r/maliciouscompliance | The Old People wanted to BAN the Pool!

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welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video our first story of the day is by throwaway for finavial i'm not allowed to take the full break i'm entitled to all right enjoy getting in trouble i work at a large company that we like to call wally world wally world has a break policy where you're allowed to take an hour-long unpaid meal break but it has to at least be 30 minutes now a lot of the older people don't mind taking just 30 minutes but it's common rule that miners should follow the hour-long meal schedule i was told that anytime i was getting a meal break i could take an hour i typically only do 45 minutes but still long enough for me the thing is that miners can't work longer than 30 hours a week be it during a normal school week i average 28 hours a week that's two eight-hour shifts on the weekend and three six hour shifts during the weekdays typically i'm nearing six months and i've always taken a 45 minute long meal break now i'm suddenly being told that if i work six hours then i should only be taking a 30 minute meal break my department was very insistent on that for anyone working six hours i was confused seeing as all the new hires could take hour-long meals during their six-hour shifts but i certainly couldn't at the time i didn't realize this but if i only take a 30-minute lunch with those shifts then i would be going over the time i was allowed to work seven seven five and a half five and a half five and a half would be 30.5 i started to question it all and it took a few weeks of going over 30 hours to finally ball up and talk to my store's personnel about it at first she was confused but after i explained it all and went into the website to show the exact times i had been clocking in and out she just told me to follow my schedule and i thought that was that of course my department managers weren't too happy but they suddenly stopped telling me to take shorter breaks and started asking if i would be willing to take shorter breaks i didn't realize that they actually got in trouble until an older co-worker overheard the managers talking about scheduling all the breaks when i'm not supposed to take 30 minutes anymore if given the opportunity at your work would you rather have a 30-minute lunch break or take the full hour knowing you would spend another 30 minutes later at work than you would if you only took a 30 minute lunch break let me know which of those two you'd prefer in the comments down below our next story is by kevian when i get a minute a sure many many moons ago when i was in my early twenties i was working as a server in the huge earth globe at the happiest place on earth i had only been there for maybe three months but my ridiculous knowledge of the tons of movie memorabilia scattered throughout the restaurant made me a pretty fun server to have i am an over actor and as a server was quite fun and entertaining as such management would give me tables that were upset because i could almost always reverse that attitude and produce happy customers well there was a 12 top that someone got overlooked and waited over two hours for a table wait times here would vary from 45 minutes to one and a half hours on average during dinner service you would get a pager and could go visit the other stores and shops at the downtown destination while you waited well the family i am told was pissed after everyone is seated i get started lightening the mood and welcoming them and launching a tour guide slash order taker mode suggesting some bomb apps and drinks as i go around the table workflow here demanded an intro within 45 seconds of being sat and drinks on the table within 3 minutes apps on the table within 10. we moved fast my table turnover rate was an average of 45 minutes this is important i drop off the drinks and begin to take entre orders as i finish customer bill shakes his now empty glass of water now on the ice that i sat down literally one minute earlier at me and says hey kevin when you have a minute sure bill i'll get right on that we had a touchscreen point of sale system that was pretty consistent so you could actually get ahead of the system before the screen could refresh so if you knew where everything was on the screen you could enter orders and be done before the system caught up i finish entering the 12th tops order process a payment for another table print the final check for a third and make desserts for my last one i come out with a full tray drop off the card slip check and desserts i let the 12 top know their apps will be out in just a few minutes and point out a few cool movie things they could see hanging from the ceiling customer bill again rattles the ice in his empty glass at me and says hey kavian much to the annoyance of the rest of his group i look him dead in the eye and stated i know i just haven't had a minute and walked off i brought him a refill with the apps this time i brought two glasses i drank a lot of water with meals too so i understood the thirst the rest of the party was still laughing about my minute joke when i did they had a great time bill lightened up and was laughing along with everyone else and they left me a good tip it's definitely all in the performance here because i could see a million scenarios where a waiter goes i know i just haven't had a minute and it would just end up completely bombing and make the waiter look bad like they don't care about the person's water sometimes it might be a little much to have a waiter that wants to try and flip your mood if you're just looking for something low-key but then again if you're at the happiest place on earth you should expect a little bit of the theatrics this next story is by red text you want to rant and rave and not let me tell you how to fix your tech issue fine five minutes ago a client calls in to tell in excruciating detail of a password issue he's having that will not allow him to log in for work i attempted to tell him how this is an easy fix but was cut off time and time again with his rants about how this system sucks and as he's a programmer he knows that there's an issue with his active directory account after about 10 minutes of this i give up as he will not let me get a word in edgewise i finally just followed his demands to make him a ticket and forgot the easy fix for his issue and simply proceeded with his instructions i wonder what he'll say when the notoriously slow remote team we use for password issues finally gets back to him in a week or so for something that he could have fixed in five minutes had he stopped being an overbearing jerk you gotta love armchair experts who just know everything from some prior experience i know for a fact it's this issue so therefore send me through this process to solve this problem it's like sir just please let me try and solve the problem for you this next story is by lyrins you want to use the bathroom closed for cleaning go for it when i was younger 18 19 i worked at a fairly popular beach in my state as a supervisor my job included selling and checking beach passes at entrances parking cars and closing the bathrooms at the end of the day for cleaning we closed the bathrooms at 7pm every night and there were three announcements made on the intercoms and 15 minute intervals before they were closed now usually we would get our fair share of stragglers who would come right as the bathrooms closed i would tell them the bathrooms are closed blah blah blah and they would leave some friendly others not all in a day's work well one day i come up to the bathrooms to lock the door at seven o'clock sharp when i entered the bathroom the bathroom attendance immediately filled me in on what was going on to be honest i really wasn't listening because the situation was pretty obvious there was poop everywhere the mirrors the walls sinks toilets toilet paper floors everything was covered in diarrhea a full-blown poopagedden if you will from what i understand a beachgoer on some sort of drug destroyed the bathroom at approximately 6 55 pm and ran out before anyone could say anything now look i'm usually a pretty laid back girl so i said something along the lines of well whatever we have a power washer connected to some pretty industrial cleaner and floor drains let's get this done so we can go home people suck sometimes the offender was clearly battling an addiction crap happens literally i lock the door and put some gloves on i start hearing banging on the door so i walk over and open it to a line of angry kirins the head karen of the group starts asking if they can use the restrooms i say i'm sorry unfortunately the bathrooms are closed and are currently being cleaned they close at seven and i can't make any exceptions the head karen says well we need to go open the door i say there were three announcements stating that the bathrooms were closing i'm sorry but i cannot do that here's where things got serious she and a few other karen start pushing on the door to open it and begin calling me some of the most disrespectful names in the book i'm holding the door and threatening to call security especially because the poor bathroom attendants a bunch of 16 year old girls are scared and unsure of what to do cue malicious compliance i tell the kirins to give me a second to let the attendants out and they are welcome to use our closed facilities the girls leave i open the door and they are met with the poopiest crime scene of all time they immediately evacuate the poop nuked bathroom in silence as i stood there acting like i was confused of course i got some threats that i was gonna be fired but the next day there were no complaints filed guess it's hard to report someone for being accommodating you don't want to go in there yes i do trust me you don't want to go in there yes i do well okay but don't say i didn't warn you this next story is by gold ore777 old people don't want the lifeguard to let people in without a pool pass get mad when they're not let in without a pool pass not my story but my dad's whom i got permission from to post this so when my dad worked as a lifeguard in a condominium complex there was a rule here that nobody was allowed to enter the pool area without a pool pass that proved they lived there now my dad would sometimes let people in without a pass not people he didn't know of course but people he knew did have pool passes and he knew for certain lived in the complex there were a few old people who were nearly always at the pool when my dad was on duty they would always watch him and make sure that he wasn't letting people in without passes they would always come up to him afterwards and say why did you let them in without a pass i should come in without my past then after a while my dad got pretty tired of these people nagging on him like this so he decided to follow the rules word for word and not let a single person in without a pass one day one of the old people came in without their pass they tried to just walk past my dad when he stopped them sorry it's against the rules for me to let you in without a pool pass of course this person would not just accept the irony and leave instead they had to yell scream and make a scene even after trying the classics like i've lived here for 20 years do you know who i am and the obvious i want to speak to your manager even after all that my dad would not budge they eventually calmed down and just left this did not stop the people from nagging on him but they did get a healthy dose of malicious compliance i mean rules are rules you need your pool pass you can't be a hypocrite and complain when you don't have your pool pass if you're the one complaining about other people getting in without one that's just like the basic unwritten hypocrite rule and our final story of the day is by true crime nancy drew insist on no insurance to take advantage of a young female driver no sir this happened a few years ago i drove a junky old ford escape but i was proud of her anyways i have to make a tough to see left turn and a little honda hits my rear right tire dead on causing no damage to his car except a cracked license plate cover my vehicle sustained enough damage that i had to get it towed this car wasn't anything beautiful either the guy gets out and we exchange information however he insists on not getting insurance companies involved where i live this means we cover our own minor expenses and we move on this guy suddenly finds me on facebook and sends me two different quotes for eleven hundred dollars and thirteen hundred dollars i tell them that seems high so he says if i can find a real quote for less he'll agree to my mechanic's price cue malicious compliance i gather the guy's full information name phone number vehicle make and model etc most importantly his own photos of the damage and say my mechanic will contact him shortly my mechanic is my father he's been a mechanic for 30 years at this point he informs the man that he will have to contact his insurance company if he wants anything done by us never heard from that man again honestly i'm surprised that worked out so well because there was no real quote from this mechanic so what's stopping the guy from saying well find another mechanic that will give a quilt without needing my insurance or maybe op's dad is so good at convincing him that no real mechanic will do any kind of work without having the insurance involved either way it was effective and you got out of the entire situation as a result i call that a win but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you do whether it's just viewing the video liking subscribing turning notifications on i appreciate the heck out of it every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more and i can't thank you enough for it so until next time i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll be right here next time on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 17,013
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Keywords: Storytime, r/, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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