r/IDontWorkHereLady - 'Karen' Idiot ATTACKS Me For not Obeying Him. Learns Painful Lesson!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash I don't work here lady where Karen's confused customers as employees and still demand to be served and in this episode Opie teaches a Karen a painful lesson to always keep their hands to themselves guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here so for some context my husband and I are Italian and we got married about six years ago we went on our honeymoon to Southern California so on our honeymoon we went up to the San Francisco area I don't remember the exact town just know that it was near San Francisco this is where my husband's friend's mother owned and operated a well-known authentic Italian restaurant after we had ordered my husband told the server that she needed to tell the owner that some friends are here the owner comes out and we greet each other and we all began having a conversation in Italian then she laughed and my husband got up to use the restroom on his way there he passed a table where a lady loudly said hey can we get some service here my husband simply says I will go find a server for you I don't work here and I'm in a bit of a hurry here the lady then said I know you work here I just saw you and your friend talking to the owner in Spanish or whatever gibberish you were speaking now take our order my husband not wishing to incite anything just ignored them and went on his way telling a server on his way that the lady's table needed help I assume they got the help they were looking for later in the evening the owner did her rounds of the restaurant checking if everybody had a good meal the owner approaches the Karen's table and the lady said the food was fine but the service here sucks the owner asked who their server was and the lady then points to my husband who is finishing his meal and said him do you actually let employees bring their friends and eat with them when they should be helping customers the owner said he doesn't work here he's a friend of my sons he's here with his bride from Italy the lady then scoffed and shrugs her away afterwards we could hear the lady's friends giving her a hard time telling her just because they speak the same language doesn't mean he works here among other things the lady was turning beat red at all this and when it was time to leave she marches over to our table and she told my husband you are not fooling anyone you work here and your poor service reflects poorly on this place I'm never coming back she then points her finger at me and says I don't know who you're trying to fool here but those are obviously fake my husband had to explain to me later that she was talking about my chest I wasn't even wearing anything revealing she felt like she had to get the last word in and try to hurt me her friends then told her what she said was inappropriate and they should just leave before they made things worse so they left so that's my story about the time I had to deal with an entitled Karen you know what Karen's are going to Karen right and you guys know how much they hate to be wrong so much so that one she thought Opie's husband was an employee there was no going back and the Spanish and gibberish thing yes Karen in an authentic Italian restaurant everyone speaks Spanish like seriously how do people like that Karen even have friends [Music] on this day I was washing my dog at a local pet store they have public dog baths there with tons of signs about cost of using them I was rinsing my dog off when I heard someone ask an employee do you guys trim dog's nails here I kept rinsing because I don't work there and assume they were talking to an employee I also could not see them because the dog bath is somewhat tucked behind some shelves I heard again excuse me and I still didn't look up as I don't work there from here on the guy will be referred to as CC a graying man with a pot belly and deep voice that's when I heard the dog wash gate open so I glance over my shoulder as there's multiple baths to use here and saw someone staring at me with their hands up the guy then pulls down his mask and said excuse me do you trim nails here I say to him oh I don't think they do but I don't work here you're gonna have to ask someone who does he then says to me but I just asked stew why would I go ask someone else I say to him because I don't work here he then says to me if you don't work here why are you washing someone's dog I tell him I'm washing my own dog this is a public bath I then point at the sign that says dog bath ten dollars per use he then asked so you don't trim nails here you just washed dogs how much would it be if I brought two dogs in and that prompts me to say dude I don't effing work here I just told you three times go ask someone else he then says I don't care if you work here or not that's still bad customer service now I already have a short tamper with stupid people but I was getting more than annoyed by this guy especially since he kept getting closer and closer in a gated bathing area and my dog was starting to get agitated by him that's when I scream at him I don't work here you effing idiot I told you over and over again F off at this point my dog starts growling which he only does because of the excitement he's not aggressive that's when the guy storms off slamming the gates and knocking over some dog treats I could hear him from the other side of the store yelling at the cashier saying I want his name now I want him fired the cashier says I'm sorry who are you talking about the employee at the dog wash the cashier then looks in my direction and says I am the only employee here that man washing his dog is a customer is there something I can do for you the idiot then screams yes get your manager on the phone so which the cashier says but that man is not an employee I'm the only employee here today the guy screaming I don't care and the cashier was silent for a few seconds and says I just told you he doesn't work here I'm not calling the manager but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave Forest the guy keeps saying I'm not leaving until you call your manager and that's when the cashier says if you don't leave I'm calling the police he then screams F you I'm writing a review the this is terrible customer service and storms out I've never in my life been confused as an employee anywhere especially at this pet store where they wear blue shirts and I was wearing a black hoodie either way I don't work here that guy was a freaking nutcase and some people really double down when they realize they're wrong right like at that point Opie should have grabbed the hose and sprayed him to wake him up and this person agrees this person says this is the most aggravating and hilarious thing I've read this whole week it would have taken everything in me not to shout go the F away while also spraying him with water like how effing dance do you have to be to acknowledge someone not working there and still say but that's still terrible customer service so this is my first time making a post and to kind of give people a picture of myself at the time this happened I worked for the state dealing with public benefits and assistance like Snap Medicaid and the like I'm also six foot two inches tall and I used to be a power lifter and I weigh 340 pounds so yeah I'm a big guy the dress code for the state is business casual unless you're working at the central office or a public facing position I worked on the phones 90 of the time and on this day in question in 2018 I was wearing the one and only suit I own another thing about me is I DM for a DND game every Thursday at a friend's house and on this day as I was leaving work my friend calls me up and asked if I could pick up some new dice as his three dogs decided that his dice looked like treats so I hit a local game store on my way to his place and while I was there I noticed a frustrated young woman trying to convey something to the owner and she was using American Sign Language the only other language I understand other than English so I tap her on the shoulder and sign to her to see if I could help her out she then explained that she was looking into getting into DND with some of her deaf friends from school so I asked some questions and found that they've never played and she's going to DM I help her get everything she'll need for new players and she was so happy that someone could help her out using ASL and she thought it was really thoughtful of the owner to learn I then explained to her that she had been talking with the owner when I got there and that I myself was just an avid D fan and I was stopping in for some dice she then looks at me confused and signed so you don't work here I say nope I just wanted to help since I know sign language and we laughed so getting back to the dice that's when Karen strikes Karen comes in and she starts yelling at me thinking I'm the owner of the store wanting to know why the owner was spending all of his time helping the cute young woman but would not be bothered to help an elderly customer who wanted to get her grandchild a video game and I do want to note that this game store does not sell video games now let's paint a picture of Karen she's about five feet tall standard Karen haircuts and maybe 240 pounds in weight the actual owner of the store then pipes up and says that he can help Karen that's when Karen points at me and says that she's getting help from the owner that's when the actual owner of the store and I look at each other and he says to the lady he doesn't work here I am the owner of this place and this place does not sell video games and this is where Karen explodes on why does a game store not sell video games and what is she gonna do now she then Waddles over to me and she starts poking me in the chest ranting something along the lines of I should be nicer to older customers as they're the ones keeping my store open at this point I pull out my state employee badge and point at it and say really slow lady I don't work here you can go next door to Fred Meyers I then explained to her that by federal and state law poking me in the chest she was guilty of assault at this point that's when she sputters and starts to slap me when I start to talk again she slapped me again and at this point I got ticked off I stood to my full height and yelled at the top of my lungs that if she touched me one more time that I would defend myself and she will not like the results at this point the owners called the police and he's got the phone on speaker we all hear when dispatch states that the officer is two minutes out the woman then screams and tries to slap me again this time I catch her by the wrist spin her around and pin her hand to her back and this is when the police show up now when you have a guy standing a foot plus taller holding a screaming woman at Bay cops are automatically gonna think that you are in the wrong officers then scream at me to let go of the woman and I said I will as long as she won't hit me again that's when Karen starts going off how I hit her and that she was defending herself and that I need to be arrested officer 2 hearing this pulls his taser out and says man you need to let her go now that's when I let her go and raise my hands to head level that's when Karen spins around and kicks me and then slaps me again the owner of the shop says that that's the third or fourth time that she's assaulted this customer officer one then places Karen in handcuffs and he escorts her to her car officer 2 is still pointing the taser at me and he wants to Cuff me that's when I explained that that's not gonna happen as I've done nothing wrong and that he needs to call a sergeant if he's actually gonna try to arrest me officer 2 steps back and says are you resisting arrest I said no but I'll be exercising my rights to a lawful investigation prior to arrest you know innocent until proven guilty and that I was the one defending myself from being assaulted by that screaming woman that your partner just took outside that's when officer one comes back in and says Karen's been detained and she's demanding a supervisor the store owner pipes in with his side of the story and explains that Karen attacked me twice and she was in the process of assaulting me a third time before I restrained her and they came long story shorter the sergeant shows up and Karen was arrested for assault and hell yes I press charges from what I was told by the sergeant this was her 12th incident for similar issues but the first time she got violent with someone I find it so funny guys that the first time she got violent was towards someone who stands at six foot two and is 340 pounds like that is the last person you'd want to get violent with but that's entitlement for you though some people really think that they can do what they want when they want with no repercussions just like this next guy foreign so I've been mistaken for an employee more times than I can count it doesn't matter the store the time of day what I'm wearing someone will ask for help my fiance didn't believe me at first but now that we grocery shop together he's noticed how often someone will ask me where something is or if such thing is in stock a few times I can reason away as a stranger asking another stranger for help most of these cases are little old folks who just want to get their stuff and leave or they can't reach something high up other times I chalk it up to having a friendly face despite my best attempts at developing resting face but more often than nods it's some who doesn't give a damn who helps them only that they need help right now this is the third type so I'm in the store and I have a basket over my arm and I'm checking my list when a dude walks up very close to me like I asked if I can call someone to the Sporting Goods area I'm in the plumbing area and I'm wearing a dress and sandals and my five very cute Pikachu mask I'm used to responding to strangers demands for help and I politely tell him that I don't work at the store but I just saw an employee one aisle over that should be able to help hearing me say that the guy stares at me long enough that I'm beginning to suspect that he didn't hear me I go to repeat myself and his face goes full on dark red and you all know where this is going the guy then does a little rant about how he needs help and is it really so hard for me to take a second and walk to the counter with him and I shouldn't be on my phone anyways at work again I've heard it all before in some way or another so I just roll my eyes and walk away which is a big mistake apparently the guy then grabs my shoulder spins me around so fast that I drop my phone and the basket I'm holding now I'm not a big person at all and I do have some history that makes this not a good idea at all on dude's part this is is when the warrior Spirit takes over my body and I grab his fingers and wrench them back as hard as I can causing him to scream loudly the guy tries to jump back but I'm holding on to his fingers hard and that's when I feel the knuckles pop the guy's now looking wide-eyed between me and the two now limped fingers on his hand I'm too stunned at what I've done and I don't move at some point probably after the screaming the employee comes to investigate and he's suddenly right next to me asking what's going on the dude meanwhile is cradling his hand and he yells she broke my effing hand call the cops at this point though I'm starting to feel my anxiety and embarrassment flare up and I quickly pick up my phone and the basket from the floor the employees radioing the manager and I just start putting my stuff back inside my basket the dude is yelling and he won't let the employee see his hand I stand back up and wait for what or why my little brain doesn't know all I know is I've reverted back to 10 year old who's been sent to the principal's office the manager summons the police officer that's been staking out our grocery store since lockdown the cop comes up and asked what happened and statements are taken the dudes calm down and I'm asked to wait in the manager's office and I'm stuck there for close to three hours until the officer comes to ask if I want to press charges stunned I quickly say no without thinking he says all right I'm free to go it turns out I was assaulted and defend myself per the security footage and the employee that was one aisle over he heard me and dude talking and then dude yelling and then my tiny girl voice ring out a defiant tiger roar so he backed up what the video showed I had dislocated two of dude's fingers and somehow had dug my nails into his hand hard enough to draw blood he had been told in no uncertain terms that I did not work there and what the f was wrong with him grabbing someone like that even if I had been an employee he would have been in serious trouble level and he was lucky that I didn't want to press charges so quote the wonderfully funny John Mulaney whose comedy specials I binged when I got home that night so I grabbed my stuff and I left hopefully that guy learns to not grab random strangers anymore guys like what a painful lesson he's learned but seriously who does that like I've read so many stories where random strangers just grab and spin people around and this is what people get sometimes others will fight back Opie does come back with an update though guys that says that her fiance pushed her to press charges and they went to the police station to press charges on the guy so yeah happy ending so this happened just a few hours ago and I still can't get over the absurdity of it all I've been going on walks every day so I can get exercise also because I need to walk my dogs I also don't have a lot of shoes as I don't have a lot of money so I try to limit excessive amounts of stuff with that said I recently sold some old Tech so I could get some money to buy some new shoes as my old shoes have a few holes in the sole I managed to make around 80 pounds from selling the stuff so I was gonna buy myself some decent shoes now to get into this story I had gone to a store close to my house to get a nice pair of shoes as I know they have some really good deals at the moment near me now the uniform for the place is a black polo shirt with white stripes and the logo on the back I had decided to wear a polo shirt that my dad had given me and a pair of maroon jeans along with my very worn out shoes I had found a pair of walking boots that were pretty expensive and I was having a look at them I asked about them but when I found out they didn't have my size I went to go put them back on the shelf and that's when enters Karen Karen comes and smacks me on the shoulder and says excuse me I've been waiting for ages for service now do you have these shoes in a size six me obviously alarmed sad I'm sorry can you please not touch me also I don't know if the store does I don't and before I could tell her that I don't work here Karen scoffs and says what the hell do you mean you don't know if the store does it's your job to know now go to the back and see if you have a size six she then shoves the shoes into my hands and I say no it's really not my job that's when Karen says just get me my size six shoes already damn it now I was getting quite irritable at this point I tell her I'm just here to get a pair of shoes for myself and Karen almost hissing at this point says you are a liar you obviously work here I saw you put a pair of shoes back on the shelf and you are wearing the polo shirts so don't you dare lie to me that's when I snap and say oh my goodness I'm done being polite I've tried to tell you that I don't work here I'm 15 years old and I'm a customer how narcissistic are you that you think everything you think is right hearing me say that Karen says I'll have you fired for that how dare you talk this way to customers Now call your manager over by now the few people that were in the store are looking over and an employee has come over the employee says excuse me what's going on and how can I help Karen says this disrespectful young girl has refused to get me the size I requested and she is insulting me she called me a narcissist I demand to talk to the manager about getting her fired the employee then looks to me and stares at me for a few seconds with a confused look on his face before he looks back to Karen and says I'm Sorry Miss but she doesn't work here also where Karen then interrupts the employee and says no no no no you can't just cover for your friend when she did something wrong get me the manager she then proceeds to go into an absolute tantrum stomping her feeds and not listening to anyone who tried talking to her reluctantly after a few seconds the employee walks off to find his manager Karen of course noticed that and she looks at me with a grin that looked like she thought she won the floor manager comes over a minute later and at this point I had found a pair of shoes I was gonna buy so I was holding the shoe in my hand the manager comes over and says I was told to come over to resolve an issue Karen says do something about this disrespectful young girl she then points at me and the manager looks to me holding the shoe then turns his attention to me and says hi there did you need something I tell him I just came here because I need a new pair of shoes do you have these in a size five I showed him the shoe and that's when Karen goes into an absolute frenzied the manager completely blanks her and he went on one of his devices to see what they had in stock meanwhile Karen was going ballistic yelling all sorts of curses at me the manager the store everybody the manager tells me yes we do would you like to meet me at the counter I'll get you the pair and box them for you the manager then told the employee to call the police to escort Karen out so with that Karen ends up going to the police station and I end up getting a small discount on my shoes for what I put up with I was talking to the front manager and he ends up joking that I should work for them because of my shirt I just need to get new trousers and that was the end of the story pretty much I even had enough money to go by subway nearby so I got myself a sub a cookie and a drink I think I'll have to thoroughly clean my shirt though after Karen put her disgusting hands on it now this is how you deal with Karen's throwing a tantrum guys I love how the manager basically ignored Karen not giving any attention to her that's definitely the reaction to give someone having a temper tantrum and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash I don't work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy crazy stories and if you missed yesterday's episode on the channel a Karen doesn't get what she wants and she threatens to make everyone homeless guys go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you thank you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 137,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, darkfluff idwhl, darkfluff, entitled women, karma stories, instant karma, entitled people reddit, entitled karen, reddit, entitled people, karen freakout, karen story, funny karen stories, reddit funny stories, entitled, racist karen, instant karma on karen, i dont work here lady stories, karen store freakout
Id: 1AzqU1xw0Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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