truly hate confrontation i politely and timidly let her know that we don't feel comfortable with her using our backyard whenever she pleases she didn't take that well to begin with and rolled her eyes and talked back i went on further to ask that she stopped using our side yard because we like our privacy then she really lost it saying well so much for having a good neighborly relationship and stormed off i was taken aback because if someone let me know i was overstepping someone's comfort and property zone i would say so sorry i had no idea but of course not later she came to our door to pick something up we were borrowing and she started saying some nasty things like how i hadn't tried to be nice i had but in my own way and that my husband and i should get a fence if we were so concerned needless to say she's a grown woman and the property line is obvious but all right months have passed and we haven't talked to her much and i observed that now she would stand on her property with the dog leashed but the dog is on our property so it can go potty she was making an effort a couple weeks ago she got a new puppy and she's returned to using our yard as she had done before she's literally training her new puppy to go in the bathroom in our yard really so my husband wasn't too upset at first until he found five piles of dog do sitting in our grass that was it for him i've been annoyed about it for a while because i work from home and see slash hear her doing it and it's also the principle for me at this point he went over to talk to her with the dew bagged up in his hand and let her know that our property is not her dog's body spot she made a few excuses and said she'd get a property surveyor and my husband said we'd respect the results he also asked her to respect us left the dew on her porch and walked away she hasn't apologized or taken any accountability when she makes excuses as to why she uses our property she passively tries to make us sound like jerks as mentioned we will respect the results of a surveyor if she gets one but i know for a fact that our entire side yard is not her property i genuinely don't think anything of it because of landmarkers and the deed i read but whatever she's still using our lawn with her dogs after we talked to her twice now my husband and i are submitting a fence permit with the town so that we can hopefully resolve this by building a barrier and i'm bummed it had to come to this this has caused us a lot of frustration and it slightly feels like suburban heck now is there anything else we can consider doing also what the heck cookies are too hard i'll take care of it boss hello all i'm a prep cook at a nursing home that works 5 am to 1 30 pm i work with making desserts putting them on plates and bowls and wrapping and lidding them i also run breakfast tray line and am involved in breakfast dish room note that our previous two directors basically managers have quit with very little warning and we have someone in from corporate filling in right now let's call her karen on this particular day i had dished out red velvet cookies the day before i was dishing out sugar cookies before breakfast trey line everything seemed normal no large arguments or problems after dishing out the sugar cookies i started breakfast tray line and served breakfast note that the sugar cookies are not for breakfast they're just a dessert that i did before tray lines so that i wouldn't have to do it later the red velvet cookies were for the day of the story and the sugar cookies were there for the next day after breakfast tray line i took a 15 minute break to eat breakfast i then come back and participated in breakfast dish room i then took my 30-minute break at 10 30. this is my assigned time to take my break the cook starts tray line at 10 45 while i'm on break this will be important in just a minute i was in the break room eating lunch and there were a few people from the nursing floor in there we get to just talking about life eventually my break ended and i went back to the kitchen i entered the kitchen washed my hands and started walking over to my counter i was past the bottom of tray line where one of the dietary aids has the card of sugar cookies out and is handing those out instead of the red velvet cookies i asked why she wasn't using the red velvet cookies but this was unanswered by just looking around the red velvet cookies i had plated and wrapped were nowhere to be seen instead there were over 100 plates waiting to be sent through the dish machine and like six trays of red velvet cookies fresh from the oven just thrown everywhere these trays were set on my prep counter and the cook's counter and the plastic cart next to the oven somehow didn't melt the surface of the plastic you get the idea i asked karen what's going on and she said my cookies were hard she informed me that she had unwrapped all my cookies and baked another batch i now had to wash all of those plates and plate up a whole new batch of cookies however this couldn't be done just yet not only were the cookies still too hot to deal with but i was halfway through a fruit dessert that i started right before i went on break we are allowed to do this as long as nothing is left out without a lid i moved her trays and staggered them on top of each other so that the cookies didn't get smashed i then finished my fruit dessert as quickly as i could then i washed over 100 dessert plates and began plating and wrapping the new cookies as soon as i picked up the first one i noticed they were just as hard as the ones i had made i didn't fully yell but i was very loud when i said this karen these cookies are hard even the white chocolate chunks are browned i could see from across the kitchen that she just shut off for a moment i had to put forth genuine effort not to laugh karen came over to my counter and picked up a cookie without wearing any gloves broke it in half ate one half and threw away the other half note that she reached on a full tray of exposed cookies without gloves and took off her mask to eat while she was right next to me not to mention she was eating over my prep i didn't say anything about this this type of not following her own rules has happened many times before she told me they were fine and returned to her office i started putting on a glove elbowed her window gently to get her attention and not dirty my gloves and snapped my glove on my wrist like a doctor i did this to show her that i was wearing gloves and to silently remind her that she was not she just stared at me this caused a two and a half minute staring match through her office window neither of us were getting anything done and i ended up losing because i was genuinely crying from laughing and had to blink because my eyes were burning i played plated and wrapped the cookies and informed the administrator of all the wasted supplies and utilities thanks to karen's behavior the losses were 120 red velvet cookies over 30 minutes of each of our time that she had to pay me overtime for and all the water gas and electric needed to wash all the plates and make another batch of cookies oh yeah and probably another 150 feet of plastic wrap upper management didn't do anything about this because karen was from corporate i'm now looking for another job and the place in this story will be completely done for with only half a prep cook when i leave i say this because the other prep cook is only there on my days off and fills in for the cook when i am there there will be no way to have a prep cook on the schedule every day and make sure people get their guaranteed days off i wrote this story now instead of waiting to see what happens to the company when i leave because i don't really care anymore the company is headed downhill so fast that literally anyone leaving could cause a lot of fallout so i don't see how the story of me leaving would be very unique barbie doesn't shop here cast we've got kid karen in training and we've got me i'm batman anyone who has ever worked customer service will probably have experienced similar situations for context i work at a fairly well-known store in canada that specializes in both work and casual clothing and rhymes with sharks most of the customers that came in were pretty sweet of course you get the occasional customer that tried to rewrite the rules to their favor but none of them stand out to me as much as karen she came in with a small group of friends but they didn't do much other than whisper and giggle at everything anyway it started off like any normal day and i was working in the industrial section organizing the steel toad work boots that's when karen approached me she actually started off normal karen hi me hi there anything i can help you out with karen i'm looking for pink steel-toed boots do you have any me well sort of let me show you what we've got i showed her what we had but at that point the closest we had were a light gray boot with pink trims laces and stitching but nope not good enough for her friends giggling uh oh he's in trouble here it comes etc karen can you check in the back this can't be all you have me sure no problem now i knew there was nothing else in the back i mean seriously why would there be products hidden but this way i can say i looked so i looked and as i expected nothing so i come back out karen was in a huddle with her friends whispering which immediately broke up as i approached me well sorry no luck looks like that's all we have karen are you sure i really want pink steel-toed boots friends are giggling seriously did she think i looked like chris angel i mean if so sweet but the point is i can't just make shoes we don't have appear out of nothing me no i'm truly sorry if there's anything else you need give me a shout which is basically retail talk for shut up and go away she wasn't having it for the next five minutes or so which felt like an hour she just followed me around like a kid repeating i need pink steel-toed boots i want pink steel-toed boots can you find me a place that has pink steel-toed boots etc her friends were having a ball giggling away at all of this finally she just got in front of me stomped her foot like a three-year-old about to go on a tantrum got in my face and loudly demanded why don't you have pink steel-toed boots insert dramatic gasp and more giggling from her friends that was my breaking point in the back of my mind a little voice that sounded like joe pesci went that's it i looked right back at her and declared because barbie doesn't shop here she clearly didn't see that coming because her jaw dropped open and she turned a deep shade of red her friends who were giggling at me before were now full-on doubled over laughing their butts off at her as her mouth flapped open and shut as it searched for her brain finally defeated she slumped out i heard later from the cashier by the door that all the way out her friends were hot on her heels teasing her about barbie doesn't shop here over and over with her sulkily telling them to shut up now i'll admit it may not have been the best way to handle it but even my manager laughed when he got wind of it so all in all it felt good to put that little jerk in her place and i can only hope she learned from it but karen's anyway thanks for reading guys i hope you enjoyed it entitled friend comes for a weekend visit first time posting in here my entitled friend and me went to high school together in my home country and now i live in a foreign country i've known her for seven years entitled friend decided to visit me for the weekend and that was her first time visiting the city i live in very touristy we visit the city take pictures etc we had a nice day summer of 2017. me please don't post any pictures of me on social media entitled friend oh don't worry i will just post mine important for later once we get home to sleep i show her the converted bed i bought for her me hey this is the bed i bought for the occasion let me bring clean sheets for you entitled friend ah you want me to sleep on this bed i am the guest i should sleep in your bed me thinking that she's joking yeah right good night entitled friend you don't know how to treat your guests you aren't polite and if you refuse to give the bed if you refuse to give the bed i'll look for a hotel now me good luck finding any it's summer in a very touristy city average cost 170 euros per night she's a student she can't afford it and title friend huffs and goes to bed and i do the same start scrolling on instagram and i find a picture of me posted on her instagram it was just a picture of me me i told you not to post my pictures as i wasn't feeling secure entitled friend yeah but i took the pictures so i can do whatever i want with it me but that's my face in there entitled friend ignores me and i didn't have the energy to argue with her so i just let it go the picture is still posted on her instagram until this day and this was only day one of her visit is she entitled or am i overreacting am i the jerk for not wanting family members to continue to use my house for holiday family gatherings so ever since our relationship got serious i would go and spend all the major holidays with my partner's family this has been going on for the last six to seven years i just get along more with his family than my own family and feel more at ease with them anyway a few months after my mom passed away my partner and i moved into the house she lived in it's the same house that me and my step-siblings grew up in the issue is that it's the same house that they would all have family gatherings at and even though it's my home they still think of it as the family home they want to have thanksgiving here as it's their tradition to have it at the grandparents we told them we weren't going to be hosting thanksgiving and we're going to continue going to my in-laws like we usually do my stepsister asked if they could use the house then because they usually grill their turkey on the barbecue and play a game of football but no one else had a yard or a barbecue they all live in apartments in the city i said no because i'm honestly not comfortable with that she started to sound a little annoyed then she asked about christmas because the kids all love coming over to go sledding and then open their presents by the fire no one else has a fireplace or open hills fit for sledding right nearby i again said that wouldn't work because we would be at my in-laws then too she asked why they couldn't use it since we wouldn't be there anyway this time i did sort of bluntly tell her i wasn't comfortable with them all in my home without me there she asked if i was serious and reminded me that we're family she said that i'm hurting them and the kids by taking away their parents and grandparents home when they all are missing them both so much as this is their first holiday season without them she continued on to say it was bad enough that we didn't invite them over to do halloween here when they knew we didn't go over to my in-laws for that so is it bad that i don't want a bunch of people in my house while i'm gone and that i don't want to spend or house family gatherings with them at my house well what do you think do you agree with op or their relatives please let us know you're on a roll so don't stop now come watch this video next and we'll see you when you get there and support our coffee fun by joining as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to head over to our fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 41,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: Lyr5Xd0taro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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