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what is going on everyone and welcome to our slash entitled parents now today as you can tell by the title our first story contains an entitled parent who claims to know the boss of a company and therefore demands a discount when in reality of course they don't know the boss at all and they're just lying out of their behind before we jump into that though if you are new around here please consider subscribing to my channel i'm trying to hit 600 000 by the end of 2020 and it's gonna be very very close we are gaining subscribers an alarming rate at the moment honestly it's kind of concerning how many are getting at the moment uh but yeah thanks for that so if you are new hit the button if you don't like what you see you can always unsubscribe later and it would mean a lot to me anyway in the meantime so yeah on with the video i know your boss so i expect a discount has anyone ever worked for a company where the company name includes what seems to be someone's first name our family surname doubles as a first name most first name surnames have an s on the end such as andrews collins edwards etc but occasionally you get the ones without the s such as psychic john edward we owned a breakdown towing service in australia a lot of people decided that they should get free towing or reduce rates our company name was our surname with an s followed by towing service let's use philip not our real name all right so the company name would be philips towing service i guess practically every week i would get a phone call from someone saying that they were a friend of phillips and he had told them they could have a free toe or a 10 dollar toe in sydney most basic towing starts around 60 dollars for a toe around a corner my response would be which member of the philips family sir it was always a male they would say what do you mean i know philip philip is a surname sir and there are four members of the family who work in the business who are you friends with sir click obviously these people didn't care if the person who organized the tow got fired for not getting paid or not charging enough they were entitled to use the service for free or for their decided amounts when i was working as a receptionist i had someone ring one day and tell me that they were my boss's doctor i called my boss and said that there was someone on the phone who said he was the boss's doctor and the boss told me to put the call through it turned out to be someone who was selling time shares who had worked out a way of getting past a receptionist to their targets after that i asked the name so i could confirm who was actually calling so you're telling me seriously that people would call up your business randomly and because it happens to have the name philip in the name of the business they would say oh yeah i know philip um and he's told me that i can get a lovely discount off your towing service really that sort of stuff actually goes on honestly i reckon you know what i should do for like a cool video a one-off i should go and spend a day at like a cool service or somewhere where there are just normally loads of entitled customers maybe a towing service like this maybe philips towing service and just see what it's really like working in a place like this where um you know they have to deal with like stupid customers each and every day you know what drop a like on this video yeah if this video gets 10 000 likes i know it's a lot of likes but 10 000 i will seriously consider making a video like that and putting you know a lot of money into it making like a proper production and making a video like that and you know me going off into the big old world and putting myself in a position of someone who has to deal with entitled people every day do you want to see it let me know now for our second post finally encountered a karen and gave her what she deserved just got back from dinner where we had a run-in with a karen staying in port douglas in north queensland and it is packed after months of covert quietness the indian was quiet so we decided to give them our cash and chose one of two tables out on the path under a big umbrella it started to rain so we moved the two of the four seats out of the rain eating our starters when karen arrived we were trying to eat but we could hear karen's daughter also a karen complaining that some of their seats were getting wet and then she says something along the lines of you think these people behind us would move to make more room for us in a really loud voice the mother karen said some people have no self-awareness i turned around and said if you're gonna say something about the table beside you you possibly should be more discreet she flawed us all by saying i said it loud so i'd hope you would hear but i didn't want to interrupt you as you were eating what the actual f i said if you wanted us to move all you needed to do was ask we were sat where we were at october 4 to get out of the rain there's far more polite ways to ask than be blatantly rude she was gobsmacked maybe she hasn't ever been called out her husband just sat there silently daughter karen the same then the rest of the equally obnoxious family turned up and they sat there having loud childish clapping games talk about not being self-aware we asked for takeaway containers and left that she was an english expat karen just made it worse or better typical bleach blonde gold jewelry white linen and sandals two daughters the same the perfect port d-uk expat stereotypes the dad was just as bad they all enjoyed his story of sitting at airports with his legs stretched out in front of him so that the other idiots had to step over them sorry for the rants op sorry why does the karen be english make it better or worse if you've got something against english people because if you do i'm angry at that um overall yeah pretty great family you have to say right obnoxious entitled selfish unaware ignorance perhaps a few words you could use to describe not just me but this family as well uh yeah what is it what is wrong with english people man come on tell me i think we're we're right you know but seriously if you've got a problem comment down below like the video let's move on to the next story now moving on to our final story he didn't show his badge it was 1968 and i was known for having trained my german shepherd extremely well on this particular day i had one of the neighborhood boys come to my home to help me out with yard work he was a very nice young man and polite to the nth degree after finishing the raking i had him come in for something to eat and drink as we sat and talked about the next day's work a knock came at the door i answered to see two men who demanded we came to pick up earl for questioning to take earl to the police station for questioning without showing some kind of warrants was a red flag in my book earl was only 15 and i refused by saying i will bring earl home and have his mother bring him there they tried to push their way in but my dog interceded with a nasty growl and showed her teeth they backed off and left this is not the end of the story i brought elle home and told his mother what happened she told me earl had delivered papers and one of the clients accused him of breaking into her home this had happened during the time earl was in school and his mum verified it with the teachers after this woman had made this accusation the woman insisted though it was earl and she had a friend who was on the police force and would have him put in jail i went home after leaving earl's home and decided to walk over to see my mum who lived two streets away as i crossed one road a man hastily came up to me and said you are coming with me as he grabbed my arm now mind you i never went many places alone without my dog who was only a short distance from me i yelled for my dog to get him and she latched onto his arm seriously biting him and he let go he then drew a gun and attempted to shoot my dog i grabbed her up and ran with her to my mother's house as quickly as i could the man left in his car later i found out this man was a detective and needed stitches from the bites he was deemed at fault as he didn't show his badge lucky us not really sure how you're the lucky one in this situation opie i mean it's literally his job to show his badge that's like the first level common sense of being an officer or a detective or whatever in a position of power you've got to be ready to show your badge you've got to be ready to show some form of credentials so that people can actually you know identify you and say yeah you seem credible man you work as a detective how could he not show his badge there it's like 101 of being a detective that you get ready to show your badge and say your name i'm detective blank surely am i being silly there i don't think so so yeah i guess in overall you were kind of lucky but in many ways it was the detector's fault for not saying who he really was not properly identifying himself and anyway earl what a loving name for a 15 year old by the way i must say if any of you are called earl let me know what name earl had a good anabolic he was in school so it can't possibly have been him so realistically none of this was lucky you know what was lucky though and i give you this having a dog that can attack people what a weapon to have up your sleeve if i could walk around with a snake that would attack people if you don't know guys i do have a snake i'm going to insert some footage right here of me with marty marty you need to be sensible now because you're now going behind my back okay now he's on my head oh what a lovely bandana this is she he just does what he wants this lad always has done always will he's quite old now actually how old is he 15ish and yeah i mean he just does what he wants um let me put him on my neck so he's a bit more comfortable there we go there we go get your body around there lad there we go this is him the young mart well he's quite old now really but i do apologize for this by the way imagine me right go on a walk with this boy and someone comes up to me and says you know what mate you're under arrest and i just say you know what no marty attack and he just goes and eats him would be pretty nuts wouldn't it uh what a superpower that is to have an animal that will protect you i'm not gonna lie one of the benefits of having a dog i guess anyway not luck more just skill i would say in choosing a great pets anyway guys that is going to do it for this video hope you've enjoyed it if you want more right away check out this playlist of all my entire parents videos right here if you are new to my channel i'd massively appreciate you subscribing by clicking this button it's a lovely button caress it with your finger and finally if you would like some lovely redditor merch from me i'm wearing it right now i wear it in almost every video so can't feed and that is down here as well alright guys see you later with a brand new upload
Channel: Redditor
Views: 76,268
Rating: 4.9714322 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps
Id: kujBEAmehOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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