r/EntitledParents | Mom BARGES Into Stranger's Home

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are you ready for some more entitled parents madness will buckle up and get ready to defend your property because here they come encountering an EP anywhere it's usually pretty shocking but for this woman it is even more so what does this EP do that is so outrageous he just wants to sit back and enjoy his bus ride but what ridiculous accusation does this EP make before they even leave the station a mum and her daughter are enjoying a school field trip but this EP is not satisfied with the activities that have been provided what crazy reason does she have to demand a refund you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and titled parents this story was called woman barges into my apartment and calls me a liar she had the wrong house boy do I have a good one for you guys tonight this just happened about an hour or two ago let's meet the cast me rude entitled woman and a quiet kid he didn't say anything so he's not a part of this story but he was there so why was it home just doing some laundry and washing some dishes when I hear the bell go off and I proceeded to dry my hands to go down and answer the door I live on the top floor and I actually have to walk down two sets of stairs one in my place and one in the main lobby where there is another neighbor living right next door to me anyway let's continue as I'm drying my hands the Bell happens to go off two more times I basically had to rush down while trying to put on some sweatpants I had pajama shorts on but I don't like answering the door in my shorts so yeah I finally get down to the door and as I'm opening it there is this woman with the most angry scowl in her face and her son behind her who looked about 15 and she pushes the door a little too hard which then slams into my foot and I let out a natural ouch you know what here's how the conversation went right after the door slammed into my foot I yell ouch oh stop being a child I didn't even touch you but you pushed the door into my foot as I was still opening it have some patience huh anyway where the Freak is Vanessa Vanessa there is no Vanessa that lives here she cuts me off dude lay I know Vanessa lives here now please go and get her for me are you sure that you have the right address there's only me and my boyfriend in one flat and the neighbor let's call her Maggie in the next one try up the street a bit look I don't care who they're quick lives here but just get Fitness and now aura have you thrown out of this building I know the landlady she tries to push me out of the way and make her way inside of my building keep in mind that I am 5 foot 2 so I am a very small woman and I have no upper body strength or overall strength she was pretty strong so it was a bit of a challenge to keep her from barging in she then succeeds in getting inside while dragging her son behind her and walks upstairs and basically just barges into my apartment my boyfriend saw the whole commotion and was confused so I was explaining it to him while she was still looking around for this so-called Vanessa who supposedly lives here and we finally managed to talk her down after he threatened to call the police my boyfriend had the police on speed dial ready to go she suddenly had this look of fear on her face as soon as the police were mentioned we asked her what address she was looking for and it didn't match the address on my door and we basically had to let her see one of our letters that had the address on it as she was demanding to see it or she said she wasn't going to leave so I basically got annoyed at this point and I fetched a letter to show her she sees me coming back with the letter in hand and tried to grab it from me but I pulled my hand back and said no this is how it's gonna go I'll show you the letter to prove that you have the wrong address and then you'll be on your freakin way lady she literally gives me this highly offended look as if I had just killed her freaking cat but she had it coming so anyway I showed her and she went red in the face started stuttering and trying to apologize but I just didn't care at this point so I told her to shove her apology I also told her that the numbers of the address were on the front door downstairs which she must have missed she just wanted to leave so I but I followed her downstairs to show how the numbers on the door I said so you see maybe you need to go back to school and learn to read next time then I told her a few choice words which I am going to keep discreet and I told her that if she ever pulled a stunt like that again I will notify the police she then scattered off into the distance when I approached someone's house that I have never entered before I always feel extremely nervous for the fear that I might have the wrong house I'll keep looking back double-checking the number to make sure I have the right number so it seems strange to me that somebody would just barge into somebody's house demanding to see Vanessa now all we're left with is this curiosity of why she wanted to see Vanessa so badly so much so that she would just barge into some stranger's house do you think when people say I know the landlady that they actually do and they just feel like it gives them more credibility or they just making up most of the time as a bluff it just seems to happen way too often and I don't think any landlady's that popular this story was called I already moved for you well move back and do it again stuck on a bus with an EP for 10 hours this happened Monday I've used buses all my life for long distance travel and never encountered this level of BS re this all happened in a span of 5 minutes I take an early bus back to Washington DC after spending a lovely Easter weekend with my girlfriend's family seating is first-come first-serve and I go to the back of the empty bus so that I am closest to the bathroom everyone else shuffles in and the bus is about half way full I'm lucky enough to have the big backseat to myself I hear her before I see her EP medium length hair bold highlights hoop earrings and bejeweled sunglasses she's on the phone with I assume her husband and is all but dragging a sleepy three-year-old by the hand into the bus I stick in my earbuds and try to bunker down for a nap when I feel a shift in pressure behind my head I opened my eyes and see the EP 6 inches from my face a hand on my head rest her sunglasses are now on top of her head and she's looking at me like I insulted her shirt can I help you yes I need this back seat for my little baby they're not potty trained and I need to be as close to the bedroom as possible can you move I move right away Who am I to deny a kid who needs to go potty I grab my backpack and shimmy out the seat around the mum and see an open seat across the aisle no sooner do I place my backpack in the overhead storage area and sit down when I hear her dissatisfied screech um what was that were you raised in a barn what are you talking about you never said bye-bye - sleepy kid when you move you are so rude look there's so upset that they're crying sleepy kid is whimpering but it's 3:30 a.m. and they're rubbing their eyes clearly the kid is just tired and there high-pitched mother isn't helping me just wanting to avoid conflict this early in the morning okay I'm sorry turning to the sleepy kid from my seat bye-bye sleepy kid this of course does nothing to assist the tired child and the mother goes full-on crazy what was dad you didn't do it right get up enjoy it again she picks up the now whining child and points to the seat where I just moved from you want me to move where I was say bye and move into this seat again - how else will sleepy kid calm down you hurt his feelings no not happening with that I put in my earbuds crank up whatever was next on my Spotify playlist and stare out the window we haven't even left of the garage yet and I see the bus station workers loading luggage under the bus I hear the mum yelling some vague insults at me how I ruined her child for life but soon enough she sits down and sleepy kid falls asleep on her lap EP shoots me dirty glances the whole ride and when we reach a rest up with food she cuts in front of me while I'm line dramatically flipping her hair and oversized hoops like she's just finished delivering a winning speech whatever EP you got a crappy sandwich before I did cute kid though this is how you can immediately detect crazy when you've already done a favor for someone but they then ask you to repeat that process because of some delusional belief that they have in this case thinking that he didn't say bye-bye to the kid making the kid upset you just know that this is a parent that never takes responsibility for their kid so anytime the kid is upset it's always something external it's either someone else the kid themselves it might not heaven forbid be that they're not actually treating their kid right the best advice I can give when a wild entitled parent like this appears is just to completely ignore them it's like they're starved for drama or attention and the more you give them more they're gonna keep taking from you this story was called p.m. doesn't understand why 1800s child's toy isn't interesting my daughter is 4 years old and yesterday her preschool class went on a field trip to an 1800s themed park this is a place where all the workers dress in traditional 1800s dress and teach the kids about life during that time period my daughter's class was having a lot of fun they wrote ponies and saying old Nursery songs and went through traditional period kids rooms in big houses and did a lot of fun hands-on activities one of the activities they offered was making their own 1800s style dolls out of a corn husks and twine honestly I thought they looked a bit like voodoo dolls but my daughter loves hers this is where the problems start enter entitled mom and her spawn these people were not part of my daughter's group they had just come for the day themselves but they were sitting at the same table as we were during the doll making and lucky us they sat right next to me and my daughter so I got a front-row view of the following mommy's boy entitled mum speaking to the park worker who was teaching kids how to make dolls don't you have any other toys to make that are more fun no ma'am these are traditional toys from the 1800s and they can be fun if you use your imagination my daughter speaking to ek it's fun look you can draw a face no get you stupid it's not nice to say stupid am speaking to my daughter don't tell my ek what she can say me to the entitled mum please don't raise your voice at my daughter she was just trying to explain that these toys can be fun do not speak to me who are you anyway turning back to the worker I need you to find me something else that we can make that isn't boring these don't talk or light up or anything ma'am toys in the 1800's didn't do those things kids had to rely on imagination I cannot believe I paid 34 dollars for this crap there is literally nothing fun here for ek where are the rides and games this isn't Disneyland ma'am there are no mechanical rides of games he can't can ride the fun ponies though if I want an ek to ride a pony I'd buy her a freakin pony she wants to make something fun like at build-a-bear well you could go to fill the bath there's a mall not too far away that's ridiculous I paid 34 dollars to come here I expected to have fun if there's no phone here then I demand a refund ma'am please lower your voice if you want a refund you'll have to go talk to the ticket desk finally how the ticket desk has a freaking credit card machine last time I checked the eighteen hundred's didn't have credit cards and then she and her spawn stomped off towards the ticket window my daughter mummy that lady was crazy I have no idea if she ever got her refund why would anyone pay good money to go to a theme park that they didn't know anything about with any choice you make there's opportunity cost by going to that theme park they're not going to another one so wouldn't you want to know there were rides what activities you could do what's available it's a very specific kind of theme park being 1800s themed I remember going to one of these when I was a kid and it's really fun if your expectations is that right it was fun seeing what buildings and shops looks like over a hundred years ago and we even got to pan for gold not that we ever found anything it really just depends on what your expectations are and if you don't do any research and just rock up and pay money that it's your own fault for wasting your time and money this fan submitted story was called EP wanted me to buy her groceries a few notes before the story I got into a habit of grocery shopping every other day rather than weekly the store was on my way home after dropping hubby off at work my toddler had some slight immune issues it's nothing serious she can just get sick from the most minor things had the flu twice in a month I have this issue too so the doctor isn't concerned as I know how to deal with it one week last fall we went to get her up in the morning and she had a moderate fever hubby got a ride to work and I spent the next three days making meals from whatever I could find in the apartment no shortage on meals just some creative solutions for dinner a few days later my daughter Rose was better and we took hubby to work and went to the store the companies were bare aka I had finally used those cans of food you save for a rainy day and although I was happy to be restocking I was tired from being up with rose and not looking forward to carrying a large load of groceries up to my apartment this all happens a few weeks after school had started up again so September or October I had my list a hyper toddler who was finally outside again and my pile of reusable grocery bags all set for the task at hand up and down the aisles we went filling our cart with fruits veggies milk and an assortment of other things a stay-at-home mother and daughter may need through the day and for dinner while we're not the type of parents who say no sugar no gluten only organic etc hubby and I don't really see the need to add on he snacks to our already tight grocery budget I could get a job but daycare in my city is the second most expensive in my country so we decided together that we'd rather I stay home and get rose school ready then re-enter the workforce once she starts school important for later once I finished my shopping I dragged myself over to the cashier we come by at 8:00 every morning so we know Sarah well she even has a granddaughter who is about six weeks younger than Rose so she loves talking to us every morning and I love the chance to talk with other adults as two-year-olds aren't the best conversationalist Sarah is ringing up our groceries I'm packing them into the bags and we're having a lovely chat about rose and her granddaughter while this is happening her mother and her daughter about twelve start loading their few items onto the belt behind me they had only a few items and there was an empty express lane but here they were the daughter walked past me where I was packing the food and stood at the end there are two belts the cashier can put groceries on to speed up the bagging process one person can bag on one belt while the next customer is helped using the second she stood so that she was at the end of both belts and just waited not an uncommon thing for a bored kid has the last of my groceries rang up I noticed a bag of candy and a box of pop-tarts Oh Sarah those aren't mine Sarah looks at the traits I thought that wasn't right she knows me so well are these yours ma'am no I saw her put them on they're hers Sarah and I share a look made not wanting to cause the scene sorry Sarah I must have grabbed them accidentally bs I didn't even walk near that aisle well if you don't want them I'll take them okay sure Sarah moves them to her side of the divider on the belt and continues to ring me up um excuse me yes man those are her I'm just taking them we looked at her in confusion I didn't want them and you said you'd buy them I said I'd take them you're still buying them nope I grab them from her side of the belt and pass them to Sara EP made a weird noise that sounded like a pig being strangled she kind of looked like one too Sara and I ignored her she's dealt with far too many of these people and I've never been one to put up with anything I've had cousins tried to have me babysit six kids for $20 a day I paid said bye to Sara Rose blew her some kisses and we headed to the car I packed the car and was in the middle of buckling up rose when I hear scuffing behind me ep2 her daughter look sweetie see how fat she is rude people get fatter every time they hurt someone yes I'm overweight but nowhere near her or her daughter's size I closed Rosa's door and opened mine then you best be careful because you're reaching critical mass I jumped into the car closed my door and flipped her off as I started up the car and drove off she was red in the face screaming at me as was her daughter I was bullied a lot as a child and it has made me very cynical and quick to turn into a bee when I'm attacked like that if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit I'll slash Boise here linked below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more alright I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 193,861
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 59
Id: 9Wnelh_6o5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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