r/EntitledPeople - Karen COMPLETE LOSES IT Over a Garden Hose!

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hey there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parents stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard if you cannot stand Karan's please let me know by smashing that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day become a channel member today and I'll give you a shout out in a video very soon bar slash entitled parents entitled moms spits in my face / garden hose this is a first submission to a big sub so feel free to give conservative criticism but please be gentle I edited to correct formatting mistakes and I am NOT on mobile nor is English my second language so I own any mistakes I already put this in the main entitled parent sub but I wanted to put it here for your consideration I'm kind of new to Reddit so if I did it wrong I'm sorry preface this happened about 20 years ago so in deference to the decade late 90s to early 2000s our entitled mother will not be a Karen she will be a Britney I also want to make it clear that her two little girls who will call Sandra and Sally or darling and were in no way entitled kids also I can't stand stories that have been obviously embellished like really who actually uses phrases like my darling angel on the regular so I am doing my best to relate the story exactly as it occurred please keep in mind however that this was 20 years ago and no one's memory is perfect okay so my boyfriend and I have moved into a house that we are renting we are in our early 20s with bills in our own name and feeling like we are adulting for the first time we both have jobs that pay above minimum wage but we are in no way well-off as we are just starting out enter Sandra and Sally but we're around the age of 8 & 9 years I was quite taken with them and the feelings were fairly mutual they were at that age where having a big girl as a friend was very flattering to them and would get very excited when invited to hang out with me and my friend I would save things like costume jewelry and body glitter to give them as random gifts after making sure they weren't forbidden to have the items and in general it seemed like we had lucked out and having them living next door of course if that were the case then I wouldn't be posting this story here introducing Brittany she of the thundering thighs encased in booty shorts she was too young for a let me speak to your manager haircut oh no she had the requisite crunchy skyhigh by me Azima perm that was par for the course in the 80s Tiffani was a single mom and always needing something a lot of times that also involved waking us up 8:00 a.m. in the dead of winter can you jump my car 11 p.m. on a school night I don't have anything for Sandra and Sally's dinner 2:00 a.m. on a Friday night Saturday morning whoo-hoo she didn't always have to need something to wake us up in a kind of deviation to the usual oblivious form of entitled mother Brittany started to catch on to the fact that she was annoying us with her constant intrusions so she started sending her children to do her dirty work for her I didn't mind I actually preferred their sweet little smiles to her vacant I'd stares until the dun-dun-dun day of the garden hose it was a hot July day and I was doing some light housecleaning in our air conditioned home when I hear a tentative tap at our front door Sandra and Sally were standing there looking a strange combination of scared and bursting with excitement hi girls what's up we got a swimming pool Sally was dancing around an excitement mommy said she'll fill it up if we can use your faucet now I lived in an urban area and it wasn't entirely calming to have hose hookups so we were kind of an anomaly our hookup was located in our back yard to get to it he had to open two gates we had a chain-link fence and a privacy fence not sure why it was like that when we moved in the privacy fence was located just inside the chain-link fence I assumed that someone wanted a privacy fence but didn't want to go to the trouble of removing the chain-link one but I digress I loved these kids but water bills weren't exactly cheap and as I mentioned we weren't well-off as we were just starting out I hated to disappoint the girls which I'm sure is why Brittany sent them but this time I had to tell them no I also told them that they could probably attach the hose to their kitchen sink and if brittany didn't know how i would help her they thanked me and went away looking slightly dejected i felt bad but didn't think much of it hours later i'm taking a bath and i noticed that the water pressure is a bit low I bet you can see where this is going boyfriend comes in and notifies me that our street has a river running through the middle of it I say I'm not surprised with the rain falling so hard I can hear it outside the window when he informs me that it is still sunny out it all comes together in my head with an audible click I throw on my robe and run outside sure enough Brittany had trespassed onto our property opened our back fence and ran a hose over it to fill up their pool mind you this is not just a standard baby pool but one of those large inflatable above-ground pools that comes up to about the waist on an average-sized adult it held thousands of gallons of water not only has she done this after being told no but she has let it run so long that it has overflowed and caused her yard and ours to flood and the waters running into the street I'm sure she did this purposely out of spite tell me know will she well I'll show her very penny I was furious Brittany didn't answer when I knocked so being young and not knowing exactly what to do I call the police who are less than helpful they tell us that they recommended pulling the hose into our house so she would have to come and talk to us we know the water bill is going to be astronomical an hour or so later a mortified looking Sandra and Sally come and knock on my door miss o P can we have our garden hose instead of bringing them into the argument I gently explained to them that the hose is way too big for their little arms to carry it's at least double the size of a regular one and tell them to ask their mommy to come and get it and I will give it to her an undetermined amount of time later I hear the front door Kri slowly open and see the hose as if by magic start to slither out I quickly open the door and tell her shocked looking Brittany that I needed to talk to her I'm sure you know that I told Sandra and Sally that before I can finish the first sentence Britney cuts me off jumping around calling me names ranting unintelligibly and takes a swing at me I dodge it and she spits in my face I am thoroughly disgusted and furious I want to cry and go into a rage induced fury at the same time but by some miracle I mentioned on to my dignity and self-control I'm calmly wiping my face and smiling benignly thank you if that's assault without another word I turn on my heel and shut the door in her face I go inside to call the cops and they send out Barney Fife who was surprise surprise surprise less than helpful I tell him I want to press charges for assault and theft I didn't think of trespassing at the time he goes off to talk to her and comes back looking like he'd accomplished some real big-boy stuff I told her she has to pay your water bill when it comes in or she will go to jail I just looked at him as far as the charges go she did commit theft of services and assault as I said she committed theft of services but the best we can do is file a report by rolling so hard that I saw the back of my skull unfortunately that was the anti-climactic end of the story Britney avoided us after that and kept the girls away from us so that relationship ended our water bill was 40 dollars over the regular amount minimum wage was less than five dollars an hour then so yeah that was a day's wages we taped a copy of the bill to Britney's door and later found it crumpled up in our mailbox when we informed the police they told us it was a civil manner next up we've got entitled parent tries to steal from my mom once long ago in a time when my age started with a one I worked at a service desk in a large family run grocery store that was in four different states at that time the rules are different from what they are now with permission one could cash a personal check for $100 without needing to buy anything so on a busy weekend day I'm busy at work and my poor mom comes up to the desk just crying her purse was taken from the grocery cart I call security and one of my managers down comes our biggest security guard mom only came lower chest height on him there was over a foot difference in height he as home as a kitten gets mom calmed down taking her upstairs to look over the cameras and call the local City PD I'm still working distracted and my boss is staying nearby because he knows I'll bolt to my mom's side if I'm given the chance that's when she comes up to the desk in her cart is a familiar looking purse hooked to the strap as a keychain with a very familiar face on a sports pitcher immediately I can feel a twitch start she laughs at all the action that was taking place how silly little old people get it's just a purse want to hit her but I laugh instead while trying to subtly get my boss's attention loudly asking what she needs and rubbing one of my ears as if an explanation as to why I'm talking so loud during this year ear infections were going around schools causing hearing loss the lady pulls out a checkbook cover that if she had flipped it over she would have seen too familiar looking people on the custom cover she explains that she needs gas and cigarettes and didn't want to write two checks so could she please get $100 now gas prices during this time sometimes dipped beneath one dollar and cigs were less than four so why would she need $100 I however say I need to ask for approval since we were limiting check cashing limits the lady just nods and proceeds to write out the check and falters when signing darn that twitch I was getting so I called the Security office and playoff that I was calling my boss for approval our mountain of a man security guy clues in quickly and tells me to stall as police are on their way so I happily tell the lady then yes I can cash your check but sadly I can only do $50 lady gives one of those forced laugh smiles saying she needs to rewrite the cheque ripping both the cheque and carbon out I hold out my hand and point out we have a shredder so to keep her account numbers safer from the voided check she handed over the ripped up cheque it doesn't take long but she's struggling through the spelling of our last name and makes a newly married joke I just forced smile and nod my head she pulls out a stir ID card from the checkbook and hands them to me humming I start to run the check and put it in in such a way that I know the machine will jam in the meantime the security guard comes down and out of the corner of my eyes I catch a flash of silver hair with my mom standing behind him he moves to keep her out of sight from the entitled parent proclaiming myself having a rotten day I have to carefully extract the jammed check from the register I apologize profusely to the woman and step from the front of the desk to the back to get cash for the check saying that the cash office manager will have to look at the check to see if we can you it or if sadly we'll need a third check written the entitled parent is looking a bit miffed but I have a feeling she knows if she makes any of a fuss we just won't cash a check at all for her as we were already doing this as a favor with our check cashing funds being low that's when I hear them it's the boys in blue asking for her to step to the side she after failing to attempt to explain herself out of trouble finally explains how the heck did I know the check didn't belong to her reaching forward I flipped the keychain to face her she finally looks at it and then at me the picture may have been a year old but darn if I still haven't changed since high school her eyes got wide because the purse and contents are my mom's mom got her purse back lady was carted away since she also attempted fraud and attempted check cashing mom did go to the trial but I can't remember what happened and I would need a medium to ask mom next we've got who authorized you to be closed on time on Christmas Eve hello I've posted this on reddit before but it seemed too good not to share on here and since I'm new to the re army I figured I'd contribute cast we've got me your humble OB here we've got entitled woman we've got awesome co-worker let's go this happened back in 2016 and my first job which I quit last year after Easter this was due to the fact I found it was more important I'd be there for my family since my job was interfering with my ability to support my family emotionally I worked in a grocery store chain here in New England and it was meant to be temporary I ended up working one and a half to two years as I wanted to have experienced my first Christmas Eve there is when this story took place being fresh meat at the store and having only worked for a month I was still peppy and happy to be employed I felt grown up and ready to go scheduled for a shift I can't remember how long I was due to leave at 6 p.m. at the store we closed at 6:30 for holidays and managers would have to stand outside the doors so no one would come it was that bad for the last-minute shoppers I had a line of about three people left and it was ten minutes before I had to leave I also don't drive and it was snowing and my mom or stepparent picked me up so I wanted to hurry as it was also Christmas Eve and my family has traditions to do but two of these people had full carts and I ended up going over my shift my manager saw this and said for me to give my sign to a customer so they could help me with my closing here's where our villain comes in she's an older woman who I'm guessing was a grandmother and wanted to leave I went to give her my sign excuse me ma'am I've been waiting here for 10 minutes what what are you doing oh I'm still going to ring you up don't worry I smile but she frowns and looks as if she's been sucking on lemons for an hour I was finishing up with the customer in front of her when that entitled woman slams her items on the conveyor belt that took me off guard had I done something wrong Oh apparently I had when she came up to my register while I started scanning her items I didn't even have a chance to say the standard do you have your store card when she snaps at me who told you you could close oh my manager ma'am you see it's almost closing time and I was supposed to get off almost half an hour ago where is he I want to speak to your manager I have a lot of things to say to him about this I'm sorry Mia I was only handing you my sign to butt up so no one else could come in I was still going to ring you up I want to speak to your manager that's when my awesome coworker steps in she was helping bag for me as I needed to get home fast ma'am she was meant to get off 20 minutes ago we give customers our signs if we're going over and the manager closed her this isn't her fault now would you like paper or plastic this shut the woman up I'm guessing since I had just turned 18 in October and was young she didn't listen but she huffed and puffed the entire transaction when she left I gave my awesome coworker a hug and thanked her almost in years I'm a sensitive person and have anxiety and depression on top of PTSD people yelling at me can cause triggers or anxiety attacks she was my hero that night and I got home safe and sound but ever since that night whenever the woman came back I had shots of anxiety and prayed I wasn't going to bring her up thankfully I haven't seen her since I quit so I guess it's a semi happy ending next we've got entitled mom let's entitled kid break the number-one unwritten rule of tabletop hi there this is my first pulse English is my first language but I am an idiot so excuse any mistakes reposting this from our slash entitled parents for our cast we've got the entitled mom entitled kid we have the friend and we have me embodiment of painted chaos so this happened a few years ago I live near the headquarters of a tabletop games company which is a bit of a tourist attraction for gamers and part of the building is a massive gaming room with loads of tables with different scenery for all the different games they make so friend and I decided that we would meet on the weekend to have a game together now I won't say I am a major league painter but I had one local competitions and had a few really cool converted models it was fairly quiet at the tables for a Saturday as we were pulling our armies out of their cases and setting up we spotted entitled mom and entitled kid coming out of the on-site pub so looked around 8 or 9 and hyperactive as I am pulling out a few vehicles they come up to our table and start looking over my shoulder at everything in front of me and I turn back to my table I noticed that entitled kid has picked up my leader model with what looked like sticky cheeto dusted fingers number one rule of tabletop never touch anyone elses models without permission sorry my dude can you put that back on the table I need to use him in a minute excuse me he's just looking why she needed to raise her voice was beyond me sorry but as you can appreciate I am about to play and your son didn't ask to crack entitled kid dropped the pewter model sending the limbs in different directions as it hit the stone floor seriously ma'am I want to go to the shop now I want orcs like this guy my friend was like dude you seriously just smashed his boss and you're not even going to say sorry it's just a toy get over it entitled mom just grabbed entitled kid by the wrist and paced off I was on my hands and knees picking up the parts and placing them on the phone on my case not only had it fallen to pieces but a lot of the paint on the face had been scratched meaning that I would have to rebuild and repaint him it felt life draining to have something you put effort into destroyed in a second I saw entitled mom and entitled kid leave the shop part and I flipped her off as she just seemed to scowl at me my boss never was the same as the first time I painted him but I moved on I hope this doesn't happen to other people for those asking I was playing Warhammer 40,000 at Warhammer world headquarters and Nottingham I didn't call police or anything as I mentioned in the intro I'm an idiot and I was preoccupied making sure I had all the pieces and my friend was on a tight schedule I ended up having to hold on to his case for the night as he had to leave for work right after so I wanted to get the game started and finished ASAP for those who want to see my level of painting this is my latest display piece oh nice and our final story of the day she gave my kid a health pamphlet fire her I watched penguins storytime post an entitled parents video about entitled parents trying to get people fired and I thought I would post this for our cast we've got me the entitled parent and the manager I had graduated high school and was waiting for a course at the University introduction to culinary arts in February so got a job at a certain sandwich shop to make some money my mom let me live with her while I either was getting schooling or paying bills way more than fair and was about a month into the job when this happened a kid about ten and his dad walk in one evening let me tell you I hope not to sound too mean this kid was fat Dudley Dursley fat every step caused sweat to run down his face and his order was the answer to why the dad ordered his sandwich and another for what I assumed to be the mom and then the kid orders double meat meatball sub 2 times extra bacon extra cheese and no vegetables no intervention from the dad I filled the order but internally was terrified for this kid if he was eating like this without his parents intervening how was he going to survive to adulthood I couldn't say anything but I had one thing I could do that wouldn't step on any toes I put in a nutrition information pamphlet that you can ask for it into his bag I rained the order up and they left I forgot this interaction until two days later after my days off I'm just starting my shift when a Caryn shows up sunglasses indoors can I speak to your manager haircut and a glare on her face I greeted her with welcome to the store how may I she interrupts me with where is the manager I get him and continue working while listening I hate being interrupted so I wanted to know what her problem was how may i watch is this holding out the nutritional information pamphlet like it was a used tissue oh that's one of our nutritional information pamphlets they show all the information about each of our products why was it in my son's bag well one of our employees must have put it in he looks at me with a knowing look and I nod at him my manager was pretty good at his job if a tad nepotistic if the order is a bit unhealthy then we encourage them to put them in the bags blatant lie but a good one entitled mom is red-faced how can you tell me what to feed my child I'd remind you fire this employee now manager calmly with an I'm not putting up with your BS stare I won't do that and if you continue to shout my establishment I will ask you to leave your establishment I'm going to speak with the owner and get you fired too plot twist coming you are speaking to the owner now please leave entitled parents butters then leaves I worked there for another two months when my mom and I had to move but that was one of my favorite experiences entitled woman cuts line to argue with pharmacist Boston attitude comes out a year and a half ago I moved from New England to Arizona I have to say I am happy moving here and getting away from shoveling snow every winter but I have seen a lot of entitled people around here and I can't stand them a little background on me my father owned a construction company and started having me work for him at ten years old I was pretty much just sweeping the floors for prep work mixing and troweling cement and removing trash at that age my father taught me at a young age that nothing gets handed to you and you need to work for everything that was almost 30 years ago I took those words to heart I'm not a rich person and I don't have much but I'm happy with what I have but I get irritated when people think they're crap don't stink and they should just get their way about a month ago I was at a pharmacy waiting to be seen there was about six or seven people in line behind me and two pharmacists at the counter helping to customers about this time I see the entitled woman walking towards the line with a look of disgust and anger here are the players we have the entitled woman pharmacist one pharmacist two nice woman standing behind me and me mr. Boston pharmacist one finishes with the customer she was with and goes to call me up to the counter entitled woman puts her arm up and her hand into a stop sign telling me to wait I give her the wide-eyed angry look of really you crazy lady entitled woman says to me I'll just be a minute pharmacist one I'm sorry ma'am but all these customers were ahead of you I can hear everyone in line moaning and groaning at her actions I don't care about them I was told my medication would be ready in an hour and I'm just digging it up they can wait the nice woman says so are we lady she turns and GOx at her remarks and pharmacist too finishes with his customer I walk up to the counter pharmacist one has gone to the shelves to find entitled woman's meds while I start giving pharmacists to my info he leaves to go to the shelves and pharmacist one comes back with entitled woman's prescription okay your total is 267 dollars are you insane there has to be something wrong I can't afford to pay that well we can contact the insurance company and see if they can get you the generic version of the medication but it won't be ready for another hour or so that's ridiculous I'm not waiting another hour for you to put pills in a bottle I start snickering while I'm hearing this she looks over at me and gives me the only look what's so funny about this to you you're in such a rush and now you're holding up the line my own business you little jerk tell me which is worse being the jerk or being the jerk bud everyone in line starts laughing at what I said even the pharmacists are turning their heads away over what I said entitled the woman goes red in the face how did you say that to me nice woman says you started it by calling him a jerk you shut up it's not your concern ma'am please calm down or I'll have to ask you to leave me you should make him leave for insulting me you heard what he said after you called him that yourself oh so now all of you are against me I'm gonna call corporate and have your jobs and you pointing at me say one more thing and I'll tell the police you're harassing me my mouth always gets me into trouble when I get into confrontations like this go ahead your fat lady look around there's over half a dozen people who can say otherwise calling her a fat lady is what did it she leaned over to slap me in the face I ducked but she knocked my head off my head and sent it flying over the counter she went to swing again a nice woman and a couple of other customers got in her way pharmacist one and pharmacist two came out from behind the counter and started a scoring entitled woman to the front of the store she was screaming and arguing that she was going to have all of their jobs about five minutes went by a nice woman and some of the other customers in line commented on my actions and basically gave me a thumbs up pharmacist one and pharmacist to come back and go behind the counter pharmacist one puts entitled woman's meds under the counter and calls nice woman up pharmacist two comes over to the counter with my prescription and had your copay is $15 and here's your hat back things sorry for that oh don't apologize she acts like that all the time we can't stand that woman well she got more than she bargained for today have a good one I found out later when going back to the pharmacy that she had been banned from the store after that incident I heard that I was not the first person she had had an outburst like that with when I told some of my friends and co-workers about the story and I do work in a retail store some say they've dealt with her before she has a record of doing this stuff it took one person from New England to turn her world upside down for a day next we've got entitled stepmom let's entitle the kid destroy in my books hi mister read it I love your YouTube video so much and I'm hoping that this will end up on a youtube video one day the story of my stepmother who I will call entitled parent let's entitled kid destroy my books because I wouldn't let him borrow them background entitled parent was my dad's second wife and third woman to actually date long story and then the other story later I am the third of five kids to avoid shower from two other women the last one was with entitled parent I am a major bookworm mostly with Sherlock Holmes Dracula Frankenstein you know those classic horror books and mystery whenever I have money left over from buying groceries another story I will go to the Barnes & Nobles near my work and get a new book for me to read here is the story I started out my day reading my new Sherlock Holmes book that I got the other day it has all the many stories and all the novels in one book it was 12 bucks expensive during the time with them but it was worth it entitled kid also known as my half-brother came outside near the garden where I was sitting reading the book this is the conversation entitled kid hey Starbucks addict can I look at your book me knowing that he would do something with it sorry entitled kid I just got this book today and I want to keep it in good condition I can give you one of my older books if you want entitled kid was not happy with this so he runs inside I thought this was over so I continued reading one of my favorite stories the Hound of Bakersfield but no here comes my stepmom entitled parent with the can I speak to your manager ponytail and which nose why won't you give entitled to get your book because he destroyed my last couple books and I want to keep this one in good condition you know I like Sherlock Holmes very much I don't care he is your brother and you made him upset he's 13 besides you are too dumb to get the plot of the story entitled kid then came out of nowhere ripped the book out of my hands and then started tearing out the pages entitled parent just stood there laughed and then they walked away my dad saw this and got me a new book but didn't punish entitled kid or entitled parent now I can't read in the garden only outside at the park far away from the house I don't borrow library books anymore after that incident because I don't want to pay fees because entitled parent an entitled kid can't leave me alone when I am reading and won't stop bugging me on letting them borrow anything from me next we've got entitled stepmom tries to help entitled son to get away with assault so this story takes part about two to three years ago it's a bit of an entitled parent slash entitled adult child slash revenge we have the entitled parent entitled stepmom we also have the entitled stepbrother and we have me I'm 24 now this happened around when I was about 21 to 22 I am diagnosed with autism and I don't see my father much so I decided to stay with him for a bit to see him hang out the usual stuff I'm his only daughter by the way was a bit of a daddy's girl around February my older stepbrother comes into town to stay I guess my stepmom in him were having me take care of all his dogs that stayed there when he wasn't there I don't like hanging around him cuz well he has a very violent guy and doesn't know how to well be nice to people very judgmental etc I was upstairs cleaning my room with my stepmom when he decided to come up there I wasn't comfortable with him being in my room so this is how the conversation goes hey can you please leave my room and take the dog with you she's terrorizing my cat no this used to be my room I can be in here if I want to I need to talk to my mom she's almost done helping me she can talk to you downstairs can you please leave no make me at this point I'm agitated I don't like being crowded in a small room aka the Attic is where I had to sleep so I get up and stand in front of him I asked you to leave nicely so please leave my room No again make me so after he said that again since I don't like being that close to him already I do the shoe motion and say please leave next thing you know he punches me straight in the eye and knocks me to the floor now my eye was swollen for about three months and I could barely see out of the other one due to it luckily my eye wasn't damaged that's what you get your frickin dummy now stay down he walks back downstairs I get up after having a severe anxiety attack and oh boy here comes my step mom hand me your phone I don't need you calling anyone but I bought it it's my phone well your father pays the bill so handed to me now No I proceeded to put my phone in my bra it's my phone I bought it entitled parent proceeds to go downstairs while yelling don't you dare press charges oh my son will press charges for you over a scratch there were nails sticking out of the wall that he scratched himself on on his back I leave early the next morning my dad is not happy with my stepmom and stepbrother fast forward a few months I decide to get the courage to stand up and press charges on my step-brother and stepmother for assault and harassment online my mother was there to help me through it all as well as my aunt grandfather and grandmother first few times we went to court she kept protecting him by saying oh he didn't get the papers that's BS so the judge says bring him in or we will have him charged with contempt of court so last court try again he comes in they think they got everything down and even my own dad on their side saying if my dad didn't show up for them he'd be held in contempt of court and that's BS judge shuts dad down because he wasn't there at the time of the incident and my stepmom and step-brother couldn't keep their story straight finally my stepmom got a permanent no-contact order thrown at her so yeh no contact from her ever again and her son got a permanent restraining order and a permanent thing on his record for assault of a special-needs person my dad is walking down the aisle to get back to his seat like the wimp that he is and my awesome grandfather said looka here it's the dad of the year best I've ever felt in a while after enduring years of mental abuse from my stepmom and stepbrother thank you for reading hope you all enjoyed next we've got I am a rook today is the first day I am using reddit and a subreddit belongs to one of the channels I watch regularly and one of the reasons I made a reddit account I am on a computer but my spelling sucks so make fun of me if you want backstory I am a six foot four four hundred pound white dude and on the chubby side I am a gentle giant someone who looks big but is really quiet and not one to cause trouble as well I am NOT easy to move just the heads up my memory is not the best so some details may not be a hundred percent correct cast we've got the entitled parent the fussy brat the short-tempered white knight and my best friend and me a white rook me my best friend went out to sea in game at our local movie theater I was in line to get our tickets was the second person in line this is when I heard entitled parent and fuzzy Brett entered the building and fussy breath was already whining about something I don't know what something you need to know is that the movie theater only has one ticket counter open during weekdays due to the fact that there's not much of a rush unless a new movie just came out the person in front of me was in the process of picking out his Suites that they had displayed and he could not make up his mind that is when I felt a blade like nail tap on my shoulder I turned around to see entitled parent who had the signature haircut and everything excuse me would you mind if I cut in front of you so we can get to our tickets and snacks fussy Bret has been asking for some candy all the way here oh I know what I'm getting I'll only take a second what's are you deaf I asked if I could cut in front of you that means that you should let me go before you yes you did ask but like I said I know what I am getting and it will only take a second Dobie oh lady he said that you can't cut him so you already have your answer now leave us alone the guy in front of me finally chooses and started heading towards the hallway that has all the theaters and I stepped up to the counter this is what entitled parent decides to try and push past me one thing about the counters each counter has two racks full of candy to make it easier for people to pick out and they don't allow for much room I was not moving an inch as she tried to push me to the side she noticed that she was not going to win by pushing me out of the way so what does she do she kicked me behind my knee causing me to almost fall to the ground bad move what do you think you're doing I turned to my friend and he looks like he's about to go berserk remote on her I told him to chill one thing about my friend is that he is very protective about his friends and family kind of a you mess with one of us you mess with all of us mentality and I am one of the only people that can calm him down but at this point I was done with her as well normally I try not to have aggressive body language because overall I am a chill dude but this time I made an exception I stood up straight and walked up close enough so that I was almost in her personal space and looked down at her and straight into her eyes since I was taller than her and I spoke in the scariest tone of voice I could do all right that is it most of the time I am chill but you need to stop what should have taken a few moments has turned into a confrontation and is taking longer now let me get my tickets in popcorn and leave me and my friend alone I stepped back but still kept eye contact I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was rattled once I was sure she was not going to try anything I turned back to the man at the counter and finished my order and then went into the movie after filling up the popcorn and drinks until next time master tags and our final story of the day entitled kid tries to break my laptop then realizes it was his own for our cast we've got the entitled kid we've got me of a rich kid and we've got the teacher let's get things straight I go to a private school in our area and they have a policy that lets us bring our own device I had a MacBook Pro at the time now let's talk about entitled kid entitled kid was the most spoiled kid that ever existed I'm talking MacBook Pro earpods iPhone XS Mac's Gucci phone case everything he wanted the story it was break time I had been playing fortnight and I was in a solo this is when entitled kid had then entered the form room opie let me play I am way better than you know why don't you play on your own Mac I can't my mommy and daddy said that if I play for at night they would take me out of the school I don't care if your mommy and daddy won't let you play teacher teacher Opie is not letting me play well Opie do you want to that entitled kid play no because he can play on his own laptop well entitled kid that is Opie's laptop so if it's his laptop it's his choice whether he allows you or not after entitled kid left and went to bug some other kids the next day entitled kid had come into school and went into what he thinks is my bag and takes the laptop and shucks it at the laptop this is where the entitled kid messed up our school made sure that we have the school bag and oh yeah if we don't forget he also had a macbook pro Obi haha I broke your laptop so now you can't play fortnight either no you did not I have my bag with me then show him my laptop entitled kid then looks whose bag he opened then all of a sudden he went pale and went to the floor bawling his eyes out I then check whose bag it was and it read entitled kid I started to laugh so much to the point I was crying the teacher comes because he was crying so loud what is going on here entitled kid then says I broke his laptop is this true Opie no they thought he had broken my laptop and found out it was his the teacher then checked the security cameras and it showed entitled kid breaking his own laptop later that day he went home because turned out and he tried to break my laptop he got suspended for a week and got changed to a different class in the end I got my laptop still and got his laptop broken and I had not gotten in trouble man karma is sweet entitled mom holds a bus for over 30 minutes to get food for her kids ends up getting kicked off hey guys first time poster here I was telling this to my roommate and they told me to post it here so here we go for a bit of background information I live a good three and a half hours from my dad and mom and stepdad I can't drive so when I need to go up to them I usually get a bus ticket since they're relatively cheap and I've never had a problem with them since it's a long drive the bus takes a small break at a city about 45 minutes away from my town when this happens the bus will pull up to a gas station that also is one of the bus stops and the driver will announce where we are and that we'll be there for 10 to 15 minutes so we can get out and stretch our legs or go to the gas station to use the restroom or buy some snacks when this happened I was heading back to my town so I've already been on the bus for a few hours already when I first got on I was the only one but at the other stops before the gas station some other people got on no one super noticeable but I wasn't really paying too much attention mainly students and people my age but there was also what I assumed to be a mother and her two kids I was sitting in the very back with my earphones in and playing on my switch so again not paying too much attention anyways we get to the stop and the driver announces where we are and that we're taking a small ten-minute break so we can get out and do whatever I stay in my seat since I'm pretty deep into the game and don't need anything but notice some people get off of the bus including the mom and her kids about ten minutes pass and the bus driver gets back on and starts counting everyone I'm pretty sure he has a list of everyone how many people that's supposed to be on the bus and gets back to the front of the bus and announces he's missing three people and it's the mom and her kids so we can't leave until they get back great I go back to playing breath of the wild on my switch I'm not super bothered since I think they'll be back soon and the buses have outlets so I can charge my phone and switch they get back thirty minutes later I'm not sure if the bus driver called them or something but when the mom steps on the bus the driver is obviously upset and asks her where she was the conversation went like this I have an APD so this isn't word for word ma'am where were you we've been waiting for half an hour we were getting food my children are hungry and we stopped for a break she motions to her kids who both have bags from a fast-food joint the break is ten minutes you were gone for 40 please try to not hold up the bus again I have a schedule to follow you're free to stretch or use the gas station for our bathroom break or snacks so please don't do that again this is when all heck breaks loose Wow my children need real food not chips and whatever crap that place has if anything your brakes should be longer sorry ma'am I'm just doing what I'm supposed to be doing and if I get behind on one trip I'll get behind on the others please take a seat and I'll start driving no this is unacceptable I'll have you fired you insert many inappropriate names here ma'am one more time sit down so I can continue driving no I'll get you fired okay fine get off or I'm calling the police fine tell them I'll get you deported the bus driver was Mexican and had an accent so he calls them they show up within a few minutes and bus driver and entitled mom and her kids get off to talk to the police so I'm not sure what they said but after a few minutes she storms onto the bus grabs her bags and stomps off the bus seriously the whole bus was shaking I asked the guy a few rows in front of me what happened out there and the police obviously took a bus drivers side and told entitled mom they'll find her away to get to her location but she can't use this one she cursed up a storm at them but then they just told her to get her bags and come with them after she and her kids left bus driver got back on the bus apologized for the wait and started driving again the rest of the ride went smoothly and I got back home late but overall okay uh the end I guess next we've got you know I'm your boss right entitled kid and entitled mom tried to get me fired for not rewarding entitled kids rudeness hello everyone this is my first post on anything and I didn't think I had a story to contribute to this lovely thread until I read enough of them to realize that I actually do have something to share it is a long one so I apologize if you read all of this too long didn't read at the bottom to preface this all I used to work in an after-school care so once the kids in my primary school elementary school at finished school for the day at around 3 ish about 60 to 70 kids would then come over to our building on campus and chill out until their parents came to pick them up around 5:45 p.m. we would give them afternoon tea and then watch over them as they pretty much just play games and do art and crafts and such a lot of the kids that we looked after were full-time kids meaning that we had them five days a week and most if not all of the holidays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. meaning that all in all I'm spending a lot of time with other people's kids as a sort of pseudo Guardian parent role model so using manners and general good behavior is extremely important to me as it helps to inform the rest of their lives during my time here I had an interesting run in with an entitled parent and their equally if not more entitled son bear in mind that this all happened at least four years ago so the details might be a bit hazy but such an obvious lack of respect from both parents and children made this encounter stay in my mind we've got the entitled parent entitled kid me and the head supervisor me playing with a soccer ball in the school hall with a few other kids entitled kid comes up to me and grabs my shirt give me your ball sorry man we're playing with it now points at other kids but you can jump in the game if you want I said give me the ball sorry kid not with an attitude like that however if you want to join in the game with us by all means you know I'm your boss right excuse me give me the ball now or I'll have you fired I was flabbergasted at such a blatantly rude attempt to intimidate me once again no deal but thanks for playing entitled kids storms off and I think nothing of it until later closer to home time entitled parent joins the battle and confronts me why did you steal the ball off my son what the heck were you thinking oh is that what he told you no I was already playing a game with a group of kids when he demanded that I give him the ball we were playing with now had he asked nicely and used his manners I would have considered it and I would have started a different game however I don't reward disrespect and rudeness here she doesn't have to use his manners y'all getting paid whatever you have to to keep him happy you've ruined his day and mine I hope you're happy I'm going to have a word with your supervisor you're not fit to look after children at this point I'm pretty and sensed about being told I'm not fit to look after children so I go off on this lady me listen lady polite mode slightly turned off I don't reward bad behavior if you don't like how I do things here then by all means there is a fine after-school establishment of the road that we'll be more than happy to accommodate you in your family bear in mind no one would put up with such rude behavior we've been here for years you can't talk to me like that storms off and starts talking to head supervisor head supervisor a very fair kind but firm lady doesn't have a bar of it though as this isn't the first time entitled kid had been acting up head supervisor calmly explains to entitled parent that she supports my decision and that if they indeed do have a problem then they should try the other after-school care program up the road we had a waiting list of about 30 kids so replacing them wouldn't be an issue entitled parent after finding out that there was a higher chance of being kicked out of the program rather than me being fired stormed out of the office with entitled kid Intel this wasn't my first battle with crappy parents and it certainly wasn't my last I'm glad I couldn't get fired as well thanks for coming to my TED talk next we've got entitled mom and her kid want my window seat on an airplane so I was reminded of this story while booking my flights for an upcoming holiday this summer I study languages and over the last few years I have attended several language courses abroad to help me with my studies and these require me to fly to the country alone where I met immediately at the airport by either my host family or a school representative I did this from the age of 14 and although this was scary to start with I got used to it quickly and I do it often anyway this was one of those times and at the time I was 15 going on 16 years old on this particular airline you could pay a little extra about six pounds extra to pre-book your standard seat to book and select your seat in advance and my parents had done this and booked me a window seat if you don't look online first you just get assigned one randomly at check-in well I find my seat and sit down get out my phone and put my earphones in to listen to music it wasn't a long flight at all maybe one and a half or two hours and get ready to wait well suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around there's an entitled mom with your caring haircut and her little brat about five standing there our cast we've got the entitled mother the little bread the flight attendant and me the majestic Empress is me you while sitting in our seat let me check my ticket uh this is 17 eh it's my seat and it's on my ticket well we specifically requested a window seat for my precious son and they didn't give it to us we will assign 17 B and C and my son deserves your seat more because you're just a bratty teenager mommy I want to sit by the window entitled mom to her son don't worry I'll sort it out move now you little brat we want your seat sorry my parents pre-booked to this seat so it's mine your rich parents booked this seat for you bear in mind that pre booking a standard seat only cost a few extra pounds we couldn't afford it and little brat deserves you'll see more than you where are your parents why are you here by yourself you should just go and sit with your parents uh my parents are at home and I'm flying alone you're way too young so you must be flying as an unaccompanied minor I wasn't my parents had checked with the airline and they said that due to my age that it was okay for me to fly alone without a flight attendant watching my every move so I'll just ask a flight attendant watching you to move you because you're disturbing us calls over the flight attendant hi how can I help you this girl took our window seat and is refusing to move and she insulted me and my son she's also flying alone which is illegal because she's too young flight attendant turns to me noticing my age and lack of parents hey what happened are you flying alone and how old are you yes I'm flying alone but I'm 15 almost 16 years old and I'm being met as soon as I get to the airport oh that's fine can I see your ticket to make sure you're in the right seat I show her my ticket oh yes that's fine then turns to entitled mom sorry it appears she is in fact in the right seat as she pre booked it via our website well my son is younger and deserves it more yeah okay but she paid for it and you didn't so it's hers but that's not fair I want it well if she's being a pain I can move you up to the front where there's a few empty window seats also an area with extra legroom yes of course we'll take the empty seats uh no I was talking to the girl you can have her window seat and she can come up and sit in the front of the airplane so she isn't disturbed and also so I can keep a bit of an eye on her because she's under 16 and I'm sure her parents would want that even though they didn't request it I can just make sure she's okay during the flight but that's not fair well you get the window seat you wanted so why are you complaining I gladly took up her offer and packed up my carry-on bag just a smallish rucksack and got to enjoy the extra legroom the flight attendant was extremely nice and mostly left me to my own devices only checking in a couple of times and made sure I knew where I was going and had someone to pick me up at the airport when we landed upon landing I was met by a school representative at the airport and was taken straight to my hostfamily where I was fed some delicious food as soon as I arrived so I quickly forgot about it that family was amazing and I still refer to the woman as my Spanish grandmother too this day I loved them so much that I even returned to stay with her again the following year for an entire month instead of two weeks like this time they were my favorite family by far I'm going on another course but for adults this time in another country this summer and I was reminded of this story whilst looking my flights as they are with the same Airlines as this story let's just hope I don't bump into another entitled mom and her little bread as I have pre booked my window seat again also this happened a few years ago and I am 19 turning 20 at the end of this year so I will no longer be flying as an unaccompanied minor next we've got a Pokemon battle got me an adopted son cast we've got me we've got the entitled kid we have a timid kid and the entitled mom so about three years ago I was shopping in my local mall after a while I decided to take a break and took out my 3ds and booted up Pokemon moon I had just beat the game and wanted to catch them all to complete the pokédex most of my team I had owned since 2009 transferred from another game this will be important later so about 5 minutes goes by when a wild entitled kid appeared he looked about 7 and his mother followed quickly behind and his older brother Timmy kid quietly stood next to his mother the following conversation went down mommy look it's the same game I have so it is mommy give me my game right now entitled mom hands over the 3ds and the kid gives me a cocky smile excuse me yes I want to battle you sure just don't cry when you lose I know it was harsh but I knew how kids could be entitled kid and I begin to battle my team Chomper polls bluie / drogon and san croc entitled kids team Toros mera walk macaque Snorlax greninja and Infernape it was a pretty easy battle I swept through him using bluey and pulse at the sight of my shiny embryo hence the name gluey he immediately started demanding that he wanted it I quickly denied his request telling him how long I owned bluey seven years at the time he stormed off and his mother turns to me how dare you what I beat your son fair and square no you cheated how did I cheat you stow those Pokemon the timid kid was like mom please stop shouting entitled mom slaps her own son don't talk back you did so crap timid kid begins to cry quietly entitled mom walks away to find entitled kid Timmy a kid just sat down next to me wiping his tears are you okay does she always hit you timid kid in a quiet voice she does it a lot it really hurts even invited me to a battle I accept and go a little easy on him as his team was kind of bad and I felt mad timid kids team rally riolu hip out on hunter Persian and Charmander after the battle the following conversation began timid kid after losing Dane I lost again your team isn't too good is it no that's because I have to give all my good Pokemon to entitled kid does your mother force you yeah she doesn't really like me too much me examining his team I noticed you have a Haunter would you like me to evolve it for you how does Haunter evolve through trade I can give you a couple of good Pokemon if you want there's no point entitled kid would just take them all what pokemon does he like all of them unless they look too girly I have lots of girly Pokemon shows him my Togekiss wow that's so cool I quickly traded to him along with a lot of other Pokemon thank you so much it's no trouble kid why not battle entitled kid when he comes back entitled kid returns without his mother about 10 minutes later what are you doing oh just just battling I want to battle you I will destroy your trash team timid kid gives a half smile and nods timid kids new team Togekiss Gengar had pout on Flareon lasari oh and mimic you the battle was over in five minutes timid kids new team demolished entitled kids entitled kids started screaming about how timid kid didn't deserve to win entitled mom comes running and yells a timid kid how you do that to your own brother so he's allowed to attack me and upset me you don't know the meaning of upset she tries to slap him but I step in the way lady if you think you can hit your kid you must be dreaming are you trying to kidnap my child no I'm trying to stop you from hitting him entitled mom seemed offended and called the police they arrived in two minutes and after a lot of arguing entitled mom was sent to jail and her kids were taken away entitled kid was given to his father but because nobody knew who Tim and kids dad was he was put up for adoption and guess who took him me so now I have a wonderful son who enjoys Pokemon as much as me and our final story of the day my twin sister gives birth and her husband tries to accuse her of taking his moment away right after the birth hey people this just happened a few days ago and I'm still wrapping my head around it I'm very borderline on whether this is entitlement or if my sister was being too possessive and not understanding I'll let you be the judge sorry in advance for the formatting I'm on mobile etc so my twin sister just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and I was invited to the birth along with the father and his mother to witness this miracle my sister was one and a half weeks past her due date and my sister was ready to get past this part in her adventure into Parenthood and begin the next as a new mother the day was here and I got the call at 3 a.m. that she was admitted to the hospital and was 5 centimeters dilated and contractions are about 6 to 7 minutes apart so I tell my husband and I head out to be with my twin sister she was present for all my children's birth and I didn't want to miss hers when I arrived she was in full active labor and was just about to start pushing I took my position at her side and the father was on her other we each grabbed a leg and within 10 minutes she was here so beautiful and perfect immediately the doctor put her on my sister's chest and we all started taking pics and telling my sister what a good job she did after about five minutes Father cut the cord and went directly to my sister's side to kiss her the conversation went something like this when are you going to let me hold her oh yes please I want to hold her next I want to meet my grandbaby she got up and began trying to squeeze herself between her son and my sister the doctor says let's give her some time to bond with her before we have to take and examine her no I really want to see her my sister says in a moment no you have had her long enough she's supposed to be half mine remember don't shout I just wanted to meet her I have been waiting so long no no you've had your moment I deserve mine now he begins to grab her from my sister's arms have you gone mad why are you being this way give her to him now he has a right to see her the doctor says hey now this is unacceptable I'm gonna need the family to leave except the father if he wishes to stay no I had a right to be if her sister does pointing at me but I was already grabbing my bag and kissing my sister and going to wait in the waiting room for her text that I could come back I'm leaving now so come on let's give them some space no I'm about to have my moment and I want my mother to take photos it turns back to my sister give her here now the doctor says listen here I understand you want your moment but your wife here has been carrying this infant for almost 42 weeks and at the moment her needs are kind of more important than yours young man and you father's mother need to leave this room now how dare you as a mother try to take this moment away from another shame on you hey we apologize but we are not leaving it's you guy who will be going pointing at all the medical personnel and doctor needed there to examine the health and well-being of the newborn baby my sister looks at the father leave now both of you this moment is ruined because of your tantrum get out you two will have your moment when the doctors are through examining her she then passes my precious knees to the nurse who took her to be wrapped and weighed and examined fine he and his mother left the room left the floor and even left the hospital and didn't return or call until two days later to pick up my sister and their new daughter I was told that he apologized sincerely and finally got his big moment and my beautiful sister and niece are both doing very well they have been married for four years prior to this baby and I have never seen him act like this and I've never met his mom until now and she didn't make a very good first impression I'm still borderline if this is what I would consider entitlement only cuz it's true the father does have an absolute right to meet his new child but the way he went about it trying to grab at her when she is fresh out of the womb trying to kick out the hospital staff and how he left and didn't come back or even call to check up on his wife and newborn I'm very much puzzled by it and would love some input update so we totally appreciate all the comments and input my twin and new niece made a pop up Skype session and we ran through all the comments and she is going to create an account tomorrow so she can read through the recommended subreddit pages she wants me to thank everyone for the support and inform everyone that it is true that her and her husband are different behind closed doors and agrees that mother-in-law is the cause of 99% of their problems she says they are talking about counseling and realizing that his behaviors is a top of discussion for their sessions entitled dad thinks that his five-year-old son should be doing benches at the gym gets arrested so this is my first time posting in this sub English is my second language but good at it so sorry if I make any mistakes while writing this happened a few months ago but whatever too long didn't read at the bottom so just some context I just got a new job at a sort of Country Club I do paperwork filing membership at a desk near the front of the gym this story happens just when my shift starts at the gym one had to be above the age of 12 to enter as long as you are with an adult 14 to enter alone and you need to be 16 to enter the black matted area it's the weightlifting area where people deadlift benchpress and do any exercise involving weights we've got me the entitled dead entitled kid receptionist and security officer let's begin so I'm sitting at my desk chatting with the receptionist basically chilling there was probably 15 people in the gym and four of them in the black matted area out of the dark enter entitled dead and entitled kid now entitled dad looked like a hippie wearing a tank top and a pompom head it was currently winter in Canada entitled kid then said hi um where can I do some bench presses I giggle on the inside I don't think that you would be allowed to bench but you can surely do some cardio over there I pointed the treadmills but I want to lift he actually said that I'm sorry kid but you were too young hi Opie I had a name card how Brown you shut up and move on one kid bench-pressing won't do anything to you I'm shocked his entitled dad so entitled to his five-year-old son doing bench presses like does he have any common sense listen if you want your five-year-old son to be bench pressing you gotta go to another gym it's simply the rules I don't give a hoot my son will be jacked while your fat butt will be in the hospital I'm just dumbfounded right now as I am writing this I still can't believe how little brain cells entitled debt so my luck receptionist steps in and saves me from eternal heck I think you heard Opie he said the rules your son can't bench press here as a matter of fact your son shouldn't even be allowed in here he was way too young jump girl go down okay the entitled dad an entitled kid walk up to the black matted area while receptionist contacts security entitled kid then tries to pick up a 20-pound dumbbell and fails to do so because of that I'm honestly worried that entitled kid will try to bench and get hurt while doing so thank God because as entitled kid sat down on the bench security and receptionist arrived now security is like six foot seven and jacked so he's pretty intimidating sir you and your son must leave this building or else we will be contacting authorities entitled dad starts screaming I am trying to work out can't you num-nums go away no everyone else in the gym heard this and are shocked as they're walking towards entitled dad sir you have to leave now standing directly in front of him an entitled dad noticing his height I say sir just leave now before you get arrested but Dad you said that I will get ripped today don't worry entitled kid see you are making him cry entitled kid honestly looked like he just wanted to leave at this point listen entitled dad you will be arrested for trespassing the police are already on their way like heck I am who the heck do you think you are to kick me out of the gym I know the manager your numbnuts oh I will get you fired Opie right now I know for a fact that the police are already in the building and he is trespassing so I'm just laughing on the inside at how delusional this entitled dad is so entitled kid now is wanting to leave so he's hiding behind entitled dad and simply tugging on his arm the police enter police say sir are you refusing to leave this property no they are attacking me because on why while I'm dying of laughter because according to entitled dad if you're white then you're right sir put your hands behind your back but no buts dad you said that I'll work out shut up in total kid I'm freakin done with you do parents nowadays Bowl this crap so their children can profit it's honestly ridiculous so entitled dad is arrested for trespassing and resisting arrest honestly some people now are completely delusional and think that they can do whatever they want I really feel like some people in Canada are more cringeworthy I guess the lesson of this story is to follow the rules I think next we've got how a brat of a kid ended up causing a movie style chase scene three days ago I was in New York talking about an entitled dad his children and the deli waitress who was an absolute legend now we're in Santa Monica with an entire entitled parade going on I landed in California two days ago and one of the minor reasons I'm here is because Pokemon go is very popular at the famous boardwalk let me tell you right now this story would have ended differently had I not had my friends with me cast we've got entitled mother and entitled father and entitled son I'm not gonna say how old because it ruins the story we have entitled daughters one and entitled daughters two both are either seven to nine and then we have their grandfather so I'm traveling the u.s. these next few weeks because I'm looking into colleges to go to after my current one I traveled here to California landed and met friend and nice best friend here where we all agreed to share a room on the coast very expensive yesterday I went to University of California got info and we left that evening us three decided to check out the boardwalk and we were heavy Pokemon go players we decided that we would split up and see what we could catch do some gyms etc about 8 p.m. rolls around and we're all hanging out again near a food vendor with our new finds and gym that's when I noticed these three kids across from us with their phones out and the boy looks upset he starts storming over to me so I nudge friend for him to notice forget this I can't fight this what's your deal anyways you got no life or something these two girls come walking over while nice best friend is now on this my friend was like what the heck is your problem you're looking for a fight he shows us his phone and it's the gym we all captured together with our Pokemon in them disclaimer my Pokemon is at 3,500 friend has won almost at 4000 a nice best friend has hers at 3,000 and title daughter one was like give big bro his title back and the other daughter was like yeah he always treats us right when he wins that was a legit phrase she said I kid you not nice best friend says so why we got a gym now you got to take it from us yeah seriously what did you expect from this game take them out so I can win that's completely unfair sorry man but that's part of the game my friend says what are you gonna do go cry about it to your parents shut up don't make me hurt you you guys all wimps you won't hit me I dare you my friend says kid if you try to hit me I guarantee I'll knock you out as if there was a hand from God giving him the boost entitled son takes a swing at my friend and without hesitation moves over to the left to avoid being punched so the kid hits the food stand behind him then in one swift motion friend pops this kid in the face knocking him down onto the floor and title daughter one runs over to her brother while entitled daughter two runs away presumably to go get his parents nice best friend Opie I bet you ten dollars you're getting another reddit story I'll take those chances not even ten seconds later my baby sure enough here comes the obvious Caryn with her daughter's being yanked behind her as they stormed through the crowd to find her beloved son on the floor with blood coming his nose how could you monsters - this is my sweet child and you made him ugly what do you have to say for yourselves my friend goes that runt started it friend was immediately rewarded with high-fives from both me and nice best friend soon enough this man in his late thirties helping an older man in his early 60s comes up to the scene and starts complaining at us - entitled father says Garin what's happened here our actual name is Karin what are the odds according to entitled dota2 my baby was trying to talk to these boys and was assaulted immediately nice best friend had her jaw dropped basically he and friend had this look of like here we go again and I already felt my wallet filled 10 bucks heavier grandpa says I'm sure there's more to it than that dad these people hurt your grandson you're not upset grandfather did nothing but stand back and watch entitled father was treating his son entitled daughter 1 and 2 started running around annoying the other people who are watching an entitled mom was up in our face like we did something wrong mommy is mad daddy is mad how about I call the police on you three boys and ruin your lives for assaulting a child my friend goes how old is this kid he looks like he's in his 20s it probably is still living with his parents must mean he didn't get into college shut up both of you my husband works for the State Police people and we will be happy to send you to the island prison nice best friend says are you talking about Alcatraz the prison that's closed it was stupid kid I hope you get messed up and some inmates bite your head off nice best friend had her hair tied up behind her and she had a baseball cap on her clothes were fairly loose and you couldn't see her figure we pieced it together later why she couldn't tell grandpa says don't mind Karen she just flushed her right now my friend was like listen to your elders no better than you do hey sir how old is that boy what's that have to do with anything you hit my boy not you I meant your grandpa he's 25 karen treats him like a king so he thinks he is one I do not you just don't know the new style of parenting giving him $500 when he has to go to the movies during finals week and going to Disneyland every other weekend with your daughters is the new parenting not funny dad entitled son had gotten up off the ground at this point and was mad he hopped up and charged straight at us at a moment of dumb ideas we took off and spread out immediately I ran towards the nearby stairs and bolted through the sand friend a nice best friend also split up and I ran elsewhere I turn around and I guess because I picked the stairs that were literally in I shot entitled son ran after me I'm gonna be honest here I'm not gonna make up a lie like I ran track so I dusted him or I'm a pro wrestler so I fought him or anything like that I'm actually a bit out of shape so it didn't take long for entitled son to catch up to me but one thing about me is that I'm quick to move I can duck and turn on a dime like you wouldn't believe so every time entitled son got close to me I dug to avoid a punch he might have thrown then start running a different way at some point he learned so he started kicking if I had to guess this lasted for about five minutes then my brain decided to run into a nearby parking lot at this point I'm winded and so his entitled son if I had to guess there was still plenty of cars parked so I ran behind a truck ducked down and rolled underneath I could see entitled son run around the truck and go straight past me without detecting me as I'm waiting I pull out my air pots then call friend while I'm on the phone I get out from the truck and start heading back to the pier my friend dude where are you me probably half a mile skinnier than what I was earlier where do you a nice best friend balance to I booked it to the underside of the pier nice best friend went to the changing room and just hidden there smart I think I lost this entitled kid when I under a random truck I found are you serious you hit under a truck sure why not just meet us at the hotel I think I've had enough entitled jerks for one trip and sure enough we made it to the hotel without getting caught the first thing we did was we used the group chat we have to tell our sides of the stories then we left to go get food and that's about it no police as far as we can tell but one heck of an exercise moral of the story make sure you take on your friends bet you'll often win next we've got yes my child's the artist name just happens to be your name hello everyone I've been lurking for a while and finally got something to boast please forgive any errors in my post as this is my first time posting anything text related and I'm on mobile I do also apologize for the embarrassingly long story it's just that I like to be detailed so usual cast overview time me we've got the entitled teen the entitled mom art friend and cool teacher so quick little backstory side and fall this happened Friday last week and I'm 15 I am a fledgling artist do lots of sketches and the couple color attempts but I'm one of the few artists in my school that openly does are usually at lunch or once my work is done now story time it's an average Friday in my school kids are loud classes are long and I'm drawing I go through my first couple classes like always before I get to my third period I open my backpack and said my drawing book on my desk before I exit the classroom to use the restroom not really worrying about anything when I get back my book is gone I look all around ask a few students I know if they've seen it but it doesn't turn off I then go throughout my day without it attempting to figure out who could have taken it eventually it's lunchtime and I notice a group of about 10 kids crowded around something in the quad normally I'd walk by without a thought but I figured if it was something neat maybe it would brighten my day when I peer over the shoulder of the student in front of me I blink once then realize what's happening a boy from my math class was showing off my drawings and claimed that they were all his own design I almost shoved the other students out of the way and stood in front of the boy who smiled at me like I was there to admire his artwork those are mine what those drawings they're mine I drew all of them personally dude no you didn't I drew this talonflame myself a gesture to the piece of art my best friend asked me to draw like it was nothing special the other kids seem to realize that our conversation was getting tense and began heading to lunch go away not until you give me my drawings back he continued to claim he was the real owner for a while before I realized I had him with a few drawings flip to the tenth page it has my name and pin on it they did so as he had he erased my name from every other page with a smirk which faded when he saw my first and last name in black ink on the page with my drawing I really like Pokemon he then tried to leave and I obviously tried to stop him but lunch then ended and a teacher told us to get to our separate classes I was left fuming until the day ended and when it did I went to the front office to wait for the boy about five minutes after classes ended and most students were leaving I spotted him I caught him before he could leave the building give me back my drawings I don't know I yeah don't play games with me you crap you have it you saw my name and I want it back give it back now and I'll tell nobody about this he kept trying to weasel his way out of my grip I had grabbed his arm before our woman came up to me excuse me what are you doing to my son miss he stole my notebook from me and I want it back if he gives it back I'll leave him alone she looked skeptical before sighing you'll probably misunderstanding I just bought him a new notebook so maybe it just looks like yours I gave her a really look before she gestured to her son show him your drawings so he knows it's not his I realized I had him because my name was on one of the drawings he flipped through the drawings and tried to skip to the suicune before I put my hands on the page to stop him that's my name honey that's just his artists name I literally just stared at her with a look of disbelief all artists have one i then pulled out my student ID and showed her my name see spelled perfectly like my name capitalization and all it's just a coincidence that's all she also tried to leave but I wouldn't let go of her son or my book miss tell your son to let go of my book and I will let you to be on your way it's his book you brat those all his drawings just jealous of his talent she continued to raise her voice before cool teacher walked over hey Opie what's going on here oh good a teacher this boy is trying to steal my son's art book it has my freaking name in it both recoil down my language then cool teacher spoke all right calm down let's get to the bottom of this Opie why do you think this is your book because it was stolen during math which I have with this kid it has my drawings in it and it has my first and last name in it okay good now why is it your book the boy and his mother made a jumble of excuses that just ended up confusing cool teacher he took the book and looked it over without opening it it has no name on it I forgot to put mine I still don't know if I could say it's yours he had only seen my book from last year so I don't blame him as they began to open it arms wrapped around art friend hugged me from behind hey art friend what's happening here the mother stepped forward this boy is trying to steal my son's book cool teacher looked up from the first page calm down miss they just want to know what's happening they have no say in this they would probably just say it's his because they know him cool teacher looked at art friend who he knows I often draw with and had an idea he flipped to a page with an incomplete drawing and asked art friend have you seen Opie drawing this yeah he drew it in lit but didn't finish the woman opened her mouth before art friend turns to the page with suicune he also drew this for me last week there's his name see the boy seems to be regretting his choices while the mother seemed ready to explode cool teacher remained calm mystery solved here you go Opie he gave me my book and turned to the mother as me and art friend left to go to the library where we talked until our parents picked us up I came back today the next Monday and wasn't bothered by the boy at all once again I apologize for the embarrassing length of the story next we've got entitled parent explodes at my mother for paying attention to cousin on cousin's birthday then forgetting her flowers and encouraging her this is a two-part thing that happened years ago and a story that I read on reddit reminded me of it for reasons like the following story we don't visit most of my mother's side of the family anymore not even for holidays because of drama like this this has been posted once before on another reddit thread we've got my mom we've got the entitled and we've got my cousin and me my aunt is pretty touchy and can be rather entitled years ago my mother came to visit my cousin for her birthday cousin was super excited to have us there after my mother had a long conversation with entitled aunt mother struck up a conversation with cousin and she attempted to give her a present entitled aunt hated not being the center of attention 24/7 and kept butting into the conversation to try and turn the spotlight back on herself becoming increasingly irritated when my would nod politely to entitled and give a small reply and continue conversation with cousin it was cousin's birthday after all and cousin was the reason why my mom was visiting after a few minutes of this entitled an exploded in anger shrieking at mother for ignoring her that how did you give cousin all the attention and promptly kicked out and banned mother from the house before proceeding to shun her for years yes years it wasn't the first time she's done this mother told me the shunning is typically carried on for years at a time mother did want to cut off contact as she knew this was unhealthy behavior but being a former foster kid coming from not-so-great homes she clung to the only family she really had after a while and titled aunt began talking to mother again as if nothing had ever happened mother cautiously led her back into our lives an entitled aunt even began to teach me Spanish a while later things were going fairly smoothly an entitled aunt was still her strange self and much of the Spanish lessons felt like a therapy session for entitled aunt where she over shared her entire life to me instead of teaching me it was awkward a grown woman talking about seriously private matters to a young teenager and seeking advice when I was supposed to be learning smoothly until entitled and broke her leg mother paid her a visit bringing a pot of flowers with a gift for entitled ed my brother and I came along the moment we walked through the door and titled and saw the flowers and narrowed her eyes instantly upset and barked at mother to take them away saying the cats could eat them and die some species of plants are toxic to cats I'll give her that but the way she said it was pretty abrupt and harsh and she never once thanked mother for the gesture or was even remotely thankful mother was immediately apologetic as she had no idea seeing the tension my brother and I trailed into an adjoining room to talk to cousin thankfully she's nothing like her mother as we watched this situation unfold all seemed fine his mother had appeased entitled aunt by promising to take the flowers away an entitled and began to rattle on and on whining endlessly about her broken leg for about an hour complaining about how no one would come visit her mother sympathized with her then offered some encouraging words something along the lines of I hope it gets better soon entitled and snapped screamed about mother's uplifting attitude shrieking that it meant mother he didn't care about her and that mother wasn't feeling sorry enough for her mother was stunned as she had just been drawing a help entitled aunt feel better entitled that ranted on and on shrieking about how nobody cared and how dare mother do what she did I gave mother a let's go look and we promptly left cousin giving me a sheepish look on the way out I told mother she didn't need to keep seeing entitled aunt if this was the minefield we would be walking on and she agreed this had been the last draw for her entitled and called a few days later to set up a Spanish lesson with me but I firmly told her that I didn't appreciate how she treated my mother and that I didn't want to speak to her until she apologized but that I likely wouldn't want to speak to her after either somehow I didn't get yelled at to entitled and eventually apologized because her little private therapist me wouldn't talk to her anymore but the damage was done we haven't seen entitled an in years but I still talk to cousin safe her great aunt's funeral were entitled aunt tried to make the event about her and cousin interrupting memories and discussions about the great aunt with a boasting of entitled aunt's accomplishments and not seeing her anymore is fine with us entitled aunt can keep her soggy psycho Pringle of a personality all to herself and shoutouts to our Regenerist of the day hobo Joe off-road boy Zoya and shadow warlock become tomorrow's Regenerist by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 326,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: PhdJsK1RmcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 31sec (5611 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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