r/entitledparents | My Entitled Coworker becomes an ENTITLED PARENT!

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel we've got some entitled parents to hear about so let's jump right into our first story of the day by miss andromeda 19. entitled parrot wants me to babysit her child while i'm at school this happened when i was in fourth grade my teacher let's call her miss kathy not her real name got separated with her husband at that time she cheated with her colleague it was very obvious actually all of the students especially in my class are well aware that there was something fishy between her and our guidance counselor long story short mr guidance counselor got fired and moved on to another province and miss kathy is now a single parent who is desperately in need of a babysitter she brought her spawn to our class with the principal's permission now this is where crap happened she assigned me to take care of her three-year-old child while we're having a class to entertain him so he would not cry or make any unnecessary noise that can distract the class i was not willing but she threatened me that she will fail me in her class oh and i also need to watch over him inside the classroom in resets i tell you it's not fun at all i can see and hear my friends playing and having a good time in general outside our classroom while i have to suffer with a spoiled little brat it went about two weeks when my mother noticed that my notebooks had been doodled by a little kid and all of my notes are incomplete she asked me about this and i told her about miss kathy she went ballistic and went to the principal's office the next day not sure what happened in there but i think miss kathy got suspended and we had a new substitute teacher he is very cool and good at teaching never heard anything from her after that so that is one of my few encounters of entitled parents sorry for my grammar and have a nice day listen i would not be able to put up with taking care of your kid for weeks on end during class that's an unfair burden if this was you would you have taken care of the kid let me know in the comments down below and if you have any ideas on what you would have done instead let me know that too our next story is by lady delirium organizing a funeral on my own because my mother wants an apology i am having a rough week every time i think i'm on top of things i have to do something that sucks even more a bit of history as this is not a normal situation my son's father and i were never in a relationship it was a one-night stand that changed my life forever he was an obnoxious pos and we fought all the time his mother c was amazing though and over the years i have built a relationship with her when my son was 9 his dad died pretty much the way he lived drunk on a motorbike this was eight years ago i made a huge effort to make sure that c stayed in our lives she grew up in a children's home and my son and i are basically her only living relatives she was very sick with lung disease and last year i decided she was going to move in with us so we could look after her after much debating she was fiercely independent she decided to move in this year eventually during an easing of lockdown restrictions c moved in with us in may it was not easy but it sure was fun she was so funny great sense of humor set in her ways but opened everything i really really loved her my son took her shopping once a week and we were getting into a great routine i was finally able to spoil her after years of her fending for herself she was rushed to the hospital on the 8th of august with stomach cramps they then had to move her to the icu as she had a lung infection on the 13th the hospital told me that i should come and see her this was not a good sign as there is strictly no visitors allowed in hospitals at the moment i honestly thought she would pull through they have told her so many times that this is the end and she always pulls through well anyway she passed last week monday on the 17th my son and i have both been wrecks he was so close to her and so was i as i am her only living relative sort of i have had to sign the death certificate organize the cremation arrange the wake do all her paperwork do her asset list it has been emotionally draining and i am really just very very sad i had hoped to have more time with her while i am doing this all on my own my sister lives 6 hours away and has a newborn and a toddler my mother has not called or messaged she has not called or messaged me or my son nothing she has told all her friends and any mutual friends that she has done with me and she will never speak to me again unless i apologize to her why would a mother not want to be there for their daughter who was trying to do this on her own we had a fight the weekend that sea went into the hospital we had gone to visit my sister and help her with the baby she is battling as her husband is an essential worker and she is pretty much home alone with an amazing father-in-law but he is also old the whole weekend my mother made it about her she fought with everyone she witched she complained she bossed my sister around to make her coffee like what the freak we are here to make my sister's life easier she wanted to drag me to the mall for throw pillow shopping insane i had a covet test so i could play with the babies no way am i risking my sister and the babies because of throw pillows she shoved trump down our throats spoiler we don't even live in the usa she's insisting on reading all the negative news on the last day she was having a go at my poor exhausted sister and i just lost it i told her that she has ruined the weekend for everyone and we were supposed to be here for sister but she has made everything about her she told me to freak off i told her to freak off she told me i am the biggest disappointment in her life and if she never sees me again she is happy with that i said that suits me too she said that she is sorry she is not perfect like me i said that i am not perfect far from perfect in fact i am a freak up because of her she told me to freak off i said it is my pleasure we have not spoken one single word since then she did send my sister a message on the family group saying what a terrible person i am on the day that c died oh and the kicker the hospital called her first to say that she had died she told them that it was none of her business and they must call me they called me at 4am in the morning to tell me she is now telling everyone that i refuse to allow her to go to the funeral like what the freak no one is invited to a funeral you are given the day and time and you show up if you want i honestly do not want her to be there because she will behave so badly making it about her making out that she is so freaking perfect to everyone there i hate it c wants her ashes put with her son at his gravestone his grave is about four or five hours from where we live we are going to make a weekend of it my dad said my mom will want to come neither my son nor i want her there she hasn't even contacted him to say sorry he has lost his granny she has accused me of turning him against her but i brought him up to stand up to bullies she is the worst bully she has called him fat and stupid his whole life he decided at 10 years old he was done with her all the bribery in the world would not make him go to her house she just wants a free holiday and an excuse to be the center of attention not sure if anyone will read this but i must say i feel a bit better putting these words down this is a perfect example of how tough these situations can be in these stories that pop up about entitled parents they're family so at the end of the day you don't want to just legitimately cut them out of your life or you want to give them that chance to redeem themselves and be the way they should be acting but time and time again they rear that ugly head up and they just completely ruin your soul and you just have to make that choice at some point to finally just cut them out just let loose of that and and trying not to get stressed out about it so hopefully op can just keep their distance and hopefully keep their stress levels to a minimum during this very important time in their life and our final story of the day is by earth rogue entitled co-worker becomes entitled parent be my i.t and electronics expert even if it's not your job this happened started about a year and a half ago entitled mother shows up at my desk one day at work i've seen red meetings but never interacted directly with her we work in different parts of the building for different functions she's in customer service and i'm in supply chain i'm several steps up the food chain and i don't know her name are you says my name me checking to see if my desk name placard disappeared um yes okay i heard you used to be in the military not a question just a statement yes i was okay i heard you used to fix electronics is that true i did i haven't done any of that work in about 10 years okay but you still know a lot about electronics me not liking this conversation some things yes some things no but could you add a printer though right i'm sorry i have a meeting to go to in a few minutes what do you want well i need you to add a printer on my computer you know the step-by-step directions with screenshots are posted over all of the printers right and isn't it right next to where you work they can help you if you need it it will only take you a minute i'm horrible at this kind of stuff and it's off-site today me size okay which printer do you want to add entitled mother looks at me like i'm stupid the one closest to my desk yeah i figured that but do you know the printer name no can't you figure that out listen i'm doing a meeting in a few i need to finish up a couple things beforehand if you can't get anyone to help you in the next hour from your area bring me the computer name and i'll show you how to add it can you come to my floor that would be easier not for me if you really want my help make sure you bring the printer name with you i'll be back for my meeting in an hour entitled mother walks off my co-workers and i exchange glances and eye rolls and talk about how easy it is to follow the screenshots i get to my meeting and forget all about entitled mother until a friend ims me hey what'd you do to entitled mother me not understanding the question's intent i might be helping her out a printer if she can't figure it out by the end of the meeting any chance you can help her but what did you do to her she sounds upset and said you were really rude what does that even sound like me i explained what happened you can ask name of other friend we both know who was there she was really pushy i said i'd help her when i got out of this meeting if she couldn't figure it out can you help her i'm on a call and going to another meeting after if i get out early i'll try just thought you should know since she's down here witching about you fast forward to the end of the meeting i get back to my desk to drop off my computer and then go to the break room to get some tea i walk back to my desk with a friend entitled mother is waiting for me looking irritated entitled mother eyeing my cup of tea so you had a meeting yes then i got some tea were you able to figure it out no that's why i'm back can you hurry up and add the printer i need to get this printed for this afternoon hey i'm offering to help you i don't know you when i hear you're complaining that i'm not being very helpful to your co-workers and i don't even know you what who said that do you want my help or not fine i guess the name like you said hands me a post-it i read the words hp laserjet and psy listen this isn't the name who's someone who sits near you that could run over to the room and check for us i instant manage your co-worker who promptly sends me a screenshot and says they offered to help her earlier but entitled mother said i was going to deep sigh and i walk her over to the printer room i make her follow the directions in the screenshots herself and it set up in a couple minutes see was that so hard no it really wasn't complicated at all next time just give it a shot first and then ask it for help or lots of people in your area can do this like the person we im'd for the printer name thanks see you later cheerfully goes off i forget all about it until the next day i'm working and hear a happy voice say hi it's me again thanks again for all your help yesterday me feeling annoyed but relenting a bit because she sounds like she's being nice oh you're welcome everything work okay yeah and i got everything printed out just in time hey i was telling my family about how you used to work on electronics and my son has a question can you do a mod to his xbox this is where i make a giant error i should have said no and just left it there instead i say something like it's been a long time i think the last one i did was on a gen 2 xbox while i was deployed oh good so you'll do it me backpedaling hard no i can't i don't even have the equipment to do that and there are a lot of problems with making mods like i could break the machine and it would completely void the warranty i said a bunch of other stuff too about why it was a bad idea but my son really wants the mod and everyone else wants too much money for it they want like 50 dollars and we'd have to buy the mod ourselves well yeah it takes time and the mod is more than 50 bucks what you're paying for is a lot of skill and knowing how to solder again i wouldn't know how to do any mods these days and i don't have the equipment to do this anymore it would cost you more to buy the equipment than to pay someone else even if i could do it i'm not willing to but he really wants it and he doesn't want to pee that much he says you can use the electronics lab at his school at this point one of my co-workers has had enough and tells her listen he doesn't want to do it and he said no either pay someone who will or tell your son he can't have it entitled mother looks shocked and leaves in a huff saying you don't have to be rude about it i figured that'll be the last i see of her but no my friend who works near her ims me a little later and says she's going off i find out who her manager is and set up a meeting with him a few days later he shows up for the meeting with her in tow we get into the room and he kicks it off thanks for taking the time to meet with us i hope we can work out whatever conflict you're having i've told entitled mother i want to stay unbiased so i haven't heard her side yet can you tell me why you think you're having issues working with entitled mother i say what well tell me your set of things and then she can tell me hers and then we can talk about it this guy thinks he's here to resolve a conflict well she's been extremely rude entitled mother spluttering manager looking frustrated but patient can we stick to the facts and avoid any kind of name calling okay i'm just frustrated she wants me to make a modification to her son's xbox and i'm not able to do it or willing to i'm sorry what do entitled mother cuts in he wants me to spend money to hire someone else to do it i already told him he could use the electronics lab at his school um and donald mother is this work related well at first it was he wouldn't help me install my printer i finally got into and when i asked him to help my son he refused and one of the other people he works with was really mean about it he made it personal me leans back and smiles a little um your son looks at me um you're in supply chain right yes yes i am yeah he wants me to spend a bunch of money on my son's xbox my son even found a place for him to work on it i was going to buy the thing he needs he just has to install it manager to her would you excuse us for a second i'd like to talk to opie entitled mother leaves looking smug manager to me i'm at the same level as the manager as far as responsibilities um can you tell me what's going on i pinged my counterpart who was there for both interactions as she's entering entitled mother calls out make sure you tell them what really happened i think i'm going to be really sorry but what did happen we explain and my co-worker is way more heated than i am i also refer him to my friend who works near them for the rest of the story and show him my friend's ims i'm so sorry do you want hr involved only if she keeps asking me to do this stuff also next time if i ask for a meeting with you and don't add someone to the invite don't surprise me we talk a bit more before he leaves and he promises she'll only come to me if there's a work reason fast forward a month she walks by my desk and says she's on her way to a meeting and says well i just thought you should know we had to get our son a new playstation since you wouldn't help with this xbox you weren't willing to pay someone who would do it 50 bucks so you spend hundreds on something different and this is my fault yeah if you just made the change we wouldn't have had to me absolute silence she walked off looking smug and i emailed her manager and hr and haven't had to interact since apparently she reserved a meeting room in my area just so she could walk by my area to say that now she's not allowed to come to our area and has to work through her manager for anything to do with us she's also been warned not to bad-mouth me or she'll lose her job 50 bucks for that job is actually pretty reasonable unless you know somebody that actually knows how to do it and will do it for free because they're a friend or something 50 bucks is like a bargain for that kind of work and especially if they can do it physically in person because a lot of times you have to like ship your stuff out somewhere online and kind of just put your trust that they'll do it and ship it back to you and you're probably spending hundreds of bucks to do that and then she's like okay we'll forget it we'll just go buy a playstation for at least 200 300 bucks i i don't understand but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you enjoyed the stories today please consider giving the video a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video and if you had a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below but no matter what you did whether it was liking commenting subscribing whatever you did thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and as always i'll be back tomorrow with more reddit stories right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 19,532
Rating: 4.9342241 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, Storytime entitled parents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitled parents Storytime, Storytime r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitledparents posts
Id: s6u6ZPauUcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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