🐙 r/EntitledParents ENTITLED FAMILY STORIES EP 14 | r/EntitledParents Top Posts of All Time

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pay there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way Karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak twenty ones manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the RER me today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video our slash entitled parents entitled mom accuses me of stealing my phone thinking that it's an iphone x i'm on mobile and english isn't my first language so sorry if my grammars aren't correct law so let's give some context about my phone my phone is a nova 3i now the reason why the entitled mom thinks that it's an iphone x is because it looks like it search it on google in the back there's no logo in the middle but a fingerprint button this is important later our cast we've got me Gavriel we've got entitled mother and we've got the police officer now on to the story so i live in a village close to the entrance and exit of a convenience store called alpha Mart so I went there to buy some chips and drinks and then eat it because why not I sat down in a table and put my phone in the table while I opened my bag of chips I know that's stupid then I see a woman approaching me seeing that I left my phone on the table not guarding it or staring at it so when I see the woman who now in front of me I then said is there a problem miss she then snatched the phone from the table and ran to an exit when she's now in the door a police officer came in what a timing I know then entitled mom shouted sir there's a boy trying to steal my iPhone yes she said that I stole an iPhone police officer says is this true no officer this woman tried to get away with my no that's not true officer I would have arrested now do you have proof that it's yours the entitled mom was frozen that she had no proof that it was Earth and I was smiling when he said that the officer then asked if he could see the phone yes of course the officer then looks at the back of the phone sees that there's no Apple logo ma'am are you sure this is your phone yes are you sure this is an iPhone yes ma'am he shows her the back of the phone there's no Apple but a fingerprint button entitled mom was shocked and I just smiled at her then the officer asked if I have proof I grabbed my phone then put my finger in the fingerprint button and it opened to the home screen showing a wallpaper of Pikachu wearing a t-shirt saying absolute unit I like memes entitled mom like other entitled mom's tries to run away but karma hits her outside she's looking back at us not looking where she's going she falls in Tripps face palms in the stone floor ouch I was trying to hold back from laughing then the officer handcuffs her and he called back up and asked me if I wanted to press charges I said no because I don't want to because I'm lazy plus she had been punished enough I don't know what happened to that woman and I hope I never encounter an entitled bearing again thanks for reading sorry I didn't press charges next we've got my stepdad wakes me up at 2:00 a.m. for cereal and water because he can in advance I apologize for any grammar errors I'm on mobile you have my full permission to use this story too long didn't read at the end blah de blah de blah let's get this going for a bit of a background I've been doing this for a long time waking up before the Sun and still never got used to it especially since last year I had to always wake up at about 12 a.m. for diaper changing I would get up to take care of my entitled grandma I would also feed her before leaving for school I'm in my second year of college now and nearly failed the first semester because of my nightmare of a grandma who always wanted water and prune juice as well as cranberry juice ice cream donuts and raisins she had diabetes so this was a no-no with the doctors but dad spoiled the woman who could do no wrong instead of spoiling my mother who shared the work with me taking care of entitled debt and entitled grandma I'm a shy and small voice 19 year old girl so I hated conflict and just did as I was told to I mean told since childhood I was just doing well in school again this is when he started to call me more often than earlier in the morning when mom couldn't see what he was doing I did this all from 2017 to 2019 when my grandma finally passed away this may sound bad but I was glad to see my stepdad and cry about something that wasn't himself or food and I won't have to get up in the morning as often it's the last night of our vacation in Florida and I had a blast the night before with my aunt uncle and they're usually rowdy kids two boys at Universal on Friday it's now Saturday after they leave everything is quiet and since I'm a glutton for praise I pack my bag early and only take out things I'll need on the 12-hour trip back home I then noticed my work app saying I had to be in work at 1:30 to 6:30 on Monday not much right wrong I accepted it knowing full well my mom told me I had to get foot surgery for reasons I don't feel comfortable sharing nothing gross just had to have something removed for me to walk better than I was at about 2:00 a.m. I am awoken by an alarm that woke me up with a jerk phone tracker used for Apple phones it was my dad using the most annoying thing I hated most that darn alarm I turned it off and my phone started to vibrate so I had to answer the alarm being cut off made him know if I could cut it off or just ignored him the conversation went as follows the cast you've got me wild pokemon girl we've got entitled dead threat to humanity and we've got mom calm person that didn't do anything as she was sick I walked down the stairs into entitled dad and mom's room entitled dad says do we have cereal and milk I'm shocked as this is what I woke up to and looked at my mom she looks at me to calm down smiled sweetly I'm grumpy that I had to get up to feed this jerk you do know you have two other kids right no my younger bro insists we're on vacation with us my sister on her tablet 15 and my brother on his game he's 17 if you tell me I have other kids again you won't like what happens I shut up and stared a Gers not that he could notice now do we have any milk in cereal now I'm complying because I felt threatened I gave a small yes eat me some cereal and milk I also want some crushed ice and water I complied and got him his things the cereal tenant take long the crushed ice took about three minutes extra since it didn't have that much ice to begin with and titled dad is now acting nice to get on my good side thank you and close my door behind you I went upstairs climbed into bed and started writing this story edit sorry it was short I am tired and should really be getting to sleep but I needed to vent before he started to cry and I learned I will never be like him because he is only the stepfather that treats me like a slave because he doesn't know I know that he's trying to keep this a secret from me and because I believe in equality among what I do in my family my little bro insists are gonna have to watch out when I expose my dad that he's my stepdad they should know now then hate me later for keeping this secret from them and our final story of the day we're not American so you shouldn't celebrate your freedom this is one of the more unusual encounters I've experienced I've been trying to save up more stories for later to make another story book but this one was too weird to be clumped together the entitled cast is what you can figure out but there are a little more we've got my best friend we've got best friend's girlfriend and we've got best friend's dad fourth of July a patriotic homage to the country our ancestors worked hard to acquire from the British only to have it ruined within years of our own people a day where drinking beer swimming and dangerous things are always allowed and this was not how I expected my holiday to end up to have this story make more sense the neighbors I'm talking about are British so that should explain some things it's around 7:30 p.m. when we start the real party my family and friends family all collab on this amazing day we invited all our neighbors in the cul-de-sac and some more so the party was really kicking up most of them came out to party but one family who were our next-door neighbours didn't like it they had moved in less than a month ago so we didn't know them that well but we were gonna try to hang out them at this party they declined after we asked them two weeks before and nothing ever came of it during the whole day they were flying a Union Jack instead which is fine because they're not American anyways at this time we started getting the fireworks ready someone from the party bought at least $500 worth of fireworks and they had loud ones one of the first things we lit were two boxes of Saturn rockets needless to say it was loud so loud in fact that our European neighbor finally came out to join the party but not in a way you'd want quick note I added some extra British slang the absolute bollocks is going on here who is in charge nobody really knew who this guy was so they directed him to wear me friend and his dad were had at first we didn't know who it was but we guessed too by the angry expression well howdy there neighbor I was hoping you'd show up sorrow I'm here to put an end to your coupling you all Nicky shut it down now whoa chill out neighbor it's just some light fireworks this happens every year every you disrupt your neighbours who are trying to get some sleep I want this oldest stop now throw your party another time well it's not exactly a party it's the fourth of July I know you're from Europe but in America I know about your Oggy boggy history you celebrate hair you better than our country by doing crazy things like this if you don't like it then buzz off it's our party and half the neighborhood is here we're not gonna stop unless we absolutely have to the untitled dad merely scoffed and stormed back to his house we made nothing of it and continued with some mortars and sparklers all around not even 30 minutes have passed before two cop cars came rolling down the street and they have their lights on and sirens blaring friends dad said that the entitled dad must have called the cops so he went to go deal with it hello officer is this about the fireworks yes and no you do need to put the fireworks away but we also got a complaint that someone at this party was harassing one of your neighbors that would be me entitled dad comes a-running through us but he looked very different this time his face was darker but with limited light it was hard to see what it was this young man right here he points to my friend I asked him who was in charge and he beat me up oh the pain I'm bruised up all over officer 2 says calm down we'll get an ambulance to check you out and my friend says wait a minute I didn't hit this guy he came over to talk to us three and starts screaming at us because we had lit fireworks and our party was against his nation and stuff like that officer one says does anyone here have anything else to say me and friend's dad both said the same story to the officer while entitled dad was ranting on and on about the party and how we were terrible to him then we all come back together and the officers speak up officer - all right so based on what we heard you he points to entitled dad are either faking your bruises or did something else we're going to check that out later as for this party just keep the noise down and put the fireworks away we don't want to come back and have to break this party up yes sir we went ahead and had someone put them away so there shouldn't be any more fireworks the entitled dad tried to make up more excuses but the police weren't having it they shined a flashlight on his bruises and didn't even have to poke it or anything to tell it was makeup they wrote him a ticket and just as they were about to leave we hear a loud boom the entitled dad's yard was on fire and their tree went up like a match almost immediately neighbors on both sides ran over started grabbing their water hose to douse the fire and put out as much as they can one officer radioed in a firetruck and the other went through the party to examine the damage with entitled dad do told you they were bloody reckless they went and set my bloody house on fire some little kid maybe nine or ten ran out of the crowd and went to entitled dead his hands were bleeding so friends dad ran over to his house nearby to grab a first-aid kit the other officer saw what was happening and used his radio to call for an ambulance while friend's dad ran over with the kid both him and the officer checked out his injuries and it turned out that both of his hands had been hurt and one of his fingers had a cut on it at that point the music had stopped and everyone was trying to figure out what was happening while the yard was being put out the ambulance and fire truck show up not too long afterwards and we all start taking statements as it turns out the little kid was entitled dads and the firework that lit the tree on fire had belonged to the entitled dad as well entitled dad was charged with negligence false police report disrupting the peace and I think a count of arson after everything was finally done at like 11:00 p.m. we called it a night and packed up entitled dad's wife went to the hospital with their son to make sure everything was fine while entitled that himself was put in the back of the police car as they drove off this morning as we go outside to clean up the rest of the garbage we can actually see the yard all their grass was black and brown which means they didn't water it and the tree was solid black with no green or brown anywhere the actual house itself seemed to be okay apart from some fire singes on the roof where the tree hung over moral of the story if you give a kid a firework expect him to ruin a massive party out a train entitled parent and kid hey mr. Reddy this is my first time posting and English isn't my mother language so sorry in advance if my writing sucks I translate the conversations from Hungarian it happened a few months ago my company sent me on a business trip to Vienna I decided to take the train because I wouldn't like to drive about seven hours alone with my car and flight wasn't an option and I was happy to relax for seven hours and could watch some stuff that I couldn't when my four daughters are around I guess you know what entitled mom entitled kid and me stands for entitled mom a fairly attractive woman in her late 20s with long blonde hair and a six-year-old boy entitled kid they said behind me no one sit next to me the first hour was uneventful I started to watch the new show at the time love death and robots on Netflix on my phone after an hour I heard the kid complaining to his mother but I didn't care because I was wearing earbuds a bit later I felt a tap on my shoulder and I pulled out my headphones and turned sorry my son's phone's battery just died would you mind letting my son watch what you are watching sorry what I watch is not for kids maybe after I finish entitled kid says loudly I want to watch now I took a power bank out of my bag and handed it to them I came prepared I packed enough power banks for an apocalypse enough to run my personal and work phone and my laptop on heavy duty more than 24 hours so I didn't expect what happened later I have a bad habit of waiting on the last minute before I go to the toilet and when a guy finally came out of the toilet and I took a run for it I left everything there even my phone still running show that that kid shouldn't have seen big mistake I asked entitled mom to look after my stuff I mean the toilet was maximum 15 meters away from my seat when I came back about a minute later entitled kid was standing next to my seat watching my phone I was furious and I'm a big guy 185 centimeters 105 kilograms I have quite a deep voice and I could look really intimidating me homeless shouting what the heck entitled kid froze in place and everybody in there cards looking at me I took my phone away from entitled kid don't shout at my child why did you let him do it he's just curious oh really so you would be cool if my daughter's took a look in your purse that would be inappropriate I'm almost shouting really close to her face like this is then I felt kicking and hitting on my leg don't shout it mommy that put a smile on my face I squat it to eye level with the kid I said in a much calmer voice so you want to defend your mommy yes good boy I won't raise my voice at your mommy again the kid looked really proud do you still want to watch something yes here's the deal if you don't move or make any sound while I talk with your mother when we could watch something deal deal entitled mom looks confused what do you want to do with my son watch something and teach him about the boundaries of civilized behavior what you would have to teach him entitled mom didn't like this and wanted to argue with me but when I told her I am son of a quite famous child therapist husband of a physiologist and father of four she eventually sat down it turns out the kid wasn't that bad just spoiled an entitled mom couldn't deal with entitled kids tantrums so she did what many parents do nowadays and gave in if entitled kid wanted something she gave it to him so the kid only needed some discipline entitled kid is a smart kid so he understood why he shouldn't touch other people's stuff for my surprise his English was pretty good and he asked a lot of question mostly about technology in history and he was really happy that I could mostly answer them later I set back with entitled mom and let entitled kid play on my phone it turns out entitled mom is a really insecure and kind of dumb person who hides that with arrogance she was really jealous that I could deal with entitled git and felt horrible because she couldn't it turns out the problem started about a year ago when entitled kid's father went to Vienna to work and entitled kids behavior really turned bad when entitled kids a grandfather died so there were no male role models around they live with entitled kids grandmother who also couldn't discipline him so entitled kid he gets much love from his mother and grandmother but nobody really disciplines him so I did something that I rarely do I called my mother to ask a favor I mentioned she's quite a famous child therapist normally you have to wait months to have a session with her so asked her to have an extra session with them outside of her working hours my mom wasn't happy but she said okay entitled mom was really happy because of that and hugged me the rest of the trip was fine a week later my mother called me to tell me what happened it turned out they lived the next village to my parents about a 20-minute walk away because it was a Sunday she didn't sit them down in her office instead they went in the kitchen where my mother was cooking dinner while talking to them about 20 minutes in the session entitled kid asked where's the toilet my mother tells him about ten minutes after this they started to call entitled kid so they start looking for him it turned out when entitled kid went to the bathroom he saw from the window as my father and my younger brother were working on something in my father's workshop he ran out the back door to see what they were doing and they didn't mind so they started to show this stuff to her entitled kid and answering his questions my mother saw that entitled kid was having a good time so they let him stay and help my father and brother the next week my mother an entitled mom agreed on the following they would come on Sunday mornings for two hours entitled mom helps my mother with housework this worth more to her than what she would pay for a two-hour session while my mother explains parenting for her and answers entitled mom's questions and my father plays with entitled kid for two hours which my father really enjoys because he doesn't see his grandchildren every week and while he loves his granddaughter's he would like to have at least one grandson as well so entitled son became some kind of step grandson for him next we've got my entitled ex godmother so a few years ago I used to have a godmother but was one of my mom's friends now a little background on my godmother was that she used to be a police officer but she got fired because she was abusing her power thinking that since she was a police officer she could do whatever she wanted the last time I heard from her she was living at home with her dad her sister and two kids they'll be important to the story later on so grab a snack and take a seat because this is gonna be a long one we've got godmother entitled parent entitled parents daughter we've got entitled kid entitled parents son and we've got kid the son wasn't that bad again this was a few years ago so I probably won't remember all the details so my family likes to travel on vacation because my mom has received a lot of time shares over the years so we usually like to go to hotels and resorts one summer when I was about 14 to 15 my dad decided not to go on vacation with us so my mom decided to call in title the parent and ask if she and her kids wanted to go on vacation with us because entitled parent didn't have a lot of money entitled parent obviously accepted so the day we're leaving for our trip my dad is helping my mom get our bags into the car now when my family and I go on vacation we try to pack light my mom will put mine and my brother stuff in one big suitcase and put her stuff in her own suitcase while we each have one other bag so between me my brother and my mom that's about four or five bags entitled baron pulls up in her car with her kids and has at least three bags for each of them nine bags in total including a portable TV that you can put in your car remember this my parents were surprised but nonetheless they started loading the bags in the truck after getting all the bags and kids in the car we say goodbye to my dad and were off now entitled parent as an eight year old son and a six year old girl an entitled kid starts kicking my brother's seat my brother gets annoyed and tells her to stop by which entitled parent yells at my brother telling him not to yell at her daughter my mom then tells entitled parent not to yell at him because she should be parenting her daughter and then after a while they go silent so we're already off to a great start after about an hour or two we stopped at a gas station to use the bathroom get gas etc for my family we try to get in and out no more than five or ten minutes and titled parent and her kids take 15 minutes to use the bathroom and get slushies at every stop it doesn't matter if they didn't finish the slushies they got before because entitled parent will get them new ones also we later find out that entitled parent didn't even pay for the slushies we stopped at about four different gas stations which meant we were on the road almost an hour longer than expected a few hours after that before we get to the resort my mom stopped at a store where they were selling almost everything it wasn't Walmart or Target I can't remember the name and so my mom got my brother and I some books and comics when we get back to the car I finished reading a comic I've gotten and I asked kid if he wants to read it entitled parent then yells at me saying that her son can't read it or else he'll get carsick which was a lie because he was currently reading a book entitled parent had got him we finally got to the resort and checked into our room the condo we got had two bedrooms a king-size bed and one and two queens in the other my mom had led entitled Baron and her kids get the room with the king-sized bed while we had the room with the double beds as my brother and I were helping them bring stuff in the kids were running in and out of the room suddenly kid runs up to me and gloats about how they got the better room I brush it off because I was busy bringing in luggage over the course of the trip and titled parent does different things to try and get free stuff over the trip one day entitled parent and her kids come back from a boat tour and the kids were saying how fun it was while entitled parent was on the phone with the manager saying how awful the tour was and then trying to get another tour for free another day we go to dinner and a show at this live pirate show at this time I had braces and our waiter was serving us corn on the cob but I refused because I had braces the waiter came back later with corn cut off the cob even though I didn't ask for it now the waiters at this place mainly got paid in tips so my mom left ten dollars for each of us while entitled parent left five dollars for all three of them now the real reason why we cut contact with her is about to come up so one day me my brother and my mom all go to the pool for a few hours we come back and see that mine and my brothers Chargers have been yanked out of the wall and almost broke and my mom's expensive face cream is almost empty even though she bought a brand new one the day before we left an titled parent and her kids were the only ones in the room before we left so my mom went to question entitled parent entitled parent tried to say that some repair guys came in and used it which is definitely not true because my mom had jewelry and money sitting on the dresser and I don't know why some repair men would want my mom's face cream so we didn't believe her then my mom asked entitled kid if she got into it an entitled kid said yes but as soon as entitled parent said she didn't do it and titled kids said she didn't do it and that's when the fight happened I don't remember what they said but I remember entitled parent accusing my 14 to 15 year old brother of being up to no good because he apparently snuck into their room what really happened was my brother was tired of entitled kid messing with us so he wanted to scare her so he snuck into their room and hid in the closet until entitled kid came in my brother didn't know she was changing until he jumped out and scared her my mom started yelling at entitled parent and saying entitled kid shouldn't have been walking around without a shirt and how entitled parent should teach her daughter to be more ladylike at one point I remembered jumping in and saying that it wasn't nice that entitled parent didn't tip my very thoughtful waiter I was really shy back then so this was a big step for me entitled parents started yelling at me saying that the grown-ups were talking and that I shouldn't talk to her like that a couple more minutes of arguing later entitled parent decided to take her kids and go down to the pool to cool off after they left my mom decided that she has had enough and told us to come help her pack entitled parents bags it took us over an hour to pack and not only did they have almost three weeks worth of clothes with them they also brought a Wii and didn't tell us after we packed their bags we took them out to the car and my mom told us if entitled parent tried to come in don't open the door so my mom left and later after she came back she told us that she went to the front desk dropped off the bags asked to have entitled parent taken out of our room and got new key cards so entitled parents card wouldn't work if she tried to come back we later found out that entitled parent tried to get a different condo but couldn't because the card attached to the condo was under my mom's name so entitled parent had to pay for a small one-bedroom condo for herself and her kids the rest of the trip went a lot smoother we only saw entitled baron and her kids once at the pool but they were either ignoring us or didn't see us so our trip finally ends and we head home and find out that entitled parent had to get a rental car to get home because we were not giving her a ride back and so we head home and think this whole disaster of a trip is finally over until we get a call saying that we had apparently stolen entitled parents chords to her cars TV that she bought long story short my mom managed to tell the police that we didn't steal it and told entitled parents and never contact us or come near our house again I haven't heard from her since but we love telling this story to friends but my insight of Brett deserves your stores Legos at a cheaper price it's for Christmas so for some context I worked for a retail store as a seasonal employee a couple years back for legal purposes we'll call them toys for everyone while I was working there a lot went on during the holiday season this story happened on one of our busiest days while I was there I had to leave before my employer had the chance to let me go due to personal reasons English is my first language I just haven't had to use it this much since college cast we've got entitled mom Karen one we've got entitled friend who's entitled mom's friend Karen - we've got entitled Brett and titled the grandma and me Opie we've got the manager just doing their job even though she was stressed we've got cool co-worker one and cool co-worker two so for more information about my time there as it is relevant to the story part of my job was tidying up this section I was in and making the displays look nice every so often when I wasn't helping customers manager had been stressing all week I didn't know the exact details I'm pretty sure she didn't like me but I didn't want to cause her any problems more than I had already at this point so I never said anything about it to anyone outside of cool co-worker 1 and cool co-worker 2 for more context when I worked I was usually in the girls section during the last of the daytime shifts before we switch to night time krill so I clocked in like normal and checked the board to see which section I was in I was in Legos and some of the other toys closer to the front on the boys section that day this was fine as it helped me get more acquainted with the store layout so I could accurately answer a customer's question about two hours into my shift after cool co-worker one had been told to go back to the girls section while I was tidying up the Legos part of my section in and straight over to me walk the entitle the group mammy mammy look this one is this prize can I please get this $200 Lego set I hadn't gotten to that particular set to put it back where it belonged but it was one that screamed it wasn't as low as twenty which is where another kid had left it entitled grandma says wow that's a great price entitled brat entitled mum you should definitely let him get it entitled mom turns towards her entitled bread Oh Lovejoy insights of Bratz can have that 120 bucks is the least mummy can spare for her son at this point cool co-worker to and I are both over here because he was about to switch with me while I was going to go on break we interject ma'am I'm sorry to say this but that particular Lego set is 200 not 20 bull coworker to says yeah Opie just hasn't had a chance to tidy that part of the section yet and that belongs in the more expensive sets and title the friend seeing the growing anger on entitled mom's face steps in but not to help us at all excuse me this was put into the $20 section therefore it is $20 she was legitimately doing an annoyed backhand clap into her other hand ma'am it was put there by another child when their parents said it was too expensive and to find something else bring me your manager checked out this is 20 and I will prove it I walkie for a manager to come over meanwhile entitled mom says this price he's been good all year if you don't sell me at this price you will be ruining his Christmas I want this set no others entitled grandma we know entitled Rhett we don't get it for you at this good price me and cool co-worker 2 are trying not to roll our eyes entitled friend says Oh God if you're lying to me I'll have you fired me internally but not out loud good luck with that I am seasonal I mean it would cost more to fire me manager comes over and says exhaustedly from all our stress what seems to be the problem the entitled group proceeds to tell their side of the story adding plenty of details that didn't happen to make me seem like a deranged employee I proceeded to calmly tell my manager what actually happened manager tells me to go on break I heard from cool co-worker too that during my break the manager told the entitled group that I had been right and that they were not going to sell such an expensive set for 20 bucks but that there was a similar but cheaper one nearby they had huffed out of the store luckily without much other incident and while cool co-worker one and I had break at the same time and laughed about the part that happened before my break moral of the story no one deserves anything at 1/10 of the normal price unless it is mark down as such also let poor manager lady get some really good rest next we've got sweet karma hits twice malicious compliance I think first and possible once time writer here I have another story a little stronger to share but I don't feel comfortable making it public yet anyway we've got manager we've got the owner we've got the lazy co-worker we've got mother-in-law and we've got husband first I'd like to excuse myself since English is not my first language so around two years ago I was working at a gas station on the night shift from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. I must add that before being hired I was told by owner that my job would be chill so I could bring a book and read during night time little to nothing I knew of the real job anyways I showed up for training and things were nothing like I was told organize the place from shelves to signs organize the storage restock products sell clean inside the whole place outside bathroom water the plants clean the pumps pick up trash and put it in the dumpster while saving trash bags which ended with me getting my hands sticky and with disgusting odors while moving trash from bag to bag to dump only one bag per day cleaning the bakery stand and warmed the morning snacks pastries for the next shift make inventory to request the next day and so usually when I'm delayed because of sales I had to stay and finish all my tasks and then I could leave eventually I got faster at my job and sometimes during tasks I take a break by standing still in one place inside the store there was a stool that said but I didn't want to be called lazy so I never set there owner used to wake up every thirty minutes to check what I'm doing through the cameras and once he saw me standing still he called asked me which part of my chores were done and which ones I was supposed to do next and in between he always found something else for me and also some additional tasks like moving the branches of palm trees to adjacent spots where it's the city's duty to clean so I don't overflow his containers with trash and similar so in his mind I should be 8 hours non-stop because it's fair this job was not easy and on top we ended up with one short because the boss didn't help with some payment they had agreed on beforehand also the guy was a jerk to my eyes because he used to mistreat a handicapped lady who always needed to buy pills and water anyways I ended up working the entire week no days off no holidays and thanks to the stress that the non-stop job caused also paying for any differences in the sales at the end of the day but I put up with that and kept working then lazy co-worker but was working on the hours before me and should do all his tasks before handing the shift to me started being lazy and doing things halfway because he was busy selling a lot excuses so I ended up finishing his task making mine and getting everything ready for the next day which sometimes I succeeded at I complained to the owner about lazy co-worker and he told me that I should help him instead of complaining later I found the reason lazy co-worker was getting less salary than the rest of us and that's why owner was happy with whatever he did till one day I was receiving the shift from lazy co-worker and we were together counting money and inventory when two kids I said kids because they couldn't have been more than 14 at the oldest showed up asking for cigars and not the regular box it's the type of simple cigars you can unroll and put the stuffin we have a law of 19 for cigars 21 for alcohol so I ask them for the ID to process the sale and they claimed they didn't have it so I said no they begged me and I repeated without ID there's no way I can authorize the sale after the third time they tried and I denied lazy co-worker told me don't be like that I'll pay for it it gave me the money took the cigars and told the kids to pick them from the side I was living since I doubt the cameras record everything we do I was afraid a cop could stop those kids and since I denied the sale they will accuse me of selling them cigars basic mean child way of thinking so I called the owner and told him everything and that I was fed up with lazy co-workers laziness and ethics and I hoped he would be corrected wrong two days later owner calls me before I got ready to go to work and told me that I was fired since I couldn't work as a team I said okay I understand but that was not what I was looking for and started looking for another job I didn't have any money saved because my salary was enough for all my expenses and nothing else so I ended up asking money from a friend which I'm still paying back two months passed and I landed on a better paid place and once in a while I talked to manager who worked the 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. shift one day she told me lazy co-worker left the job an owner was asking if I wanted to return but at lazy co-workers hours which were better heck to the no I said I left that place well why should I go back new year comes around around February I called manager to get my w-2 for the Texas and she told me to call the owner since she didn't work there anymore I was surprised why he treated you better than the rest why did you leave all started months after lazy co-worker left owner installed sound in the cameras so he can listen to whatever customers or workers say and then he called manager asking me why she said or didn't say to a client kind of stuff she also started to get tired of being accused of laziness being the person who was in charge of everything in that place before I entered there till one day again her mother-in-law fell sick and had to be moved to intensive care and her husband had to take some days off to be with mother-in-law during the mornings and she would wait till the end of her shift to cook at home for husband and go to the hospital to keep mother-in-law accompanied so the only way they could communicate was through SMS she was working and at times while free and without neglecting her activities texted her husband about mother-in-law's health every once in a while but she was spotted by owner through the cameras and once he decided it was enough he called her although I don't remember the whole schpeel the argument started like this owner manager I was calling you because I saw you texting during your work and as you know during this time you should use it to serve customers manager I don't know but when I send texts there's no customers however I'd like to remind you my current situation manager told owner about mother-in-law's health issue once more since it's been more than four days that mother-in-law has been in the hospital okay I understand but you should take care of this problem after 3 p.m. because you're neglecting your tasks by doing so at this point manager was fuming she's been putting up with all kinds of BS from owner since the beginning and worked there for more than four years and was the one in charge of training newbies while running the entire place while owner just set by the phone looking through the cameras and night wait are you saying that I'm making this an excuse to not work as I should that's the way I said since and even before the situation started you and the owner began to point all the things that were not how they should be Wow so that's all my fault and then she clarifies owner point by point how things were that way and he should do his part instead of sitting the whole day by the phone checking if manager or others were stealing something well that doesn't excuse you from taking the time you're working for me to do other arrangements we're not talking about a party a real person dear to me and my husband may die while I'm putting up with your harassment and complaints in this crappy job and I've had enough I want you to come here at this instant and take my shift I quit you're talking through that oh yes I can and I'm leaving in 20 minutes whether you're here or not and if you're not I'll throw everyone out even if they didn't pay for their stuff lock the store and throw the keys inside because I don't want to see your face again I was shocked while listening to this story she told me that happened two months ago and owner works now the day shift since he can't find someone reliable to him to do managers job manager feels better and is now working relaxed and away from that poisonous environment I don't know if owner got workers for the rest of the schedule since nobody can resist that level of micromanaging oh I switched jobs again and I'm Way better than before perhaps one day I'll visit owners gas station and update if I find something worthy of a post and our final story of the day entitled kid attempts to steal my bike gets a broken arm instead howdy mr. reddit I've been watching your videos for about a month now and the bike video reminded me of this story so some background this happened in February when I was still a freshman in high school I've rode my bike to school with one of my friends across the street from my high school is a strip mall and one of those shops where there's a little ice cream place called Brewster's which is amazing by the way this was on a Wednesday and I decided to head there because my friend had martial arts and had to leave early before we get into this story let's meet our wonderful cast we've got me we've got Karen the entitled mother we've gotten Billy Karen's Satan's spawn we've gotten bystander so I get to the place and since there isn't any real place to lock my bike I lean it up against a bench this will be important later so I walk up to the window give my order and wait as I'm waiting for my food I feel a sharp tap on my shoulder I look and see Karen's standing there excuse me where are your parents at work how old are you 15 why how did you get here I rode my bike here that one points to my bike yeah cool ain't it Karen proceeds to walk over to my bike and begins to inspect it oh this bike will be perfect Billy come here here comes Billy and he couldn't have been older than 9 also they looked like he weighed 150 pounds so Billy what do you think it looks so cool is it for me yes sweetie um sorry but this bike is mine and you're not taking it listen here Punk Billie is the best student in his class and deserves a reward so you're going to give him this bike No now leave me alone mommy am I going to get the bike yes sweetie just a few more minutes turns back to me listen here Billie is smarter than you so he deserves this bike now give it before I take it no now leave me alone before this gets serious Billie whispers something in Karen's ear and she immediately lights up I'm sorry we'll leave now Karen and Billie walk away at this point my order comes and I begin to eat about two minutes later I hear a loud crash and a kid crying I turn and see Billy with my bike on the ground crying with his arm seriously broken you could actually see where it broke Karen immediately rushes over it's okay sweetie turns back to me say what you dead now we're definitely taking the bike are you serious your kid tried to steal my bike and you think I'm just going to give it to you I suggest you leave now Karen runs up to me if Billy is seriously hurt I'll be suing you at this point bystander comes over and separates us ma'am I saw everything your kid tried to steal his kids bike and God hurry there's no chance you're suing him now I think you should leave before I call the police Karen picks up Billy and heads back to her car before she drives off she yells you'll be hearing from my lawyer and with that she was gone bystander says are you okay I'm fine thanks for sticking up for me back there no problem is the bike damaged no just the little fall well stay safe you too I finished my meal I headed home five months later and still no lawsuit thanks for reading my story mister read it and I hope you read as I'm enjoying my summer vacation in Hawaii I don't care that you can't walk give me that scooter now hey mr. Reddy I've been listening to you on YouTube for quite some time and I enjoy listening to your videos never would I have thought I would have an entitled parents tale of my own but here we go if you decide to use this in a video please do so and Link me in the video on here first I don't really post here so I'm not very aware of formatting and I'm on mobile second English is my first language I'm just a spot on a good day now for some backstory that is very important to this tale while I was training Brazilian Jujitsu earlier this week I was injured to the point that I required crutches making it very difficult to walk it's getting better but I may require surgery now on to the main attraction typical cast Garin we've got Karin's awesome husband we've got me I will be calling myself Yoshi from the viewpoint of my girl we've got purple who is my girl and our Purple's little monster I love that kid even though she acts like a typical little jerk kid so I was at Six Flags with my girl purple and our and we're having the time of our lives going on rides though we had to wait a bit and child swap because the little one is too little for the rides we like now I would like to point out at this moment I'm riding around on a little mobility scooter that anyone and everyone can rent I rented one because I didn't want to walk around on crutches all day forget that noise back to the story so purple and our go to the restroom and I hit up the smoking section to vape because I was dying without my nicotine when she appears the devil incarnate the wild majestic Karen she approached me with the oh so brisk can I speak to your manager walk and says excuse me can I ask you a question I'm thinking in my head oh yeah here we go doc yes I've seen plenty of YouTube videos regarding Karen's can I help you ma'am I was wondering if I can take down your number and borrow your scooter and I give you a call when I am done with it nope sorry but this rental is in my name and I need to return it at the end of the night so I can get my deposit back but the rental spot is here if you want one no I don't want to spend money on one can I just borrow yours nope I will repeat myself one last time the rental is in my name I need to return it at the end of the night at this point I'm thinking jesus take the wheel please someone save me young man I want that scooter my child is tired of walking and I don't want to carry him now please give me that scooter now quick sidenote the night before our went missing for a bit we found her but the scare has both purple and myself on high alert and not really in the mood to deal with BS ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave me be I'm not in the mood I have a headache and my knee hurts from all hobbling around I do not want to continue and sir typical Karen rehear don't you talk to me like that you little jerk I will let you know right now I called security and told them you attacked me if you don't give me that scooter Karen standing there smiling like she won again I'm cradling crutches and on his scooter I can't stand up on my own power without at least one of my crutches I clearly am wearing a knee and ankle brace to support my leg it's about 6:00 p.m. and I'm ready to go home because I'm exhausted mentally from losing our for that little bit physically because I've put so much strain on my body during the recovery process I tell her please make my day you come over demand to take my rental scooter that is actually helping me be mobile you insult me and attempt to make a false claim for something that I didn't do I'm sick of your crap lady now I'm going to ask you this just once and only once please leave me be she starts her typical Karen Rand calling me names and screaming I don't want to post what she said and because the language she used and I'm fed up with it and at this point I grab the key and turned on the scooter and started riding off into the distance at this moment I see my girl and are walking back towards me and hear Karen screaming in the background purple asks Yoshi is everything okay she's worried because I have this really mean look on my face like I want to hurt someone which sucks because I did at this point and I can't train because of a busted knee yeah everything will be fine just some caring doing caring things demanding my scooter she breaks out laughing because she finally understands what a Karen is after listening to a couple of your videos while we drive around not the biggest fan but will admit the two she listened to cracked her up now everyone is thinking that is it six flags is a huge place that I'll never see her again well my peeps you are sadly mistaken about an hour later maybe much later I don't know I was tired and cranky and wasn't paying much attention to time are needed to go to the restroom again so we all started heading there smoking section is always by the restrooms so I take full advantage while I'm getting my NIC facts and guess who appears if you said Karen you're correct Karen approaches me with her awesome husband and her spawn until Karen ah there that's the jerk who didn't want to give up his scooter I'm vaping and enjoying some peace and quiet without purple's jerk monster throwing a level-two nuclear meltdown and because she didn't get what she wanted at that exact moment I love that kid with all my heart but the nuclear meltdowns are tiring anyway back to the story me thinking in the back of my head let's get ready to rumble boxing round 2 . Evi awesome husband tells karen let me handle this and walks up to me calmly me thinking to myself this might end bad i'm injured and i don't really want to have to defend myself i need both legs hello young man i'm sorry to bother you but i want to apologize for my wife's behavior i can clearly see you're injured and you have that scooter for a reason i'm obviously shocked at this point like what i would like to know how you got that injury to your knee so I proceeded to tell him how I was training for my first competition in the winter and fight next year and if I trained harder then I might be able to go to Pan Am's and the Olympics Brazilian Jujitsu is finally going to the Olympics but I will have to take top three overall in the Pan Am's to qualify Pan Am's is the Brazilian Jujitsu version of the Olympics it's our world championship young man I hope you make a speedy recovery and can live your dreams thank you for your time awesome husband stands up shakes my hand and walks over to Karen and tells her to stop bothering people and if she wanted to scooter all she had to do was ask him and they would have rented one I'm left flabbergasted and purple in our comeback are again throws a level-two nuclear meltdown because she was thirsty and wanted to go on a ride my headache came back almost immediately we started walking well me rolling toward the ride which was the final ride of the night thanks guys for reading my story if there's anything that needs clearing up let me know so I can edit next we've got I'm not watching your kids on my 18th birthday sorry if this is really long but felt the need to share after a run-in with my entitled parent my own sister she reminded me about this while complaining that her daughter didn't want to hang out with her for her 18th birthday little backstory I'm the middle of five kids and it's a complicated mess from my mom being married three times basically the order of us is my older sister from her first marriage that was raised by her grandmother for reasons I was never told there's me and my younger brother from her second is only a year younger than me and we've always been super close because we were raised together then there's my stepsister there's a few weeks younger and a stepbrother a few years older than me from her third and last marriage that man was a saint and treated me more like a daughter than my waste of a skin father ever dead the oldest of us is almost 10 years older than me and because she had a kid young I was 8 when my first nephew was born thankfully she didn't live with the rest of us then but when she moved back in with us when I was older around 16 she had some fight with her baby daddy and bailed I somehow became a free babysitter for her kids every weekend this really upset me because my mom not only allowed it she told me I had no choice because she needed time away from the kids never mind the fact that I'm juggling school a part-time job and Army Cadets and she was a stay-at-home mom I had one night to myself each week to do my homework or go out with my friends and my sister would bugger off and leave me with her little goblins she didn't even have the decency to feed them first and those little jerks ages to 7 and 8 were picky eaters and trying to do my homework with these three fighting was more than I could take it came to a point that I stopped coming home till late on my days off and just heading to the library or friends instead this was also in the days before cell phones were commonplace and cost like nine hundred dollars up front so my sister couldn't text to demand where I was I often miss the days before texting and social media for reasons like this I know ironic considering I post on reddit as soon as I would walk in the door she practically bolted and got mad if I told her I had to go to work or cadets other problems she caused were things like when my boyfriend would pick me up before school and she would hit on him once she grabbed his car keys and dropped them down in front of her and told him if he wanted them he would have to grab them he quickly responded that he didn't want his hands anywhere near her and we ended up walking I lived close enough to the school but he didn't and I had to lend him my bus pass until I could get his car keys back or she poked fun had a friend of mine it was really short due to Turner syndrome on top of that my mom and stepdad who were truck drivers were home less and less as we got older my mom had made me start to pay rent when I got my part-time job about fifty dollars a week that went into helping the bills I hated that because I didn't make a lot and my bus passes were not cheap my mom also started to tell me that the money that I would give her for my rent was to go to my sister to buy groceries my sister on the other hand used it to go to the casino with her other sister then lie to my mom and tell her that I didn't give her the money had to start getting her to sign receipts from a book I got at a dollar store just to prove she was full of crap anyways this went on for close to two years sorry for the long backstory but this woman was the bane of my teen years and part of my 20s what finally broke the camel's back was my 18th birthday my mom and stepdad couldn't be there because of work which was fine and I had bought a nice dress to wear with some friends at the bar legal drinking age where I live as a teen they also told me that they would be home the morning after so we could grab lunch together after they had a nap the cast we've got me we've got my sis entitled jerk sister I got home from school to shower and get dressed to head out because of her antic I had a lock installed on my bedroom door that and I didn't want her kids in my room because they would break things I was in such a hurry that I forgot to relock my door while I was in the shower and when I got back to my room she was there trying to zip up the dress I bought on her but she was too fat to manage it take that off and get the heck out of my room but I need something to wear tonight I'm going out and you have to watch the kids like heck I am it's my 18th birthday I'm going out but I need you to watch them you haven't been home and I can't afford a sitter then I hear a rip as one of the side seams bursts open smugly she takes it off and drops it to the floor looks like you're not going now huh and she walked out of my room I checked the dress the stitches on the seam Brooke so I could fix it in less than five minutes I call my boyfriend and tell him what's going on and he told me he would handle it and to get ready to go I fixed the dress get ready and as I finished my makeup I hear my sister started screaming in rage I go outside and barely hold back my laughter all four tires on her car are flat then my boyfriend pulls up and I pout at her looks like you won't be going anywhere huh and we leave boyfriend had parked his car down the street and snuck over to let the air out but not slash them he wasn't that much of a jerk that night was a blast what I remember of it I didn't get home until the crack of dawn just as my parents got home mom didn't say anything just asked if I had fun and told me to be up by 11:00 so we could go and eat I went to my room and collapsed into my bed I heard my sister start to whine to them in the kitchen must have thought she could turn this to get me in shot but my mom wasn't having any of it and tore into her like I had never heard before not only was my sister called selfish and childish for trying to pull such a stunt that she was not living there for free any longer she was given 30 days to either get a job or leave she moved back in with her baby daddy two weeks later apparently she had been seeing him the whole time she was living with us and was getting welfare checks without giving my parents a dime to help out while not even buying so much as a box of cereal for her kids to this day I hate when any of my siblings even my younger brother asks me to watch their kids I don't hate my nieces or nephews far from it I just don't want to be in this situation of being that run to free babysitter I'm also the only one among us five who doesn't have kids and I'm perfectly content with that my kids have four legs and fur and our final story of the day entitled dinosaur tries to go into the pool posting on mobile so people always apologize for weird formatting so I'm sorry kind of long but I want to get every juicy detail our cast we've got me co-worker entitled grandmother entitled mother and entitled father all right so this just happened so buckle up so coworker and I are lifeguards and the way our company works is HOAs contract our company and our company sends lifeguards to work at their neighborhood pools so this specific pool is in a very nice neighborhood and the people here while all rich are pretty humble but also being in this area I was expecting a wild Karen to show up at some point and lo and behold it happens so our pool doesn't have pool tags but a fingerprint scanner that unlocks the magnet so we could see that the door wasn't opening for this lady and she waves us to go to the gate so co-worker and I head over entitled grandma the fingerprint isn't working can you let us in please sorry ma'am we can't let you in if the fingerprint doesn't work but my grandchildren wanted to come to the pool and my daughter has the fingerprint what is away on vacation I'm babysitting them so how do you expect me to let them in the pool ma'am we're still not allowed to add other pools that have keys or key fobs if they don't work or don't have one we're not supposed to let them in even though this is a fingerprint it's the same concept it's the HOA here most likely going to see if the HOA would just tell us to let them in co-worker says we don't think so but you're more than welcome to schedule an appointment with them who's the HOA I want to speak with them I don't know I've never met them co-worker has because she lives in the neighborhood but has only met her once you don't know your HOA how do you work you then we're not employed by the HOA they employ our company and our company employs us at this point coworker and I were having our resting jerk faces you know what I'm going to call my daughter proceeds to call daughter yeah they're not letting us in they said we need a fingerprint but you were out of town she was on speaker entitled mom says I told you to get a fingerprint done when I left co-worker and I try hiding our smug grins but that wasn't the end of it entitled mom who's not letting you in who are they entitled grandma you're on speaker they can hear you co-worker says we are lifeguards entitled mom well I'm not there can you let them in we explained it to her again the thing about not letting people in without fingerprints entitled mother starts getting a little agitated but I'm not there I can send you a picture of my driver's license so you can see my address and see where I live my mother can show you to our house I don't even want to start going anywhere outside this gate let alone her house we're not allowed to leave the pool also I paid thousands of dollars to live there and you can't let them use the pool I can hear her talking in the background of someone the lifeguards won't let them in she repeats this two times and co-worker and I can hear it's a man she's talking to most likely her husband entitled father what's going on he sounds absolutely furious give me the phone who will you he's directing the questions at us coworker and I look at each other obviously very uncomfortable at the thought of giving our names to strangers he asks again still very angry co-worker gives her name so I can't let her take all the blame so I give my name to you and you he'll make sure you two don't have a job they hang up and the grandmother is still there he was very angry coworker and me we can see that anyways have a good day and the sad part is one of their two kids who was really little was calling to us while walking away sorry so sorry and he was waving and we felt so bad for those kids I called my supervisor to give him a heads up and he told us to fill an incident report because they might get a call from them within the week and they want to know what happened but our supervisor calmed us down and said we'd be fine and that we did our jobs perfectly what do you mean he doesn't speak English this happened about a few months back on mobile by the way I'm adopted from Korea and speak some Korean but I understand it more than speaking understanding yes I cannot exactly speak it back very well it is enough for some people to understand me so for background knowledge I had a Korean exchange student at school so I decided to take him out to a nice dinner in town the exchange student said that he had not tried much American food yet so I thought it would be a good idea to take him to an American diner man was I wrong our caste we've got me we've got Korean exchange student we've got the waiter the greeter and the entitled mom and the kid entitled mom's precious baby Korean student had not taken much transport in America but taxi so I took him on a bus this is located near Washington DC me and Korean student take the bus down to the closest bus stop to the diner and go to the diner we enter and get seated great seats in all Korean students English was not that great so I had to use improper grammar to talk to him what food you want student says in Korean am burger I hear it is very delicious I nod my head and the waiter comes over may I take your orders I would like a hamburger with cheddar cheese onion lettuce and bacon okay and how would you like that cooked medium well waiter says to Korean student what would you like Korean student says in Korean hamburger with cheese tomato lettuce and onion I tell the waiter he would like a hamburger with cheese lettuce and onion waiter asks student how would you like it cooked Korean says again in Korean same as him points to me he wants it medium well as well drinks coke chuckle milkshake in Korean choco means chocolate I will go put your orders in he takes our menus entitled mom an entitled kid enter hello I want to be seated with my child everyone is staring at her now greater was seating someone greeter goes to their post hi may I it took you long enough see me and my child now would you like a high-top table or I want to be seated okay breeder gives entitled mom and kid a booth they seem happy so everyone goes back to eating waiter takes their orders and then brings our food out I asked the Korean student food good he says in Korean yes so good I think I want to eat another one finish first maybe one more I finished my plate Korean student eats more and says in Korean I don't know how you eat hamburger and fries so quick I eat a lot of hamburger entitled moms seem to hear an unknown language and so she decides to come to our table excuse me but this pointing at Korean student person is not speaking English they can speak English he doesn't speak good English what do you mean he doesn't speak English well he's from Korea he doesn't live here he's an exchange student and only wants to try American food I tell the Korean student and bad Korean tell idiot points to entitled mom English stuff Korean student says you are idiot I know speak English good I from Korea entitled mom looked shot and put her hand over her mouth you don't talk to me that way Do You Know Who I am Korean student looks very confused I say in Korean she ask who she is Korean student nods and says yes you are idiot I'm trying not to burst out until after her kid comes over and asks what's wrong don't worry sweetie I will make him speak proper English no more Korean what I think Korean is cool don't make him stop please this is America people should only speak English see now probably if you look back into your ancestry you will find that you're not just American and that you're probably a little Spanish entitled mom is shocked you talk to me like that Do You Know Who I am yeah an entitled person now go sit down shut up lady I try and eat go back to China you both probably belong there entitled mom grabs kid by the arm and goes back to her table waiter comes back after entitled mom and kid go back to their table was she bothering you yes she was telling my friend not to speak his native language okay I was watching but didn't know if she was your family friend or something sorry that I did not intervene I asked for the bill he gets our bill and I look at it they put a 20% discount on the bill he also apologized again for not intervening and for any inconveniences poor waiter probably has to deal with this BS all the time I pay and me and Korean student leave on our way out we hear from entitled mom you better go back to your home country I would probably be coming after you soon me and Korean student just ignore her from then on we don't know what happened from there on next we've got entitled mom calls the cops on my dad in a Walmart hey mister reddit I just started watching your videos and it reminded me of this story I'm on mobile and English is my first language sorry for any grammar mistakes and advanced background I have a big family 8 people in the house at most we aren't the healthiest and gets soda from stores from time to time we like to collect the soda cans and return them at a Walmart or Kroger I live in the Midwest to get some money that we can keep for special occasions this was a few years ago and I was a 12 year old jerk preteen our cast we've got me my twin sister my awesome dad Karen cop one day my dad decided to take sister and I to Walmart to return Ken's there was a giant pile of trash bags in our garage of just soda cans when we arrived we went to get carts to pull the bags in to easily move them around sister and I have loved each other but casually argue as normal sisters would we were arguing while getting the carts dad pulled us aside and quietly yelled at us to knock it off a few minutes later when we were putting the cans in the machines Karen came up to me and said it's going to be all right my husband would never treat my kids like that I have social anxiety and didn't know how to properly handle this confrontation uh.okay she left me for a while and we continued to return cans a few minutes later we see Karen talking to the cop Karen and the cop walked up to dad and walked outside dad told us to continue putting the cans in the machine while he went outside to talk to Karen and the cop dad decided to tell us what happened when he talked to the cop because he didn't want us to be worried considering our age the following conversation ensued the cop asks so what's the problem this man was yelling and hitting his kids my two girls were fighting so I took them aside and told them to knock it off I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable lady I was disciplining my kids my husband would never treat my kids like that how dare you to the cop this man verbally harassed me after telling his daughter everything we'd be okay excuse me lady I never said anything to you when you spoke to my daughter he tells the cop my daughter told me what she said to her she freaked out and she has social anxiety and doesn't know how to deal with confrontation to absolute strangers it's okay sir from the looks of it you did nothing wrong as to the way you're handling this situation everything is going to be okay and nothing will happen to you or your children I tells Karen miss I'm going to need you to stay while I explain to you when you should call 911 insert mr. Reddick we this man abused me and his kids he shouldn't be able to walk away that's the end of the story this karen actually seemed to care about sister and i but the way she handled the situation could have been better and this Karen was also 18 to 19 years old also I experienced these a lot because we live in a rather wealthy part of Michigan if you want more stories about this you're more than welcome to use this story in a video if you do please message me when the video will be out heart emoji next we've got the final straw entitled mother hi again mr. reddit I don't know if you remember me but I was so happy to see you posted my last story and many others really wanted to hear the final straw once again English is my first language I am NOT on mobile and the entitled mother in this story is my own our caste we've got me my sister nice housemaid entitled mother Oh many also pointed out was abusive she definitely was this happened only a month or so after the babysitting money incident which we actually read just a few videos ago it was around the end of September of 2010 nine years ago and I was 15 my mother had a terrible habit of taking shopping cards home when she finished grocery shopping she would not even get her own personal cart online or in Walmart or something as she was too cheap in the past we lived closer to the main city so disposing of it was easier for her however in the place we were currently living during the said incident we lived around five miles from any grocery or other stores the closest store was the gas station about a mile down when she told me to go take the shopping cart five miles uphill back to the store I really did not want to do so I asked why couldn't I just go leave it close by somewhere I know not the best idea but I was a dumb teenager but she would not budge and told me I had to go as I was getting ready to leave for the walk there and back the nice housemate who had been listening in during that whole conversation as it happened in the living room told me something very frightening she showed me a window she had opened online regarding being in possession of a shopping cart the law basically said the person found to be in possession would be jailed regardless of age and fined around five thousand to ten thousand dollars I cannot remember which it was and you will forgive me needless to say I was terrified of returning the cart as the streets I would walk through always had police going up and down it I did not want to be caught with it so I did the only thing I thought I could I went down the street for about five minutes with it to an alley and dumped it there now I will admit that I take some blame in this situation mostly for being so dumb to think that my mother would buy this as I said the full trip was five miles uphill and a five mile walk back downhill at his time at my fastest it should have taken an hour I walked about ten minutes total to dump the card and return home I should have remained out for three hours should have gone to Stacy's to chill but I just wanted to go back home and play on my D s Wayne are you going to go take the shopping cart to the store I just did don't lie to me go bring the car to the store you haven't even been gone 15 minutes we went on like this for a while until I finally broke down and told her about the law not wanting to be fined etc she grabbed my arm so tightly that bruises formed and basically hissed at me Joey turned the chart yeah I tried to get out of her arms but she wouldn't let me go finally I managed told her no then left the house again running this time but I was and still am a slow girl so in no time she caught me by my tank top back the back neckline and was yanking hard to get me back into the house I remember my tank top a very nice pretty and flowy one ripping down the shoulder line and nearly breaking off I remember crying and screaming for her to let me go I have to say the next bit was a bit of a blur at some point a neighbor called the police and I remember crying and sobbing and trying to get out of her grip I remember the police coming and handcuffing me and me trying to tell them my side but hyperventilating too much I was having trouble breathing and believe I was having a panic attack the police told me that it was my fault for the entire incident and that I had to listen to anything my mother said no matter what I really think they thought I was making this story up as it does seem ludicrous to claim that an entire fight like that happened over a shopping cart soon the police left and my mother grounded me for another month this incident had me so upset that I contemplated running away a couple of days later nice housemate told me that I should call 1-800 runaway as soon as possible as if I told them the situation and that I was contemplating running away they would handle things for me a week later I had an opportunity my mother was going to a concert and nice housemate was going to be out with her sons and boyfriend so entitled mom gave me back my phone for the night telling me to call in case of an emergency I waited 45 minutes after she left to make sure she wouldn't come back when I was calling and then called I explained everything more than just the last two stories and they filed a complete CPS report to get both me and sister out of the house I deleted the call history once I finished the call a slightly funny extra happened the next morning Sunday morning my mother burst into my room out of nowhere demanding my phone she told me to lie to the police after she got off the phone with them to tell them I had been up and seen my nice housemate pour hot coffee on her on purpose I didn't lie to the police and told them I had been sleeping and had not seen a thing they decided to instead look my mother up and found out she had a warrant out for her arrest in another County they ended up arresting her on the spot and I fervently remember her saying that it was my fault it was such sweet Karma though two days later sister and I were picked up by the police and taken to a foster home I have more stories before and after this too and we'll post them as I can thanks so much for listening and our final story of the day ex-boyfriends psycho stepmom this is my first time posting I listen to you YouTube channel all the time and it inspired me to share I actually created a reddit account just to share this story of one of the most awful people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting this takes place over the course of a few months during a time in my life which I was in the habit of making bad decisions I was 19 when this all took place at this point in my life I had moved out of my parents house and ended up pregnant with a previous ex-boyfriends baby that's another story that I'm not proud of as it was actually completely out of character for me my now ten-year-old daughter is doing very well and her biological father is not in her life for the better at the time this story takes place I was about five months along and had ran into a guy that I went to elementary school with I had always had a crush on him but he moved away in junior high before I had the courage to say anything we met again through a friend and started dating it was aware of my situation and very supportive at the time I was very much into spirituality and it played a prominent role in my life this comes into play later now his biological mom had always been pretty laid back and was very welcoming of my beliefs and my condition as was his father his stepmother perfect Karen look by the way seemed to be as well at least with my pregnancy however what happened over the next few months really showed everyone how crazy stepmom actually was she was an avid churchgoer and I knew this from my previous interactions with her I had asked my ex to not tell her about my spiritualism as I had a feeling it would upset her little did I know that upset is an understatement he told her anyway against my wishes for reasons that are still unknown to me next time I saw her our interactions began to go downhill on this day we had gone over to watch a movie and eat dinner our cast we've got entitled stepmom exes entitled psycho stepmother we've got exes dad he was an okay guy we've got eggs my eggs we've got entitled stepsister she wasn't bad at first but her mother did eventually rub off on her and me we had just pulled up an entitled stepmom was waiting for us outside the house about time you show up dinner is almost ready always has a fake smile plastered to her face egg says yeah sorry we are late as I'm getting out of the car Oh pee I heard about your little problem excuse me I told her about your beliefs yesterday why would you do that she asked what church you go to and I didn't want to lie don't worry there is no need to be embarrassed we will fix your little problem that phrase was my first clue that I was in for a world of pain it wasn't spoken about anymore that night but I was definitely on edge if you're into spirituality you will know the feeling of imminent doom I'm talking about when the wrong person is given such private info about you after that I was mad at my ex for a while but eventually forgave him because he assured me she wouldn't be a bully towards me a few weeks later she had invited us to her church several times at this point which we politely declined she called my ex why won't that devil worship but let you come to church mom I don't like your church she went to a very enthusiastic Pentecostal Church if you were raised around them you all know what I'm talking about no she's keeping you from God I just know it no mom this has nothing to do with her I was willing to go to her church out of politeness as other religions don't bother me but he genuinely didn't want to go and I wasn't going to force him or anything she's probably possessed you with demons you're corrupted right now you have to go to church with me to be saved from her evil influence my pastor said you have to come to church with me so we can exorcise the demons she's a bad person and you have to break up with her mom she's not that bad a person at all she just has different beliefs than you she's been turning her life around and we really don't need this right now goodbye he hung up the phone and from his expression I knew what the conversation was about I told him that I don't want bad blood with entitled stepmom and that we could go to church with her to keep her off our back they said he didn't want to because he knew she had something sinister planned and didn't want to stress me out because I was pregnant and it was bad for the baby I agreed and we went on with our life but she had more devious plots than I realized over the course of the next few weeks she went further down the rabbit hole and made a good attempt to take us with her she kept stalking my myspace it was still big at the time and sending me nasty messages trying to get me to convert or just plain attacking me our daughter who I thought had no issues with me started ganging up on me with her mother this is a message conversation on MySpace between us three entitled stepsister my mom said you are trying to put curses on her you need to stop or I'm gonna call the police um no I don't believe in curses plus what cop would answer that call we are going to call the cops and say you are passing out drugs why would I do that because that's what evil people like you do you've just corrupt others with your demon horde you know I've been saving all of our conversations right so it won't work I thought you were a nice person when I met you but you're approving me wrong I don't want to fight with you for X's sake he doesn't deserve this and frankly I don't either I've done nothing to you I respect your beliefs why can't you do the same for me because you're evil and doing wrong we know you talked to the devil and are corrupting my brother you're probably going to hurt your baby when she's born - okay you're both being absolutely crazy I'm going to end this conversation I logged off and told eggs what was said and he called his dad you need to tell entitled stepmom an entitled stepsister to stop harassing Opie she's done nothing wrong and they keep harassing her I don't want a relationship with them if they keep doing this exes dad says you know I can't control her when it comes to religion she already has the church on her side dad she's already threatening to call the cops on Opie for bogus charges I won't let her go that far just go to church with her every once in a while that's all she wants she's taking it too far and needs to stop exes dad says while they're screeching in the background apparently you're not allowed over here since you're still dating her I'll talk to entitled stepmom this is getting ridiculous this woman was obsessed she would come by his house speaking in tongues claiming she was exercising demons that I supposedly brought she tried to get him back together with his ex and got her involved in harassing me and had her call him constantly she even got his biological mother in on it half-heartedly however she was using every avenue to break me and it was working there were times I felt so mentally drained I was in tears I have months worth of hate saved on my hard drive for my own safety we were planning on a restraining order soon we found out entitled stepsister and her husband were expecting but if I fought back or stood up for myself in any way they would claim child endangerment keep in mind I was heavily pregnant throughout all of this and according to them I wasn't Christian my pregnancy didn't matter because my child was supposedly tainted at this point I was done my ex and I decided to move out of state with my parents who were beyond supportive by the way and get away from the chaos of my past and his crazy family I've gone on for a while now and I will tell you the aftermath my ex and I broke up because he ended up cheating on me one month after I had my daughter and a few months later I heard that even after we broke up she was still obsessed it ended up uh Turley destroying her marriage and exes dad kicked her out this whole episode of my life was a nightmare but I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy except maybe entitled stepmom she did a lot more heinous things that I didn't mention but it was months of pure torture all of this is true there is someone out there that really messed up I don't know where she's at anymore but she's still out there probably still talking about the evil spiritualist that destroyed her marriage with a fake curse be careful entitled mom wants me to get rid of my snakes or move out of my parents house I was told this belongs here I have snakes as pets due to my passion for them none of the snakes are venomous only constrictors my parents knew about my passion since I was little and while it took them a while to get used to it they're now totally cool with my snakes I keep the snakes in their enclosures in my room however whenever my parents friends who have two kids who are 9 and 11 come over the mom always complains about the safety of their kids I have a rule that the kids can't go into my room because they always go through my stuff and ruin things their mom always talk smack to my parents like why do you even allow her to keep snakes those haunt pets you should throw them all away you should tell her to move out how can you accept that the dad is totally cool and even asked me a few times if he can hold the snakes now I have tried explaining to the mom multiple times that they cannot escape due to their enclosures they could only escape if I wasn't paying attention and not closing their enclosures and if they do escape I have the docile species that are constrictors not venomous they don't even bite and would just run away and hide because they'd be scared yesterday they came over when I went to the bathroom the kids went in my room and I could hear the little one yelling but I thought it was something random when I came out of the bathroom I found the mom looking horrified at her kids being amazed by my snakes of course I started smiling when I saw them paying so much attention to the snakes and being curious it makes me happy when people don't have that it's a snake so it must be bad and venomous mentality but that Smile soon disappeared when the mom started yelling at me my parents came as well into my room to see what was happening she kept yelling at me that her kids could have been in danger and how irresponsible I am and how could I keep snakes as pets and so on after the thousand plus times I explained to her that my snakes are docile and not venomous and it's not her business what I keep as pets and what my passion is she kept yelling at me telling me crap and I was just looking at her like what the what are you smoking after explaining to her that nobody's lives were in danger because the snakes couldn't escape she still yelling started telling my parents that I need to move out and how could they live with me at that point I snapped and I started yelling at her but when I went to the bathroom I closed my door and if anyone was at fault it was she because she didn't teach her kids to respect rules and since my parents agreed to let me have snakes in their house it shouldn't be her problem I never forced her to look at my snakes I never forced her to handle them and I never force her to listen to me explain the different types of snakes and all that because I know she is afraid of snakes so I never pushed this on to her I would only tell her about my snakes when she would randomly talk smack about them I grew up differently when I was told no it was no when I was told you're not allowed to go in there I wouldn't so I expect the same from her because she always talks about how great of a parent she is she just lets the kids do whatever they want she just called me a jerk and told me I need to get rid of my snakes or move out of my parents house or else she won't be coming over anymore when my parents and even her husband took my part she got super mad took the kids and went home I understand her concerns but she needs to understand that that is my room and her kids shouldn't have come in there especially that my door was closed and they know the rule I'm not okay with her allowing her kids to do whatever they want however I feel bad for the kids because they are curious and want to know more about the worm dragons as they call my snakes the dead as I said is totally cool and would love for the kids to know more about snakes other than snake bad snake bite mentality that their mom is teaching them the mom has been ignoring me and my parents and doesn't even talk with her husband because he took my part I texted her and asked her that if she feels so unsafe when she comes over why does she even keep coming over next we've got entitled woman demands I help her in a store even when it's not my job tries to then get me fired at my actual workplace hello mr. Reddy and Arie army I didn't think that I would have another story this soon but alas this is just further proof to myself as well that my area is filled with entitled and outrageous people as much as I wish otherwise this time this story is not only about me at my job but also in public with complete strangers here we go it's another long one back story as I said previously I am a teen services library in a public library that caters to one of the largest school districts in the state the people here view themselves as from a higher pedigree than others and have the personalities to match this story happened this past Saturday after work I am at the mall doing some shopping for some of the summer sales granted I didn't realize that I had my nametag still on and it has the library's name and emblem on it as well making it obvious that I don't work in any of the stores anyway on with the story our cast we've got me we've got the department store employee we've got the manager of the department store we've got the entitled woman we've got my supervisor at my job and we've got the library director story I am finally out from working a busy full day from opening to closing and decide to go to the mall after it is only about 20 minutes away and still in the school district boundaries when I go into a store I am approached by a few of the teams I associate with that work very often they ask me some questions about upcoming events and I answer them to the best of my ability after another few moments we part ways me continuing further into the store to browse around combing through the clearance with hangers of clothes hooked on my arm I hear a woman huffing a little and feel the hard to fingers tap on my shoulder if I didn't know any better I bet she wanted to gouge out some flush with those acrylics she had on excuse me I have to chase you to the other end of the store after you help those teenagers and don't even offer to help new while this woman doesn't have the caring haircut or appearance she makes up for it in the personality she moves her sunglasses off her face to the top of her head while I guess trying to give me a mom glare I look younger than I am ma'am I don't work here I'm a librarian and those were the teens who I see almost every day I'm sorry that you got the wrong impression I try to stay as professional and calm as possible while she may be rude I refuse to be entitled woman Huff's rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest whatever you still represent the library even when you're not working you help people get stuff at work so you have to help me know I blink at her for a moment not really getting that logic without me physically being at the library no I don't have to do squat for this woman at this point I don't even want to volunteer to help her find an employee anymore like I was planning to do in the first place I do notice that the keychain in her hands has the mascot and name of one of the elementary schools in the district though ma'am again I don't work here I'm sorry but it is not my job right now to help you in this store it takes everything at this point to keep the calm and serene tone of my voice going unfortunately my explanation still doesn't fly with this woman she literally stomps her foot like a five-year-old and gets louder as she goes on yeah you are a sieve servant that means you serve that means that you listen to what I tell you and what to help me now by now people are staring makes me turn a little red if I was back in my teens I would most likely have hid in the clothing racks next to me can I help you ladies a cute little employee comes up to us she's in her late teens early 20s and is eyeing the situation like it's a horde of snakes but I give her mental kudos for having the cojones to step in at the end of that tirade giving me a-- ha look what i'm gonna do now look entitled woman turns to the employee thank you yes I need to speak to your manager here and have them go through the cameras here this jack points to me has been impolite unwilling to help me and discriminatory to me for the past 10 minutes all right that best it's been maybe two or three whatever of course I'm sorry I have no idea what had happened I just got in employee flounders looking between us I feel myself get a little more red and getting nervous with the involvement of a manager innocent or not confrontation has not my strong suit and I have a horrible expression of looking guilty even when I am not most times according to my boyfriend and family manager now comes over she's a woman I recognize from visiting the library as a patron though I never interacted with her she smiles at me also recognizing me hi you're from the library right in the teen Department I smile realizing that I have an ally in my corner and just not not that I would have a chance to say anything else entitled woman instantly steps in yes she's from the library and is refusing to help me entitled woman makes her voice sound all meek and sad when you were previously able to possibly hear her from Mars a minute ago manager looks at me and I give a drawl one in return gettin pretty done with this situation at this point entitled woman is so busy trying to make herself look like this sad little victim here manager meets eye contact with entitled woman and speaks to her as if to a toddler slow and making sure that each word registers to her so let me see if I understand you you acknowledge and understand that this young woman is not an employee of this store but a librarian she is not liable to help you here but you still want her to absolutely seething entitled woman hisses a breath out between her teeth yes and she represents civil servants even outside of work she works for the state since I am also a citizen of this state she must help me when I need it manager also has that same silent reaction I did add this woman's reasoning and insistence that I help her manager takes a deep breath it's not her job to help you outside of her work and especially in a place that is not even her field of work I will personally help you myself today entitled woman makes a move to speak again but manager whips her hand up to make her stop mid breath and looks at me go ahead and continue shopping I will let the cashiers know to give you 25% off your purchase for today I only nod and smile before almost literally running away into the forest of claws my purchase was made and I think it's the end of it nope no it's not fast-forward to earlier yesterday Monday my first day back after the weekend my supervisor calls me early this morning before my shift is even close to starting hello hi Opie it's your supervisor from the library I get worried since she sounds a little angry I would like you to come in early today before your shift we need you for a meeting with administration please oh okay of course I will be there half an hour early she hangs up leaving me to sweat the morning out until I walk into work I am told to go into library director's office and am now very worried that this is something about my job performance here hi Opie library director greets me pleasantly supervisor is sitting with her at a small conference table in the office please have a seat and join us I closed the door behind me and do as I am asked I feel my body reacting to my nerves hands starting to shake a little feet getting wobbly sweating a bit honestly I think at this point that I'm getting written up fired or both I even feel my eyes start to burn with unshared ears at the prospect you can breathe Opie supervisor says sounding more time than on the phone earlier she's always been a stern woman but I guess she realizes that I am scared I do actually take a few breaths realizing that I have been holding my breath Opie we received an email to the administration account regarding you from Saturday library director starts off still kind and calm the schedule says you were on and the time clock has you as clocked in and out you were here but the camera feed shows no confrontations and the phone calls you answered were very short in length what exactly happened I am given the email to read regarding me right away I can tell from the speech pattern that this is the woman from the store the entire time I'm reading it the mantra it's that jerk from the store it's that jerk from the store is on a loop in my head this email rips me apart in my character in a professional and a public environment and how I am supposed to cater to those who are in the school district I can tell you exactly what happened in regards to this email but it was while I was off the clock and no longer on library premises I launched into the story by the end both supervisor and library director are giving me the same blank faced blinking expression that both I and manager from the store had we all laughed it off and they told me to let them know if she comes into my area and gives me trouble if she sees me so far so good but I wouldn't be surprised if she comes in sometime this week to see of her complaint bared fruit I can't wait to see the look on her face when she finds out that it did not next we've got entitled dad tries to steal kids bike hello my kinship of fellow redditors this is a story that happened to my mom today and since she doesn't have read it and honestly doesn't even care what the site is I decided to post it for you here's the cast we've got my mom we've got entitled dad we've got the kid an owner of the bike you've got the kid's friend and the angry bystander I'm telling you this as my mom told me so it might not be 100% accurate to what happened but oh well let's go so my mom was just in town shopping when she heard some commotion turning to where it was coming from she saw an adult man riding a bicycle way too small for him with 2 10 to 12 year olds hanging on to the back of the bike and the man's clothes making it even more difficult they were screaming at him to stop while the man was spitting insults at them and telling them to let go normally my mom avoids confrontation she doesn't have anything to do with but after years of raising me she had learned to pick up on things and had developed a strong motherly instinct that ordered her to kids with that she ran a bit to catch up with them and grabbed the bar hands of the bike making the man actually stop this time and almost fall over glaring at her my mom says what's going on here none of your business Jack he stole my bike shut your mouth Brett this is my son's bike the kids friend says no he's not he's lying I told you bout to show off now all of you go away already entitled dad tried to leave again but my mom wasn't having it and refused to let go of the bike if it's your son's bike why are you writing it and titled dad sputtered a bit and as he turned red oh I just bought it for him move already so I can bring it to him the poor kid was starting to cry when my mom noticed a chain lock wrapped in a bright yellow plastic did you buy that extra chain lock right away - yeah I did then can you show the key to it why the heck would I here it is the kid held up a small key obvious a match Hey that's just some random key you don't the kids stuck the key into the lock and opened it by then more people had noticed what was going on and we're gathering around many people were upset at what was obviously going on mom says I really think this is the boys bike sir his bike which you were attempting to steal right under his nose you should be ashamed entitled that apparently didn't care anymore and through the act to the wind why the heck would I be ashamed this stupid brat didn't lock it right it was all up for grabs how is that my fault angry bystander maybe you shouldn't steal at all jerk as more and more people started yelling insults at him the entitled dad tried to leave again but a couple of guys roughly pulled him from the bike and threw him into the pavement they kept him banned till the police arrived and the kids were picked up by one of their mothers as this went on entitled dad kept thrashing and screaming how his son deserved the bike more as he wouldn't be stupid enough to leave it unlocked and other insults being thrown and everyone around upon hearing how this all went down I really wish I was there but I did end up rewarding my mom to some of her favorite chocolate with caramel filling entitled mom doesn't believe I'm related to my baby cousin gets us all kicked out of Woolies this happened a couple of years ago but I just discovered this sub on mobile blah blah this takes place in Australia I think the cast is pretty straightforward quick note I'm very white like paper white with blond hair and blue eyes my little cousins in this story are half South American and are a bit darker than me with dark hair and dark eyes we don't look very alike so I could almost forgive this lady if she wasn't insane anyway onto this story so one afternoon when I was about 18 I accompanied my aunt and her three kids they were three two and one at the time to help her do some food shopping as we get to Woolworths my little two year old cousin starts getting really fussy my aunt knows that bringing him in will likely end in a tantrum and while it's good to teach him he can't always get his way she has three kids who are under 4 and tries to avoid public meltdowns when possible since they all like to copy each other my aunt Oh P do you think you could take cousin over to that play area for a few minutes I'll be really quick do you want anything no worries get me a mars bar please thank you I took my cousin over to the tiny little closed-in playground in front of the Woolies there were two older kids there maybe five and a woman who was maybe in her mid 30s sitting on the seat I stayed standing after a couple of minutes cousin smacks his head on a platform thing and being already tired goes into nuclear mode oh come here it's okay let me see entitled mom swoops in from her seat and tries to talk to a crying two-year-old excuse me sweetheart do you know this lady uh sorry and titled mom gets a closer too cousin I see your mummy hey I've got this Thanks I don't think so tries to pick up my cousin who did not like that stop he's my cousin at this point I quickly pick up my little cousin kisses hand better and walk into Woolies away from the weird entitled mom to look for my end he stopped crying almost straightaway but was still sucking a little I looked down a few aisles but can't see her so I decide to let cousin walk and hold his hand while we look besides he likes being a big boy and this will cheer him up after a minute or two I look behind me and see entitled mom recording us on her phone in the aisle can you stop that please entitled mom still recording whose baby is that how old are you please leave us alone he is my little cousin you're lying olds phone right in my face entitled mom's kid mom I told the man at the powner like you asked good girl Joe wait with your sister look I understand we don't look much alike but I've already explained and you're bothering us thanks for your concern but please go away looking around desperately for my hand where did you steal him from does he speak English lady buzz off just then two tall guys in Woolies uniforms walk up to us and ask what's going on this young girl is taking back baby she's like 16 and he claims he is her two-year-old and he's clearly Aboriginal or something he's my cousin for the hundredth time and my aunt is in here somewhere she's lying she's yelling now I saw her take that baby from the playground manager one all right let's calm down here get him to me until we find his real mother I'm a mom I can look after him my girls would love him I'm getting actually scared now leave us alone I'm calling my aunt right now manager says and your aunt is the baby's mother no it's probably part of her trick I called my aunt and told her where we were and to come ASAP turns out she was in the news agency next door looking for us after realizing we weren't at the blade area my aunt what's going on cousin reaches for mom and babbles about an angry lady manager ma'am is this your son uh yes do you know this girl she's my niece what's going on oh come on that's clearly not the baby's real mother either look at the difference I'm sorry what did you just say who the heck are you I have three half Chilean kids aren't you trying to say none of them are mine and titled mom doesn't even look at the other to get to look very similar to my cousin give him to me so I can find his real mother oh I'll have you all arrested get out of here manager ma'am I don't think that this is an issue can I please ask that you all leave the store I still say the police should be called make my day manager handle it outside please and you're not to come back today thank you entitled mom stops recording as she realizes she isn't the next viral internet hero whatever you're all dodgy next we've got my entitled mom longtime lurker first-time poster since I finally have enough karma to post yeehaw too long didn't read at the bottom sorry for any misspelling incorrect words and spelling wrong punctuation correct me if I'm wrong and I'll fix them English is my first language for context my mom is your classic entitled Karen that my dad married for reasons that I won't disclose backstory as a child growing up I thought yelling and fighting and berating from a mother was normal I thought that what my mom would yell and scream at me was normal and that every kid had that happen to them my mom would often pull thee it's your fault I'm acting this way card on everyone in the family and would act as if she was truly innocent it's so bad that she still does it now except now she's got a terrible relationship with me and I'm now aware that it's called mental and emotional abuse you see as I was growing up my dad tried to tell her multiple times that if she continued treating me the way she did she wouldn't have a relationship with me her oldest daughter she dismissed this claim with the classic I'm a mother of course she want me in her life and have a close relationship with me newsflash I don't have a relationship with her and as each day passes I know I'm going to keep her at a distance in my life turns out she doesn't blame herself for our failed mother-daughter relationship she blames my dad the line she pulls on this is you didn't warn me enough about this or you didn't teach Opie to respect me yes my dad did teach me respect he taught me that respect is earned and mutual what's funny enough is she's now trying her hardest to purchase me as in buying me whatever I want in hopes that we'll restore our failed mother-daughter relationship while still hiding the fact that she is mentally and emotionally abusive towards everyone else that lives in our household anyway enough of my rambling I'm here to tell y'all some quick entitled mom stories because why not this happened last Friday and it happened to my dad my mom was going through his side of his dresser while he was asleep she caused so much ruckus that she managed to wake my dad up my dad groggily asks what she's doing and her responses well I know you keep cash in your drawer and I'm looking for it because I'm going to use it my dad shook his head and went back to sleep I'm unsure if he told her no I think he didn't want to start a fight this next one happened on Father's Day and I witnessed it for Father's Day I got my dad a jumbo-sized card that walmart sells for $5.00 I gave it to him in front of my mom this is important to the story and she was trying to be calm about it but I could tell it bothered her that had gotten him a card but not her for Mother's Day later that night I was in the kitchen getting some good ol h2 all when my sister came into the kitchen to talk to my mom this was the following conversation we've got entitled mom we've got sister and we've got me my sister can we still go to the grocery store what no why to get dad a card and balloon it's Father's Day absolutely not Opie already got him a card he doesn't need to when it was Mother's Day I only got one card my sister yeah but that's from Opie not from the whole family it's not fair that dad gets one from Opie but not from the whole family does it matter the answer is no yeah no one got my dad anything for Father's Day but me the last story here is the one that happened yesterday and I am livid that this happened now I work at a grocery store one that my mom tends to frequently shop at and she had dragged my younger sister from the previous second story with her apparently my sister wasn't smiling and asking my mom about her work life so my mom got mad and started throwing groceries into the cart telling my sister that she's ungrateful and should be trying to talk to her instead of zoning out in your own little world my sister who's a pushover sadly tried to apologize and when that didn't say she ate my entitled mom she had a panic attack and ran to the bathrooms keep in mind they were at Costco before they came to the grocery store entitled mom followed my sister into the bathrooms to keep on berating her telling her you have no right to be unhappy you selfish and whatnot not entirely sure what entitled mom said since I wasn't there when they came to the grocery store I was clocked in at work but on a 15-minute break so my sister came to get some Advil to take away some pain in her arm she had because she had ended up unintentionally scratching herself due to my mom berating her she ended up hugging me and crying when I offered her a hug so I knew something was wrong and she told me what happened yeah that's three short stories I'll keep posting more about my entitled mom if y'all like them and want them coming to be honest I have a lot of them edit I'd like to point out that after the last story entitled mom apologized to my sister but again pulled be I'm innocent card by saying I'm stressed at work it's not my fault I reacted that way and I'm your mother you have to forgive me cards on her which tends to show how entitled she believes she is to forgiveness and second chances because you need to treat me as Jesus would lady pick up the Bible and read it if you're going to use that line for your own entitled BS next we've got entitled barren comes into the dentist because her little angels leg is broken hello so this just happened like a day ago and I think you all know what entitled mom and entitled kid means so let's get on with this story so I was with my dad and doing a check-up with my teeth because I had a toothache so I was sitting there waiting when all of a sudden time stops for a split second then Karen with her mess and her partner in crime the entitled kid I was unsure because she had the Karen stereotype and I watched enough entitled parents videos to know what was going on her and her kids said front desk lady asks hey what brings you in here entitled mom in an actually pretty rude tone my baby has a broken leg fix it no I swear I heard glass shatter front desk lady ma'am we are the dentist we do not deal with broken legs just do it for my baby he is in so much pain and her baby actually looked fine crisscross applesauce iPad in hand he looked fine entitled kid says yeah help me fake cry ensues it went on for five minutes I assume until where is your manager I want him now front desk lady has just done at this point I will call the police if you keep this rude attitude up you are so rude we are poor starving family and you treat us this way remember when I said the kid had an iPad yeah so much for poor and starving family front desk lady calls the police on her phone fast-forward until they get there the police ask hey what's C s ho did me and did not treat my baby he has a broken leg police ask the front desk lady is this true no she was disturbing the peace you guys got footage yeah I'll show you and then Karen got charged with basically being a not very nice person and then everything went back to normal next we've got Karen demands we follow policy when we just did hi mr. reddit hope you're doing well the following story could also apply to our slash tales from retail but this works till I'm on PC and English is my first language but I type fast so don't be surprised about any grammar / spelling errors we've got me we've got Karen we've got manager and we've got the co-worker it all started during the lunch rush at my zoos food court I use quotes because it was forecasted to rain and as such it was really slow I don't know why but apparently to flash flood warnings in the past two days discourages people from going outdoors cowards anyways there's no one in line and I'm still attentive and on guard in case a customer or slightly more importantly a manager shows up out of the corner of my eye I see a middle-aged woman and if I had to guess early to mid 40s walking towards my stand sorry not walking power walking this immediately shot up so many red flags she gets to the front and she looks mad the following is a paraphrase dialog me sweetly cuz I don't want to upset her hello how may I help you I did not believe you people internally Oh Lord externally and confused I'm sorry what you had me go all the way down to guest services so I can redeem this shelves a gift certificate in my face just for these stupid zoo bucks when you know it's not policy to do so how dare you for context zoo bucks are basically the zoos equivalent to n store credit you can use them for food stands the gift shop whatever you want however the gift certificate has to be redeemed at guest services and that's how it has always been for the one year and change I've worked there we even had a sign for it in the break room along with other signs and other instructions on them I have children you knew how am I supposed to service them well I have to walk up and down the zoo just to buy food manager here's the problem and gets on the phone with guest services I'm sorry to hear that ma'am or while we figure this out can I ring up any food for you no I'm getting a salad over there she points to another stand I'm muttering quietly and you couldn't take this up with them excuse me now manager was maybe nine feet away from me so I had to say it was nothing I walk off and co-worker someone far calmer than me takes over trying to calm her down now I am mad because this woman has the audacity to yell at me for doing my job with the excuse that she has children here just leads me to ask how they'll turn out if this is their primary influence I shudder at the thought of it I then get an idea I go to the break room that has F were mentioned signs with protocols on them and take the hot pink sign with the specific protocol on it I show it to Karen ma'am I'm sorry for the inconvenience but right here is a sign that has the protocol for gift certificates on them as you can see we're supposed to send you to guest services no no you're not stop being lazy and own your mistake manager actually me internally oh yes he is supposed to send you there the folks at guest services made a mistake we are sorry whatever Karen then storms off and I don't see her for the rest of the day I then went to use the restroom I hid there to calm down because it's a really good coping mechanism and when I get out me manager and co-workers share a laugh about it moral of the story just because you have personal stuff going on doesn't give you the right to be rude also know your facts before you come at someone and shoutouts to our Reid generals of the day Lulu plays radec 'ln jelly the kitty Sheena and Olivia become tomorrow's regionals by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below and watch this video next you will love it
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 337,123
Rating: 4.7255793 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: I228ZTq9j5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 28sec (8788 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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