r/idontworkherelady - GIVE ME YOUR 900$ H0TEL ROOM FOR FREE! (Reddit IDontWorkHereLady)

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yo guys what's up welcome back to our slash I don't work here lady where Karen is actually responsible for Opie meeting the girl of his dreams if you're new around here don't forget to subscribe to the channel to join our awesome community and now without wasting any more time let's dive right in what's your emergency I used to work for a County Fire Department we could pick up over time working special events at the college sports arena slash Coliseum our uniforms consists of navy blue work / duty pants black work boots and a navy blue work shirt with our department patch on one sleeve and either paramedic or EMT patch on the other all of this is topped off with the radio that has an attached mic the students that work for the arena are required to dress up skirts or slacks dress shirt tie etc they also carry walkie-talkies this is a pretty small venue maybe 8,000 seats and when you walk in you can literally see every seat they are huge letters maybe ten feet tall painted on the wall over each section indicating the section and now for the story I was working an event standing out on the breezeway when clueless sports fan CSF walks up to me clueless sports fan can you direct me to my seats me ma'am I'm here for EMS standby CSF I would search nerd me do you have an emergency CSF the killer phone will suits me what the f me as I look up at the numbers painted on the wall yes ma'am looks like your seat is over there points her in the direction of section number two in the opposite direction of section eight CSF Thank You me you're welcome enjoy the game come back when you have chest pain or shortness of breath I don't know about you guys but I will give Karen the benefit of the doubt in that case at least some people simply enjoy asking stupid questions with obvious answers but anyway let's move on no I won't make us up congrats on getting banned from Publix count this up a few days ago so I thought I would share a story from a couple years ago I used to work in the deli of a Publix down in Florida which is a fairly large grocery chain in the southeast the Publix I worked in was fairly close to the villages which is the largest retirement community in the country probably something in the range of two-thirds of our customers in the store where retirees there was a larger than average number of Route customers but there were a few regulars who were really foul-tempered of the year or so that I worked there a 70s year-old woman came in every Sunday and ordered the same thing a toast the chicken tenders up with shredded pepper jack cheese she was also the pushiest Karen I've ever had the displeasure of meeting if there was a line and she was forced to wait she would start yelling that we need to hurry up because some of us have lists to be would loudly complain to the service is killing rules of redu and wood leaned over the counter and snap her fingers at anyone passing by and snap excuse me I've been waiting for service come here she also had a habit of whistling at people like they were a dog to get their attention everyone hated this woman she never said thank you always found something wrong with everything you did this soup is burnt there's not enough cheese I didn't see you wash your hands I don't want that sub go wash your hands make me a new one and never even tried to be polite unfortunately Publix has a policy of real good road for the customer so we could never tell her to go F herself like we'd so desperately wanted to eventually I got fed up with every other guest being a miserable old piece of work more interested in starting a fight than they were in getting their deli meats so I quit three days after I quit I came back into Publix and stop by the deli to give one of my co-workers his phone charger that I had borrowed as I turn to leave that woman stepped out of line and said hey you work here don't you come take my order I said sorry I quit a few days ago I don't work here anymore her I just saw you behind the counter talking to someone if you have time to talk you have time to help customers me sorry can't help you they would be with you soon I tried to walk away but she stepped in front of me and grabbed my arm then pointed her finger in my face and started screaming at me that I was the worst employee she had ever seen that I always messed up her order that I should feel lucky to have a job and that I need to do as she said or she would tell my manager I yanked my arm out of her grip and told her to go F herself then walked over to the customer service counter and told the manager there that there was someone harassing other customers in the deli line and he said he had heard someone shrieking about something and was about to go see what it was so he and I walked back over to the deli and I pointed her out to the manager after a short conversation in which he asked her if anything was wrong she started complaining to him that I was rude and unwilling to help and he told her that I no longer worked there and she was disturbing other customers and had to leave and wouldn't be welcome back she left complaining that Publix sucked and she would be calling corporate to file a complaint and I got a few texts from my old co-workers thanking me for getting rid of her glad to help and see you never again you old hag I'm assuming Publix is like a grocery store which sells subway like sandwiches or something I know there are a lot of sandwich shops in the US but which one is your favorite tell me in the comments to be honest the one sandwich shop I always wanted to go to in the US but somehow we didn't is chick-fil-a cut anyway let's continue Karin expects a 15-yard kit to do everything for her precious daughter ah Karin's I never thought I would meet one in the wild but I did kay is Karen KD is Karen's daughter and M is me at this time I had pretty much turn 15 and this story takes place at a small art store near my home this store is fairly small and only has three employees working in it I really like to draw so I come into this store maybe once every second week and me and the three employees were on fairly good terms I had just gotten off school and since it was a pretty nice day out I decided to take a slightly longer way home so I could stop by the art store I was walking the entire way with my headphones on blasting some music and I kept them in the store I did quiet down the music a lot so if anyone needed to say something to me I would hear it now this store did not have a lot of customers at once I think the most I've seen is five including me and this day was no different there was a guy maybe a few years older than me looking at some paint markers and then then was the Karen and her daughter I did not think anything of them since they were not doing anything yet I quickly went to the section with a bunch of sketching pencils and began picking out the ones I needed now I am a person that hates all confrontation I will avoid it at all costs I get nervous and stressed easily so if someone tries to annoy me I would try to ignore it Karen's daughter appears in the end of the shelf I'm looking at she looks at me for a while before walking up to me she tacks on my shirt and I looked down at her and take out one of my headphones me can I help you Karen's daughter I need Marcus I looked at her in confusion for a moment me I'm sorry but I don't know where they are that was not fully a lie telling someone at an art store that you're looking for Marcus is pretty useless KD looks at me like I have grown a new head you need to find me Marcus I want Marcus at this point she's raising her voice a lot and I really don't want a screaming child in front of me so I quickly grabbed the last pencil I need before turning to KD me I'm sorry but I really cannot help you I then pluck my headphones back in and walk out of the pencil aisle I quickly moved over to the section where they have some Copic markers some very good but also expensive markers after I found about four that I needed my shoulder was roughly grabbed and I was turned around I then came face to face with a very angry Karen I was a bit shocked from being grabbed so roughly so I did not catch what Kate said be I'm sorry what okay now looked furious the hand that was resting on my shoulder now grabbed and yanked my headphones out Karen how could you just wear headphones in here how irresponsible are you I was now very confused and was getting extremely nervous me lady I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about Karen or don't return to be innocent you don't get to just ignore my kid and act like nothing happened no do your job and help my daughter I'm sorry lady but I don't work here I was just getting some supplies for myself I weakly lifted up my hand that still had the pencils and markers in it and this was not the correct thing to do Karen looked ready to slap me Karen don't you try to play innocent young lady you obviously work here so no you're going to hurt my daughter or I will inform your manager about your behavior me I'm sorry but I don't work here now please get off me this was finally when one of the employees noticed me and Karen and came over employee is everything okay here Karen no this girl was ignoring my daughter you really need to watch out for these young people you are hiring some young people will just slag off now I was really starting to get annoyed and tired Karen still had not taken a step back and was way too close for my liking me I already told you I don't work here no please take a step back the employee looked at me and then at Karen before they got an angry look on their face employee ma'am please back off the customers or I'm going to remove you myself Karen finally took a step back and turned her full attention to the employee Karen how dare you she was clearly the one in the role the employee looked over at me and could easily see that I was starting to shake employee my name you can leave I will handle this I quickly thank to employee for walking around both of them and Karen in less than 10 seconds I was at the cash register where I quickly placed all of the items and I still had in my hand before quickly booking it to the door I could hear Karen yelling at that poor employee before I left I did not go back to that store for around a month but when I finally returned the same employee came up to me and started to apologize for Karen's behavior apparently she had continued to yell at the employee until they had to remove her and her then crying child from the building you know I'm always wondering if someone puts their hands on you in a forceful manner would you be allowed to push them or punch them I am really curious but anyway if you have watched until here please don't forget to give me some stars in the comments and like the video if you want to support me I work next door lady girl of my dreams so I work at an Australian store called Bunnings I often walk to rulli's to get a lunch during my break Bunnings team members employees wear a red tee with a big green logo on the back of it and people that work at bullies wear a green tea okay so I was on my break during my shift and I was at the checkout line at Woolies when a lady tapped my shoulder and asked how someone goes about applying for a job at Woolies I was taken aback to this question as I've never experienced anyone mistaking my distinctive uniform before I simply stated that I don't work here but I do work next door she apologized and asked how someone would apply to Bunnings and I was happy to tell her about our whole system and our excruciating website she thanked me and told me that she really appreciated it and I told her that it was no problem I thought that was the end of it considering how slow we are when hiring new employees almost three months later I have fallen for one of the new employees at Bunnings she is blonde hair blue eyes and a smile that melts my heart we started dating only weeks after she started working at Runnings I met her parents last night and it was not sure whether to laugh or cry when I found out that it was the same lady that asked me how to get a job for her daughter hmm life is funny like that hmm all right I gotta think that over twice now when I'm about to talk bad to a Karen because maybe she has a good-looking daughter but anyway let's continue give me you hotel room the cast is me em and had a parent eeehm hero age and front desk FD be aware this story is from our slash entitled parents because I thought why not spice it up a little bit so anyway me and my parents were on vacation and because my parents wanted to celebrate they chose a really nice hotel the ritz-carlton and we were going to stay there for three nights I was walking home on my own because I wanted to take a look around and my family was at a friend's place I was allergic to something at their house and I did not like them anyways so anyway I was walking home when I saw this woman with a crazy expression and was shouting at anyone who came close to her and me being the innocent child I was walked close to her the woman grabbed me by the arm and shouted am all you tourists me yes ma'am what's the matter I was very timid and shy at the time eeehm what hotel are you staying at at this point I was very confused but decided to be polite and tell her anyway me ritz-carlton at this point once I mentioned the name I saw her eyes light up she gripped me hard on the arm and at this point it started attracting attention since by her appearance she was not my mother eeehm son cute very cold could you help me a do me a huge favor be sure a.m. could you let me stay in your room me what I'm sorry but even if my parents let me there are only three beds I was confused but still wanted to help and at this point I tried twisting my arm away eeehm don't you struggle when I'm talking to you me I'm sorry I had a weak personality and at any point a grown-up got angry I would immediately wilt I'm good no you have to give your room me I'm sorry but no I put on a firm voice just like my dad taught me eeehm give me a room at this point eeehm is squealing like a baby and is getting red now at this point h appears and immediately goes to security and begins explaining p.m. is still holding on to me and her fingernails are digging into my skin it's starting to hurt me let go HN security ma'am are you okay eeehm no this young man has take my room key and once my room stop him at this point h and security check out p.m. were you laughing arrest him no H and security ma'am I fail to see the threat this child is to you and he's obviously trying to get away let go of him now eeehm not until he gives me the key card H and security could give her the card me I can prove that this is my family's room I can tell you the name of the owner of the room at this point agent the security sense that something is wrong they bring us to the front desk and explain the situation and me and DM are asked to tell them the name of the person who booked the room p.m. random name FD are you sure ma'am DM also did roll dudes another random name H your trunk hit me my dad's name at this point eeehm knows that she is screwed she pushes H and barges through security but instead of escaping she runs trips over herself and face-plants onto the floor security runs over to her and puts her up she reads and does a dramatic dive to the floor eeehm would you push me security says nothing as they don't know English eeehm starts screaming obscenities and racist slurs and calls me good the route still insoluble swear word warning the pio pio arrived and i pressed charges fortunately me and my family continued on and have a great time I knew it Caryn's are cheap Charlie's but guys what's the nicest hotel you have ever stayed in me it was probably a hotel in Las Vegas I think it was the MGM Grand Hotel if I'm not mistaken and I really loved that hotel but anyway guys that's all the content I got for you today I hope you have a great day and I see you again tomorrow [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 29,511
Rating: 4.876862 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, ripe, ripe reddit, idontworkherelady, ep, r/idontworkherelady, ripe idontworkherelady, idwhl, karen, entitledparents, entitled, entitledpeople, r/entitledparents, entitled karen, rslash, rstart, i dont work here, idontworkhere
Id: noJ_sD2bLJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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