r/EntitledPeople - Karen Throws a Tantrum When I "RUINED" Her Birthday! I Broke My Leg.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our SL entitled people where people truly believe that they can do what they want when they want because they're special and in today's episode we've got Karen's causing trouble yet again guys and Opie tells a story about the time she broke her leg at a birthday party only to get yelled at by the birthday girl for taking attention away from her guys I hope you enjoy the stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link post to this email right here let's dive in this happens way back in the early 2000s when I was in elementary school I was the kid who was never any popular or had many friends I was known as the overweight kid who could not stand up for myself and I got picked on a lot anyways with that said I've had asthma since I was a toddler so I always had to keep an inhaler with me but one day some classmates thought they could mess with it this took place outside short shortly after recess started I had problems catching my breath for a few days but on this day it was much worse I had taken my inhaler out of my pocket and I was about to use it when a kid who we'll call Dennis the class bully comes over suddenly this kid was standing beside me and before I could say anything or pull away he snatches my inhaler out of my hands Dennis then said to me hey fatty what's this weird toy you have it looks funny I tell him that's my medicine for my asthma and it's not a toy I need need it when I can't breathe properly so give it back at that Dennis replies not breathing properly never have I ever heard such a stupid story before well let's see if you can breathe or you're lying so I don't take it with that he ran towards his friend to show her his newest acquisition he says to his friend hey Mel look what I took away from the whale over there do you know how to use this while they were fumbling with it I was slowly getting an asthma attack and I started to panic I knew I needed that damn spray and I had no chance to get it back from those idiots anytime soon a few moments later Mel began to scream and Dennis throws my inhaler onto the school roof apparently he somehow sprayed it in her face and of course seconds later a teacher who was supervising recess walks over and asked what was going on the two kids screamed that nothing was going on Meanwhile my attack had gotten worse I remember mustering up all the courage in me in that moment to say that Dennis had stolen my inhaler and then threw it on the school roof and with that the teacher sends both of us to the principal's office when I arrived there I was looking like I could suffocate at any second and the school nurse hands me an extra inhaler that my parents had given them for emergencies or in case I forgotten mine at home luckily the principal was nice to me and he knew Dennis was a troublemaker so his mom was called the School Janitor had to go onto the school roof to retrieve my inhaler and as far as I know Dennis and his mom had a meeting with the principal and Dennis was suspended for a few days but that's not all even though this happened over 20 years ago I'll never forget what happened after that I was playing in the park after school with my friends one day when Dennis and his mom marches up to me he pointed out the little boy that got him suspended his mom then screamed at me for being pathetic and ratting out her son and getting him suspended she then said that because of my stupid inhaler Dennis was one suspension away from getting expelled from the school my friend then said something snarky to her about maybe he should act good in school and in a fit of rage she said to me that I'm just too stupid to breathe like normal people and then she marched to her car they never bothered me again and Dennis moved away a few months later I don't know what happened to him guys the entitlements of the parent right the fact that she approaches an elementary Age kid and she had no issues yelling at them is wild like instead of telling your son what he did was very stupid and wrong she decided to go after op and get mad at op saying they're the reason and her son was suspended great parenting like are you kidding me I guess the Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree hey and the comment about op being too stupid to breathe normally oh my goodness some parents would start swinging if a Karen said that to their child but hey some people do what they want and say what they want and the thing is a lot of people do get away with it which just causes their entitlement to snowball so here is some background me and this one girl Emily used to be best friends back in grade school she had shown some entitlement before but I usually brushed it off as she was tired sad or cranky I always made up some excuse for her I don't know why to be honest anyways because Emily had her birthday coming up she invited me and a few other friends now this party was at a roller skating rink and I loved roller skating so of course I said yes with that on to the story the day came and I got her a present and everything it was the best a few hours of skating later the announce at the roller rank called out that it was time to play some games like racing limbo match the number hokey pokei you get it and that's when I decided to do something stupid I had seen other people stop skating by doing this trick where they skitted to a screeching halt all while maintaining their balance and I decided to try to do that the only problem was I had never done that before I end up losing my balance and falling backwards while my left leg folds underneath me and I'll never forget the sickening cck of Bones I heard when I landed at first I was in shock and my brain hadn't registered the pain yet so I was laying on the ground no one came to help me at first because they assumed I'd just Fallen but within seconds my brain realized oh this is painful and with that I start sobbing I just ripped my skate off and curled into a fetal position cradling my leg close to me then someone realizes that I wasn't okay and they rushed over to help me when they realized I couldn't stand they called for a wheelchair it was only then that that Emily realized that something was happening that was because no one was looking at her anymore and they were all staring my way with mixed expressions of shock and empathy when Emily finally looked my way she did seem shocked at first but her face just morphed into a glare I'll spare you all the other details but my leg was broken so badly I ended up going to the hospital via ambulance the rest of the story will be told from my mom's perspective as I was riding in the ambulance with my dad mom stayed back to drive the car to the hospital H according to my mom after I left Emily went straight to her mom and she starts complaining she was saying G I can't believe her her breaking her leg totally ruined my birthday party and I bet she did it on purpose I bet she couldn't stand the attention I was getting she's probably not even that hurt why can't my birthday be all about me why do stupid people have to ruin it her mom just replies I know sweetie I'm sorry accidents happen I'll take you out to eat later and for iceam to make up for it and I think it's time we wrap up this party too so go tell your friends it's time to go so with that Emily went to go tell them the part's over so that she and her mom could go with my mom to the hospital my mom said that when Emily told her friends the party was over it was because that I on purpose hurt myself to sabotage her birthday party because I was jealous and that I had wanted all the attention because again I was so jealous that it was her birthday and not mine my mom was pissed when she overheard Emily but of course she didn't do anything because one it's none of her business what she happened to over here and two she had bigger things to deal with like a daughter with broken bones eventually Emily and her mom left with my mom to go see me and according to my mom Emily was glaring out the window the entire time grumbling under her breath over and over again how I ruined her party and I was probably lying about being hurt well guess what I wasn't after I got to the hospital they took x-rays and they determined I had two broken bones I had snapped both my tibia which is the big bone in your calf that spans to your knee and my growth plate the bone in your ankle that helps you grow I had broken my bone so bad that it warranted surgery and that's what I got Emily never did apologize to me for saying that stuff hey with best friends like that who needs enemies right let's not check on your best friend who fell and injured themselves instead let's just tell everyone that your best friend broke their bones on purpose because they were jealous they were jealous it was your birthday and guys I read a lot of these stories okay and I don't even think a Karen would on purpose break her leg to get attention and that's saying a lot so back in September 2008 my grandmother had a heart attack and had to be hospitalized I had recently moved out of my parents' home and my stepbrother too had moved out just a year earlier when my dad and stepmom were taking turns staying with her in the hospital my aunt would drop by just for a few minutes make small talk and leave now small talk and a visit was fine but what wasn't fine is she kept suggesting that my dad should put down our dog Dennis that's right kill him the reason she gave for this kick in the ass worthy advice was that Dennis was a black dog and black dogs bring bad luck to anyone who owns them saying this is why grandmother had the heart attack she kept saying that her mother was obviously in the hospital because of the dog and certainly not because of her health conditions and seriously everyone in the family saw that grandma wasn't a healthy person despite being diabetic and having high cholesterol she refused to stop stuffing her face with fried junk and sweets so yeah my dad of course told her to shut her trap and just a few days later grandmother kicked the bucket C insane wailing and crying for my aunt while going on and on about how she wouldn't have lost her mom if we only listened to her and had that damn dog put down and you may wonder why she was so obsessed with getting rid of Dennis it's because Dennis had never liked her or her husband and son he would growl at them anytime they came near him he was a smart dog and I guess he could sense what crappy people they were Dennis was a mongrel 24 in at the withers and he weighed around 90 lb so of course when he growled it appeared intimidating she was also really jealous of him and always commenting on how we were wasting money by feeding and caring for him of course grandmother's illness and subsequent death gave Crazy Aunt Karen an opportunity to get revenge I began to fear for Dennis as soon as I heard what that piece of crap's at since my step brother couldn't make it I decided to take time off work to go to my dad's place this was to mostly watch over Dennis and make sure that Karen and her family didn't get a chance to harm him my dad made arrangements for the funeral and talked to the priest Etc while stepmom and I cooked and got the house ready my aunt was there too but mostly milking the occasion and she was crying fake crocodile tears for attention she was being a crying wailing basket case she was going on and on how the dog had brought bad luck to the house however when my stepmom told me to cook denis's chicken stew for him while she took a bath and got dressed my aunt began to act real funny she would hang around the kitchen near the food on the pretense of making small talk with me and it was really weird because she never tried to talk to me this was the most that she's ever spoken to to me in years I just gave her one-word responses hoping she would F off just as I got the stew off the burner I hear my dad walk through the front door he was calling out to me to help him bring stuff inside so I began walking towards the front gate in a hurry however as I reached the front door I was overcome with a horrible feeling in my haste I had left Crazy Aunt alone with Dennis's food so I run back to the kitchen with my dad asking me what the hell was wrong I enter the kitchen to find that monumental seword which is the only word to describe her at the moment pouring some sort of white substance into Dennis's food my father took it from my aunt's hands and instantly identified it as a rat poison the substance got dissolved into the stew and it disappeared leaving no trace of Foul Play if my aunt hadn't gotten caught we would have surely lost our beloved family member my aunt just stood there with a dear and headlights look on her face I can't remember the last time I'd seen my dad so angry he told her that she was to attend grandmother 's funeral and then never show him her face again well I somehow overcame the urge to throttle her at that point my stepmom too had joined us and she was told what happened my aunt somehow stammered that she was doing what was right for the family repeating the nonsense about black dogs bringing bad luck and if she didn't put an end to it one of us could be next of course no one was having it my uncle arrived shortly afterwards and in spite of being a great a a-hole himself he did have the decency to look ashamed when he was told what his wife had tried to pull my dad didn't speak to them for over 2 years he only contacted them again when he found out that they were in dire States financially as for Dennis he was a good boy he lived a long and healthy life he passed away last year at the age of 14 surrounded by those who truly loved him oh man psycho Aunt Karen at it again guys and do people really think that black dogs are bad luck because I've never heard of that black cats everyone knows that but black dogs I had had no idea but like Opie said guys she was probably looking for a reason to get rid of Dennis because he doesn't seem to like her which if that was the case maybe op should have throttled her and in my opinion that's letting her get off easy guys because if you go to someone's house and you decide to do something as crazy as putting poison into their pets food yeah some people would say forget the police call the damn coroner because that person won't be leaving alive so long ago way back in the before time I worked for one of those bulk Warehouse Club stores my trade was simple I was a Wrangler of the silver Buffalo and dutifully retriev the shopping carts I did now the job itself wasn't the worst I've ever had I got plenty of exercise got to be outside and didn't have to interact with the members for the most part the thing about this job is that the company I worked for had a reputation for being cheap thusly more often than not I was out on my own in the parking lot B whoop you might say you gather shopping carts you should see how hard my job is and to that I say well shut up the only reason being alone sucked is that this store didn't have just one kind of cart hell they didn't have just two kinds of carts you had your classic Garden variety carts the kitty cart with the plastic facade to make it resemble a car the electric scooters which weren't supposed to leave the store but did so with alarming frequency and finally the bulky hard to control flat flat beds on top of that when someone needed help loading their hul into their minivans I was the guy they called you know because the greeters Cashers and managers were all busy as you might expect one man can't be in multiple places at once and as a result on some of the busier days it became incredibly difficult to keep enough carts in the Corral with that said our Story begins on one of these days so there I was chugging along like a good worker struggling to keep up with the sheer volume of people coming in to buy cheap bulk goods and sure enough I get a call on the radio it's the manager and they tell me we need you to help some members load their purchases I tell the manager uh I would love to but I'm barely able to keep up out here as is manager tells me to just do it that I can afford to stop Gathering carts for 2 minutes I didn't want to push my luck so I complied after spending 20 minutes loading people's purchases because when one person needs it suddenly they all need it I come back to find my Corral a near Ghost Town save for a single line of carts that was half gone and a woman who we'll call the Karen I won't waste time describing this person she was the Prototype and you know what she looked like there she stood menacing tapping her foot with such speed that could make any metal drummer Green With Envy you could collect the contempt in her gaze in a jar she then spoke and said where are the big flat ones at that I blank for a moment and say uh I'm sorry that's when Karen says uh G Mexicans and for the record I'm very much white she then repeats herself slowly and says where are the flat ones I say to her Oh you mean the flat beds I'm sorry I was just helping some other members load their merchandise and I haven't had a chance to she then interrupts me and says oh my God I don't care about your excuses you have one damn job and a trained monkey could do it at that point I just want the lady out of my face so I don't fight it I just tell her sorry ma'am I'll go grab one for you Karen says you'd better so I go back to the lots to find a whole line of flat beds sticking out of the Corral blocking several parking spaces I push them all into the vestibule where she waits huffing about how I'm wasting her valuable time I separate one from the rest and then bring it to her I say to her I'm terribly sorry about the weight ma'am she then lears at me with utter malice and says huh unbelievable and with that she dismisses herself to the store where she'll be someone else's problem and I shake my head and return to what I'm paid to do 15 minutes later I'm returning a line of cards when I see her pushing her flatbed to her Miata and jawing about stupid people most certainly referring to me on her cell phone and you know what she bought what she had insisted on having a flatbed for one single cake and it wasn't even like a big cake it was one of those little circular cakes like the one you buy for small birthdays anyways I witnessed as she continues to Yammer on how I nearly ruined ruined I tell you her precious baby's birthday party when the most glorious thing happened still clutching her phone with those scoop claws of hers she attempts to pick up the cake with one hand and the plastic topper pops off and the cake spills all over her and then onto the ground seething with white hot rage she locks eyes with me and she says you go get me another cake right now I just tell her I'm terribly sorry ma'am I've got one job and these carts won't gather themselves and with that I walked away with a grin plastered on my face as her shrieks just fade into the distance behind me I've had my share of nasty customer interactions before but this one this one really took the cake talk about Karma doing its job right and I would have loved to have been there to see the cake just plop onto the ground and Karen just losing her crap and I got to admit guys that was the perfect pun to end this awesome post absolutely love it I'm a 24-year-old female and I live with my boyfriend who's 27 for some context we've been dating for 4 years and living together 8 months we live in an apartment that I inherited along with one more other house that I rent out and some cash inheritance on to the story so me and my boyfriend we both love playing video games we both have full-time jobs but still find time to play together as well he's also a much better player than I am he plays tournaments and competitions where I just play for fun a few months ago my boyfriend started talking about getting a new pc and other items he wanted to upgrade and how he was saving up for it I was okay with it since we have separate finances he doesn't pay the utilities but he splits groceries which wasn't an issue because I had extra income from the rental property I thought I could use my inheritance money and get myself a nice brand new computer setup as well I took suggestions from YouTube and some friends I scheduled delivery for the day I knew he won't be home all day so the setup came and they sent someone from the store to set it up for me I used the PC for a while and it was amazing my boyfriend came home during the evening and he saw my new pc I was so excited to see his reaction but his face remained very dull he then looked at me and asked why it was on my side of the room I told him it's because it was mine he then asked me to confirm that I bought his dream PC setup for myself and I said yes and at that he got visibly mad and then said it's useless for you we should just swap you don't even play well and you won't be able to use it to its full potential you can have mine at first I laughed because I genuinely thought he was joking but when I realized he was being serious I told him no I said I bought this for me that's when he blew up at me and he told me that I need to buy the same one for him as well when I said no again he started yelling how unfair I was being and how I won't be able to appreciate technology like this since I'm too dumb to even understand the specs by that point I was losing my lid so I told him to get out he grabbed a few items and left to stay with his best friend now his best friend and a few other friends are blowing up my phone saying that as a girl I shouldn't own something so expensive and that I don't understand and I could buy him the same setup since I can afford it because I'm rich I don't have any loans so it's not like I'm saving the money for something particular which is making me doubt if I was the a-hole in this situation update it's it's 11:00 p.m. here right now and I'm kind of shocked at everything that happened today I made the original Post in the morning before I left to work while I was at work I received an alert from my security system so I check my front door Cam and I see my boyfriend at the door walking in with his key something didn't feel right so I checked the camera in our game room the one we use for streams I set it up in the morning before leaving just in case now I feel so much better that I did I see him trying to unplug my monitor and I immediately call the police by the time I reach home two officers are waiting outside the door with my boyfriend my boyfriend claimed that he was just at the apartment to get some stuff like clothes and other Essentials I had no energy to argue so I just show the camera footage and he starts apologizing he then goes on and on how his friends riled him up to steal my system to teach me a lesson and what bothers me the most is that he hadn't texted me once not a single call or anything his first instinct was to break into my apartment the cops asked me if I wanted to press charging is and I said no and I know most of you won't be happy with this but I kind of want this to be done I asked him for my keyb back and told him I'll send his PC and the other stuff to whatever address he wants later but I don't want him or his friends to come over and if I receive a single accusatory text from him or his friends I will go ahead and press charges he kept trying to apologize but I stood my ground and I'm genuinely surprised at how I didn't break down in front of him I'm still in disbelief at how my four-year-long Rel relationship just crumbled in 24 hours over a PC yeah that relationship ended when the guy listened to his Idiot Friends and broke into his girlfriend's place to steal her PC like steal it and take it where dude what was your plan because clearly all he did was make himself look super childish by doing that and thank goodness op ended things because that dude was entitled as heck like he lives rentree doesn't pay utilities and only pays half the groceries and he still had the audacity to demand money money from her to buy him a new pc guys let me know what you think of this crazy situation and that my friends brings us to another end of our SL entitled people guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ malicious compliance episode where a Karen learns not to mess with an army veteran guys it's such a wild story go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 79,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: W0yB9iThAJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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