rSlash Entitledparents "GIVE MY SON YOUR BIKE!” r/entitledparents Top Posts of All Time

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give me your bike right now are / entitled parents what is up guys mr. readied here back with another episode of entitled parents stories are / entitled parents is one of my favorite subreddits and I really enjoyed making this now kick back relax and enjoy the show our first story we'll be reading today entitled Karen and her little jerk tried to steal my 1000 year old bike entitled mom ends up in jail after that entitled dad tries to cut through line has to pay thousands and after that entitled kid steals my tablet with help from entitled dad and security and then we'll be finishing up with my kids can come into your house whenever they want welcome to our newest subscribers Lauren men and and Jessica and if you're new subscribe now for new stories from reddit every single day entitled Karen and her little jerk try to steal my 1000 year old bike entitled mom ends up in jail this is my first time posting on this subreddit and trust me this stuff gets crazy this happened about a month and a half ago plus my bike is pretty much new and I take care of it more than myself take note English is not my primary language plus I am on mobile so I'm sorry if the formatting is messed up cast we've got the entitled mom entitled kid me bystander and police officer so for a little backstory the bike is brand new and I spent one thousand euros on it which means I don't let anybody even touch it and also I don't want anything destroyed because I don't have money to fix it so let's get on with this story about a month ago I was cruising around town with my new bike listening to music when I stopped for a cigarette as I sit on a bench I see a little kid about nine years old running towards me well you finally stopped yes why were you running after me I wanted to take a look at your bike it looks sick it is brand new look all you want buddy can I ride it no I bought it just a few hours ago so I won't let anybody use it plus you won't be able to as you're just a little kid and the bike is too big for you to be able to ride it please no I'm sorry buddy entitled kids storms off after two minutes when I take a cigarette out before I even light it I see a woman with thee I want to speak to the manager haircut with that little jerk stained in tears next to her my little angel told me that you were rude to him no he asked to ride my bike and I said no as it is brand new and I don't want anything on it to get destroyed why are you lying young man I am clearly not lying why would I be rude to a little kid that did nothing to me I am done with you young man entitled kid in tears I want that bike you will have it my love don't worry no he won't I paid for it and it is mine entitled kids start screaming me your bike right now no no and again no then I try to get on my bike to leave and then I hear a weird sound and suddenly I'm on the ground as is my bike I get up and I see entitled mom fuming then I look at my bike to make sure everything is ok I see my back wheel has bent a bit that's when I got furious what the heck did you just do to my bike you entitled woman then a bystander is coming over to see what is happening and asks entitled mom are you guys ok and titled mom with nothing to say he plays the victim card this young man stole my angels bike she is lying she came over trying to take it from me entitled mom slaps me I finally had enough I'm calling the freaking police on you fine call them I call the cops explain to them what happened and after five minutes a police car arrives with two officers and the one gets out of it the second one stayed inside what happened here this lady entitled mom cuts me off screaming this young man tried to steal my little angels bicycle she is lying the bike is mine and she tried to make me give it to her stop lying young man you took it from me don't shout you guys shut up you dumb person slaps him - ma'am what are you doing nobody disrespects me I just want my bike right now you're gonna have to prove it until you have the receipt on you luckily I had the bikes receipt in my bag having bought it with my mother just some hours ago I was scrambling through some papers when I finally found it I got the receipt officer it had my mom's name whose name is this my mom's officer I have to call her to confirm the details on the receipt of course I give the police officer my mom's number hey calls her and she confirms the details that are on the receipt entitled mom couldn't be more red from the embarrassment then see officer the bicycle is mine ma'am the evidence says otherwise entitled mom grabs entitled kid from the hand and starts running and the police officer is chasing them until entitled kid trips and falls police officer arrests and handcuffs the entitled mom then the police officer asked me what happened from start to finish and after that he asked me if I wanted to press charges to which I gladly replied with a yes entitled mom was charged with assault destruction of someone else's property trying to claim someone else's property and resisting arrest bystander also pressed charges court was about 11 days ago and she was sentenced to four years in jail and also had to pay for my back wheel if you came this far thank you so much have a great day edit she got four years that she had a bad criminal record and was already on probation next up we've got entitled dead tries to cut through line has to pay thousands hello everyone as with most posts here are the obligatory warnings first-time poster English is not my native language you can point out mistakes or mildly Roast me though I'm always happy to improve long texts too long didn't read at the bottom not on mobile so feel free to point out formatting mistakes short background this happened like three years ago so I don't remember every detail to 100% and this whole story won't have much actual conversation in it it just sums everything up it happened on a train ride from my hometown where my family lives to the city of my own place where I work halfway across the country roughly 350 kilometers 220 miles on a Sunday evening since I was visiting my family over the weekend and since it had a rather bad connection I had to switch trains three times for every travel and each travel took about five hours in total my foot was injured important later I don't know why anymore though and I was in training at work therefore I didn't earn that much also important later now to the details it was starting to get winter and as you would expect the National Train company was taken by it by surprise as always so many trains were late or completely canceled I started my travel at 6 p.m. to theoretically arrive at roughly 11 p.m. at my desired arrival station then winter struck and my first train got 10 minutes late on a 15-minute ride this caused me to rush to the next train in pain because of my foot as luck will have it the connecting train either already left or never even came so I had to wait an hour for the next one this one also arrived at the next stop with a delay of 45 minutes so I arrived there at about 9:45 p.m. the last train to my destination was leaving at roughly 8:30 p.m. for that day there was another at 10:30 p.m. but I only would have arrived the next morning at roughly 6 a.m. since this was a very big train station in a big city and the fact that the train company was forced to give me compensation for their failure to transport me I stayed there instead of ending up in some small village station where I wouldn't be guaranteed to get a hotel or even get away from the train station since I didn't have much money on me to pay a taxi and the fact that those small stations usually don't have any ATMs so I headed to the information counter where this story unfolded cast we've got me entitled dad train station assistant and many more which won't get abbreviations let's go so I come up to the desk and tell the lady my story in my demands / their company's policy the law then paying the night in my contracted hotel near the train station and changing my ticket from tied to certain trains to open so that I could get to my destination without having to purchase a new ticket pretty standard while I was speaking with the train assistant entitled dad and his two kids came up behind me the kids didn't do anything though and even though there are clear signs and posters all around the info desks that tell people to exercise discretion and wait behind an indicated line entitled dad comes up crouching right besides me it annoyed me but I figured that I had a bad matchup against him with my foot if I confronted him but then he started to slowly scurry towards me and slowly pushed me out of his way with his body weight and small steps at that point I had enough and pushed him away in the following discussion ensued dude what is wrong with you can't you read the sign clearly states that you should stay back there and pushing me away while I'm still talking as a jerk move shut up I have two small kids and you were taking way too long anyway they are tired and we need to get a hotel room soon you're young you can walk to another hotel no you shut up I have exactly the same right to that hotel room as you and I was here first so get back in line and learn to behave like a normal adult sir please step behind the line and stop bothering the passenger we weren't finished yet shut up I said we need a room fast to me and now get out of the way get out of here a jerk he kicks my leg away causing me to fall hard on the granite floor with my elbow and now completely twisting my injured foot security please be reminded that one security guy another trained assistant and two other passengers were standing right next to us on the second counter during the whole situation and they saw everything facepalm well the security guy grabs and fixed his entitled dad on the ground and titled dad's kids are crying and scared as to be expected the two trained assistants tried to console them and called police and the other passengers helped me as I was in severe pain and called an ambulance the police took statements and identification from everyone and let everyone go since they had no reason to arrest him immediately then the whole after story hit him full force I had to stay the night and next full day and night in hospital for checks and was then let go on crutches my ankle was sprained but my elbow was fine I only hit the funny bone since I still couldn't walk good enough I was in too much pain to take the train I had to call a taxi to drive me the 200 kilometers 125 miles to my own place in hindsight it would have been better to get back to my family but well you're always smarter afterwards my parents quickly send me money for it via PayPal after they heard the story and my plans so I didn't have to go to work for a month since that job required me to stand and walk all day and had time to get a lawyer my parents linked me the money for it since I could have never afforded the lawyer and sued the guy in civil court I didn't try Criminal Court sits and wouldn't have brought any personal gain for me in the end the judge granted me at damage pay of roughly 400 euros for the pain and another half of my monthly pay for financial loss and because the guy behaved like a jerk in court insulting me and the judge lying screaming etc and of course entitled dad had to pay his and my lawyer costs and the court costs as it is standard the thing is I didn't even have a high financial loss since my employer still had to pay my salary while I couldn't work I just had to order much food for the next week's since I couldn't go grocery shopping that well entitled dad felt like this was unfair and appealed well let's just say the next judge upped the damage pay by roughly a hundred euros because entitled dad's still behaved like a jerk he didn't try and next round so to sum it up he most likely lost four lawsuits two against me one against my health insurance one against my employer had to pay damage pay 500 euros roughly half my salary for financial loss another 500 euros my taxi bill for the ride home special long distance so more expensive the drivers ride back into the original city his operation zone was 850 euros my lawyer costs 3000 euros court costs also easily a few hundred euros his own lawyer most likely not cheaper than mine probably all my hospital bills the crutches painkillers etc my actual salary and all the lawyer and court costs for those lawsuits I said probably for the medical and salary payments because I don't know if they sued or if everything was paid by his insurances which is highly likely and that his premium just got higher so yeah I alone got roughly 5000 euros from him plus all the rest that he and his insurance had to pay you made it through this novel congratulations and since he apologies from me for this long wall of text next we've got entitled kid steals my tablet with help from entitled dad and security so this just happened a couple weeks back but I've been waiting to see how it ended before sharing my old Kindle rest in peace had just died so I was borrowing my wife's tablet to get my reading fix I was just chilling out in the cafeteria with a coffee after working a short notice call in multi car accident for four hours because I was shopping when I got the call I wasn't in uniform so it's just me in an old t-shirt and jeans trying to grab a minute to myself before my shift proper kicked off I was pretty into my eBook when I felt a tug on my elbow I turned around to find a little Indian southeast Indian not Native American kid looking at the tablet his maybe 5 to six years old and asks if I have any games on my iPad it's not an iPad it's an old Samsung thing I tell him no this is a boring old person tablet it only has books while we have our little conversation I'm looking around for any evidence of parents hospitals are big places and kids get lost a lot they seems disappointed in the games situation and wanders off and I think nothing of it a bit later the five-minute warning goes off on my phone to let me know I need to get back upstairs to the lab I dash off to the coffee machine for that last one refill and foolishly leave the tablet sitting on my jacket on the table when I come back the tablet is gone I do that thing everyone does where iPad all my pockets and look on the floor but the tablet is really gone I grab my jacket up and head to the counter to see if they saw anything but on the way I see the kid from earlier leaving with his mother and he's got my tablet I know it's my wife's because the cover is very distinctive with cartoon characters on it so I know it's hers I catch up with them and politely ask if I can have the tablet back the mother kind of smiles at me but we have a bit of a language barrier I do the world's worst performance art miming that the tablet is mine she talks to the kid who is starting to whine and clutches the tablet to his chest at this point I'm thinking this is gonna be fine the mother knows what's up I'm gonna get my stuff and all is going to be well enter entitled dad I didn't see him coming he must have still been at the counter or in one of the booths the kid had gone from whining to angry crying pretty quick and suddenly five foot four inches of entitled dad is there jabbing a finger at me and yelling in broken English what are you doing what are you doing I tell the guy that his kid has my tablet in between his outbursts I just want it back he doesn't even look at the kid he's just yelling my son is not a thief you leave my son is product if you leave I tell him that I'm happy to leave just give me back my property and I'm gone I don't raise my voice my hands are at my and I'm trying to keep things nice but this guy is getting revved up he keeps repeating the line about not being a thief and sprinkling in that I'm discriminating every once in a while somebody must have called security because a security guard walks into the cafeteria and makes a beeline for us now it's worth mentioning that the guard and entitled dad are the same race entitled dad starts speaking rapid-fire handy to the guard he stops every once in a while an entitled mom nods along with whatever he's saying I can't understand anything they're saying so I just stand there waiting for my turn to speak I mean security is here so how much longer can this go on so you can imagine my shock when a security guard asks me to step aside not so we can talk No so that entitled dad and family can leave what apparently I was harassing the mother and child and entitled dad had stepped in and now I was refusing to let them leave I'd tell the security guard as patiently as I can that I was not harassing anybody I just want my tablet back so I can get back to work the security guy looks at the kid holding the cartoon character covered tablet and starts talking to entitled mom and entitled dad again in Hindi then he tells me again to move aside so they can leave or else he will be forced to contact the police and restrain me I'm not sure if it was the security guy stupidity or entitled dad's smug face but something did snap in my brain and I went a bit caring on the guy I tell the security guy that I'm happy to comply but I'm calling his boss and he is going to be liable for my property being stolen the entitled family shuffle out the exit and I start to dial the security guy was probably thinking he was about to put me in my place because when you dial security they patch you through to the officer closest to the location which was him he already had his phone out ready to give me the I am the manager talk i bypassed the switchboard completely and phoned his boss directly working after-hours has its perks the security supervisor is a guy I'm gonna call Dave Dave is an ex-cop Dave runs a tight ship and Dave does not tolerate stupidity lightly I say hi to Dave and get to see the security guys eyes boggle a little bit I asked Dave if he's aware that his officers are allowing thieves to leave the hospital while the people they've robbed are detained in the cafeteria I give him the full rundown on the last 10 minutes with the guards name sprinkled in there fairly liberally along with a description of the entitled family the security guy is losing the color from his face Dave doesn't waste any time he has the details confirmed by the guy in the camera room and it radios the other guards to stop them at the exit I hang up with Dave look at the security guy and ask him if he feels like getting me my pain tablet back now he's off like a shot I call my manager and let them know this mess I'm dealing with he laughs and tells me to take my time but keep him updated security wind up returning the family to the cafeteria about five minutes later - my tablet I asked them what happened to it and the newly arrived security guys tell me that when they confronted entitled dad he took the tablet from entitled kid and threw it on the ground dave has the contents in a plastic bag the thing is mangled screen smashed case is warped just a total write-off Dave had wisely chosen to call the police at that point entitled dad had been fairly uncooperative until the word police was spoken he was still saying that there was no proof the iPod it was not an iPod dude was mine the guard had brought him back to point out the dozen or so cameras in the cafeteria he was looking decidedly less smug by the time the cops got there looked at the remains of the tablet looked at the footage and issued entitled dad with a fine and a charge for theft and destruction of property what could have been a quick teachable moment for a kid turned into almost three hours of talking to the cops and getting my case number before I could finally go back to work Dave filled out an incident report for me so I still got paid Dave you are the MVP the aftermath a couple days later I got a call from a lawyer who worked for the family that entitled dad was visiting he arranged for my iPad why does everyone think it's an iPad to be replaced by sending me a check it was enough for wifey to buy a top-of-the-line replacement and all the peripheral stuff that she wanted so she's happy I was asked if I would consider writing a letter about the charges against entitled dad being a cultural misunderstanding because it could affect future visa applications I politely declined as I think being a jerk transcends and culture so he can live with his actions he might even learn something from the experience the idiot guard wrote a very sincere apology letter and delivered it in person we shook hands and I considered it resolved Dave put him on probation and I figured that this is a learning experience for him maybe next time he'll hear both sides of the story and then check the cameras I got myself another Kindle I'm hoping that the fact it just does books and doesn't look like an iPad will keep the entitled kids and entitled dads away just a quick edit the guard did apologize for his part in this little Fiasco the entitled dad got in first with his story which was that the big scary bearded guy was harassing his wife I don't know the specifics of what I supposedly said or did the wife backed up the story throwing the crying kid and he thought he was doing the right thing he admitted it was stupid to not check my story or corroborate anything with the cafeteria staff or to check the cameras I figure we all make mistakes I've made plenty myself he has to redo some training and we'll be on probation for six months if he learns from this and doesn't repeat it I'm happy enough with that and our final story of the day my kids can come into your house whenever they want my husband and I bought our house back in the 70s to call it a fixer-upper would be kind it had been on the market for over a year and we were the first to even look at it closer than driving by but by the end of a year of living here we had done a lot of work and the place was starting to look great even the neighbors commended on how great the house and yard looked yay new siding and grass seed does wonders one summer day I was hanging my laundry out when I noticed my neighbor's granddaughter and grandson run across my yard and into my house I had never had those kids in my house before so I was shocked as to why they would just do that I quickly went in after them the little boy I think was about for just a little guy following his sister around the sister looked to be around six maybe seven and she told me that she had permission to be in my house I asked her who gave her permission and she said that her mom told her she could I got the kids to follow me and I took them to their grandparents house their grandmother and mother were on the porch so I told the women what had happened the kids mother confirmed that she had indeed given both children permission to explore my house I stuttered a moment while asking why she said you bought that house out from under me we are the ones that should be living there these kids are sad they don't get to live across the street from their grandparents and since they should have been living there I told them they could go in I looked at the kids they were pushing and poking each other and giggling they didn't really seem all that upset to me I said that house was on the market for 14 months and I've lived here longer than a year why are you unhappy about this now at this the woman's mother who was my neighbor chimed in she was getting ready to ask about that house when you bought it it wasn't at all fair of you you stepped in and now my daughter grandkids can't live near me they have more of a right than you to be there I seriously didn't know what to say I know for a fact that no one else had looked into the purchase of this house until my husband and I bought it I looked at both women standing in front of me frowning with their arms crossed looking defiant and decided that I really didn't want to engage this kind of goofiness I asked the mother to please keep her kids out of my house and I left I walked home to the sound of them loudly yapping their displeasure behind me this was one of the most unreasonable situations I had ever been in and I have been in a few these women made our lives miserable for a while every week we had city inspectors dropping in because of anonymous complaints of unauthorized construction we were building on a couple of rooms but he had permits for everything we began keeping the permits in a folder by the door because we had to show them all the time I think nowadays you have to display it on a wall where everyone can see two different times police pounded on our door late at night because one of our neighbors heard screaming and had called them there was no screaming we had been asleep both times I had to carry my keys on me at all times when I went outside because if I left the doors unlocked those two kids would be right in there they managed to come in several more times that summer and it was difficult getting them out it was turning into a nightmare just as I was looking into my legal options for getting them to stop the older couple the grandparents of the kids who kept coming into my house moved to a farm they had inherited they sold their house and our next new neighbors were great people in fact they are still there the hassles had only lasted a few months but man it was intense for a while then I found out that they had known they were going to move all along those two had been bored one day and just decided to hassle me because I was new and they had already hassled everyone else in the neighborhood the sale of the house was the only thing they could come up with to have against me I also found out that our entire neighborhood was glad to see them go now before I get reprimanded for not calling the police believe me when I say that back then you did not want police involved the police we had in the city during this time were all in a state of perpetual anger and they would make up a reason to arrest you if you even looked at them wrong I freaked out in a major way when they showed up in the night also if I had called the police on the trespassing kids the harassment I was experiencing would have been stepped up and yeah I am a ginormous wimp those two gals had been known to physically attack people and they were a lot bigger than me there have been hassles with neighbors since then but none of them as awful as this was like my husband says just be glad they didn't give their house to the mean daughter with the trespassing kids I think I would have moved if that had happened if mr. ready to thumbs up on this video oh I'm giving my children permission to to your house and take your stuff that's all for now but don't be blue I'll be back soon with more stories for you remember to listen to mr. reddit every night so your dreams will be wonderful like you are and bright [Music]
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 96,789
Rating: 4.8605027 out of 5
Keywords: rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, Reddit, r/, rslash, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, entitled parents fail, mr reddit, entitled, parents, r//, r\\, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: 3Y1bArL6LjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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