r/EntitledParents - LET ME RIDE YOUR BIKE...

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hey everyone and welcome back to another video on the good night reddit channel and the r slash entitled parents subreddit where today someone nearly gets run over purely for the fact that they wore a mask outside and were standing up for themselves it gets insane so i can finally tell this in college i got the opportunity to become a friend of mickey minnie donald and a bunch of other story characters at the happiest place on earth it was an awesome job i had full-time hours got to go to disneyland for free and just had a blast but of course it wouldn't be disneyland without some contact with entitled parents the day in question was the summer in the early 2000s i am friends with mickey this day with a friend of mine befriending minnie our host who we will call cbg is a bit new but has been in the position long enough to have a decent layer of thick skin my mini and myself had been with the company for over two years at this point so our skin was rocked off we had been at it all day and finishing up our last set so you all know characters have set times and time frames they are on set cbg standing at the end of the meet and greet line is constantly advising that the line is closed but you are welcome to take pictures of the characters off to the side enter our entitled parents entitled mum iam entitled dad ed and adorable toddler a.t they come up on the side aytee and his stroller ed snapping pictures and they are respectful of the line at first myself and my mini are posing and interacting with the families coming up finally cbg is standing directly in front of us the cue that the line is finished we have the final family off when the eps pushed their child up to us don't get me wrong he is flipping cute maybe about two years old if that i kneel down give him a kiss on the head and send him back to his parents and pushes him back to us i push him back cbg is informing the parents that the characters are done and where we will be later myself and many are in a hot potato battle with em cbg is forced to join the fray the entitled parents began screaming at cbg paying no attention to their child i am slowly placing the kid next to em protecting my mini in the process i used to get very into character edie is really in cbg's face screaming that they need to see mickey and how dare they be told no families are walking by the men seeing a young woman five foot four at most being yelled at by a man at least six foot tall makes them tap their wives and move closer to us ready to jump in if this man is crazy enough to try something at this point i'm done i grab my mini by the hand and head out to the backstage but i'm not a bad person i need my host out of the situation asap i run back once minnie is to the gate shoes thumping on the ground i grab cbg by the wrist pull up behind me and in all my mickey glory look at this dude still trying to scream at her while trying to get a picture of me i turn and lead her off waddling behind her with my hands on her shoulders i can feel her shaking in anger security saw enough to grab the family with one god seeing us leave set my mini has been near the entrance waiting for cbg and myself to come back we get far enough for me to pop my head and give cbg a hug security comes up to us asks what happened we give the run down and he just nods and heads out i pop the head back on and make my way to break room to pack up for the day as we all share how crazy the last set was i love that job but my back couldn't take it anymore and i had to leave still jacked up but so worth it so a few years ago i worked at a store that dalton used electronics it was mostly movies games and pop culture merch but we also sold the wide variety of items like cameras and headphones it was a very popular store due to partly to the low prices and the fact that we generally paid more than our competitors for good use but customers also liked the atmosphere the staff was very close knit and management encouraged a casual approach to customer service so not only was it a cool place to shop it seemed like a cool place to work which it was actually this meant that during all the times of the year we were flooded with applications we actually had a new apps box in behind the counter that had to be emptied for filing once a week because it would fill up as a retail establishment we did have a moderate turnover but the store was small and only had about 11 to 15 people employed there at any given time so we only occasionally picked up new hires this didn't stop people applying though especially recent graduates who were hoping that the cool video game store could be their first job i was working the front counter at the time entitled mother walked in the door this happened a while ago so this conversation is of course paraphrased she approached me and i smiled and greeted her me hi there how can i help you em hi can i speak to the manager me oh of course but he's currently in the office on a call he actually was is there something i can help you with before he's available em my son turned in an application a month ago and he hasn't heard anything back me apologetic oh i'm sorry ma'am we get a lot of applications to the point where our employer meant manager can't exactly call people back if they aren't accepted for an interview this should be mentioned on the application but i'm sorry if your son wasn't told that however we do keep applications for on file for six months so if a position opens up we could still possibly consider him for employment she huffed and rolled her eyes giving me a sarcastic laugh em that's ridiculous are you guys prejudiced against hiring boys or something i blinked at her i was one of two girls employed at this location compared to 11 guys one of the four people visible behind the counter i was the only girl me ma'am i'm one of the only girls that actually work here em seem to notice this and began to splutter a little because she was getting flustered she continued laughing sarcastically through her sentences am so what are you registered against hiring hard workers i honestly didn't know what to say i was trying not to laugh because it was such a weird response me uh no we just have a lot of applicants and the chances of getting picked are quite low it's nothing personal but if you'd still like to ask the manager about it i can go see if he's finished on the phone i am huffling still laughing no nevermind this is just ridiculous i'm taking my business to competitor huh she stomped away and after she left my co-workers and i just looked at each other and started laughing we chatted about it for a little while and when the manager came back from the office we told him about the encounter he basically said what i said that it was an open application in a sea of many and it wasn't personal honestly if you come into a store and demand the manager to hire your kid it's probably only only going to hurt their chances like nobody wants to deal with someone's crazy parent hovering the business all the time yeah i feel like that's yeah that's true why do i feel like the kid would also be fired on like day five because he's i i'm just assuming he's an entitled kid because you know entitled mama and title kid the chances of the of the kid being entitled you know pretty high so uh that doesn't sound very fun but it is what it is in the end you got rid of us so congratulations on you know getting rid of the demon so this happened yesterday while i was with my girlfriend i'm 14 so i'm a bit of a kid but i hate when people call me a kid this is kind of important yeah and i'm on mobile cast gf my girlfriend who doesn't take anything from anybody okay karen who also takes you know stuff from nobody see the poor cashier who is forced to take stuff from people me a very nice and brave boy scout who also takes stuff from nobody so i was in my little town with my girlfriend and we don't have very big stores like walmart around here so people come to ask how to get there all the time and this is exactly what happened so i'm walking around with my girlfriend when i needed to go to the bathroom we were walking over to a gas station and i see a sign that says i need a mask and as in any boy scout would do i followed the law i went in and asked the cashier what the bathroom was to go to the bathroom of course only to come back seeing the cashiers dealing with you know who enter me k what do you mean there's no walmart here first of all she didn't have a mask and she was wearing a flat earth hat and vaccines caused cancer shirt they were probably made my guess uh i was just going to tell her to leave until she calls me out okay you me huh okay how dare you wear a mask don't you want us to be free from corona me eh what okay don't want me young man see leave the kid alone he just needed to use the bathroom okay i was talking you cactus enter gf gf hey t-bone t-bone nice can you get me k you how do you feel about all of this my girlfriend is in black and white and a nice balance to the force am i right girlfriend excuse me okay you're black right me too gf we we we should go okay no i need to talk to you little boy ouch right in the feels i'm tall as frick by the way six foot two and i don't let anyone call me a little boy me what did you just say i stood tall and watched as her blood went from my face to her feet in a second okay i uh me why didn't you leave this town on a count of five and if i ever see you back here you're going to be put in your place understand i started counting and she balded out of the station nice i bought my girlfriend a drink and gave the cashier a fist bump and a tip and then as i walk out of the door and start heading for home i see out of the corner of my eye a car headed straight from me and my girlfriend and i can tell you i've never been more fast in my life i pushed my girlfriend behind me as far as i could i then started running toward a ditch and my dad taught me if a car is headed towards you look for a ditch wait for them to follow then dive if they're crazy enough to follow you you'll live i dive into the ditch right before she hit me and i'm really lucky to be telling you all of this she didn't get in the ditch instead she went over the ditch and into a pond it was all caught on camera and she was arrested i didn't exactly press charges the cashier did though and the cop was surprised that i was not 17. you didn't press charges she could have killed you and you didn't press charges personally i would have pressed charges if someone tried to ran me over run me over and and and i had footage of evidence like there's no need to go to court if i've got the evidence right there that shows are trying to kill me but whatever um that's your decision in the end but hey the cashier did the right thing in press charges so absolute chad to him hope he got some money but yeah in the end i'm craving beef jerky i wonder if you got beef jerky so this was seven weeks before christmas and i was at a bike park with a friend we were going down a track made for jump bikes and me and my friend both thought we had the same type so we are going up and down the same track trying to land a tail whip well we try at least 10 times before my friend says he's hungry and wanted to go out to eat so i say me yeah okay i'll meet you when i get this uh tail whip done friend okay i see you in a bit he rides to a tree somewhere to eat and i'm about to go down again when i feel a tug on my shirt it was ek ek hi nice bike where'd you get it from me my parents got it for me on my 11th birthday i'm 13 now by the way ek cool can i ride it me no sorry from what my parents said it was about 6 000 pounds and besides you're probably a bit too small he was about eight or nine ek okay he just runs off somewhere i think nothing of it and just continue to ride when i see ek running back with em well crap me hi ma'am how uh gets cut off a.m why would you let my child ride your bike me because he's too small and it's very expensive he am oh yeah how expensive me about 6 000 pounds by the way that's like 7 500 us dollars so like 10 grand in aud that's a really expensive bike am that's a lie it looks too banged up to be that expensive me well i've had it for a long time and i ride it a lot so that's why em i don't care just let my child ride your bike now my friend hears the screaming and you know just comes to see what's going on friend hey bro what's going on me this female dog is shouting at me because i won't let a kid ride my bike okay well i won't want the bike i think that just means i want the bike but alright me you can't have it i talked to my friend about what to do and it's at this point em grabs my bike and throws it down a hill it bounces around before it hits the bottom me with tears filling through my eyes what the actual frick why would you do that em if my child can't have it then neither can you she turns away and runs away like a coward friend oh well don't worry me what do you mean all i can do now is worry my parents will never believe me friend yes they will because i got it on gopro me oh my god you are the best we check out the bike the front reel was bent and the handlebars were off the bike frame dented in several places and back wheelbacked we show my parents the video and they get my bike fixed and i never saw the em after that sorry that this was so long just i had to get it out of my system was i overreacting or was i in the wrong not in the slightest my friend that was a perfect genuine reaction i'm just really glad that your friend you know got that on gopro and quite surprised like sneak 100 am i right so this is a little hard to talk about because i suffer major ptsd because of it i will try my best though so my mom was a very very horrible person don't get it that wrong though she did kinda love us most of the time anyway she was a drug addict any single type of drug she probably did crack cocaine yep marijuana yep opioids don't know if i spelled that right sorry definitely she had many many boyfriends and this was not that long ago only about a couple years ago anyways let's start the story buckle down i'm saying all of the details screw what my psychiatrist and therapist say also ps i'm american german so expect weird phrases and words so my mother never wanted to have me i am the oldest besides my older adopted sister quick back check on that she is technically my adopted aunt but we have always been his closest sisters and she is only about three years older than me even though i don't live with her of five to six now children two of whom are not my mothers it's complicated but i will try to explain my dad and my mom broke up a month before i was born and my sister was kind of half adopted by my grandma whom is on my dad's side who is very religious christian but a very fun person but then fully adopted only months later from a family when she was about six and i was three and a few months after that my dad and his now ex-girlfriend had my brother jesus that's complicated because she was 17 when she did she didn't go to the college of her dreams because of me my family is against abortion because they believe it is god's gift to have that child and other christian stuff and when i was two my mom had my little sister who she loved and whom almost died at birth because my mom would drink and drink and drink until she either passed out or took out her frustration on having another child and from her words from a couple years ago that i can remember i hope that out of the thousands of sperm that are the quickest one is smart and pretty unlike this one her words exactly she took pity on her and bought air everything inside and just adored her example one we were six and four my sister got fast food like mcdonald's which is my favorite food and my sisters and would make my sister eat it in front of me though my sister would see i was upset that i didn't get anything and gave me some of her nuggies no what a chad 2. she would leave me in a hot car for hours whilst taking my sister to places like chuck e cheese three she would leave me at random friends of hers houses while doing durga and buying my sister things four she would not let me have food for days on end one a week before five did i mention that she was broke and stole thousands of dollars from my grandparents slash her parents and the rest of the family i've always loved her though and she's going to high school this year besides you know because of quarantine anyways me and my sister were and still are best friends we were like a duo we always did everything together when i was four and her two my mother went against my family's will and almost aborted my brother once she found out he was a boy at 17 weeks of pregnancy but was busted by my sister's father and got confined in a room and was not allowed out of his sight when my brother was born my mother absolutely hated him in fact my now nine-year-old dog whom is a tiny little munchkin named lulu used to sit on my then baby brother and growl at my mum or by this time she had broken up with my sisters and brother's father and gotten a boyfriend named cody who hated me or him i loved that dog so much and that was when she was only a year old that was when he was about two and i was seven and eight years ago the boyfriend number three of my mom named cody was just a bad person or a humongous jerk if you'd rather say that yes please and like to slap me around once i was climbing around and found a ladder and climbed on it being a dumb seven-year-old and it led to the roof then cody saw me and climbed up and tried to push me off the roof i dodged his push and he fell and cut himself good that sucks to him that fall would have given him a couple bruises as it was only one story to a malnourished three foot four tall seven year old and it would have probably paralyzed me boyfriend four almost set the house on fire and was also a humongous douchebag boyfriend five was abusive seven to five douchebag i am struggling not to say these swear words oh my god whom is still her current boyfriend i could go on for days and days and days on what he has done to me but sorry tearing up with this and a little bit bad spelling a little the grammar on this is terrible was to try and murder my baby brother by throwing him into a river when he was four and he didn't manage because i grabbed my brother he got so mad i got thrown into the river instead it was a creek i wasn't that tall and sunk to the bottom until i heard something ringing then it all went red then i was on the edge of the river coughing up water i am very sure i had a major adrenaline rush and i looked over and my sister was tugging at her bro by the leg trying to pull him up because matt threw him in she caught him before his head hit the water and was desperately screaming for help and trying to help him she was damned six i was eight and my bro was three whilst matt was hitting her hand trying to make her let go and mom was trying to help my brother up she is a druggie and alcoholic but she doesn't wish us dead and when she isn't hyped up on drugs or alcohol like three out of ten at the times she could be an okay mum who you know actually cared for us i ran over and pushed my small three foot ten body into his and caught him by surprise why do you know your height measurements at the age of eight like i know i was short that's it with me on him laughing i looked over as my mom and sister pull up and sign relief i ran over to my brother who was crying saying how he in exact words didn't want to pay fetch what i heard first tldr of what i said mom is a humongous douchebag who hated my brother and absolutely doted on my sister whilst i have been an outcast and slapped around my whole life up to the point when my grandparents came first things first paragraphs they they are definitely your friend second things second go back to school and learn grammar with that out of the way good story uh your mom's a douche bag i'm pretty sure you're older now but you know what you should grab your siblings and leave and run away because that's not a healthy place go to the doctors no don't go to the doctors go to a police station find help go somewhere that isn't with this woman and matt no one likes matt badmat that's it if you guys did enjoy this video please do hit that like button and if you haven't already hit the subscribe button for more videos just like this one and if you want to be first to see those videos the bell notification thingamajigo generally helps with that tell me your thoughts down below and i'll see you all in the next video bye everyone
Channel: Good Night Reddit
Views: 5,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, good night reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps, goodnight reddit, good, night, redditor, rslash, voiceyhere
Id: kobQzcw_68Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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