r/Entitledparents Karen Tries to STEAL my Boyfriend, I Kick Her Out!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story will be reading today karen tries to steal my boyfriend i kick her out of my house even though she has nowhere else to go after that i can park wherever i want and after that am i the jerk for being jealous of my mother-in-law now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets kicked out but where will i go so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for news stories from reddit every single day karen tries to steal my boyfriend i kick her out of my house even though she has nowhere else to go my boyfriend who's 30 male and i 28 female moved into a fairly large house together last year when all of the craziness started getting out of hand we decided to open up our house to one of our friends 30 female and my boyfriend's cousin 19 female the friend who moved in with us kate fake name lost her job before all of this started and two months ago with the end of lease she couldn't afford a place to live my boyfriend and i have a common friend group that we have known since the college days around seven years kate joined this group two years ago when our friends informed us of her losing her house we decided hey we have free space come stay with us for a while until you can find a permanent solution we also covered the food expenses while she helped with the chores she accepted and moved in within a few days when she first moved in she was acting friendly with me but as time progressed she started becoming colder and colder towards me but was still friendly with my boyfriend a month ago she started acting weird while we were watching netflix she started sitting in between my boyfriend and me touching or hitting his arm lightly when she was laughing touching my boyfriend's neck or hair while saying good morning to his ear or trying to massage him constantly i didn't know what to do especially because my boyfriend was not saying anything at the time and i didn't want to be the crazy girlfriend however he sat me down a week or so ago and told me he was extremely uncomfortable by the way kate was behaving let me tell you i was so relieved that i was not the only one who was thinking she was acting strange he said when i'm not around her behavior only increases and he didn't know what to do because he was scared of telling me this as he thought maybe he was overthinking it we decided to speak to her if she did it again and went to bed happy two days ago i drove to my parents house to visit them and help with their needs as they don't go out i got a text two hours into my visit from my boyfriend asking me to come back home urgently when i returned everyone in the house was yelling and i was very confused when my boyfriend saw me he said that he wanted to talk to kate about what she has been doing was making him uncomfortable and apparently she didn't take this well because she said she did this with everyone and when i took boyfriend's side more yelling and calling names happened we told her to get her things and get out i thought our friends would take our side when we told them about this but now the whole group is divided most of them say yes she was wrong if she was making us uncomfortable but that she is just a touchy person and we were jerks for kicking her out during everything going on when she has nowhere else to go i trust my boyfriend very much as he has been nothing but an honest partner for the past five years he said he decided to talk to her because she kept caressing his arm and touching his thigh and he hated it so i wanted to ask am i the jerk for kicking her out well what do you think is opie a jerk for kicking her out or not please let us know op's not a jerk but that little home recorder is i can park wherever i want i have 10 years of retail experience and 12 years of teaching behind me i've seen my fair share of entitled people but this one oh boy i live close to the beach like a 10 minute walk as you can imagine with nice days people park in our neighborhood free parking and walk to the beach there's a lot of parking space paid close by parking is quite enough for the residents but not for us and tourists who don't want to pay or can't get a parking space closer by my dear husband and i decided to remove some poles from our front yard so that i can park my car there it's small and fits just right and there is enough room to get the bikes out of the shed and things out of my car our front yard is our property to be very very clear here is where the entitled people come into play last weekend the weather was quite nice not too cold lovely summer weather and overall pleasant for this time of the year dear husband and i took our son out to the petting zoo we chose to go with my car so that my dear husband wouldn't have to drive circles around the neighborhood afterwards after a couple of hours we come home to find someone parked in our front yard yeah no not your house not your yard so certainly not your parking space we decided to call the non-emergency line from our local police station to ask for advice they tell us to call a tow truck and that they would be coming over to supervise if needed okay cool tow truck company is called said they would be over in around 20 minutes they had some other towing to do ttc will be the tow truck crew we've got entitled man entitled woman we've got my dear husband and me i decided to stay outside to wait for them tow truck company comes we show proof of residence and they start to do their job after getting some drinks from me mom always taught me to be kind and look after people even if they do the jobs you hired them for they have their drinks give a business card for the owners just in case and leave i go to my car and put it back in our own front yard two and a half hours later our doorbell rings the entitled people have returned from their extended walk on the beach i open the door entitled man hello our car was supposed to be here me yes it used to be here we had it towed as it was on our property entitled woman but there's no sign so we are allowed to park here me no you're not this is private property and we don't need to put a place card or something we had checked that entitled mom you little liar you just stole our car and sold it me no i did it i have the phone number of the towing company trying to hand them the card screaming ensues from both of them i'm still standing in the doorway dear husband is throwing anxious glances from our living room door i'm 19 weeks pregnant and he doesn't like the sound of what's happening outside then the fun begins entitled mom tries to force entry into our home dear husband sees this pushes entitled mom out and closes the door afterwards we dialed for some blue colored assistants meanwhile we have a pair of banshees at the front door ringing our doorbell and pounding on the door a couple of minutes later our blue collared assistant shows up my dear husband was not having me near them again he went outside where the entitlement came wafting through the air towards us he explained the whole situation to the cops while the entitled man and entitled lady were screaming things like liar thief dear husband even called the tow truck company and they affirmed they had towed a truck with the given license plate number it came to a point where the cops gave the entitled couple two options either leave willingly or leave with a couple of shiny bracelets on they left screaming tow truck company called us afterwards just to tell us how it went down and asked if we were okay told us they had loads and loads of fun by messing with them a bit what would you do if someone parked on your property would you get their car towed please let us know am i the jerk for being jealous of my mother-in-law every year my boyfriend goes all out for his mom on holidays and her birthday he'll buy an expensive cake on her birthday and a fancy dinner last year he gave her 300 in gift cards and that alone doesn't bother me she's a hard-working woman and she deserves it but the way he treats me when it's my turn makes me feel like crap my birthday and christmas are about two weeks apart and he told me i have to choose either two small gifts or one big gift on christmas i always go all out for him on christmas and his birthday so it kind of hurt because he's very financially comfortable and i am not this happens every year i said i would wait for christmas for a gift but if we could go eat dinner on my birthday and he said yes then today he asked me to order his mom's cake for him because her birthday is on saturday it's a very expensive cake so as i'm ordering it it's my favorite cake and he knows this although i have only ever had individual slices i asked him if i can get one for my birthday too i was asking more to see what he would say since i would feel pretty bad if he spent that much money in a cake for me he's also never bought me a cake on my birthday even a simple grocery store one he gets mad and tells me you pressure me remember i still have to buy gifts he also plans to spend a lot of money on his mom this year for christmas as always they will also be going to a fancy dinner on sunday as well which i cannot attend for reasons that this subreddit will not let me post about these things just make me feel really bad about myself it makes me feel like maybe i don't work hard enough to deserve it however i also feel like that's his mom and she does deserve it more than i do i feel selfish for wanting to be given the same treatment as the woman who gave him life and has been there way longer than i have obviously for context we've been together for five years we want to get married and we're complete soul mates he assures me of that every day so it's not like our relationship is new and he's unsure about me still or something like that i don't plan on bringing it up because i feel so guilty for having these feelings but regardless am i the jerk for feeling this way update i spoke to him about it today after all of you helped me realize i wasn't just being materialistic it started off bad he said i was being selfish because he doesn't buy his mom anything all year aside from her birthday and christmas which is true he does treat me to food often especially on special occasions like if i ace a uni exam or something like that when we couldn't see each other because of what's going on he would drop off food sometimes and got me a plushie i had been wanting for a while then he said i didn't even know what i was getting and made it seem like it's going to be something that exceeded my expectations i said i was expecting less because of previous years which upset him i then explained it to him like this i got upset when we were entering college together years ago and his mom bought him a laptop and then bought his sister a laptop that was way better than his even though she didn't need it he didn't mind it at all said i was overreacting i told him my parents always treated my siblings and i fair with gifts if i got a nintendo ds as a kid for christmas then my brothers got one too at the same time they always taught us that we had to be fair so nobody felt left out and because they loved us equally he has always gotten less than his sister embarrassingly less to the point where it's super awkward to watch them open presents it doesn't bother him at all even though it mortifies me he literally doesn't care says he knows his mom loves him the same and shows it in other ways which is why i think he doesn't see why i am upset when i explained it like this he apologized to me and seemed to understand why i felt this way he seemed hurt asking if i think that's what determines his love for me i said no but regardless it made me feel less he calmed down and said it's okay to want gifts and that he thinks he understands that gifts are a love language for me not something i expect every day but would want more attention on for my birthday and christmas and i was over the moon that he understood i think we're on the same page but we'll see how the holidays play out sorry for such a long update thanks everybody you are all so kind to me and encouraged me to value myself more lady causes a scene over an id so i work as a cashier at a retail store with a dog as the mascot we sell all sorts of wares such as groceries clothes etc we also sell alcohol i love this job and 99 of the clientele is amazing however this one particular day we got a bad egg now store policy is that we check every single id for anyone purchasing alcohol it was one of the first things that cashiers were taught during training the computer literally will not let us do anything but scan valid id so this one day a woman comes through my lane she's pleasant at first let's call her entitled person she made small talk at first and i was ringing up her purchase i typically try and ring up alcohol last since it can sometimes get in the way when i do the prompt comes up that i must scan id the following conversation unfolds me alright ma'am may i see id for this wine karen why me because i legally cannot sell you this without seeing your valid id karen i'm obviously older than 21. me yeah i understand ma'am but i cannot bypass without id i must scan a valid id why can't you just input my birthday i would still have to see valid id we only do that when the scanner is down i would lose my job if i sell you this wine without a valid id i'm sorry about the inconvenience if you'd like i can suspend the transaction so you can get your id no i'm just not going to get it okay ma'am so i finish her transaction all while she's mumbling about not needing id i give her a receipt and she leaves or at least i think she leaves as i'm ringing up the next customer i notice karen angrily talking to my co-worker about a terrible employee who asked for my id my co-worker later filled me in on the dialogue on our breaks here's how it went down karen excuse me co-worker yes ma'am that girl over there asked for my id co-worker confused um ma'am she's supposed to do that she then explains the policy that's ridiculous get me the manager the manager walks over manager can i help you your employee pointing at me asked for my id clearly i'm old enough manager looking at me while i'm talking with other customers she did the right thing legally we cannot sell alcohol to anyone who can't present valid id that's stupid i understand is frustrating but we cannot sell this to you without id entitled parent then storms away back to my line i kind of side of myself as i know it's going to be a doozy i greet her politely as if we didn't already talk before me how may i help you karen i want to return this her entire purchase if i can't get the wine she said this as if it was a thread one more thing to note the regular checkout lanes do not have the capability to process returns there is a special guest service desk for that me ma'am i'm sorry but i can't process returns in this lane however my co-worker over there at guest service pointing to my co-worker would be happy to help you bs you can process returns at this point i've lost my patience me ma'am i must reiterate that i cannot process returns this register is not equipped with that software if you'd like to return those items you're going to have to go to guest services it's at this point that my other co-worker bee joins in b she's right we can't process returns in these lanes there's no line at the guest service so they'll be able to help you right away fine she yanked up her items and stormed away but not without one last exchange with b b have a nice day karen oh forget you b you too ma'am later on manager pulled me aside to tell me i did nothing wrong and praised me for doing the right thing it's been about a week since this happened and it still makes me laugh customer blames my employee for stealing something off his car that it was never equipped with in the first place so i work as the service manager at a local car dealer basically i'm over the entire service department so most of my day is just dealing with complaints but i had a new one yesterday and that's something to say so a customer comes in just for an oil change this particular customer had never serviced any vehicles with us before as soon as he checks out he walks out to his car and pops his hood and notices that his engine cover is missing why would you go out and just happen to pop the hood open if you didn't already know what was missing and proceeds to lose his ever-loving mind of course i get involved he claims that he just checked his oil yesterday and the cover was there but now it's not i walked back to my technician's work area to check and see if maybe he took it off and just forgot to put it back on which can happen sometimes in this case there would be no reason to remove it because it's not required to do an oil change but i figured i should at least cover all my bases i check around his work area his toolbox etc and there is of course no cover i asked him if he noticed it and he tells me that there was no cover on it when he opened the hood so i basically tell mr customer i checked the technician's work area and spoke with him as well it was not on the engine when he opened the hood he continues to lose his mind and accuses my technician of stealing the cover i looked him dead in the eye and said sir i'm pretty positive he didn't take your engine cover to put on his entirely different make and model of vehicle i told him i wasn't buying him a new cover he proceeds to tell me that he'd be okay with the used one another red flag if you were convinced that we stole it why would you be okay with a used one and i told him just to make him happy that if i came across a used one if we have a similar vehicle traded in for example i'll see if i can snag one just to make him go away fast forward to this morning walking by the detailed apartment there is another exact year make model vehicle that had been traded in and they were cleaning up for the lot i popped the hood and no cover thinking there's no way it's a coincidence i go to my parts department and ask them to price me out a new engine cover i want the part number and price parts guy puts the vin in and goes what engine cover that vehicle never came with one so this jerk knew there was no cover he probably bought it used and there wasn't one there and he assumed there was supposed to be and brought it to us for a cheap oil change because he thought he could just freak out and we'd cave and he'd get one for free so now i get to call him monday to let him know that 1. he's not getting an engine cover because they don't exist for that vehicle and 2 we will not ever service any vehicle for him at any point in the future he is fired as a customer speaking of cars what kind of car do you drive please let us know usually the mercedes but sometimes my beemer am i the jerk for basically calling my in-laws lifestyle pathetic after they tried shoving it down my throat thankfully my husband and i have lived out of state for most of our 14 years together so we haven't had to deal with ignorance from his family on how we live and or raise our kids however my father-in-law fell ill so we moved back to the state to care for him as my mother-in-law is far too old and weak to do so herself and her daughters who live in the state couldn't be bothered we've lived right beside them for going on 10 months now we have a 9 year old son and a 6 year old daughter both are very intelligent respectful and insanely empathetic we raised our kids in a way that was completely against how we were raised which was basically to sit down shut up and never question a darn thing my husband and i both had a very toxic childhood and were silenced when it came to everything ever since living beside his parents they've attempted to inflict this onto my kids now it started off small like father-in-law telling my nine-year-old that it was his duty as a man of the house to pick up an axe slash chainsaw to cut the house firewood mind you we do not have a wood stove so my father-in-law just expected my kid to run outside with a chainsaw and hack up firewood for his house when i said no my father-in-law flipped out on my husband and said i was weakening my son and stripping him of his manly expected duties or my mother-in-law telling my six-year-old that she is old enough to prepare and cook meals for the family i only found this out a couple weeks ago when i got home from work and found a burn on my daughter's forearm from apparently a hot pan she was attempting to take out of the oven not only did she burn herself but she also got the fifth degree from my mother-in-law stating that her food was bland and that she needed to be better if you ever expect to get married someday anyways i went to discuss these matters with my mother-in-law and father-in-law because i had had it and they weren't listening to my husband when i arrived they were across with me and said that they were concerned that my kids were going to grow up to be entitled snowflakes and that i'm raising them in such a way that they will never know how to fend for themselves or understand life i told them that they needed to stop inflicting 50's livelihood onto my kids and that under no circumstances will my kids be restrained to a toxic lifestyle that people whom they barely know are trying to enforce they told me to leave i said gladly now my sister-in-laws all of a sudden give a darn and have messaged my husband stating that his life has been tarnished by me and that i am destroying what his parents taught him independence apparently and the ability to live without need am i the jerk well what do you think is opie the jerk or not please let us know a night of tears this time not in the walk-in i've been serving in the same restaurant for almost two years now but have been a server for almost 23 years total off and on last night was the normal busy friday long waits crappy guests mediocre tips and the smattering of amazing people in between one of my last tables was a couple who were fun from the beginning joking and laughing truly acknowledging me and allowing me to say everything i'm required to say after ordering the wife tells me they're in no big hurry as this is the first time they've been out alone together in over a year i had expected her to say since lockdown since i hear that a lot but was surprised at it being over a year i asked if they had come out to celebrate something or if they just didn't get to get out much and she replied that they didn't get out much because they have a lot of kids of course i was curious so asked how many kids qualified as a lot she responded nonchalantly ten ten kids my mind was going crazy i can barely afford one kid right now and trying to keep him sane during all of this has been a struggle how are they surviving with 10 i replied with something along the lines of 10 really being a lot of kids and asked the age range of the kids she told me 18 to 9 months we joked about how there must never be a dull moment in their home and laughed a bit then she shared that all of the kids had been adopted the 18 year old most recently and she had been surprised when they told her they wanted to adopt her apparently her exact words were you want me that's when i got misty-eyed these two people were so full of love so kind-hearted so grateful to have a night for themselves i just wanted to do something for them i went to my manager and said i want to ask you a question and you can tell me no but i have to try i then told him their short story and asked if we could comp their app or do something just to make their night more memorable he didn't even hesitate and told me he would do whatever my heart desired for them they got my employee discount 30 off their entire check they enjoyed their meal packed up their leftovers attentively listened to the donations and gift card spiel i had to give them and made a donation even i then surprised them with the check i told them that i wanted to do what i could for them so i had given them my employee discount i said i wanted to give back a little bit of kindness to them that they had given to so many the wife asked me why are you like the sweetest human ever i told her that i felt moved to do something and this was all i could do for them at the moment she was crying he was speechless i started crying it was just a touching moment one of those pure heartwarming moments the discount they received was about 17 their check was around 53 dollars still and they left me 30 dollars then told the manager i was the best person they ever had the joy of meeting moments like these are why i still enjoy serving am i the jerk for lecturing guests that they can't book under their nickname which is not the same as their id i've gotten this too many times and it gets to my head sometimes i work at a hotel in thailand and here's the thing about thai names people's nicknames are very different than their real names for example in the west somebody called jefferson could have the nickname jeff however in thailand the person's name could be yin luck and their nickname is poo that's actually the name of the former prime minister and poo means crab in thai 98 of the time guests spell their names correctly according to their id card slash passport if it's a minor spelling error which is quite obvious i will check them in one of the things is that when we receive the emails from the booking engines they specifically say please ask the guest for a valid form of identification to make sure that it matches the name on their reservation if it is a typo i would inform the guest and just ask them to reconfirm their name this time i got a check in with the name jane jane name changed when i see the id it says emmanuella jefferson obviously name changed and there was no such name in the system i asked the lady to reconfirm what her reservation is under and she says i reserved it under jane jane she said the previous hotel had no problem finding a reservation i calmly explain that i am not allowed to check her in without a matching valid form of id however since i was the manager i didn't want to ruin their day so i asked for her booking confirmation to copy and sure enough on her phone it said jane jane i was so fed up of this happening because it happened before with a lady who put her nickname instead of her surname our system sorts by surname so it was very difficult to find her reservation on a busy day so i decided to give her a lecture i did have a natural cs apology voice so i used that ma'am i will make an exception this time to allow you to check in using this name however when you are making the booking the website asks for your first name and surname which matches your valid id not your nickname i'd like to warn you that some hotels may not give you the room because the reservation is under a different name depending on their policy please do reserve the room under emmanuela jefferson next time i even showed her the message from agoda the website she booked through asking us to match the name on the reservation to the id she was quite mad that i said this to her and said that it was pointless and i was being an unnecessary jerk when she goes to a hotel that has a stricter policy she'll probably get it so reddit am i the jerk my son is a professional gamer so he must get this for free so i'll tell a little bit of backstory in finland we have this thing called ted which is like a work experience thing in the 8th grade it lasts a week i was 14 and i had taken a job in a tech store it was good i am somewhat nerdy and i know about technology and computers this is all translated from the finished conversation i am a high school student and my english might have some mistakes we've got entitled kid esports kid we've got entitled mom we've got me we've got this store manager pekka change name so i had been working there for a few days and it was thursday around 2 pm i had about an hour left of work time since the tet rule said that the work time was 6 hours i was behind a cash register desk filling the cabinets with some phones that had arrived in a shipment that day then the entitled mom and entitled kid entered in the store manager was in the storage the mom was in her 40s and the kid was about 11 to 13. me hello welcome to the tech store how can i help you entitled mom good afternoon my son is looking for a keyboard i point to my left where the gaming products were and they were mostly razor products available the others were sold out and the store didn't have much of the accessories me on that shelf feel free to look around thanks the entitled mom and the entitled kid walked over and i kept on filling the cabinet i heard some discussion from behind me but i didn't bother to listen to it some time later i was done and looked over to them they were looking at the prices and thinking about it me need some help entitled mom yeah i don't understand the difference between this black widow ultimate chroma and this ornata chroma they look alike can you please tell me the difference entitled kid mom the black widow is better it's mechanical like i told you the kid had this high pitched voice a really irritating one me your son is right the difference is that the black widow is mechanical and has faster response times than the orinata which is memcanical the black widow is also more expensive but that is logical since it was mechanical the entitled mom looked over to the entitled kid who was smiling entitled mom we will take this one then the entitled mom walked to the register and i scanned the barcode the keyboard was 129 euros me all right ma'am that will be 129 euros what 130 euros for a piece of plastic what the heck me calm down ma'am it's the normal price my son plays competitively he needs this me really well what does he play the untitled kid looked at me i play cs go in a professional team i just looked at him holding my laughter this kid just told me that he plays a k-16 game professionally it was hilarious k through 16 is the equivalent of the esrb rating teen me sarcastic tone oh really what is the team name the kid smiled more his smile kinda looked like a troll face entitled kid our team is called killer bee esports i just bursted into laughter this kid had just told me a group that i didn't know of i laugh hold on i'll check i looked up the team on my phone and found a steam group and looked at it the members had ridiculous names i was laughing so hard because the kid was so serious about being professionals me i'm sorry kid but this gaming group is far from being professional even if you were professionals i couldn't give you this keyboard for free since you weren't sponsored by us the store was a part of a chain the mom was looking at me being very angry what are you laughing at he is a professional gamer he is good i have watched him play we need to get this for free you are so rude young man me i'm sorry but he's not a professional i see no awards or anything to reference some sort of esport activity entitled kid i used to play for the 3d max juniors that doesn't exist and that isn't even finish i just laughed even harder i couldn't help it this kid was so bad at lying are you kidding me look at you you're not old enough to play cs go not professionally his age that's your best argument how old are you i'm 14. you're 14 and you call my son young shame on you it's my chat week so it's part time entitled mom was looking at her son with a weird smile and the kid smiled back she turned to me we'll make a compromise i will pay the full price i was getting suspicious from the tone of her voice which had turned to a kind and soft voice and and i get those headphones from the shelf points to a pair of razer kraken 7.1 s 110 euros i looked at her with an annoyed gaze and stayed quiet for a moment are you kidding me you're asking for a keyboard and a headset for the price of one i explained to her that we have some bundles sometimes but she just can't make one out of thin air she just looked at me annoyed let me talk to your manager okay points to some security cameras don't think of trying to leave you have cameras watching you i walked to the warehouse and called for the store manager pekka to come and help me with a customer surprisingly the entitled mom and entitled kid hadn't left manager hello ma'am i'm pekka what seems to be the problem your part-time employee is rude to me and makes fun of my son that's not entirely true she claimed her son is a professional gamer on a team and they are trying to get equipment for free manager ma'am is this true no he's lying the manager just stood there looking at the angry mom her kid and me i'll check the camera recordings he said that and went into the security room some time later he came out ma'am i have to ask you to pay for the keyboard and leave what the heck he's rude to me and my son we need these for free my son is traumatized after your behavior manager the other option is for you to not pay and leave without the keyboard entitled mom just looked at us and hesitantly paid for the keyboard and was about to leave until she yelled from the front door you lost the customer for life i'm not coming back here ever again despite her actions my work experience went well i got good points for the work sometimes when i go to the store i talk with pekka about the pro player kid and we laugh surprisingly the entitled mom or the kid never visited the store anymore karen's gonna get you unless you come watch this video next you will love it and i'll give you a special shout out in tomorrow's video if you join as a channel member today and now you can have us make any kind of video you'd like us to just come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 65,969
Rating: 4.9173555 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: kxpQy9NaDoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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