r/EntitledParents | "NO TV ALLOWED!" "but I'm an adult..."

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what is going on everyone and welcome to our slash entitled parents now in today's first story an entitled mum tells someone living in their own house to turn their own tv off because their kid is looking through their window and watching the tv when they shouldn't be doing that i know it sounds really strange and trust me at first i was a little bit confused as well but it's a great story let's get straight into it mama karen wanted me to turn off my tv when her family walks by apartments because her kid is grounded i just moved into an apartment last week so far everyone i've met in passing has been nice no one has been too loud at unreasonable hours arguing with each other stealing parking spaces and other typical shared space craziness yet at least i've only been here a week i did though however encounter a mama karen and her six-year-old son roughly my apartment is one of those half in the ground units with two other floors on top as such the top of my patio wall is leveled to the walking path if i have my blinds open you can easily see into my living room and kitchen this honestly doesn't bother me the weather is finally really nice here so after work yesterday i opened my patio sliding door and blinds to let the cooler air in while playing some minecraft after a while i could hear a couple of women talking outside a few units down just general chit chats i also heard a smaller kid running around messing with the gravel along the pathways and generally just being a bored kid while mummy took with her friend really no big deal at all then it happened i heard one of the women called for the kid jason jason jason get over here jason fake name for protection i looked up to see the kid standing on the path next to my unit transfixed on my tv uh oh he didn't answer quick enough mama karen came stomping over to him and jerked his arm to force him to look at her while she yelled in his face about answering her and to not watch tv especially someone else's i thought the way she was acting was overkill but i let it be he's not my kid and i'm not a parent at all just to my fur babies two cats i did pay attention for it if things got worse to jump in but i didn't stare i only looked over when she called out to me to apologize for her son note not for her behavior i said it was fine mama karen took him back over to her friend and they continued talking eventually the kids started playing around near them again soon though he was back over at my patio looking in watching me play soon after that i hear mama karen of course yell at him again this time though he flinched hard it broke my heart to see the effects of abuse in action and he was just frozen staring at her this time i jumped up and went to my patio door she was already at him by then and yelling at him again i tried to interject to say i truly didn't mind that he was watching me play this is where the karen aspect comes in she turned to me sickly sweet the demon gone for the moment and kindly explained that dear jason was grounded and not allowed to even look at a tv i said vamadu to him in sympathy she didn't like that i addressed him and not her i also don't think she liked that i showed him sympathy instead of instantly taking her aside even though i had no idea why he was even punished in the first place i wouldn't doubt it if it was some asinine non-existent reason on her part or her being bothered by normal child behaviors she then asked me something that blew my mind can you please shut off your tv when we're out here we are usually out here for some outside time for about an hour a day or can you just shut your window and blinds not gonna lie the people pleaser i have been raised to be almost said oh sure no problem and i was going to do it then i stopped myself thinking uh what telling me what to do in my house i'm trying to have a shinier spine i told her no i won't oh boy that sure as heck is her trigger word i thought she was gonna reach in and jerk me around and yell at me like i was her other child the look was so instantly angry she again explained the situation fully expecting me to cooperate this time she laid out her case she made the demand again not a full question this time i again told her no i came home to relax and this is how i do it she asked me if i have kids uh oh i'm solidly child-free and according to the laws of parenting my thoughts and opinions are completely and instantly invalid unless i pop out at least one entire mostly full-term crotch spawn i told her no and she smirked i thought so i was ready for a lecture on how to handle kids properly or something but she just jerked her son away back towards the other woman who i assumed was still there she said something as she went but i didn't really hear it so i don't know if it was to me her son or her friend maybe even grumbling to herself i hadn't seen those two before yesterday but apparently they are out there for at least one hour daily around that time there's a pool a few barbecue pits and a grassy area outside my units in between the surrounding units and buildings i get to see all the good doggos walk by and it makes my day i really hope she doesn't cause issues for me i just want to live there and not be bothered i'm not going to help her parent her child no one else in the whole world should be expected to either i just don't get how she thinks she can ask a total stranger to turn off the tv in their home because she's punishing her child in hers like no it doesn't work that way i'm proud of myself for standing my ground as brief as this encounter was i do worry for the kid though yeah i i actually share the same concerns as op here 100 let's be fair right banning your your kid from watching tv or screens for any real reason of misbehaving is completely fair if you want to do that as a parent completely fair i'd probably do the same if i have kids let's be honest but in this situation banning your kid from watching any screen at all like open in public areas that's not only impossible it's just ludicrous like what sort of punishment is that you're not allowed to watch any screens even if you just like what if they're just like going down the street and they walk past a tv shop they're not allowed to you know have a look in just no sorry no tv means no tv fair enough it's just a weird one in my opinion of course on top of that making you change your daily habits inside your own home because of her son nah that is just not on that is that is completely f'ed now guys i know exactly what you're thinking you're probably feeling very sympathetic towards this kid right here he can't watch any tv any netflix anything any screens in the entire world that is horrible and i actually had that problem the other day myself i was trying to watch something on netflix in the uk where i live but unfortunately it was only available in canada a weird one i know but that is where dashlane the kind sponsor of today's video came in and saved the day for me dashlane is the easiest way to keep yourself safe and secure online with quarantine social distancing and isolation still happening all over the world we are using the internet more than ever right now and dashlane offers you an easy way to stay safe at all times online their vpn servers can encrypt your data at the push of a button keeping you secure and it also allows you to choose any country you would like to virtually be in so you can access content from across the world which would otherwise be blocked on sites like netflix dashlane also offers a safe simple and affordable way to store and fill your passwords and personal information their autofill makes logging into any website incredibly safe and easy just click once to log in and dashlane will do the rest even creating a secure password that you will never have to remember if you like to put it simply dashlane works on everything everywhere so download dashlane on your first device for free today by going to www.dashlane.com forward slash redditer then if you want to upgrade to premium to use dashlane across all your devices you can use my promo code editor to get a discount off your first year so guys if that sounds like something you may enjoy check out the link on screen in the description and in the pin comment i myself have been using it a lot recently to watch football here in the uk which is for some reason banned in my country but is available in canada why i don't know but who cares i use dashlane and i can watch it brilliant now moving on to our second story yesterday i tried to keep some kids safe on a mountain bike trail then their mum threatened to knock me flat i was out at my local mountain bike trail center yesterday it was a sunday dry nice day lots of families out there's a run maybe about 30 meters consisting of four or five berms which are tight turns with high banks and then a jump it's a really good jump for practicing on so i'm doing little loops there there was a woman standing on top of the first burn 30 meters away from the jump this is mildly important information taking pictures and not actually watching the mountain bikes coming towards her this is therefore a super dangerous place to be if someone comes in wide on the berm or slides over the crest they're taking her down with them she's not technically in my way though so i just kind of think your funeral and get on with my riding i do a few loops on this little stretch and then after maybe four there's a toddler basically as young as i've ever seen someone ride a bike without training wheels whatever age that is and maybe a six-year-old just kind of frolicking on top of the jump i yell at them move out the way a few times but they don't i swerve off the trail come to a stop double back and tell them in a tone i would describe as very stern but not scolding that hanging out not moving in the middle of a high-speed mountain bike trail is not only dangerous for me but extremely dangerous for themselves at this point berm lady is jogging over screaming not yelling screaming do not talk to my children like that so i tell her or attempt to she's just repeating her screaming at me at this point but i wouldn't have to talk to her children if she had been keeping them safe or taught them how to stay safe in what is an inherently dangerous environment at this point she says i'll knock you flat at which point i tell her i will defend myself if she attempts to touch me or my bicycle in any way she then plays the victim and says i can't believe you'd hit a woman i can't believe you threatened me attella for reasons i still don't really understand but at this point i begin again trying to explain how dangerous her children's behavior was not just for me but for themselves but she just keeps shouting who do you think you are i say my name is blank but she cuts me off with i don't care who you are so i asked her then why the f do you keep asking yeah valid question she then demanded i apologize to her daughter for swearing and i told her she'd lost the right to ask me to do anything and expect me to accommodate when she threatened me she repeats her demands though and over her non-stop screaming i attempt to tell her that i promise hearing me say f is a lot less dangerous to her toddler than being mowed down by a mountain bike would be i swear to god something about having children that aren't old enough for a parent i've grown to resent just a little bit turns people into freaking psychos yeah this is just one of those stories where you know what's gonna happen right this is gonna keep going on and on for this karen every time that she takes her kids to do something and they end up in a dangerous situation and she's like no it's not dangerous even though it clearly is one day they're gonna get her i'm just gonna say how it is they're gonna get her and unfortunately that seems to be the only way that she's ever gonna learn how to actually you know keep her children safe because i can't see a situation or a future in which this doesn't end up badly that it's gonna happen isn't it guys let's be honest something bad is gonna happen to her kids because of her failure to manage the situation properly and tell them to not stand on the top of a jump on a bmx course i mean how dumb is that uh opie i'm sorry you're just trying to be nice but yeah it's not worth it it's just not worth even trying with this woman she is that entitled and that ignorant in her own mind that you know she knows what's going on when clearly she has no knowledge of entire world let's just say that now moving on to our third story you're blocking the drive through this happened earlier today i drive a cement mixer and was just getting done pouring a drive through for a new chick-fil-a going up in the area the drive-through is fresh and wet cement there are construction fences all around but the main building structure is completed defenses all say stop construction staff only except for one that has a chick-fil-a coming soon sign i'm washing down the truck when i hear loud honking not thinking anything of it as i'm in a shopping center i keep washing the inside of the truck down i then hear more honking and look over to the front to see a karen are entitled mum with her head out of her window full karen haircut and she was screaming move out of the way you're blocking the drive-through i see she has two empty car seats in the back and a sticker in her window saying baby's on board i'm glad her kids weren't in the car when this happened i'm not a fan of cussing i came down off the ladder to go and explain that it isn't open yet as i walked towards the car she starts moving her car closer to me she is now about two feet from the front of my truck my truck is back to the building i keep thinking how exactly does she expect me to get out as i get to her window i let her know nicely that the chick-fil-a location is not open yet and inform her that she will need to move back so i can move my truck from the fenced-off area the entitled mum though is having none of it she is adamant that i move my truck out of the way so she can get into the drive-through well i tried my thoughts i asked her to move her car back so i can move my truck out of the fenced area but once again she refused to comply and started beeping her horn again i've had it my truck corn for those who don't know what one sounds like are very very loud if you're too close they can scare you and even give you a ring in your ears as she was refusing to move and constantly honking her horn i decided to show her mine honk honk honk and i started to move forward the entitled mum moved her car back quickly she must not have checked her mirrors or blind spot because she backed up into a stop sign that was about 75 feet away of course she got out and came over to start blaming me for her own actions you forced me to back up into the sign you are 100 at fault for my car damage and you rushed my car so i had to avoid you by backing up as fast as i could i love this one the entitled mum called the police soon after the site foreman saw the entire events but he doesn't speak much english and likely already had to deal with various people trying to get into his site so he just sat back and watched until the police arrived we each told our stories and of course the entitled mum made her sound like it was a life or death situation where she was a kind woman just trying to make it to the new chick-fil-a for lunch and i was blocking it just to be cruel to her for no reason of her own that without warning i charged her vehicle and forced her to rush and back into this top sign the officer came over and asked if it was true i replied no sir i have a dash cam with audio you can see if you could play the file on a computer lucky for me art forman offered his laptop the entitled mum's story fell apart quick the officer's face turned to a frown that i swear could have made the pope feel guilty he walked over to her went straight to his handcuffs and began to read her rights to her the entitled mum was charged with obstruction of justice reckless driving and misuse of 9-1-1 as she was being placed into the back of the police charger i saw a man coming over with a two-child stroller that had two babies riding in it the officer explained the situation to him and he honestly didn't look surprised he seemed to just nod and walked quietly over to the car took pictures and unloaded his kids with the stroller and left i feel bad that he had to go through that but i'm under the impression that it wasn't the first time she has done something like this i didn't press charges but i reported everything to my company for their discretion to i don't know i feel like i've ran into more and more of these forms of people since covert began oh well ope thank you for leaving us on such an interesting topic of discussion do you guys think that you know because of covert or just corona in general and the pandemic and people being locked down and maybe being more stressed there are more entitled people out and about or at least more people showing you know traits of entitlement i can completely understand why that would be the case but i can't lie i've not really been outside too much over the past like seven months so i've not really encountered too many entitled people in general obviously because of lockdown and you know self-isolation and staying indoors all that sort of stuff guys do you reckon you've seen more people or come across more entitled people because of covert or there are just lots of entitled people anyway that you've come across let me know down below in the comments because i'm interested and i don't know because i've not seen sunlight in seven months pretty crazy anyway guys that is going to do it for this episode of entitled parents once again i want to say a massive thank you to dashlane my long-term partner of like over 14 months now it's a madness they've supported me for so long and i love their product so guys if you could go down into the description and just click on the link it's completely free to download it it'll be doing me a massive favor and ensuring that we can continue this long-term partnership which is so beneficial to the channel you have no idea yeah just go and click the link guys it's just a link you can click and that's it you don't have to do anything else just click the link easy as that also if you're new around here subscribe watch more videos and i'll see you tomorrow with a brand new upload
Channel: Redditor
Views: 155,867
Rating: 4.9455204 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps
Id: x9LoLpXoyOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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