r/Entitledparents Karen COWORKER Forces Me to Eat, I GET REVENGE!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today karen co-worker forces me to eat after that the christmas ornaments robin hood and after that am i the jerk for firing my son now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen does not get any mcdonald's don't do this to me so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for news stories from reddit every single day karen coworker forces me to eat i 24 male am a small man 5 foot 4 and 103 pounds as of my last physical i'm well aware that i'm at an unhealthy weight my entire life i've been small mostly due to illnesses and myriad allergies and it's admittedly a sore spot i'm working with my doctor to gain weight while still fitting in with my dietary restrictions no meat dairy gluten or nuts and honestly i'm so much better than i was several months ago and proud of myself for the progress i've made a coworker peg 30 female got pregnant and recently returned to work late november she's been increasingly overt and uncomfortable in her concern for me peg made and brought in cupcakes for her return and when i thanked her for thinking of us but refused citing my gluten allergy she was visibly upset she didn't shout or complain much just sighed heavily and said that she would put this one in the break room with the rest i felt awful then she brought me a steak sandwich the next day on gluten-free bread again i thanked her but i had brought in my own lunch and needed to focus on that peg told me it was in the fridge for when i finished ended up bringing it home so she wouldn't feel bad and gave it to my boyfriend next day she approached again i refused again she insisted by now we weren't alone in the break room she joked that it was rude to refuse a home-cooked meal in favor of that my lunch at that point i just took it and thanked her boyfriend ended up eating it then she just started leaving bagged snacks on my desk she would approach with a snack or a portion of whatever she made for dinner the night before and not leave me be until i had taken it i went to our boss and explained that i felt uncomfortable and was told that she was probably feeling maternal and it would negatively impact morale to discourage her so been taking notes since then what days peg has given what when who witnessed it etc from 12 8 to now she's done it 23 times yesterday i took peg aside and explained that while i was touched i would appreciate it if she wouldn't bring in anything else she said that i should have said something sooner she was only trying to help have i seen myself in a mirror does your boyfriend like you starving yourself among other phrases livid i told her that maybe i didn't feel like sharing my personal medical history with her just so that my wishes were respected for god's sake we work with a hospital don't you know anything about hipaa we parted from there me childishly storming off and her in tears have i already been a huge jerk and would it report to hr just be the icing on the cake i went to hr saying that the matter was settled but i wanted to document it subsequently was told that there would be an investigation and the incidents would be corroborated with witnesses because as is the full record i claim is severe enough to warrant potential action for peg and several other co-workers who also engaged in her behavior hr started the process apparently immediately because i walked in yesterday to a craft storm this plunged the department into war many agree peg was out of line some told me i should have kept the status quo some said i was ungrateful and entitled one said i should have handled this maturely and who could blame her when i look like that and i should be ashamed of myself another co-worker suggested i work from home another told me he was sorry for not stepping in i went to go get my lunch out of the fridge only to find someone had disposed of it and left behind the empty tupperware nearly everyone has an opinion the people in my corner have advised me to keep my head down and to take care my boss held a meeting first with peg and me then a second with just me during the one with peg i was told to apologize for my part and peg likewise i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable by caring about your health my boss asked if i was satisfied now i brought up peg's comments and my boss said i invited them no one would call that harassment and i need to work on myself together we went through each of the 23 events she excused each of them until i was left to feel like i had been harassing peg the next meeting was even worse effectively boss said i told you not to retaliate and instead you searched peg out to harass her and your actions have expressed a worrying lack of cooperation with me and your team she was also disappointed that instead of explaining that i needed her to resolve things i escalated the situation well beyond the point of reason and cruel to someone who only wanted to help she said i won't get far in life and i'm not likely to get anywhere vocationally if i can't be a team player and actively sabotage a happy workplace she hoped i will learn from this teachable moment how to behave in a collaborative environment as it's inappropriate to involve hr for small misunderstandings boyfriend is mad i'm just tired confused and hurt hr seemed sympathetic boss is very clearly on peg's side the office is split intense currently updating my resume and job searching it really does feel like a nightmare haven't felt good going into work for a while and this just made it ten times worse well what would you do in this situation if you had a co-worker who kept trying to force food onto you please let us know i'd see who i could sell it to the christmas ornaments robin hood it is 2020 unfortunately it's the day after my two younger sisters and i flew out to pennsylvania to see my dad who lives there after getting divorced from my mom for 15 years of not being a good husband or dad he lives with his mom cranky grandma and her devil cat as well as my amazing aunt and her angel kitten dad gets home from work where's emmy he asks my cranky grandma she's in the basement cranky grandma says probably throwing out a snide comment or two about the newly dyed purple hair adorning my head or the leather fingerless gloves that have joined my black wardrobe looking for some christmas ornaments dad goes down the basement stairs and finds me rummaging through cardboard boxes what are you looking for he says hi dad i say well i noticed that you decorated for christmas but you're missing a few things where are the mooses the mooses are a pair of stuffed mooses that have been put up every christmas since i can remember they're brown about two feet tall and soft as a marshmallow there's mama moose who is named mary holding baby moose who is named christmas and is in a red velvet sack reading merry christmas on it in gold embroidery the mooses always go on the couch to watch over the living room and all the decorations and presents in it while we are asleep the problem with the mooses is that when my mom divorced dad she was so scared of him that she let him have almost everything this included the mooses and quite a few more of her treasured ornaments and since i've always been the one to set the mooses on the couch that first christmas with a divorced dad just didn't feel right without them dad helps me look for the mooses for a while sorry sweetie they must have gotten lost in the move he says i smile and don't tell him that i hate being called sweetie it's okay i say and pull out a cardboard box hey look it's your what god wants for christmas box i love that tradition we go set up the what god wants for christmas in the living room i say i think i'm going to go take a nap dad says okay i go upstairs and into my room and shut the door i walk over to the window seat slash storage chest under the window i open it hello mooses i say the mooses lay on top of the stuffed animal collection looking dusty several other ornaments i recognize as moms are keeping them company i grin and shut the chest it's the day we fly back to my home state i have the mooses packed away in my suitcase and the other ornaments tucked behind them wrapped in my fluffiest but still black hoodie to protect them i roll my suitcase out to the hallway dad is weighing youngest sister's bag to make sure it's under 50 pounds okay now i need to check to make sure you're not stealing any of my stuff he tells her my mind says oh no my brain gives me uncomfortable memories of how dad raged when he thought one of us had stolen his coffee mug my voice says privacy invaded and three two in a joking tone dad and youngest sister laugh dad does not check anyone's suitcase we're at the airport youngest sister suitcase is somehow three pounds over the weight limit dad says emmy grab one of your suitcases that already went through and open it up we'll put some of your younger sister's stuff in there he gestures to my suitcase my mind makes an ear splitting screeching noise that sounds like someone slammed their brakes to avoid hitting a pterodactyl and hit the pterodactyl anyway my brain imagines dad opening the suitcase and going into a rage at the sight of the mooses my voice says sure dad my hands grab youngest sister suitcase instead of mine and pass it over dad opens it her suitcase contains no smuggled goods we transfer the stuff and the very nice airport lady sends all the bags down the conveyor belt dad asks me why i wave to mine i shrug just being weird i say good luck mooses my mind says we are back home my family my older sister who didn't go with us mom my other grandma who we call magga and my bapa or grandpa are all sitting in the living room catching up i say i'm disappointed you took the tree down already older sister laughs it's past new year's i know i say but i brought some stuff to put on it i open my suitcase i show around the ornaments i smuggled back three tiny stuffed snowmen our cat's catnip stuffed cat ornament a white clay angel a wooden rocking horse a wooden mouse king a clay snowman my older sister stuffed dog when i unveil the rocking horse magga gasps i bought that for your mother when she was little she exclaims how did your dad get it that's not everything i say i unzip the flap hiding the mooses from view i pull out the mooses older sister and papa clap how did you get those back here right under your dad's nose older sister asks magga laughs so hard she has tears in her eyes the tears in mom's eyes are not from laughter slowly she reaches out and takes the mooses hugging them to her chest over their antlers she mouths thank you and then she gets up and sets the mooses down on the couch right where they belong do you have any favorite christmas ornaments if so what are they please let us know nutcrackers for the win am i the jerk for firing my son i'll get straight to the issue i'm male 43 and my 17 year old son adam has been trying to become independent and preparing to move out to college but was struggling to find a job i own a private warehouse as a side job to earn a living my wife suggested i hire my son to work at the warehouse moving boxes bringing workers lunch helping with cleaning that kind of stuff she said it's for both of our benefits since he couldn't find a job and we needed to hire someone new i agreed and adam was so happy and excited to start working we agreed on the salary and work hours so he still has some time to study and practice the first couple of weeks were going fine that is until one day the workers were moving boxes computers into the warehouse the client wanted them to be stored for a few days and we already arranged before they arrived it was all written down including the number of computers we stored in the evening while i was checking i noticed that there was one computer missing i gathered all workers except for adam and they had no idea and thought there was a mistake i brought it up at home and adam told me that he saw one of the workers putting a box in the garage to take home with him i was confused since he couldn't specify which worker it was he eventually gave me a name and i went to talk to the worker he denied it and i ended up giving him x time to bring back the box and then i'd discuss why he did what he did the worker is a single dad with three kids i've known him for a while and i wanted to give him a chance the next day i was busy my daughter was in the hospital and i got back to the warehouse at eight pm and it occurred to me to check the cameras what i saw was adam putting a box in the back of his friend's car and then the car left i knew his friend and knew adam stole the computer i went home and confronted him my wife sided with him when he denied it and after arguing for hours i fired him and i told him he was lucky i didn't call the police this was my responsibility the client entrusted me with his computers and adam stole on the job adam started crying my wife said i was wrong for firing him that it was extreme and i should have just took from his salary she refused to drop it and tried to convince me to hire him again but i refused i apologized to my worker and i told him if there's anyone he knows who needs this job i'll be more than happy to hire them he brought his brother and he started working with us right away now my family is calling me a jerk for hiring an outsider and not my son the box was being kept at his friend's place his friend is such a disrespectful jerk i won't be surprised if he was the one who came up with the idea however it was adam who took it and so he needed to be fired this is not okay nor is it acceptable well what do you think was o.p a jerk for firing his son or not please let us know i would have called the cops on that kid stealing from your dad's business talk about a rotten apple where are the healeys i used to work at a fairly large sporting goods store this was a while ago back when healies were still a thing are they still a thing our store received a promotional display with a large three-foot sign with red lettering that said heelys in the form of a soul of a shoe they also put a large spinning wheel in it too it was pretty cool kids loved it however for some reason this sign was absolutely invisible like somehow the company had put on special paint that made it invisible to the eyes of adults must be the same paint they used to make out of order signs anyway here's the story where are your heelies a woman demands as she approaches me in the shoe department i've been through this hostel and i can't find them i was told they hear yes ma'am i'll take you to them i bring her to the display and think it's a little obvious because of the large sign but i put my hand on the display just for that little extra obviousness and turn around here you go ma'am the woman continues to stare at me eyes locked onto me like a hawk so i started to gesture to the large sign that said heelys she still doesn't see it i even tried to do a little vanna white gesture towards the sign and display still nothing by this point i'm gesturing with two hands towards the sign display and individual shoes on the display nope she just stared at me like i was a mime acting out the old invisible box routine um they're right here ma'am where she asks throwing up her arms and finally drawing her eyes away from me looking 10 feet above my head where are the heelies she practically yells to the heavens i turn my head slowly to see where she's looking i start to think this must be some kind of a practical joke or some kind of candid camera standing in the presence of something as dense as a neutron star is causing a violent reaction in my brain and i have my first aneurysm my co-worker who is watching the entire scene play out finally manages to put on a straight face and come to my rescue hi ma'am are you looking for heelys he asks her calmly yes she says frustrated with the service that i had been providing her i'm not sure if we have some in stock right now but if you follow me i'm sure we can find some he tells her leading her away from the display he got her to do a half circuit around the store before returning back to the same place in front of the heli's display where the whole incident took place i'm sorry ma'am they had the display in the power aisle earlier it was a half truth it was in fact in the power aisle last month but moved to the shoe department because people kept blocking the entire aisle crowding around the display i know we are expecting a new shipment soon i would check back early next week oh well thank you for your time she tells him as he casually leans against the large obnoxious healy's display this guy is a magician i bring her to what she wants she gets mad at me my co-worker makes her walk around the store for nothing and she's grateful for it no problem ma'am enjoy the rest of your day he tells her and we wait until she's out of earshot he turns to me and completely loses it for five minutes he cannot stop laughing he then stands in front of the gilly's display throws up his arms and shouts to the heavens where are the heelies whenever a customer asks where the healeys are i just tell them right down there and look down you can't miss it i never went near that display if i could help it edit this was a long time ago like fresh out of high school long time ago i had not yet picked up the skills to effectively communicate with customers as i had effectively grown up getting the verbal stiff arm by the adults around me when asking vague questions so i had grown up asking specific questions to get specifically what i wanted and assumed that adults were expected to do the same as well so retail was a big welcome to the real world for me have you ever tried shoes with wheels in them like heelys if not would you like to try them please let us know haley's were the funnest shoes i ever had we'll leave a link to them in the pinned comments below right after we go order a pair ourselves customer mad that he got something for free for context i work at a grocery store where when a customer uses their rewards card every 100 rewards points equals either 10 cents off a gallon of gas at our company's gas pumps or one dollar off of a purchase most customers prefer the gas money since gas prices are expensive where i live but occasionally i'll find a customer who's willing to go through all the tedious steps of turning their rewards points into a grocery discount when the discount is transformed onto their card it automatically comes off the next time the customer uses their card on a purchase anyway time for the story an older man probably in his 50s comes through my lane the day after christmas he's pleasant albeit a bit unenthusiastic whatever it's 7 p.m right after a major holiday he probably just wants to go home all he's buying is a sandwich from our in-store deli i go through the whole hi how are you today script as per usual as i ring out the sandwich which is 3.29 i ask him if he has a rewards card he would like to use he does and i scanned it then i hit total i stare in confusion at my computer screen i have dyscalculia like dyslexia but with numbers so at first i think i'm just reading all the numbers wrong but no the computer definitely says zero dollars and zero cents and there's a little message on the item list on my screen that says grocery discount 329 so i know i'm not hallucinating i smile pleasantly at my customer and say you lucky duck you had some grocery dollars on your card and you're getting this for free i thought he'd be pleasantly surprised it's a christmas miracle he doesn't have to pay for a sandwich but no instead he frowns i don't remember exactly what he said but he was very unhappy his discount had come off of this purchase take off the discount he tells me i blink what i ask him trying to retain my customer service voice i wanted to use my seven dollar discount on my grocery order next week i don't want to discount on this i want to pay for it he's getting belligerent and i'm getting nervous i can't take the discount off sir i tell him trying to stay pleasant there's no option on my computer for that it's automatic well how do i get my three dollars back on my card then well i can void this whole transaction and start over and you don't have to scan your card this time i just have to get my manager over to authorize i don't want to wait i think fast i have a lot of options here but none of them will make him happy i decide i'll just shove him off on the people at the customer service desk they'd be able to help him a lot better than i would anyway here i'll just go through with this transaction then you can take your receipt over to customer service pay for your item there and then get your discount put back onto your card i finish the transaction he doesn't thank me or say goodbye and i continue on with my evening i still don't know if he ever got his discount put back on his card nor do i know if he ever realized that the 3.29 cents he got discounted off of that sandwich was the exact same 3.29 cents he would have not had to spend on a future grocery order it's the same amount of money sir edit there's a lot of questions in the comments about how the points and discounts work every dollar you spend is one point every 100 points is 10 cents off per gallon of gas with no upward limit on the number of gallons you can pump or one dollar off your next grocery order with no upward limit on the amount of dollars you can get discounted in order to get the grocery discount on your card you have to download the app or visit the website and convert your points to dollars then activate the discount on your card like you would with an online exclusive coupon then just like an online coupon or any other digitally activated discount it'll automatically come off on your next order as soon as you scan your card there is no confirmation button for either the cashier or the customer there's no way for the cashier to know there's a discount on the card until the transaction has been totaled and there's no way to get rid of the discount once it has been applied i do agree that maybe there should be a pop-up on the cashier screen in case the customer doesn't want the discount for whatever reason but alas if the discount comes off on the transaction that means they've already activated the discount which generally means they want to use it just take your warm wine coolers and go karen i'm excited to type this story so my apologies if it's all over the place i've dealt with karen's before but not like this i never thought i'd encounter one in the wild last night i took a trip to my local liquor store to get some bourbon for my apartment i'll admit i'm there often the employees are cool low-key and most importantly they don't judge me for frequent visits i pick up a nice bottle and start reading the label when i hear a loud behind me i turn around and see a full-blown karen like when i say this lady could be the mascot for karen's rs i mean it karen is holding a pack of blue gross looking wine coolers she goes i'd like these cold i chuckle politely oh sorry i don't work here i do a quick scan of the store and spot an employee a few aisles away stocking shelves i point to him it looks like he does though i turn back around and continue reading the bottle in my hand karen did not accept my response um yeah you do i see you in here all the time she answered very rudely i turn back chuckle again and say yeah they should hang a plaque in my honor for how much business i give them but i really don't work here i took my bottle and continued down the aisle cameron followed closely behind me she was definitely not social distancing she scoffs well can't you just look for me anyway since you're here so often i was kind of shocked by this request like what i simply replied with i'm actually on my way to check out but i'm sure that employee can help you before i could even finish karen huffed judging by your appearance you mustn't have a job or life to get back to so quickly i swear the level of respect these days is ridiculous i was wearing sweatpants so it's weird she thought i worked there in the first place i didn't even turn around this time i just laughed and said whatever lady godspeed karen did not like this one bit what did you just say to me you little marat i knew i shouldn't fuel the fire but i'm pretty sarcastic by nature and i just couldn't help it i turned to her for the last time and said well judging by your appearance i wouldn't expect you to know how to treat people with basic human decency i hope those wine coolers help heal whatever wounds are possessing you to act like a kid fingers crossed you brought your id it's like she malfunctioned she just stood there dumbfounded with an awful grimace on her face she slammed the wine coolers down on the floor and walked out of the store i happily picked them up and brought them back to where they belonged earning a smile and a nod from the employee let me tell you the bourbon tasted even better after that lady please i'm just trying to get cake ingredients so this just happened an hour or so ago my grandmother and i went out shopping to get ingredients for my birthday dinner and the cake i'm going to make my birthday is in two weeks but the ingredients we needed are on sale and most of them are canned so we went to get them today my grandma decided it would be faster if i were to take a basket and grab the cake mix and pineapple and any other mixes we needed at home and she went to get the peas orzo and bacon bits i found the pineapple cans pretty fast so i had plenty of time to look at all of the cake and brownie mixes i had some music playing in my headphones so i couldn't hear anything around me while i was looking someone tapped me on the shoulder i assumed i was standing in their way and they needed something from the shelf i was looking at i said oh i'm sorry and stepped aside i saw the lady start talking so i pulled out one of my earbuds lady can you help me find whatever item it was i don't remember me knowing where most of the items are oh that should be an aisle number unless they rearrange the store well aren't you going to show me where it is me oh sorry i'm actually looking for cake mixes i don't work here i should probably note that most employees at this store wear vests and i was wearing an olive green shirt i had just gotten for christmas lady don't lie to me you obviously work here she gestured towards my lanyard which i have a picture of my late husky hanging on it also has a key to my home which i have just in case i get locked out me getting really anxious because i don't like confrontation lady please this is just a picture of my old dog and a key to my home i told you where your stuff should be so please leave me alone you're making me uncomfortable lady getting irritated i'm not leaving you alone until you take me to where the item is at this point she had started raising her voice and had caught the attention of some people nearby one guy who looked about my age walked up and asked if she was bothering me before i could get a word out the ladies started going off this young lady won't show me where this item is other stuff i don't remember because i was trying to hold back tears guy lady she doesn't work here she goes to my high school i know her leave her alone at this point the lady spotted an actual employee and walked off to harass them i think the guy who for the record actually does go to my school i just didn't recognize him and went back to picking out mixes try to prank me good luck getting your camper back anyone who follows me or reads any of my posts knows something about my wife's best friend i'll call karen a harpy from heck she makes everyone even my wife sometimes miserable she also thinks she's smarter than everyone and is just stuck up enough to believe no one would dare cross her so a friend of ours i'll call bill bought a piece of property next door to us he had a car accident in november and lives an hour away he made me a legal agent of the property which means i have almost as much power as he does think property manager it has a small house on it that's unoccupied but i keep an eye on things he bought the property only because next to the house is a big asphalt parking lot it used to be a lot for a small used car company his reasoning was that during the bad winter months he could park equipment and trucks from his other companies there so he also had me put up a huge no parking violators will be towed at the owner's expense signs all around it moving on so sunday i'm elbow deep into an rc submersible when my wife bursts into my study and yells for me to listen to something i take the phone and who's doing a live video karen karen was talking about how she was going away for a few days this was sunday morning because she was so stressed out from always giving people advice and helping them through their problems etc and then she mentioned again why my wife told me she talked about how she parked her 46 foot fifth wheel 35 000 camper next door to me and seeing bill was unreachable this week i would have to look at it for the next three days as a reminder that she's not only smarter but 10 moves ahead of me and i'm a jerk because i wouldn't loan her a truck and it cost her money to rent one turns out she told her husband who is gone during the week for work that she had bill's permission to put it there so early sunday morning he towed it over there i was upset she has a tendency to lie so i went outside and there it was parked right there in the middle of the lot was her camper i actually smiled because i had a perfect plan as being a manager of the property i also had a right to have any vehicle towed off there including that one i had two options call garage a owned by a nice guy doesn't charge the state maximum for the tow and storage fees explain what happened and he might cut you a break then there's garage b he doesn't care if he has to tow your car 15 feet he's charging you the max and always charges the maximum storage fees so you're darn right i went with garage b called the guy gave him my name told him i managed the property and bring a fifth wheel he had it gone in less than a half an hour this is the best part yet my friends i didn't tell her it was towed until yesterday morning yes i waited from sunday afternoon till tuesday morning yesterday morning she's on facebook live streaming from her car talking about how she was going to go visit her camper for another laugh then i got on live my wife sent her a message to get on my live stream like now and post the link to my page when she was viewing i said this hey karen hope you had a wonderful time i have to tell you something i had your camper towed with me being the property's manager and bill being unavailable i had to have it towed we can't let people think they can just park on there illegally xyz till has the camper i was going to call you sunday but you seemed so stressed out that i thought you deserved the break i mean the camper is safe that's all that matters right well facebook lit up like a christmas tree as i had hoped those watching her stream followed because well they were curious too and then the messages started a few condemned me but most were supportive some thought it was about time someone showed her that she wasn't all powerful and no one was scared of her then it went quiet now a normal person might be upset but understandable but she went the wounded karen route that afternoon she got back on again she was crying fake crying about how it was going to cost her over two thousand dollars in fees because her husband wouldn't be back until friday to tow it back and could someone please do it for her a bonus i was hoping would happen and that if she started a gofundme page would people donate to help her pay the fees the answers to that were between no and heck no but hey she didn't threaten to sue me at least right side note bill is unavailable this week except to certain people which i am part of i called him and told him the whole story his answer was exactly good you want to play games then be prepared to lose the camper is still there no one volunteered to get it a few said they would for gas money but she tried to play it off as it would be helping her and she owed so much in fees and that she would owe them a favor a favor no one would collect on because she has nothing to bargain with you definitely haven't seen this video yet so please come watch it next and we'll see you when you get there and please support our coffee addiction by joining as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to just come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 40,279
Rating: 4.9314985 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: tvCMVEjp5tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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