r/ProRevenge PARTNER CHEATED ON ME!! - Reddit Stories

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Posted by  u/deliverusfromevie 11 hours ago I threw the customer's card back at him My parents own a fast food franchise,   and I currently work there with my boyfriend (who  I met at work) and a couple of his good friends,   who have subsequently started  working there on my boyfriend's   recommendation. We all get along quite  well, and work is a well-oiled machine. There is a kid (~16?M) that has  been coming into our store for   years and years. He is notoriously known  for being brash and rude with us employees,   and was known for quite a while for throwing  his debit card at whomever was taking his order. A couple month ago, he threw his debit card at me,  and you know what? I had had it. I audibly said,   "Wow," and, after I had run the card...I threw  it back. Exactly as he'd thrown it at me. He was with his friends, and they all laughed. Ever since then, this boy has showed a  bit more respect to my coworkers and me.   He has NEVER since thrown his card at any of us;  rather, he hands it over like a regular person. All of my coworkers have expressed  surprise that this boy no longer   throws his card! I can't believe the  effect this has had on him. Honestly,   his card is BUSTED - I could tell he's  been throwing it at cashiers for a long,   long time. He's been a lot more polite  since this incident, and I'm super happy   for him. I've watched him grow up, and it's  heartening to see that I may have made a   difference in how he treats people (especially  customer service workers) in the future. Posted by  u/roboreddit1000 16 hours ago Made my childhood bully walk, in  the rain, in a sketchy part of town.  Had a bully in grade school. I was his  special project. He made it his job torment   and humiliate me every day. Fortunately we went  to different high schools and I did not see him   again until he got in my taxi. I worked  part time as a cab driver while in uni. It was like 2am and he had $20 and needed to get   home. I drove him until the meter hit $20  and pulled over and told him to get out. Miles from his destination, in the  rain, in a bad part of the city. I never acknowledged that I knew  him. Not sure if he recognized me. It was not enough of a revenge for what  he put me through but it still felt good. Posted by u/Comfortable-Web-2195  5 hours ago Parking issue This is from quite some time ago in my old home. My house was opposite a school and the parking  at pick up time was dreadful with visitors   parking across the people's dropped curbs and  even in the drives, now I wasn't bothered as I   would normally be at work but one time I came home  to see a large ceramic flower pot had been broken. My neighbor a lovely old lady who was tending  to her front garden saw me looking at the pot   and said a car had parked on my drive earlier  and was probably responsible for the damage. Next day I decided to come home early at pick  up time and again a car was parked on my drive,   I pulled across my dropped curb and  left to speak to my neighbor about   what I was doing and warn her someone may  knock on her door asking about my car. She found it all rather amusing and invited me  in to watch the fun. Not much later a woman with   two kids comes back, stands around for a few  minutes thinking I suppose that it was another   parent and then starts ringing my door bell.  My neighbor and I were giggling like children. About thirty minutes later I asked my neighbor to  lend me a carrier bag and a few items quietly left   her house and walked into my drive. The woman  was furious and asked me what I was playing at,   I just replied "I came home and some  ignorant freaker was parked on my drive   and I went shopping". I opened my door and went  inside and closed it behind me. Next thing the   doorbell went and as she was obviously upset  and close to tears I moved my car and she left. End of story Posted by  u/Practical-Tea-3337 8 hours ago I'm not helping my hubby find his headphones  My husband is a slob. You know that saying "don't   put it down, put it away"? No matter how many  times I have suggested he learn that habit,   he just drops his belongings wherever he happens  to be. He leaves a trail of laundry, wrappers,   keys, wallet, dishes, tools wherever he goes.  So as I write this, he's frantically looking for   them. I went into our bedroom, glanced down in the  laundry hamper, and saw them in there. (Somehow   the headphones ended up there when the dirty  laundry doesn't, lol). I'm leaving them there. Posted by u/Procrastin07  21 hours ago This happened in   the summer of 2020. I live in the bottom  unit of a duplex house with my mom and   sister when I'm not at school. Landlady  and her family live in the upper unit. That summer, I decided to do a bit  of gardening. I had access to good,   organic fertilizers from a research greenhouse  I was working at, as well as seeds and even a   little space to grow them until they reached  their transplanting stage. So I made good   use of my employee perks and planted some  herbs on the employee bench in one of the   greenhouses. Always wanted a little herb pot  for fresh summer salad dressings and soups. After transplanting my herbs into a  nice garden pot I bought at Walmart,   I brought my herb pot home and placed  it in the backyard, right beside the   shed. It was partially shaded, out of the  way, and didn't obstruct the view of my   landlady's flower garden from her bedroom  window. In fact, you wouldn't even know   it was there unless you walked past the  shed because that's how hidden it was. Fast forward a week. I came home one day and  went to check on my herbs only to find the   pot had been moved to the edge of the garden  and was EMPTY. Freaking bench pulled out my   herbs that I've been growing for over a month  and said she liked the pot so she's using it   for her own flowers. She also had the gall to  make me take care of them and the rest of her   garden because she was leaving town for a week  and I worked in a research greenhouse so I had   access to good gardening materials. What she  didn't know was that I was a plant pathology   assistant. Perfect chance for a bit of petty  revenge. I agreed to take care of her plants.   Most of her flowers were pretty resistant to  diseases, but she had three rose bushes (red,   yellow, and pink) that she absolutely  loved. Bought the bushes back in 2017   for a total of $500, and she showed them  off to anyone who dropped by for a visit. So I went to work the next day with a few jars  and snuck a bunch of pests and infested soil   into them. Went home and released them all into  her garden. Took a few weeks for the results to   show but oh boy, those bugs did their job.  Spots started appearing all over the plants   and flowers from the aphids and thrips. Then,  the nematodes got to work, eating up the roots.   Damaged roots also started rotting. Her dahlias  in my pot were more resistant to nematodes,   but a bit of clay in the pot to block off  drainage and the roots started to rot. By the end of the summer, her garden was ruined.  She had to dig up the entire garden to get rid   of the nematodes. Better yet, not once did  she suspect me! She thought the squirrels   and birds infected her plants. She ended  up having to buy new roses the next year,   which costed her $600 (she bragged about  how expensive they were). In the end,   my revenge took a while,  but dang, it was satisfying. Posted by u/itzrpg  2 days ago Dont wanna let me merge? Enjoy the tickets So i drive a tow truck for a living. I was   leaving the scene of an accident with a vehicle  on the deck, all my lights are on and flashing   and this crapbox vw jetta decides "freak you, im  gonna speed match you so you cant merge". My lane   is ending, my trucks over 20,000 pounds and a  jetta is around 3,000 pounds. Prepare for the   pettyrevenge. Instead of just going in behind  him (i have the right of way as my lights are   on and the cop that was at the scene of the crash  was watching this unfold) i decided "freak you,   air horn time. Now its a freightliner m2 with a  21 foot deck on it so its a decent sized truck.   I am on the airhorn constantly now, my signal is  on and this jerk still thinks he wont be letting   me over. I force my way in as the truck isnt  the fastest but im the only one on the road   to cover the entire city to when its busy and  its raining hard, seconds do count. The cop   is getting irritated by asshat in jetta (the  cops in a fully marked explorer) and decides   "you wanna be a dick? Lets see how you like this  one". Jetta is now tailgating me, has his phone   in his hand taking pics of my truck and then when  the road goes back to 2 lanes, jetta aggressively   swerves into the lane next to me and is taking  pics of the truck still so he can complain   about me. The cop is ticked off now and decides  this guy needs a little reminder of the laws. The cop lights this guy up and pulls him over  and gave him multiple tickets. Failure to yield   to an emergency vehicle, failure to slow down and  move over for flashing lights, using an electronic   device while driving, failure to use signal  during lane change, tailgating, driving with   undue care and attention. The total is about  1500-2k in fines for all this combined. Maybe   jerkhouldve just let me in and then he wouldnt  be out a crap load of money. I block traffic   for the cops at night on blind corners to keep  them safe, they watch my back to keep me safe. I have a video of the idiot getting  pulled over but it wont let me attach it. BECAUSE EVERYBODU ASKS HOW I KNOW WHAT  HE GOT FINED WITH. ITS BECAUSE I WORK   WITH THE SAME COPS 4 NIGHTS A WEEK.  AND THERES ONLY 4 COPS ON THAT SHIFT Posted by u/passionMonger  1 day ago Messed up bully's life In Asia there's a concept   of "ragging" in colleges. It's a form of hazing  done by seniors on newcomers. People defend it   by saying it's supposed to "break the ice"  but it's nothing but a form of humiliation   and mental torture (if not physical). Laws  are trying to clamp it down but the practice   is still so widespread it's pretty much  expected once you enter college-life. It happened to me in college and of all  things the most humiliating part was them   forcing me to dance in a lewd way. Was over  in seconds but the memory was just burning in   my head for days and I couldn't get rid of it.  I already knew from my college's history that   reporting to them directly doesn't do jack  (though ragging is strictly banned). Well,   the govt. had made portals and helpline to report  these things. That resource seemed untapped to me   so I officially filed a complaint and  did my best to move on with my life. 10 years later (yep) I came to know the  police want to talk to me to close the   case. I had forgotten about the whole thing  but now that something was happening I wasn't   willing to just drop it. So they made it  to an official charge against the 4 perps.   Turns out the boys were all working abroad  (so am I) and got scared out of their minds   on realizing there's an official charge  against them. Working abroad requires   visas and all renewal forms have questions  like "Have you ever been charged?" Doesn't   matter if you were found innocent or  guilty, you have to tick it 'yes'. For countries with high immigration rates,  that's a potential death sentence on your   visas. Renewals can get rejected even if you  have a solid explanation. One of the boys found   and contacted me via social media begging me to  take my complaint back. Offered me money. Too   bad for him I'm well-to-do. I informed this to  the police in charge and he's in a deeper hole. As for me, seeing some semblance of justice was   really cathartic and helped me actually  heal instead of "forgetting about it". Posted by u/Significant-Toe3680  3 days ago Annoying coworker who thinks I'm  HER assistant can take ALL my calls  My coworker who I'll call Karen (she really IS a  Karen) is super nosey and always feels the need   to insert herself into situations that have  literally nothing to do with her or her job. Karen is not my direct supervisor... That position  is currently vacant, but Karen has made it a point   to try and score points off my work by insinuating  that she is and that everything I do is under her   leadership. She has also, more than once slipped  in conversation and called me her assistant. Honestly idc. This is the kind of job where none   of us concern ourselves with who gets  credit. The gigantic upside is we are   fully remote so I don't have to deal  with her in person (this is important) Recently the IT folks sent a message that  because we were fully remote they want to   know if they can ditch our landline  numbers. Option a. We didn't have to   (some people still do go in the  office to work or take in person   meetings). Option b. We could ditch it  or c. They could send us a work phone. I don't get a ton of calls, but opted for C  so as not to have to use my personal number   for anything. My actual bosses and the IT people  signed off on it. Well when Karen found out she   was flabbergasted. She demanded to know why  I was getting a phone and who approved it. I   told her and then she tried to argue it was  too expensive (the IT person already told me   it's the same price to maintain the landline).  Crazy part is... This woman and her job have   literally nothing to do with procurement or  budgets or finance. On top of that...SHE has   a work phone. So I could not figure out why  this was any of her business. She literally   brought it up every day for several days until I  told her the phone was already being sent to me. The phone arrives, but I notice the landline is  still active (I was still receiving voicemails   via email) note-- for about a month leading into  the whole phone thing, I had been getting a TON   of robo calls on my work landline. This is when  I decide to get my petty revenge... I forwarded   my landline number to her work phone number.  The way those phones work all inbound calls   just show up on caller ID with the main office  number (so that you know it's an outside call). Since you're so concerned Karen you can answer  my calls for awhile. It's been a few weeks and   she's been complaining about spam calls to  her phone-- listening to her be completely   annoyed by it has been satisfying. Maybe she  should hire an "assistant" to help with that. Of note, she has her number listed as  the contact on some of our outgoing   material so she'll never figure out  why all these spammers keep calling. Posted by u/Loaghtan_Lass  3 days ago Petty Revenge Holiday Stylee This happened several years ago,   but as it is approaching the holidays I thought   I’d share in case anyone wanted  to take a leaf from my playbook. My SIL (B) and I get on fine but her  sister (L) is a two-faced skank. We   live in a small community so everyone knows  everyone. L made a lot of trouble for me,   pretending to be my friend, initiating  conversations about our families (we’d   all had fairly privileged but difficult  childhoods) and then going to B and my   brother to insinuate that I’d been the only one  crap-talking both our families. It caused a lot   of issues between me and my brother and our  mom had to play peace keeper. Tricky times. So, fast forward a few years (yes, I do not forget  a slight)…. My brother and B have two lovely kids,   L has moved in with a rich guy and they‘ve  bought a big house outside of town. It is   their first Christmas in their new home  and they are keen to make and impression   by hosting Christmas lunch. Of course, my  bf and I are not invited but my brother, B,   their boys and our mom are all going. The invite  was for everyone arriving at 1pm with dinner to   start prompt at 2pm. I knew she’d be going to  a lot of trouble and spending a lot of money. I texted my brother and our mom and said  that my bf and I would really love to see   everyone on Christmas, and as they were  going to L’s for lunch would they like   to pop by ours for a light Christmas  breakfast on the way over and we could   open gifts etc. They both said that would  be great and my plan rolled into action. My bf and I LOVE cooking and food and we are  GOOD. So we rolled out a no-effort-spared   gastronomic assault of waffles, pancakes,  fruit salad, pastries and french toast with   bacon washed down by fresh ground milky coffee  and fresh squeezed orange juice. The kids went   absolutely ballistic and tore into everything like  wild animals and even though my brother, B and our   mom tried to be restrained, they couldn’t help  themselves and polished off a LOT of the food. My mom phoned me the next day and told me that  L had gone to a lot of trouble for lunch and the   food looked delicious but because my bf and I had  been so naughty in the morning (she was laughing)   nobody had had much of an appetite. Apparently  there was quite a lot of food left over…. I still   smile at the thought of everyone pushing their  lunches around her expensive plates all afternoon. Posted by  u/HFentonMudd 3 days ago I got some petty revenge on  an abuser, which was nice.  Background: I was abused mentally  & physically by 4/6 family members,   and sexually abused by 2/6. I  went NC more than five years ago. My abusive mother died just over a year  ago. I've finally finished going through   probate on her estate, which was pretty  terrible in and of itself. However,   I got some petty revenge on one of  my first abusers, which was nice. I caught the executrix - my oldest  sister (see * below) on an absolutely   stupid lie. She'd been dragging her feet  on getting us our part of the estate,   just to freak with us. All in writing. Lies,  delays, excuses. Finally, she was saying the   lawyer's secretary had been trying to call us  for days, said she'd left messages and that   maybe we'd deleted them by accident, etc.  We knew her game though, and despite her   efforts to hide the family's lawyer's contact  information, we found it and contacted him. The lawyer was stunned. No one  had been trying to contact us.   "Such an easy lie to disprove." I  wrote to my sister. "Do your job.". She immediately blocked me on every platform,  including facebook, though we could still   text. I knew I was free. I texted to inform  her that we would be working directly with   the lawyer from now on, to never contact us  again, and that "Dad was right about you.". I wasn't referring to anything specific. I  didn't have to. There are uncountable numbers   of things that Dad has said about her, very few  complimentary. She's done terrible things in her   life; like all true narcissists she'd left a trail  of destruction in the lives of those she crossed   paths with. Her being told that "Dad was right  about you" would have set off a storm of paranoia,   panic, and narcissistic collapse as she would  be forced to review the horrible things she'd   done in her life, things she knew she was  truly guilty of, and what our dad would   have said about them. I hope her moment of  involuntary self-reflection was unpleasant. What would have been worse for her was the  horrifying realization that whatever she   imagined Dad had said about her, he'd said  it to me which meant in her mind I already   knew the things that she was most afraid  of me knowing. She'll have that nagging at   her for the rest of her life. And I'm gone  forever; she'll get no answers, and she's   got no one to take it out on except herself.  Oh, and her 4th husband, the poor dumb idiot. Posted by  u/strawberry_lover_777 2 days ago Hope you like your steak rare So first off, let me start by   saying my father is a piece of work...  I am low contact with him now as I've   decided to stop wasting my time on  people who don't care about me just   because "they're family". Anyhow,  this takes place about 4 years ago. So some background before the story: My  father (again, a pretty terrible person)   cheated on my stepmother (not legally but they  were together 20 years). When they split up,   he kept trying to force a relationship  between me and his new chick. Now,   I love my stepmother. More than my father,  if I'm honest. She helped raise me,   treated me like her own flesh and blood,  was a real proper mother to me. She's a   lovely woman and I still consider her family  even though she isn't with my father anymore. Now to the story: For a while after the  split, I tried to keep a relationship   with my father. Partly because he's my  father. But mostly because my partner   and I had just had our first child  and I wanted him to know his family. My father likes steak. It's been common knowledge  my whole life. If you wanna make him happy,   buy him steak. Now, over the course of my  32 years, I've become a pretty good cook.   I'm not a professional by any means  but I know how to turn out some good   cooking. So for fathers day, I invited  my father over to have a steak dinner. Now when I issued this invitation I made it clear   I was inviting ONLY HIM. But  thru the whole conversation,   he kept including his new chick. I told him  flat out I didn't want her to join us. Then   he hits me with "well Idk if I can come without  her". So whatever, I told him fine, bring her. But now I'm mad. I have to cook for this woman I  don't like. So instead of the high quality steaks   I intended to purchase, we bought some pretty  basic low grade steaks. Now another point against   my father is he's one of those "I only eat my  steak well done" people. And so is his new chick. Queue the pettiness... I made my meal, as  intended. But when I served up my steaks,   I made sure every one of them was  medium rare, at best. Lucky me,   my partner and I like some pink to our steak.  I prefer a medium but I was willing to take the   hit if it meant making sure I got my point  across. Nothing says "you weren't invited,   get out" quite like serving an under  done steak to a leather-eater... Posted by  u/assassin85 3 days ago Got them to turn on each other A story I had forgotten about,   but still makes me laugh whenever I remember. Back  around my middle school years I was at some kind   of camp out/church retreat kind of thing (can't  fully remember, but it was in a cabin with the   youth group.) Until around high school I was  an extremely heavy sleeper, a building could   collapse around me and I wouldn't notice kind of  sleeper. This frequently allowed for some pranking   to occur as other kids figured out I was an easy  target while asleep.....until this one retreat. I   went to bed at lights out after a tiring day, but  for the first time I really had to pee. I woke up   and discovered that from the neck down I had been  tied to my bed with toilet paper (to clarify it   was wrapped over me and under the bed from the  neck down.) As I woke up it of course ripped off   and so I carefully and quietly pulled it off and  threw it away. The next morning as I woke up I   could hear some arguing going on. Apparently  everyone involved was accusing each other of   ruining the prank while each of them denied it.  I decided to wait and listen, once the arguing   started to die down I pretended to just wake  up. One of the other kids asked if I had woken   up last night and I just shook my head and asked  why. No response and throughout the day they kept   arguing as no one would fess up to ruining the  prank. They had gotten over it by the next day,   but it was fun to watch them be ticked off at  one another with no clue they were all innocent. Posted by  u/ThrowTheDudeOut 3 days ago Enjoy your cheating my love. My horrendously toxic relationship   is ending soon. I'm only playing nice  for now because he owes me a lot of   money and I have the tiniest sliver  of hope I might recoup some of it. We've been in an open relationship for over a  year. We had this arrangement from the beginning   due to both having high sex drives and his former  job required a lot of travel. It worked nicely for   a long while. We both went through a period of  severe stress and I found out during this time   that he was on tinder and Grindr. He claims it  was just to jerk off since our sex life slowed   down. I knew that was a lie but I accepted it and  reiterated our only 2 rules for that behavior. 1.   We inform each other of outside activities,  2. We use protection during those encounters. He has not stopped "looking" and I found  evidence of it being physical numerous   times since. Still breaking rule one  and probably two also. Why lie? It's   so very disrespectful and puts my health  at risk. He's really crapy at hiding it,   and I admit to snooping. I have his location and  he's constantly out in the middle of the night. Tinder notifications popping up. Photos  of sexual nature. Conversations outside   the apps and the final straw was  his Venmo where he clearly paid   two individuals for sex. Bonus photos  of his jerk that one of them took. He's   mentally destroyed me with this and a  whole host other despicable behavior. Now I’m without my savings and getting  evicted. I have to move into my mothers   house at 36 years old because I fell for his lies  and believed in the plans we made for our future. So when jerk went to sleep last week while  I was there to pick up his dog that we are   coparenting I went snooping again. He's  banned from Grindr but not tinder so I   changed his profile bio to "I have aids." |  wanted to be more creative but he's always   joking about aids and I have never once found  it funny. I have a dark sense of humor so   it's not because it's offensive but because  it's actually not funny. I then changed his   age settings from 18-55 to 50-55 and swiped  right on everyone until his likes ran out. I've been mostly nice since then because of the  pup and I'm just enjoying the last times I get   to spend with him. He told me last night that  he's turning his tinder notifications off which   he thought made him look like he's reformed  but I saw him at his friends house in the   middle of the night after that and I know he was  sucking him off or getting freaked. This made me   laugh on the inside because he's unaware of the  changes I made. As soon as I'm gone for good he   will either find them or hopefully get banned.  Good luck hooking up with strangers now jerk. Yes I was toxic too. I don't regret it.  He's turned me into a vindictive human   with unnecessary bullcrap and I'm looking  forward to my true revenge which is living   my best life and never giving a crap about his  lying butt ever again. Thank you for reading.
Channel: Storytime
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: G3JUVih2Qls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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