r/AmITheA**hole I Kicked Entitled Parents Out of Their Home

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welcome to our /m I the butthole where we get to judge people in the Internet am i the butthole for not wanting my dad to walk me down the aisle because he's in a wheelchair about three years ago my dad was injured in a really bad hit-and-run accident he broke just about every bone in his body and left him paralyzed from the waist down our relationship has always been really good but I hate seeing him in pain and admittedly try to avoid seeing him because it just makes me uncomfortable in November I'm getting married I've been with my fiance for four years and he and my dad got on really well naturally the discussion of who was gonna give me away came up in the family group chat and I kept silent after I realized my dad would be in a wheelchair we always talked about him giving me away and having a dance in my wedding and I don't want to be reminded of what could have been at my wedding I messaged my mom privately and told her I want my uncle to walk me down the aisle as we're incredibly close she naturally asked why and I told her that my dad being in a wheelchair would add complications to the wedding the walkway would have to be widened to accommodate his wheelchair and he wouldn't be able to hold my arm or give me a proper hug she was outraged called me an a-plus piece of garbage and remove me from the group chat my aunt has since called me telling me that my dad is absolutely devastated am I the butthole she's Opie that was uncomfortable to read I have to imagine that when your dad found that out that hurt more than when he got hit by that car I mean it is your wedding so you have a right to arrange your wedding in whatever fashion you want but just because you have a right to be a butthole doesn't excuse you being a butthole am I the butthole for leaving the family restaurant and starting my own after finding out I wouldn't inherit it my dad owns a pizza place that was handed down to him from my grandfather I've been working at the pizza place my whole life even part-time while I got a business degree I found out early last year that my dad had willed the restaurant to my stepmom his reasoning being that she needs to be taken care of after he dies and that it would go to me after she died I was pissed and quit the next day my dad ended up hiring two people to make up for the work that I was doing now this is the potential butt hole part a month after I quit I found a great location where another pizza place had been shut down I bought it and had it up running in two months my restaurant is takeout only but my business is doing extremely well my dad reached out to me last September and said that his restaurant was losing business because of me and - please come back to the family business he offered to buy my business so I would get something out of it I declined the offer now the craziness of 2020 happened and because my restaurant was already set up for take-out I am only seeing a five to ten percent drop in revenue the family restaurant however is going under now there's a whole lot of arguing about me causing my dad's family to become financially ruined am i the butthole so I realize things are a little bit different for the world of youtubers but if I had a kid and that kid decided to go up and make his own YouTube channel that became successful I'd be so proud of him so it's weird to me that your dad is getting upset at you for starting a successful business and honestly it sounds like you're not the reason that his business is failing if your pizza place can succeed in 2020 then there's really no reason that his place can't succeed in 2020 as well my guess is that he's just doing a sucky job of managing it I'll give you 0 out of 5 buttholes Opie and don't forget Opie you can always offer to buy your dad's restaurant so he can get something out of it am I the butthole for grounding my son after he said he got into an argument with my boyfriend over something from 10 years ago my boyfriend age and my oldest son had a bad relationship ever since H had accidentally burned down our house oh what an opening sentence he put in a pizza while me my two sons and daughter went out to the mall and H had forgot about it and left to go back to his apartment when we got back home our kitchen was on fire and by the time the fire trucks got here the whole downstairs was on fire our house was pretty much destroyed and our husky passed away in the fire when I told my boyfriend about it he remembered his pizza he apologized and I forgave him but my son never did my other two were too young to remember my cousin said she could watch my kids until we got a new house and I stayed with H at his house it was too small to hold all of us a lot of our stuff was damaged but not enough to be thrown away so we got a new house too years later and my son still hasn't forgiven age it only got worse when he got older he would never say hello to H when he came over and would always avoid him like one time when H came over and I cooked dinner my son ate upstairs instead of downstairs with the family today my son was on a call with his friends playing video games and my son lost and said what the hell so H went upstairs to his room to tell him look stop all that cursing you're not grown and my son pretty much ignored him until H said why are you ignoring me answer me and my son yelled at him to get out of his room after that they got into a loud argument I ran upstairs to tell them to stop and my son yelled out have you not gotten it yet I don't like you you burned down our house and want to act like you're my dad leave me alone I told H I'll handle this and told my son that he's acting like a child and that I understand that he was upset years ago but now you need to let it go it's been 10 years and that HS apologized and that he needs to forgive him he said I don't care he's a stupid person who you took back after he burned down our old home with all our stuff and our dog I'm not forgiving him I don't even know why you took this Pachi bearded idiot back anyways last week he made fries and left the oven on for an hour after he was done and it didn't get turned off until I came downstairs and saw it was on and he's an irresponsible idiot I told him he was grounded for disrespecting him and then he needs to get over it I called my friend why to tell her what happened and she said honestly he kinda has a right to be mad he lost his childhood home when he was five and his dog so now I feel like I could have handled it better so read it am I the butthole down in the comments pics or sums this up quite well you're the butthole even giving your boyfriend the benefit of the doubt with a fire you then had your children move in with a cousin while you lived elsewhere your kids lost their house their security all their stuff their dog and you went and stayed with your boyfriend huge you're the butthole their second year the butthole was forgiving your boyfriend for something that he clearly does regularly that could lead to another fire and possibly killing you and/or one or more of your children third you're the butthole is letting him discipline your son for anything it's made worse that he's yelling at your son for saying the word a hell if my math is correct your son is 15 years old there is no reason to reprimand a 15 year old for saying hell you will not have a relationship with your settlement he's an adult and it's your fault yeah the thing that bothers me the most about this is that there seems to be no effort to actually help your son deal with his loss it seems that you're in your boyfriend's way of dealing with your son's grief is to say sorry about your dead dog suck it up kid but you'll all be relieved to know that Opie posted an update I read a lot of the comments that called me a butthole and I realized that I was wrong I'll unground my son and break up with H am I the butthole for kicking my boyfriend's parents out of our apartment after his mom called me the B word back in March my boyfriend's parents decided they wanted to come wait quarantine out at our apartment for starters they never asked his mother called and told me that they were on their way and to prepare a spare bedroom for them I was already apprehensive about them staying with us because his parents have always been extremely rude to me they're overly critical of everything I say and do they're massive control freaks who feel entitled to always be in charge so right off the bat things are miserable they verbally abuse me daily tell me what I can and can't do in my own apartment and our overall just the worst out of everything the air conditioning caused the greatest debacle where I live it's been 85 to 90 almost every day I normally keep my air on 70 but when they started complaining I turned the air up to 75 this is already a little toasty for me but I was willing to be a little hot to try to keep the peace this wasn't good enough for them they don't want air on period they want the heat on and they turn it on every single opportunity they get I wake up in the middle of the night covered in sweats I've told them to stop countless times yesterday I finally cracked I put about 10 pieces of duct tape over the thermostat with a note attached to it that said do not touch the thermostat while I'm at work at 6:00 p.m. I walk into my apartment and automatically hit by a hotter and more humid heat than it is outside the duct tape and note have been torn off the thermostat and they have the heat on 98 effing degrees I go into the guest room and say why could you not follow the simple instruction of don't touch the thermostat this is my home I am tired of you saying rude things to me I am tired of you treating me like a child and creating your own rules for my apartment you either need to be respectful towards me and learn to accept my boundaries or go back to your own house his mother said and I disdainfully quotes you have no right to barge in here without knocking that was not only an invasion of privacy but you either take that attitude out of your tone I have dealt with much bigger b-words than you before she went on for 30 minutes and I just tuned her out when she was done talking I told her to get out now my boyfriend is angry with me because I couldn't just let her have their way he wants me to call his mom and apologize but I don't think I should have to I may have been rude to her but it was only because I've spent the past two months dealing with her abuse and trying to politely ask her to stop treating me this way I got tired of politely asking someone to stop treating me like garbage in my own home in which I was letting them live in for free I also got tired of my boyfriend refusing to defend me and allowing her to say and do whatever she wanted I'm trying to understand their perspective although it just doesn't seem reasonable to me if read it determines I'm the butthole I'll call and apologize Opie if my girlfriend's parents treated me that way and she just let it happen then I'd seriously consider dumping her that's not the type of family you want to be married to and that's not the kind of support you'd expect from a wife am I the butthole for telling my husband I regret having our children and telling my daughter I never wanted her she's Louise Opie I haven't even read the story and I already know you're the butthole here I'm a 24 year old woman and I have four children I had my first when I was 19 my children are a five year old girl a three year old girl a 2 year old girl and a 1 year old boy all of our children have been planned but it's always been my husband pushing to have another if he'd have let me I would have stopped after our oldest I never really wanted to be a mom and don't feel as though I connect with him very well a few nights ago I was putting my eldest daughter to sleep when she started asking me loads of questions she's a really curious little girl I had a traumatic birth with her and postnatal depression so I always struggled with bonding and still do struggle connecting with her she told me she wants lots of babies when she's older and then asked me how many I wanted when she was her age I told her I didn't want any and then I didn't even want anyone I had her I know she's only five but she massively misinterpreted and got upset I comforted her and put her back to sleep in the morning she must have told her father what had happened when he was making her breakfast as I woke up to my husband absolutely furious with me for traumatizing our daughter and damaging her self-esteem I told him she'd be fine but he kept shouting at me telling me I was an awful mother I replied that it's hard being a good mother to kids you regret having he asked if I was being serious and I said that I was being impulsive when I said that but that I didn't want them and he knew that he left the room absolutely furious with me and took the kids to his parents house am I the butthole I've never heard anyone say that a five-year-old massively misinterpreted anything they can't misinterpret their five what you said to your daughter was incredibly inappropriate even if it's true that's something you just never say to a child Opie I think you need counseling am i the butthole for not waking up my girlfriend for her exam after I overheard her calling me a little B word my girlfriend has online summer courses and she had an exam for one of them this morning I usually wake her up for pretty much everything because she sleeps through her phone alarm no matter how long it buzzes or how many she says she's joked that I'm her Butler before and within the context of her relationship it's okay so I don't mind obviously I want to love my partner and try to make her life easy however last night she was chatting with her friends and she thought I couldn't hear she was bragging that I'm her little B and I do everything for when she tells me to etc it really hurt my feelings because they were making comments like get it in his place and she was agreeing she specifically said yeah I'm not too worried about tomorrow because the bee will make sure I'm up and he'll probably have breakfast ready for me too I went to bed pretty hurt by it and come morning I didn't bother to wake her up when her alarm started to go she usually only gets up when someone physically shakes her but I let her turn off the alarm and she slipped back into sleep and I turned around and went back to sleep too when she woke up she was yelling at me saying I'm a butthole and I cost her her exam and I'm a piece of garbage for what I did wait hold on let me get this straight your girlfriend sets an alarm which wakes up both of you with the expectation that you who is now awake will wake her up Oh pee your girlfriend sounds like a Karen in the making I would get out of that relationship ASAP zero out of five butt holes for Opie and the Karen gets three out of five butt holes am I the butthole for telling my stepdaughter to stop using period products in the bathroom she shares with my teenage sons I've been living with my new wife and stepdaughter for about six months now she's 19 almost 20 and I have three sons age 18 16 and 15 she's a really good kid and she's a good influence on my sons I really enjoy having her around my wife and her daughter moved into my house and sold there's my stepdaughters father isn't present in her life nor is my son's mother all four children share a bathroom my son's had never lived for a long period of time with a woman nor have any of them had long-term girlfriends they had short visitation periods when they were younger but never live longer than an hour so living with two women has been unusual for them my eldest son 18 came to me last week and told me that his stepsister disposes of her used sanitary products in a trash can that they share but doesn't use toilet rollers sandwich bags to disguise what they are and it makes him uncomfortable which i think is reasonable my sons are teenage boys and don't want to see their stepsisters period products on full display a few nights ago I went to the kitchen to grab a snack and she was there doing some work for University my wife had mentioned that she knew she was on her period so I took it as an opportunity to have a word with her I told her my sons were uncomfortable and asked her if she'd mind putting her used products in diaper bags are flushing them down the toilet she laughed and told me it was rich coming from a man who sheds like a gorilla and has produced three skidmark suns which I thought was just an unnecessary attack I've been nothing but nice to the girl and it's hardly a comparison my son shouldn't be subjected to her unhygenic products if it makes him uncomfortable she went on to lecture me about how tampons can't be flushed and that it's bad for the environment if she uses diaper bags for everyone which i think it's just an excuse I called her a scruff and told her that this was my house and that what I say goes I later asked my wife if she could have a word with her and she told me I was being ridiculous and that her daughter has had her period for 10 years and knows what she's doing when I told her was making my sons uncomfortable she said my sons needed to get a grip and turned over and went to sleep this is a genuine issue to me and she didn't care enough to have a discussion about it I asked my stepdaughter again in the morning and she did the same as her mother completely dismissed it both of them have told me to stop being so silly but I don't see how I'm being unreasonable when it makes my sons uncomfortable him I hide the butt hole yeah sorry buddy but you're definitely the butt hole here though I'm only gonna give you like one point five out of five butt holes instead of shaming an adult woman about her body you should have just sat down your sons and explained to them that this is something that they're just gonna have to deal with in life I mean trust me if you don't have this conversation with your sons now then their next girlfriends are definitely gonna have this conversation with them so just tell your sons to grow up and then move on together as a family that was our slash in my the butt hole and if you liked this video then hit that subscribe button because I put on new reddit videos every single day
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Id: d1_NbYNUhas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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