r/EntitledParents | I'm PREGNANT!!! Give my your Laptop!!!

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welcome back for more reddit story videos today we have several entitled parent stories for you to enjoy as always don't forget to share and like the enjoy these videos with us further ado here we go give me your laptop I'm pregnant so this happened to me a half a year ago after I got back from meeting my friends at Subway I usually drive my car but I decided to take the metro huge mistake TL DR at the bottom and for the people who make fun of the title read the story there is a reason why it's spelled like that [ __ ] for people saying this is fake I'm sorry but I'm telling it from how I remember so picture it 4:30 p.m. on a metro it's warm and humid as hell me being bored decided to bust out my HP Pavillion gaming laptop it's nothing special just your average $800 gaming laptop it's all I could afford at a time so I get on fallout 4 and start digging around with some mods and yeah this is where the story stops cast ek entitled little [ __ ] eeehm entitled monsters will maybe because she's pregnant for fat or both me gee I don't know help so I bust out f4 and start messing around because from the subway we were meeting at to my house was two hours away this kid slides over to me nearly knocking the metro off the rails and start talking to me DK looks at the glowing keyboard whoa that's nice me thank you I purchased it last month ek can I have it no sorry no it costs a lot and I've grown too attached to it ek Hobson goes to his mommy mammoth and tells her what I said Enter Sandman whoops I mean II M II M hey my son wants that points at laptop me sorry I said no but you can buy it for 800 with what my little angel deserves it you're too old for it anyway I was 18 at the time and not only use it for gaming but for a studio laptop for recording music madam we're all tired and pissy from the humidity you can buy it for 800 dollars now please leave me alone and don't the scene eeehm slaps me give it to me I'm pregnant yeah she actually said like that eeehm proceeds to take it from me but lucky I quit saved when ek went to the wheel monster so I quickly shut the laptop and stick it to my computer back he can't give it me absolutely not and for you Karen looking will you see those cameras I could foul harassment and assault charges on you I don't care if you're pregnant or if your amount of food stamp cannot buy your son a $50 laptop you would better sit back down or I'll dial nine-one-one p.m. loud gasp practically taking all oxygen in existence how dare you say that go ahead and dial nine one and a foul harassment charges first me smugly smiles okay that's 9 over 1 and puts it on speakerphone number one hello this is number one eeehm turns white as ghost and shuffles off I tell them what happened and by the time we hit the next stop a police car was waiting and we had video evidence to prove the harassment and assault they asked if I pressed charges which I gladly said yes - she got slammed with assault and harassment charges and had him sentenced to a month in jail if I remember right turns out CPS got involved after the court took drug tests and she got busted for pot CPS inspected her house and found roaches mold and a stash of weed and meth her sentence was a month in jail but got bumped up to prison due to the drug bust justice was served I couldn't believe a lunch meet with my friends later cause an e/m to be sent to prison entitled mother lets her crotch goblin try to pet my dogs after repeated warnings so I have a German Shepherd named King and a six-month-old Belgian Malinois puppy named Kenna sorry no dog tags my dad said so I'm 14 by the way both are super friendly but don't leave much room for [ __ ] so interaction with children is pretty limited unless I know and trust the kid this is also my first run-in with an e/m this story takes place at a local park while I was walking my dogs I just happened to be there while e/m and her crotch Goblin were on the playgrounds test eeehm inside mom me yours truly PK entitled kids eight or nine years old mmm nice mom my Savior and the story and see nice kid nine years old so a Emenike are one family and NC and nm are another and seek approaches first politely and after that II am and ek approached let's hop in and see hey can I please pet your dogs sorry they are uncomfortable around kids I also have to get home for dinner oh okay bye about a minute later eeehm let my son pet your dogs I'm sorry madam they aren't comfortable around kids and besides I have to be home for dinner ek doggie he tries to approach Kanna she gets startled and slinks behind me why is it hiding make it come out I'm not going to you scared her and I already told you she doesn't like kids please leave me alone yeah don't talk to my kid like that you delinquent he got good grades last school year and deserves to pet him make her come out no lady I try to be polite but it's obviously this isn't going anywhere I'm leaving p.m. literally grabs my arm and as I turn around to face her I fall that's something you don't do when I have my dogs with me they are very protective of me they start barking and growling a TM TM oh my god there are probably rabies I'm calling the police to have them put down nice mom who was watching the entire thing steps in I okay kit is Ian bothering you I'm okay I really just want to go home you are not going anywhere I'm calling the police your rabies mutts practically attacked me nice mom you harassed and assaulted a minor the police would arrest you before they worked about to come under control dogs that were defending their owner they had calmed down after some reassurance from me yeah I'm realizing that people are starting to stare you'll be hearing from my lawyer runs off me thank you for your help madam I don't know what her problem was and then my daughter was the one who asked to pet your dogs before and I noticed ek and am going up to you she just told me you might need some help you know her yeah she's pretty famous around here the helicopter parent and her immature entitled Brett I've had a few run-ins with her before my shepherd king was sniffing at her hmm oh sorry how rude of me I have no idea if you even like dogs and I just let him do that and after that display you probably don't want them near you anyway no it's okay I like dogs and I understand that they were defending you as long as you won't attack me it's fine no he definitely won't you can pet him if you like they just aren't comfortable around kids because most don't know how to interact correctly with dogs and in pets him and see can I pet him I'll be super careful and do everything you tell me to me if it's okay with your mother you can just don't mess with his ears face or tail and be gentle and see mom can i as long as you're careful and I'm petting her gently I should add King really enjoyed attention everything worked out in the end made it home for dinner and she actually got to pet one of my dogs and n/m gave me her contact information in case a.m. actually does call her lawyer and need witness my dad is not happy about situation and to be honest neither am i but I do have a story that I'm able to post for internet points so that's a win in my book she ruined my life this happened a few years ago and after initial reactions and rants we kind of put it aside as now we realized she's just a sociopath who has completely rewritten her own story to fit her current lifestyle and blames everyone else for her troubles and her daughter's the same but recently it's been playing on my mind so I want some outside inputs to put this to rest once and for all context it will explain this bit above my grandma was the kindest woman I'll ever know or have the pleasure of meeting she would give you her last penny if you needed it more than her this will play a part later on I mean my dad brought hells angels and fairies maids home from countless car shows as young lad and she put them up for the night with fresh sheets and a full dinner as if they were her own family she was a truly amazing woman my granddad on the other hand although just as caring was an engineering mastermind producing countless one-off pieces - with precision accuracy using his blunt tooth left his scale was just something that cannot be passed on and was nearly all self-taught sadly he wasn't as business savvy and countless C is constant shoots sawed off his ideas as their own with zero credit and because all of his blueprints were mental he had no proof it was his own karma has served him accordingly in the last few years but that is a story for another time my grandparents brought my dad and she-who-shall-not-be-named into this world insert every curse word Under the Sun to describe her and I reluctantly call her my heart for the sake of this story this doesn't really kick off till she moved out in her late 20s from what I gather she was already a social outcast and married her right Widow she only moved across the road and from this point on began cutting ties to the family she started with having a kid with said Widow and instead of raising her like any normal parent she spent most of her childhood life one to thirteen at my grandma's my grandma even walking her to school as her mom just didn't seem to care if you need a frame for an amount of time she spent there she had her own room and kept 90% of her clothes there from 40 onwards she started walking to school with her schoolmates from this age on work she started spending more time at her actual home and developing a near exact copy of her mom's personality and lost contact with Grandma for what we saw has no reason my grandma had a changed tin she built up for her grandkids which even when times got rough she never touched it was all for us my aunt's daughter cut connection to the point she only turned up to take her weekly allowance from the tin and nothing more she even went as far as to send mates to collect the money and which point my grandma drew the line she was not a harsh woman in any way at all but she had complete and limits she had now exceeded at this point all contacts near seized and I was now in the picture as a young grandson and actually visited and all was well for a while over the next few years aunts re-established contact and slowly wormed her way back in until she reveals her true intentions she needed money of course my grandma being the caring woman she was a dog named broke and her own home falling apart to get a mortgage and have her daughter the money and unsurprisingly as soon as that happens connection seized once again and broke my grandma a few years passed by and life carried on as it does till one day a neighbor chatting to my granddad drops a bomb must be said that your daughter's moving away yep she would taken the money done up her own house and sold it off and now was off to the country with old widow and her daughter years passed and although she always came back to her hometown to see her hairdresser she never made the extra effort to travel that half a mile and see her own mother no one else knew about the troubles so the constant oh I saw your daughter the other day just broke her even more and she came to the end of her life her health rapidly deteriorated as she just didn't care anymore she passed a few months before her birthday and in all the months she was in hospital for her daughter and granddaughter only visited twice the final time they saw her was on her deathbed with my granddad and dad on one side on silence waiting for it to happen and them on the other pony visiting for half an hour and Grant thought I'm making a comment what a horrible place to die they received the death stare for that and left soon after funeral comes around and it's clear she began to full-scale rewrite your own history at this point as weirdo husband forced her to go to funeral despite all her protests the attendant emotional one and left a few months passed and a doe my grand dad was lost without his wife he still soldier on and carried on about his daily duties just alone with us dropping in as much as possible he went about days until one day while out shopping he tripped on and opened drain and hits his head almost instantly disgust onset of dementia it crippled my dad watching the engineering mastermind who trained him and taught him there everything he knew slowly retreated to a shadow of himself as he could no longer look after himself and we eventually had to put him into care and sell the home as we could not physically operate as a family anymore spending every moment we weren't at work looking after him in the two and a half years he was in the home they did not visit once didn't even call us to see how he was my granddad passed earlier this year and his daughter or granddaughter did not attend the funeral and one final display of ultimate disrespect to the man and woman who raised them both scrounging every last penny to offer them the best life they could this is the point where the title comes into play about six months after my granddad went into the home she turned up at my dad's workshop completely unannounced she came to tell her story not that I really want cared she started with the general chat again which my dad didn't care about he was just pissed she had broken my grandma and gone off the grid without explanation she was playing the victim until she finally realized no one gave a flying F and stems from this point on I shall refer to her as Isaac for ignorant self absorb I can't say the word Isaac don't you know what she did me what she abused me hmm you were the favorite she did nothing for me or my daughter don't you dare or what she raised your child she did not I did everything she did nothing then why was she there every single day how dare you I've got an MOT to get to move I'm not dealing with your [ __ ] anymore in the last few years Isaac seems to off Eden herself stupid so was as wide as the gap and couldn't be pushed past as she weighs so effing much Isaac you're not going anywhere you're going to listen to me Isaac ranted on for around 15 minutes about how my grandma gave her nothing repeatedly abused her and off her no health like caring mother would and how the eulogy we wrote about her being amazing was a lie dis understandably enraged my dad but the topper that did it was her spirit that my dad abused my grandfather and that was the real reason he got dementia and trip fall and headbang was all cover up for it and we were all in on it and she knew it on the beginning my dad stood up told her to shut the F up and get out before forcing past her and standing in the doorway I was saying get out or I'm locking you in while I'll go out she reluctantly shuffled to the door continuing to rent until my dad got in the customers car and left her there she wasn't there when he got back and we haven't seen her since we still hear of her and op members of the family that are known for backstabbing to get higher do believe her twisted story but nearly everyone else doesn't and believe that stupid story she conjured so people have read it what do you think I say in my opinion she's to see and my grandparents are the best people I will ever have the pleasure of knowing and the best parents a child could ever ask for Wow this was heavy so those were the stories for today's video if you enjoyed this video a like would be highly appreciated it really does help my channel out also if you enjoy this and want to stay up to date on the latest videos then don't forget to subscribe thanks for listening and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Swaye
Views: 2,053
Rating: 4.625 out of 5
Keywords: entitled people, parents stories, entitled parents memes, askreddit, Funny Reddit Posts, entitled parents Stories, Reddit, r/entitltedparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/prorevenge, rslash, r/murdered by words, r/nuclear revenge, r/maliciouscompliance, r/letsnotmeet, karen, I'm PREGNANT, Give my your Laptop, entitled parents reddit, entitled people reddit, entitled people owned, SHE RUINED MY LIFE, GIVE ME YOUR LAPTOP I'M PREEEEEERGNANT!!, crotch goblin, dog, Entitled mother, entitled kids
Id: wNFy7aoxtAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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