r/EntitledParents (ft. r/IDontWorkHereLady) | Uncle SENDS Niece to Hospital

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some people just can't seem to take a hint or even an outright statement of I don't work here this woman does a kindness to an elderly gentleman but according to this rude woman the only reason you would do such a kind thing is if you were paid for it what does she do to take matters into her own hands when this teens private property is invaded what does he do about it well he gets others involved but this entitled parent just can't seem to let it go how will our heroes survive you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and title parents featuring I don't work a lady this story was called I was just being nice don't push my patience so this happened yesterday whilst I was out of my usual weekly food shopping trip so a quick bit of info before we begin I'm a 28 year old woman and I use this shop regularly and now recognize a lot of the usual cashier staff I was also wearing a black hoodie leather jacket jeans and converse this is important for later I was at my local supermarket just doing my thing listening to my music and getting my items I spent a good 20 to 30 minutes gathering the things I needed before heading to the checkout it was a very nice visit thus far and I was in a rush I headed over to the self-service checkouts I can get very anxious when I'm out on my own as I have PTSD and BPD and I prefer as little human contact as possible so generally opt for the self-service tills that and I can keep listening to my music without being rude I get all my items on the belt and wait for the lady ahead of me to finish paying and packing up her items and I see an elderly gentleman place one single item down behind mine and this is where we meet our cast there's me obviously elderly gent rude woman and store worker I take my headphones out and turn towards the elderly gentlemen are you just getting the one thing yes I am would you like to go ahead of me it's not fair on you to have to wait for me to get through all my things when you only have the one item are you sure of course please insert hand gesture to move ahead of me here I'm in no rush at all now I am usually socially anxious due to my conditions but I was always taught to respect my elders and enjoy making their day a little easier if I can I put one headphone back in and I'm happily waiting when I hear the elderly gent how do you work this thing towards the self-service tool screen I put my phone away come around my trolley and offer my help to EJ and continue to help him finish his transaction when the rude woman appears behind me whose left is shopping on the belt whilst I'm still helping eg oh sorry that's mine but what are you doing getting your shopping on the clock you're here to work not shop umm what at this point I'm looking at this woman like WTF remember I said I was wearing jeans leather jacket etc you shouldn't be doing your shopping on work time now my anxiety is starting to flare and I am getting angry I just want to run look lady I don't work here I just want to get my things and go leave me alone my life saw you helping that man he had thanked me and left by this point and I started to put my things through yes I did I could see he needed some help when the staff were all busy besides what I do is not your business now leave me alone well you're going around helping people at the till so you have to work here turning to face this woman look I was just trying to be nice and help that man with the till I'm losing my patience and this is the last time I'm going to say it leave me alone she didn't leave me alone but you look like you work here now the uniform for this store is green and yellow shirts and green trousers not black leather jackets and jeans I thought seriously I called over the worker that was keeping an eye on these tools who I regularly have a chat with when I come in hello how can I help you need to have words with this worker she has been very rude to me looking at me and then the woman I'm sorry miss but she doesn't work here but she was helping just because she was helping someone it doesn't make her a member of staff thank you SW returning to the rude woman with a big grin on my face see I don't work here now leave me alone rude woman's face was a mix of anger shock and confusion absolutely priceless I left with my shopping with a big smile and noted towards the awesome store worker who came to my rescue thanks awesome guy now even if the hero of our story did work at the store wouldn't you assume that they just clocked off and maybe they were helping that person as just a kindness I see employees all the time who have finished their shift and so they're purchasing whatever it is they worked at KFC they're getting themselves some food they work at a grocery store they're getting some groceries before they go home why is it any of your business if somebody who works at the store is also a customer of the store she probably can't even fathom that another customer or an employee who's finished their shift might help someone just out of their own generosity and you know why because she's the sort of person who wouldn't do that and you know what if she's the sort of person that wouldn't do it herself and therefore can't imagine anyone else doing it you can kind of understand why she would make that mistake it's just a mistake that reveals you're a terrible person this story was called entitled parent threatens to call the police on me for destroying my own climbing frame some background information I live by a river and every now and again the ski club there hosts events like open days for concerts and parties they also have a small caravan park for people to stay in now and again some kids staying over or whose parents are at an event will go on a climbing frame that is in an unfenced part of our garden although they're a sign saying it's private property we aren't true bothered as there aren't many and they aren't too loud recently they hosted the village beer festival and ended up being very popular this meant so many parents decided to take their kids to the ski club for the day on that morning I was woken up by dozens of high-pitched screams and looked out of my window to see what was going on to my surprise there was about twenty kids all playing on my climbing frame mounted in the garden I realized what had happened and was furious all the parents had left the kids at our climbing frame to entertain themselves while they all got drunk I was furious first we decided to flip over my climbing frame as a passive-aggressive way of saying get lost but soon after they flipped it back over almost destroying our fence in the process and continued to drive us all slowly insane we decided we needed to do something drastic and I called my friend who was good at destroying things he rushed over with some basic tools screwdriver allen key etc and we began to disassemble the climbing frame we got bored of just unscrewing it all and most of the bolts were all rusty so he started breaking it and snapping bits off this was when most parents came to see what we were doing they were all mainly decent people and we're just wondering about us potentially being vandals so when they realized that it was ours they apologized and left all but one enter entitled mum I'm English and that's how we spell mum although I thought EMS were more of an American thing I was surprised to see how much she resembled a classic e/m that trademark haircut annoying grainy voice and yes she was entitled in the story we have entitled mum epic but overly sarcastic friend me my mum absolutely wholesome person and I'm not afraid to say I love you for how you dealt with am entitled mum clutching her son excuse me what did you vanko's doing dismantling our climbing frame if it isn't a problem to you jaw are you criminals trying to say you owned his climbing frame that belongs to the ski club is Court her to the sign saying private property see it's ours she couldn't easily humbly say sorry except she was wrong so she continues to pick a fight well why have you just ruined my child's fun the child couldn't care less and all of the other children's fun because they are distracting us and it's private property and you should have thought about that before bringing your child to a beer festival well YouTube's fix it before I call the police on you oh I'm so sorry officer don't arrest me for destroying my friends climbing frame she is red with anger and begins screaming abuse and my friend about how he should respect her and not be arrogant all the while I was calling my house phone from my mobile waiting for my parents to pick up when finally my mum answers I loudly say hi mum yeah this kind lady is having a go at us for breaking our climbing frame and saying that I don't live here are you alright explaining Thanks she storms over to me and I put my phone on speaker listen here ma'am your evo children are vandalizing a climbing frame and denying my child his right to play shut up you cow and look at this the fern drops to the floor eeehm looks at our house and absolutely shocked to see my mother opened the window and begins screaming at her to get lost and leave our garden and leave us alone before she comes down and hits her with a rake EMS confidence drops and she strides away looking although she had crapped herself as my mum shouts at her and flips are off it may not be the most dramatic story in the world but it's proved to at least me that these people exist everywhere even in a small English village just goes to show that wherever you go in the world wherever there's people there will always be entitled people so avoidance of entitled people can only go so far you must learn to defend your property I'm honestly surprised that more of those parents weren't entitled parents I sort of thought they were gonna be a group of them all ganging up together especially if they're the type of people that will just let their kids play on other people's private property without really showing any respect for boundaries this story was called fine then give me a 20 out of the till for reference I work in a young adult geared clothing store it's in the top 5 largest stores of this chain in the and half of the US it's in a mall with a horrible amount of shoplifting we often joke that we know our shoplifters because they are the regulars I'm normally the visual assistant manager so I set the store up front everything dress the mannequins things like that we recently had a huge exodus of sales associates so I've been working overtime to cover some of those shifts the other day I had something happened that made me question my sanity until they asked for a manager I was running a register and a customer came up to me we'll call her Karen I give the opening saying and notice she has no clothing in hand to buy no is everything all right ma'am so I dropped a $20 bill somewhere in your store you're going to help me find it at first I blinked but called up my general manager who agreed that I could walk the lady back through her own steps to see if by magic a $20 bill would still be lying on the floor and no one had thanked God for the miracle of finding a dropped 20 and took it after a good 15 minutes of circling the store and the fixtures I met up with Karen and explained that someone could have pocketed the $20 instead of turning it into us and there's where things went south what do you mean pocketed it some people don't put a lost-and-found value on physical bills or change ma'am I can try to look at the cameras if you'd like no I don't have an hour for you to look around on a camera just go back to the register and give me a 20 excuse me you heard me go give me a $20 bill since your staff can't notice a 20 on the ground ma'am we can't do that well I bet if I talk to them manager I would get it I shrugged at her and let her back to the GM who walked her away from the registers too tall well I took back over after a while I heard Karen all but screaming obscenities and my GM kicked her out of the store in response and another snip of my faith in humanity died as Karen yelled one final thing they are all thieves here they steal bills from the floor okay so from the stores perspective this lady could be lying and just 120 dollars from the till is she stupid and hasn't realized this and got angry for no reason or she actually trying to scam them question of the day have you ever found money in a public space and what did you do with it when is it okay to keep and pocket the money because it's considered abandoned and when do you return it into management is it the amount does it depend on where you found it what do you think let me know in the comments below this story was called there is no such thing as a meat allergy now eat this steak one of the girls I knew in high school will call her Amy had such analogy she cannot eat meat of any kind without getting seriously ill her parents had found this out shortly after her adoption when they made her hamburgers to eat to this very day they still felt so guilty of her making her eat it and her getting so sick but they had learned their lesson so Amy is a vegan and not by choice still she had an aunt and an uncle who would try to make her eat meat whenever there was a family function she and her parents would argue with them every time about how she is unable to eat any kind of meat and they would scoff well when Amy graduated she had a nice dinner planned for herself and her friends she cooked the vegan meals herself but made sure there were meat options for her friends and family if they didn't want the vegan meals I wasn't there but Phil being a mutual friend was he told me what happened at this party Amy's entitled aunt and uncle showed up and immediately tried to get Amy to eat some of the meaty dish that they brought along with steak that was cooked Amy of course refused Phil overheard them speaking how many times do I have to say it before it sticks in your head I have a metallurgy I can't eat meat there's no such thing as of metallurgy now eat this steak sit down eat or we won't give you our present Amy just walked away from them and went to some friends Phil remembered seeing them skulking around the tables with the food but he didn't see what they did apparently they took some of this salad that was made and hid some chunks of meat in there and covered it with the ranch dressing yep you can guess what happened when it was time to eat thankfully Amy only got the mild effects of the allergy she did break out into hives got stomach cramps and her parents still took her to the hospital to make sure it wasn't going to get any worse the entitled aunt and uncle got into some serious trouble for making their niece sick and were banned from any family gatherings once the word got out they were their way back into the families favor somehow but they will no longer allow to bring any dishes to the parties and not allowed at the food tables until everyone else got a plate first want to know the stupid part despite witnessing amy's reaction despite the internet showing them that the allergy exists despite the fact several doctors told them it was real the entitled aunt and uncle still believed that the meat allergy doesn't exist pride can be such a dangerous thing it's not only self-destructive but in this case it meant that the entitled aunt and uncle caused harm to their niece why because they didn't believe in a meat allergy I don't know if they're in denial maybe there was such avid meat-eaters that they couldn't believe in a world where somebody could be allergic to meat whatever the case was originally it's obvious because they took a public position they then felt like I had to defend it at every single opportunity and somehow prove her wrong that she was lying you have to be pretty stupid to take a risk to cause potential harm to someone else just to prove that you were right let's say theoretically that it was made-up isn't just knowing that they're making up a disease enough to just want to ignore that person why would you want to actively engage with them it would be better just to leave that kind of person alone if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit oh boy see here link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 196,217
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 64
Id: DxY0w4f0r-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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