r/EntitledParents - KAREN GETS FIRED!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today i told on my karen co-worker and got her fired after that jealous entitled neighbor tries to steal my package and after that soon to be brother-in-law is upset we didn't invite him to our wedding now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets fired can't fire me when i don't have a job so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day i told on my karen co-worker and got her fired i thirty mail have worked at my current employer for three years last year in march of 2020 i received a promotion to project manager in the beginning everything went well but in the last month i've been getting more and more negative feedback i did not understand what was going on or why people were becoming so negative about me i was losing clients and several colleagues were really upset with me i was at a loss i started talking to my manager and my department head about following courses getting monthly feedback to perform better i just wanted to live up to the promotion i received i felt like i was failing then a friend slash colleague 27 female of mine came to me angry and demanded that i apologize for what i said i was really confused and asked her why she was so upset with me she explained she received an email where i was basically blaming her for the issues that i was dealing with this was an email a client forwarded to her i was at a loss and explained i never sent out an email like that and asked if she could show me she did and it had my name my send address and everything seemed like it was for me but i never sent it then it clicked to me my assistant 39 female has access to my email and has the ability to send as me she's also the only one that has these rights i was flabbergasted and so much started to make sense she was next in line for my job and did not receive the promotion i did checked all her sent emails on her pc while she was out for lunch and saw dozens of emails sent as if it was for me an email still open on her screen showed my email address and a written message to clients with misinformation passive aggressiveness and straight up lies these were sent out under my name i made screenshots and sent them to myself then went to my manager and the head of the department they were angry she was fired that same day i was relieved and all of my colleagues were informed i thought i was completely in the right here but some people at work are complaining that i violated the company policy for snooping on her pc and violating her privacy my boss and direct colleagues have my back but the people that knew her she has worked there since 2011 and i've only been there since 2018 say that i went too far apparently she's a single mother with two kids and needed this job i also need this job and she was more than willing to sacrifice me for her benefit i don't see how i could be in the wrong for defending myself maybe i'm just too close to the situation to see it did i go too far by going on her pc update they just let me know that they are holding a meeting to clarify what exactly happened they were catching on to people that weren't happy about her being fired and they want to quell any issues before they start taking root i'll update again once the meeting is over it's in 1 hour and 20 minutes from now update 2 meeting took about one and a half hours and after that i was in and out of talks with colleagues and other people it was properly explained what she was doing and has done to me in the company the attitude towards me noticeably changed in a positive direction with a lot of people apologizing to me and explaining they've known her for years were friends and could not imagine her actually doing something like this honestly i'm happy it ended up this way hr and my boss really had my back here and preemptively handled to avoid any linger negativity nothing but praise for them i requested some time off which was approved and i'll be home for a week starting next week for my request slash advice they are also going to revise or at least look at the company policy regarding access to other people's emails and the other security issues i've noticed well who do you think is the jerk op or karen please let us know i'm glad they fired karen and i think they should fire everyone else who agreed with her you really shouldn't have people that stupid working for you jealous entitled neighbor tries to steal my package this happened very recently just a few hours ago and i'm absolutely fuming in anger so bear with me cast we've got me we've got entitled neighbor we've got neighbor's kid who's a good kid and we've got the amazon delivery dude context my family and i are immigrants my mom and siblings don't look the part but my dad does heavily and he's met this lady before and we've had worse relationship conversations with her a story for another time on with the story my family are tech savvy we like to keep up with the trends and recently discovered smart home products my parents were ecstatic we had been looking into it and ordered the required products off amazon there were a lot of packages around 15 to 20 different ones the products all arrived at different times during the week and the entitled neighbor and her kid just happened to notice the packages piling up outside on the daily on the fifth day of the week when we expected the last batch of packages around three that day i went out to collect them when i saw her walking her dog she commented on the amount of packages that i'd been receiving it went like this that's a lot of packages you've been getting me yeah i'm aware well that's kind of fishy what's even in those me it's none of your business really well it's really strange a young man like you can even afford those i bet you're stealing money from your parents to pay for those me again none of your business i grabbed the boxes and slammed the door behind me fast forward to today delivery dude leaves packages by the door i go out to collect them entitled neighbor runs to the front door and attempts to take one of them me hey that's mine not anymore young man you've been getting too many gifts these past few days and you're making my kid jealous me what are you talking about these are mine they belong to me and i'm keeping them i snatch it out of our hands no i'm taking all of these for my angels you can't possibly be able to afford this she then proceeded to smash one of the boxes the contents were fine there take your stupid package now my dad walks out what's going on your kid stole my packages and he smashed one of them too dad what are you talking about these are our packages we ordered these and i saw you smashing it through the window well it's not fair that you get to have all these my angel over there deserves something too dad i don't care you can go buy whatever you want yourself these are ours nice kid mom let's go let's stop bothering them entitled mom gives a karen grunt well i'll report you and your spoiled brat to the police for harassment dad points towards the outdoor cameras as well as a video doorbell then we'll show them all the camera footage and let them decide entitled neighbor leaves an angry and defeat nice kid i am so sorry my mom is going through a lot of mental health issues and i assure you it won't happen again they leave i'm still upset by her accusations of me and my dad we came from a tough past and we worked hard for what we have this is not the first time she's done something like this and i won't be forgiving nor accepting of her actions in the future anyways thanks for reading update to all the comments saying to report her please know that i am working on it however i personally will not be pressing charges after speaking to the other neighbors they will be pressing full charges on assorted offenses prior to this i will edit the post with more updates soon update 2 after speaking to a few neighbors we've reported it to the police again i won't be pressing charges however several neighbors are i'll keep you updated once we receive a court date have you ever had a package of yours that was stolen if so what did you do about it please let us know this is why we all need video doorbells so we can post videos of the thieves on youtube and watch them go viral soon-to-be brother-in-law is upset we didn't invite him to our wedding my brother-in-law 30 male has never liked me 23 female i wish i could tell you why he doesn't like me like a legitimate reason why he doesn't even want to see me whenever i asked him in person i swear he would say things like you watch anime in english not japanese my brother wouldn't help me with my cosplay because he wanted to spend time with you i swear these were his exact words i'm not lying trust me i wish i were lying i always assumed this was just a bit of jealousy but this has gone on for seven years and i'm starting to think it's really toxic for some context soon-to-be brother-in-law lives with his parents and has never gotten a real job before he claims he's an artist and that he draws manga which is respectable but he doesn't earn money doing this he tells everyone around him that i'm a problem in his family that i stole money and action figures from him i've never done that it's been proven multiple times that he lied about me stealing his things and that he's lied about my friends stealing money from his wallet coincidentally a friend of fiance who came over for lunch at his parents house he then claimed i started a rivalry between us he said i started treating him badly all of a sudden i have screenshots and witnesses my friends family and my fiance's friends who have seen how well i treated him by doing favors and paying for some of his meals and inviting him to dinners that i never talked badly about him until he decided to make up lies about me being a thief he also tried to separate us a few times with lies and manipulation one example being that he suggested my fiance have an affair with a friend of his he told my fiance a few years ago that if we ever had a wedding and that he hoped that wasn't the case that he wouldn't attend and that in case he did he would go for the food he repeated this like four times during our relationship here's where i might be the jerk when my significant other and i decided to get married a few months ago we automatically assumed he wouldn't want to join us and to be honest i wouldn't be comfortable knowing that a man who has tried to break us up multiple times has accused me of stealing and has treated me horribly is assisting our wedding my significant other agreed and that was our decision yeah my significant other felt bad of course since it's his brother but his brother let him know beforehand that he wanted nothing to do with me and didn't consider me family so when the time came to send out invites my soon-to-be mother-in-law and father-in-law received their invitation through text my soon-to-be brother-in-law goes crazy when he didn't receive his text he called my significant other multiple times to ask him why he wasn't invited brother-in-law why am i not invited significant other you said you didn't want to go i never said that fiance you don't even like op you wanted us to break up for years so mom and dad are going you forgot she's stolen from me as well it's the least she could do yes he brought up the stealing thing again which was proven to be false my significant other and i believe that he didn't even have that money in the first place fiance you told me you only wanted to be there for food not for us and it's our wedding we want people to support us and you don't even like her i'm sure that jerk made you not invite me my fiance is a sweet man i've never seen him angry at his brother even after his brother has done horrible things to him he was done with his behavior it was your own actions that made us not invite you not her my brother-in-law then hung up my soon-to-be mother-in-law then called me the next day to ask me why he was not invited i explained to her the situation she does not agree with brother-in-law's actions and defends me how he treated me how he took advantage of my kindness how he accused me of doing horrible things she said that she understood but that brother-in-law was my fiancee's brother and that like it or not he was going to be part of a family i'm honestly really torn on one hand i have the right to decide who comes to our wedding on the other hand soon-to-be brother-in-law is my fiancee's brother and still part of the family i think my fiance and i may have overreacted by not inviting him or at least giving him a chance to change his mind edit i would like to clarify a few things people have pointed out 1. my future brother-in-law is not disabled he was taken to a doctor when he was in his teens he was examined for about a year while doing weekly visits the doctor did not diagnose him with anything however it's worth mentioning that the doctor suspected he could be suffering from depression but this was never confirmed 2. does your mother-in-law support you my future brother-in-law says he doesn't consider his mother to be his mother because according to him she did him over my future mother-in-law is a sweet person who does everything she can to make him happy she paid for everything that he wanted i don't know what she could have possibly done to have made him feel this way about her i know she's been telling him to get a job or at least study he's made her cry multiple times well what do you think should op invite future brother-in-law to their wedding or not please let us know absolutely not i would cut all contact with that guy there's no reason to have people like him in your life whether they're part of the family or not am i the jerk for not eating my sister's eggs i'm 28 female and my older sister who's 35 anita has been keeping chickens for about four years now over time it has slowly become her entire life for example her husband frank supports their family but she has also maintained a part-time job two years ago she quit to stay home full time because her babies the chickens needed her she didn't even do this when her actual kids who are 15 13 and 12 were small she misses social events sports games etc if the timing doesn't work out with her chicken schedule anita will also only cook with the eggs from her chickens she insists on hosting all family events at each one there's a little ritual she does where she puts out two versions of some kind of egg dish deviled eggs egg salad quiche etc one made with store-bought eggs and one made with her chicken's eggs and demands that everyone eats both and casts a vote for which is better to demonstrate how much better her eggs are frank does not participate because he won't eat her eggs after an incident that put him off but everyone else is expected to this past weekend for the fourth she made deviled eggs my husband fixed me a plate of food while i was talking to my dad which included one egg the egg he grabbed happened to be from the store-bought plate my sister quickly came over and reminded me that i needed to eat a real egg as well so i could vote i told her no thank you i only wanted one egg i've struggled with my weight for several years and i've lost about 20 pounds in the last 9 months i don't starve myself by any means but i'm careful about portion control and i was only having a little of each thing so i could try the food everyone had brought also i just didn't want a second egg after repeatedly trying to make me eat a second egg my sister finally said fine don't have one i don't want to be blamed when you gain that weight back i've had a few times where i've lost it and then gained it back as we were going to leave my sister came to me holding a large container full of her chicken's eggs and told me to take them home so i could see how much better they were since i refused to participate in the game i got irritated and said no anita i don't want your eggs i have eggs at home we've all played along with your petty egg thing for years i know what they taste like stop she made a face and then ran upstairs to her room and began sobbing loudly enough for everyone to hear her from downstairs since then i've gotten texts from my mom asking me to apologize from my dad telling me my mom wants me to apologize and from anita telling me that i humiliated her in her home and that she doesn't want me around her kids because i'll turn them against her and that it's probably my fault that frank won't eat her eggs anymore and then accusing me of having an affair with frank well who do you think is the jerk op or her sister anita please let us know something about anita doesn't seem exactly right clean the quick mixer you got it boss years ago i worked for a high-end contracting company it was a small business about 10 people total including the three owners two were brothers and were in charge of large renovations and the third was in charge of all the custom cabinetry and high-end furniture we made in the shop he was my direct boss i only ever interacted with the brothers occasionally normally in the mornings and afternoon when they would come to pick up and drop off tools in the cargo van part of my shop duties every day included cleaning up their tools and putting them away and i can't leave until it's done now the brothers had a bad habit of never washing off the mixing stick for cement every day it would come back caked and dry concrete that i'd have to spend up to an hour breaking off i'd ask them several times to just wash it down with a hose after they used it but was always met with oh yeah we'll remember next time after a few months of this i was getting pretty frustrated one extremely hot summer day i was sitting on the dock of the shop waiting for them i was caked and sweat and sawdust from making cabinets all day and was in a bad mood they pull up and we start unloading lo and behold they hadn't cleaned the stick again the base of it was practically a complete ball me seriously what the heck brother one oh yeah sorry me how hard is it to wash it off i've asked you for months brother too it's your job to clean it just clean it cue the malicious compliance i lifted it up brought my arm back and swung it as hard as i could at the side door of the cargo van the sound of denting metal was huge most of the concrete blasted off of it i handed the stick to the flabbergasted brother and said there i cleaned it before walking back into the shop both brothers wanted to fire me but couldn't the third guy was my boss and refused he told me a month later that every time he saw the dent he laughed they always brought it back clean afterwards edit thanks so much for the awards i just wanted to share a funny story to everyone that i remembered while cleaning my own mixing stick this morning i've been trying to personally write everyone that awarded me to those asking why i didn't just bang it all the time it's a 15 tool if i banged it clean each day it would be so bent that it would need to be replaced each week that gets expensive to those asking why i didn't have to pay for damage to the van it was a paid off brutalized van already my hourly rate was more than the cost of repair for the several months i cleaned it since it was already dented another one didn't matter in the grand scheme am i the jerk for taking the garden with me when i moved i 30 female moved to a rented flat a few years ago me on the top floor and below me a guy j50 both places are small one bedroom but there's a chaired garden which is big but not careful at all super overgrown i love gardening i got permission from my landlord and jade to get it looking decent so jay and i could enjoy it he said he's a busy guy and not interested nor uses it so everyone was happy i spent weeks getting it really lovely and spent the best part of one thousand pounds on it and that was on a budget too lots of plants a veggie patch a few small trees the veg patch would always yield a great amount so i was happy to share with jay he would buy me a case of beer once in a while as his way of payment he even started inviting his friends over for barbecues etc and vice versa we always extended the invite to each other it was flexible and easy jay was always a bit flirty with me especially after a few but it always felt harmless i would even hang sometimes with his friends all male for a beer in the garden but still never felt funny and was happy to banter the problem started when i got a girlfriend s36 jay didn't seem to vibe with her from the start obviously the more serious s and i got the more she would stay over this really seemed to bug jay but she was always considerate she wouldn't use our parking spaces etc i put it down to jealousy but neither of us really cared as we got more serious and we decided it was time to move in together the final straw came when s was at my place alone and needed some veggies for a meal she was making she went to go help herself jay was already in the garden but when he saw her picking from the vegetables he had a go at accusing her of stealing and disrespecting me and him as it was our tenants only garden anyway when s left for work the next day she sent me a pic of her car with a key scratch that read a mean word on the side turns out jay is a total jerk he denied it and we didn't have proof we decided to escalate the move immediately the craziness started when i decided to move my entire garden when jay was at work to essa's place luckily she has a big enough space to get everything in and a lot of plants i purposely planted so that they could be movable i even took the vegetable patch and every darn bean yes it looked a bit scrappy afterwards but was still better than when i first arrived i even put down grass seed so the patchy bits would go completely back to normal it'll grow back to a totally plain weedless lawn my phone has erupted jay has called me every name under the sun and has said i have ruined his property the landlord is also upset and has said i've ruined its value and is threatening not to return my deposit and sue i sent before and after picks of the garden to show i had only taken my property with me and i've kept every receipt too to prove what i spent they're threatening me accusing me of stealing i'm looking into my own legal action to get my deposit back they've not got a leg to stand on am i the jerk for taking my garden with me edit i did message landlord prior to moving to ask if he wanted to buy the garden but i didn't think he understood what i meant and i didn't press it further also after i took it i did message landlord to say again he could buy it back from me at the cost of my purchase but i would not replant it again i don't think he understood i believe jay has told him that he bought half of the garden because he would buy me a case of beer every so often which somehow justifies him slowly buying half off me suddenly the vegetables he consumed have been forgotten am i the jerk for not trying to actively build a better relationship with my stepson last year i 38 male married my wife 40 female after about 3 years of dating she has 2 kids 17 male and 15 male from her previous relationship and going in where we were talking about tying the knot i made it abundantly clear that i would love to have a relationship with her sons but i'm not okay forcing anything and would just hope that the boys would accept me eventually at first my wife was on board with this the reason i don't want to force the relationship is that one i feel that good relationships are built naturally and two i was the kid and both my mom and dad and step parents mom's husband and dad's husband tried to force me to treat them as parents and that just made everything implode when i didn't and to this day i do not talk to my parents and step parents been about 10 years now well anyways i never tried to force anything while my wife and i were engaged i sat down with the boys and said i won't try to force anything and i'm not trying to replace your dad he was a good guy and i miss him too he was a colleague at work but unfortunately passed about five years back i had met my wife in a group counseling i was there since my fiance had passed and we had found solace in having each other in our lives and life's just been weird like that didn't even know she was my colleagues until she showed me a picture her sons are aware of the entire situation but i'll be available if you do want to have more than just a cordial relationship they agreed to this 15 has been more open to us having a relationship while 17 keeps it completely cordial i.e we're civil towards each other and not at each other's necks i'd still ask if he wanted to join 15 and me for whatever we were doing but no hard feelings if not but my wife has become increasingly more annoyed that 17 doesn't want to the other day my wife sat next to me and asked me to actively try to build a better relationship with 17 because it hit him especially hard when his dad passed i said i'll ask him what he wants to do it's his life and i'm fine with the way things are now she said that he's just a kid and he doesn't know what he wants and that i should take him fishing just the two of us so that we can have a more family relationship i again said i'll talk to him and ask if he wants to but i'm not going to force it she got angry at me and said that if you don't try nothing will happen i know my kids he's secretly hurting seeing you and 15 having a good relationship i asked if he told her that and she said no but still insisted i try more it's not like i don't try i still invite him to go ride bikes or whatever even when 15 is busy just the two of us but i just take his no as a no and drop it i think he's content with how things are right now i just want some outside perspective am i the jerk well who do you agree with op or his wife please let us know oh wow this is a tough one i can't wait to read the comments we get on it entitled mom drops her spawn off at a daycare he's not even registered at backstory from about 2018 to 2019 i worked at an after school program with a church that also functioned as a private school i worked mostly with the after-school kids ranging in ages from five to twelve i mostly worked with the older kids who were about 10 to 14. this school also had a daycare slash nursery i hardly interacted with the daycare but sometimes i would have to sub for a teacher who was running late or couldn't come in this story was one of those rare times i had to sub for a teacher in the daycare and just a combination of everything going wrong i also guessed this would be an r slash i don't work here ladies story 2. when working at the after school program it was a part-time gig since i was only there from about one in the afternoon until the last closing time which was six it was nice since i could sleep in and do my schoolwork it was a great setup and ninety percent of the kids and parents were great hardly any of them were entitled i'm not gonna lie i miss my kids a lot but very rarely i would get called into work to sub for a teacher in the daycare now quick note here is that the daycare was run by the church the after-school program was run by the school they were separate entities but sometimes the daycare would call teachers from the after school to sub for the daycare sometimes it was never a problem since the daycare workers were really nice showed us how to handle toddlers and babies anyway i said yeah i would watch this class of four-year-olds while their teacher was at a doctor's appointment no biggie it shouldn't be more than an hour like at most daycares and my after-school program you have to register your kid if you want them to attend daycare or the after-school program and that way their name can be added to the roll also every time you come to pick up or drop off your kid you have to sign them in and out the same applies to visitors so i go in sign in the sub list go to the classroom and do a quick roll call i have a total of eight kids cool beans two hours go by their teacher is still a no-show and i'm doing my best teaching their bible lesson 9 30 the kids are in their stations playing taking a break from their reading lesson the door opens and the devil and her spawn come in like i said earlier i have no clue who these kids are but i do have my role the devil karen walks in ushers in spawn karen comes in after her son before i even had a chance to speak to him and ask his name karen turns to me and says are you the teacher me uh no i'm miss mary i'm just subbing for miss lily the regular teacher fine when is she going to be back me hopefully in a little while i don't normally work here i work in the after school program i was wondering is your son new i don't see his name on the roll karen oh yes we registered yesterday me a little wary oh okay i'm sure he'll get added to the role in the coming week karen okay we'll be back around eight to pick him up i stop as she leaves for the door me ma'am you can't leave your son here after six it's a state law eighty percent sure this is true karen okay fine and karen drew out fine like i just asked her to take out the garbage as she walks out the door spawn is playing with the kids and getting along just fine but part of me was just wary like something didn't settle right with me i grabbed the walkie-talkie and radioed the supervisor asking if miss lily's class was expecting a new kid she said no thankfully i had messaged her just as karen was walking out the door the supervisor said to bring spawn to the office he was sad but i explained we had to see mama i took him to the office after asking a teacher to step in while i was gone when we got about halfway down the hall i hear what do you mean my son can be here supervisor your son is not registered with our daycare we cannot accept him but this is a daycare i walk in at this point with spawn in hand and she points to me well she let my son in the room supervisor i know but she is a sub and she has to go by the role your son was not on the roll nor is he enrolled here i'm sorry miss karen but you and your son have to leave spahn is upset at this point because he was getting along with some of the kids but karen being karen had just started back up this is a daycare you have a no discrimination policy you have to accept my son supervisor ma'am you are right we have a no discrimination policy but you have to schedule a tour and an interview if you want to enroll your kid here this does not mean it's a walk-in daycare please just leave i'm just standing there with spawn holding my hand she snatches spawn from my hand and swears this will not be the last time you hear from me the supervisor tells me to go back to the classroom and not to worry that i made a good call about the mom the rest of the day goes by smoothly i go to my real job without a worry the next day the supervisor emailed me with an update about karen pretty much saying hey mary just wanted to let you know that you did a good job yesterday handling that lady and yes she did call the director of the daycare trying to get us in trouble for discriminating against her because guess what she's italian i mean of all things but i digress the director said don't worry about anything and that you are more than welcome to sub here more often the kids love you have a good rest of your day i don't officially know what happened to karen but i do know from the email the director told her to shove off come check out our new i don't work here lady t-shirts link pinned in the comments below and join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 30,219
Rating: 4.9095163 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: Eu_XIefVvmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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