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what is going on everyone and welcome to our slash pro revenge now if you're like me you absolutely despise people that cheat on their partners now in today's first story exactly that happens except it's not just a random person it's opie's step sibling does it get much worse than that i would say no but op's revenge in today's first story is absolutely ridiculous guys this person's life just gets ruined let's get straight into it boyfriend cheats on me with my step sibling so i get him kicked out and destroy his relationship with his parents i've been wanting to post my story on here for absolutely ages but i just never got around to doing it so then i figured since i have a reddit account now i might as well post it when i was around 17 i started dating a guy a 19 year old i'll call him jake for the sake of this post also age of consent where i live is 16 so nothing illegal happening here we got on well spent a lot of time together and cared for each other a lot we even started talking about living together once we both moved out we were a perfectly happy couple or so i thought you see after we've been dating for a few months something in jake changed he was getting a lot more distance whenever he was with me he'd be checking his phone constantly we stopped spending as much time together and he started to get really funny about public affection regarding things like hand holding and stuff he also seemed to start caring less and less about my feelings i used to have a bit of a thing for humiliation in the bedroom nothing too far and we'd spoken about what jake should and shouldn't say but he started to get more and more degrading he tell me how no one would ever love me and would pick on my insecurities i actually broke down crying a few times when this happened to give him a bit of credit the first few times he did stop everything he was doing and apologize or cuddle with me until i felt better but eventually that stopped too and he just began rolling his eyes and telling me to grow up he was like a completely different person the insult started to seep into our everyday life he'd pick on my appearance a lot bring up my family i was dealing with a lot of family issues at the time bring up the fact that i slept around before we started dating a sort of rebellion caused by the family issues etc if i got upset by it he just leave the room and let me cry by myself i started to feel like it was my fault our relationship was falling apart maybe i just wasn't good enough for him i knew deep down that he was cheating on me and that was confirmed when i got a message from a guy david on facebook telling me that he'd been sleeping with jake he apologized profusely and told me that he broke things off with jake as soon as he found out he had a boyfriend i couldn't be mad at david it wasn't his fault we spoke for hours and i reassured david that it wasn't his fault and that he'd done nothing wrong david also helped me to stop making excuses for jake's attitude and the way he'd been acting he was a godsend the thing that truly broke me happened not too long after the cheating was discovered we've been arguing a heck of a lot more then he decided to do something absolutely unforgivable you see i had a strange relationship with my father for years he cheats on my mother constantly and eventually he settled down and had kids with a girl he'd been seeing behind her back he did try to have some sort of relationship with me till i was about 13 or 14 and then decided that he didn't love me as much as his other kids and we stopped any and all contacts it broke me and it still hurts to think about to this day anyway jake went out of his way to find one of my step siblings online and slept with them he bragged about it the next day and my step sibling actually posted online about what happened and i received a bunch of messages from their friends telling me how i had deserved it this was probably the lowest point in my life and i hated myself partly for allowing it to happen and partly because i started to believe what they were saying my only solace during this time was david i didn't want to burden my friends with my problems and david was one of the only people who knew firsthand what jake was like we spoke for a few weeks and eventually talk turned to revenge i tried calling things off a couple of months prior due to jake's awful behavior but he started with the apologies and telling me he didn't mean it he'd never do it again he even spoke to some of my family members who unknowingly pressured me to get back together with him as we were such a sweet couple i hadn't wanted to tell them the real reason that we'd broken up so i kept the details pretty vague though i'm pretty sure some of them had seen my step siblings post and knew why i didn't want to be with him after weeks of talking and planning i had finally had enough and decided to do something about it my father wasn't exactly a rich man but he worked a pretty well paying job and earned enough money to live fairly comfortably he had begun spreading rumors around when i was younger during a castley battle with my mother that he had set up a trust fund for me and that there was enough money there to get me set up in my own place when i was 18 plus a bit extra i knew that this was absolute bs he tried to get out of paying child support all the time of course he'd never set up a trust fund for me however jake didn't we'd never spoken about it a lot but he'd heard the rumors and i just always say what i told you folks my father was an appalling parent who grudge pay my mother child support so why the heck would he set up a trust fund that jake wouldn't listen he even did his own research into the type of job my father worked and came up with an estimate of how much he thought my father was earning though to his credits he did drop the subject whenever i asked him to for a while anyways i decided to use this to my advantage jake and i were still dating though i avoided him at any chance i got until one night where i sat him down and told him that since i'd be turning 18 in a couple of weeks i started thinking about us getting our own place with the trust fund my father has set up for me he immediately cheered up at this and honestly i think that night was the first time in months that he'd said anything nice to me when we weren't in public or with friends and family this very nearly made me want to cool the whole thing off but i spoke with david later that night and he reminded me that jake would go back to his usual degrading attitude in no time we started looking at flats though jake was kind enough to let me have the final say and handle the paperwork because how could he possibly go out and cheat on me if he had to sort out the paperwork for a flat i was a little surprised by this to be very honest as i'd always thought that he'd want his name on the paperwork and everything so i couldn't kick him out but by this point he slept with my step sibling degraded me smashed my self-confidence to pieces and cheated on me regularly i think by now he thought that i wouldn't cook him out no matter what he did anyways i started taking up extra shifts at work to try and save enough money to actually move out not with jake though oh no i was moving in with my friend emma we had both been thinking about moving out for a while anyways and thought why not just be roommates we found a cute little one-bedroom flat that was close to our college and work and started getting stuff sorted to move in i also didn't want to bring any trouble to my mother's door if jake started kicking up a fuss emma had no issues with clawing the face off him if need be and told me not to worry about him coming to our front door then came the next part of the plan i waited till a week or so before jake and i were supposedly moving into our own flat and stole his phone for a few minutes he'd stopped caring about leaving his phone unattended and would sometimes flat out brag about how lucky he was to be able to sleep with whoever he wanted and come home to a little female dog who'd make him dinner so that day when he went for a shower he wasn't all too bothered about taking his phone with him perfect i went onto his phone deleted my number from his contacts and changed the name of his mum's contact to mine pleased i went to the kitchen smashed one of the plates it was my mother's but it was a cheap one from a local shop and i did replace it as soon as possible i left the work once everything was done my mother had left for work a couple of hours prior so she was safe i just needed a reason for him to get annoyed and oh boy did he get annoyed i guess that's why you smashed the plate i was a little bit confused there his first reaction was to text me calling me all the disgusting names under the sun except it wasn't me he texted it was his mum i texted her in advance and told her that i hope she'd forgive me but she had to see what her son was really like she'd never tried to defend him as much as she just hadn't known quite how bad his behavior was she'd actually called him out a couple of times where he'd slipped up and been harsh with me when she was there she went mental i never found out exactly how that argument went as she phoned him to scream at him and called him out for his trashy behavior finally seeing how horrible her son was it didn't help that she'd been sent screenshots of some of the times where he'd admitted to cheating she was absolutely disgusted by her son's behavior and phoned me to apologize on jake's behalf it wasn't her fault though he's old enough to know how to act like a dang adult he wound up telling his mum essentially that her opinion didn't matter as he'd be moving in with me anyways needless to say when he called me on facebook after i deleted my number from his phone i took some satisfaction in telling him that we weren't moving in together that the trust fund wasn't real i'd already told him that in the past to be fair he just refused to listen and i'm moving in with emma instead i was called all the x and x under the sun his voice sort of turned into white noise after a while i told him we were over and hung up blocked him on everything he had to run back to his mum and dad his tail between his legs and they took him back for a little while though after a bit the arguments became too much and his own parents kicked him out he stayed with a couple of friends for a few months before he managed to get his own place his parents especially his mother have not been the same with him since i still talk to his mum on occasion lastly david and i took the liberty of sending screenshots of jake's abuse to as many people as he'd been hooking up with as possible a couple of sleepless nights were spent trying to track people down on facebook part of it was to get back at jake but most of it was just to make sure that none of them got roped into a full-on relationship with him and had to deal with all the trash that i'd gone through so there it is my little story of prayer revenge i wasn't ever planning on posting my story but i was scrolling through facebook the other day and one of jake's new accounts popped up on the people you may know section after talking with emma about it she suggested posting it here i hope it fits in the subreddit bye uh yeah opie no doubt in my mind that that story definitely belongs on our slash pro revenge it was fantastic if anything you know it's heading towards nuclear revenge you've made this guy this horrible guy jake fall out with his entire family not live in a proper house on his own and yeah ruin all of his relationships that he was having on the side that is what he deserves though for cheating on you and not just cheating on you because you know cheating is bad but it's not the worst thing you can do but you know giving you the the you know the verbal and perhaps even physical abuse that you went through telling you that you're worthless all that stuff humiliating you about stuff oh just horrible and then on top of that cheating not only cheating but cheating on you with your step sibling and then writing about it on on social media that is that is crazy i yeah i mean cheating is bad guys don't get me wrong but cheating like this wow that deserves some proper revenge and i'm just happy that you gave it to jake in a way that he deserved i mean fair play to emma dave and of course op for this amazing story jake i hate you i just do sorry now moving on to our second story of today's video make me look bad on the job well we'll see about that i worked at a clothing store in a mall for a year and a half it was not fun but i was thinking back to my time there recently and i forgot this golden gem of pro revenge so a new girl had just been hired as many new people did in that job and right away you could tell that she thought she was hot stuff we're talking acting like a manager talking how many hours she had and worst of all she wouldn't shut up about all the dudes she was banging and how the money she got from them was the most important part to put it lightly she was a cold-hearted female dog who made everyone feel bad about their insignificant lives as she put it here's where things go down in our store all the racks were milled steel bars and hooks so really hard to break and really expensive they could however be bent out of shape if enough heavy coats stay on them for long periods of time this hot stuff here thought it would be a good idea to impress the management by putting all the coats on the same rack using the milled steel bars instead of a circular rack that wouldn't warp i protested of course as i've been there longer but she said i get paid more than you so you do what i say she got hired as a key holder out of the gate so she made a dollar more than i did per hour i go along with it put the heavy winter coats up on the milled steel and go about my life well two weeks later the mills deal is of course warped and when management saw this they flipped cheapo store any course was bad to them anyways she blames it on me and i get written up for it now i refuse to sign so they gave me less hours which also cut my pay because she lied i was now making 50 less than before and had a formal written complaint against me to say i was ticked off wouldn't even start so i'd advise the plan to get back at her you see the drywall on the center pillars had sustained water damage for an early melt earlier that year making them extremely soft however they provided some of the largest coverage of shelf space in the entire store meaning basically a good twenty percent of shelf space couldn't be used now the kicker is miss hot stuff didn't know about this she came in a week after it happened and to the naked eye you wouldn't think the pillar couldn't be used as there was banners on it to try and hide the yellow wing i may have suggested what a waste not being able to have product on the pillars was and how if someone could come up with a nice display it would bring in a lot of customers due to how people could see it from the mall main floor we were just off the food courts her eyes lit up now here's the thing i was taking a small break to a nice snowy lake cabin the next day and the people she had working with her were the manager or the temps who were not allowed to handle marketing and logistics i.e putting shelves iraq up on the wall due to their cost and the incident that got me wrote up now i knew she wouldn't want the managers to see it because she wanted all the glory from it herself she wanted to show to our three stores in the mall that her still was the best while the managers weren't around so she being with a temp and them not being able to put up shelving she put the heavy winter clothing on mill steel racks and attached it to the soft drywall pillars within a week the drywall on the pillars collapsed and ruined 500 worth of products now she tried to shift blame on me but i was away for the whole week so it couldn't have been me because obviously that can't happen if i'm in the forest hundreds of miles from civilization so no dice there and she probably got charged with the repair demoted to sales associates and written up for what they finally realized was not just this but the one they wanted me to sign for as well the repair was two and a half thousand dollars plus the 500 stock that got destroyed when 40 pounds of drywall came crushing down on it but i wasn't done yet you see our manager in our store specifically was pretty chill and she's still a personal friend of mine she had a group chat so we could talk off hours and keep up to date now as i mentioned before she wouldn't shut up about all the men she was playing and how the only thing that mattered was the money and boy oh boy did she use the group chat to say a lot of this sometimes one of these dudes would come around and take up for lunch let's just say when she was in the back for a little while finishing something up did i let them see the text channel if they promised not to let her know i told them so often they go on their lunch date and after one or two days she'd be down a man finally this boiled over when one of them took her phone saw how many guys she had been banging for money and messaged all of them about how much of a lying cheat she was after two months her fountain of man money dried up and now demoted to a sales associate she didn't have the money to spend on all her lavish nights out or designer clothing and she eventually moved up to another store for more hours and stole money from the till causing her to get fired a fitting end to a backstabbing ice queen i think i eventually left that job after half a year later to pursue my current job wow um what is it with cheats in this one episode of our slash pro revenge i don't know it is kind of funny when i like collate a few stories and they all have the same sort of theme that i didn't even know they would have i mean i had no idea this story was going to be about another cheat but yeah i guess this this whole whole video has been about people that cheat and getting the revenge and the justice that they deserve for cheating because let's be honest cheating is horrible and you get what you get what you deserve you cheat i mean come on if you're playing like a dozen different boys then yeah you don't deserve anything especially if you're playing them for money as well i mean playing them because you want to have some fun is one thing playing them just for money come on that is the lowest of the low you are scum if you are doing that i'm sorry i mean yeah you're making money but that's a scummy way of doing it and then also stealing from a till just shows you are pure scum i'm sorry to say and yeah horrible person you deserve to go to prison nice anyway guys that is going to do it for this episode of our slash pro revenge i really hope you did enjoy it if you did and you are new to the channel then make sure to hit that button over there we're gaining a lot of subscribers per day now we're over a thousand i'm not really sure why um i'm not really doing anything different but yeah if you're enjoying the content and you're new hit the button and also if you want more right away check out my entire playlist right here of all my pro revenge videos there's about 30 in that playlist that you can go through and enjoy if you're bored and yeah want something to watch i'll be there for you anyway with that being said i will see you guys tomorrow for a brand new upload
Channel: Redditor
Views: 94,734
Rating: 4.9460082 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps
Id: F0yNYVC9e9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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