r/EntitledParents THE MOVIE (2019)

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what's going on everyone and welcome to a special video on my channel now the other day we hit 30,000 subscribers which is an insane number so I've got to say thank you to each and every one of you for your incredible support and to celebrate that milestone I've decided to put together a our slash entitled parents movie of sorts so this one hour 40 minute video will be a compilation of the very best our slash entitled parent stories that have been read out on the channel so far with that being said I hope you enjoy and let's start with an absolute classic let me have your fifty thousand pound car because my daughter works harder than you before we start here's some proof that I do actually own a Porsche and that this isn't just a repeat of our slash that happened and here is that proof that's a lovely car I must say firstly a little bit of background I'm 29 and I'm an architect in the UK it's good money and I've been in the job for four years it's hard work though and I do overtime most days it's a rewarding profession though and it's what I love doing all in all lights good recently I decided to treat myself to a Porsche 780 in Cayman as we saw in the photo it's one of my favourite car brands and I've always liked cars so it's understandably one of my most prized possessions so I'm pretty protective of it one week we had extended family come over to town not disclosing the name it consists of my aunt and her children whom I rarely ever see notwithstanding the fact that I rarely see them I know that the aunt and her daughter are well difficult Chipettes my aunt's 48 right now she was born 14 years after my mum when my grandparents decided upon having another child her children are 10 and 8 the 8 year older boy and we get on really well he's interested in architecture so I often tell him about my work when I do get to see him which is rare the ten-year-old daughter conversely is an entitled brat who's caused me my mum nothing but trouble whenever we've seen her I once caught her in my study just about to draw all over some of my plants however I pulled her away at just in time thank Frick I of course got screamed at for but I just had to buy the bullet anyway when they did come over I was pretty much forced to host the whole thing in my house it's not exactly a sizeable place but it's cozy and big enough for a few people everything was going well until to go into work for a brief meeting that I couldn't avoid it was a pretty crucial meeting - it was about a project that was nearing completion and the whole practice was under great pressure this exchange begins when I head out at the front door I locked my car but then remember that I left my briefcase in the kitchen so I head back into the house to grab it quickly leaving the car unlocked as it's a nice neighborhood and I wouldn't be gone long as soon as I reached the hallway I hear giggling this is how the following moments went down ek entitled kid p.m. entitled mother and me hey there ek look I'm sorry to interrupt your fun but you're not supposed to be in the driver's seat right now I've got a meeting to attend no I'm not leaving you have to I need to go to work at this point I'm struggling to cope but I managed to put on a stoic facade and exude some Authority then a.m. says oh come on let her play in the car I don't think you get that I have a meeting but she's a good kid your meetings not that important right yes it is you know my work field and I can't afford to waste time but it's not how it's dude links to - how is doodling so important I mean when architecture is labeled as doodling you know this mother has issues because it earns me 50 grand a year and it's more than just doodling now if you'll excuse me I have a meeting to attend ek overhears the exchange and now starts playing with the horn beeping it constantly I start to reach into the car to take her hands away from the wheel as she's causing a real disturbance and being rather rough with my car it was at this moment that entitled mother became stage - Karen get off my daughter this is my car and she is causing a disturbance I'm within my rights to take her hands away from the wheel and how she can play in your car all she wants she deserves your car she works harder than you she doesn't just scribble and call it a job let me play Ek then begins to start kicking and screaming in the car mind you she went to the park earlier so muds getting all over the expensive interior my blood is also boiling because architecture is more than just scribbling some of the designs are so intricate you need a whole room to fit the page for what it's worth I've done some work experience patent architects and it's very in-depth the stuff they do I would be all for latter it was at this point that I snapped all right get out of my effing cart this instant or I swear to god I'll make sure neither of you ever drive a car ever I was about to continue screaming but then I thought better of it and just stood there breathing heavily as I watch my dream car get overrun by this p.m. and her spawn eeehm now decides to get into my Porsche also taking over the driver's seat the ek moves to the passenger seat am this Carl be ours now good day I think we're nor deserving of this car than you it was at this moment that my neighbor a policeman came out to check what was going on it is worth noting but I've known this guy since I was a kid and he is a legend he knows that I'm usually a calm person and it takes a good bit for me to snap he also knew that I tended to get very distressed in certain situations I suffer from asperger's syndrome social situations like this are very hard for me to cope with I find it difficult enough sometimes to socializer people when we're both rational let alone when someone's about to take my god damn Porsche so the policeman says what's the commotion about I heard beeping and screaming eeehm says this man is trying to steal our car yeah it happens that PN actually accompanied me to the sale of the Porsche because I was quite nervous on the day understandable due to the fact that the car cost me fifty thousand pounds and due to the fact that I was quite anxious about the deal as a whole just the aforementioned reason we look at each other and he grins at me I'm awful at reading facial expressions but I've known this guy long enough to know that this grin is his I've got an awesome plan face ok with this your car what's another plates P n knows that I have my number player memorized additionally P n also knows that this is one of the first times en has seen this car so she couldn't have memorize a license plate eeehm at this point grabs her kid and tries to run off however when she ambles out of my porsche pn stops her i'm going to have to question you and potentially charge you for attempted theft as you and your child occupied this man's car without permission come with me the e/m was then taken off to the police station and ek went back in the house and threw a tantrum in there fortunately there wasn't too much mud in the Porsche as it was a dry day so the dirt wasn't anything what couldn't fix if it was wet mud then that would have been a totally different story eeehm ended up being charged with attempted theft and was fined 1,000 pounds alongside being given 50 hours of community service I haven't seen a M or ek since but I have seen the other kid of her since he was in the care of a family friend for two weeks hua Lian went to Vegas I don't know where the ek went and I'm glad to say that he isn't at all adopting EMS ways with his kidneys I ended up getting to the meeting on time with a few minutes to spare and getting a raise due to my contribution to the project my practice also paid for my car's maintenance as the leather was a bit scuffed up even though they totally didn't have to me and my boss get on really well which is amazing mom holds up bus for over 30 minutes to get food for her kids ends up getting kicked off for a bit of background information I live a good three and a half hours from my dad and my mom / stepdad I can't drive so when I need to go up to them I usually get a bus ticket since they're relatively cheap and I've never had a problem with them since it's a long drive the bus takes a small break in a city about 45 minutes away from town when this happens the bus will pull up to a gas station that also is one of the bus stops and the driver will announce where we are and that we'll be there for 10 to 15 minutes so we can get out and stretch our legs all go to the gas station to use the restroom or buy some snacks when this happened I was heading back to my town so I've already been on the bus for a few hours already when I first got on I was the only one but at the other doctor for the gas station some other people got on no one super noticeable but I wasn't really paying too much attention mainly students or people my age but there was also a what I assumed to be mother and her two kids I was sitting in the very back with earphones in and playing on my switch so again not paying too much attention anyways we get to the stop and the driver announces where we are and that we're taking a small ten-minute break so we can get out and do whatever I stay in my seat since I'm pretty deep into my game and don't need anything but noticed some people get off the bus including the mum and her kids about ten minutes pass and the bus driver gets back on and starts counting everyone I'm pretty sure he has a list of ever or how many people that are supposed to be on the bus and gets back to the front of the bus and announces he's missing three people hint it's the mum and her kids so we can't leave until they get back great I go back to playing Zelda on my switch I'm not super bothered since I think they'll be back soon and the buses have outlets so I can charge my phone and switch they get back thirty minutes later I'm not sure the bus driver called them or something but when the mum steps on the bus the driver is obviously annoyed and asked her where she was the conversation went like this the bus driver mom where were you we've been waiting for half an hour we were getting food my children are hungry and we stop for a break she motions to her kids who'd both had bags from a fast-food joint the break was ten minutes you were gone for 14 please tried to not hold at the bus again I have a schedule to follow you're free to stretch we'll use the gas station for a bathroom break for snacks so please don't do that again this is when all heck breaks loose Wow my children leave real food not chips or whatever poop that place has if anything your brakes should be longer sorry mom I'm just doing what I'm supposed to be doing and if I get behind on one trip I'll get behind on the others please take a seat and I'll start driving no this is unacceptable I'll have you fired you insert many and many derogatory slurs here mom one more time suit down so I can continue driving f off okey a bum fired okay fine get off or I'm calling the police fine call them I'll get your stupid bum deported the bus driver is Mexican and has an accent which I am NOT going to try and replicate so he calls them they show up within a few minutes and B D nem and her kids get off the talk to the police so I'm not sure what they said but after a few minutes she storms onto the bus grabs her bags and stomped off the bus seriously the whole bus was shaking I asked the guy a few rows in front of me what happened out there and the police obviously took BD side and told him they'll find a way to get out to a location but she can't use this mode of transport she cast up a storm at them but they just told her to get her bags and come with them after she their kids left B D got back on the bus apologized for the way and started driving again the rest of the ride went smoothly and I got back home eight but overall okay ah the end I guess according to EMS only their time is important everything else is irrelevant and if you try to defy her you're wrong and an idiot entitled mom loses it over playground clothing for contamination this happened all the way back in February 2014 so my memory might be a little fuzzy on some details I'll do my best of what I can remember I've dealt with entitled spouses while I was a hospital corpsman in the Navy you know the I'm the wife of an officer so I deserve special treatment like being saluted kind of spouses but holy cow this entitled mama was something else and my first account with one I've been working at chick-fil-a while going to college for over a year I left the military shortly before then so this was a huge change for me being out in the civilian world being a military brat and all I had a few encounters with some very rude people just trying to get free meals but otherwise things were fine one day a group of kids with their parents entered our establishment for a birthday party I can't recall if we had been told about this beforehand we've had people come in before for birthday celebrations but those were mostly folks that are coming with presents to open while they diner some chicken then leave not this creep though enter entitled mother just gonna say those three words scare me to death she came up to the front counter and asked us to set up the tables and such eeehh was polite to us at first if only we freaking knew what was going to happen later but for now things were calm thankfully the party had arrived before our usual dinner rush our restaurant was stationed right outside a huge Air Force Base so me and a few other employees had time to well pushing tables and chairs together easy stuff I understand the parents were busy making sure the kids stayed together and didn't cause trouble after that p.m. came up to me asking about chick-fil-a's birthday package I had no idea what CFA's birthday package was ours ours didn't have one as I found out after talking to my supervisor but apparently some restaurants have them and e/m assumed a stir too she was disappointed finding out we did him the next thing he asked us to do if possible was to provide balloons for the kids I asked my supervisor if that would be okay and was granted permission to get them son the party had a teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle so I tried my best sticking to the TMNT colors with the color balloons we have I made maybe about a dozen of them took them over to the tables and spent a couple minutes tying the balloons to the chairs a couple more things EMRs before poop literally hits the fan I'll be getting to it soon so hold on to your butts eeehm kept bringing up things from the birthday package that's as my supervisor had told her earlier we don't do in our restaurant one thing these CFA birthday packages provide is a free cookie Sunday for the birthday kid eeehm was bordering on being insistent on getting a free sundae for her boy I thought the cake would be enough I can't remember if they actually brought a cake with them but I guess it wasn't for a.m. I have a soft spot for kids and I tend to spoil my friends and family on their birthdays we still couldn't get them a free sundae but I decided to pay for it right there and so the kicker get his sundae just the police the kid who was really sweet and polite for his age not am/pm was pleased as punch and was oh so thankful for my kindness the final thing am asked us to do was sing the Happy Birthday song for a kid at this time we were starting to get a little bit of dinner traffic I asked my supervisor again for permission and was given the a-ok granted that the customers would be taken care off first and someone would stay at the register two employees joined me and we go out there clapping and singing the party had been going well kids were having a great time and e/m seem pretty pleased that we were going above and beyond fulfilling her requests boy did that not last now we get to the bad part when en blows up CFA has an indoor playground much like McDonald's some kids were inside playing during the party note that not a single adult was in there supervising now one of the kids I think a toddler decided to get shall I say creative on the walls with their own special crayon I believe one of the parents went in to find their kid and found the results and then reported it to one of the employees now I'm sure some of you'll know how this next part goes we can't be having kids playing in an enclosed playground without poop smeared on the walls and as we discovered soon during inspection inside the big toy and the slide - or asked disgusting as part of our safety protocol we had to get everyone now and keep them out decontaminate the area bleach being one of the cleaners which you know isn't safe for kids and leave the playground closed for around two to four hours like lock the door and block it off so kids can't get in eeehm was livid she demanded that we let the kids back in especially her birthday boy and tried to move the barricade in front of the door one of those cases that hole shoes it's a special day and he deserves to play darn well there was an outside playground just across the street from the restaurant but I guess that wasn't good enough p.m. we explained to her that we couldn't and that it's not safe for kids to be playing in an area that was just cleaned up using chemicals that could harm them and you know feces have been smeared on the walls but no this was an acceptable TM she started screaming about horrible we all were pointing to me in my co-workers who had helped set up the party and saying and my supervisor we're a bunch of bums who ruined her boy's birthday she threatened to call the CEO of CFA and had the restaurant permanently closed not just have us all fired the entire got the hump that he shut down she said a few more nasty things I don't remember exactly before she grabs a kid by the arm and stormed off I believe she did end up going to the playground across the street also the other parents took their kids and left hua Lian was in the middle of her tantrum funny thing is that our restaurant was actually closing for a few months of renovations I wouldn't be surprised if Iain drove by and smiled smugly seeing the restaurant closed maybe even told her friends how she got on it shut down because about horrible we were to her and her kid not long after this incident I ended up quitting for reasons not related to this and moving to a different town a ha far away never bumped into em again and never stepped foot in the restaurant whenever I visit I wonder how that kid is doing and I hope to god he hasn't picked up his mother's entitlement the world doesn't need more entitled people especially parents who treat folks just barely making minimum wage like poop being smeared on a wall entitled mother complains to my boss and he finds me for not selling tobacco and beer to her underage kid this story could have been posted at our stash tails from retail but as we all know entitled parents are everywhere that is so true a quick back story about ten years ago I was working in an alcohol and tobacco shop it was a temporary job which could have lasted for a longer time but the boss ended up being a cheap douchebag who made out with later the story I'll post in the near future under our stash Pro revenge it wasn't hard 4 days a week 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. 15 euros per day but hey it was still ok for an 18 year old kid who was still in high school besides the shop is in a block of flats across the street of mine and I had free Wi-Fi so it was cool now since this was a local shop there were regular customers mostly smokers who came to get their pack of cigarettes also the legal age in Bulgaria for buying and consuming alcohol and tobacco is 18 and there's a sign that none will be sold to minors but nobody cared about that nobody but me I have a strong moral compass and was raised to uphold the law no matter the consequences so here's the cast me SK who was a shy kid about 9 to 10 years old F a friend and a co-worker at the time eeehm entitled mother if rocker call her mother at all am boss the shop owner and general manager so there I was at the register mining my own business enter shy kid SK and I know ten-year-old shy boy with a good smile he went to one of the fridges got a 2-liter bottle of beer it can be sold in Bulgaria in plastic bottles of up to two liters came to the register and asked for two packs of Marlboro cigarettes now I don't remember the conversations word for word but all of it was mostly like this I'm sorry kid but I cannot allow you to take the beer and cigarettes but why it's against the law you must be at least 18 to be able to buy them my mum sent me and F has always told me those I'm sorry to hear that but just because she has doesn't mean it's right also do you see the big sign above my head it says it's illegal to sell alcohol and tobacco products to people under 18 years sorry kid I smiled to SK he smiled to say good day and went out of the store he was a good kid and I thought to myself that his mum is not much of a parent since she teach them to break the law from an early age it took less than 10 minutes and here comes mother monster a.m. she stormed into the shop and started who do you think you are excuse me who do you think you are for not sending my kid things I asked him for Mom it's against the law you can see the Sun above me alcohol and tobacco are not allowed for people under 18 sold then a.m. sell sarcastically they're not allowed what are you a policeman or something I don't need to be a policeman to uphold the law I don't give a damn about the law effort everyone else sells cigarettes and beer to my kid and you maybe come here and get them as if I don't have a more important job than dealing with your laws just because they do it doesn't mean they're right now you came for a beer bottle and two packs of Marber cigarettes you can buy them and I'll be more than glad to sell the items to you but I will not sell them to your son who's 9 years old the law is the law eeehm grab the items and set in a rude and disgusting tone no Honda our country is so poor people like you ruin it because you think you're better than the others now this pissed me off because Bulgaria has an overly kroc government and no one cares about any laws so I responded in a calm but hardened tone our country is so bad not because of people like me but people like you people who teach their kids from an early age to break the law if there were more people like me who respected and upheld the law we wouldn't be like this at the moment that is so right your boy is not supposed to get them and there can be real trouble out of this a fine for you for asking me to sell the items to your child are fine for me for selling them and five of my boss for a lioness in the shop keep this in mind when you send your boy to break the law because you don't want to go to the shop yourself she lives in the same block of flats where the shop is located you will see I will get you fired I know the owner of the shop do it if you wish this doesn't mean I'm not right the law is the law eeehm goes out of the shop in some time I receive a call from my boss he yelled at me for not selling the items to the kid and being rude and obnoxious to the customer and I shouldn't feel more special than everyone else he then proceeded to fire me with 30 euros for pushing the customers away from the shops as if I'd worked for two days for free when I protested stating that cameras would show everything and I might complain to the police he said that he had control over the recordings the camera could go faulty and some recordings could be lost and that I should be lucky I still had the job because he was understaffed and desperately needed employees he also said later that the sign is for tax agents who were frequently coming to inspect the shop and he was obliged to put it up I didn't do anything about this at a time because this was not the first time he would find me four BS reasons and dealing with drunken entitled customers and I planning to take him down with a sweet pro revenge but this is a story for another day I need to hear this story this guy needs to get destroyed I wonder if this guy's boss has a lot of back problems given he has absolutely no sign of a spine I hope Opie left as soon as he could because this boss sounds awful to work on them stupid pots in front of my driveway and gets Instant Karma so there's a garage on the left-hand side of my house where I parked my car and a driveway in front of it so the cotton get inside it's exactly like any other garage and it's part of my property yet some people feel that they're entitled enough to park just anywhere between right in front of my effing driveway eeehm entitled ma'am me me and EC entitle child it starts off when I'm about to go to the convenience store to get snacks and I noticed as a car literally parked right smack in the middle of my driveway there's no way my car could possibly get around and I wasn't having any of it so I yelled who the eff owns this car and started blasting my horn it took a while for someone to finally react and it just so happened to be the entitled who owned the car apparently she was a mom of two kids and she kept reminding me of that while I was arguing with her what are you doing making noise my kids are trying to sleep I apologize miss but some [ __ ] decided it was a good idea to park right in front of my driveway yeah that's my car the spot I normally parking was taken by one of the neighbors and that was the only place I could park now at first I actually felt sympathy for this woman she had kids and everything and wasn't wrong about the car taking up a spot because one of my other neighbors had a party celebrating her niece's quinceaƱera and the neighborhood was packed with cars and she didn't have a driveway of her own so she had to park somewhere on the street so I decided to calm down and nicely ask her to move her car but instead of accepting my generosity she decides to keep arguing with me I'm not moving my car it's late and I have to make sure my children get to bed keep in mind it was only about 8:30 at the time it wasn't later taught her to move her car I can't get my car out of here when you're parked in the driveway I'm asking you again to please move your car what could you possibly be doing this late at night that requires you to drive somewhere oh I'm just headed to the convenience store to get I don't care what you're getting you can wait until tomorrow to get your trash she was really getting on my nerves I got ready to raise my voice but then I had an idea so I reply with okay and walk back inside my house when I looked back I saw that she had that yeah I totally showed him look on her face I tried not to get pissed off at that as I reach for the phone and called the police I explained the situation and a few minutes later a tow truck arrives the car was in fact illegally parked and so it was impounded the next day early in the morning I get a knock on my door obviously it's the mother their kids were standing next to her she immediately starts yelling at me as soon as I open the door apparently she was going to take her kids to an amusement park and now they didn't have a car there's practically no way for them to go as soon as she tells me that I immediately chuckle which pisses her off even more meanwhile her kids are crying mommy I really want to go me being the insensitive [ __ ] I pointed the kid and let out a big hair which causes him to start screaming like a banshee the mom starts yelling at me saying how much of a monster I am I just reply with kecap slap and slam the door in her face I may not have been a little too harsh but that family of idiots got what they deserved I completely agree I laughed I hope you got their revenge in this story it's all well and good in touch with parents being entitled but the best stories are when they get destroyed how dare you hope my son who I just saved your son's life when I was 16 I'm 20 now for context I used to work at a very local hotel since I just dropped out of sick form the British version of a stage before college I took on a lot of roles and it was extremely hard work unsociable hours god-awful pay and harsh management after working there for about a year the general manager came up to me and offered me some hours down in our leisure area which I graciously accepted as any simple-minded desperate for money person would this ledger Center was composed of a pool small gym Jacuzzi etc let me tell you to work down there was no small task it was hot for us Brits 40-degree he is kind of nasty especially with a workout on your shoulders ah for all you American viewers 40 degree heat in Celsius is about a hundred in Fahrenheit I believe whilst on shift downstairs you were in charge of maintaining the pool cooking cleaning taking calls providing show around for potential members and stuff like that we offered a range of memberships to best suit most people ranging from families to pensioners living off their pensions now then the fun part it was a very hot day so I'm talking sweat everywhere I was going about my duties of mopping the floor by the jacuzzi when I make out a small kid looking through the window face and hands pressed against the glass which I had polished about ten minutes prior no biggie we were all kids once and notice he's with someone so I stop what I'm doing and head to the reception desk to greet them I was greeted by The Full Monty Karen herself needs no explanation so I smiled said hi and asked how I could help can you let us in Charlie wants to swim that's fine madam are you staying at the hotel no at the time it made it sound like I was insulting her intelligence oh okay I remember a cool start your prices are farty ridiculous now I've dealt with a lot of trash whilst working here so an attitude never really phased me I'm awfully sorry madam but the leisure facilities of her guests and members only you effing serious do you know how I've driven to be here I'm meeting my friends upstairs in the lounge in literally ten minutes I clocked that earlier she said can you let us in which plays a key part as I put the pieces together towards the end after a bit of back and forward and a lot of cursing in my direction she finally left with the kid bowing should have my job for this whatever everyone says that but they never follow through I thought so I carried on about my business sweating cleaning cooking looking off the regulars who knew me very well as the night slowly comes to a close so by now everyone is either getting changed to leave or have already left so the pool is silent along with everyone else so I'm in the gym wiping down the equipment when I hear a random sploosh so I turn around and head out to the poolside where I see a fully clothed kid seeking to the bottom of the deep end whilst trying to get air my instincts kick in and I'm in the water in seconds I dive under pull him up and check that he's all okay he's crying of course he didn't mean to do what he did he just wanted to swim fun fact he couldn't all the commotion attracts the attention of the regular still around you give me a hand in calming the kid down when all of a sudden boom boom boom boom I can hear from even the poolside am drinking hand red-faced and primed for action get your effing hands off of my kid you continues to march over to me I beg your pardon eeehm attempts a straight up swing for me whilst I'm tending to her kid luckily the regular step in and keep her from trying to maul me he just wanted to swim and you here let him drown right I explained to you quite clearly earlier that you couldn't and now it's even a policy on the wall which states that all children under 12-years must be supervised that policy was the one saving grace I had during this it's literally in a frame in the front desk so it's clear for all I start guiding this poor kid back to his mom before she attempts another swing even almost try to throw a glass at me you touched my son again and my fiancee will effin kill you by this time the duty manager in station at the time was downstairs and by my side we'll call him Jack Jack explained that she really had to leave she was causing a public disruption to the flow of business and threatening staff never went down well I'm not leaving until you sack that POS you call staff well you'll be here a long time but if it'll help improve the situation you could happily explain your behavior to the police who have been cool during this period well that was it all wide-eyed and tipsy she yanked Charlie away and stumbled off in a quick pace March to a fellow current troop who were waiting for her at the entrance and they vanished super fast check that I was okay and if I was good in closing up and everything to which I replied yeah and continue closing the regulars wished me well and brought me in a box of chocolates and a crate of beer the following evening we had that sort of relationship where we all knew what each other liked I handed him I noticed a few months after that because the money just wasn't good enough and crap like that was becoming all too common but this story always crops up every now and again during story time more of the story don't work in hotel industry so by that logic does eeehm think that Opie shouldn't have jumped in to save her drowning kid he's entitled parents man I just don't get them yeah says she'll sue us for injuring her child during paintball after signing the agreement about her context this story happened last weekend when I was at paintballing with my buddies for those of you who don't know it's an indoor outdoor sport where you get to shoot each other with pressurized air guns that shoot paintballs the balls are shot at such a high pressure it will cause at least some bruises at minimum because of this some paintball parks have you an agreement about not being held responsible for these injuries story so you know how I said some paper parks have you signed an agreement well at the one I went to if you're bringing children under 13 with you or you want to have them play with other players there is another agreement you have to sign keep this in mind because I'm rather careful with what I'm signing up for I read all the details before signing it behind me I cem Jess in a typical soccer mom style along with her es who was around 8 after I rented out my gear eeehm talked to the paintball park manager about having her entitled son join the game p.m. was against this and said we weren't using low impact people's for kids and talked about details of the agreement but she pretty much ignored all his words and kept demanding the ES joined the rest of the group p.m. size and makes her sign both papers eeehm didn't bother to read them well why doesn't that surprise me next the paintball park employee was giving everyone the safety briefing standard stuff don't shoot straight into the air don't shoot guys were eliminated don't shoot anyone close range have safeties and cover on outside the range etc while the rest of the people were listening carefully es wasn't paying attention and was pretending to be Rambo waving the gun around and pretending to shoot people the papal apartment saw this and politely ask the kid to stop doing that but e/m shouted to stop claiming how unfair it was for him to only yell at my angel p.m. ignored her and just gave us a warning so before entering the range PE separates people into two teams with me my buddies and one group of people into one team and yes and another group of people on the other team PM was sitting on the bench outside of the range watching es play what her eyes were glued to her cell phone as we entered es thoughts act like he was hot stuff and bragged about how this will be like for tonight and I'll be number one and will be everyone both teams instantly cringed hard and gave him the stink eyes game starts and with the sound of the airhorn everyone starts shooting it feels like a war zone with paintballs flying everywhere everyone from my team was trying to hit yes and no one from his team provided cover fire I was bunkered down in one of the covers when I saw es running out in the open still acting like Rambow everyone on my team starts shooting at him and he gets eliminated the kid starts crying and goes into the elimination corner eeehm starts shouting how unfair it was for us to target her kid the game ends with our team winning everyone gets out and es ran over to em while me my buddies went to our bench cleaning up and refilling our guns then en approached us with es you guys are monsters I'm sorry all of you are clearly singling out my son my friend says well he was out in the open and the game is called elimination but surely he could have gone easy on him my friend says no one is obligated to do that you will apologize to my son no its paintball you should have expected this look he is ruined clothes look at all the bruises lady it's a paintball what did you expect mommy that guy has a nice looking gun can I have it the points that my friends gone now my friend was a paintball maniac and had an insane polka themed custom gun sure sweetheart turns to my friend you will give me that as a compensation no the gun cost me quite a bit for a custom design I'm not giving it to you oh I will just take it there and she tries to go for the gun my friend now stands up revealing his intimidating six-foot-five heights which easily dwarfed the e/m at just over 5 foot 2 no now please go away before we call someone to have you removed p.m. came over to see what was going on eeehm started her sob story about how we were targeting only her son p.m. reminded her again about the agreement and actually ignored the fact that we weren't using low-impact paintballs e/m screamed like a banshee and left swearing how she was gonna sue us the guests for harassing her and her son and the park for dangerous operation we just shrugged and enjoyed a few more rounds of capture the flag and king of the hill it's monday now and we haven't heard anything from a.m. and nor the paintball park well something tells me that she's not gonna be getting in touch I can't believe the kid said this will be like for tonight Oh ninja what are you done let kid draw mother wants to buy her and accuse me of stealing it sorry at the text looks confusing read the story and you'll get it so I have been a big listener / reader of are / entitled parents and have been watching most of relatives videos well thank you very much for that I didn't expect something like this to actually happen to me also sorry if somewhere too like bon appetit since English isn't my native language let's start shall we I was on my way home from school and brought my tablet with me since the ride to and from school was very long I was sketching a bit wearing a small kid let's call him SK came up to me and asked what I was doing I showed him my sketch and SK asked if he could draw a bear I bitterly optically said ok and SK sat next to me with my tablet in his hand I watch closely to make sure he wasn't breaking here and SK was actually pretty good at drawing a bit of time passed and SK went back to his mother I thought that I would have a nice throwing to tell but oh boy was I wrong 5 minutes pass and SK comes back with her mother I a big reader of our slash insights of parents knew immediately that the situation would go out of hands the conversation went something like this nice tablet you got there thank you my son really likes your tablet I know I let him draw on it for a bit and he looks very entertained can he have it I'll give you 50 euros no sorry I have only had it for a few weeks and personalized it for myself also this tablet is not worth 50 euros how much do you want for it again no I'm not selling my new tablet now that SK then jumps in no sweetie I hope we don't get you that tablet BM got closer to me and I started to panic I slowly put my tablet into my bag but e/m was not having it she smacked the tablet out of my hands and I tried to take it but she was quicker and ran away with it I chased her down to the other side of the train when H stepped in also known as my hero mom is that your tablets yes he tried to steal it from me H was looking at me and saw the confusion and the brokenness in my face he started asking about the details of it what OS is on it I don't care what's on it it's mine I slept in saying Windows I'm 32-bit age opened the cover and saw the windows logo on the bottom of the tablet he looked at me and from his facial expression I knew he had a plan who made the tablet if it's a Windows tablet it's obviously made by Microsoft's no you're wrong the tablet was made by blue chip removed the case and look at the back H did and there was a logo spelling blue chip just as I said but Ian still said that the tablet was hers even though she answered both questions incorrectly now she was shouting louder than before and my ears couldn't take it then I did something that I never thought I would ever do press the emergency stop button the train drivers stop the train came out and I explained what happened auntie em including SK got kicked out at the next stop and that's about it I have since then never seen those two again although I kind of want to see SK again and short on my tab with him and just to be clear my tablet is fine thanks reading what I had to say and have a great day I need your goth girlfriend so this happened the other day when I was on a date with my heir so to be honest I'm surprised my Esso didn't murder this mofo so some quick background one I'm a living meme a big-titty goth GF and yes when that was a thing a lot of guys they try and get with me as if I was a prize to be won and it was awful for a while my so for lack of better words is a redneck I mean Carhartt jeans covered in paint mud and oil rips leave flannel you get the idea we are a weird couple but I love him more than anything so we were having a small date nights sometimes we do every week so no matter how busy our week gets we sell our time for each other most of the time we just go to fast food places because I'm cheap and it really doesn't matter where I am as long as I'm with him so we were at a more fancy place at our normal spot we chose a cute mom-and-pop shop it was kind of busy but we were able to get seated as we were eating I can see my isso mean-mugging someone I asked him what is going on he didn't reply just kept looking over in a different direction I look over and see a guy who looks like he's trying super hard to look over ass Dave was he staring at us my s oh just nods okay well I need to use the bathroom I will be back I got up and went out of my way so I'm not in the guys on site when I walk past when I get back I see that my SOS face is bright red with a look of I'm about to you as the guy who was staring at us was yelling at him I couldn't hear but the looks on the other customers faces told me he wasn't being nice when I woke up ready to tear this guy a new one I hear I need a good girlfriend all my friends would be super jealous and I walk up with her on my arm I mean look at tears the gobby-o do at least come on man you don't deserve her my Esso sees me and smiles he knows the absolute trash storm about to rain onto this poor guy when the guy turns around his face goes completely white so girls are just trophies for you to help your arm that's how you see me I'm just a big titty bimbo you can show off then throw away when you are done is that how you treat women how would your mother feel if she knew that her baby went out here looking women like objects I would feel completely ashamed if I was you and feel the info jackass I'm a double D and you would never be able to have them because my amazing soo already has claims on them look at me in him again and I won't be so nice the guy was carrying in a see as I yelled at him no one's thought me possibly because they thought this guy needed a verbal ass beating as well or they were just scared he got up the tail between his legs we finished our meal without any other problems and on the car ride home my Esso looked over at me and said this is why I fell in love with you you had a temper just as bad as mine - any guys out there who want a big titty goth gf don't be an ass we are people - not some trophy eeehm demands ride on $10,000 quad bike right after a crash so for some background when this the witted place I was about 13 I had recently moved to a farm which required a quad bike I'd bought a $10,000 bike off trade me which is the New Zealand equivalent of eBay and had it delivered I was also in the progress of meeting all our neighbors at the time the majority of whom were pretty nice except one more to follow in the story so I was in the paddock feeding some animals when I hear my dog Yelp I turn my head to look at him completely forgetting that I'm driving at over 35 miles an hour at near a line of trees as the bike crashes I jump off just before it rolls which likely would have killed me if I was still on it when it happened the bike was severely damaged the front was horribly warped the handlebars were crooked and the battery was ripped out I start to fix the battery when e/m runs over closely followed by ek who was drugging my dog by the collar the following conversation ensues p.m. excuse me may be please have a go on the motorbike no sorry and can you please let go of my dog they completely lost it who the F do you think you are telling my daughter what to do can't you see she is literally choking him eeehm shoves me out of the way and jumps on the quad bike thankfully the key came out in the crash so she couldn't have gone anywhere at this point I lost it I have mild ADHD so I'm surprised that I even made it this far I wrenched my dog out of UK's grasp leave now or I'm calling the cops Ek apparently didn't like this and threw a punch which hit me in the neck I kind of overreacted by kicking her in the stomach before flipping on the ground I had done four years of karate and two years of judo at that point iran's at me but i get out the way and grab the keys to the motorbike you can leave now or I will call the cops they got up and run home in summary it turns out that the mother was wanted for trespassing and animal abuse we found out a year later when she was arrested for a different crime I still haven't heard what the result of the court case was ek ended up in foster care until the trial was over and I was punished by my parents for damaging the quad bike how EP tried to steal my phone and got caught now I honestly wish I was making this up a while back I was at a store looking for a samsung tablet for my friend's birthday my friend is 9 by the way and he was spending time in the hospital because he had cancer I was browsing for a bit when I felt a tug on my arm what is that in your pocket I checked my pocket and to my surprise it's my samsung galaxy s 9 when I say to my surprise I mean I don't remember putting in my pocket but then I remembered I was in a hurry and I must have autopilot put it in my pocket so I pulled out my phone oh this it's my Samsung Galaxy S 9 phone cool then you've reached it to my phone i back away excuse me what are you doing can i play with it please now at the time the kid had a really cute smile so it was hard to say no still i clenched my teeth and said no kid sorry I don't know me to trust people with my phone at this DK starts whining please honestly I couldn't stop myself the kid was just too cute fine you can use it for the time that I'm here so I handed my phone big mistake I was browsing a bit more when I found the perfect tablet for my friend so I was gonna go to the kid and get my phone back when I see her walking out of the effing store my phone in her hand luckily I managed to catch up excuse me the entitled mother says yes that though your daughter is holding his mine can I have it back ek pulls a sad face but you said I could have it I said you could play with it for the time I was here I didn't say you could keep it DK pulls a sadder face but reluctantly gave up my phone the e/m reacted negatively to this why can't my daughter have your phone I was not expecting that because it's mine so you let her play with it why can't she have it I said no I must be going now I start to walk away mom I would have found like his 1 p.m. stops me in my tracks give me your phone I was surprised at that excuse me you heard me give me your phone now yeah and then tried to grab my phone out of my hands I keep a tight grip on it mom stop now this phone was almost 500 pounds look you little brat my daughter has been getting very good grades recently she deserves a nice phone and your phone is a perfect reward you were looking at the phone section anyway why'd it just by a flip phone that should be suitable and cheap enough for your needs any dumb [ __ ] could see I was looking the tablet section I tried to explain that I was getting a tablet for my friend and that he was in the hospital well your friend is a clumsy stupid boy then buying him a tablet would just spoil him he is too old for that kind of stuff anyway mom he is 9 I don't care goodbye I didn't notice but while we were talking she took my phone I froze on the spot I've never been in this kind of situation before and thus I didn't know how to deal with it promptly so I did the only thing I could do ice cream now I understand this may not have been the smartest course of action but like I said I have never been in this kind of situation so I hadn't the faintest freaking idea of what to do security came over and asked what was wrong now I'm guessing the mom must've heard that the guard was alerted by my scream because she started walking faster to the exit security catches up with her however excuse me mom but this young man claims that you stole his phone is this true no he's lying I bought this phone for my daughter I lock it that e/m tries to unlock the phone but to no avail wait she actually tried to unlock the phone even put us at her house Jeeva can you get security gives me the phone to unlock iya and lo and behold it works then security tries to arrest the woman for attempted theft but before they could she grabs my phone and freaking smashes it on the ground before trying to make a run for the exit with her little brat following her behind security caught up with her however and arrested her she got charged with attempted theft and resisting arrest the still apologised to me by giving me a Samsung s10 and a Samsung tablet for free so despite the events that occurred I left this thought happy well well done to you and liked it thank you very much for this story I really hoped redditor resis well I just did p.m. accuses me of stealing in a store which does not even sell the stolen item so this happened yesterday I'm on vacation in Dresden with my grandma we often go out together to go shopping but now and then I go alone if I want to get something the cost me me of course I am entitled mother ek entitled kid and see cashier at the grocery store so I went out because I wanted to buy another overwatch pop figure in Game Stop I had seen the figure the day before but was with Grandma the game stop is in a large shopping center with many different stores important to know is that the game stop is the only store there that sells pop figures I went in took the figure off the shelf and headed to the cash register there was no employee so I waited in comes the e/m and her ek the ek runs over to the massive shelf filled with plot figures as starts leaking through them meanwhile I pay for my figure and start heading out the e cave runs over sent me mom she has my figure that's the one I wanted eeehm comes over to me and holds out her hand give us the figure no I just paid for it all so this was the last one and I came first the figure I bought was the normal size Symetra pop figure from the overwatch collection I had asked the employees if they had any other but they said the figures on the shells were all they had eeehm tries to reach for the figure just give it to us you don't need it anyways also my son deserves it he's been so good lately and deserves a gift I don't care lady I paid for the figure with my own money now leave me alone I walked past her and left the store I heard the ek whining about wanting the figure but I couldn't care less I went to Aldi which is a grocery store to get something to drink I'd put the figure in my bag which was partially open I got the bottled water and went to pay out of nowhere eeehm runs up to the cash register stop her she's trying to steal my son's toy I wanted to get in that toy she tries to grab the figure out of my bag again what was your problem lady I push her away and take out the figure but we don't even sell these figures here I saw her take it I wanted to buy it for my son and she stole it she wasn't gonna pay for it I take out my ticket that show I paid also I will gladly go back to the game stop and show you more proof I paid for it I have a store card in my name please leave the store now before I will call security eeehh man DK leave and I didn't see them for the rest of the day I paid for my drink and went on shopping I somewhat wish the cashier would have checked my ticket I'm not from Germany and I have a Belgian credit card so on the ticket the machine does print the text in Dutch I would have loved to see the e/m trying to talk her way out of that see I reckon what this oppa should have done is offered to sell it to her for just an insanely high price because this sort of person would probably have bought it but then again I guess she could have also been a choosing beggar and would have asked for it for free so maybe that wasn't the best idea EP inconvenienced by my cancer diagnosis I'm currently a nanny for a family I've been with for about six months they always pay me on time and I adore the little boy I'm taking care of so we've never really had any problems until now I recently found out that I have ovarian cancer and need to have one of my ovaries removed my conversation telling EP about my surgery went something like this EP tell you about a family reunion you did but unfortunately I won't be able to come and help because all I just had surgery you'll need to reschedule again I'm not going to do that we've others played for months you need to be there to help I'm sorry but I won't be able to be there are you kidding no I'm not sure how much I trust even much I love you if you don't care enough to be there for our family when we need you I care about him a lot and I hope I've shown that over the last few months working for you ep huffed and stomped off I'll update when they're talking to me again Wow so this EP is saying that instead of having potentially life-saving surgery this person should come and work for them instead makes a lot of sense yeah tries taking my skateboard and my mates BMX because her ek ran in front of us and we hit him yo redditor and anyone else who's gonna read this I've been reading the EP stories for a while and never came across one myself but oh boy I did the other day context I am a 13 year old living in northern England they got Bradford but do not whatsoever fit the role of being a chap like the stereotypes of up here although it says in the title that my mate and I ride and stuff we don't write Carreras and don't carry knives we just want to get good at what we do I'm 13 but I also happen to be 5 foot 9 and I have a super deep voice this comes in later the juicy story so this happened very recently recently we've had great weather up north a rarity and me and my friend had been going to the local skate park almost every day after school to practice what we love doing the skate park isn't very big but it has a fantastic surface and a pretty good halfpipe from dropping in etc on this particular day we got there and both verbally groaned midgets they swarmed around on crappy razors and other design masterpieces from eBay devouring the ramps and sneaking people like Vipers sneaking is cutting in front of people when those people are about to drop in or whatever we looked at each other and walked forwards with weary steps I was putting my helmet on and was about to drop in when I noticed my trucks were a bit too loose so I sat down and got my allen keys eff said he was going to the shop so I gave him a quid and asked for a dr. pepper I did some kick flips and nollie flops to get warmed up by the side of the park I did a couple of circuits at the park doing a few tricks at the half five and everything else on my third circuit a little kid EK ran onto the park and in front of me I swerved out of the way but clipped his shins with my board he seemed to be fine if shaken but I had gone straight off my board and had a huge graze on my left arm I swore and stood back up looking over to see if ek was all right yeah but ran over to me and started yelling at me the following conversation ensues what the hell do you think you're doing deliberately crashing into my baby like that ah your son literally ran in front of me when I was minding my own business doing something that doesn't harm anyone if everyone is respectful and sensible I was watching the entire time and your hundred-percent definitely went into him on purpose I put on my phone I don't have time for this mom I just want to skate so sorry little guy I said to ek I didn't mean to hit you but for next time try not to run over the big track here cuz it can get you hurt yeah my son did nothing wrong why are you verbally berating him when he was clearly in the right here I'm already tired of this conversation okay I'm in the wrong I apologize for hitting your son and hope you can just go our separate ways and forget about this entire ordeal she seemed to accept this and walked off my friend came back at that point and laughed his head off saying he'd been watching from a distance and that was the most hilarious thing he'd ever witnessed I hit him hit my drink we messed about for a couple of minutes then got on with her I don't mean to brag but I can skate pretty well I've been practicing a 720 gazelle flip and just doing basic lines on the halfpipe and such we were having a good time when the e/m rocked up again this time with a police officer I continued skating just trying to ignore the e/m when I got back to my friend the officer waved me over and I complied try not to seem wary of what he was gonna say this woman here tells me you have to liberally hit her child of your board and then tried to assault her can I hear your version of the story please eeehm visually searches and looks a heck of a lot grumpier than before so basically her kid ran in front of me and I swerved out of his way I clipped him with my board and sent myself flying grazing my arm I showed the officer my grace then this lady yells at me for assaulting her son and I tried to keep the peace and give her kid some friendly advice on not running in to a skate park she then yells at me again for yelling at her kid at which point I've had enough and tell her that I was totally in the wrong and I hope she can forgive me I yell for my friend my mate here can confirm this as he was watching he confirms this is true and another couple of guys chip in and say the e/m is the liar here the officer gives her a warning for wasting police time and then wanders over to the ice-cream pan after am sure he's gone she whispers into eks ear and then wanders past me and towards my staff ek then proceeds to run onto the park again I grabbed him round the waist as as a guy about to smack straight into him and pull him backwards the e/m has been watching this happen and then proceeds to yell pedo this kiddy Fiddler's just touch up my son this man is touching my son to me rod pedo the officer comes running and tackles me to the ground I play rugby so it's no biggie that just got slammed to the ground but still it was a shock well the fu dum female dog got to keep it PG thank you very much I just saved your son from a broken arm and you're calling me a pedo blast the fact that I'm 13 makes you effing mentally collapse doesn't it and for all you Americans claps pretty much just means stupid everyone else in the park is looking at this lady like she's complete and utter div and have that English word the officer then yells at the lady for disrupting the peace again and says that this is her final warning at this point she realizes she's messed up big time so Spees walks off with ek two minutes later she was back and whilst I was having a drink and watching my friend do stuff on the halfpipe she took my 120 pound custom-built board and ran I yelled what the heck she was doing and spread it after her full of rugby tackling her to the floor and putting her down my friend sprinted over and took my board from her whilst the officer sprinted over again and arrested her mom you are hereby under arrest for attempted theft disturbance at the peace and some other things I can't remember something like wasting officers time I get up from pinning her down and dust myself off you might think it stops here but that's a no from me dog the fun never ends I'm shaking at this point my friend walks over to me and shows me my board one of my most prized possessions have been damaged I was adjusting my trucks when she nicked the board so everything was loosened one of the trucks had been from being slammed against concrete I showed the officer and he added something about property damage to charges her entitled kid then walks over and shoves me sending me to the floor as I'm unprepared and out of breath the officer grabs his arm and husband place I don't know the results of what the e/m got charged with and I'm too lazy to give updates but yeah this was my run-in with a Karen /vp well thank you very much Jose Bob for your submission to my subreddit that insight with mom is something else give my angel you're a $300 Nintendo switch $200 airports and your $3,000 laptop so this story all begins with me by my switch and airports with my own money which I'd indeed worked hard for at the time where I lived which is where this story will take place we had these awfully nice neighbors from what it seemed but this sure taught me that this was not true so meam son who is two years younger than me 11 at the time were playing outside when I mentioned to him I want to go inside and play Super Smash and why Nintendo switch which he agreed to and his mother came as well as she didn't want him to be alone she watched us play and was eyeballing my air paws and asked me what they were oh those are my air pods they are wireless earbuds that I bought oh that's cool James not his real name come look at these wow those are cool okay why then I'm sure you can try them let me just go grab my phone so they were work I went to go grab my phone when I hear them whispering so I come back fast with my phone hey I got my phone we can try them now okay James try them on ek had put them in his ears and began to walk around while I played music he then looks a.m. and nods his head to which am NOT her head back he obviously fakes stubbing his toe and then falling and hurting his back and begins crying oh my god my baby are you okay she then says to me oh my god you devil you tried to hurt my baby with those dangerous pas des I laughed in my head at that that could have killed my angel Oh mommy it hurts what did my airports have to do with your son falling I then tried to be reasonable and walk over to her son to try to help him get up even though I knew he faked it I grabbed his hand to help and he shook his head back crying Oh mommy you punch me in the face I think my jaw is broken oh my god I'm calling the cops on you at this point I'm honestly confused on what's going on and beg to the mum no don't call the cops please I'm sorry I didn't mean to at this point I'm beginning to break down a bit as I have anxiety and the e/m for some reason begins to freak out with terrible acting skills I cannot believe you have done this you know what you owe us yeah you owe me I'll pick out what I want okay baby what do you want he puts up my switch my airports and my $3,000 laptop and says all of that well the heck no way I'm giving you almost $4,000 worth of my stuff I should not have made him trip and punch him in the face at this point I call the cops and they told me to wait what they had people come good cool the cop said then they can arrest you yeah it was a bad idea for me to call them I might leave because I'm scared about getting arrested you can't leave watch me I walked up the front door as I'd already noticed a cop car putting up the cops entered the house and began talking to the woman she pleaded that young boy tripped and punched my son in the face the cop looked at the boy our notice there was nothing wrong with him police officer who you sure mom your son looks alright are you doubting me I showed them the security camera footage and then the e/m went ballistic and pushed me down on the ground in front of the cops and yelled you lying sob you should go burn in heck you wonder why you don't have any friends because you're an F the cops then pushed her to the ground and handcuffed her her son grabbed my laptop and threw it to the ground smashing it what the f that's what you get for hurting my mummy in me the cops grabbed the boy and put him in handcuffs and they got fifty hours of community service and a $2,000 fine with addition to having to pay for my laptop they broke I haven't seen them since my son is sick so he will be in from my boyfriend and I with damn excited to watch an game at the cinema he loves Marvel and all the movies oh by the way I've preached at the story there are no spoilers don't worry we pre booked our seats for us to be at the very back so we can get the full view of the screen we enter the building and go to reception to get our tickets with as a mother with a small child start shouting at staff and taking up a ridiculously long time here's the cast eeehm ESB f me all sanest off and s is staff P is person am my son is ill and we did not have time to break our seats so we deserve to get off front row seats sorry miss we can't do that we can arrange a son wants a front row seat so you can get a better view is it okay if you and your son get the second front row seats fine but you owe me money no we don't here's your tickets finally it's our turn we tell them that we pre booked our seats and we get our tickets we see the mother dragging her cried son to the bathroom and I roll my eyes my BF says what's up with her she's crazy I hope you don't watch the same movie me too my boyfriend and I get a couple of snacks drinks and popcorn for the movie and it's almost time to get into the movie theater we get there show the security guard our tickets that he scans and we get into the theater it's dark and cold and I came with a t-shirt I see Karen at the front of the movie theater talking with someone oh no not today I walk to the front row seats I demand this seat I've booked it and you have no right to steal me and my son's seat then the person who was sitting in the seat says I booked this front-row seat no you didn't show me your ticket I won't if I don't want to so I say just getting you see the movies gonna start soon it's just a seat it's just a see my selenite demand a front-row seat and he needs it because he's ill why are you bringing a sick child to the cinema anyway your son can spread it it's healthy to go outside when you're sick you need oxygen to fight off the flu I am dumbfounded as am i if your son has the flu go to the doctors and arrange an appointment to get a flu jab vaccines cause harm jesus said that it's better to have it natural I've just encountered an auntie mother I can taste bile in my mouth at this point I've had enough and I storm off to my seat my boyfriend asked me if I'm okay and I say yes he tells me that he will report her to the security guard if she disturbs the whole cinema again and game has started and we're having a great time still no spoilers my boyfriend is super height and I've already finished my first bucket of popcorn all of a sudden a child starts crying and it makes my ears bleed no not literally my boyfriend says do you think it's her some marry I stand up for a second and I see the Sun and Karen's lap moving around and bawling his eyes out he seems seven earlier but now he looks about two I sit down and say yup this carries on for another ten minutes or so I can't hear anything over this demonic child shrieking I need to go to the bathroom so I stand up from my chair and tell my boyfriend I'll be right back I will card the movie theater and I'm absolutely happy that I'm not listening to Satan school anymore I get back from the bathroom and I'm shocked to hear her son crying even louder than before the worst thing is Karen isn't doing a single thing I back out the movie theater for a moment and I notify a security guard about a child screaming in the movie I'm pretty sure they can get kicked out like this we both walk in the movie theater again and point at Karen I say it's the Sun on that blonde head woman's lap I sit down again my boyfriend asks did you tell security yes I've had enough I see the garden Karen's speaking to each other Annie escorts Karen and a demon out of the building I can hear the actual movie now and not be annoyed thank the Lord the movie ends and it was great it is around 4 p.m. now so we tried to get out the cinema as quickly as possible to avoid traffic my boyfriend's and I rush out of the movie theater and we get to the escalator good my legs are sore from sitting for too long but someone caught my eye a blond haired women holding hands with a child freakin Karen if you look closely enough you can see smoke coming out of my nostrils and ears I can see the aunt Iraq's mother let's try and avoid them ok ok we had difficulty doing that as a lobby was pretty small but we got out before we suffered any longer I hear police sirens oh snap the car stops and into the building I don't want to know what happened and that's the end of the story for now I hope you liked it my son is a better artist than you therefore he deserves your sketchbook for some background during the summer between my eighth and ninth grade school years I signed up for an architecture program in Boston being hosted by a college dedicated to art and design I won't say which one for privacy reasons the program was five weeks long and consisted of the students going around the city looking for inspiration and learning about different styles methods and types of arc sector I ended up learning a lot from that program and it helped me during my sophomore year of high school since I took an architectural design class but that's a different story this program was somewhat unique because most of the time we were out in the city sketching and drawing things on sketchbooks given to us by the program and I loved that sketchbook I would do do everything in there whether it be fan art landscape characters irons basically anything that crossed my mind anyways one day during the third week of the program and they decided it would be a good idea to take my group to the Boston Public Garden because that place is absolutely gorgeous and full of things to sketch anyways on to the story so my group arrives at the garden and around noon and my leaders came up with a challenge they told me and the other five kids in the group that we would have an hour to draw the best sketch of the garden and whoever won would get a gift card to Dunkin Donuts everyone wanted that free gift card so we all split up and went to different areas to capture the best part of the park I ended up picking a gorgeous spot under a weeping willow tree right next to the pond where the swampers would pass by perfect it was my golden ticket to a free gift card and I didn't want to miss out so I began to draw I was about a half-hour in and I'd most of the pond on and was moving on to some of the landscape in the back when I hit a snicker from above me I look up to find this twelve-year-old kid staring down at me smiling which startled me at first but then I realized he must be seeing what I'm doing nothing wrong with that that's the best you can draw please I can draw I like that within three minutes I keep a straight face and as kindly as I can tell him oh well that's awesome you can draw like this it's always nice to meet more artists you can watch over me if you'd like to know I've got bigger things to do than watch someone throw them something so simple and left I was a bit confused and frustrated since I was just talked down to by a 12 year old but I just brushed it off seeing as I had more important things to do about 20 minutes later and I begin to add some details like birds flying and some textures when in the corner of my eye I see not just ek coming up to me again but this other woman as well she had long curly blond hair a tank top jeans skinny and this really annoyed look on her face uh she came up to me putting on this fake smile while looking down at me and this is how the convo went hi there young man my son just told me he saw you doing some really good arts oh why thank you ek here is a really good artist top of his class and it's doing some art online you could learn a lot from him that's cool it's nice to meet other people who are also interested in art I'm still learning some techniques to improve my work and I'm always open to suggestions and tips from others yes well ek also told me that you've really likes your sketchbook and the drawings in them oh wow I'm glad he does yes so can he have it what my kid's been looking for a new sketchbook and he can't seem to find the right one for him but he said yours is perfect so can he please have it uh I'm sorry I can't give away this sketchbook since ask all of my drawings in it if you want I can see if I can find it for you online no he told me it has to be your sketchbook nothing else so can you please give it to him it wouldn't mean a lot I'm sorry but no like I said this has all of my drawings in it and I can't give them away like that you're just selfish you should always give away things to those who are less fortunate than you so stop being a brat and give it to him no I told you once and I won't tell you again this has all of my drawings in it and I'd be happy to direct you to wake up buy a sketchbook just like this one mom why don't you have it yeah don't worry honey mommy's getting it for you see what you did now stop being so difficult and just give it to him she snatched the sketchbook from my hands gave it to ek then walked away I was dumbfounded and took a few seconds to process what the Freak just happened and when I came back to reality I began to chase her down and just as I did someone stood in front of Karen and ek get out of my way I need to get home right now the nice man said okay I'll move when you get that book back to that young gentleman over there pointing at me it's not his he's thrown it from ek so I just took it back from him now move I know that's a lie I've been having a picnic with my family for an hour and we've seen him sitting under that tree with that book all that time then you came along and snatched it from him care to explain why Karen was now stumbling upon words he took it before he came to the tree its Tilly Kate and I'm not giving it back to that thief the nice man then snatches the book from ek then while all the images sign danger instead of ek Karen's face went white she stood there looking at him for a few moments then walked away cursing at him and telling me my drawing sucked anyway he's course she did how nice the nice man thankfully gave my sketchbook back and I thanked him graciously can you imagine if he'd just run off with it instead I flipped through the pages to find the ek a completely deface my sketches scribbling out everything with a black pen to the point where the drawing was just a bunch of black lines he even drew on the back page of the book which looked like a dog drawn by three-month-old I couldn't tell because I was so bad take that ek thankfully ek had not gotten to my garden drawing and I was so happy because I actually still the chance of winning that card the nice man had looked over my garden drawing and told me that it was incredibly good and I should be proud it was really nice to hear that after a grown woman and young boy completely destroyed and ridiculed my work I thanked him over and over before leaving to the entrance of the park and the nice man told me he'd worn the pot Patrol about them I didn't end up winning the gift card some other kid who drew like a God drew an amazing picture on top of the bridge overlooking the pond mostly because I didn't get any time to finish the details but my counselors still said it was really good I also told them about what happened with Karen and ek and we also told the park patrol about what happened not sure about what happened to them but I really don't care and just hope they were punished in some way or another by your own freaking Wi-Fi so I live in an apartment complex and some people buy their own Wi-Fi like me because the apartment Wi-Fi is really slow especially with so many people using it there are a lot of people on my floor because it's the top floor so I don't know everyone what I do know is that there is a really loud family in the room next to mine that has gotten several noise complaints one from me that they just ignored because I guess they just don't give a plug and the rules don't apply to them apparently so one night after a long day of work and walking through the rain one Tuesday night I decided to watch TV to relax and the room next to me the loud family became louder and louder but this time I heard a thought crying a door opening footsteps and banging on my door the story is about to get juicy so after all the noises and the banging at my door I like most people would decided to get up and see what all the fuss was about I open the door and see a five foot nine dark-haired woman standing in the hallway and the following conversation begins good evening good evening what brings you here I look at my watch at 6:30 so long story short I Phi the apartment one is running super slow and my son's games won't work so I was wondering if I would use your Wi-Fi for just one day now I was being nice because it was just one day sure but just for one day right of course so I whisper her the password so no one will hear okay thanks again glad to help the next day my connection was garbage it was running so slow loading one page took at least five minutes I gave her one more day because I'm assuming they went to sleep after 20 minutes because it was 6:30 the day after that I finally changed the password and I had the same series of noises a third crying a door opening footsteps and banging on my door I opened the door and there she was again I'm guessing she wasn't happy because she had that let me speak to your manager look that most Karen's have the following conversation began so you changed your password yeah you said one day and that one day was the worst because my connection was horrible well I was wondering if I could use it just one more time I'm sorry I need to have my Wi-Fi because I like to enjoy what I pay for well I kind of have a kid so I need to keep him occupied or else I have to deal with him watching a TV instead of me watching TV and I need my TV well if you want I could recommend a good website to purchase your own fast and good Wi-Fi I'm not interested I need your Wi-Fi because I don't want to pay for this bull poop well I can't buy a Wi-Fi only to not use it and I don't think the yelling and language is necessary just give me the Wi-Fi I need it now missus I need you to leave now because I'm becoming kind of annoyed by this yelling I'm not giving you the Wi-Fi a hand that's final you selfish bum Wi-Fi can be shared the apartment does it but that's an apartment complex not a personal Wi-Fi that has been paid for by one person and not a massive company freak you I never saw her again because I guess she hated me for life I look back on it and sometimes wonder if I should have given her the Wi-Fi for one more day but I think it might have ended up happening every day yeah I'm pretty sure it would have done you made the right decision I also later learn that the third was the entitled kid slamming his tablet on the ground after the loading took too long the crying was also him all the other sounds you know what they are I hope you enjoyed this story about someone wanting to steal my paid for Wi-Fi because actually living in it wasn't very fun enjoy your day bp's racist remarks to a bunch of kids backfires remarkably my dealings as a police officer with EPS issued - so this is my third post second while I was on duty this story it was my first encounter with an EP I actually don't know if this counts this time around the entitled parent was a guy and even though his kid wasn't around I knew he had a kid from the conversation we had was about to take place happens quite often unfortunately and as a result is the reason for many unnecessary phone calls to the police force as a friend has told me who works the emergency phone lines those guys are unsung heroes the course for today EP entitled parent who was dad k one kid one k two kids who in total there are about nine kids that all interacted but it was all pretty much set the same so I would say K G is kick gang and me it's me anyway I was two hours into my shift and those first two hours were spent in the office gathering what we know about the case me being a little wet behind the ears I was assigned family liaison not saying this job doesn't go to the more seasoned officers it's just more than likely to go to the new guys it can really give you the insight and empathy that is needed to do this job so I don't actually drive I'm learning but I don't drive yet so when I get assigned places I usually take the tree or if I'm lucky I get dropped off by an officer who was just coming off duty that day was my lucky day an officer was coming off duty and dropping something off another custody station so it was me and another officer squad car going to where I needed to be funnily enough where I needed to be wasn't a million miles away from where I actually lived two roads or blocks away actually I get out the car look at the address where to be tap the top of the car as a goodbye and off my colleague when I get ready to start walking when I'm confronted by a large six-foot 140 kilogram oldish late-50s man about bloody time I called you guys 20 minutes ago I'm looking at a confused because to my knowledge I was meeting a young women and I was earlie sorry sir I think you've got the wrong person I'm here what you are the police right just as a side note one of my biggest pet peeves is people interrupting it used to happen all too often when I first started this job well yeah I am but I'm actually in the middle of something right now so I can't see those lads over there he points at a group of teenagers that were doing what teenagers do standing around and having a laugh at one another they are predominantly black with one white kid and one Asian kid and they were all pretty much dress in black too and they were playing music but it wasn't loud enough to cause an issue not in my opinion anyway they were also not in the way of anyone they were in a park yeah I want them gone who knows what they're up to I don't want me or my kids to get doubt by them they have knives probably oh so you don't actually know you're just assuming that they're well they probably do you know what a like go over there and move them along I was taken aback by his blatant racism straight to my face about a group of kids that were doing no harm for the sheer fact I was early for my meeting I decided to humor him and go speak to the kids not to move them along just to see what was war as I walked over he followed me over despite me telling him to stay put last thing I want is this guy barking orders from behind a up0 swords an era how's it going I knew these kids matter of fact three of them lived in the same building as me and I made a point to talk to them any time I saw them the police currently have a real tough time in dealing with the use as my department call them you guys should see the Trading that is put in place in order to help the old guard deal with them it's laughable hey zero my mum wanted to thank you for the other day for getting her shopping the other day welcome I said he's like are you serious Siri she wants to cook you to you one night no worries about that I'll speak to her sometime soon you lads having a decent time not doing anything illegal are you nah bro we're just waiting for my friend's parents to come home so we can go out to footie the kids then started all talking among themselves as I turned to speak to a now open draw man I'm not sure what he was expecting me to do especially since being ridiculously racist I sure hope he wasn't thinking about joining with his thoughts he quickly composed himself and attained a very angry face right you bunch of little ladies you better freak off out of this area or this guy will cool his colleagues and get you all arrested the kids will stop and stare at this guy and disbelief no I won't then not doing anything wrong what you have to oblige to my request and move them along you do set the public don't you please don't shout in my face I do set the public yeah but they are doing nothing in league search them and they will have drugs for knives now with that said the kids start to get a little agitated with this guy rightly so but the last thing I needed was a load of kids about a kick off with this guy it would be ashamed to arrest these kids of beating him up I turn to the kids and point this out to k1 please control your emotions and your friends you've got nothing to worry about just let me deal with this the kid turns and nods to his mates who were all cutting this guy out for being old and racist come on lads let's go to the shop let zero deal with it with that said he stopped and focuses attention on me his angry look didn't drop I knew I was in for some interesting insults heard it all before though we as a force are quite hated by a lot of people usually people who do naughty things or card-carrying EDL members apparently we single these guys are EP raises his hands and points straight in my face the unit should be for them you didn't search them they could've had anything you use this lady sir if you carry on insulting me I will have to place you under arrest for disturbing the peace and drunk and disorderly conduct it was daytime but you could smell the booze from a mile away after I said this he got right into my face and said you wouldn't freaking dare you arrest me and I'll have your job I stand there with a little smirk and raise my art to his side as an indication fan to step aside now looking back I get it all he saw was me raised my arm he must have assumed that I was going to grab him or something before my arm was even halfway through his journey he pushed me hard I didn't expect her I was a little shocked that this guy had done this I regained my composure as he was walking away from me calling me for falling over I ran behind him graphed both his shoulders span around and used his weight and my own to slam him onto the ground with me kneeling with one knee on top of his back using one arm to pin both his arms behind his back my other hand was free to call for a unit to pick him up as he was pinned to the ground he was screaming all heck he's gonna get me sacked police brutality broke his arm which I didn't by the way he has epilepsy no he doesn't he pays my wages to find out later he's unemployed and happened for a decade he was screaming all the things every drunk middle-aged bloke says when they face arrest it took ten minutes for a unit to show up and arrest them meaning I was a little late to my meeting and also a little scruffy from the scuffle but after explaining she laughed I laughed and I had a brew all their day's work you know what I don't think we've actually met a drug entitled parent before but this officer handled him extremely well so kudos to Opie I don't care if the dragon is broken turn it back on I came all the way from Calgary for this okay son back story about this dragon in West Edmonton Mall around the 80s they built this dragon that spits real fire you read that right real fire so this has been a tourist spot for years on end people from all over different provinces come to see it okay fast forward to 2006 unfortunately the dragon kept breaking down so the theater would get it fixed but again it would break down and it would cost so much just to fix it when it did work it would be so annoying since every 20 minutes the effort would turn on and spurt fire and have these sounds come out at first it was cool but working underneath there man it would get annoying real quick so they stopped fixing it people would come complain and a cycle continues income or cost me I won't fire that guy we drove all the way here Kerin annoying kid kid and my soup tl so I'm on floor sweeping the lobby minding my own business when somebody taps me on the shoulder I turn and see a family of three who are not happy who where does the dragon go off it doesn't it's broken suits weren't three years now stop lying go up there and push the button and start the dragon yes the other dragon I will fire yes give my kid fire I can't mom and why not there is no button I really have to start being a smart guy sometimes oh haha funny guy go turn on again sir I can't yes you can no I really can't the dragon has been broken for three years it takes millions to fix it and it keeps breaking down I don't care we drove all the way from Calgary for this let me speak to your manager I radio my manager my seat becomes walking towards us what can I help you with yeah you can turn on the dragon form I could sir the jack has been broken for three years we can't how dare you my kid was looking forward to this we drove from Calgary for goodness sakes just turn on the darn button there is no button frankly I don't know how it works I'm not the one who created that thing this is it all the time huh yeah it was then go to the timer of Big Al Unser the timer broke three years ago can I continue sweeping yes go oh though he stays right here I want her name and his name I'm calling corporate we will be reimbursed for this since we came all the way from Calgary you can call them but they can't do anything oh they can touch the button on their side yeah their site here's the number the parents get the number and then go off to cool corporate who knows how much corporate laughs that day random lady demanded I let her in my house took my phone and lied to police okay so first some backstory I live in a pretty middle-class neighborhood the place you would expect a golf course next to full of civics not exactly rich but sometimes it seems like it my house is one of the first ones you see when you come into the neighborhood it's a pretty nice brick house I always liked the fact that it was right at the entrance but this day I did not so I was sitting on my couch playing mind oft on my xbox 360 still a good game when someone knocked on my door I have a doorbell I thought it would just be some delivery since my parents order things online a lot I opened it and said hi next thing I knew some pregnant lady pushed me out of her way and went into my house I was extremely confused and told her to leave notice I am a scrawny fifteen year old and my parents were gone this was the following conversation who are you and why are you here the entitled parent enters the house I need to use the restroom I've never experienced anything like this so I say can you please leave my house no where is your restroom I'm not telling you please leave I won't leave until you tell me mom this isn't a gas station leave before I call the police no the police can't do anything I'm your elder and you have to respect me mom I really don't I wish I hadn't said that because if that made her very mad yes you do if my daughter does so do you I realized her daughter is at my front door obviously embarrassed she looks about 4 or 5 mom I'm not your son you legally can't do anything to me I'm going to call the police if you don't leave now do it then I then pull out my phone and dial nine-one-one this is when the daughter says that she likes my phone I thanked and proceeded to call the police when the EP snatches my phone and gives it to the kid there you go enjoy your new phone give me my phone back now no that is your punishment for being so disrespectful I then remember the landline in the kitchen would you like a drink if you tell me where the bathroom is ok I will go get one I walk to the kitchen and call the police with the landline I walked back to the EP and say we are out of soda but the restroom is upstairs to the left it really isn't but I was hoping she would look for it while I was waiting for the police she did look for it but for about a minute now I want to mention where I live again since most of the people in my city live in this neighborhood a cop go 70 miles an hour will arrive at my house in about 1 to 3 minutes thankfully they came fast when EP came downstairs the police were entering my neighborhood they enter my house and tell me EP and her daughter to put our hands up they pull us out one at a time to question us I don't know what EP said but I heard things along the lines of he should respect me he's my son and it's my house anyways when the daughter was asked about the phone her mom told her to say it was her phone my parents got home during her questioning they gave the police the papers saying I was their son and the house was theirs they also showed our phone bills saying was my phone last I saw was EP being arrested and the police calling someone probably the girl's parents I don't know what will happen but it was a pretty crazy event Karen kicks little girl in the face so I got my first retail job when I was 13 and now I'm 23 so I have a lot of entitled parent stories but this is one of the worst ones so I was working at a hotel from when I was 15 till I was 18 and I loved the job there I was in charge of the disco for the kids staying at the hotel so lots of dancing with kids aged 2 to 11 face painting and walking inside a big mascot costume the mascot was incredibly cute but the costume was giant and it was impossible to see anything inside and you weren't allowed to talk everything that was under a meter in height was out of my sight range in the costume so whenever we were going around in one someone had to follow us for several reasons the person walking around with us basically had to be our voice and eyes because we could walk into stuff and kids oops the children could ask us questions and last and most important someone had to deal with the entitled parents in the hotel and I promise you there was no shortage of those now a lot of the insulted parents never understood that the other kids and not just their own and wanted to give hugs to the mascot so we had parents pushing kids out the way yelling at kids to let their kids go first and even lifting their kids over the crowd so they didn't have to wait we could have 200 kids at the same time in the restaurant sometimes so yeah it could be difficult if people didn't respect each other and as we all know following this rudder not everybody does now enter the insides of parents a real can I speak to the manager Karen that is one of my favorite types of Karen she and her family came to the hotel often and she would always do something stupid and act entitled the year before she chased a bunch of kids out of the bouncy house so her kids could have it all to themselves so we knew to watch out for her this day there is a conference and a holiday so the restaurant was packed and the mascot could in no way get through there so we made a line for the kids who wanted hugs and a line EP was having none of that for her precious little angels I was saying hello to a kid in a wheelchair so that took some time and EP went straight to the kid and parent who were first in line I was in the mascot costume but I could hear Karen's nasal voice hello my family and I are in the middle of dinner I want to see a lot of mascot as quickly as possible so you have to go in front of you the little girl's dad said clearly we are in the middle of dinner too and we were here first sorry but your kids have to wait in line like everyone else oh that won't do come hurry kay and say hello to the nice mascot she was also trying to get past the kid in the wheelchair now the dad said you are not allowed to just go past everyone else be an example to your kid and learn some manners ouch I knew ep enough to know this would be a situation and I squeezed my companions arm and she stepped in sorry but you have to go to the back of the line everyone here needs to do that Karen got angry real fast you do not talk to me like that you let's say she called her a female dog for the younger readers she kept arguing with my companion and some other parents and getting increasingly more loud the manager of course heard her and ran over you need to get out of the restaurant now and Karen of course refused and the manager strictly but firmly took a hold of her arm and said please come out with me for a while Karen started screaming at her too and a waiter came and took her other arm and they were ready to take her out of the restaurant and away from the kiddos when the manager and the waiter started to move Karen went crazy and started kicking and actually kicked the young girl in the face the dad of the young girl was quite a big fella so of course he almost attacked Karen but took care of his daughter first and foremost thank she had a broken nose the young girl's mom came over and took care the younger and the dad went after the manager waiter and Karen from heck the police were of course schooled and charges were pressed against Karen she was also thrown out of the hotel with her family I don't feel bad for her husband because he was an idiot too but I felt bad for the kids the four-year-old girl who was kicked in the face still had a small scar on her nose the last time she came to the hotels but thank God nothing more and she didn't seem to be too scared to be there I always took a little extra good care of her after that episode unfortunately I don't know what happened to Karen after that with the police and all but I never saw her again and thank God for that move your car so I live in an old southern town with a perpetually crowd a central square made more crowded because it is the county seat and the County Court Complex is across the street on one side along with all of the city and county government buildings stretching for a few blocks in that direction it's also been there for over a century and it's layout was meant for horses and not cars it's cramped so one day off I'm running errands and hit up the best local taco shop this place has no a/c outside of the kitchen and the inside is always in the upper 80s or hotter on a winter day and the signage outside even points out you come for the food and not the parking the parking being nearly non-existent I Drive to the square to park and ate between errands after five or more laps on the one-way streets around the square I look out and see someone pulling out of one of the angled inside spots these spots are all an angle so you can quickly put into one and quickly back out if traffic lets you that will be important later given that a heat wave had just started I decided to eat in my car with the air running I pretty much inhale the first taco bliss fine cut beef cilantro pico etc that's when I hear the horns some dingbat is behind me flashing her lights clearly thinking I'm about to pull out and that's when it hits me through my food bliss I'm nearly at a 90-degree angle to the road it's about then she gets out of her car and starts screaming like a stuck-up Pig giving my spot you well yeah I served in the Army where you learn to say freak ten and a 12 word sentence but even she was overdoing it with the explosives amused I took a sip of whatever kind of coke I was drinking dr. pepper I believe and allow another taco the horns were getting far louder and multiplying the lunch rush of both city and government workers was hitting and traffic sucks her and she's brought it to a standstill the intersection is a parking lot and the backup is going to get long fast at this point she waters up beside the driver's door and starts shrieking move I need to get my child ice cream the ice cream shop on the square was good but not that good still the darn good finishing a taco I take another sip of coke and crack my window lady you're directly behind me I can't move neither can two lanes of traffic just to be clear yes she was pulled across not one but two lanes of lunch hour traffic pulled directly behind a parked car and yelling at the driver to move this is where she loses it move your God darn car I want ice cream and need to park nice flex lady forget your kid that fast oh yeah she said I want ice cream not a kid I robbed my window back up she then starts shrieking move I need a bog move I need to park move I need to park by this point she's attracted a lot of attention I can see a kid in her car's front passenger seat quietly reading a book no doubt used to mummys temperament paying the events in no mind she also has at this point attracted the attention of a group of teens school haven't just ended and they pin her perchance sort of her chart is time like clockwork move I need to park move I need to park after a minute of this the teens join in whenever she says move they start saying Moo like a cow which is so unfair to cows it's a few more repetitions until she realizes they're mocking her not agreeing with her and she charges them like Darren all-you-can-eat buffet but she only makes it a few steps before reality once again as a pointer as by this point and multiple County Sheriff Deputies and city cops have flooded out of the courthouse across the street to see what in the wide wide well the sports is going on here so they say something in a loud commanding voice that I can't make out and her charge stops officers do your job and make him move I need to park mom get back in your vehicle and quit blocking traffic the traffic can wait for me to park he leads the move now this is where I start to lose it and I start to laugh pretty hard setting my food container into the passenger seat the cops don't really do or say much frankly I suspect they were too dumbfounded and she turns back to my car leave your car you f er I need to bark mom get back in your car and follow the patrol car in front of you to a safe parking spot now I need ice cream my child needs ice cream well she didn't get ice cream after that I see movement in the rearview and the female officer gets into the lard-asses car and starts moving it moving it down the road out of sight the poor kid is still reading at this point she loses it screeches and charges towards her car yes cops were in her way yes they all went down like bowling pins thankfully the cars in the front of the blockage hadn't started moving or someone may have died hired fed up with her bull a cop tased her lying the prongs in the small of her back and four six foot six or larger sheriff's deputies proceeded to attempt to gently move her over to a park bench after quickly catching her before she could even fall over they succeed and the bench doesn't break somehow one of the officers turns towards my car and I lower my window fully sir are you okay he seemed a tad confused a ferry action by ponder for a minute and respond honestly seemed to be sir am i tripping balls and drooling on myself or did that actually happen and the cop proceeds to freaking loser half falling a half leaning onto my car laughing after picking himself up and tried to dust pollen off himself he tells me honestly I'm not sure about it myself either right now have a wonderful day you too officer I think I'll catch some ice cream that would have been the perfect ending but this whale wasn't done yet hearing that she made some loud noise she had been zip-ties at the bench I guess she was too fat for Hank and lunges in my direction all she manages is to fall flat on her face as she tips the whole bench over in case anyone cares waffle cone two scoops of pistachio and there it is that is the end of the video again I want to say a massive thanks for 30,000 subscribers and I will see you very shortly with another reddit video
Channel: Redditor
Views: 296,553
Rating: 4.9183192 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, reddit stories, entitled parents, r/entitledparents, reddit top posts, best of reddit, funny reddit posts, r/entitledparents the movie, redditor movie, entitled parents movie
Id: Eg4s5DG2CtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 19sec (5839 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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