r/EntitledParents | "DO *NOT* CLIMB THAT TREE!"

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what is going on everyone welcome back to the channel i hope you're all having an amazing day today i've got some more crazy entitled parents stories which you're gonna love so sit back relax and let's get straight into them entitled mum tells kid to climb tree the kid was just expressly forbidden to climb then karma hits now this is not nearly as bad as some of the stories i've read on here but even so this experience from yesterday features one of the most entitled parents i've ever encountered in the wild in the city where i live there's a botanical garden it's private property but most of it is accessible to the public for free in the middle of the garden there's a small cafe and yesterday my girlfriend our daughter and i met up for coffee there with another couple and their daughter right next to our table outdoors there was a small tree that a bunch of children aged approximately four to eight were climbing in we'd been there for about half an hour when a gardener or something it was evident from his clothes that he worked in the garden not really sure in what respect though came by and told the kids politely but firmly that they were not allowed to climb in the trees in the garden the trees are from all over the world and most of them don't grow here naturally so i imagine it would be quite expensive to replace one should it get damaged the kids didn't seem too upset about it and ran back to their respective parents they did not all belong to the same family slash party of visitors two girls aged around four ran back to their mother sitting about 60 feet away sipping wine and the gardener went about his business about 10 minutes later one of the mothers approached our table with a sour look on her face and the girls in tow and the following dialogue ensues are you the ones who told my daughter she couldn't climb this tree no it was some guy that works here the entitled mum's turn was now a bit softer now that she realized that none of us had told off her daughter oh i see well did you see where he went no i'm afraid not the entitled mum then turns to her two girls if you want to climb here that's fine if they don't want children climbing the trees they should have a playground she then returned to her wine me and my company were a bit baffled but didn't intervene as frankly none of us were in the mood to come between a karen and whatever her precious kid deserved but just five minutes later one of the girls fell out of the tree and hit the ground face first with a good thought we asked her if she was alright but before we'd finish the question she started wailing as if her head had split open luckily she didn't fall from very high up and was probably more startled than hurt but even so that's some karma if ever i saw any oh you know it is and it isn't yes it's karma for the entire family but not for that one kid you know she was fine with going off when told that she wasn't allowed to climb the tree anymore it was her mum that was really advocating for them going back and climbing the tree so it feels unfair in my opinion that the daughter had to take that fall if anything i wish the mum had been hurt but you know obviously that wouldn't really have been possible the only way that would have been possible if if the mum had said you know what i'm gonna climb the tree myself and then she had fallen out of it and hurt herself the one thing i hope is that this daughter isn't too badly hurt it sounds like she's okay just you know probably a bit startled overall yes it's karma but i wish the karma had been solely on the entitled mum and not on her kids seriously though this entitled parent is ruining this whole botanical garden for any other kid that might want to go there because this is how a business like this becomes kid-free you can't really deal with this sort of stuff you know kids climbing on on really expensive trees on their own potentially really hurting themselves you know if that continues if more entitled parents say i'm not listening to the rules i'm going to do what i want then yeah this place is going to become kid-free very quickly and you know that suits nobody so entitled people going to botanical gardens please do not do this just please listen to the groundskeeper it's just embarrassing now moving on to our next story entitled mother thought i was faking my disability for attention and almost made my injury worse this happened when i was 10 years old so i was playing in the local park with my three older brothers jake 11 john 12 and james 14 and our neighbours cal 10 and craig 13. we all were laughing having fun when jon had the idea to play a game on the roundabouts the game is pretty dumb and dangerous but really fun back then it involved five of us holding on to the outside polls as one of us pushed a roundabout as fast as possible we all had to hold on for dear life or we would get flung off last one holding on would win yeah guys if you haven't played that game have you really lived i don't think so we all ran up to the roundabout and got into position my brothers thought it was a bad idea for me to play because i have a joint disability later got diagnosed with heds but because there hadn't been an incident for a while they let me play now just quickly guys heds or eds is ailer's down loss syndrome a condition that affects the connective tissue in the body it is weaker but more flexible the type op has hypermobile eldest down loss syndrome is one of the most common types of eds essentially the soft tissues that are supposed to hold you together don't back into the story now i held on wrapping my legs and arms around the pole along with cal john craig and jake james began pushing the roundabout really fast and we were all screaming and shouting in excitement for me the screams of joy turn to screams of severe pain as my leg had dislocated around the pole as the roundabout spun it was slowly pulling my legs apart and it was agony james realized what was happening and immediately grinded the ride to a halt everyone was panicking as they couldn't move me and any attempt they made made it more excruciating and i just screamed louder in a panic james john and craig told cal and drake to stay with me so they could run and get my dad they did know how to fix it but thought my dad would still be able to get me off the roundabout with minimum pain they ran off and a crowd gathered of parents and their kids to see what was going on the parents did try to touch me but jake and cal explained that i have a disability and the others are getting my dad who knows what to do they added that moving me might make it worse a lot of the parents looked very concerned with some kids looking really confused as i looked like i was just sitting there crying enter the entitled mother e.m and her annoying daughter ek who was maybe about 12 years old they approached the group and asked what was going on and the other parents explained the situation the entitled mum immediately said how ridiculous everyone was being saying that i am clearly just trying to get attention by the looks of things cal was with me patting my back telling me i was going to be okay while jake was telling the other kids not to be mean as they supposedly were saying the same as the entitled mum the entitled kid then told her mum how she really wanted to go on the roundabout the entitled mum told her to hold on a minute and approach me and cow she began telling me to get off the roundabouts and cal said i couldn't he tried to explain that our siblings had gone to get my dad but the mum ignored him she told me to get off again before grabbing me and trying to yank me off i screamed in pain again begging her to stop but she just responded stop being overdramatic and get off i felt an intense pain like never before in my legs and was crying uncontrollably trying to hold on to the pole the entitled mum kept telling me to stop being a baby and stop faking it and let her little baby on she pulled me with a lot of force and i fell onto my back with my legs still around the pole cal started screaming for jake and jake ran over and tried to tackle her telling her leave her alone the entitled kid then jumped in telling jake that i was an attention seeker and tried hitting jake saying to leave her mum alone at this point the entitled mum was trying to drag me and the other parent saw my leg now it was visibly obvious that my leg was dislocated the other parents jumped in and dragged the entitlement away from me as she was screaming she's faking she isn't disabled she is a faking the other parents along with cal tried to put me back in my original position the entitled kid ran after her mum crying because jake did end up hitting her according to jake the other parents stay with me cal and jake until my dad arrived while telling their kids to play on other equipments the entitled mum was still screaming and shouting about how we are attention seekers while the entitled kid cried for her mum james john craig and my dad arrived and ran over to me with my dad gently unhooking my leg from the pole and carefully along with the other parents carrying me to a nearby bench my dad told me to do the brave trick and i started biting onto my sleeve as my dad put my leg back into place he thanked the other parents for their help and they told my dad what happened to the entitled mum he was fuming and asked them where she was but when he looked around he saw the mum and the kid running out of the park the entitled mum must have seen my dad's face because he looked like he was out for blood after my leg was popped in i stopped crying and thanked everyone after calming down a bit they all wish me well and went back to their kids my dad carried me out of the park and took me to my mum at her work she was a nurse and jake told our parents everything they were horrified and my mother said that if she kept doing what she was doing she would have caused me serious injury i never ran into the entitled mum or her entitled kid again but my dad told me that if i ever saw her again to call him immediately oh wow i cannot think of much worse than this i mean i've never dislocated something myself thank the lord but i know from hearing from other people how potentially painful it can be that's bad on its own but then when you couple that with an entitled parent saying that you're faking yeah it cannot get much worse than that oh you know what there's a special place in heck for people like that all i can say to op is good luck with your disability it sounds absolutely horrible and i really hope that this sort of thing doesn't happen again but it sounds like it may very well all i can say is that next time i hope there is an entitled parent to compound your misery and pain oh what a horrible thing to happen i'm so sorry i just don't understand in this situation why you would ever call someone a faker like why would you want to you know what would you gain from faking this situation i just don't i just don't get it i'm speechless uh jesus this entire mom is such an embarrassment and so is her kid like it's just such a shame that there are people like this in the world even if you do strongly suspect that someone may be faking for whatever reason don't say it you know just help them out make sure they have everything they need no they're clean not faking let's be realistic they're a massive pain help them out don't be a i can't say it but don't be an idiot come on it's just it's just so trashy anyway guys that is gonna do it for this episode of entitled parents if you have enjoyed it and you want more from me right away i've left a couple of videos up on screen go and click on them for some more entitled parent content um hopefully it's not as crazy as this but you know let's be honest it probably is also guys remember to drop a like on the video comment down below and make sure you are subscribed to my channel with notifications on so you never miss one of my daily uploads there'll be another one right here same time same place tomorrow you don't want to miss it do you you really just don't want to miss it
Channel: Redditor
Views: 113,700
Rating: 4.9503059 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps
Id: JQ5rk6xjmvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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