SCP-882 - A Machine (SCP Animation)

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An SCP Foundation researcher is monitoring the salt content of a large tank filled with water. Inside the tank just under the surface is a huge mass of rusted metal, though a few pieces have a couple specks of their original shiny surface visible through the dark red exterior. The researcher suddenly looks up from his task though, does anyone else hear that noise? It’s a terrible noise, like metal pieces scraping and scratching against each other. But the heap of metal in the tank isn’t moving. Still the noises continue though, and as the researcher keeps staring at the unmoving hunk of metal in the tank, all he can think about is diving in and letting his body become a part of it… Kept submerged in a big saltwater tank at the SCP Foundation, is an object, but perhaps a more accurate way to describe it would be as a machine. Referred to as SCP-882, the machine’s containment tank is required, according to containment procedures, to be filled with at least forty percent pure sea water, direct from the ocean. If, at any point, the rusty surface of SCP 882 begins to show signs of becoming more like shiny metal, then the percentage of sea water must be raised to 100% until the metal is completely covered in rust. Trying to keep metal rusted? That might sound like a strange concept, but you’ll see why it’s so necessary soon. SCP-882 looks like little more than a collection of seemingly random pieces of metal, all fused together as if they had been welded. Gears, cables, pulleys, screws and belts, all different shapes and sizes, all made of different metals. All of these various components do not appear to be uniform, or to have been made to fit each other, and are instead all stuck together in one big, unstructured mass of metal objects. But SCP-882 wasn’t built to be like this. Instead, this seems to be the result of one of SCP-882’s latent anomalous properties: the absorption of metal. Any metal that comes into contact with SCP-882 will become permanently attached to it, and after a few days, will be a new part of SCP-882. That means that any metal that touches that new piece will also become a part of SCP-882, and on and on. Because of this strange property, absolutely no metal is allowed to be brought near SCP-882, and only organic materials are permitted to come into direct contact with it. That includes using non-metal alternatives to keep the machine securely contained. SCP-882 is suspended in its salt water tank by organic cotton fiber lines, which also require changing on a daily basis. Any and all researchers that the SCP Foundation has interacting with the metallic mass are required to wear thick cotton gloves at all times. You might think that this sounds pretty easy to contain. Just don’t let it touch metal? No problem. Organic materials only? No removal of rust allowed? No sweat. The Foundation staff working with 882 probably felt the same way. Until they started hearing SCP-882 make noise. While SCP-882 is usually silent, personnel that spend an extended period of time close to the machine have reported intense grinding or clicking noises coming from somewhere in the mess of metal components. While they start out low and are almost unnoticeable, these sounds get gradually louder until eventually, they become completely unbearable for human beings to withstand. So then why don’t these sounds show up on audio recordings? Because the grinding or clicking noises from SCP 882 are, in actuality, extreme auditory hallucinations, but even though they aren’t real, these sounds are more than capable of driving anyone who hears them into a state of psychosis. And here’s where things get tricky. The only way to make the noises stop… is to offer SCP 882 more metal. As mentioned, any object that is made of any type of metal that comes into contact with the machine becomes a part of its mass. Allowing new objects to become fused to the surface of SCP-882 will cause the grinding noises to subside, but will increase SCP-882’s mass permanently. If the noises aren’t stopped though, then the mental state of those afflicted by them only grows worse, and some victims of SCP-882’s auditory hallucinations have gone so far as to throw themselves into the tank containing it, where they were killed almost immediately, their bodies crushed to death by anomalous forces and becoming unrecoverable from the tangle of gears and random metal objects. The SCP Foundation now requires any of its personnel that work directly with SCP-882 to report any instances of noise coming from the machine. Additionally, whoever reports hearing strange sounds in the vicinity of SCP-882 must turn themselves in for a full psychological evaluation. Depending on the results, the researcher will either be free to return to their work, or will face containment themselves at an undisclosed Foundation facility. The surface of SCP-882 exhibits an extreme resistance to damage. According to the Foundation’s testing, the metal structure has a tensile strength and toughness stronger than aircraft grade titanium alloy. Despite this, the machine seems to still be constructed of weaker metals like tin, iron, gold and many others still yet to be identified. It takes extreme heat, and several hours of exposure at that, to cut even the smallest portion of metal from the main bulk of SCP-882. But where did it come from? The SCP Foundation first recovered SCP-882 near an island community on the north east coast of Banks Island, one of the larger islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Strangely, not a single scrap of metal, not even underground metallic ore was found within a one mile radius of where the machine was discovered. Stranger still, the small town located nearby seemed to be abandoned, with signs that it had been devoid of any human life for quite a number of years. The collection of fused metal components, later designated SCP-882, was found submerged in sea water. The machine was coated in rust, and the Foundation has chosen to keep it in in this same rusty state the whole time it has been kept in since its containment. Why? Because when Foundation personnel first attempted to remove SCP-882 from the water, and the rust began to flake away from SCP-882’s metal surface, its gears and cogs started to turn. Foundation personnel on site were unsure of what the machine’s purpose was, but wanted to halt it in case it proved deadly. A number of ill-fated attempts at containment occurred soon after, with any person getting too close to SCP-882 finding themselves pulled into its mass and crushed to death between turning cogs. After multiple accidents that resulted in the demise of Foundation personnel, Doctor Charles Gears, authorized the use of SCP-2519 to help stop the movement of SCP-882’s gears. SCP-2519 is an audio file titled ‘Babylon.mp3’, which features the song ‘By the waters of Babylon’ by Philip Hayes and text from the biblical Psalm 137. Playing this file can cause malfunctions to occur in various electronic and mechanical devices, normally reducing the speed at which they can operate, or causing a complete cessation of a machine’s function. In SCP-882’s case, the sound of Babylon.mp3 successfully slowed the machine’s moving parts, allowing Foundation personnel to safely get closer to it. Teams then cut the mass of metal down to a more manageable size with extreme heat, and it was finally contained. However, another question arises. Surely, if SCP-882 is a machine, then it must have a purpose, right? And, perhaps more importantly, what is its connection to the infamous machine loving group of interest, The Church of the Broken God? Both of these questions might have have one easy answer. To put it plain and simple: SCP 882 may just be the heart of The Broken God. The Church of The Broken God is a religious organization that the SCP Foundation has had a number of encounters with over the years. Members of the Church share in the belief that life, specifically biological flesh based life, is inherently wrong, even evil. This group worships mechanization, the process of making something, or someone, more mechanical in nature. According to the beliefs of the Church, there were two gods: Yaldabaoth and Mekhane, who created humanity together. Yaldabaoth was the god of flesh and animal instinct, granting humans their bodies, while Mekhane, the god of machine and intellect, blessed man with the power of free thought. As humankind developed and its civilizations began building machines, Yaldabaoth became enraged that they were ignoring the instincts she had bestowed upon them. She endeavored to destroy the creations of man, in an attempt to revert them to the animals she had intended them to be. As the legend goes, Mekhane acted as humanity’s savior, and intervened to stop Yaldabaoth. The god of machines shattered himself, transforming his body into a number of pieces to form a cage for his fellow god. Fragments of Mekhane rained down on planet Earth. Fragments that the Church of the Broken God believe it is their duty to recover. There could potentially be hundreds of pieces needed to rebuild Mekhane so he can lead the Church to glory and defeat Yaldabaoth once and for all. However, a number of these pieces are catalogued SCPs that the Foundation is either aware of, or has in containment. They are SCP-882, or ‘His Broken Heart’ to the Church, SCP-271, “His Broken Gift”, SCP-813, “His Broken Eyes”, SCP-1139, “His Broken Tongue”, SCP-635, “His Broken Mind”, and finally His Broken Blood, which refers to SCP-217. Often using anomalous technology, members of the Church of The Broken God intend to uncover or steal these various components. The Church’s ultimate goal is to bring the correct pieces together and completely restore Mekhane’s form. It is their hope that he will guide them to intellectual enlightenment, and bless them with new, mechanical forms so that they can discard their current, flesh and blood bodies. However, the Foundation and the Church are certainly not the only groups to have a fascination with SCP-882. Near the Banks Island site where the machine was first discovered, Foundation personnel encountered a man, the sole survivor of the nearby town. This individual, by the name of Richard Wright, was apprehended, and brought in for questioning with Doctor Gears. During their interview, Richard revealed a number of details about the townsfolk who had first uncovered SCP-882, and what ultimately became of them. According to his account, the community formed a cult around SCP-882 after a man named Allen found it. The machine’s parts had begun to turn and move, but with no clear indication as to what was powering it. Soon, a local priest, Father Pat, also took an interest in SCP-882. Both he and Allen seemed to share a belief that the machine had been built by God for a higher purpose, and encouraged residents of the nearby town to come and offer metal to it. Richard explained that the locals were plagued by the auditory hallucinations typical of long term exposure to SCP-882, kept awake at all hours of the night by clanking, grinding, and the screaming of metal. Before long, Richard noticed more and more metal items being fed to the machine, with many local residents content to just sit and stare at the mass. He also noted that Father Pat and Allen both seemed to be acting strangely around the machine, insisting that all the metal that had been added to it still wasn’t enough. Then one night, during a communion before SCP-882, Father Pat took a pair of pliers and began tearing out townspeople’s metal fillings. Richard watched in horror as the priest wrenched teeth from the mouths of ordinary people and threw them into SCP-882, but still claiming it wasn’t enough. Then, he turned on Allen, accusing him of hiding metal from the great machine inside his body. The townsfolk turned on Allen, the first one to find SCP-882, and threw him and his metal hip into the machine, his body breaking under its moving parts. Luckily, SCP-882 remains contained, at least for now until the members of the Church of the Broken God find a way to reunite the heart of their god with the other pieces of its scattered body and Mekhane can rise again - an outcome that his worshippers are eager to bring to fruition sooner rather than later... Now check out “SCP-055 - Anti Meme / Unknown” and “SCP-1981 - Ronald Reagan Cut Up While Talking & SCP-095” for more SCP Foundation rabbit holes from SCP Explained!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 676,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-882, scp 882, scp882, scp a machine, a machine, scp machine, scp broken god, scp god, scp metal, scp gears, scp gear
Id: ZCuqECjmaFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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